Dream SMP Ep. 25

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[Music] hello i'm doing good and doing good um hold up smp time have i seen your gifted subs by the way i don't think i have unless it's from like the other stream then yeah hello guys what water's in with me thanks for be serving welcome back two months what the heck is this doing here hello guys brayden thanks for receiving for two months again welcome back welcome back welcome back to the saplings draco thanks for subbing for three months welcome back three months bog champ saplings we're streaming because i'm sad that dream didn't take me to the uk with them i'm big sad tell you guys what is dream in the uk yes i don't know why you guys don't believe it piggy piggy og thanks for stopping welcome to the saplings [Music] it's true i don't know why you guys don't think it's true i don't know why you guys would think it's an untrue when it's clearly true piss baby as frick may star so thanks for subbing and no running then guess what subs oh my god you guys are so like it's true i'm sorry that you guys cannot accept these factual things i'm sorry that you guys can't accept the truth okay i'm sorry the truth is too difficult for you guys to understand it's outside of your brain powers it's okay it's okay love you you should come to ford always in the uk then go back when he returns maybe oh my gosh you guys you guys are animals i'm telling you i'm telling you if you see anything uk why do we spend our time on what i don't get it how am i supposed to prove it what do you guys want me to do i miss you sappy nappy thank you i don't know how you guys want me to prove it you guys just don't believe you guys just don't believe how is my day my day's been good thank you for asking how's your day even call him how am i supposed to call him i can't call his phone oh my gosh thank you moki thank you jacob for resolving guys it's not cow i don't know i don't know why you guys are so convinced it's cap what all right what evidence has led you guys to believe that is cap listen let's discuss this like as you know adults have you let's discuss this let's discuss this thank you for subbing maya welcome to the saplings pretzel boy thanks for subbing biscuits if i missed you thanks for swimming and moki thanks for sewing for two months welcome guys so welcome to saplings welcome let's do this that's not even we're gonna we're gonna fix this up dream shadow cat you guys are saying quarantine but what if what if dream did not take a public plane what did you guys think about that you need to make content more often you're actually so funny well i can't right now dreams in the uk is busy i would like to do a video with him sophia thanks for gifting a sub to dream dude guys it's not unfeasible for him to be there that's why i'm so confused that you guys you guys are just like so convinced like you guys don't even think that there's a possibility that he's telling the truth which is a little bit i'm sorry i hate to say this there's a little bit moronic guys you guys to be saying there's no way because there's a way if he really wants to i'm telling you if he really wants to dream i'm alright you know whatever whatever bruh it's been so wild i'm tired i'm happy to hear your voice love you so much thank you appreciate it flavored pepsi thanks for subbing and sr smiling thank you for subbing welcome to saplings guys i'm telling you all right you'll see guys there will be proof just wait for tomorrow wait for tomorrow and you guys are gonna be like oh i'm sorry snap nap and dream and george we should have never ever ever doubted you that's gonna be you guys tomorrow watch that's gonna be you guys sap nap dream george we're so sorry we're so sorry okay mr brynn thank you for subbing welcome to saplings are you okay i really hope not you're too upset what i really hope you're not too upset hugs or sap i know i actually am a little sad i wasn't able to come along but i mean it would it's whatever i love you all men do is lie and eat hot chip piss baby lies huh oh mega wall i don't know about that one i don't know about that one let's make this the wooden cobble make this the goodies chest all men do is lie guys you'll see you'll see a sorry canadian says you sound really upset are you okay you need a hug i'll give you one let me so much and i love you and i miss you i'm not that upset we don't believe dream because he's a scammer and kid's baby what he won now what does dream do ramirez says it's okay sappy sappy nappy we love you king and i think i missed one no i think i got them all um so today we're gonna be working on our base i realize our base is quite lackluster i'm not really a big fan of that not really a big fan of that lexi thanks for subbing welcome to the saplings robot girl gaming thanks for subbing welcome to the saplings guys you'll see it's me really epic whenever no i can't spoil anything i'm not saying anything i'm not gonna say anything but tomorrow tomorrow your minds are going to be blown rexkey hey i