Dream SMP Ep. 15

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and you have that you have to skim otherwise it doesn't work that or you can read the work for it but you can't read them out loud word for word you need them in your mind like whenever I start getting my itch area all right hi guys all right well I want two more I want two more the notification hasn't gone out but there's 76 people here so that's okay what are these fish what were you I seen them I've seen them Oh butterfly fish yeah I've seen them yeah a little bit not really the notification just went out more more than the other fish I guess where is home I guess it's home is Southwest which direction is Southwest well I think I'm heading home we have to I can get to more fish I might as well yeah but describe like to do any what bones oh yeah if you like so we can finish the bone meal those before oh we can get use the seeds to get boom now with the compactor it's also nighttime so we'll find some skeletons on my house I grab one of these fish way dream you know a difficulty we play this here room easy probably I want to show you're the courthouse on the stream that's yes show my courthouse off mean my stream worked very hard on that hmm yes jackaboy think of it the sub be nice to George he's trying his best he's trying his best that he's going about in a dumb way and not listening to my advice so no I will I will tell him I love you Thank You Sal ah Stephanie donated $20 hi hi I how are you oh there's a witch Ron Swanson thank you for the sub this is not like a meme no you're calling your calling my subs than me you soppy roofie oh wait it's that time was this you come to much courthouse awesome yeah we're gonna go to the courthouse yes angry the sub law they going crazy don't any more subs I'm just waiting for him to one day coming here and drop like a hundred or something Rita Phoenix this ugh wait he's only with hydras over here well the other side watch off his creeper here Thank You Mia for this up all the subs guys you're about to see this great courthouse that sap Knapp has built yes remember it was all courts and it's kind of like ugly and bland wtg for the sub we did some renovations it's been a whole stream doing this braid LG also here with some chains look look look good oh yeah I can this is a holding pin no let me out the dream is in the holding pen I mean we move them to the execution room let me out okay yeah and then this is the execution room and you go in here and there's like a lava down there and if everybody votes guilty then they drop down into the lava thank you short bus rider for the sub George abandoned us we didn't abandon George George muted sounds and as his fault thank you 125 for the side oh I should have kept one empty bucket oh I do what I'm a genius you fried sloth George Wow I'm guess what guys I'm streaming as well come check me out one make sure to babies my stream over George's wait you can you can like isn't there a thing mm-hmm I don't know you do it there's websites for both open wait did you guys go home yeah yeah we did should you I don't know it's hot guys curium is building me and sound up is bullying me it's not my fault that you're being stupid you mute your sound you're like I'm 10 minutes what you said this is a quote from you I'm for this uplift I'm 10 minutes behind on donations and like you're sitting there like not even reading donations like you're just mining I'm like talking about like something random and then you're like I'm 10 minute when the nation's you could just speedrun that I like you abandoned us you abandon us you kill me because you abandon us we were killing to get your attention that way you would come back to the teacher that doesn't get my attention that that just makes it worse what you should have been paying attention to us we all felt abandoned that's why I had this ring you brought in for this what's the subs let's go everybody so you can use your twitch Prime if you want it you get for free you have Amazon Prime you can get a free so the way you're trying to say is you were bullying me wait what is it a lock we're trying to say that you're the bully and you just salty that my stream title says towards socks on about 5000 hunter he's gonna put his greens poo-poo pants or something stupid he can't boo boo boo bear back title hey I'm so sorry Zoe I will make sure to respond I liked it I think I thought it was funny oh it's a great idea alright I have updated my title I just don't understand you Melanie for the so what's his title somebody tell me nobody go to a stream just like search it didn't tell me the title ok Abby good how are you for the donation we have a lot of we have a lot of a lot of materials actually you need to come back with the coral we can actually fill in the lake okay how we how we gonna handle doing to people reading donations so you can just mute again like you were I don't mind they want me to say Yankee with no broom just the way you say it makes my day so much better than and you I don't know how do I said do I have to do it like the way or just when I say Yankee win over him Yankee weed no brim that's how I say this who everybody everybody's just roasting okey mom please tell me he lives with these haunting she loves I don't know it's good or bad everything's killing me ah dude how do you make a Humber rabid bear for the sub how do you make a hopper like a chest oh it's like it's like yeah let's go for the sub that's a subreddit dream heard of that you mean my subreddit probably soon one of we need up everybody if you haven't already make sure to leave Georgia stream over to mine right now TV such children I found as you can see I am verified not even verified he's a fake stream you literally would hang a fake stream I'm verified okay my streams every painting just okay stay here with me stay yes how do I stay with George George Pat I better see it in George's chat and my chat thank you hey Ron this is for you emo Emma I don't know how to pronounce it you yeah I've new levels left do Yas for the sub I'm personally going to fight and nothing left to go drink I have to go to dream stream exactly fighting a lot of people fighting everyone is hashtag staying for George staying there obviously obviously not everybody thank you Toria for this up George I love you plot platonically thank you you naturally you plant waiting for this up that was your phone I'll use that I remember that was good good timing that you had that fan out made thank you hashtag stay with George everyone don't trending on Twitter must get it trending on Twitter Thank You Man Prince for this up and we're just trying to finish the Lake George did you bring homeless stuff I brought that I'm where is the mighty dad don't make me choose I don't you ready for the rematch are you excited maybe you could stream it plus much let you guys you guys make me happy during hard times thank you so much wait it doesn't automatically remove it no you have to yeah I'm excited it'll be fun I mean I think we're gonna probably do a rematch get another hopper and sit on the side you get well upper under it's okay what Thank You CP fleet maybe on the side you get two tests and we can fill up with with the seeds I know just constantly go through love that so much yeah that beam has good 4,500 euros and I have 2,000 dream you're stealing my good let's the hashtag get yours 2-0 viewers let's go let's get him to zero everybody move over tonight I'm just kidding guys I'm just joking hashtag it delete Durham what $40 it was re vide Archie donated $10 George for me please alright I was told to boil you George and the bully this thing makes horrible noises it's fine it's just a bit constantly running over here thank you legendary miles for the sub funky attack me one more time kill me George I have but one of you muted so the sound doesn't get annoying