Dream Team Discuss Minecraft Championship

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after winning minecraft championship i decided to do some speed runs i was joined by dream sapnap and quackety and we discussed what happened in minecraft championship whilst i speedrun this is actually a brand new channel i just started for uploading my entire live streams to so literally zero percent of you are subscribed make sure to subscribe to never miss a stream enjoy you know i'm gonna i'll just play single player i don't need you i don't need you how do i easy survival how to play single player i don't need you okay i actually don't need you all right why are you so salty sap map do you need a nap quacking my bass do you need a nap this is big and cool sapnap your bass yeah your base is awesome too bad goggy you can't see it i know it is a real shame yeah but i'm so glad we're so far away from the museum oh yeah that place gives me [Music] george how did you win an mcc and you're like scared of someone who didn't i know because i'm on like two hearts and he's got me trapped and he's gonna kill me george you think i would hurt you yeah you're literally going to hurt me george i would never i'm just going to speed right now i don't i don't care i'm going to speed on i don't want to get a sub out of time i'm speed running george you know i would never do anything to hurt you let's be honest he's trying to people prefer dream smp than speedrunning george yeah but true it's sam not holding them back from seeing that what they want i'm not even trying to speed running is cool as well okay everyone likes speed running right type one if you like speed running they're just gonna agree with you because you won hello look at all those ones look at all those ones oh i'm using optifine it's not going to count and i get a village spawn oh and i'm on 1.6.3 what am i doing okay i need you to have these issues if you just got in the server hang on i'm restarting i'm going on 1.16.1 um and we're going to speed it around 1.16 vanilla let's go okay i can't believe you guys are just sitting there waiting i'm not sitting here i'm not sitting here what are you standing what listen to me george i'm building a statue for you i'm doing i'm pulling a bad boy hello and i'm doing a stack yeah it's gonna suck it's gonna be like two blocks what the hell ass what are you you're being an ass man yeah because you're teaming up with something to try and kill me and i don't agree you're literally not even near him george you don't want to see my statue like someone pretends to be right back to try and lure me back on the smp just so he can kill me he thinks i'm dumb he thinks i'm dumb dumb stupid or dumb huh did i just get like the same seed back to back like what is this like i understand like not winning mcc is hard on you guys but we would have won actually yeah which is fun why didn't you win why didn't you win because they didn't stop the count we if you if they have the account of time percentage of time what does that mean yeah so we were the first ones out so we were like technically winners and then everyone doesn't know how sounds of time works yeah no i we they should have cut the count they should have like stopped it the game works we were the first ones to leave if if no one else had left we would have won well yeah anyone could just run out the portal then and win that's not how the game works out wins anyways i'm not salty because i know that i won by a lot okay how did you win we won we won by uh by a lot well actually we won by a lot my team won by a lot if you think about it no your team your team okay okay i have an issue i have a bone to pick with your goddamn team george all right all right your team is full of old people wilbur came in our voice chat and said ooh the average age the average h for the people in uh what you can call it in our team is 25 dude 25. you guys were just full of old people so you guys had experience so obviously you were gonna win like it was rigged against us me i'm a youngling i'm i'm like 18 19. yeah yeah so obviously i was gonna lose why is that old people because old people have more experience i mean no they don't you are you saying you suck at it also left the server so you can come back in did he actually yeah you can even you can even it's even here yeah you can even check how do i know he's just not set up a trap for me well i don't well he just left i'm just telling you what happened well thank you for informing me i'm currently speedrunning so like i'm not so interested right now i also just want mcc if you didn't know so i'm just saying hey george yeah you should teach me how to uh defeat the ender dragon since you're so knowledgeable and experienced i can teach you can you georgia is not found that even giving five subs thank you um did you actually yeah like it's simple you let you just destroy the crystals and then you kill the dragon it's this two-step process no no no that's not that's how it works this is old person talk you're talking like an old person right now george that's literally how you do it what do you mean why are you so old you're so old you're so old why is sun up crying where sam's go son i was crying where is he crying i just got word that he's crying apparently he's crying and he needs a diaper change okay this world sucks does it suck what sucks no um so what do i do right now do i just keep speed running or is sound up actually gone he's actually gone okay i give up with that world let's just see is sam up gone yeah he is gone he's literally not here is he sitting there waiting on your command for me to join i don't know what you mean you don't know i don't know i'm not because you're firing with them he's sitting there waiting for you to show up no he's waiting for me to show up for you to tell him that i showed up for him to join for him to kill me ah you're so apparent no i am paranoid because that's what he would he's not here there's not even water in the in the little hole he wants to kill me so badly there's there's not even any water anymore how can i trust you what do you mean how can you what do you mean should i go i literally i literally came second place in mcc carl called me i'm calling him back calm [Music] now he's not picking up [Music] call ow wait oh no oh no what am i doing facetime carl pick up i'm over i'm over i don't want to talk to him anyway um are you okay [Music] yeah wait a second girl's calling me [Music] wait can i show you to the stream of course you can okay here's call uh say something wait check this guys what oh my god he's actually doing it what yes do the arm thing carl what do you think about that back to back wins i'm proud of you i'm proud of you i'm not gonna lie i'm not gonna lie did you think it could be possible did you think it could be done i put all of my energy towards you george thank you look at that's true i don't know am i chat am i the i don't know if they know but am i the only back-to-back winner maybe someone knows wait look at his sat nap cosplay no it's you you're the sound map cosplay because of the headband thing oh now he's cold again it's cold again yes yes i'm celebrating we're popping off we're popping off wait what is that wait i'm so confused with this angle [Laughter] wait what are you eating it's cheese it's george you're stealing mr beast's cheez-its goldfish goldfish oh my god no it's cheez-its oh dreams here dreams here dreams go what do you think about that dream that's epic i'm proud to be beautiful you got two in a row and then maybe world team and then you'll get three in a row three in a row never done before has anyone got two in a row before dream um i think there's been one or two people that have done that yeah he says he thinks they might be one or two people nobody's gotten three well i'm going to get three in a row and click the follow button right now so that you can be here whenever it is what people aren't following right now are you kidding me it's absolutely follow me right now what do they have for free that renews every month carl what do they have for free that renews every month but now it's absolutely free if you have amazon prime you'll link it to twitch with twitch prime or absolutely for twitch.tv thank you carl jacobs yeah you get that energy drink that up drink it up drink it up you've earned it you really have are you still filming yeah i gotta go oh okay say bye hi george is handsome bye carl thank you for coming on bye why did he say that again where did you say that i don't know i don't know i don't know so dream what is your um analysis on this outcome um i mean expected i guess you put on the most op team like i said a million times but you popped off you got 12. who's that's like your second half now yeah say it say it no george is because he's now he's now been around for two mccs and he's still 100 win rate that's true george how many times have you lost before not that many tons of times he's lost tons of time yeah yeah if you have a minus a hundred percent lost like five times i've never lost that's like that's like a two percent win rate that's pretty embarrassing i've never lost i tested them you could still be here with a bad win rate but it's it's just all about his his placements yeah i came 12th that's not bad right right hashtag george's s t if it's trending it's confirmed that's all i know that's how it that's how it works and then the twitter description guy's going to have to write george not found minecraft streamer gets into s here for mcc he's going to have to write that and it's going to be true because it's going to be on twitter that means it's true yeah twitter description guy get him get him to do some work no i i think the twitter description guys should lie you just feel like georgetown lies to his viewers i don't about having a 100 win rate that is not true i don't do that i've never lied are you kidding him i mean i i get i appreciate you guys spamming it in the chat but that doesn't do anything for the twitter trending page we need to spam it on twitter you're so ungrateful george no no i like it and i'm so ungrateful i don't know people might not understand we need to do it on twitter we need to get it trending worldwide number one this just sounds like delusion no no no no no wait where did your team come big q wait where did you come as well dream where did you finish where did i finish i finished seventh year my team got i don't know fifth or something fifth or sixth yikes well we we had i think we just had a big disparity like me and captain got top 10 and then i think michael and spiffy got bottom 10. so it was like we were trying to i mean obviously it's not their fault but um we we didn't really get a good game selection like the games we got like weren't favorable to michael and i just realized i wasn't listening what position were you at no what position i was thinking my team or me your team my team i don't know like fifth or sixth i think oh yikes let's go to heart where you come big q well my team was like top 10 so we did really good top 10 out of 10. yeah yeah wait quacky finished 38th you don't have to say that that's reasonable you shouldn't have to say that at all if you think about it that's like pretty people who finish behind him or lauren and nietzsche that's better than two people like pop off i mean top ten team you know you know george all i'm gonna say all i'm gonna say is sans of time could have saved us if they had just like stopped the vote as soon as we came out but that's not how the game works well i'm just saying it could have we could have won yeah but like we could have literally gotten first place would you have even gotten first place if that would happen yeah absolutely you know why because we were the first ones out and sans sometimes in santa times i didn't actually get trapped like i did but like i didn't like i banked my coins just in the sphinx wait why did i put you in there then um i banked in the sphinx oh that's it i i got trapped but like i had no i had zero coins when i got trapped so were you like throughout the event being like how does green guardians have so many points were you saying that no well you should have been because we had so many points you got a lot of points but you said it's because you have four players that are all like very very good so i've seen like and all the games are gonna pop off i feel like we could have my team could have if we had gotten the game selection better we probably would have been to the finals against you guys i knew i knew i knew i'm surprised how aluminum puns did i thought they'd do much better than they did well you can't be good at everything i guess yeah i never knew i'm just saying the day where illumina was a noob i'm just kidding wait what did you say damn that's what i never thought i'd see the day where illumina was a noob oh yikes wait aluminum flip that clip it and ship it clip it and ship it well that was i'm just saying we my team was like half of my team would my half my team is not even over the age of 18. so we had a massive disadvantage wait who was on your team oh tommy and tubber tommy tubbo wisp you know we didn't have old people in our team like you no but you need young people have the better reaction time so it's better no no no it's what about the rest of learning it's all about the reaction time you're still learning about the world george i've been playing minecraft a long time we have no advantage no you got philza you had filzer felsa is like it was a minecraft feel so it's like the sensei you know what i'm saying he did pop