haven't seen you haven't seen in a while yeah i haven't seen you in one either rick welcome back okay guys i need to know what what the hell what the hell happened here hello what happened here to what happened to his house it was so beautiful it was so beautiful can you say janice is stinky janice you're so stinky bruh tommy did this tommy's out of control look is this purple's house this is purple toast this is epic this is epic that's so cool dream isn't found snap we're all clowning on twitter going we're going crazy i know bro this is so cool bruh bro thank you caitlyn wow thank you for the 30 dollars appreciate it bro do you guys see this rose is so cool look that's my house my house looks like a little like a hook looks like a hook there's the courthouse there's the hall of fame bro this is so cool that's so cool that is so cool it's mama and cj willis thank you guys for subbing welcome to the saplings oh my god this has a lot of diamonds you know what i want to do you know what i want to do how do i go down okay go down like this bro this is so good purple's a beast oh my god that's so good purple is so good what the heck bro all right we're working on our base but actually i want to work on something else there's something i want to work on anyways here thanks for the for the 500 bits toasty says i miss you so much i just got off the 10 hour shift it's almost 1a at 1 or yeah also i love you thank you toasty i ink 3 bi thank you for subbing welcome to saplings you know what i want to do i want to i want to build something ok i want to build something that would be very beneficial and i don't want to waste my time in armor all right look puns is my good friend so i don't feel bad doing this and i was watching tons of stream and i know where his little secret base is sadness we have no reason to trust the dream we need proof please call him or we will raid the chat with piss baby what am i supposed to do what am i supposed to do like how am i supposed to get proof i don't understand i swear to god if you guys make up that whole meeting thing it's also 3 a.m why are you streaming so late no i like streaming late and because i woke up not too long ago hi jackpack you're the only anchor in the sea of madness i love you say it back love you when you go this way because i know there's a little secret thing over here where is it where is it does he hidden did he cover it did he cover it someone snitch on him where did he put it i know this is his exit where is it double k says hi stephanie say hi to the sumo's group group chad we see any more than that piss baby well hello sumo's i agree with you guys thank you extreme thanks for subbing and then reagan war thanks for stopping where's the entrance to this did he cover it maybe it's over here is it over here where's the entrance on snitch snitch rex key thank you for 200 says we need tommy tommy brought to justice and band i know caitlyn thanks so much for the five get the subs appreciate it guys where the heck is the entrance to this thing all right you know what fine you guys want you guys don't want to tell me fine now i'll just do this i will just do this right here that's what we'll do this will be my sapnap's entrance this is the sound knives entrance oh my gosh john thank you so much for the gifted subs i appreciate it is that that's five more thank you appreciate it we're gonna cover that up like so everyone's just spamming piss baby guys i don't want to but we might have to ban the word piss baby water sapling oh i gotta scroll down for that um okay let's put this down the table do you really expect us that you guys after a whole snapchat and facetime scam yeah cricket that's what i thought why did i i don't know yeah why not believe us this is our way in did he really remove it no he didn't block it off how did i miss it i need some oh he doesn't have any iron in here bruh puns puns ashley thanks for stopping by the way guys i'm sorry if i miss anything gilmore thanks for stopping for three months welcome back where is the entrance to this i don't understand where is it i want to know where it's at for my sake this baby why do you guys keep saying piss baby oh here it is right here okay cool mads uh so how's that six uploads in july going so far i called bullcrap yeah we've changed it we're going for um three months hopefully how does everyone have so many diamonds now like i want to go steal some does anyone have a fortune pick any iron i just need more oh i need two water buckets i just want to borrow some stuff puns i'm stealing this iron armor sorry buddy sorry buddy buddy opal go to tommy's base where's tommy's base it's like gone valving muscles thank you for subbing for three months in the row and john thanks for subbing welcome to the saplings stand up i miss you forget about dream i always stand you the most anyways thank you appreciate it where do tommy's base is just like gone but i know there's a mob spawner and i wanted to use that mobs one i wanted to make the mob spawner yeah well i'm with tommy's