please room to check your Twitter damn you better have to dream streaming no well then read yours just they could hear your donation but oh no they can hear you through mine that's right I'm gonna have to give you is yes everyone come over from dream stream very salty Vsauce was not found yes as he doesn't appreciate you like I do Mike good to stay Oh George be careful of the trap so he's the one who's recognized your voice from school or wherever and leaked your face tell everyone about the time you meet me to get a scratch card so we kept buying this cries and I was making fun at him like just wasting his money and there's one day I was like yes crash cut you're gonna lose your money again and then you will he won like a hundred pounds for me or something thank you Kia yeah most epic person I ever offer that didn't you Oh pronounced [Music] [Music] for the kind words make a competition - yes gambling is haram thank you for giving an excuse for staying awake yes you're welcome the best excuse are you doing George you've been biting me ol stream got out my phone high schoolers who are in push tomorrow I don't know what that is a push it's like a Simon of course stream Oh obviously the dream George is so much better than you had everything like what name one thing and one thing George's batteries all counteracted oh my god yes Nicole is gifted how many was that thank you for the sub and subs thank you you got a sub from Nicole you should stream [Music] tomorrow as we recorded his video three days before I reported the video I uploaded yesterday and my video or my recording was like three and a half hours long or something in his recording was like an hour in 30 minutes and I got mine out three days like quicker than him but his dream it's called being it's called it's called being right okay okay listen he's gross yeah comment come to the deck Jeremy I saw there's a being a fishing come over you're a fish come over here you're a fish come over here dream I want to show you human I will be safe what do want to show me George what do you show me the runway he's better at showing his face okay there's one thing Jordan haha very dream look I've got all these goods which if you had my stream open you would be able to see I don't have it open it's okay but um yeah but it's fine what do we do with all this coral stuff we need to make like coral stuff and Thank You Abby how do I place it good you two - let's look how Alyssa did it she's smart what oh I will I promise I will hey it's Nicole has gifted I don't problem T so thank you so much Nicole my god keyboard do you have tech I know yeah it's a Logitech one oh they didn't they didn't even oh they they remove to the coral I thought they had a quarrel I wait in their little thing they didn't have Coral Thank You Jupiter for the sub that's a lot of subs make sure to say thank you to Nicole if you got a free sub from them you do you Evan name something up to me I know you I love dream but you're better better thank you her let's see we're both screaming because George was dreaming and then he left us and now he came back because he knew that $25 donated just to say happy birthday to everybody who's worth it is happy birthdays everybody knows the birthday this will be a few people that have that birthday today more than a few more than a few how many I've got really badly cups I think I'm gonna die are you thinking the AAP yes I will I'm trying to get levels for you hope I have no levels I know I'm gonna have these these sub notifications going for so long oh my god we almost done with the boo mil I'd say Velveeta probably alveta what am i doing I'm being noob Gords is better at the door well that's questionable comeback is this gonna get me the level please please please one white boys my old mic by the way like my my old mic which is my better good my office hours but sounds good very own link to watch both streams I guess you should just pick mine watch my on yeah that they're not gonna be able to hear sounds like who's that all on my stream alright so you still have the are we gonna do it yes trying to learn how to save but you guys are making it really hard fun but that mean save money oh thank you for the donation just save if you need to save money save money don't donate it to me Thank You Audrey one for the so what are we doing with this coral we need to place it down somewhere yeah we need to place all around the whole lake you wanna give me like half of it sure I will give you half of everything if you give me so much pit y'all funny yeah we're just OB of the dream team exactly exactly Hobie get out of here get out of here leave get out of here Toby get out how do we make these curl things you just like let me try who's killing me that's an office joke so I'm not just being mean if you don't get it then it's not me being an officer Shaquille O'Neal I'm gonna add I'm gonna add emotes for sure George I love it George why are you suffering - Jamie doesn't have emotes i have 12 emotes well I will have I'm gonna have more emotes than you because guess what I can just took an L you only wanna Harvey is true now we can load multiple sab no depends what the carnation 420 we might play so I paid room to bully you so it's only fair ten dollars me something to watch while I finish up my music therapy and psychology courses love you guys in sending all the love X thank you for the donation I got it it's all I'm listening to two people read off donations I'm guys I'm sorry my own stream up don't give a single care I love you and you keep me happy and sane what is what George like I like this what you did this what you did you're that you're up you've done this buddy oh my god that was chosen by dream my favor okay well tell him how our hand cannon chose us let's go we got Callie in - we got Callahan yes he said woo Thank You Maddie oh that's true he is better at me badly well actually I dream do you my place so me yeah her the son of Mary this like the George do the hair like yellow and red on the blue what you leave Edwards our murder mystery with fans and everything open yea-ah happy early birthday nerd and yeah maybe that'd be fun I've done stuff like that before he's sky for the sub hmm Nathan places coral reefs or waves coral and how to make it good my sprinkler goes like you thought is gonna be Texas speech right [Music] donated $10 yeah its key up say don't bully George too much Georgia what his choices doing he's but read on here guys he can't tell the difference confidence on it all the time thank you so much I do too very nice but sure I like it the hoodie you guys should everyone should get one ah okay I didn't I didn't step on the that is good do you really see much of the George you want to buy your markup if it's coming soon I'll way I'm not sure we're gonna we're definitely doing that but I don't know when we are I do read like some of those doing he's like placing it like this he's not making it big he's really small that's fine I mean this is not a big deal we routers place it out of the water that's fine some other things stick out of the water in your cat for the tub we need more wood our Chester so disorder is kind of disgusting that's true we do need to organize our chests honestly but I'm not doing that I refuse all right I know what George is better than you know it but I do know the back way he looks the best up winning you okay get out of here you're canceled I mean that person is not Ronnie and thank you for the definition what is this horse named chicken over here dream her office no out of the water okay we'll break it then I guess made it myself didn't count but it just showed anyway thanks for everything you are in quarantine oh you so much consider and yeah that everything's a little delayed because there's will come through you are like this tours can eat my butt also where's the surfer at