Dream SMP Ep. 3

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I'll be back in like an hour don't do this okay music yeah okay everyone sleep it's bedtime I need someone next to George stop enough wait wait your dream is dream actually not here no way no your shield is like crushing me we don't actually have that much food I don't think there's some oh here take this I think I would actually take some because I'm like starving to death these lamb don't pill for the wheat fields were farming like none of it's ready that's ready I can't thought this is grown or not yeah this is a groan George definitely like the newer versions yeah it's like it goes like a whole different color you know okay I have to weed make one single piece of bread zoom cloth skipping those in class alright I killed some of the killed some of the sheep the lamb dish made the achieve in a seedy place so what is the plan for this hello no everyone's I forgot everyone's got school have him skipping school alright so what is the plan for this stream what are we doing we need to finish our house we'll expand upon it cuz right now the top floor is just like a roof not a floor doesn't even cover the whole house oh yeah get rid of that disgusting things happen up like Callaghan Bo I'm working on it it's disgusting I don't have an axe where's my axe we don't have it so I have the bad omen if you walk into a village then here just drink milk like they're like we hate you but if you drink a milk beforehand then all sudden they don't hate you anymore it's like we love you you you're you drink your milk you're gonna grow strong and our village okay add this the stream I think should be saved actually let me check I think it should be I have so much food now I'm a genius oh so much as you switch food I have killed a bunch of the Sheep okay yeah it's it's saving it you can see it if you click videos it's that it's saved I did a ok anyone tell I'm gonna kind of make a little sugar cane farm over here oh wait you gave her the potion effect infinitely wait yeah yes we do it right I'm setting drink milk should we do a raid maybe we'd have to find a village though I don't know where actually you know what I know this seed because we accidentally used it and like a couple videos I'll take you to a village exploded lastly what is minecraft you and Peyton hi someone donated I didn't hear you're so bad at multitask hang on it's too many people Tolkien what the idea just keep talking no one explode we could try it and what is minecraft masters what is minecraft mosses graham the secret mission don't talk about it okay as a secret mission apparently I'm sorry oh those are is it's not even a see it's not a secret mission what tell people it's a joke it's a joke okay I need one more piece of wheat I already has new food why are you punching me you should answer the question okay it's like money it's like minecraft Monday it's a event you're every time oh it's you expect me to like it sir your dreams your event I have loads of bread now there take this oh you have bread I just mean like found salmon so you [ __ ] okay the question is do I drink milk or do we go find I can lead you to a village good you mean you go do a raid while these little muffins do something else we gotta get some food they need to get some mature swim self then you get some iron for themselves to let them do that and we'll do a raid okay let's do it I'm just gonna quickly do this okay okay come with me let me just get rid of some of this stuff egg okay I don't really have much food but let's go to your room where's the I have food for you let's go okay I believe if we go this way where did you say something Alisa everything go it's Alisa George remembering the two speedrunners thing okay oh there was a so this is where we run I was relation right over this mountain see there's an ocean over the spellin and then there if you take the ocean there's like the ice village oh yeah okay so if anyone doesn't know this seed has been using like three videos we didn't mean to we actually set this seed one time and then we were on the hunter video because we had to restart the server then we forgot to change it back so then for like the next like four videos on like me and George's Channel and our live stream we had this sea with it because we assumed that every time we restart the server it would just like reset don't you see yeah here's the ocean yeah here's the thing I jumped on right there and then I jumped down here it's like we have to go right yeah yeah here get on my boat Simon I'm just gonna steal quite a SAP nap here you and me you have to go back it's happening now it's too dangerous I was gonna I'm gonna take the Dolphins you guys go on the boat the Dolphins are actually quicker he's gonna pass us it's three dolphins he's drowning bye see you later look at him he's running in the water probably not no oh my god the donation music isn't happening did I'm messily of okay it's not here you play that again music there's four dolphins all there for us I summon up look how many ways all the way back there okay I love you George I'm already a stream which minecraft do you want to be probably know what minecraft mob that's the only I want to be the one closest to spawn probably but you guys are amazing and very sweet lots of love to you already heart thank you okay I will be one more party yeah but it don't see them I see them maybe I want to be a dolphin they're pretty cool I can get a Baretta Claridge wait Wow wait where is it we passed it I think hello copy Cheers thank you for the donation saying hello I know there's a shipwreck over to the left it might be different though because of the way I see it it's right it's right here I played snapshot yeah is that it well it's cuz I think it's cuz of stuff the snapshot will be different probably realize you were streaming with there's the village though about the weight it will sort of reserve content I don't know how that works we'll say on Jorge anyone Thank You Reeves thank you they're my donation music is still not working George just wait wait a matter how you don't move the muse I need the music nice music I didn't say what is this dolphin doing it's like in one block of water this song is killing dream what or a drop or drop kelp I know those the you just killed a dolphin it doesn't save it's not saving this is very sad ah come on wait who pushed me in here after the dolphins dolphins ago alright enter this village okay okay before I go in I just want to try to fix this George why does it matter because it should be stop that stop I'm hitting you oh I see the same button I see the save button the same boss is in a railway location three Mississippi it saved because it saved okay it saved it saved it saved look I repeat this donation stream Labs you'll save button is in a really dumb location just saying like they're watching your stream right now placement of your chosen position over save button that's not optimal okay here we go oh yes oh they were crazy they grunting this is really dreams friend and he pose or anything we have to fight them like in hand-to-hand combat oh the horn sound oh oh I see them no I don't think I don't think I should do that I think I don't think she knows anyway so it's fine oh oh you're on mother wait where Oh No okay kill them slaughter the the pillages oh they drop emeralds maybe they slow down some other colleges they did that hey what do we get from doing a raid do we even get anything you ever get good trades that's like okay this is kind of unfair cuz like we know that we know the seed a little bit not really I mean we don't know much of it like this is the extent of all we know really like actually like this village and there's another one over there but that's it mmm and yes dreams name is clay exposed it was a blacksmith here oh you got it already yeah I already got it you're a hacker oh the villages are coming in I was like let's go get them oh this guy's really dangerous this guy's strong how I go down okay oh I hate this guy nice this guy just hearts nice okay god I'm wait oh oh I thought that was a pillager wait do we have a bow and arrow I don't have one I could just snipe them from up on her oh the horn again where are they I want to see I want to see the big thing this cooler coming the rabbit oh it's here oh no it's yeah yeah I mean I didn't want it I don't actually wanna be so hard to kill it's after me dream to pop me oh oh good it's okay come on the snowballs don't do anything dream just jump hit it just hit it with some banger trades I don't know now we'd get good trades except it doesn't really matter because we don't have any emeralds I have an emerald there's an accident I thought those with diamonds oh that's cool I'm gonna kill the villagers yes the stream is saved I'm pretty sure 99% sure it's gonna be saved I I think so yeah thank you though I'm dying too many zombies okay so we we became heroes of the village do we actually yeah like Opie betrayed so we do get over P trades but oh wow it's loving coal instead of 50 in what does that be big discount someone donated durian what does George's little feed smaller [Laughter] behind you video and a tag that was like right behind you and I can smell your little feet hi Junie thank you we got minecraft music playing it's beautiful minecraft OST okay so we've kind of minecraft music to your list coming out after this for their rate over Oh Alyssa tamed a dog oh oh we got one room you're gonna pour nervous the strays the strays oh there's another Enderman there's another third one Wow oh they're right wait oh this three okay come on [Music] I think it's easy this we got all that anymore all there's two pearls Wow oh I see them oh it's coming to me I'm using my shield my professional minecraft up there when you think you found a mine that's gonna be like just a small it opens up like a giant ravine I need help just me you a massive ravine yeah oh I'm so low wait how many animals you have do okay I have one where's dream I'm going this way yes this way all right don't get hit by the straights whatever you do it is awesome dude talking someone recognizes yeah really yeah from Bad streamer what whoa drawers if you know who that is Georgia a boat I are good as well hey you wanna lead the way do you want me to lead the way all it the way you're gonna get us lost you're asking a how who is ELISA and not how is it lesser how are you Alyssa good hey now we know you've asked this music is so peaceful I know through this one block gap this is all this is rigged this is rigged [Music] is this the way home I didn't even know yeah it's this way kind of I'm gonna be clearly I'm lagging I'm lacking oh my god dream I stole here the whole time is just ELISA I don't like this well awesome dude is a developer and he is a friend of ours and he's an admin on orc developer on Munchie MC and ELISA a friend of ours and also an old-time staff member for munch MC as well there you go that's who they are [Music] [Music] okay almost this guy keeps shouting on his Twitter no no no advertising no just don't walk as donations because you want the money but go to Twitter and block him but yes when will I finish