base i don't understand uh hi sumnab i got a new cat what do you think that i i think that's a meme i think you're trying to make me say something but i think you can name your cat that why not personally i think it's real you ah okay we're fine andrew should have taken you with him smh i know i know i know i missed one sign up i missed you for your dream bro i miss tf out of you love you also your sim for dream if you keep saying he's not lying bruh what am i supposed to do what if he's not lying i don't think he's lying so what am i supposed to do where is tommy's base is it in here still is it just gone is it just gone well nonetheless we're going to make this should we make this mob spawner oh my gosh rexy thanks for gifting 10 subs bro appreciate it do we just make the most fun here please make the mob spawner pog i know rexkey thank you bro appreciate it and we're enjoying all the subs today thank you guys all hmm pog yes quite pog what do you guys think do it i don't know it's a lot of work and i wanted to work on my base but i want to xp the thing is i want x because i want to enchant my diamond armor here but in the next reform what is this zombie yeah it's a zombie okay look what's gonna break this i don't know why i saw this chest here we can do this this won't take too long when you go get some water buckets guys these are all the subs that um caitlin and john i believe gifted so we'll get through these all right let's get the water bucket let's make this mob spawner let's make this mob spawner it is my diamond number i made this diamond over oh yeah should we go into sub only mode right now we have uh it's only been 17 minutes we'll wait till like 25 minutes so but it's somewhere in the moon we'll let the non subs talk for for a little while jesus what is just going on in this world man you know this world once used to be very lively and lush lush full of good things you know what happened what happened man this world was once a beautiful what the hell is this like i don't even know what's going on anymore is there anything any redstone here no bro like what is going on why are there just leverage right there man hello tommy happened why did he put levers there dream went oh yeah dream went pharaoh i know this this is dream oh where's the came down there oh i need to sleep does punk have a bed in his uh close that up oh please tell me these guys are bad uh can you save a birthday team my friend vaughn happy birthday vaughn i'm terrified yeah it's gonna be that big dream tomorrow i think i think you guys will be like what amy was here thanks for subbing and to him and kansas famous day i love you anyways um i missed that i lost it yeah i love you happy to snap at us um all right i guess we could go all the way back to like our thing dream face reveal i don't know if he wants to do that i doubt it but you know tomorrow's gonna be cool i can assure you that i can assure you that louisiana says you're streaming while i'm having lessons as a major i hate you so much jk love you so we what is this socializing club rule number one always talk about socializing club yo can you call my friends gabe and luke simps i already got dream and george to do it you're the last dream team member i need to do it okay gabe and luke your sense by the way ani thank you so much for the thousand bits i saw that i really really appreciate it man we're gonna go sleep in ponz's house oh it didn't read i wasn't i am not caitlin this is very mean may not rest there are monsters nearby where bruh they just go to sleep the spawn is trapped for tommy just to let you know what do you mean like like he's spawn trapped what you guys see that place within place wow it's about to come day time look i think yeah the moon's about to set i guess i'll just go work on the last spawner i guess i will go work on the mob spawner x-spring thanks for gifting a sub to fancy caroline says hi stamp hi caroline hi we're gonna what the hell leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone i don't wanna i don't wanna really mess with that hi zayn joe hello how are y'all doing [Music] okay of all the supplies we need we have it all supplies sarah stark says i trust you sappy nap you better not be lying love you so much yes love you too i'm not lying i would never lie sam is uh not known for lying so um dude i guess we'll borrow some dirt well i'm not tommy's house like it's just gone hey someone's having rough week thank you streaming i love you hope you feel better though hashtag a piss baby oh my gosh hey adriana says hi sign up i'm late to the stream but how are you doing we miss you i'm doing good thank you thank you for asking what i don't understand what happened tommy's house has been erased of the server war happened but like it doesn't look like it looks like it just was never here and that's what's confusing me oh oh here's remnants of his house we found remnants of his house oh my gosh caleb thanks for the five gifted subs appreciate it oh my gosh it just like it looks like nothing ever