dream um [Music] server coming soon I've had some setbacks but it's coming soon you say hi to my best friend Taylor she's watching your stream is such a cute and we both love you and love your conten so much and you always make a smile I am so glad that make you smile hello Taylor love you we need anything thank you I mean you do anything it's a we are too shy just like read animals oh one of them right now I'm not doing that Miguel as much as it'd be pretty funny he'd probably make him mad and I don't want to get mad very funny ones we do Kristen right my stream is full of a bunch of traders guys came with Brimmer June with Irma dream with no parameter this dream with Noah breath really my GF allocation I'm that's good enough I don't know about that gains the colors why put like multiple like things in one you mean don't they like come don't is it really like that thank you snoop for the sub you tell stopping up his daughter said I also Canyon in the tree after him a tree after you know thank you for the donation alright I put quite a bit George isn't even placing anymore is here thanks something it's hard to get these sheep that are in the back breathe the reason I can't don't oh so this goes through finally the merge discord says don't stress over video streaming a lot is already more than we deserve well I prefer uploading but streaming is fun especially it takes much less effort than uploading this quite do it more yeah what punk what do you want and that you're trying to get me to think it's George attacking me Thank You Jenna for the donation I don't know I don't know what that means for you then or post how are there so many fish in there you guys love those will do another desktop for sure I don't know about block shuffle maybe what I even put my stuff I don't know I just Chuck it's so disorganized I just chuck everything in the random chest at this point Thank You Cara I love you too our lake is like popping we need to take some of the sea people Pipo Pipo Pipo people's sea pickles and put them on like on the things I've placed all the sea pickles really why I'm like go see things this place looks so cool I see it donated $3 booga-booga it says that you are legally owned by bad boy hallo is this true no that's not true at all that is completely mean you're my favorite always I love you in your videos so much thank you so much hi you are my one of my favorites one of my favorites everyone's gonna donate saying that I'm gonna say the same thing everybody you're my favorite you're my favorite no you're my favorite these are the Siamese twins controlled again this time your role switch re minute or two that'd be kind of I'd be kind of impossible well wouldn't know wouldn't be hard to Co it at all I'd just be just be annoying to do it to play Thank You burn tone for the pentatonic George I can almost every office episode word for word that is impressive dream they're sitting up traps and at fort I poured my water bucket down their redstone no you just blocked my water they have another one I hear is pretty much out see it in front of the mine no I saw I saw stone yeah like watch us uncut what's going on down here look at this let's break let's break this Jim here breaking this I'm putting water down here no they're whole trap has gone down there alright sweet alright and then how we can cover it he thought since you're a dethroned what about a manhunt to be to um maybe I could be fun what do I look like when I'm wheezing I don't know normal I guess just laughing I'm smiling smiling and laughing hey again my mom was yelling while my donation was on screen so I didn't see it as you need to so forth because they epic bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy I can't believe bad boy halo killed me oh down okay happens to the best those happens to the best of us exactly he beat me in the 1v1 like the 1v1 a manhunt too but it was we fired the anti-drug and killed maybe what kind of material is the merch made of I really want to get it I love you King he said I don't remember it's on if you go to merch for all's website they have like a drink just swirl in my strand did he would he say what do you say can you repeat it now he's banished him to the Shadow Realm George's come crawling back guys George has come crawling back that was so loud sleep okay furious you're gonna have to go to my stream and watch it I think yeah laura's it's really hard to come up with ideas for the Minecraft unsolved to be honest it's just hard to come up with ideas but I will I'll try and continue it when I can you sleep why there's no one sleep but Google Alert Thank You Jesse you gonna sleep you sleeping dream island sleep yeah I'm in my bed go in your bed oh okay I say thank you everyone for making quarantine much more enjoyable you all never fail to make me and many other smile I love you all lots that's a palm key just swallow you did a swore yeah you're acting like you've never done it before but you banished him to the Shadow Realm i banished him dumped for the sub you guys were trying to trap us and we broke your trap we were not trying to trap you yeah you were it's obvious we know Patrick's patches is my little kitty don't know what to tell you about her very picky you only drink like fresh water and like you just pour it in front of her wait serious pretty much how did we use other services what'd you say George but waited with the seeds turn into bone meal it takes a lot you die oh my god punks where I go every summer with my family for the beaches usually Santa Rosa disgusting behavior I don't really like the beat Johnson III don't mind the beach I don't like the sand I'll refer you I don't really like the sand I don't mind the beach I like the ocean I like the water a lot like swimming like I love swimming I don't like the beach I don't like the sand like sand is just annoying oh those sweet Charlotte thank you so much I love you too George did you place all your things EMU he did me a oh my god oh my god what just happened did you place all your things George I think for the donation I say overload slaw who's your favorite artist that's a really tough question I honestly what echo but I can explain music I like punk apologized but iam disconnected like you're streaming yeah that goes crazy I can't stay up image later because of work but I will leave the stream running heart soup Oh Thank You Kat you don't have to do that doesn't really doesn't really do that much you might as well just close it leave your PC power okay my cat be friends with patches of course first patches is very friendly how much more of this stuff I'll probably leave the rest of it if you can okay dad you like muted by the way yeah alright let's check out the economy board and see what there is I want it to be nice I'm sorry some of the lake is it light top yeah the sea pickle to see pickles oh we got the sea pickles improve strip-mine how can you improve it it's already like improved surprise hey what's the IP I need to join me and my gf and it gives us miles and lost every time we watch them thanks man hey what's the IP how can i I need to come and check on my back for so wait why don't you have it yeah that's what I said we gave it you didn't have it saved but it's apparently not working no he didn't say I'd be a SAP it's literally the IP I put in and why is it worse not enough causes is even the latest snapshot so I called I was like all my sub so if you remember looking actual sapling though oh wait who's this Appling my push-ups or something's daddy I get this wrong off a memory I'm so mad I'm pretty sure it's that man Lori's dream I love you guys but hurts to have you all butcher my name every single time the early rounds Lorelai Lorelai okay Lauren Lee Lorelai all right okay I is a dirty ever Washington marriages that go on in his discord it was Eddie - if you do the Turner challenge