the Taser you know I don't Georgia stuff here I don't I don't know honestly I kind of regret do it for 50,000 likes it has a hundred thousand likes now oh I just hit the dolphin as an accident but yeah I don't know everyone's gonna counsel you if you kill her at all did he kill her stop stream simp stream I'm running I'm running back I'm Danny Appel back did he kill her he didn't know do you not see the chat all of us yeah pulling the owner the dog all right wave are you man if I'm if I'm ever called the simp again I'm just gonna replay this moment all right I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry the fish the fish is gotta you'll be bad you're naked holding on the beckerson okay trust her she keeps holding a sword and looking at him funny huh is just gonna chill my but we really need food like the whole point of this I have um I can also these sheep well the problem is we need more like wheat to feed the Sheep to get their meat then we're all eating the we yeah oh yeah I made bread that was they don't make bread that was Lucy but you can just farm them and then there's to get tons yeah yeah yeah oh this has armor now I'm kind of scared she's gonna kill me they're kind of the point of getting the Sheep was to eat them I was gonna make this like a quick like let's go grab some iron shirt but now I'm like in the bottom of probably the largest ravine I've ever seen a Minecraft and I'm I'm like OCD I can't leave like while I see the single or moms can get in no I think exbrook and I can't smoke another one where are you I'm like I can give you my cordsen I'm in the middle of some giant ravine now apparently everyone's unsubscribing to you Jim because you're an animal abuser do they not see my very first video ever on my channel do you remember in the first guys the first 10 seconds of the first video ever on my channel I kill a dog get used to it I want food there's no food nothing you want one iron I had iron was it'll gone already stole that iron you go to college I went to college I'm currently going to college and awesome you're currently in college too and suddenly in college actually undergrad and college and me who didn't go to college you were already ahead of what the university had for you of course yeah another was I here Google or some way as he underneath oh my god I'm on the Fox join back on the SAP farm and discord so I'm not banned me from her I can't join that no i unbanned you i unbanned you sir Oh is Becca soon the donate said yeah no one killed Becca son please wait the minecraft music stuff will happened oh it's hit it's just really quiet oh okay so I think how do we get food in this game how do we get food and we need this gross - girl yes you over Oh [Laughter] Japanese symbol for beginners that's nice thank you that way halos stream start start donating memes we needed this girls to grow come on hey leave it alone sheep have you ever seen dreams real face no someone here my you see my face yeah when you would - not trying to know Alex but I've seen dreams face that snaps video calls with me ok ok anyway I want food this is really annoying me Jorge simple confirmed no George is not a cent what everyone's spamming 4000 do I just keep here of the village forever no it's like it goes away though ok that's enough it's just means am I just gonna turn it into Babel thanks 14 rebuild the top of this house actually I think we should improve this decades like is it good or not the staircase is kind of trashed like it's so hard to get up you have to go all the way around my son lost stream suggested we do slabs instead of playing this I don't know if that's well you realize you can just have it go around right like so easy why you have to why do you have this half of the space in the middle I don't know I think it would look better if it was if there was a gap in the middle [Music] instead of that you made it take a long time to go there is no dog Jim already killed the dog yeah literally it's a very soon I'm never gonna find another one I'm so sad you found it in two seconds you're acting like you're acting like that dog or something oh look okay this is trash what uh-huh why am i bad at stair cases no idea okay someone make a better staircase cuz this is bad boy George George is bold George boy hallo I'm just I don't know why I'm just running around wasting I'm gonna go get food because I'm just running around wasting food we don't we don't need food we need I know we need sustainable food there's no farm expand noon there's no reason to get food right now if you're just gonna eat it because it's going to get food again we need for now I need food alright guys I give you permission to stop spamming the chat okay there you go I told you guys to do it now I'm telling you Georgia stream is a nice place the spam in the chat stop they'll stop found they're good I wanna like swim down here getting in this on the same level I can't do it though what if I if I could have one thing in the entire world what would it be a plane ticket to James house a permanent room in his house you're such a liar why what else would it be then the permanent room in my house yeah you're lying what else would I use then like all the supreme in the world or something stupid No who needs material items when you have friendship hey like I have I'm not gonna turn the wheat into bread because I'm a genius and I'm gonna breed the Sheep big brain items when you have French I'm just letting it be known anyone kills my dog I'm killing back Orson yes my college but I'll see if I like like half of us don't actually do minecraft for a career well you're talking about them I'm talking about me and you me and you do minecraft for a career technically I guess well before I did you - I was developing for munching and other servers like minecraft was my job I mean the only time I've ever got paid it's for mine I've never had a real job I've had a real I've had one I owe Java I had a real job for like eight months I worked at Apple for eight months and then I quit and then I was doing minecraft for since then thank you notes for providing us with old job thank you for providing me with every job since I was like 14 except for one yeah so we've got more wheat we just need more animals can someone find pigs and bring them back I'm not gonna say I'm gonna I'm gonna make the crew rich when I get back but I will say this ravine is this ravine is very fruitful yes music loud why the dream-team struggle group loves you thank you we have a group chat apparently dream team struggle group chat ah can I ask you about Minecraft Monday Monday minecraft masters again do you wanna answer the question during what would they donate it but they say can you ask him about Minecraft monsters it's a simple question but what ask me what about it [Laughter] yeah I don't even know really I just keep it sitting down I don't even know exactly what what it is but we need to sleep I'm currently you can logout I could do that yeah you want me to well wait for me I'm not even back yet okay oh my incur from all history but someone on set again is an event for youtubers dream yeah for youtubers influences okay sure here minecraft masters it's a tournament for youtubers that I am starting who knows what I'll be could be weekly could be a one-time thing depending on how it goes with a cash prize and teams of two and the latest version that's that's all the details I want to give right now first or second prob'ly if I could be any microblog old I'd be looking around for inspiration Oh [Music] minecraft blog I don't know why would I want to be a Minecraft block in the first place has to be a command block because then I can what's your reason to do everything actually 250 negative 250 I think why this music gets loud okay I took my sword a clay block no reason particular interesting it's very interesting but sometimes clearly doesn't want me in the SAP from discord so they banned you disconnected me that's the same thing oh my floral gang or ceiling gang is that even a question for gang bull guy of course or gang baby I'm sorry if you're a ceiling gang just believe Oh two people donated the same thing right after what two people asked about floor gang right after each other that's interesting guys laughs so contagious I always laugh and smile Lots I have no idea no idea it's negative 250 or Georgina I have something for you it's 250 negativity towards oh my gosh don't you dare wait I'm providing food for the family this way I want you to take this wait pause I found your George here don't you think that's from for me I don't want it's from me George you can't give me flowers yeah me and your desk God what is my favorite song at the moment the Scots these questions are so hard I hate questions no it's definitely not that song it's definitely not that song I mean it's not a bad song it's just not my favorite but I hate questions where there's like a million possibilities because I feel like I have to really think about it to make sure I'm getting my favorite I don't know I don't know and Instagram James anyways for Minecraft masters are there any specific game modes that will be involved Jim do you want to disclose any of the specific game modes and minecraft masters no cuz I don't know yet but they'll be game modes like like um like the games we play like death swap and tag and similar to that similar to those mm-hmm Simon ah jeez know who's and DePaul's I do put them in this chest we have seven end of hulls we're already stacking them up I have one adjustable and I'm just tryna make as much food as possible it's still night time it's like midnight basically are we gonna sleep we need sleep soon otherwise phantoms are gonna come anyway I am I'm actually coming back towards the house right now I think wait what are the chords for the house 250 - 250 I don't know it's been going the wrong way and I have no food thank you yeah wow it's pretty normal I think you have no food oh yeah I don't know might need a rest where are you I'm at 5:30 negative 105 30-100 I don't have any food okay I mean II go on a rescue mission for awesome dude I have lots of give me son if we were in a horror movie who would die first sopping up for sure I'd say like probably ELISA Jordan me then awesome dude I wasn't due to be the final survivor I'm gonna save you okay where are you 363 negative 118 I don't even that far away I tried to run back but there's there's very many bad things here can you guys make a Minecraft Tsavo George I could be in terms of puppies hungry can you feed my puppy interestingly enough let's announce it right here George should be coming out in the next month or so you're welcome there's just filling all the teeth feeling all the tea [Music] we Fox here wait where are you three five million like 360 negative 120 heywho dream is leaked that we're making a minecraft server there you go gratulations I found you we have devs working on it right now oh oh is he you're saving him there you go kinda how old is your boyfriend a boyfriend is my hero you just saved me well I marry you I don't think so I'm sorry baby it could happen in the future you probably not okay well let's go home let's go home I hope