happened just kind of funny it just looks like he was never there just so weird quite weird honestly uh yeah it's filled with dirt his home is deleted i know i don't what did tommy do to deserve this you guys think maybe they're just being a little mean to tommy oh my gosh chloe thanks for the 10 gifted subs you guys are going crazy at the subs today i really appreciate it pog sub only mode all right we'll put some other light on subscribers only mode there we go all right runs up only we're gonna lose viewers but it's okay it's okay okay okay you i don't know i don't know why i don't know i think maybe we're being too harsh to tommy thanks again for another 10. you're insane corn you are insane i know holy cow holy cow is right hopefully i don't miss anything i feel like i'm gonna miss stuff and then people will be sad sub chat what's up oh my gosh john thanks for gifting five subs you guys are insane you guys are insane today my god i don't even know what to say thank you guys i think i'm building this too low maybe nah it's fine it's fun killed turbo's bean bro tommy is just you just went down earlier but if dream really did fly out why didn't you go too i don't know because it was just i'm not i'm not in the way you know what i mean like it was it would just be like a whole ordeal would be too difficult so it was just easier if i didn't go i mean i wanted to go but it's just be it just it's just easier if i don't he's a pissed baby scammer named one time he didn't scam us his baby is literally the boy who cried wolf also love from the bathroom clock group chat sing scooby doo please oh no stop calling him turbo no that's my name for him i know his name's tubo but he he he named he called me by my name incorrectly so yo yoma talks thank you for something welcome to the saplings i know i didn't get to go it's kind of sad feels bad man i wonder if i do oh yes that works hey i just finished my midterm project i procrastinated a little bit too long yeah also when are we gonna get sap sapnap stickers or any type of merch the merch hopefully soon i have some things in the works but uh stickers i don't know definitely merch sometime soon we'll definitely get merch soon which is cool it's all mallory says hi love you can you say it back love you george said he would vlog dream in his first meet so i can imagine them awkwardly trying to hide dreams face the whole time i told us a dream i said a dream whenever me and george come to florida or whatever you'll go to dreams house i said we should vlog but then we just like edit out edit you out like we go to disney world stuff and just see like dream skins covering him the whole time i think that would be really cool thanks for 1000 bits really appreciate it lysol says dude i was leaving brushing my teeth ready to go to sleep when he did this i only got two hours of sleep last night because a dream and now i can't sleep tonight what the frick sorry that would be a good idea right that's what i'm saying if we get trolled tomorrow i'm gonna commit not alive do not do that please nessa thank you for subbing welcome to the saplings and i've seen this chicken ape says good morning style could you please say hi to the bada caden's group chat also you guys never sleep i swear we do sleep sleep at very different times cry feather thanks for subbing and i think i've caught up now we gotta go through do we have all these subs from chlorine and caitlin and john you guys are crazy thank you guys so much for all these subs i really do appreciate it i know i could i shouldn't make a shovel but i just really can't be bothered like i don't have the supplies on me so we're just doing it like this for now it's pretty annoying that there's gravel here in the first place what hello what all men do is lying no all women dudes lie [Music] oh we've gone a little too far okay we can leave this here what hey that that's where that that's where that meme came from i'm pretty sure that meme was like all girls do is eat hot chip and lie cuz it's always it's the hot chip girl it's not the hot chip guy at think that's where that originated from guys uh hey hey that's where the re the meme originated from okay can't get mad at me for that i'm really scared oh voice crack yikes that's some big i'm really scared the hall of fame is gonna be someone's gonna destroy it or someone's gonna destroy either my hall of fame or or they're gonna destroy my um what's it called the courthouse dude they just show the courthouse i'll be so pissed i put so much work in that courthouse that core house i'm genuinely proud of that the voice crack guys come on up we gotta make fun of the sound that voice cracks it's uh no i'm a growing boy i'm alone let me voice crack around here all right i think there's some water i mean watch and we'll do this like so actually we'll do this loss happen that voice crack pog champ you know what guys zap nap sometimes voice cracks okay i voice crack i admit it you guys got me dude i think i want to move this water somewhere else this water's kind