again and make the robot killable maybe let me interesting you know you know I dream I love just coming by and saying hi to George's Chad they're always so nice and he's dreaming - hi George's chat hates you ice cream hey dot TV is it dream and patches can be what's your twitch again friends it's dream was taken twitch.tv and dream it was taken and you should go I'm there hi dreams chat i hi George's chat hi dreams Chad thank you I love you guys I love you too I love everybody in the merge discord nobody else - why your chat super nice to dream with you stream makes me so stressed but I only sent for one also can you which one you didn't you didn't we didn't specify also can you smell bad it's a less love sir that's the last loves you eisah last I don't want our lake why would you let her in the lake I almost like a protected desire yeah exactly are those fences that's kind of where I'm here you are [Music] [Music] [Laughter] gonna kill me did he actually kill her [Music] iron armor bouncy bouncy what are you doing bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce no you can't go in your stuff there's no going rogue you'll be put on trial for the murder no Sam not killed me twice and his wish last time I'm asking again but what's your favorite song at the moment um honestly I have no idea but thank you so much for the donation I'm about always saying that what I'm usually good you literally you told me yours was that a milkshake song or whatever what I don't know I went it was something like milkshake something about bringing boys to about to kill your horse is already dead can we begin the trial anyways no you're already going on trial it's your there is making the evidence more damning stuff now you're making evidence bill gaming language that's not about a word about language that's not a bad I'm gonna also language come get on trial and now guys I'm putting some loafers no no stop stop stop stop killing me you're gonna go on I'm gonna put you on trial oh good mrs. squeegee that bad I put the back I don't think someone's gonna kill becasue in the trial date in the main he's on the court right now get in the room south now hey are we gonna start this trial holding cell right now all right lucky on and off since you're a radical you guys are super nice and I love seven thank my bad come to the courthouse Asian thank you same here by here comes the courthouse oh wait oh we're actually gonna do the trial over here this is my one on trial for his for his crimes against humanity but he gets he does get to defend himself and then right now right now he's in the holding cell think about you guys called Megan why are you trolling son by the way the way it works is we shut up shut up always works George don't work proceeded by the way this works because I built this cuz I built this order the way this works order in the court we just work so we can bring is we have all our arguments while the the person is in this cell before we vote other per the person moves to that cell and then we vote yeah understand okay guys like I'm very skilled in court procedure right yeah that is gets bad it gets to be he's not a judge we all vote all these levers bad we all stand next to one lever and then when we think he's guilty or not we don't pull it yet though okay here start the proceeding Thank You ugh for the donation I have not we are gathered here together is that how a wedding thing we are gathered here together yeah it's it's okay you've the right to remain silent listen you've the right to remain silent you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you get away from me freak okay I don't even Epiphany I'll explain I'll explain what happened right now right here I was enjoying my daily stroll around the island and I saw George not found steal my horse from my property and try and run away from it and then in an act to try and get my horse back and defend it I attacked George and in this act I actually end up killing my horse and then George so George stole my horse stole my property and I killed him because of it which i think is fair but if you loved the horse so much why would you kill it I didn't kill the horse was an accident I even killed on purpose I was coming you were killing the horse all you have to do is get off of it I did I've told you many times yes I did don't make me break out here and kill you again the threat in the courtroom this is ridiculous Callahan's already to know I didn't mean to haunt a dream I that's right you already vote sit down no I didn't mean to okay so that Matt Waite serega south notes argument is a George stole his horse and therefore he had a right to try and kill me and George kept staying on the horse and caused the horse to die by not getting off of it when SAP top was attacking that's that's argument well George whose horse was it I have no idea it's just that it was it was my horse in front of my property I only know it listen like off those glasses in this day back this inhibit what was the horse's name the horse's name was Joffrey oh I I have my piece to say listen to this the horse was in the water on you on you coral reef that is very delicate the horse was trampling it's dirty hooves around in there I removed the horse from the dirt from the water to save us and all the fish everyone living in that Lake and removed the horse and their SAP was like horse man-cub overhead he started attacking his own horse trying to kill me and his horse died and then he killed me not once so you admitted it was my horse just then did you guys hear like he admitted it was my horse just then so he stole my horse I think that George should step away from the vote because George is involved doesn't matter cuz everybody asked that you just said about guilty anyway everybody has to vote guilty anyway alright okay listen guys stop we have to move the the inmate all right bad over here get him accurate make sure he moves transfer him over no it makes you a make sure he he's running away game okay he's escaping get in there get annual muffinhead oh yeah also I should mention you get in there I have George's potentially killed don't touch efficiency floor pickaxe yes I refuse to drop it and go after the course of that is not part of the hostage what bad what the bucket the whole time as well you just you flick all the letters in it but luckily yeah you ruined it cuz he had a water bucket all right all right get up stuff that bad it's pretty obvious it's pretty obvious listen other city and it's ruined bad alright Bad's on trial for destroying the court beds in there everybody maker vote excuse your vote guilty or not guilty everybody come on oh you might - oh yeah get rid of their city ain't saying yeah I'm doing my you know I have one mother that's good enough for now police don't I have my cross body breathing enjoy I don't know made this lava that we're gonna clear his water bucket though he doesn't have this thing here's the thing okay bad made it a little mistake Sam up is trying to escape get back in there go back in the holding area get in the holding area we have no that's fine get in the hole drop the pickaxe as well drop the pickaxe I know tell him all right bad swim up here or you just might know he replaced it that's whatever other vids dream y'all show up load more and you should do a face reveal thank you we will try put that lover in there you only have one here's one so it's just gonna be flowing fine it's flowing all that's fine disgusting good alright well T boy alright that's moving the prisoner back over Sapna don't work for us I do on sale in which the picker and the Bellamy's levers do probably would have to be down I hate well I didn't know okay I saw the levers I like flipping levers so I flipped him okay listen nobody flipped everybody stand in front of one lever we've heard both arguments all right bad stand in