off where did he finish in he he was like first for a bit i don't know where he finished wait why is everyone saying dream two mil what happened what did you get two minutes i don't think i've hit it yet but like i think i'm close to it everyone's saying it i think it's around it round up it round up oh he lost all his subscribers does it say 2000 k no it says two mil oh because mine said 1000k do you remember that i don't remember that when i hit one mil i said 1000k like hello what is that well congrats on two mil dream never done before that's true exactly never done before of course i just gotta get in five months then it's really never done before yeah fine remember your team was originally gonna be instead of tap l techno blade what the what would have happened i don't know i mean it would have been like you guys would have broken like the century record of any any everything and anything look don't be mad because we won be happy because we won george i'm happy that you won georgetown you didn't have to i just quoted yourself to that quote yeah you didn't have to that one's gonna go down in the history books for sure i need a lava pool where's the lava pool chair um okay let me just triangulate it if you dig down in five seconds from where you are count me in five four three two go dig down there's lots of lava pools in the server george that's all i'm saying on what on the server the smp yeah well i'm not on the same speed or anything no no but you should come back i don't know if there's lava here jeremy is there lava here you have to get to y11 why 11 that's really far away you're so lazy you're being so lazy 46. i'm gonna take all the way down here for nothing is this what an mcc winner would say george that's true i believe i believe it's too far away at what point do i stop digging because like the subtitles don't y11 come on lava please please of course i wouldn't let you mine right into the lava because it wouldn't be safe you did it wait shut up it's this way you actually did it you actually did it get to y11 where is it ending of whoops it's like right this way and there's an enemy whooping right next to me where's this cave oh yeah this enemy is just asking to get whooped on where is it that's just messed up i shouldn't even say that oh there it is what's your goal time george sub hour an hour sub hour yeah okay wait so i do that i do that i do that i do that i do that i do that and i do that's way too long what's the world record uh oh my god i don't know actually like 15 minutes or something stupid how's that stupid because it's dumb it's dumb why because you like spawn in a village the lava pool's right there make the portal you spawn in the fortress they drop two gold and they get the pearls it's like just like it's like literally like perfect on everything like there's and then the there's an ocean the whole way to the stronghold you go in the stronghold they go to the end the dragon perches in two minutes like it's like it's it's ridiculous so what's the not dumb time like 20 minutes i say like 20 minutes is like a 5-minute difference i know that's like 25 extra time yeah it's a really big deal between 15 minutes and 20 minutes that's like 25 cent extra well it's like 20 33 18 to 20 is like a non ridiculous time of like of like if you're speedrunning and getting like a really really really like good time it's like anything below that's just kind of ridiculous it kind of sounds like you're you're uh you're knocking down the uh the world record dream can't do it i am well i can't do it i'm sure i could if i grinded it oh do it what do you have to get like the right seed well yeah you have to get the right seat and then the right rng as well but it doesn't matter even if i did do it like people would just question whether or not i'm legit or not and then not question that the world record is held by someone who did it offline like true a 15 minute world record that's like insane with like insane luck is an offline run but then like live streamers get questioned they hate you because they hate you well i just think george going for under an hour or so it's a little ridiculous all right i want to see um he can get under an hour yeah i think you should do faster what me george i want you to get it under an hour if you think it's so easy i could i could have go ahead go ahead i will i'm in the nether at 9 minutes 46 what do you think about that big q he'll i'll do it i'll do it in uh i'll do that in eight minutes how much are you at i'm at ten jesus christ no i'm gonna win right now there's gonna be a fortress right around this corner as well no no there isn't it's going to be i'm gonna no where's the [ __ ] i'm gonna try a 15-minute run oh no i don't have gold where's the gold um there's nothing up here ah i fell you all the big it's so hard to get under 15 minutes i'm literally spawning be like the ender pearls and all right i'm just spawning this stuff in how is it so hard yeah that's pretty silly of you so this ender dragon is gonna be not gonna be a sweat man this is gonna be easy true where is this fortress is that it oh no it's a tree damn i can't believe you're not even gonna make it to an hour i'm gonna get this under an hour have one one day have you ever even they might be the ender dragon no i've never done it no no no neither i really haven't oh okay well i was joking i've been no you said you didn't which is just kind of weird well there's like a bunch of proof you're interested or for an mcc you can you can just go watch any of my videos i beat the game in most of them oh sorry sorry [Music] i think i could beat it if i tried yeah good record too i mean it's not hard to beat the game beating it in good time though is hard ah there's no fortress here yeah so i thought it was gonna be right around the corner it was and then dream ruined her is that true yes yes quackity it's true i'm dream oh okay i'm literally at a dead end you couldn't do you couldn't do stuff 15 sub 15 obviously not you couldn't do it oh my god why are you toxic i'm not toxic i'm just telling you the truth you just gotta get older you just gotta get older to make it we saw that as proof in the in today's mcc did we yep wait it's trending wait what was the trend again i forgot george's s t is trending can you call me you're making a twitter guy write descriptions for things you don't even remember can you confirm big q i'm not in america i can't check uh let me see uh yeah yeah you're trending what number is it what number it says hashtag george sister um what nine trying to get nine it does not say that it's right there oh george is esther looks like george's sister you have a sister george i don't know do i what's what's a what's the twitter description guy gonna gonna try for that george's sister was exposed today by dream team famous minecrafter george has a sister fans can't believe they're in awe there's nothing bad with that i'm not interested in number nine i'm actually not interested in it please really stop just stop the hot just stop the hashtag we might as well just end it like nine come on guys yikes ah oh wait there's also one called happy birthday ryan at 15. he's right over that and why is it that birthday today let me see let me let me investigate this for you i'm gonna blew by him what do you think about that literally nobody knows everyone's just saying happy birthday ryan whoever you are they literally don't know they're just doing it for the fun yeah that's crazy that's crazy i want a birthday too you'll get there eventually you ever have birthdays george i actually had one like two weeks ago really yeah i can't believe you didn't say happy birthday to me why didn't you tell me i can't believe you didn't say happy birthday i don't dwell famous birthdays i don't know everyone's birthday well it's your duty to know you should have called me you shoulda you should have given me a call so i hate you no that's the point i don't wanna i shouldn't have to call you you should know big q i don't i don't i don't congratulate anyone who's older than me you know why why i don't know it just doesn't feel right when i asked if you knew why i was i was trying to find out i have 100 endopol drop rate so far so this is pretty cool god it's a hundred percent with you 100 win rate 100 no you don't even have 100 percent rate which is funny i just got another i got another one that's five in here what if i donate the coin to me by the way i already have one you only get one coin even if you win multiple times what yeah it's a scam i know it really is what else are you getting for winning nothing nothing i got another ender pole what is going on i'm literally hacking i'm like 15. there's a bastion huh wait oh wait you still have your video to edit george you haven't ended your video yet what wait how long has it been i just realized that you just reminded me something that happened in that video and then i'm realizing that that's not even my video wait isn't it no oh no that okay that's okay you're right we haven't uploaded yours though we've recorded two videos for different people that haven't uploaded it oh am i the only one that likes like uploading a video when i have it um maybe it just takes time and yeah no quality is the same way have you edited your video big q yeah no yeah where's the minecraft video oh he does the same to you oh yeah he was like he was like when are you going to upload your video big queue he's like he's like you're like i was curious because well you are lazy recorded like a month before it uploaded then you're like you're like it's it takes a long time like i've ended these videos before like it's like crackhead editing like it doesn't it doesn't take like a month to do it no no no it takes a while to take something editing it's hard to take like bathroom breaks and everything jim doesn't understand like a million back like unless you're [ __ ] your pants every five minutes like you're probably gonna get it done no it takes a while look it's just hard hard to edit it's harder yeah there was there was like exactly there was like 10 different uh cameras and everything i had to let's be fair that is hard work yeah i was working with two countries and that's not framing and i had and it had someone to do the subtitling yeah it takes a while you know hello my favorite mcc winner this is your world and we're all just living in it that is so true that is so true congrats on your win let's go and you could do it as a broken nursing student i really hope you see this don't know love you lord thank you thank you you don't have to donate though wait when did we record that video and in the video that i'm talking about we recorded after like you're like two days after your video yeah i know and it'd be fair and frost has never edited a video so him taking a long time is excusable you taking a long time is not phil's in minecraft with the raid thank you felzer thank you very epic we won yeah i know listen it's it's hard to edit okay it's just okay listen to be fair you're lazy you're doing the exact same thing i literally told you i told you george let's put one hour aside let's share our screens let's edit and if we see the other ones slacking we'll call each other out but i was a good strategy at that moment in time i was tired and i didn't want to edit you stayed up for like eight more hours he's lying he's lying guys don't believe him thank you so much and if you don't accept it that means you're kind of lazy no no i just maybe i don't want to edit with you watching over my shoulder as well i'm not what i gotta edit too you know it's not just you is that sapnap yeah i thought you were going to wait what video did we even record george for your channel what video the one where we kept shouting at each other oh wait i don't know oh my god stop roasting me well you're dumb like you said you're gonna edit it like let me go i'm gonna check our message my search edit why are they doing this to me george this is rude on my mcc victory day as well what if you need to hire an editor hit me up i go to school for video editing um maybe i did yeah we never mentioned editing because you never tell me to do it and that's why i don't do it no you know i've said anything like a thousand but it's always me saying i'm editing my video today like you've never said editing i've never messaged you the word george george is gonna reclaim his spot as taking the longest well for sure you just take consistently like 20 days to edit your videos he takes consistently like 20 days george you told me you told me after i after i record a video i wait like a week to learn to let it marinate like oh i didn't i know i didn't say that i just okay that's just how it that's just like no no no actually i remember cracking and what's funny is you wanna hear something funny quacking was trying to convince george zanna too he was like hey yeah we just went over there we just went over this but also but also last time like when we recorded the video i told him i was like hey george if i'll record this video with you if you edit the video tomorrow and he was like he's like okay we'll record it we'll record it we'll record it i'll edit tomorrow he's like for the first time ever i'll edit the next day and i was like i'm like i'm telling you george it's so much easier you remember everything you can skim through it makes editing much easier and you can get the video up really soon and he's like all right fine i agree as long as you're recording right now i will edit the video tomorrow it's like two weeks since then it has been two weeks it's been like a