this you have lots of goodies me I mean what do you want I have everything except diamonds there's no time hey what could you possibly of God just take that's everything I earned from this room it looks like gonna be playing prison or something let's go back wait how much did he get a YouTube CH that's a lot of stuff there was there was more but I was out of phones thank you so much I couldn't like stay might not be too hard how did I not know you guys dream well this is my second stream ever and peepee poo-poo manhunt special guests cider dantdm interesting I'm George remember all that I earned then I just gave you that I mind yeah come on can I have some of that mixed I'll think about it are we gonna make a part two for the tag video I don't know up the dream probably not anytime soon but possibly yeah maybe I want to do the the Siamese triplets one next with you and sup nap probably record the today or tomorrow then that means you're part of sealing gang no I'm not on the second floor I am NOT I will never go up to the second floor again looks app nap is part of the ceiling again but I'm on the first floor well if this is the first floor then that's the second fall exactly all right what's your stealing your stealing every day sorry I have nothing I'm just a poor boy alright I'm gonna just dump some of this stuff in it we really need to organize these chests probably would be a good idea ohno-san chives is for better the server be for better I'll cover job it'll be for Java Edition yes Java only and it will be on the latest version the latest version of Minecraft hopefully 1.16 will come out before we release it and then that'd be cool the only cool version I don't know all right I'm gonna make us a better chest best system guys I'm taking one for the team I'll do it wait what I'm gonna organize all our chests for us just become like an announcement stream yeah it's awesome dude Canadian I don't think so NoHo why isn't dream streaming because he's sealing gang what am I gonna steal George's viewers George would have liked to viewers of hey we need to learn we have like a million we need to lose some viewers I mean what we need Aloe some we need some animals over not anymore Thank You marmalade I just love the Minecraft music it's so good I appreciate you guys so much thank you for making my day no problem thank you plant plan plan oh I thought what to say this someone asked you oh so do you have a twitch or a huge cheap channel I mean [Laughter] meaning no less that's gonna be the next big eg of a question mark oh look there's a thing over that how do these things keep getting here like I just I don't know annoying leave us alone all right so we've got okay nice here info iron I like that how many feel very wealthy now I can't find a single diamond either I kind of want to upgrade my armor cuz I'm so broken but I don't know okay I really want to like I was saying animals cows recreated his Perkins as data packs I donated on his last stream and he said he would but I think with me love your content George [Music] Green okay just a regular nerd wants you to know your room that they emailed you about recruiting plugins as data facts do you know what I'm talking about I talking that you know me again I didn't see their email after the last stream but they could email me again but standpoint generally like obviously we have a patreon where we release the plugins that we code so you know recoding some of them and uploading them for free is something that we probably wouldn't generally want to do but depending on the context I mean regardless we can't really stop you we just wouldn't really like if you did interesting say yes I just I was just mining on the gram I just found a place someone's been I was like so far from our thing to yellow is better than like Iran and even tell the difference towards shut up know what what is daily George apparently there's George appreciation hours and daily George in your discord what is that I couldn't tell you that's what it is what you just said it those Elise IV seminarist kanban OMB purred that's Russian I don't speak Russian privyet what'd you just say I don't know I mean soldiering idea and the Russian da I can say something I can say both to be done yeah I don't know that I think it means goodbye I don't I'm trying to find a pig I already want pigs or cows oh my god the entire chat is Russian I think I find awesome I didn't explore the whole thing but I did a live run out of food so if you did find I placed a decent amount of torches and keep those mom this is actually Russian oh did you just dig up the ground with cobble no mine was you know south east from the house pretty good ways I'm supposed to be attending my online college classes but yo stream is so much better watch minecraft if beckerson dies the SAP ephemeral riot if you're not joined SAP discord antenna us at fun we write to you and bonus build Becca's in a tank oh we could build Oh a tank that's cool we get like glass and stuff that'd be good yeah oh we get from colored glass so I'm lost now actually could I do it on cooking tutorial for apple and pear soup George doesn't know how to cook it you just put it you just put some apples and pears in your mouth and just like go [Music] to the data packs are pretty much I just be using all this week to read the sheet oh yeah one of those things were you like breathing in like a one-block space and then like they automatically like harvest themselves as you like greeting them I'll use you just did something you bred to animals disgusting dream is a must have person and in stream and in videos he makes videos and streams a lot of funny oh wow does he I don't think so I think you make some worse that's kind of mean I'm okay we really need food I went on the hunt for pigs or cat and cows and I just came back empty-handed and with three hunger this is no good and it's gonna be nighttime soon we all our house I think so they don't know where this is going off um I went tipped out my hand little hi Sapna broke my chest that had all my stuff in it so I'm not about me being disrupted it's disruptive and destructive come look what I did for our home I know I have bread but like I kind of over here George look what I've done for our home food okay yeah I kind of want to save the the wheat for the animal that's kind of cool where's the food we have no we have we have a lot of wheat they had it just one pork chop George I could I could surrender it to you if you need it sir it's fine I'll just spoon a chicken right huh no no it'll be a baby chicken if you did that anyway this can't eat those why do I was so low on food I'm just confused hey why don't we bring like some of those seeds we have out here and read these chickens - well I did they're already bread oh I am I've had enough I'm killing some of these sheep I'm sorry everyone looking close your eyes for a second I got so much food for you guys though it's all gone man I have like half a stack Sapna yeah what was the answer to question 15 no remember wow yeah I think it was D oh yeah so I got some food tell Alyssa we want her hand in marriage Alyssa where's your new heart I don't know if you want that to be honest but you never know wait mother Olivia Alyssa didn't bring her bed with her which means we can no longer sleep at all I will not be saying that yes I speak every single language I know I know that's not a good thing interesting curiam wait unless you're in my bed where's dream I minam I'm trying to get diamonds apparently I have a slight Australian accent no they're just lying to you you don't have any Australian can you log out dream I'm like in a hole if I log out of something like suffocate me it's not it's no I promise you I'm gonna one by one hold mining he is what just look out I mean I'm like Paris what's it called I'm like mining like a miner I'm like into one block one block tall and I miss my babies Alyssa give it forward sorry my son with just why are you so afraid of the night because I'm trying to find mobs in this I don't like the dark there's monsters nearby we can't even sleep jouji so nasty it was asking who is a lesson not asking how I already explained is it like complete content or beds like bouncy now and you jump on them yeah oh that's kind of neat I don't know if I can okay everyone sleep everyone as much as the monsters nearby this monsters week on Jim's back Iceland suffocate me yeah obviously it didn't suffocate okay get in the beds and run in the beds alright dream locked out where's Alyssa maybe five seconds wait Alyssa or wait wait their joint their joint and then hurry I'm in okay good work good work say something in Japanese my accent seemed so cringe I'm just gonna not even attempt an accent no don't even read anything arigato will you guys ever reviewed their dream was taken subreddit also girl Alyssa are you six I can't get diamonds ate my grass these sheep are ready bad why like to read video to regrow their wall yeah it's a good that wool that's like on the edge can't you know steal it I put it I put it right there in the kita oh we need some dark wood there we go Alessa who are you looking for a cute asian girlfriend um yeah probably I think maybe I'll do a video in his second channel also do you don't see something oh we need we have a straggler here who's this there's a skeleton over here I'm just trying to farm up these animals okay who wants to go on a mission to find pigs and okay I've just been trying to get diamonds I thought I would have liked so much by now but it's like this is huge right well I'm just like why can't i sub to you because I'm not a twitch partner so you cannot George speak sign language okay I'm doing it right now why I'm doing it no you know I am yeah you leave JD are alone larvae on the sheep am I gonna sprog is that a cease frog there's no jack I liked easy hosta sprog let's have a look it is sprung do you remember you would call me Elsa instead of Alisa oh he would yeah okay I'm probably rockbot is a friend of ours and he's actually the developer for our new server I mentioned earlier he's helped us with some stuff he coded the the tornado the video that's he coded that video I don't think he's coated any of the other ones heavy maybe one more I need donate against Brock and tell us which oh yeah mob sizes mod a lot of make mods we just know how to do plugins I really want to see if I won I haven't found any diamonds like this map has no diamonds you but no dream and there's no diamonds on huh we're all the animals all this got to be animals out here I see a nice by Omar the Sheep I'll just kill you you killed the animals I killed song just go after the fish though I have like 45 fish so what is decent on food yeah my fish yeah that's what I would do fish you're just like swimming around this wait how do I do that so I use this oh wait no I don't do that I just dude I've been strip mining how are there no diamonds how about you see they get like more diamonds than my pic and that's like use my whole time they can find no diamonds everyone wants me to speak languages speak Portuguese Portuguese wait did I do that I tell you man I didn't did I I didn't see the hearts are you trying to