front of one your lever whichever one you choose hem all right Callahan you too George you too all right so we're gonna go down the line way one second oh my god oh my god thank you so much wait where's the donation it's funny dollars literally screaming both of you and doing well donation thank you so much I love you too we all love you especially me nervous after nap he needs to get all right loss thank you so right guys listen stop nap okay he's on the glass guys everybody stand another thing Georgia when you're getting front of your lover bad in front of your lover SAP nap more like naps around Callaghan will start Callaghan Callaghan do you vote guilty or not guilty guilty votes guilty George do you vote guilty or not guilty guilty guilty hi boy hallo do you vote guilty or not guilty come on mmm he on the glass-top nap get on the glass you know like I had voted guilty okay so it's the deciding vote it's down to dream okay what will dream cheat I'm on the edge honestly I'm on yeah you did steal his horse yeah I didn't steal I temporarily took cabal you if you had gone off it then it wouldn't have died he did kill it he killed his horse oh no did he break the lava or no here folks collect his stuff I want to put Jordan on trial guys on trial for what okay my horse stealing my horse dream look change in mind yeah it's new our guys stop fighting I think the court has decided stop fighting so cool I'm killing both you don't kill me I'm fine I'm fine you were both punching no he started I was just finishing okay you're fine fine a choice a y'all are awesome you read stream you make things much easier to cope with thank you for always making a smile thank you so much that means a lot I love you what George should be on trial for stealing the horse all right George you know what you're gonna try out you're going on trial in there if you keep punching God you keep all kids oh my god the chains hey don't go change change don't look good there nice you can release much what you mean by some has congrats present to myself thank you for made me get in there whoa wait so what's George on trial for trial let's see I thought we already killed no we killed sap not for killing George Galion come out I'll hang your reindeer not a horse all right okay so I guess we'll start with George's argument George what is your argument what do you what do you plea well I think you need a stop because I don't think there was even a crime so okay all right SAFF nap it's your turn to tell him why he's guilty this idiot stole a Porsche no punching no visit just guys someone's horse exactly get back in the court you have to thinking I'm taking the horse and then bringing it back no you have to you have to come stay over here I already answered this question Steven universe thank you for the donation no I do not goal like all day do you think I have abs he stole my horse unjustifiably and got my horse killed and I don't think that should be allowed I didn't get it your horse killed you all you everyone is saying innocent in my time you're killing me back off alright guys everyone back off order you need to keep order kill him kill him hey Callahan just took a stray bullet in the courtroom schaffner what's the point of having a courthouse if you're never gonna listen to them you can't be like just blow up the courthouse because there's no point can we kill SAP map you can't write setup' comeback because the trial he studies again you know your entourage you're gonna be permanently put in jail if you continue okay you're the bailiff okay listen you have like what you have one year 60 seconds to explain why George is guilty and convince us three and to vote guilty shut up shut up shut your mouth hitting he's not happening his mouth stop hitting he's not following the rules you're not following the rules you're being you're being a bad person you want to be person give him an bottles on schmuck mie-sama up see what happens hey so much young oh my god bat stop shooting me stop for no reason you're the only one punching sup now we're gonna blow up the courthouse like this if stopping up it goes against there was one more time he's instantly banned for the night oh okay whorehouse rules exactly the courthouse rules you have to buy them or you're banned from the server you have to abide by the disturb and for the stream okay okay that is a good rule if you disobey the courthouse rules you get banned for this or the stream and you're unbanned in the next room come hit me and bad is gonna be right now in charge of enforcing those rules I'm going to I explain to the court your issues with charge listen he took my horse off my property and he news my horse because he was like a horse he knew it was my horse he provoked me stole my horse I told him to get off I tried using force and then he got himself in the horse killed okay he's very lawyer George what do you have to say to know though he started off by saying I stole the horse off his property which if you go back and check my stream you'll see that was in the middle of the lake dirtying the water infecting it and making the fish ill okay they were throwing up and pooing everywhere and ruining the ecosystem get out of my face stop nabbed anyway listen let me explain that I put my horse on my bridge but horses move and they go in the water yeah whenever I wasn't there you should have respected no no must no rule I say Lord enough to be tied up right now japanese stop it is a violation of Don ups horse should have been tied up with a there's no rule like there's no laying that it was your did you left your horse abandoned in the middle of a lake no it chose to go for a swim on the lake it could easily come back on the bridge the horse was not abandoned the horse shows you a first swim on the lake is it true you're the history of abandoning and killing horses no it's not really then tell us about spirit spirit bandit or kill horse the horse died in a freak accident mmm-hmm a freak accident or yes neglect no a freak accident kind of like your I think I've heard all I need to yes open up the thing bad let me out how do I open it press the leave it over the oh whoops it's like okay we're all right let it out let's do the vote I don't see it all right now where's the lever all right get in there look what a huge criminal you run away in style I don't need to break everyone's up against the guys is I want to be the last vote his son is undeniable it is undeniable that George stole my horse be the second committed theft hello is the final vote regardless regardless of what I did or what I've done in the past George don't commit his theft oh you're saying you're saying he committed theft even if he didn't kill you okay whatsapp nap I mean even no I mean even if you killed him he's so committed theft and so committed theft regardless illegal exactly that's like saying your vote it's like saying Oh a thief just doesn't get like punished exactly he devotes I'm innocent I vote guilty laughs not votes guilty joking no you still stole his horse again I've my horse died I know what it feels like I did not see his horse it was it was not tied up it doesn't matter he took my horse no one even knows it was my horse wasn't even tied up you knew what who was you were saying you're killing me worth why didn't you get off once he told you that it was his horse and started killing you why didn't you get off cause I wanted to ride the horse exactly but once you knew he knew it was his horse then you're saying that the only reason it was chasing me you're lying you're lying I know I'm not gonna kill turn to vote he was gonna kill me read I'm to speak and I silenced oh my god Calahan never do that again I think that's a Callaghan come on come on already voted yes the type insurance it didn't say oh it's come down to bad boy halo bad you know I'm not guilty bad for all people he