of in our way this water is kind of in our way i'm not a really big fan of that we'll move it like yeah we'll move it up here that's what we'll do with the water and here like so tada and then we'll go boop crack nap oh my god so mean i don't call you guys mean names i call you guys nice names like the saplings that's a nice name you guys call me crack nap you guys if can this i don't i don't call you guys mean names don't lie don't lie i never call you guys mean names ever ever never ever [Music] oh this spawner is going to be so good i'm so happy we have an xp farm and i don't have to go into the nether to get cords let's go this is getting me excited this is getting me excited let's go sorry mr twitch user zap nap huh i mean if that's what you want to call me twitch user uh how about across the cracklings i someone said sign up i'll give you my first born child if you tell me where dream is dream is in the united kingdom so you you now owe me your firstborn child mine i will be taking your firstborn child john thank you for giving five more subs and you're crazy really appreciate it pog pog is in the chat oh huh i got some more emotes but if i put but i'm partnered this is like if i put the emotes in right now would we get the emotes immediately or it doesn't take a while because i know when always affiliate took a while no wonder you guys just smell cat because you just it's too good to be true you know it's too you're like oh it's too good to be true can't be possible i need a shovel how does this man not own a shovel bruh bro where's the shovel i didn't need it nobody has what i need nobody has it how is dream not partnered yet i couldn't tell you it's kind of funny honestly it makes me giggle oh my gosh caitlyn thanks for gifting five more subs really appreciate it you guys are literally insane tonight i really do appreciate it though i really do appreciate it i i do well i had i had a shovel and i fell in the lava so that's why i don't have a shovel we're gonna we're borrowing for now we're borrowing stuff i'm sure purple wouldn't mind if we took a shovel my god what's up my dude thanks for gifting five more subs pogs in the chat you guys are literally insane tonight i really appreciate it uh you guys don't think purple don't mind if i think we borrowed we didn't borrow anything from him yet it's okay it's just a shovel it's just a shovel purple you can't open these chests genius or am i lagging hello why can't i open these this chest oh purple um i was complimenting your building skills but now i'm gonna i'm gonna take that back because of this little thing um here we're just going to borrow one iron and two sticks look you have the perfect amount jon thanks for five more subs bro you are insane absolutely insane hogs yes pogs in the chat for all these gifted subs everyone's going to be like a sub at this point oh my god all right let's go we've got a shovel so we needed we're gonna go to sleep [Music] i feel bad for tubo should we help him fix his house i do feel i do generally feel bad for him i want to help him fix that i do feel really bad oh my gosh i feel really bad but i don't know what to do how do you say that turbo tubo whatever tomato tomato that's what i bro you don't have beds here what is going on with this world you know people are trying to take my number one gifted sub spot oh no chlorine oh no don't let him do it now just okay tubby tubbo tubo we'll call him tubo all right let's go to sleep let us go to sleep say yumi thanks for subbing toasty says i got a cat for the first time in 10 years she's an orange cat and having trouble picking names i have katsu kaiju kaije what do you like i like katsu that's my favorite one out of those three names go show i'm always sap you're cute thank you appreciate it oh oh oh got the dodger weave dodge and weave look how cool this house is that's so cool what i got to fix this dude this is i'm not really a big fan of what's going on here it's okay i'm doing good on the server you know i may have caught us some wars a few days ago but we're going to clean the server up now cash justice for tubo hash justice 4 spins you should watch his and tommy's last stream they destroyed each other's houses love usa pnap why'd they do that why would they be so immature and destroy each other's houses i don't understand it chlorine thanks for gifting more subs oh my gosh so crazy so crazy sad nap supremacy i hope you have a good rest your day thank you i'll try my best fix up this world we will fix up this world one by one and chlorine thank you for the ten more gifted subs coins keeping their rightful spot as the sub gifted sub leader john with five more gifted subs crazy man absolutely bonkers absolutely bonkers tonight with these subs might a real tree says hi sam can you say hi to my friend sophia hi sophia also i love you thank you i love you too space pirate says good whatever time of day it is over here thanks for streaming thank you tommy and tubo had relationship problems over at dee's beth at over a bee's death which