week almost which is my normal speed i take a week and then i edit it i take a week of procrastination but like to be fair this wasn't really procrastination like i've actually done a lot more stuff this week than normally i just sit there and do nothing this week i've actually like streamed i've been in events i like actually i've had a fairly busy week like actually yeah how long does streaming take from you i just i don't know i just by the end of it i'm just tired i don't want to quack it you can't really talk but i mean i mean just let it leave it to the people who actually edit their videos very quickly i gave george i gave george and me and out like i gave him a strategy that could help us both and he doesn't want to he doesn't want to do it i didn't want to do it that one time because i was tired like i was tired so i didn't want it like if if we were both alcoholic and we were like alcoholic friends and i was like hey you know let's stop drinking if only one of them does it it doesn't it doesn't work out you know it's going to be like a team effort yes bree pruitt thank you for giving subs thank you so what do you say you want to stop this alcohol addiction i will edit but isn't it i need my time okay i need time alone like right now you should be editing right now i'm i'm streaming right now well you should just end it after mcc like why are you speed running now because i want to you're not even relatively good at speed like what's the point yeah you're already past 15 minutes yeah once a year past the world record just stop that where is the fortress in the sea there's there is no fortress this is a pretty bad ryan goggy don't let dream build you like this that's amazed this is why you don't say you love him but also must go to work now bye bye thank you for the donation yeah i will not even allow donators are going to work george see george i'll go to work eventually okay i will he's not you're not going to get your video tomorrow you're going to wake up you're going to like oh i did it later and then later it's going to come and then like then you'll be like and then i'm going to convince you to play cs go somehow and then you're just not going like i will edit it eventually it's fine it's gonna we'll get the video done dream let's go do my video i'll i'll edit it the same day that's not very last time i did it last time because your hats here yeah still did it let's oh test donate wait what someone tested a donation with 60 okay thank you thank you for the test donation it worked you can test it again whenever you want you can keep testing all your donations thank you for the donation though thank you so much what's the stupidest thing dream has said i need a senior what oh what um what is the stupid thing oh there was that one time i don't know if i did i tweet it i don't know like during a video you just like said something and like you like i had no idea what you said you were like oh yeah i was like like i don't even know how you would see me quote that but like he just like said like 10 different sentences in one go and none of them made sense did i tweet that i don't know that was just so dumb okay where is this fortress okay i give up on this seed i'm giving up you're going to speed around it again low k fortress that's just that's just i just wanted to see i just wanted to see 144 what are you typing dream oh sorry i just want to know what dream do you be typing tell us are you are you typing on the mcc reddit put sap nap and nest here well you should oh yeah where am i trending are you finished you finished in the top three one time congratulations i'm gonna do it six more times that's actually amazing then you'll match me is actually my second time apparently ryan is only passed away last december 12 2019 it's their birthday today well there we go it's explained also congrats goggy stand up you a meanie that sound is mean sounds mean oh they want you to sing a celebration song quackity what no i'm not i'm not what what do you want me to sing just a celebration song if you're watching celebration no i'm not i'm not their personal little clown i don't know just sing on command my jester my personal gesta that's true and it is your stream what is that man i can make you the tune and you'll sing it but i want to see i'm not going to sing it why not julie thank you oh they won't wait what huh huh you hate your fans i didn't say that you said that quackity hates his fans actually i'm pretty sure it's what george said no i mean that's why he can go back everyone held it sixty three thousand people heard it quackity said it that's kind of awkward yeah quickly said that why would i say that online did i actually okay that'd have been so awkward because i wouldn't have realized for so long why are you still speed running because i'm gonna get a world record i can relate to george so much i have piles of university assignments to do but i just can't be bothered exactly he's like it takes such a long time and like you never want to just like once i start editing the video i finish but like you never want to stop because you're like oh i'm going to be here all day editing this video but once you start and you're in the moment it's like okay i can do this but i don't know it just takes me like a week to actually start editing why don't you get an editor george why don't you get an editor because exactly yeah i don't know i like doing my videos the way that i do them because i don't know i feel like i'm a bit of a perfectionist with it i want to exactly one month per video it doesn't take me a month per video it feels like it feels like it that was funny thank you sorry george i'm gonna have to side with dream go edit your video wow everyone leave all right dream's over everyone leave no everyone's staying thank you guys so much for watching everyone click the following button and go get a friend to do the same i'm speedrunning i will speed run and i will win and i will get sub hour even if you do get seven hours this post on the subreddit since i had if i had a nickel for every time george picked up the first arrow after a lime shot it from the left side and killed fruit who couldn't see george because fruit was waiting to shoot with the second arrow have three nights i'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice you didn't do it you did someone else at another time that was crazy they were just sitting there letting me just shoot like fruit who's like like their best shooter by far yeah took him out just by doing that like that that would like that probably like honestly probably one you guys that would wait dream set did i win else mcc i think that you won your team mcc by that by that play which you've said it's true you killed i mean you killed fruit twice and for out of the four rounds that he was even alive that was crazy and he's like by far like he's one of the best dodgeball players like his percentages and everything that's crazy like i had the the intuition to be like oh look at him he's sitting there chilling let me just sw snipe and i just went and did it that was crazy like i couldn't believe my eyes when that happened i could not believe my eyes wow you actually made 3 000 people leave the stream guys the stream is not ending come back come back see you tomorrow i mean i i really want to team with captain again like it was a lot of fun like i think we had we had a good like duo and we really took over in some of the games and we didn't i feel like we didn't play the game i feel like he's he says he's not good at sky battle in some of the pvp games i feel like we'd do good together like i feel like he really had the sky battle i really wanted sky battle everyone was so dumb like how did what game got played bingo dude the lineup today the lineup for mcc today sucked in my opinion i agree things just went like i feel like the two games that there was three games that weren't played right and those three games i wish all of them were played like like rockets blue sucks i i hate it always that sucked and then bingo sucks no like i i was saying it during my stream i don't think anybody has chosen bingo in the last like five six mcc so how do they get chosen because because everyone threw chickens in the tag and they moved over to bingo oh yeah i really don't like bingo i popped off at the tag i like the time and the thing is what sucks about bingo is that like as an example because it's well there's two things one which affects individual score not team score like i got eight completions in bingo which is by far the best but i got the second least points in bingo it like tied with my team but like because we didn't do very well like like collectively as a team we didn't do very well actually i'm not sure how accurate i know i i didn't i didn't get many points for it but i think i think i might have gotten more than i'm saying i think i think our team actually ended up doing better but um and then like there's some games like that where it's like even if you pop off and you do extremely well like because it's a team based game if your team doesn't do as well it kind of drags you down a little bit like in some aspects i feel like our team just really didn't get the best games for our team you know i think if we had gotten the best games for our team we had team work together we would have done better possibly yeah i already i feel like you guys got like really good games for your teams your team yeah we had decent games yeah old people love bingo you have to go you have to go watch my perspective i didn't like bingo we didn't we came ninth in bingo i'm pretty sure yeah i didn't like bingo don't think you're old yes yeah they should remove bingo honestly and then it was like it's like such a basic thing it is boring it's like it's boring i feel like it's it's it's so it's rng can you get iron in village village chests oh only the blacksmith yeah and the blacksmith so if you get three iron it's a resound you get a bucket and i think acacia villages but i have a bucket well i have three iron um yeah i don't think that's a blacksmith how much well you can trade you can do a cod trade where you get emerald you trade um you get emeralds and you trade you make a whatever to trade for a bucket fisherman thing do you guys like parkour attack yeah i thought yeah that was fun that was fun i didn't do as good as like way more beneficial to be a runner than a seeker if you're good at parkour yeah i think so too but the problem is again in that one like i feel like the reason like i i feel like i popped off but i mean again this is no offense to my team but i feel like my team on runners they were getting like literally i think mighty i was i was the last one alive every time but my team was out in the first like 15 seconds every time both of my other teammates and then i'm trying to run around for the last like 45 seconds like if they if the team can just survive for like 30 seconds then it makes it much easier for you to to live longer i feel like having a good team is really important in in parkour tag because like i just think the tagging range was like too far was that just me oh well yeah tommy like there was one time where i don't know how tommy hit me but i guess maybe he was closer than i thought but well you don't you can just you can be pretty far and still like hit people you have to hit them once so yeah yeah yeah i think like i think like three or four i think i think it could have been good i think i think it could have been good but they gave there was so little points like so little points for getting stuff yeah yeah you get more points for killing people you need to get more points for killing people and you get more points for surviving and how i thought it worked which i think is a the better version is that as soon as you um as soon as you got like you got all the people on the other team it ended like you had to be the first person to get all the person on the team and then whoever survived that long like i feel like if it would have worked that way it would have been so much better because then if you if you manage to make it so much more strategic where you're picking your hunters and your speedrunners like if you picked your hunter imagine i got everyone out and then you know there's still three members on my team alive like that's a lot of points so if i so we prioritize like getting everyone out before and then as soon as everybody's out then it's uh it's over before the 60 seconds it'd be cool i think with like a slightly bigger map as well because it gives you i don't know i feel like it gives you more chance to just yeah i think everything was pretty hard to survive a long time but like some of the yeah i don't know yeah it was hard to survive a long time but like there was one time i was five seconds away from getting all the way to the end and then there was twice where there was one time where i just totally screwed up my jumps i feel like i would have lived like very long if i didn't um my strategy was running to the left and going to the very top and then there's like you can just evade oh in the back left corner yeah yeah i went up there every round oh and then whenever someone comes you jump to the other pillar like the other tower that's next to you and then you can jump from there and they won't be able to catch you i survived i think i lived the i got first and i've been well how many times did you like live like like three or four times really yeah you didn't get that many did you hunt at all uh i hunted twice and then i didn't work did you those two times did you get