still he still stole my horse regardless of what I did you know how I didn't know especially on the other hands of someone else I hate why are you again crying I guess crying but at the end of the day it is true that George did steal a horse however stealing a horse does not warrant a death punishment and the horses never would have died exactly this is about guilty or not guilty you just don't touch it bad what Oh cat way no Callahan flipped it yeah you're lying I saw you look bad I watched you flip it it wasn't actually calendar who was it someone checked back this stream was just an infinite loop of trials get in Callahan who was it it was kill me my muffin is gone I had Muhsin wait was it sad because it could have been stopped now no it was either Callahan or bad wait I thought I thought I saw bad dude I don't know I just thought you're being dumb I'm taking my job I know if I even I was standing George I was it was stunning me apparently it means something like like standing near or something like that point is I was backing you up because I think even though you stole the horse I didn't think that was worthy of the death penalty jury nullification victory okay Kallen get in there wait my chats saying it was Callahan yeah Callahan totally did it this is a really speedy trial but did you flip the lever Callahan there's this video evidence Co him all right check this is the book wait we have a bunch of witnesses okay thousand women who flip the lever dream in georgia's guys we're doing it was come on I just it was Callahan look wait all right Callahan you don't even get to defend yourself move over we still get to vote go this is my lover we still get to vote that was just gonna vote not guilty if you vote not guilty that is that is an obvious rail of the no no yes we get two votes how it works but if you're unfairly voting out of vengeance I'm not allowed thank you you're voting on whether or not he is guilty of the crime he's accused of which is kill George is he guilty of that this will give God your this bone he is Gilligan man you know he's most video evidence if you vote not guilty you are banished from the court hey what is all this stuff it's not even a trial we know for what I just know so you cannot defy the court like that all right now justice was served everybody who deserve to die died George died sap nap died Alan died here we go it's all it's all it's a justice has been served okay all right let's all shake hands and make up and let's try to not do that anymore and we'll all just be better people okay jouji can I have a hug I just got shot I just got shot in the arm we need to make like a system that has like a code or something that way we can learn homey purse like that way like somebody can't just flick flick your lover there's no way that's a good idea thank you for the sub I'm not going on trial I guess if they wanted to go on trial they could but I think they put you on trial I guess you did what's the word you did pervert justice by true but isn't justice meant to be decided like that what we all have like consensus that's the consensus you're voting on whether or not guilty or not guilty when there's video evidence you don't even need to have it I never saw said video well then why didn't we give the stream winner the lovers that's true is there a way we could do it we could do a poll like for in the future one lever is to the stream yeah well that's a good idea let's go dream on try it like that nice for what what have I done I sued because you flipped all the letters we can let this stream decide whether you perverted justice I didn't pervert justice let's let the stream decide it what the stream decides whether or not they get to burn me in lava yeah good idea are you lying using the crime bad are you accusing me of a crime um I am agreed you did you slip off for the levers down it all for the liver zone yes same yes you're accusing me of a crime what crime were you accuse who came up with the for lever system me um Sapna okay no you did it all for the levers we just roasted Callahan okay you don't get to get mad at Callahan for flipping is different and there's a difference you had reason there is difference reasoning sadness reason was he was just being a vengeful he was he was like if you're saying perverting justice SAP naps a pervert no we're not going to no joking I put my point but I put my stuff up we're waiting for you to propose too bad they want me to propose hi I'm innocent SAP nap perverted justice by saying he was gonna you're the pervert not didn't do anything I'll talk to the stream that I'll talk to the scenario they will understand I guess I think we should keep this I had her own good I need sticks I'm taking this log guys hurry up and get over here hey nice to see everyone there's nothing I can do alright so you're going to send me how to make a pole I think yeah we should do a paw you do such pole in your child but this is about like creates a strong do it press ENTER you'll see I think I can do is a dream clash bowl here we go I can do it what's oh is dream guilty of being a pervert what no no don't do that yeah I'll do it just wait it all right post up hole hey listen all right come here guys I get to everyone needs to come to the courthouse as there's no trial tell dream his ho chat wants to bunt him and he doesn't want to admits it will see we will see you get in you okay yep okay I research I think the streams deciding south up you can't even say I got you all right so are we just gonna wait let's take a vote looks like there's an idiot behind the house let's think about really quick I think given the fact that in this particular situation we have a lot of witnesses I propose we all abstain and leave dreams death so we click this real three of these down and then we let the stream this is the streams vote yeah the stream gets to decide oh dream just you need to go in the thing Authority well no cuz I need to I need to please yeah okay sleep lead in here no lean here there's no differences hey there is a difference someone I don't want to have another situation where so it's like weird we clicked all three okay do not put that less lever that's for the the stream you know on the gloss stream oh because then someone's gonna flick it I'll be only glossed whenever whenever you okay let's begin all right why not dream do you admit I plead innocent I plead innocent I plead the fifth I don't admit to anything I plead innocent and I will plead crime is perverting justice not I'm not a pervert I am NOT a per don't excuse me I see being a pirate I say if you did not abide by the system set up in order to maintain justice you violated it by flipping all the levers down ignoring whether or not we wanted to vote guilty do you deny that this occurred yes okay wait I know I know I deny that there was any justice to pervert because justice was not there because sat-nav denied justice by having vengeance on Jorge when making his decision the last vote just this vote you guys all abstained because of how obvious it was last time there was video evidence which means everyone would do the same thing and I would be found have you found guilty there for you there is no justice to pervert there's no justice you James I didn't report anything okay I'm not another incorrect you did not give the court a chance to make that ruling ourselves you and said flipped all the levers ignoring any sort of outcome that we could have said we might have reached the same conclusion but you didn't give us a chance and it said you killed okay bad let me ask you a question dear let me ask you a question Calahan right here did you flop all three of those lovers down right there huh you flip all three of those levers I didn't I think that was Sam okay so should sap not be on trial for flipping three levels levers when he only has one oh because we decided