led to demolishing of tommy's house by fundy the furry wilbur also gave up on tommy is over that you were born in 2001 just like me and that's why you're so up yes 2001 babies are the most powerful members of our generation you know i can't really like argue with that one this means kind of facts wait so so let me get this straight i just want to understand the story okay i want to get the story barry thanks for subbing uh oh isab i hope you have a dope ass stream i don't care i'll say it much love and just popping and say i love you peace thank you you have a good one but hold on hold on hold on hold on is wilbur on the server glowtopia thanks for subbing on guys guys guys guys guys guys i get i get it we're all putting our year we were born in but is wilbur on the server like is he actually playing what's up my dude thanks for subbing yeah he is where's his base i need to see everyone i need to be taken to everyone's bases it's important i know where everyone lives he joined and left oh he doesn't have like a base or anything it doesn't have a base interesting oh these losers are spawning oh my gosh john thanks for gifting 10 subs again i don't know why what's like what's going on it's like everyone's just gifting so many subs i really appreciate that you guys are literally in hey so what's considered tomorrow i need to plan my sleeping schedule around it um i don't know maybe shoot i actually don't know i couldn't tell you off the top man tomorrow that's what time tomorrow sometime tomorrow some cool stuff will be going down okay that's all i can say that's all i'm legally obliged to say ring around the rosie says i love y'all but this joke is really pushing it nope it's not a joke it's not a joke john i think we're getting two more subs i see that i don't know why you guys just won't believe us my god oh my goodness ours not found says hello i love you how are you i'm doing good thank you lexi says how do you feel about piss baby trending number two is it no way don't tell me it's actually trending there's no way it's trending you're trolling let's look what's happening show more let's look at what's trending world wide trending no way piss baby oh what it is but it's not for me is it oh my god wait no it's for is this dream i don't even know piss baby is number two trending worldwide what the hell hello are you on good terms of bad also i'm broke but it's lacks in leo yes of course i'm not good turns are bad i'd say one of my best friends closest friends talk to him every day i know it's kind of crazy chlorine 10 more subs thank you corn you are insane thank you so much chlorine is the best everyone's i don't know there's so many john's cool it's going crazy today i can't say anyone's invested [Music] um yeah let's go through here hi kings want to say hi i love you lots save back oh so i hope you have a great shave love you me me she the bear me she know me she bear i send out much love from the mr worldwide group chat can we get a lovely back please you're a king thanks love you guys i'm trying to get through all these like donuts because there's so many subs i want to read these we'll never get to these downloads let me read these downloads for a sec um nick if you're capnapping us i will put you in my basement with five other children i have down there and take away your minecraft towel tower also for raiding the chat with piss baby he he congrats on the official twitter username king thank you so much smackdank says hey sap spec gang here can you say hello to us kate alyssa abby maddie bailey and coco hello guys gloria says i won't let them take it sign up i turned 19 like 20 minutes ago can i get a freestyle for the minecraft culture i don't know about freestyle but happy birthday shmigo hope you have a good 19th birthday pog oh my gosh jonathan moore i can't even look away without there being more gifted subs you guys are literally insane i don't know what is going on okay with it crazy crazy crazy thank you guys so much this is epic let's go over here let's go over here let's mine this guys we're gonna make the best mob spawner ever and we're gonna block this up so no light gets in here i wish i'll do this just for now oh what if we make this like glass and stuff two bro just wanted to hang out and dream team twitter collectively went farrell that's right glo madison thank you for subbing simple thank you seven kaelyn says full-on subway here i said i'd give dream a few hundy if you went to the uk i'd better save oh my god rexkey bro you are insane dude you are crazy thank you so much for the 50 subs oh my god guys if i missed anything today i am sorry but there's just so much going on if i miss any donation or sub please do not hate me i am sorry there's just so much stuff going on today thank you thank you guys so much this is crazy all right let's kill this thing and then let's put put a torch here so nothing spawns oh my god oh my god hi stop i'm very poor but here's one dollar to get to the plane tickets to uk love you sap have a good stream thank