them at all did you get them before the other team did i think so uh i don't know actually about that i know because i'm saying we were pretty close in points and i only i only survived one once well i i hunted three times and i got them all three times before the other team every all everybody and then i i did the other six i i was running and one of those i made it to the end and um or maybe two i think it was only one though there's no hay bales in this entire village no i definitely thought hunter should get more points for tagging people because the hunter's essential like objective is making sure the other teams don't get like plenty points i think for just like being one hunter against like three people should get i don't know yeah points for that i feel like i think a hunter should get more points and i feel like it would be good imagine it just ended when you when if whoever gets like the people out all the people out first it ended then so you didn't have to survive the whole 60 seconds you said to survive until your hunter killed everybody because then and then you get bonus points if you survive that long because then instead of having to ride six seconds every time you don't have to survive that long you only have to survive as long as your other teammates are all alive so then it becomes so it kind of naturally balances itself because like 60 seconds it's kind of hard to survive yeah but it is it'll naturally bounce itself by like comparing how long you survive to the other teams you know so i feel like that would just make it so much more fun like so much more fun you i almost seen a 4v1 in battlebox i killed the last thing i was 4v1 i killed three people i didn't i had such a bad box i mean i did okay in battle blocks but i feel like it's i feel like just my team because we i feel like we have some people that were very um like i think spicy because he's kind of he's kind of new like there's certain games he's very really good at there's certain games he's not so good at because he's new and he's and michael's not new but he's kind of a he's in a similar way where like he has some certain games he's very good at and in certain games he's not good at and the ones we were getting were the ones that i feel like they weren't very good at and so it's hard to like in battle boxing example if you had if if we didn't perform that well and so because it ended up being like 2v 2v1s kind of most time whenever i was whenever i was going to fight people and so i did end up getting as many kills like could have because i just got blind thank you thank you for gifting subs thank you so much first in battle box as well george i'm bored what should i do other than watch your stream um after battle box i was first on the leaderboard thank you uh sky battle i believe i didn't but no one read the tweet and it was like the least voted was gonna win and by that point we had gotten everyone to vote for the game we wanted oh yeah what game was it um what the one that won or the one we wanted the one you wanted i literally told my whole stream i was like everyone vote for bulma vote for bill maher yeah no no no no i said the opposite i said don't vote whatever you do don't vote for build mart um so like i didn't because i didn't realize it was the opposite way and everyone was like okay let's vote for bulma and then they realized oh wait it's the opposite way and i was like oh yeah don't forget bingo my team wanted bingo why do they want bingo i don't know i have no idea what's gonna be in the nether i was like excited for it and i have no idea how like to get anything in the in the new like updates of the nether so i was like [ __ ] i didn't really like that ace race map it just felt really enclosed and i kept hitting my head on stuff like i was what's up george my main man goggie my broski you absolutely popped off today let's go you're the ultimate s tower oh dude i always hate these pogba's yes where are you going on the hillside like the one where you have to like whack the fans at the end oh yeah oh you have to go watch my perspective on the elytra flight one george please say hello i don't even know what happened there like if you go back and watch my perspective i was going i was trying to like slow down i feel like i think i was glitched or something but i was trying to slow down and um and i was just zooming and somehow like i didn't hit anything you watch me i'm like navigating the hell out of that i literally got to the end without like any mistakes i don't know i don't know how like are the electro's custom in that game mode it's just i feel like it's different like you can control it the same but it's cut but it's like it's i don't think so i don't know but i got all the way to the end right and then i missed the platform and i couldn't find a way up i didn't realize there was a staircase on the other side so i lost like so many places yeah two of my two of my teammates missed the platform and then like took a little bit that was the most annoying thing yeah um dream podcast please this is a dream podcast this is the dream podcast everyone just keep talking dream this is the podcast what should i talk about give me a subject i'll talk about it um talk about denny's george winning mcc george won mcc he popped off he got 12th place he played amazingly he he's the reason they won dodgeball he took out the best player two out of the four rounds he hit a lot of shots his percentage was probably really high he popped off he played amazingly and um he got back-to-back wins and now he's going to go for a triple which has never been done before never done before never been done before he had to make me a new coin yeah he has a chance he has a chance to do it um unless they they put him with uh with uh i don't know it was zapped up then he has no chance but i played good but if they put him with carl he's 100 chance which means like he'll definitely yeah no he'll never lose that streak like impossible someone donated said kaka that's just offensive i'm kidding it's not but what does it mean i thought it just meant poo it means yeah it means poop because it's such an ugly word everyone needs to say that you know there's this footballer called kaka like k-a-k-a and everyone would like it was like a meme like 10 years ago probably yeah he actually played on orlando um he played in orlando orlando city i have been to atlanta city games and i've seen him in person and i i didn't meet him but like i've like i've like been really close to him wow you're close with a cacka i know you're really close to him as well aren't you yeah yeah yeah you did a great job george thank you thank you yeah hello one more word you know no that's it all right well done on the win was winning if people respond to a prime message on twitter i will check it out can't guarantee a response but i will see let me write down that okay got it um i'm not having good luck on these speed runs damn i guess you should add it my four favorite people all together can you stand up quietly and dream each say i love you heather i don't know can me can we i love you heather oh dream center i said it's happening i'm trying to tell me where she gets to eat first she'll get some cake oh yeah that's dream never mind it's taco bell wait a dream jim just left i wow i thought you were gonna help me wow another ice spike bomb that's two yeah get taco bell that's wet i don't like taco bell what about chipotle chip potter good denny's [Music] that's no that's what dream wants um wow i should be editing right now and i don't want to he should be editing but he's not there could be a big q episode out tonight but there's not going to be because he's not out tonight honestly i mean it could be if you let's make a bet let's make a bad joke i don't want to make a bat because i'm going to worry that no no no no you don't it doesn't involve you at all okay what's the bet with me i that i have to release my video tomorrow tomorrow the one you weren't invited to yeah yeah big q didn't invite me to this video yeah yeah yeah i didn't know you wanted to be in a big cube can i be in the video sure you of course just send me a few like clips and i'll add you to it like i'll find a way to just integrate into the video just just make your own taco at home and eat it and that's it you can get taco bell and pretend you made it yeah that's how integrating this is my first donation goggles thank you that is goggas i like goggers don't say that don't say that george tell quackity he's my favorite and he did so good this mcc yeah he did so good he came he came absolutely he came third third was he did so good actually no we did get we did get top ten yeah top ten and you you were a top 40 player that that's right hey up top man yeah yeah nice nice work big q next time next time i'm gonna i'm gonna specifically ask to be put with you no no no no please yeah no no you don't want the george triple back to back to back to win to happen yeah yeah yeah and i'm gonna help you get there i don't it's gonna be so great george we're gonna have a lot of fun this is gonna be an awesome mcc please and i'm finally gonna get a coin george this is this is the greatest news of my life i'm gonna suck i'm gonna go talk to scott major right now no no don't message him that don't message him what george i think we could have i mean as much as i want a team with you i actually don't because i want to win we're gonna win we're gonna win i'm gonna practice so hard i'm gonna practice and we're gonna have a fun time it's it's a double it's a two birch one stone george what do you say no you know what i'm not gonna wait for what you have to say i'm gonna tell scott that we both agree no no i did not agree i literally didn't agree george it sounds like you're reluctant to it i am reluctant sadness you would team with me right oh for sure yeah absolutely do you see george i guarantee you if you message if you message him and say that george agreed he's not even going to ask her i guarantee i'm all messed up i'm telling you quickly i didn't guarantee you i guess oh my god this is going to be great george george i'll see you next time no oh maybe i'll just to say if he teams me with quacks he'll just be like oh i can't play i'll be there next time i'm playing a rocket sweep i wouldn't mind playing with you if i wasn't on a two-win streak you will be on a win streak it's gonna be great george all right look we need me and dream to team again that's what we need no that's the last thing we need dream can you make george you're stuck now for the rest of time you're never playing mc without quackery he's on your team yeah not scottish he'll you do it you might as well get it over with yeah scott just said something he's got already set up he has to nerf you but then i can't play i'm gonna message no i am the nerf i am the one who i have to do to get jim on my team i'm gonna let's say scott what do i have to do to get george on my team i'm leaving a message about that right now messaging scott what do i have to do george i can already imagine how much fun we're going to have i mean i'm sure would be fun but i want to win i love it i don't want fun i want to wait who said we're not going to win i don't want fun i won't win we're not going to have fun then we're just going to win i don't want fun i want to win well it's going to be great i'm so happy ah i need food this is like a good seed but there's no food and there's no gravel i need gravel george what place were you in cc first no no no like what individually 12 12. yeah you're good enough honestly if if scott put you and me together alone we would we would make it like anyone else is just expert at that point well you think we'd win me and you yeah just you and me alone i don't know about that no i do know about that i don't think that's how it works i think statistically speaking statistically speaking we could be the first double team like the first two-person team ever i think statistically speaking only 22 percent of viewers right now are following the stream so click the follow button right now wait aren't you ending the stream right now no i'm not bye guys thank you for giving subs the stream is not ending don't listen to time now bye guys last oh my god stand up he'll be starting tomorrow i won't be streaming tomorrow georgia will be uh he let's go edit by chat the the stream is not ending don't know george is really the stream is this one is not ending don't worry guys i need to edit goodbye are you actually there i mean no no you said that no you said say bye bye guys bye guys that was this is the stream is not ending the stream is not ending the stream is not ending hello my name is george i have two bye guys see you guys tomorrow awesome dude streaming by the way if you guys want to go and stop there and said stop i'm streaming i'm streaming new video coming up labs open so if you want to go sub to sap on twitter no stream to george i mean sub to george you guys my stream is open i'm about to view it i'm about to mute into solo stream i don't need you guys guys quickly someone subbed to savannah right now no one stopped to stop now he won't read your name it's up to me and i'll read it out i'll read it i'll read it out you can actually donate too wait george you should ban him from the teamspeak should i why okay you know what's crazy someone has your stream in the background and these they see the chat saying bye and they're like oh okay oh my god this stream is not ending keep underscore oh my god i'm banning you oh there it goes 10 million years he's been bad whoa a sharpness for