we all agreed we all know what you said you said that yeah we did we all agreed to this the only different thing about last time and this time is that is that sap Knapp was perverting justice that's the only difference all right now I'm sending the poll in your camera stream guilty oh yeah I'm not done with my plea okay but sap out if sap nap right now was to just say no no dream didn't flick the levers would you then say that I'm innocent is he gonna arguing your defense I'm just saying if he said that with it or would you say that sap net was perverting justice and making up a lie in order to say the depends if he's willing to put his credibility on the line then maybe we mean this is you know credibility that doesn't matter there's no credibility when you take justice out of the hands of those who are meant to execute a regular system there was no justice in the first was I didn't take justice away because there was no justice SAP nap set it up exactly but you agreed to be a part of it okay you participated in not one but two my proposal listen my proposal is that when you're voting when you're voting on a case you're voting guilty or not guilty based on if they are guilty of the crime or innocent of the crime but sap Knapp was saying he was just gonna vote guilty anyway because he wanted to kill because he or he would just he would vote innocent anyway because he wanted to make like Callaghan live in order to make George mad which is not justice which means his this is just assuming that known her assuming that you said there's no booze I did not say that I did not say that you have no proof of this I am innocent there was no justice in the first place because this man here was providing it and I challenged you if I am innocent I'm putting you up for a crime because you were perverting justice okay I I'm starting the poll now okay Dreamz leave it up to this dream I started the poll everyone vote is being guilty we're gonna go with the majority vote if the majority saying isn't your innocent if the majority say guilty you will be executed yes I don't like this poll I do not agree to going on trial afterwards okay no saying you know you can't agree or disagree to trial I am I didn't do anything I accused you of a crime dad accused me of a crime I get to accuse you old guys based on the votes I don't think we even need to let it finish I am not guilty let's go sorry Sebnem is now on trial get in there get in there no justice Ricky this is the trial okay now I'm I'm accusing sap Knapp of perverting justice and being a major pervert of justice SAP nap last trial in a clearly guilty verdict where there was video evidence of Callaghan flipping the last lever which was going against justice SAP nap purposefully voted innocent on this man whenever it was 100% confirmed base video evidence that he's guilty which means he is a pervert okay he perverted justice and justice is not to be perverted in this courthouse and that is my testimony as to why he's guilty and he should be put to death huh nice pass only and he spat on Jorge that nap do you have anything to say I think dream is a power-hungry maniacal crazy man this is democracy how can I be power-hungry it's democracy democracy you kill democracy Anakin nothing client listen all right no listen he's back okay get in your little key music are you gonna close my cage want to get in this side down I didn't get they're really different make your last case listen guys I did not see said video evidence therefore you cannot hold me accountable to a vote so uh I didn't see the video evidence so from my perspective I could not have without knowing that Kalin was 100% guilty my mind I could not put a man to death okay I have not seen the evidence evidence had not been sent to me so how could you expect me to vote a man's life without being a hundred percent sure that he had committed that crime yes that would be that would be perversion of justice lazy to check and then that that's even worse no you're saying I was too lazy to check that no no everyone else in the entire call wind and looked why did you look yes I don't think so I'm probably 99% sure that bat did not look bad did you look yeah you're such a liar hurts I heard him say that he looked it's such a lie I saw them clipping it in the stream I just cuz you have a stream crotch open and you see them click does not mean you watch the clips did you I just got down in a lie I just got that in a lie you said he saw the things Clinton doesn't he clicked on them alright it's bad who did guilty Callahan it's your turn not for anything you said just because you were loud when you said it well hey it's your vote oh I didn't mean to do that George it was an accident you're going on trial you can have a levels voting guilty he voted guilty George Moore that's that's too much good stuff is that good stuff why do you guys get to choose and then you dream gets the stream to choose that doesn't mean can all right you want the stream to choose from I guess I'll let the stream be my vote since I'm the one working the case this u.s. if George if my word votes innocent or guilty George is obviously gonna vote guilty maybe not to a citizen or guilty hmm let's make a decision also sat nap just for the record I was there so I watched Callahan flip the lever you muffin write something up you did this yourself oh my love I'm letting my street july for my lover I'm letting my stream decide for my lover is that is democracy Oh polls already active oh it's already okay it's already out Donna is not on the class what is wrong with him get on the glass-top nap he's voted as guilty it looks like 71% 70% going down a little bit you only lost stepping up no no no he was guilty for perverting justice then he decides to be even further of a pervert it was not guilty dad that's a big purse band until the next until his next stream which is probably gonna be like tomorrow I have fallen and I can't get up my feelings are hurt I was not guilty in both of my trials and yeah I got voted guilty the trial at the system is broken it's not fair you're the one who's making it not fair but we need to fix a dream democracy well first everyone all right HobNob has been sentenced to death and he has been banned from the strength for one for one day because he if you go that's the new rules the rules are whoever's streaming their their vote is their streams vote yeah imagine well then doors then George didn't follow the theme so you should get banned too accuser if they're streaming they get their stream vote the stream vote the stream votes on behalf of the accused shooting me it's bad bad is shooting me guys go on trial guys bad hashtag battles file right now by getting the Toronto room get in the term room that's fine you can you can you can shoot people he was shooting me and I would see how I could even if you want to accuse what put them can put him on trial this is a golden skeleton hey those are my arrows give me those arrows soon it's mine give me those arrowheads took all my stuff when I put on here take all myself if you see me you're on trial possibly luck see voting me guilty well you shouldn't have taken my stuff don't give me this error what was your stuff no I didn't take care no more than that cause I'm bad that's bad is shooting me how could I shoot with a pick that's ridiculous charge what you have my son I'm holding a yeah I slaughtered the Beast all right give me look if ID is trying to kill me let me food George with the diamond pickaxe enjoy your food wow you guys did a great job on this this looks really nice yeah nighttime look at that it looks great I love it we're getting we're making it better and better this hole like this you can do is that where's the good pickaxe immunity to do finish house finish dogleg finish lake finish are you meeting everything finish well that's just the