team horse I don't know how I don't know I don't know I didn't see the hearts but I guess I tamed it I don't have a saddle ah I was a bit silly Oh Pig there's only one you even have this oh I heard one ok I've got multiple pigs here we go come on I don't think we did it carrots oh oh do we have any carrots if we do was there none in that village that y'all went to I love chocolate or Easons tier but I don't know if that's and they watched the giveaway video yes maybe not I'm guessing also can you say something in French why does it always say George the first can I say something in French Bonjour je m'appelle George it's just sweet and baguette okay I need any carrots I'm not gonna find carrots what direction was the village and I will grab you some carrots those carrots carrots for sure is this stream going to be archived can I see I can speak Java I'm the s the stream will be archived orally for a few days at least I don't know how long it which saves it for I think it saves it for a month but maybe I'll just upload it to my second channel you know what so I just leaked my second Channel right now okay I'm gonna my second channel I don't even know how to find it actually because like it's it's like so dead that you can't even find it wait I don't even logged into it um oh it's here okay one second let's see how many subs I can get on that let's see okay your channel okay here is my channel I have one subscriber I think it's me okay like no one's found it it's I've had this show I don't even know for awhile I've had it since the 28th of January two months no one found a hole maybe just no one cared about her okay so can i push the jump from here I can okay here is my second channel let's just make sure it's the right length before I post that yes okay second channel boom I might post some I'll probably post like random stuff on there and like extra scenes like I've been doing yeah probably maybe some Stream highlights I don't know never know only one way to find out is to subscribe and turn on notifications that's the only way you can find out why don't I don't really know what I'm doing right now oh my god I have 260 subscribers thank you I'm famous yo dude do you need some mods at some point we need mods I don't know I think we're just gonna a cow we're gonna keep this one vanilla no I mean like mods in the chat Oh mods in the chassis means I love you in polish by the way do you know any other words in Polish polish mm-hmm I don't know I'm sorry maybe if you let me look it up go ham cheer cool hum cheer Conger go ham cheer yeah close enough okay can you understand the enchantment table language oh yes I'm actually fluent in Minecraft in charming table I need one more car so I can breed them there's pigs why do they have to change pigs to carrots oh there's another cow okay I need a successful oh it's night time now okay I need to get both of these cows back - 250 - 250 is that where the houses 250 - 250 yeah I think it's about okay it's gonna be a long journey we might have some ups and downs but wait the cow go oh okay I can't spell by the way I love you thank you minecraft god 250 no come here cows no I'm stuck alright well we're on a trip how am I gonna get them across the water what songs being here no they have such a short attention span come on this way just make a leash how do you make a leash Denny near slime ball yeah I have a slime ball who made like a little andesite pillow with torches on it I me someone bitten it's the other hand here the cows are so slow twitch chat for our sanity to stop the repeating spam I beg you do so much okay I don't know who to mod I don't know who to trust so far who can I have that mods thank you for streaming again I will confirm ok have fun I woke the mid Newt this cow is not interested in coming over follow me a cow come on oh my god that's so annoying professor George when is your next math class I need to make sure am not late my next math class I'm not sure actually not sure it is kind you have to come every time and not miss it I'm just pushing these cows across the author come on I'll make some weeds you could just like sprint with them you know do you have slimes but I know but we could find so maybe they found like us oh I have a brilliant idea boat so them in a boat put them in a boat yeah you're gonna need one more what are your chords I'll bring a boat to you 450 minus 88 but I might be faster the owning a bridge might be fast oh you can only take like one behind you but let's try the boat tactic and see what happens so when this giant underwater cave and I can't find a single diamond or anything wait can you only have one cow in there at a time yeah I was telling you oh no you can have both give up both in the boat but then then what if I okay that's not gonna work okay hey cow go in there and you go this has to be my least successful get in the Bowens trip ever get in the boat cow is just no dime more diamonds wait no take them around it's easier to take them in the birds okay yeah you just take the other car yeah yeah I don't speak Russian I can't read that sorry hi George will you adopt me how did he drown isn't it ok let's kept mining it and then I tried to swim away you risked your entire life and everything I can find right wise I can find where I was riding you're gonna run I can find right what is where we like find out my courts where I die this is the wrong way to go no this is right there's no way I actually think I just lost everything dream quick question it's Alisa listen to go and read by any chance do you listen to girl in red no oh my god my cousing shot run run run run run I'm gonna oh we're good we're good just run no don't block go cow in my cow we need to turn late oh we're going the wrong way yeah oh my god we need to be daytime these thousands gonna kill the cows I just lost all my stuff dream you were bad what what George you just lost everything I just lost everything okay my count I'm getting out to kill him oh I've been mining for 20 minutes I got him I got him I got him I was a zombie here too though oh my that's what I like to hear use doors or fence gates underwater next time so then you don't drown them ici Poland was found that's me I'm polish now okay I think we should just oh I thought you were a scout son I don't know I've no idea why okay if not I don't I don't I don't yeah okay all right come on come on little guy he's not he's not interested okay you can escort me yeah yeah I can push him around no problem tabs thank you you know all the houses were here oh we're so close we can just use the boats again okay oh yeah I let the cows away oh okay yes boat time excuse me no Becky here we go okay that's one no come back I have wheat in my head what's this cow dad I'm good as price is what any weed okay here we go what's this maybe just punch him oh no I'm skating this question because the skeletons were shooting them you know push is much nicer no he didn't get in there George is a cow daddy is a cow daddy I don't think so nice but the cow is useful to us we just brought these two cows back from like nowhere at the middle of our new China and now they're back all right so now we brought it back all the way we have one cow we're going to go back and get another one I don't even know where we were I don't even know it was just like over that direction all right we're going back we're getting this cow right now all right I'm following you you take all right we won't get on all the cow don't worry we're you guys serious about starting a Minecraft so yes we were what kind of server would I be do you want to say dream one one beat of the boat who's this so it's something that I don't know it wasn't me that diet it killed you it was awesome dude I'm sorry I'm so sorry it was an accident where did we come from I think it was and he was over here there was one more cow I think by Sapna oh I can't believe you did that so sorry we've done this let me just slip through that hole oh that's where I was right there you see that that white what's that what's that block called and sighs yeah I died I died yeah that one right there that's where I was let's down below there's a huge ravine below there can I do an American accent so bad no I it's so embarrassing I can't wait George you know what I just thought I know we don't have carrots you see this pig look look we just big brain it oh yeah just all row the boat across the land okay yeah let's just take these pigs back wait no no will get will make Sapna take one pig and then one of us can get another cow so we can get pigs and coward this trick that wasn't like completely pointless right look for a cow and bring it back in a bow once we just leave the boats here oh we could just leave them in the boat or heat em up I'll leave this boat here and you can come back for it okay I don't even bring it back you gotta find a way home well there is there is oh okay I'm gonna garden with my life while you get over here do you have another bow I'm making one okay okay I made one yeah I know sorry my accident was terrible I think I can I can I can kind of do one but it's just so cringe that whenever I do it it's like it gets worse I can't okay no was here this whole time that was concentrating do you like animal crossing I've never played it so I I don't know yeah hopefully this I was gonna be pretty epic hopefully hopefully it's done soon I was home yeah in the pig as well so we already have another boat with a pig all of my stuff I was going back to find it I yeah I'm in my body well I don't know how to get home so they came back did all that work getting all these pins and is murdered ways dreaming presidents of Russia 2020 also can you say lively dreamer yes it's all not bad to him you're that guy I had his heart for five years starving to death you're gonna die but imagine all the millions of kids that have starved to death in other places it's not that bad they take an extreme example and say that your your thing is not that bad because it's happened worse before just making me wait we do not do anything scout the boat and leave it to me you stubbed your toe get over it people are getting stabbed everywhere get over it what if we eat what if we did like a canal through here together Wolf's in the boat now are they getting away we need I'm holding the cow I'm holding the cow but I don't have a boat you know I guess it's not far actually wait we've got one pig one cow they kick the pigs over there he's running away way on the right I see him I so over there you see him what what get all them this other pig is running away guys okay oh this is so bad get in the boat get in the boat okay I go that one in I've learned on the boat I'm pushing this pig get the pig vote yes I need I need a boat for the cow well this machine came out where I was man I am so we expect dream to be the prison of Russia in 2020 interesting George do you have like 18 diamonds [Music] sorry can't have that one someone's just spamming 14 in a donation I think the canal works good we did it okay this is like the great the Khmer Rouge that's I killed the dogs and then I get karma yeah service corn and you guys are saving me oh thank you I'm glad if we can