bug that's pretty rare why is there no iron in here it's a big queue ending stream no i'm not ending the stream guys don't listen the stream is not ending don't say oh my god is talking in my chat thanks for this congratulations on your back-to-back win goggles plus dream two-mil and sound popped off did he pop off though oh he did he came third he did all right i guess also it's my birthday so we're celebrating thank you liza eliza i think that's right it might be lisa but it's dessert so it's liza like liza stop subbing to sapnap no when dream first came in the corn and screamed my bird also screamed and broke my arrow key enraged what wait i need you back here george could you what what never mind happy birthday renee happy birthday look who's subbing kenzie lethal skies they're all sobbing right now that could be you okay how do i ban sapnap ban sapnap wait are you silencing your viewers dude did i do it are you sciencing your videos you're trying to abandon doesn't exist what do you mean oh because i spelled stamina wrong that would make sense ah oh did i ban him george that's kind of messed up that you're trying to um i think i banned your viewers did i ban him why did you stop because i almost died to a creeper minus uh 10 251. okay the lava pulls right over this way this is gonna be a big dub i'm gonna win i'm gonna spawn in the fortress can you believe samurai just sold out like that george it was gonna be a surprise but don't you dare book the next mcc day because you and me we're it's gonna be it's gonna be a great time my god i don't know if i want a team with you big q no no i i've decided you do i've decided you do oh it's your decision yep oh that's true i forgot you make up my mind three wins in a row that's gonna be crazy that's gonna be crazy you know you know what you know what i would tell scott i would tell scott yo you don't want you don't want this guy's like egos to get a hit to his head you need you need someone like me to level the field ah it's for your own good you're pretty cool thank you oh that's a 60 donation thank you thank you that's a big a lot of money that's a lot thank you thank you so much oh come on you don't have to lie to them george no so george my question to you is what would it take for you to be willing to team with faculty would it take like me and technoblade or something or like what would be the yeah i'll team with you technically and quietly i'm gonna ask scott right now yeah you can ask him no i'm not gonna ask him it's gonna be a demand oh true you got to demand things around here someone donated and said sub to sapnab wait it was sadnap sadness donated to me wait how do i do this i've messed this up this is so honked up this is like the most scuffed portal scott under mutual agreement the next team wrote what's it called roster roaster what's it called rose rooster yes rooster i think the next team rooster yeah rooster i believe is the pronunciation his dream blade blackity plus george not found i'm gonna put george not found in quacking like parenthesis parentheses yeah nice okay i have a portal we haven't even asked technoblade but you know what that wants to play with the message has gone george okay it's a diana thank you for giving subs thank you um i need gravel like i literally need gravel that's all i need scott said i ain't signing that why not look i will level the field i'm not even that good quakers he came 38th and dream's like all right and tegno's alright so we can play because dream and techno ain't playing in the team what i need what do i say gravel let me out i'm just going to say dream integrity i'm just going to say i will weigh them down oh my god 38th today oh my god i just memed them i mean the zombies let's go okay okay let's go oh dream isn't here george what should i tell scott so he can put dream and techno blade together i don't know get dream back and he can help he can help he's good at negotiating okay okay hi george i decided to shoot myself on instagram and it's very cringy you should think about answering maybe uh i whoa there's two endermen here uh i'll check out your um what quackity send him a screenshot of your bank account balance why just do it okay wait is it supposed to be high or low no high high high if it's not high then edit it okay okay if you're poor just make more money okay i'm done get paid for my smile like you george oh my god wait oh barbara's heart is that like obama gifted five subs thank you oh no my paypal is at zero what should i change it to oh this is not good um 100 000 million that's not that much money though oh this is gonna get him for sure go away the enemy you want to rethink this perfect perfect perfect wording oh no it's not raining there goes my enderman it's gonna be this is gonna be so fun here she's gonna get three wins in a row wait where's my portal he said he said you can't buy me you can buy with a fake paypal it's not fake oh i forgot to you forgot to edit it i forgot to add so on the bottom it says usd the real amount was too big i had to make it believable all right it's very true the real amount was too big i had to make it believe it was so smart again coming up with these solutions on the fly is just such a solutioner yeah yeah it's your cousin onto my click on his feet heck i haven't received a text from my cousin i'm sorry you must have the wrong cousin congratulations love you guys thank you jada thank you dream the deal breaker here is that he doesn't want to put you and techno together we gotta get around that we gotta we still gotta make it but what do i say you do something dream fix it he picks it fix it just say drifter will play instead yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there's no way there's no way you can turn that down there's no way he can't dream said jarista will play instead of him oh my god why is hashtag free snap nap happening we don't need to free him he was he was causing mayhem he was trying to get everyone to leave the stream that's bad sign up is being jailed for his sins and it's fair he got a 10 minute timeout he will be back from 10 minutes of his termination watch watch scott kick me out of mcc altogether for this [ __ ] hi doggy it's nog cougar again i think that's how you pronounce it um with the sim donation congrats on the win and also tell dream and quackity hello for me i love you all thank you thank you they say hello i'm gonna say hello back who said hello nagakuga zero to what cougar naga dog what's up dog what dog dog no i banned sound off from the twitch chat because he was promoting himself which is disallowed but he's temp banned you don't want to see you don't want to see him succeed i don't know i'm in my twitch chat um i love all your videos and keep doing what you're doing thank you razer thank you wow sir did you not get taught no means no i'm telling you scott's going to kick me out all together from now no you just have to have belief just believe he's getting mad he's getting mad i'm going to say i'm just gonna send a gif of george no one can say no to that okay this is a bastion justin obama here watching him win a great job thank you who is this just message him again tomorrow and tell him you're gonna message him every day because no expires after 24 hours true obama i like obama this is just going to end bloody for me i just sent him a gif of george okay i'm going to say it in the chat we can renegotiate he's been freed he has been freeing frein is that a word free he's been foreign he's been freed no he's been freed that's the word um george i just want to say first hand thank you for for being so willing to team with me the next time cc yeah i mean if i think this goes to show i will i think this goes to [ __ ] no i think this goes to show to everyone what a nice person you really are i really am nice yeah this is so dumb how do i get down there i'm gonna die can you believe that me and george are gonna team next mcc he's so nice isn't he he is [Music] if he weren't that would make him like a massive jerk but i'm just glad he's he's not well what well did he say something to you he messaged me what did he say he said i don't want a team with quacking he sucks oh i didn't say that that's what yeah that's what he messaged me at this point i haven't opened discord he's lying where is the fortress i don't think i would lie to you where is your heart oh my god someone's lying to you someone's a liar oh so you will team with me with techno blade in dream yeah no no no you should you should be one of the team with quacking regardless of who your teammates are one is just one he's he said well scott major told me sir george is one i'm not sure what makes you think he could be on dream's team ooh scott major wants you to lose george why does he just want me to lose what if i was with a dream okay no no no no this is no this is a this is a roster it's going to be you me fondy and nia chew what do you think george wait it's gonna be awesome me you fondy and nia uh you're gonna be such a fun little team nah i'm all right wait how about this this is your team george this is your team next fcc you quackity lauren and nietzsche what do you say george [Laughter] there's the dumbest idea i've ever had what why dumb what makes it seem different this is a poor idea listen listen we put george carl quackety and i don't know what about just the three of us george me you and carl would be so fun and we'd get views because we would be the first ever we would be the first ever three people team that is true if you don't accept it i don't know what you will accept i just want to play with you george yeah george i'm an st player i can't play with you it says george is esther dude i was i really just want to play with you wait is there a description yet for it did the twitter guy write the description no george honestly i just wanted to play with you but if you if you actually like think i'm like that shitty then that's fine oh my god no that's no no no no no no i guess look i want to win like if you actually think of that of me that way then no he does he doesn't no no dude no seriously for reals like if you think i'm that bad at the game then whatever i guess yeah i understand it i guess no i mean really statistically let's just think about it you did come 38th yeah no yeah no i guess i'm just mad at this if i were you i guess i wouldn't want a team with me either really george you you are a jerk truly george you honestly don't even feel bad man i understand i'm just not yes yes you want your third win and you're not going to get it with me so i understand i guess i wish i just wish it would have been like more straightforward about it rather than just like playing around and yeah i mean yeah and pretending he would team with you though no i would team with you yeah he was just beating around the bus i would i would do that team i really i literally got my hopes up so you don't even like want me at all if it were you dreaming techno you'd be fine with it so yeah i get it i get it it's fine george don't worry i guess i guess i just won't be playing next mcc it's a clock if you are amazing don't don't listen to this uh goggy person thanks thanks snap now you're you're so nice it's just george doesn't understand like what i had in mind like i actually was expecting so much from us no there is there is george is congrats thank you puns have you seen the trend george it's esther george not found fans are giving the minecraft youtuber the ultimate praise after he won two games in a row in the minecraft championships i mean it's slightly inaccurate i won two minecraft championships not two games in a row in fact we actually won like almost all the games this mcc but we don't talk about that so puns yes how did you find your first mcc uh i had a lot of fun um the game order was quite interesting but it was a lot of fun uh only also only one pvp game it was the first one um which was interesting as well but i had a lot of fun with it yeah that was pretty fun you did you you guys did great your team was amazing we went ham hamburglar i'm bogla yeah we actually did go hamburglar you oh also i look at the scores you got 10 more coins than i did george you did better than me congrats thank you yeah i mean i'm better than puns i told you scott major was going to remove me all together from the from the next mcc he said he said he said i mean who knows you might not even be in the december events he just he's just me damn you just got dunked on yeah oh george and it's like your fault oh stop blaming it on me like literally i'm not gonna be in the m next time to see because of you if you had accepted i wouldn't have messaged scott and i would be in the you'd be in the next instance now i'm not even gonna yeah oh come on now i think scott's gonna make your team trash george so you don't get three in a row no i want three i need three in a row has anyone has anyone done three in a row yet i don't think so you'd be the first i lied i'm not your cousin there's only one person with three wins one person with three wins ever i don't even know here so if i win he just said that and then meet it again wait i think he's eating wait who has three wins three me torture h-bomb so if i win this next round i'm gonna have three in a row and second that will tied first for the most wins damn you should invest in an editor so we can see more your videos also get a pr manager for all the simps george that's crazy you really you really not only cost me my dignity cost me the next time cc oh my god i didn't do anything i did nothing george is just ridiculously just rude damn