you i will use that one dollar for the uk i might be late though i don't know i might just keep the dollar thank you min says thanks for the stream the quality stream no problem oh my god well gloria just said i'm the sub i'm the sub the gifting sub person oh my gosh so crazy so crazy oh my god john with 20 more gifted stuff this is literally like oh my god i don't even know what to say oh my gosh hold on this is one two three four five one two three four we need to go one more here so crazy 20 more gifted subs i don't even know what to say like what do i say oh my gosh thank you oh my gosh can you tell jay that he's also stinky yes rose i love you says here's some monies for the plane ticket love you thank you i appreciate it wow john's uh john's ahead by two two gifted subs boy listen here a little punk i don't i don't accept that little zombie i did not accept that all right let's go up here let's mine all this away guys this i don't have to stay all right let's go here hello don't mind us all right go over here take this boy that's what i say yeah uh here's some money for the plane ticket thank you rose so can you please manifest diamonds for me i will try later who do you ship dream or george or dream and will brought i stripped dreaming george i don't know wilbur's just trying to take the spot from george and i don't know how i feel about that hi i don't know uh sophia can see this about hello thank you i work i hello all right um my work at dominance i gotta say isn't worth nearly half an hour work yes anything we're saving thank you do you think i can sleep for five or six hours without anything happening maybe i mean it's only five yeah i think you you might be fine i honestly don't know but i mean just like statistically like five five hours you should i mean the odds are in your favor i'll give you that i don't know for sure you'll be okay i want to go to sleep now i want to let you know that you're ordering me by seven days this is progress yes i'm older kill this person hey first needs to die okay why are these zombies still spawning i don't really like that okay so one two oop that works fast one two three four five six seven eight and then we'll go one more this doesn't need to be full like this is fine oh my gosh there's rex key sub so crazy so great this is so crazy hi sapnab can you surely write to me on instagram i attend texas and you should oh you should totally attend texas state university i'll be there too finally believe finally i believe your texas flag is upside down no i fixed it it was it was upside down i don't know how i managed that i just put it up like one night like you know like four in the morning i was like i'm gonna put this up and i put it up upside down and i didn't realize it until one of my friends came over and like hey idiot your flag is upside down slightly embarrassing slightly embarrassing all right hi sign up it's anna from the sap pop group chat popping in to say you're a hang ting and we miss your face you can't see but we're we are holding your hand right now thank you like says i love you save back please i love you blake okay now watch this guys loop he's gonna stop one block that's perfect that's exactly what we wanted here going like this like this like this like that [Music] you guys see what we're doing here do you guys see and then where's the middle what is this so this is one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so one two three four five one two three four five wait one two three four five five five no we need to go one wait what what's wrong with me so if i go right here one two three four five one two three four oh we need to go one more hold up this needs to be one more wider this needs to go one more wider i was a little confused there yeah from building the xp farm you know tommy says this is his property but it's mine though i just took it from him this would be our hidden xp farm no one tell the others only people who are allied with satnav are allowed to know about this xp farm okay only south nap allies all right guys do we agree no snitching all right like so like so oh my god chloe 21 gifted subs oh my god literally you guys are crazy that's the only word i can describe crazy crazy crazy thank you so much coin i appreciate it there we go there we go pog champ so now we go one two three four five middle one two three four five perfect so this is five then we'll go one two three like so now i'm gonna bring it right there so look at me i'm so smart one two three hello excuse yourself sir one two three i'll put it like so there we go and now all the zombies will be led here i am smart sap nap smart hold let me read these donuts they catch up well let me go up here so i can't buy zombies all right we should be safe here john with five more subs full on sub war here i said it give dream a few honey if he went to the uk so i think i better say sounds like he might have to and john links for five more gives us subs i'm gonna read some of these um neo says [ __ ] i'm poor but here's another