help okay okay come on count come on cow all right don't kill them last second okay wait replace the gate offense please I'm gonna put pigs in half are we gonna lead the pigs in no you just shove them just show them just we don't even have carrots to breed them there no I can't stop okay move I can place the boat move okay I got one dream has the fence if the pig get the pig thank you are you a charger because I'm dying without you I am a charger a Dodge Charger nice okay be careful I will break the boat okay we did it we did it nice house this chicken get out it's Lots killer it's a troublemaker it broke my sword how they're so mean sheep oh my god I've been breeding them you take the stomach somewhere real quick who doesn't accidently kill our creatures what are you doing ELISA big motivation to study what motivation can we give to study how about if you don't do it how are they out just wanted where are they oh my god I thought you would Joey where's the other one why is it how's it so run why is it closed the gate oh my goodness this pig is running away gotta get it on the boat push them in you didn't they're nice nice you want to make a video with compilations and funny moves from your chance just wanted to make sure that you guys are okay with that go for a dream what I don't do anything so that can take damage welcome him lock him in okay and now we need someone keep that pig in there okay get him up get him up get him up place the boat on the ledge and then push him into the boat again like on land well not that far away I'll back up delivery here we're making the delivery and I think it gets in if you are not oh come on get in the boat Pig just push the pig at this point yeah I feel like we can just push it in yeah close the gate behind you you know you almost got out okay now yeah there's so many sheep here like that meme where it's like how many people does it take to screw in a light bulb like how many people does it take to get a pig in a pen I'm buying crafts answers for we need cows I mean what we need carrots how do you how do we get carrots many carrot seeds zombies have a chance to draw food did you just say we need carrot seeds yeah oh you just pawn carrots right [Laughter] hello I can just oh oh wait love you came in the house wait yeah what why do we have these banners everywhere I like them they're very silent kill that stupid Enderman stop stop doing eating with your Twitter please hi George I love you and I still would like to give everyone smooches thank you yes I mean I don't know if that's gonna be possible unfortunately I'm looking for how do we get carrots we got to go like to a village or some zombies have a chance of dropping more zombies yeah but it'd be easier just to go back to that village I think I don't think that village had he didn't have things like a farm cuz it's a nice village what do those have farms I don't think they don't have forums but they do have chests that have like garrison I think we need a hoe at the farm ASAP on my wing threat level midnight you get that joke Josh I do I got the joke it's from he doesn't he doesn't watch doesn't watch the office Oh Mon he's a pleb George should live-tweet the office as he watches it for the first time I'll watch it with you George you can watch it see guys i yeah same it's worth three watching that's just a meme from mmm interesting real homey yeah this is great I have eggs or should I do with them Jethro Maya hello George the cat loves you where's the cow daddy group chat I got a chicken we need we need carrots I really want carrots please kill some of them I'm here cow I want just as many cows as pigs well this is um be alright guys this kid the zombie is going to drop a carrot watch I'm telling you I'm telling you hey only if it dies to discuss in there okay okay watch this guys is gonna kill her what okay what happened okay that's fine wait the Minecraft musics don't save the farm we light up the farm and stuff there and blow it up well I'm more talking about creepers just spawning and glowing it up this is nice icon joined the SAP not discord he banned the SAP that you're not banned anymore you passes me not a valid excuse you are unban you banished me know it from George discord oh do me do me to death no I'll put $20 on the duel to the death right now to the stream okay I'll put $50 who are you rooting for us for I'll put 50 on George it's the on George are you yellow-bellied I love you and your videos so much thank you no problem should we fight guys should I fight SAP no you'll lose your levels come on come on wait a minute stop get down to put 50 on George winning no no I was just I say we do you think Sapna will win I mean let's just cared that's fine it's all right George George not a man I'm fighting you all right who's a creeper on the visit keeper here just knock it in the water like this watch Alisa come on over shield that's it no fluid on no food okay okay you ready well I was if you lose nothing nothing but if you win you get what dreams that you donate 50 come on - it's right here what are you doing I'm depositing of my where's my goods stop attacking me Jerry Kim stop okay I guess I can keep any of this stuff okay oh my god stop and you're not allowed to leave this bridge wait that's ready umeri actually wagering on this flight right now what you want to bet me on this fight I'm down I'm down I'll match alright well do let's let's do 20 let's do 21 yes we donate two if you SAP that wins you donate 20 to George's stream George wins then I donate are you ready yeah so I wins listen George wins Austin do it has to give dream twenty dollars and if I win dream us to give awesome do twenty dollars how that works and then I even get anything and then Jordan George you got nothing okay whatever I don't care so I get the wins winnings they go to the stream let's do it what I was blocking oh I'm dead oh yes I got destroyed Wow hi guys you know just how much health did you have for arts you wasn't sure I was I was blocking you were hitting me through my shield what can I say George you're just too weak you were blocking hitting me through my shield I'm about to get this inner man oh my god that's not fair ah like I know the pearl I have I have successfully paid the wager dream yeah has anyone ever dream yes wait what in real life yes yes just through the fight after the stream ends you're gonna argue me that money back your pants back those Georgia sports I need sorry I have George's pants whenever I killed him how was the story of you getting recognized from your voice well I'm not a hundred percent sure what he recognized me because my voice but I'm fairly certain because they said they kept they were like insisting that I sounded familiar no insisting no no I swear like they asked they asked me if I did YouTube they're like did you youtube and i was like i was like no i don't do youtube Wow I swear your voice is so familiar like do you do like they didn't say minecraft but they said dude you do new podcast and I was like no no no God cast how do you make how do we make carpets it's tool tool I think you're right that's what we need oh yeah the pinch me I'll put these I'll install these ones whilst we can don't we you stole our it's so loud over here whoops this baby what the heck is baby chickens they'll go I go to get away I had I had I've had multiple people ask me like are you a youtuber not based on my voice but just like are you a youtuber what's also like oh i'm i do like online advertising and you're like are you youtuber like no or sometimes occasion I'll be like yes what's your channel I'm not gonna share what I did get you twenty dollars how do you like restore a villager golden apples yeah there's one right here do I have it right here job I do but it's only for the people he's something yeah it's it's a private snapchat unfortunately no you can donate to his only fans I get his prize what do we do what should we do I want to go mining I want to get some diamonds I think we should go get carrots that's true how do we know where to find carrots um that's a good point okay I'm just gonna go slow for some of the sheep because that's what they're there for yeah they've actual slaughter kit all the sheep still so many hair 23 that's quite good looting enchantment we don't even have an enchantment table right now so I don't think that's happening what get out of here banner so we do the fish we make the fish tank thank you where should we put in Jewish I don't read your whole your whole your old chat is little Sam's just get it get everybody out we need like a whole cleansing yeah [ __ ] cleansing of the stream somewhat sneeze like oh my god [Music] all right George I'm gonna burn everything that's in that chest not the lapis we need they say everyone got what you want we'll just coward out of your chat I guess I said huh don't tell the others but I don't get the hype about the office oh I just told I'm sorry yeah office is funny very funny show set up what don't light fires in the house what are you doing I was burning all the good house I was burning all the junk that's on the ground yeah in a wood house yeah okay you're Thomas what the hell's wrong house burned down no but I save you I saved it that's why why is everyone saying Sam Oh someone said you all the biggest center that's true aw how sweet George don't don't finish building the thing cuz then we can't get in there to like put the water that's not me building at but okay Oh Savin up what what are you doing the house guys I'm building beckerson stable oh that's where it's going alright listen someone break it that oh you're fired actually you're fired I have the system yes I can sole you have to consult before you do dumb stuff like this it's beautiful it's like an I'm getting it somehow we got a soak time what I broke this glass cuz you ah that's so annoying where do you wanna put Becker since take this we won't do it yeah we'll build it we'll build like its own like thing it'll be cool give it a whole like floor in the house yeah maybe not in the house we just having a lot of floors yeah our house is still open yeah we need to finish it finish this floor at least Oh but dream is a sympathy dream is a sim Forge this is a hundred percent sure no that's not true not true it's true guys what am I and what if I what if I what if I sent for you at all actually I don't know I want to find a cave exactly you can't even you can't even like I can name a hundred things you sent for me well one you're in like all my videos that's pretty simple warriors I mean like some of your videos you you're too like nervous to say that you love me that's simp simple simple just admit that no no no yeah hey I think this cave sucks but I'm not sure yeah wait I this cave sucks hello everyone stop talking the entire chat is saying simple about how do I feel about all my fangirls I guess all this is pretty cool [Laughter] I find a cave I'm doing it and the simps yes exactly I would love to burn the sounds like if you like open up the simp and book and go to like page 69 that would be right there you would know about this if you'd be in SAP fam you know that you mo SAP naphtha I don't know maybe I don't want