you're not even gonna like guys do you see you got second place in parkour tag i because you know i saw who did me it was me i got it oh you a second overall yeah who got first um crap to be fair i feel like that makes sense to me i think that it's in parkour warrior parkour tag is very like oh it seems poor but it's very it's so team oriented like yeah i really understand how the coins worked for that i was very i was like i was like i got second like as an example i i i lasted so long when i was a runner but my team got out so quickly that i just couldn't like if if if we were had like a better yes i don't want to say it in a mean way if um if we i feel like if we had played like let's say next time because now we've already seen it our team would have done better yeah i really i don't know who got first in parkour tech was it you yeah yeah it was me did you actually we were one and two wow i can't know who you know who got fourth let me guess in this dream cause me hits me oh we're all just insane actually like 31st or something i didn't do that well actually we're all just insane i guess at parkour tag but i mean i won so doesn't matter well i mean don't cry because i want something what i mean there you gotta carry the dodgeball i'll let him get a dog i didn't get carried i came 12. i mean i mean come on guys sounds bullying me you know guys me and george are teaming up next time cc how much on the stream i will not do that i'm sorry george you wouldn't do it for a million dollars maybe okay maybe i would george would you would you team with me for a million dollars no [Laughter] wow i'll donate you a million dollars if you twerk on stream right now you don't have a million dollars oh is that that's here now after that or no problem you're just gonna say no because he hates me no i'm esther i said you're definitely not ester i said check you're you're definitely close if you're like can play consistently true true that's what matters hey go get congrats on winning mcc i'm just raising people first thank you can you tell grace and all i know is that my team this week basically this is like almost identical to your team from actually like my team statistically was worse this week than your team when you teamed with kevin sparkles and i performed better than you did i carried in standard time where was your team who was on your team other than captain michael and spifey and they finished uh 36th and 37th captain did got you in uh the captain popped off i think he's swifty's new and and michael's he's a little rusty like he didn't play the last like two events so and also there's a bunch of new games the ace race map messed me up i was not prepared for that all i know is i got crappy game modes that i don't really like and i still got a third i got rocket sleeve which i am i actually did pretty good in rockets i got third in one of the things somehow you got most of the good games for your team no how you didn't get build more build more your team probably would have been worse that i'm so glad we didn't get bildemont george who performed what [Music] that was so dumb i hated that people were just dumb and they just threw their chickens right if that didn't happen we would have got like some rival games or something yeah oh i wanted sky battle i wanted a game so far i also wanted skype battle but to be fair like we probably would have been better off without sky battle like sounds of time i don't think so you're just like the time if you like in opposition i would have wanted sky battle but i only reason i didn't want it at the last game was because we we had already played bingo and my team did poorly at bingo because we were already so far ahead like we just have to have like an average bingo sucks can they please remove bingo that's all i want in my life bingo is the only reason george's team [ __ ] won no it's literally the only reason your team won yeah that's actually true wait how i'm telling you bingo is made for old people that was an easy one for you that's why you need me you need me to level the field george i feel like bingo is just the only game in mcc where it's like 99.9 percent rng dude that you hit the trade for stuff that was so difficult that was even more done because that's like even more in here it was so dumb i was i couldn't get any good trades that i wanted i didn't find a piglet for me neither yeah i didn't like it and i had like i had like three stacks of gold because i go into a bastion huh and you didn't get it yeah i didn't i don't like bingo they should just remove bingo there's like another game i don't really like oh rock sleeve was interesting fundy we did so good at that he came first like twice right oh do you guys see me pop off and hole in the wall oh yeah i i finished first and holding the wall twice as well dude i think are they actually gonna make it harder like there was 11 people that finished it it was crazy why did everyone do so well i don't know that last one was easy i did so i think i was doing really well but i still i got like 8th and then 18th 18th i thought i was doing really good though but i just everyone else was doing better i got like 20 something and then one and one i was i got second whole do you see fruit berries like he he like cuts his team got like bottom 30 and then he just got first no like in general oh like you got first oh really yeah and i think like pearl got like 30th and then cub got like up there and then another person got up there or whoever was on their team i don't know it was like it was crazy breezy yeah crazy my friend me on twitter told me to donate tell to tell wait tell them completely one on one hole in the wall i did pretty well on that i had the goagie flag you had the googie if i we couldn't tell whose flags were whose because like it was lime and green yeah especially if you're colorblind that wouldn't help that doesn't help did that did that affect your choice george for your game what do you mean like like were the colors the same to you and and let's say i don't i don't want this to come across rude in your eyes that is so rude big queue come on now i messed up oh i get it i get it like you think i was mean to you slightly and then you just have to go do that to me is that right listen george no no no i forgive you because we're going to team up next next time cc come on it's gonna be great that was unacceptable no i think that was completely out of the way well i mean was i wrong i'm gonna go cry i can't believe you've done this listen we'll settle we'll settle we'll settle it when when you and i team up next mcc all right when i would even like i don't have a team with you now what no you do i don't think i do i think based on the rules i don't have if we're together in the next mcc george i'll pay pal you 500 but that's 500 doesn't get me the the win in mcc it could i mean it could but like if we pay it to the right people even okay okay realistically though even if i weren't in a team with you i don't think scott would put you like in a good team next next mcc he has to he has no choice who who would be like your prefer preferred team to like get that third win next next mcc i like dream techno and you that's a good team no you like dreaming techno like genuinely what would be your preferred team realistic realistically i don't know i mean all the teams are always like as even as they can be so like i don't know i don't think it will matter we'll just have to wait and see what they choose all right fair enough what i'm saying so you're just saying you're just gonna win by the fault i guess like i'm just too good all right good for you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but i think we should still be together you want to be together together yeah yeah big q yeah yeah wow and we'll win mcc 13. wow big q what you want to be together oh yeah yeah big q what come on now what you know we can't be together big q why not come on big q why not what are you talking what are you talking about what you don't like me you hate me yeah he does he told me what yeah for reals yeah for real wait what do you keep like stabbing my heart man like what do you get like an enjoyment out of this getting enjoyment out of this he's getting enjoyment out of lying to you i i've never lied to you up to this point it seems like you're the only one who's lied to me george that is true that's true right he didn't lie there did he george i don't know that's true i think that is a lie now he might not be a lie it's just misinformed he's just wrong if you actually get three wins in a row you're gonna i'm gonna be for sure you cannot keep playing mcc like after that i'll just quit that's fine yeah literally just if you get that third win you have to retire i'll retire is that a deal yeah i'll retire if i get three in a row a hundred percent i will you'll never play in an mcc i will never play again three in a row i shall retire unless they put me on a team with big q take my blade and dream then i'll play again for one more round well i already tried that george i won't try it again yeah try harder no no i don't think i should no that is a bad idea just try it what's the worst thing to come out about yeah you know what the you know what the worst thing could come out exactly nothing yeah you know what you know what i'm really going to push on it i want to be in your team all right that's fine go for it but it's just going to be me and you dream and techno are the equation i don't know if they are i think we need them is his dream here he's not even here oh he's fully gone oh he's he's muted i mean i gotta go i gotta go now oh it's your bedtime isn't that time-lapse okay good night somehow have you ever listened to my chemical romance panic at the disco or fallout wait were you asking us george or were you asking a donation they were asking me no were you asking your chat or us well the donation was asking me and i was reading out loud why would you do that you made me think like you were talking to me you keep leading me on in these like subtle ways that that i just don't appreciate come on thank you i think puns and sadnap can can relate to how mean this is can they can you relate guys i can can you relate i wasn't listening what you say oh he can't relate what do you say just say yes i don't know what he said oh he's leading us on i'm pretending to be your friend how am i leading you on you're leading me on bro you're being silly now puns i mean quackity i'm about to get a sub 20 minute run if you can get a faster time to me i'll give you a thousand dollars what's your record 28 50 something i've never been the ender dragon i'll beat it quicker though once i get a good seed but yeah 28 right now i'll beat it quicker once i get once to get a good seed yeah obviously george what he want me to beat the ender dragon right now what can you help me beat the ender dragon right now no i'm in a speedrun yeah we can just do it together why are you trying to avoid me you're literally trying to avoid me i'm not you you hate me you hate me i am so sick of this i'm so sick never hate you i could never you called me the other day you called me stupid and you hung up like what's up with that did he spit on you as well that's he spit on me he's lost yeah good on me no yeah george does that that doesn't happen i asked i asked for his number and you know what he gave me he gave me a number missouri could you give me a walmart number from missouri george i didn't do that but then give me your real number right now we gave you a walmart in missouri that's what yeah he literally did i i told him hey i yeah yeah that's true yeah wait how do i keep messing this up what is wrong with me where'd you put the thing oh my god go wait where'd you put it you gotta uh oh you've done it that's like just so wrong like wait where'd you put it so wrong you that that l-shape thing you need to move it back one into the left one like that why does that look so weird to me yeah and then you put the water why does orange you know what's you know what's awesome me why is everybody gonna be about you george i know i know i'm sick and tired of this george didn't congratulate you know quacky on getting you know top 40 and he didn't congratulate me i'm getting top three it's just all about george you know what else he didn't congratulate my team for getting top ten like what's up with that george never congratulates anyone else and it's just sickening you keep doing this george like what dude just be honest if you hate me i'll leave the team speak right now why do you always do this george why do you guys always do this well i'd like to do this why do you always act like i'm why something no i'm so qui avoiding the question why do you always do this george why do you want me to leave the team stick i'll leave it right now i don't want you to leave no quackity we'll just go george can sit here and talk to puns about speedrunning yeah yeah yeah well well we we reminisce and talk about the good times we had in mcc today yeah oh my god and we'll congratulate each other because george yeah congratulations you know what i don't even need to leave i'll congratulate you right now savnap congratulations for top three you're amazing quackity congratulations on top 40. you really performed amazing today i i really tried i really try and i'm glad you recognized how much i tried no greatness recognizes greatness ah all the time all the time you know what i don't congratulate one one singular member from the from the top one which quite frankly i think was a little rigged you know my team zap now did you