first thing I know everything should stream on here one time I will that's a good idea oh thank you so much cut edit finish there's a mine down here you know like automate automate the treehouse anyone anyone from Finland here what if ya George no think there's only place where there's nothing is on this side like what if we went to the other side thing for the sub what if went to the other side of this we made like a giant tree-like actually built it like like over here towards house crash house whose horse is this chicken Fox it's in the water you can get out of the water we can make it look over here I guess we don't have to do right now but we could make it over there not again yes I know whatever it's fine no one look even if I go on pong horse he wouldn't try and kill me because I went on his horse that is ridiculous hey where are you jerem I'm across the lake towards the right of behind his house I have a question why are all the Sheep pink there a problem I'm just wondering why they're all pink um no reason a papa hunter I see the same can we unbanned sat now he's been for one day it's we can ban ban him he served enough I'm sorry so cold out here I just went into the warm loving Struve of the vireem alright I think we I think we need to actually lay out specific courthouse rules yes rule number one no baby penis in the courthouse no peepee in the courthouse at all that is that is the number one rule rule number two no perverting justice yes no perverting justice that is no perversion in general rule number three no being a pervert yeah that's what's in general though George George is really gonna struggle with that one but rule number four I don't know I can't think of anything else rule number four a perversion of justice counts if you vote on a clear verdict like if you vote the opposite of a clear verdict well that's silly then you kind of persuade people to vote a certain way no because if there's like a verdict or it's like literally there's video evidence or something or like it's like clearly so clearly guilty I feel like you have to have something if there's video evidence then she's the same way baby I think there's a right decision shouldn't put you can't I'd say this I'd say that the person maybe we should allow the person that's on trial to throw out one of the people like make them not able to vote that's fair because if we do that then they can if somebody that's really biased they can make one person not able to vote but when they just throw out somebody who they thought would put against them probably how has that helped because if the rest because it doesn't if everyone else was guilty it doesn't matter anyway like it doesn't matter you need to everyone to vote guilty anyway all we do is prevent them from well I guess that's mmm then what if the person who's I don't know you read that donation we need to rule though somehow I feel like hook up a came to this chaos I just wanted to say good video is insane I loved it thank you so much well instead of making it unanimous just make it the majority it's hard it's hard really hard to redstone huh maybe unbanned I'm sorry buddy was moved to your g1 you have until when the streams are done one Ben you right then I mean oh oh that's trying to cry it's yeah I'm trying to get everybody on his side he's trying to get Simpson thinker this type of accidental aimbot I just dream I dream stream hi I've been reading the chat as entire time you muffins you remind me what the links in Georgia stream is its twitch.tv slash bull at pound if you stole my horse if you hadn't stole my horse you need to learn to abide by I know you've been like a lawless person for a long time you need to learn to abide by the new server rule yeah that's in the wild west anymore yeah we've established democracy I drew the silly do like use fuel donors I just found out today that you're using am surprised and happy when I watch you and you're having so much fun I know opposed to me up oh my god thank you I I don't know I call me where I found that picture but I just liked it so I used it I was like scab so I won stuff like fine I'm like awesome I also made the I made like my own version so I could change the colors thank you for making that I we have to have rules we have to follow though if we if we don't yeah where are we yeah so I got a question for you dream well after you're done streaming are you gonna go to bed no you're not oh nevermind why all right could you say yes instead why just just say yes okay so you could say that once you're done streaming you're gonna be your email dream hey you can't in a row well time Joe let's put her on trial well just trample on the crops let's test our new rules you'll just make her cry you ruined the line I it's a trial or you can accept one shot with she's not even listening which will it be thank you cause she's muted okay it's all this stuff did we unbend sap nap no and no and they both will stop fun if you maybe there's a peer or against being fine someone has a track record of or repeatedly being biased they can lose the ability to be a part of the jury and trial would be good finally right today I love you when you do so much it's Alisa oh my god they do some bread dream sorry for shooting you [Music] hey your stream wants to know if dream or George are streaming tomorrow maybe we don't see man Callahan Callahan what is this simp and why is there a say you're simple for ELISA well he is thinking but what's that mean yeah but where's that mean ELISA stoned what what is happening he was like let's say am playing she made like a diamond chestplate out of hay unless I stop trampling the stuff okay please oh my god Collins trampling the land stop trampling the line Ellen Helen are you running all over them this is disgusting you're running all over it I'm just I'm bad Oh easy guys oh I did it Juan George I shot myself with an arrow a loser okay this is turning on the crops George I don't care anymore just ruin the palm yeah let's do it guys yeah ever in the forge [Music] 20 just got done watching your 3v1 video that was one of the most entertaining things I have ever seen GJ and all the plays on both sides and on the editing this rain can't wait to see the inevitable rematch like save the pigs save these pigs real quick hey so what's this zombie that's on a chicken that says George sex that cousin loves you bad oh i beckerson bad is the best muffin thank you I appreciate that you're the best all right well I'm gonna stop screaming George you're gonna continue screaming for a little bit I don't know probably not join me to host your oh yeah you can host me and then I'll host someone else all right guys I'm gonna host George bad what love you guys thank you so much for coming to my stream everyone go watch my video and yeah my dream rate coming in guys everyone watch out dream rate oh my god hurry buddy good I wanted the raid message just let him know that it's me make sure that you spam him with George's the stinky poo hmm does a Raider is a great you oh my god guys prepare I think there's a stinky poo do love you guys bye oh I'm dying oh wow they're so
Channel: Dream Team Streams
Views: 287,037
Rating: 4.956862 out of 5
Keywords: dream mineraft, georgenotfound minecraft, dream and georgenotfound, gream, dream livestream, dream minecraft livestream, georgenotfound livestream, georgenotfound minecraft livestream, dream minecraft survival, georgenotfound minecraft survival, dream, georgenotfound, woops georgenotfound, dream and georgenotfound minecraft, dream and georgenotfound minecraft livestream, dream survival world, georgenotfound survival world, george survival world, georgenotfound survival, sapnap
Id: jVixyyujVMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 56sec (6476 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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