to know that you moose happen out there this cave is just only I'm offended in the George sim tell dream incoming Jan jazz coming few dream what they are the Georgeson and they're coming fear a conquering I'm sorry I can't I'm busy right now tabs you're gonna have to deal with it yourself I'm sorry dream lost his Morgan just plate very disappointed in him more skilled JK low his dream lost his Morgan chess play what does that mean hello everything it was the chest plate that I named Morgan oh you lost it I lost that's very I found more cows but I didn't bring any wheat with me that's a bit silly wasn't it don't need any more cows to bring you back anyway sure that's true we can just keep breeding them up yeah and it goes of inbred cows I found a mineshaft oh my god guys guys never seen before here we go exploring the mineshaft like like a portal that's where I found the hoe I think oh yeah yeah it's like oh it's burning down the forest though if I could start a conspiracy what would it be oh I found a golden pickaxe with fortune 1 in this I think this is a different one Jim someone's been here someone with Fulbright has been here there's a piece of rogue piece of cobblestone that's why there's only iron here wait wait we were chicken in here beans beans beans beans beans wait I I had a diamond pickaxe where did it go I broke this I didn't I didn't steal it I broke it and then I died in lava with all my stuff I can't help you I'm sorry I'm busy I can't I can't get the roach you're gonna have to just hide them away or something I'm not sure you can do it I believe in you I can't get her hi George who is your favorite YouTube or other than dream of course who is my favorite youtuber other than dream or dream is not my favorite youtuber anyway so doesn't really matter who is my favorite youtuber um why is this muffin not eating okay there we go I'm gonna look at my subscriptions quickly I see a smokestack in the distance might be a villager I could get some carrots let's see who do I like I like ksi ksi was pretty good PewDiePie is pretty good obviously it is a village david dobrik is good I don't know I guess I like a lot of the big people like David Derek yksi wait why are you to find found potatoes we have potatoes now nice ksi sucks this villagers just sleeping and I'm like opening his chest and just I love you guys too much by the way since you're from the UK do you happen to know Oh wander Oh wonder I don't know that is thank you wow this delicious everything there's even pumpkins here I'm grabbing at you I went to Thailand a while ago pretty cool you've probably watched like iJustine or something because you're a simple yes seen thank I you see when I was younger [Music] but I just like saw her videos you know mmm someone's mouth he watched like her beauty videos 7 beauty videos and I think he does PC videos I think he does iron things he has she has hey am i can i wedding we already had a Minecraft wedding in know we already had it it was good it was terrible I deleted a do I like mr. bean I mean it's pretty funny and now absolutely tasteless well it's Travis Scott gets censored I don't know but this place has already been raided no Travis Scott's good in case I was pretty good it's fine you don't have to like ksi hello George what's your quarantine pastime that's my quarantine pastime I guess just this making videos tactically hunting before yeah going on the internet all day I mean my life hasn't really changed to be honest last donation I can do for tonight that if you want to check the server TPS use the command I just tried it hasn't changed he never left the house before he never leaves the house now that he never saw anybody before never sees anybody now yeah I don't know I can't check the lag for some reason and it's really dark now I'm sorry I'm not gonna place torches every second so let's just get out of here real quick I'm going to die I'm going to die there's so many I'm just bobbing and weaving right now the server is laggy I hate this okay there we go slash debug stop is I gonna do something bad no I was gank reapered I'm sorry I want a cave that no one's been to no one's been to I mean George yeah I want to give that someone that no one's been to been to that's like one weapon - I don't like this music anymore this music sucks there we go okay binti how does this village grow pumpkins but not carrots come on okay how do I find a cave can someone inform me you / debug start let it run for a few seconds then do slash debug stop that check server TPS another info okay I'm doing oh so hot your IP is yeah and that's what I was worried about I don't deserve or go to data I don't think he's gonna show all right Pisan want to show the server IP but it's whitelisted anyway i found unless his little mud ha why you and her chance this server is lagging dream fixes it why it's so laggy it's lagging just a little bit yeah okay I'm stopping it now let's hope it doesn't show any bad information 9 takes per second are you joking for any like half speed right now - is it because like it's just one point like 60 never ever and that's just what happens I don't know if I stopped this ever estas at George yeah I took your diamond pickaxe oh my god that's kind of rude I hit something wow this is so like that what I just what's in her chest what a sim is it because my it might be such a sim I feel like this is almost unplayable how was it I don't even noticed it but I guess we should we could just restart okay I'm gonna restart the server and is everyone okay to restart right now yeah let me like build myself in like a little oh my gosh Wow right when I went to build a box a creeper like hisses next to me I was so terrifying me Bucks myself things I'm like outside right now I don't want to die I'm tired I'm yawning I might go to sleep Wow 1 p.m. 1 p.m. so tired when you go all right I'm gonna be stopped before I don't know me I didn't use that okay so we're stopping okay interesting stream there's a lot of Russians I didn't know we had a lot of Russians okay at the service starting up give us one second server is starting come on okay the server's up I'm just gonna hide my screen just in case something shows that shouldn't show and then I'm back okay perfect so I don't know if we're still lagging but hmm debug star okay let's see I think it's still lagging and maybe it's just all the mobs I have no idea and there's loads of these annoying zombie things as to George can you speak Spanish where my Mexicans it can I speak Spanish no I cannot Sri mobs here okay well beckerson is on the sup fam discord maybe this will convince you to join us well beckons there I must join where is everyone German listen really deep voice until someone notices Union F T dreams mom they're gonna notice instantly hello George the second George the second oh my god I'm - George - the first okay so what have we achieved today sir all my stuff I would be saying a lot but I lost all my stuff we basically got loads of animals that's pretty good actually what other snacks do I like apart from chocolate raisins I like Commission and thus reduces lag wines in the farm it disables mob collisions and reduces like moving around or whatever in the vine but what in the farm blind vines vines yes Flo gang for life we're all floor gang for sure but for now I think the chickens are actually jumping on each other to climb out I think for now he just oh that was nice let's just kill them all I know [Applause] what are the snacks that I like I don't know I like crisps or as Americans call them chips like little chocolate bars I don't know pretty standard I suppose I'm putting the pickaxe of fortune that I found there being inside this chest I'm killing all these stupid animals yawns a bedroom if you only you I don't know I might really in bed right now and just hop on teen chick on my phone I'll be kind of weird though and I know I'm not gonna do that screaming mmm okay well now we have some food I gradually actually doing some progress okay but look at look at what I got in my hand here found a potato and pumpkin seeds carrots did you find there there were no carrots no no what do you do we need carrots I mean we could go look for another village and like not go that way where are you Alyssa where you're doing well you're - why can i name something off you can i name something Izzy after you please okay okay your name is Geoff any symbol for begin over okay how about you can be an egg okay here we go don't shoot me don't shoot me stop Izzy one level one whole level yes yes that is exactly what I was thinking dreamy on the wall George this is my minecraft pickup line I'm not from the naba actually yeah he's from he's from like a snow biome you can breed pigs with potatoes you can someone don't know that I'm pretty sure it's right hold on I have three potatoes we could breed the pigs ones yes yes that's nice wait wait do they eat potatoes or carrots or is it birth I think it's both I guess do you use eggs for anything often like making a cake I think you can make Donita for pumpkin pies and like one of the better food sources in the game to kill the knowledge the end the nether dragon okay so where are these potatoes oh I see mmm beautiful potatoes here and now we got some pumpkins growing right here takes eat vegetables apparently does I mean that you like the beet roots as well probably you know that dragon yeah you guys don't know about the nether Jericho I'd be cool and I don't know oh my gosh interesting okay Wow callaghan's wild callahan appears George now found pinned on Twitter we are dying to see your reaction long George if you have a second key react to this person's pinned on Twitter we're dying to see your reaction okay let's have a look it's better not be something weird George now found interesting I look I was actually pretty kind of weird I don't like it it doesn't even I feel like it looks like hey can I like show this okay I stopped the four teens window capture no okay fine window capture fine I'm scared to do this I'm gonna accidentally show something oh no what is that ruined okay whatever it's it's me and I have a gun and a bit and weird stuff I don't like Callahan comes on and just starts like advertising what's he saying where's my callused and Callahan and the lists are actually boyfriend and girlfriend that's very interesting okay anyone who doesn't know your name sounds like Jojo in Russian do you know your name sounds like Jojo in Russian I did not but I know now thank you my name sounds like Jojo user joined your channel and also I'm just gonna plug my second channel just because I want more subs I want 1k subs can I dream a second follow my Instagram a dream was taken my second channel I might upload stuff there ring the bell you know Matt you never know and you know what wait I should do this right now Street oh no how do I do it stream laughs how do I add commands how do i do commands cloud but is it this commands okay add command exclamation mark youtube response and then let's get a link to my youtube channel and see where does thank you howdy there muffin that's very nice so if I do that do I have a command can we type exclamation mark you meet you oh