know my team was gonna get first place and but they kept counting like green lantern what was your team's name george green guardians green guardians they they kept counting their their coins and sounds of time no yeah they kept doubling them i saw that that was a weird glitch that literally did not happen yeah what maybe it didn't happen it didn't happen it definitely happened literally i saw it happen no i saw what happened my own eyes what are you calling us all iron george it's two against one that's true we we do have the upper hand here he's so hurt by all the lies you can tell yeah you could hear it in his scream no george i'll tell you this all right i'll tell you one thing tell me if we don't if we don't if we aren't together in the next mcc it's official and i want your entire chat to heal to hear this wow now you're making fun of my mispronunciations you know english is not my first language right you know i make mistakes right george that's so messed up anyways if we don't match in the next mcc your chat hears it here first you hate me you despise me and you wish i died all right all right we've heard it let's see what happens next that's honked up you can't say that you said it you literally just said it that was you who said it damn i i your your your chats should start demanding an apology for me i think that's what they should do from you should be like george say george apologize say sorry gogi say sorry wha what am i saying sorry for for saying that you want me to die i never said that you [Music] why do you do this look chat you understand what they're doing they're just trying to make me look bad you all heard what happened you heard the conversation oh man we're just trying to find some sympathy what should i get for eat i've just been using my wood pickaxe even though i have a stone one george i need to speak to you later you can speak me now no i need to speak to you later when you finish your stream yeah we need to speak in private jokes yeah yeah well we need an intervention do we hey samnap do you have any videos to edit um i actually don't damn why don't you go off and record one sure i'm i'm always down to record with sadness the nice person as well yeah but with george not found i don't know about that yeah i used to i used to say yes now i don't know yeah i mean obviously like what you're just gonna like he's just so rude you like one why would you know do you know what he told me the other night he's like why didn't you invite me to your new video recording and i said i didn't know you wanted to be in it and he said [ __ ] you i did not he literally said that to me i didn't know he says he always says the meanest things yeah yeah i wasn't going to say the word i was just going to say but slandering george you're ending the stream right now right bye everyone stop saying that i'm not ending the stream oh my god you guys are the worst to stream with that's not true that's not you streamed with me before and i've given you plenty of content george oh it's continued you know did you know that one clip of me dying and you laughing at me dying got like so many likes on tick tock how many likes i got like a hundred thousand likes oh but i'm sure that doesn't mean anything to you no no no some people posted it but i'm sure that doesn't matter to you because you're a millionaire you get like millions of likes i'm a tick-tock millionaire in terms of likes you see my new tech talk guys it banged it has 10 million views he's always just flexing yeah he's just flexing guys go check out my tech talk it's joe's not found he's always just flexing i mean you can flex a 10 million video on tick tock it's all it's disgusting that's a flex you can you know what i said last night i literally told him george i gotta sleep early because i gotta catch a bus in the morning he's his boss oh my just listen so quickly so i told george last night sorry bro good night i'll talk to you later man love you and he said he said shut the f up he's making this up it was really honestly just pretty disgusting don't believe them guys don't believe them they're making dude did i tell you about the time that a burglar got into my house and my only emergency contact was george so i called him and i told him george there's a guy in my house i need help you know what he told me he said he said talk to me have me as your emergency contact when you get over 10 million views on tick tock and hung up and i literally lost a leg i literally can't walk anymore do you think that's funny you think that's funny george that is funny is all just a joke to you george i can't even speak to you properly anymore because my my leg is gone why is your leg gone because you could save me you didn't save me i did never no what about you guys he's never happened it's never happened he's lying they're lying they're lying they're all lying they're overlapping he literally said because he didn't he mocked me he said because it didn't save you shut up i can't believe you said that if we were in private you would have said shut the f up yes spitting noises too oh my god greetings mr george's not found it's mia the missing hoodie girl oh hello i have my hoodie and i love it thank you so much for your help that's great you got you actually got your hoodie that's great seriously though good night listen listen i'm serious now good night everyone and we'll talk to you all later all right bye is going to bed guys everyone say goodbye to simon up good night sign up good night stop nap good night snap nap buy something up are you leaving santa yes it's bedtime it is bedtime he's going to bed sam's going to bed good night sabnap i tap now bye bye sweet dreams don't let the bed bugs bite and why is he where's the stream still going no no this room is not leaving so what'd you think of mcc puns i liked it it was really fun even though like our team didn't do as well as i would have wanted them to we did i think it was really fun our team chemistry was good too what games did you do the worst thing all of them oh wow i would say we had pretty good in battle box search why did you say that ace race ace race was bad for us interest is probably our worst game i figured other games were bad and we didn't we got like fourth and bingo i think it was kind of scuffed though um i think what other games there were parkour tag we did pretty good attend the time we did good we got like third i don't know um the coins at the end were pretty close like between we got seventh place but between fifth and seventh was only like 200 coins yeah and after that it was like only like 500 after that you know the band bring me that horizon there was definitely a new album like we did me and i think i know one of their songs [Music] i feel like they shouldn't have it it's just it's too easy and it's going to be too like luck based like honestly no the terrorist one's not that luck based it is easy though i was trash at it well i'm saying somebody like this because there's like a the peak of how good you can get at it is like the same and you because you can't mess anybody up and there's no there's actually like no rng to it everyone's gonna like it's just gonna be luck whether you finish like first or fifth or tenth or whatever illumina popped off and to get to the other side it was that's his game mode for sure his speed bridging is nuts yeah i didn't i did i did really i did pretty good i mean i think i did really good in like a couple of them and i did i did like average in the other one so like moved it down but i did good too i think i got like third or second yeah you did you did and overall i remember he was third maybe a second actually i'd forget but yeah i feel like that game quackity has gifted five subs yeah for my future mcc each other thank you big q for the five gifted subs i'm glad we're just going to team up quacksie gifted 12 months of sub to carl jacobs randomly one day to my stream yeah like i wasn't even live yeah because i love you george and because i love the fact that you're gonna be in the next mcc with me like at this point i bet i actually i'm gonna be with you now like it's been too hard the moon's gone on too long oh man another did you even say thank you i did say thank you thank you big q i appreciate that i said no problem jeez thank you big enough off me get off me man thank you for the donation big q you keep saying that i'll donate again oh thank you so much bq for the gifted subs you keep saying subscribe to quackity i'll donate again subscribe to quackity don't try me where's the donation i said it i said don't try me which means there's still like a chance that uh i'm gonna go eat something oh i'm gonna be wow you scammed me all right bye big q i said i'm going to eat something i'm not gonna anyways i'm glad you're ending your stream too edit bye guys another time bye guys has ended the stream has not ended the stream is still going this room is active hi guys love your streams go ahead and take my money i was just wondering if you had to choose one for the next mcc dream or techno dream obviously oh dream hello coming back that's not even a question i don't i think like you average better than him right it's like i averaged better than him and also we're like best friends how can you why are you gonna why are you talking about my points first instead of that we're friends well i'm just saying like you just value points over honestly no no dream this is exactly what we were talking about earlier listen i was gonna say even if it was like even if i didn't know either of you two even if i didn't know either of you two i would still go with dream because he was like has statistically performed better but even if like dream was like like dream could honestly be like average like 20th and i'd probably maybe not actually maybe what maybe average like 12 plus i would have gone with you instead of technically because that was good wow like in terms of wanting to win why why am i having such a hard time finding lava pools what i can't like do me and quackity so dirty like now you're definitely getting put on a team next time with quackity quackity you and technoblade yes yes i think probably quackity uh [Music] that's the best team they would win no they would 100 win there's some internal beef there that you don't know about oh yeah yeah i do know about that well it's just obviously it's never going to happen regardless it's just a joke yeah come on puns it's just a joke come on pun doesn't know what a joke is lol is literally like an idiot no like he finished behind george and mcc that is embarrassing george got carried i can bring it up all right but he got carried okay i didn't i didn't think i got carried away i think he was for sure getting top 10. yeah he like bet money on it too i didn't know i didn't yeah you bet me like a thousand dollars no i did it i didn't wait he did i remember that 100 percent to be fair you guys put a one in chat if you bet me a thousand dollars this is the my honest opinion george got carried to dodgeball but what there's so many ones i did not get carried to dodgeball like i was in top 10 like 90 of the time what do you mean i got carried you got carried well did i get carried if he got carried would you consider that you got carried last week oh something last last time cc no okay well the how's it different because i got top ten and i could have even gotten more but he got in there well you even admitted that there's a lot of kills yeah but he got 12 like he's not that far like well you get ninth he got 12. are you three spots less and i was 10 i was like top 10 for most yeah but it's very different and a lot of the things that we played i was the uh song after the card parkour my parkour i got second we needed that and then sky battle we needed me and you popped off whereas george did not do anything to really help us specifically and that's why well if you remove all of george's scores then they don't go to dodgeball anymore they don't they get lost but that's not true yeah if you got zero points that's stupid that's actually the dumbest if you remove it all these points they get they get last place like it's not even close like so george was the difference between them getting last place and first place that seems like i didn't get technically can we talk about that now like well technically george if you remove all your points then your team gets last place we got 19th and he was the lowest scoring person like that yeah their team was open their team was op we knew george had a ridiculously good team well he did everyone knew that it was like all the other eight teams or other nine teams were all like so even and then there's just their team but like if you look at the point averages like it's not even that unbalanced no it is unbalanced no it isn't it's totally it's very exciting did you look at the point averages because you're speaking nonsense yeah you're right what's the point averages on your lowest player got 19. that's really good no point average like top half when they choose the teams they do it based off like previous performances yeah but like our team average points overall wasn't like it wasn't even that far ahead of everyone they do basically like the last event and like capital had like an at like a bad event and so did wilbur and so did um and like filza didn't do as but feels it has i think they should do it off of like the best performance that players ever had like honestly i don't know about that that's dumb okay as long as okay let's say this their best performance in their last three and this last three yeah like