it works everyone's doing it it works okay let's add another one exclamation mark hey let's copy this I'm like becoming a professional streamer hang on one second could you name something after me it's Matilda's arc so X guy named one donated you $10 order I told her once they named after them back for you anymore you okay hey I think you guys need a how do I add a cool-down I know how to do it okay global cooldown let's do 30 seconds did I do it I did it so now it should ah I'm a professional streamer okay I added graduation I added exclamation mark in serum try it out guys try it out then then check this one out you ready you're gonna love this one Oh No whoops so I add an exclamation mark oh no that's me okay okay check this one already cooldown of 30 seconds and it's exclamation mark Twitter who's gonna do it first he's gonna do it first uh that person did it first I were a risky did it first I think Oh No giulio 1 2 3 4 48 did it first or maybe something before I don't know ok we need to name something often Matilda what can we name for Matilda dream just died I wanna kill myself we only have one more space on the wall this is gonna be the last name in Matilda can be what do we have a magma came with magma cream wait what are you doing how about we make you a birch sapling because you can grow into a tree do we have any lava yeah this limiter in the you guys know with the ender pearl [Music] all right if so smart what's it called item oh no Callahan bad Callahan okay I mean your name the thing my tilde boom and you can go right here you know it's funny George what's funny what wait I don't know why is a wondering X and why so many fans [Laughter] exhibition point clay excess what clay but me they're from there okay there's my dream I'm doing it I'm doing it what what wait ready exclamation mark you guys aren't gonna believe this it's all you guys aren't gonna believe this I'm going to put exclamation mark bean bean okay ready I'm gonna add it right now its exclamation mark uptime wait did I do it I did it exclamation marks uptime uptime wait someone did it where is it extreme in line for two hours 13 minutes and minutes and 42 seconds let's go I'm professional exclamation mark bean why does everyone want that wait what else can I do I don't know what else to do okay well you can do up time Twitter Instagram YouTube and that's it so far okay yeah that's a good idea alright whoever just set that let's do let's do that okay okay slow mode is on wait what did I just do slow oh okay that's not videos I should react to my old twit videos I don't think so oh look at the dogs we got a whole squad of dogs everyone always asked it's like anyone seen my face but I've met one person in this channel I have FaceTime one person a different person and that's my bed come on wait can you know that's my bed Khan okay can i have a shout out for literally no reason i don't know how to say her name jo palm opal drupal mobile there's your shoutout are we sleeping it's Alisa did we do it oh we did it clean Russian means blue that makes it's still here I heard play he's burning okay cuz beard man okay well hey what is my second channel I'm glad you asked actually because I have a link to you right here here is my second channel and for some reason I have less than 1000 subscribers I'm not sure why there's 1,700 people here almost 1800 so yes this room will be saved unless something breaks okay I've linked my second channel and for some reason and I still don't have a thousand subscribers which is very confusing to me but it's okay so what are we doing we haven't done anything for a minute and farming sorry oh what the part is ready yeah I got some and I've read the pigs again but I'm taking forever to grow now throw it back for you peach is gonna steal a letter from you Callaghan supposedly oh good girl yeah we should name the dogs which we name the dogs we don't have any nametags though ah 1k followers congratulations everyone we did it I just wanted to say you've helped me smile through many thank you no problem hey guys the next goal for my second channel is to overtake SAP nap yes chill I want to overtake second up with zero videos please how many subs to 7up have 40k 41k so if everyone here makes about like for like 20 you have accounts just just everyone tell your friend to go to this link right here it's getting spam in the chat everyone go to that link tell your friends get some friends to go to it and we can we can do I'm told to assume I have ten friends well then we'll then go advertise it somewhere going hi I love you so much Thank You Jenny well we don't have any nametags I'm sorry we can but if I remember I will if we get a name tag oh do we have a name tag and infects the hearts again it's like gluten you have to reserve it you have to make like a certain make a donation goal we only we only have one named thing and it's Becca so does that make three mom if your dad does that make sure your mom yes what no it does no it is not actually exactly what it means you've worked it out oh no okay so I'm gonna go reproduce I have some more potatoes for the pigs yeah I just got them splendid work awesome dude splendid work I'm tired Audrey missed hi hi we just slept I'm tired when did I sleep we just slow in game you paid for two channels to subscribe thank you you were doing God's work here everyone should be following in your footsteps this is God's plan whoa what I just like something way it happened Kalyn keeps dying for starters playing [Music] yeah are there any other commands that I should add um exclamation mark olessa exclamation marks second channel as far as I could do that why not but let's just quickly see if I can do something settings that's trying to kill me Alyssa okay I actually got this oh it works okay now I have a nice job I stole the URL sounds like dream is a fan of beta George have you seen a big stream I have what do you think and if only you were manly enough to grow a beard like that imagine having able to grow a beard okay we now have exclamation marks second map no you just say that stubble what I have basically a full-on beard [Music] the quarantine beard going on though that's what's going on now I do [Laughter] good yikes as cringe if you are dream procreate it's impossible dream let's just imagine a scenario where we had a child what would we name them his kneecaps nobody's gonna steal your kneecaps well I like okay no no I do have kneecaps I just hurt myself before this through my accidents I was gonna say something but I realize it might sound bad on stream okay what are we doing we're like memeing around we need we need to be productive here excuse me yourself look at look at how successful our farming empire is becoming and I'm working hard here you don't appreciate it I don't know honestly don't be annoying is there's a good thing I don't know that drew you all right that's it yeah you like hacks or something yeah you've got the new one point six there's a clip now Oh No let's have a look I suppose teen beard going on no that's what's going on ELISA you want a tussle sound George can't relate oh my god that's a good hashtag symptom the chat he said don't hurt her please Alison Oh easy and I'm gonna eat you oh yeah yeah I'm naked on like in one heart and you kill me how impressive you can't be naked on the screen please ELISA stops imping for a listen and maybe forget out of that what is what is happening what is alright first person to kill ELISA is not a cent I'm not a sip sorry brother ELISA look what you did and he's just throwing away the goodies wait is that a slime ball under your slime balls Alisa we have a slime ball that means we can we can make a lead with that slime ball yes so much easier where's the rest of her stuff nap it's in the water oh go to your cottage but your cottage yeah of course you don't have any pants take your stuff in your chest with like 18 diamonds and Laughlin you're like Alyssa what is wrong my Christian minecraft server wait was that everything Oh a it's missing one thing my frickin levels oh it's MIT that's so that's so like sarcastic say oh it looks like in this chest it's missing one thing my levels like you put everything back in my chest but one thing my dignity line we're gonna need to chill this again we need a hug we find one don't even think about it all right that's my diamond ho use it all right we got it we go down oh please don't waste your diamonds on our diamonds on that's the nether I don't know never waste your iron on oh my spec just makes stone hoes gotta make stone no make wouldn't even waste your cobblestone oh no in at bedtime yet it is alright I'm just reading that's pay you someone's already brett these cows oh it's me I told you I've been farming like a kill me he's on that grind we've been on that grenade over there alright dream your level it's bedtime oh my god go to bed everyone in bed in the chest I want everyone in bed right now the volume levels a way - hi guys George downloaded tik-tok like a couple of days ago oh yeah you know everyone go follow my tech-talk its jaws not found no videos go follow it though exclamation mark tic TOCs I add it uses tick-tock on a computer okay I want to I want a thousand tick tock fellows right now where are all my fish should I post tick dogs yeah what's the tick-tock of you going renegade I have a hundred wait I have a hundred follows on Tech Talk oh my god everyone's following me I'm getting spammed oh my god everyone's following me where's my fish guys guys guys follow me on top it's Joyce all found wait what they're following me what everyone else tick-tock the biggest like I have so many notifications guys let's chill I had a hundred no it's absent dreams or just the Nutella [Music] I post the Tech Talk just my other record one right now my screen I think you basically have to right now it's gonna be a recording of my screen it's gonna be the dumbest Tech Talk I don't know I don't know how to do it don't do it no I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it I don't know how to I have a dumb idea you want you oh my god this is my first tik-tok how do I play I don't know what I'm doing oh my god it's me everyone like this this is for the father's a diamond home price tag fyp hashtag for you right you have to go get my diamond hoe back okay I'm sending it out it's okay okay you don't need it I don't you get no oh my god it's my first tik-tok hashtag fyp i am doing a sampan chat i'm hashtag for you what are the other hashtag hashtag hashtag Calissa do hashtag hashtag okay wait how do I post it now wait what how do I actually how do I post wait what how do I go next I don't even joking sorry you're wasting all your viewers time I don't know how to post I put the tags don't cares no what do I do the post button oh is that a button no that's not a button wait what oh it's here now this okay I promise wait it's gone again I'm just like looking for my home where's my diamond oh is this supposed button was no no no no no it wasn't no I'm not a groomer the button was not there I had to go back inside it was not there okay i'm posting airy now i put okay your account is public and you're probably did i do it oh my god it's that I did it I'm just taking it stuff stop you keep coming back and killing us you sound like such a boomers I'm like what's it called when you like put it on the what's a call when I'm gonna do at his tick-tock and I'm gonna say here's the dislike button guys like my video for to just like this ticked you took where is it I'm gonna mute and just respond to these donations cuz I go behind I found you tick-tock a week over my friend and I didn't believe it it was actually yes it's actually me that actually someone used to have the name before and I was like ah I kind of wanted it but but um they changed their name apparently so then now I have it who's actually useful in 1.16 they can be used to break leaves faster yes I've noticed that I see that we're really good and I think you can you can break haybales quicker with them as well so 14-3 efficiency 5 nether right hope you can form massive amount of apples all that is good actually that is good when you're getting it when you name your dog's can you name one off to me I'll try and remember I'm a potato you can get in tax on fishing really is that right I don't know I used to be a Carlson George you should Billy Billy home ok i Billy Callahan don't worry ok thank you for the nation's I'm gonna um you know boyfriend chasing me fishing there you can I don't know if it's rare kind of rare though sure I might try to do is hold down the boat where did you come from [Music] my last name is also Callahan sir my last name is also Callahan so this is thank you thank you south Callahan another goose pen I want to fish from the roof dream I don't know if you can get the stuff sure all the way up there I think we can probably I'm just mad I lost all my fish beam I'd really appreciate if I kept my foods back yeah what are you saying about that one you like you sound like the embodiment of that like finger emoji that kind of fish me of what my boots back oh sure thank you punch Collin you're in his house but Callahan's oh wait give you my first catch of the day to eat oh yeah I just go button a puffer fish got another one Becca son says that they need a home when we making a fish tank yeah and then they broke my fish tanks a different floor though not like in the middle of the main floor George use a fish company pull it it sounds like ariana grande disgusting joke a joke going on I can't see my barber how much does the fish just just say your own name George no okay here we go I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high she looked surprised [Laughter] such a good one that's the joke because like he's drawing them too high you get my fish three people fishing fish but they really want a name tag when they fish what is this like this song friend I hate this one just like watching tick tock Smits or just like I've done with this dream I just want to keep streaming so I'm just gonna watch some tick tock so I was on ticked all right guys Jim can take over I'm gonna go make a sandwich no I just it okay I I went to my profile but when you open the tick tock app it defaults like before you pay so I just saw playing in I was like oh it's that song so I do that tech talk where you like do the arm on your shoulder that's taking like fish coming here dance George no I got a pufferfish can't eat this I dropped it down a eater oh my god can't efficient idiot I just poison [Music] wait Callahan can you move I just want a name tag sure I want let's say right click right click oh you've taken my fish I kind of want to get a name tag right now one name tag oh no did I get one oh I'm an idiot I tabbed out for like a second just to check something ah okay all right well I think I'm gonna happen you have a good sleep dream everyone's telling me Connolly I could go for a snooze no no no no that's not gonna happen you're gonna sleep for 12 hours dream you need a finger sleep I want to right now it's 1:00 p.m. for you you need to stay up that's pretty late I'm kind of tired actually you need to stay up whether you're here or not you stay up you're kind of tired though okay [ __ ] this boring stream is just right now do it do it do it you want me to go off wants me to go off on George one of the chat I'm gonna go off on George I will I will expose him I will expose George one of the chat okay smash you in the chunky ones room look at the end not go to bed no no I'll go to sleep then will me they want me to expose you they don't they don't care if I go look at that look at that look at that because we recorded your flight video before sleeping my sleep schedule no no a day before my tag video and I uploaded mine five days before your video is fine before I've uploaded them but we let me calm record now Fiona go to bed yeah dream you're saying you want to do that siamese video but you're gonna go to sleep mmm I do want to do that sign mates video I will do the siamese video tomorrow yeah I'm too tired but if we record it if I sleep and then I wake up we record out then I'll upload it in the next in the morning I picked on some poster everyone's me to do tik toks now please continue what's a snap what's a good exposure name tags I'm sorry he's it's George's 590 s59 no no you can't expose that wait was that asked us to what else is to expose what can I put in chat everything short it's the average height you can't be short you're five inches shorter than me guess what Wow this tool what I'm sure I'm super short like really dry have fun in your lecture huh where are the nametags can someone like put in the chat what the chance of getting and nametag is because it seems like it's looking up here can I dream what I'm saying I'm exposing I'm finishing I'm gonna expose you now he's walking up now dream there's nothing fun that's like the sea - I'm sitting here fishing it's like zero person all right watch this watch this what's this this next thing I'm gonna catch is gonna be a name tag I guess what all fishing George you ready for the SAP nap expose all here's the SAP net exposure okay there was a get that SAP nap deleted on like January 5th saying video tomorrow the video he deleted a retweet it what's next what's next what's the next expose Oh two months six was Callahan closing awesome demo exposing awesome dude perfect fishing no not your swore she swore okay I do not represent Alice's opinions on swearing this is not this is not my fault forgive me all of this is for war oh my god I can't believe it okay I found your Tech Talk newest tech dawg okay let's have a look that's gonna be really high can I say something real quick I don't know can you guys a one-armed stand Alyssa everyone stand with the nametag you don't give me the nametag that's the price to pay is one name said the hard f-word and not the soft f-word the hard all the way I'm pretty sure you said enough of her all right so what alright so I apologize to everyone again do it again what are you sorry for I only said the f-word sorry for you are you ever gonna do it again stop who is that I just like screaming everyone's there it's idiot alright we'll give it to me if you need one this one has mending on it though I feel like this is actually good my old looks op nap I finally know I know about your feet peg hand I like it find them hey Callahan all Cheryl Cheryl Cheryl take turns each caste trade off all right I'm gonna catch one of the most awesome dude oh wow wait it does he'll like as I catch finish it heals cuz it gives you like a little XP you know oh wait you have mending on it yeah I just caught on with mending and unbreaking through it's gonna wolf a bottle drink it no should I why you it's a clean line dog sure in this year we're taking we're jar barbers are touching I cut a trip wire hook nice I didn't expose Callahan Callahan doesn't ever talk he's a loser he doesn't talk you don't use his voice he's mute but now he's sad he said I take it back he talks all the time well it's not just I do the tree farming name tags Callahan is like a budget mega P DP I guess we wouldn't need to try it because we have uh plug-in but that's pretty cool nice I'm gonna make an Instagram right now oh no okay guys no one follow her Instagram she's trying to get some free file you're gonna have there at least hand over the name tag for sure yes for sure no way it's way too much because that is the cost you're gonna end up with more followers than me probably I'll expose less as she secretly sells toe pics online oh wait you poke I thought it was a name tag wait right away yeah that's exactly how it works what what what what do you say what we're talking about the bashing what are you look just like I did and in the next cast I caught a main tag I'm doing it come on here we go name tag name technically I'm already called yes so my next Casas is the name tag everyone's fishing but me now wait you know how he spent like so much time trying to get food we could have just fished just like this to get would you catch what you catch can I do this look at the see luck of the sea and umbrellas in the water fishing yes oh my god stop made it intriguing dream no no don't let her advertising so she gives us the name tag hand over the name tag reads if you say it without permission then LM link me on Instagram you're new on oh my goodness dream dream please stop for one oh yeah you can repair the fishing rod with your other one oh I keep seeing comments yeah wait George George what do they have good to see and look at the sea yeah I'll trade you a name tag for it and then I'll conjoin it conjoin unbreaking an ending it would be like a super fishing rod the super fishing rod yeah hmm I trade you a name tag for it it's just like so close to being Brooke I know it's not interesting oh my god stop stop interesting okay you want to make this deal or not dream is that dream I'm gonna murder you in cold blood oh my god so much good stuff okay I need to I don't know who donated first for the name tag dog to be dog name tag too many people did it well today you don't have a name tag yeah fist yeah okay let's have a lot are you doing instagram.com blah blah blah you didn't even make this this is already an existing account right isn't this an already it didn't it wasn't account already exist no thanks oh no I had it in my history you're probably just like stalking her and you were trying to look it up and say uh probably anyway okay so are you gonna pass over the name tag Alyssa warning what for I'll give you I'll give you a sign
Channel: Dream Team Streams
Views: 1,949,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dream minecraft livestream, dream minecraft, GeorgeNotFound minecraft, georgenotfound minecraft, georgenotfound minecraft livestream, minecraft livestream, minecraft, livestream, george livestream, george minecraft, george minecraft livestream, dream, dream stream, george stream, minecraft nether update, nether update, minecraft 1.16, minecraft 1.16 snapshot, minecraft survival, gream, dreamnotfound, georgeeehd, haha bean, fundy, bbh minecraft livestream, sapnap minecraft livestream
Id: o6rapBiteH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 50sec (10610 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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