their best performance in their last three mcc's because i feel like people like phil's obviously in my mind filza and tap l are both top 10 players like easily i think that they don't always finish top ten and they've had bad weeks and stuff funding was really good what did he plays third or fourth fourth oh dear yeah he did really good this mcc and h problem got 10 two of their players got on orange got top 10. yeah my team two kevin sparkles got ninth and i got seven well he got tenth and i got seven something like that oh my god leave me alone i feel like the best like the the way to get the most points on mcc individually and also um team wise is having four players that are at least like average i feel like if you have like one or like one player that that's that's like that and that's you're saying the opposite of fruits situation though forgot second and yeah they just popped off well i mean like yeah but the rest of this for the rest of his team look at where where did the rest of his team play like like 30th or like above i think maybe two of them like it was i think i think pearl got like 25th or 26th and the rest got like their top 30 or top 40 i should say oh yeah they did yeah three of them three of them wait what was it pretty sure it's pearl um false was the smallest on their team oh it's smaller oh yeah my bad smallish got like 20 seconds yeah yeah so you're right fruit situation is different but then again um the reason fruit seems up there is because the multiplier like they they they have the games they popped off and were the games they needed like at the very end so like it is like i feel like if you take away the multiplier then it's different so they really needed that so i think that that's a rare situation that like rarely happens and also fruit had like an amazing performance you guys are getting boo hood by the way why because you're crying what you're crying crying about what you tell me i think you you i think you don't understand why they're saying that because it doesn't make sense why they'd be saying it to us because neither of us are whining well you are about what stuff give me an example neither of us said anything whiney and why are they boo-hooing you then they're booing you probably they're not boo-hooing me all right who are you guys boo-hooing who's getting boo-hoo to explain why you have to explain why there's why this boo i hate this c like this is something you have to give an explanation they said all of you george people are saying george like they're all saying they're all saying you wait what am i what did i do i've just been sitting here listening to you guys cry pretty sure you were whining about what well you were the one why like what are we okay name one thing we whined about wait what why is it me what what cuz you were whining we didn't whine what was i whining about why is this seed so annoying as well oh my god this is so annoying i guess puns puns was like kind of like not really no he was whining i think my voice just sounds whiny well no i was saying like no but only only about like you were saying how george like george got carry like that's what maybe that's what they're talking about but obviously that's the truth but to be fair i did not get carried and you carried your own weight but like you also got carried you had two players that were in the top six if your team wasn't as good as they were i would have got more coins than you oh that's true that is true this is i did the best on my team if i was on your team george i would have like broken the point record and gotten i don't know like at least 5k points probably okay okay boomer george never admits things when he gets carried i think my girlfriend likes you more than me george that's okay because dream is my man crush right wow anything but sapna i guess yeah stupid sound map who's sam yeah goggy can you sing happy birthday for me it's on the 19th i don't sing i'm sorry sound apple sing for you no george got you goggied at fruit apparently oh he did he got doggied in an attempt to see i want to go back and watch some of the perspectives from them i'm definitely going back and watching a bunch especially from especially during tackling you just can't really see much when you're the hunter and stuff and also even when you're the i want to see what like happened in the other round i don't know what stop now's perspective my criticism of the parkour tag was go watch my tag that's what i'm gonna do they need to change one thing about the parkour attack these are making to make the map more visible so you can see the hunter when you're running or they need to make it you should just give the hunter yeah they give the hunter the same effect that you have because then yeah if you can see you through the wall and you can't see him to the wall it's kind of yeah just do one of the other make either map more so you can see better or just give the hunter or the runners that vision as well i think you should just give the runner's division it makes sense huge congrats on winning mcc this is my first donation thank you if i can make two chains that would do that if the hunter gets everybody on your team then it's over like anybody alive on the other team gets points i think they need to explain the coins a little better maybe i need to watch the video back because i didn't really understand the whole coin thing i'm just an idiot though like i don't know how i got second in coins and be honest i need to like do some research i honestly have no idea what you guys are talking about but i have been listening for hours now i was writing a report on pharmaceutical error insurance wow i have no idea what that is i mean it was a good game for the first time thank you for the fifty dollars though thank you so much it'll be a really really fun game it's expected to have some things to be changed so definitely good event or good game mode all right i'm gonna head out where are you i'm i'm my head out where are you going george is ending his stream guys but no bye guys bye guys why is this a meme i'll see you guys bye i think puns might start screaming soon but george is i think so you can go wait in his offline chat if you yeah everyone go to punz's chat also hit the follow button yeah follow me yeah that's what he's talking about he's talking about following me all right bye stream my dream there he goes and then there were three well i was just here for dreams so all right me too i'm gonna leave now actually i'm actually being serious so it's not even a meme i'm gonna go eat so yeah i'm about to leave too my food's almost here funny enough george though seriously congratulations on winning two back to back george congratulations let's go see i'm not gonna end salty i'm gonna say congrats to george because he honestly he earned it dude thank you congrats man i'm so this is the difference between puns and stop not i don't know why puns is like licking the bottle of georgia i'm not i'm just a good [ __ ] friend you degenerate all right whoa and just like that he like everyone everyone say boo hoo cracker puns that's all i gotta say who's the cutest okay here's the cutest minecraft couple you and dream of babylon and scary i don't think either of us are couples so i don't know how that comparison works um this is my first time donating congrats on mcc 12 i'm done because it's my soul mate's birthday on monday she made a beautiful song about you as a appreciation oh as a follow application her twitter is that it's her pin please check it out and give it love i'll check it out after the stream thank you thank you for the donation um let me write it down hang on um yeah got you thank you hi george congrats on your wednesday can i get a high five for your 200 win right here's your high five thank you thank you for the donut um oh wait what was i checking wait okay all right here we go wait what was i s checking okay i need a nothing here i already know i asked this i know i already asked this but i need to know what emo artists dream listen to please i'm so well i don't know if he did but he's left now so i'm sorry um yeah i don't know i don't know if he has or if he hasn't i don't know yeah i've had like really bad luck on these on these runs whoops these runs have not been good like i either don't find a liverpool or i don't find the fortress and i don't like it this has not been fun quack as he tweeted let's have a look okay he asked me how's it going i mean why is he asking that that doesn't make sense he was just here i don't know hi congrats on the witness pov thank you thank you thank you yeah i won twice one twice in a row no boom okay um if you can ask stream to check his twitter dms dream's gone i'm sorry about the much discord uh i'll tell him to check his dms he has to go through them at some point and um get everyone but i'll let him know okay boom boom boom come here iron golem come to die oh no i knew that was gonna happen oh no oh no oh no oh no okay come on boom boom boom come on okay that was an l that was a massive l five iron okay i need wood is there hey in this he bails her i didn't see any hay bales yet okay let me see because i need hay bales immediately oh there we go okay perfect come on come on there's actually not that many just seven or eight even how much is that why can't i craft bread there we go okay 24 bread i don't i actually don't know how much you really need ah this seed isn't even that good like i need gravel i need a lava pool oh could be gravel over here gravel gravel gravel please gravel what's this whoa do you see that it like was an ocean down there oh because there's an ocean right here i thought it was gonna be a desert what is that oh it's a shipwreck gravel down there whoa it's like a little dolphin area okay where's the chest where's the chest where is it oh i'm never gonna find it i'm just getting out let me out let me out let me out okay get this gravel okay let me out of here this is probably a waste of time playing this seed because i don't even know if there's like a good area where i can find lava balls oh plain spider i don't know thank you for making me smile food locked down congrats on winning mcc thank you zp191 thank you oh loverpool okay let me eat you okay lava pool is this the run is this finally my run so so wait wait oh no it was it was in the right place it needs to go there okay so wait this goes like like that okay i think i can recover this i think i can that goes in there like that and then like that hello boom boom boom boom okay we recovered we were covered it's fine it's literally fine minus 41 45 minus 34. okay we need ah i just spawned in a ravine with no way out okay i'm actually just in like a dead end ravine why why anything through here uh i just can't get a good nether i don't think i found a fortress once say anything is this a dead end isn't it it's a dead end well oh i just opened the wrong thing ah i can't i can't be bothered anymore like i've got to the nether so many times and i just end up there's actually nothing over here oh okay last chance please please be a fortress please oh the timer stopped oh there's a fortress as well oh my god why is it why is the timer stopped why is the timer stopped why is the timer stopped and there's a fortress oh my god okay we're just gonna have to like uh guess oh my god it's like the perfect fortress okay let's go oh the four this one is right here oh wait no it's not i don't have a shield okay this is bad i don't have a shield and i don't have any extra iron this isn't good and i'm dead i'm alive i don't have a shield ah how did it wait i only got four iron okay yeah i know the time is broken okay i'm just gonna take it off just because it's done doesn't make sense okay let's keep going how long has it been paused for like how long have i been going i do have a shield okay i have a shield okay i was gonna say like i thought i got enough iron shoot me don't hit me off don't hit me off don't hit me off um okay this is fine ah i really want to know like i wish i had my timer this is the one the one run that's actually good the whole stream the timer isn't working the one time um does anyone know like approximately how long i've been going i'm gonna regret putting that wall there aren't i i'm gonna get blocked in huh i just wasted my water by accident oh my god my pickaxe i don't have an extra stone about 10 minutes that's pretty good come on spawn spawn oh god shoot me shoot me yeah it doesn't really matter because if i get if i finish in good time then i can just go back and look at the time it doesn't matter that the time is not here no this is so annoying he's like floating over there shoot me shoot me oh my god the timing my drop rate is terrible come on hmm oh god i'm so low i need a trade as well and there's a ghost like literally right there and that's not good that's not good i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead all right well on that note i think i'm actually gonna end the stream
Channel: GeorgeNotFound Streams
Views: 327,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but, Dream Team Discuss Minecraft Championship, minecraft hunting, minecraft vs, Dream Minecraft, George Minecraft youtube, George Minecraft channel, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.14 survival, minecraft 1.15 survival, minecraft 1.16 survival, georgenotfound highlights, georgenotfound live, georgenotfound streams
Id: UGUF1szuq28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 22sec (7822 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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