another dollar i love you thank you i appreciate it susie says i got addicted to quad echo because of you and now you don't play music on streams anymore i feel scammed piss baby i just want like whenever i'm like doing something that's hypey like speedrunning i'd rather this i want to listen to quadcopter but whenever i'm just chilling like i am right now and oh i messed up it seems to go one lower one two three it needs to go one lower like this i'm an idiot yeah i'm listening to something you know it's hype and yeah then it's quite like if i'm doing something hype but if i'm just chilling like building an xp grinder that's about you gotta play whatever's in the mood you know there we go that's what we want wait what i don't i don't think i didn't go back far enough what i didn't go back far enough here that's the issue put that there then that'll work put that there and that'll work there we go that's what we want sorry i got distracted got a little distracted but yeah if we want to listen if we're doing something highly like speed running then yeah we'll do that but if we're just chilling then we'll just listen to chill music hi sappy can i look can i give you can i can you give a love you to camel noodle maddie from the bathroom group chat for telling me to save my money so i don't go into debt thank you heart love you guys thank you george is planning on running overdream with the scooter and i think we're all overlooking the fact that he bought a screen with that money dream gave him i think it's absolutely hilarious and iconic of george dude that would be hilarious i hope george everything with the scooter not not that he seriously hurts him but just you know gives him a little taste of the medicine i guess you missing my ass don't know but can you say hi to my brother eric eric eric sean oh no i'm an idiot oh my god whatever i hate you i hate you doodlebob you are mean i was reading it i was like huh i was reading it in my mind i was like that's nothing i don't hear anything there but i guess i was wrong i read it i was like i read it in my mind i was like oh that's safe i guess his name's because it looks like a normal name that's a good one that's a good one noodle bob i i it's a good one howdy yeah another one dollar making i get a look can i me again i love you please thank you that'll be so pog thank you i love you issa who says can you say hi to the snap the scap group chat we love you and we're i hope you're doing good also they don't know i'm doing this for them well hello and then bro i said i'd dye my hair lime green of dream went to the uk tell them to go home right now i love you well it looks like you might be dyeing your hair lime green unfortunately unfortunately for you [Music] all right now we want to make this we'll just make this go like how like 20 blocks deep here's some monies for a plane ticket three i love yes i read this this that that is so far behind all the subs oh my god so we'll go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two twenty three all right this is where this is where they'll fall and then they'll go here they'll land on this thing like so like this then we will hit them like that and we'll just like bloop all right i'll make this a little bigger make this a little bigger [Music] and we'll make this wider all right so and we'll make a staircase out so yeah so yeah can you please sing slash happy birthday to christy and nessa thanks sign up happy birthday christy and that's it love you so much but don't say it back to me i like being depressed oh my gosh oh thank you the fact that dream left you didn't take you with him is not a vive he did not pass the vive check i love you send out much support from bellen and maria and you're very supporting of loving fans thank you okay this will be our secret entrance no no no our little secret entrance it's our secret entrance our secret mob spawner i like this i like this you guys like this i like this i do appreciate this okay it's our secret mom spawner that only we know of in the entrance is hidden in the waterfall and then we'll build like this little staircase like no one will ever think of like this staircase oh this bird just follow the staircase down it's so hidden it's so good put that there voila and we'll cover this up we'll go in here we need to break in real quick to remove those torches we'll break these like so perfect that is what we want then we'll do this and we will block this up and then we will seal the rest of this with dirt so no one will ever find it sat nap secret base secret hidden thingy my bob like that we'll cover this up more only tommy knows about this but tom i don't think tommy knows about the importance of mob spawners like how good they are to have an xp farm voila doesn't that look natural there's no way no way anyone's gonna find this no way you know while we're at it let's just go ahead and fix this i just cannot stand the world looking like this to be honest it like genuinely bothers me i hate it i really dislike it like i don't know i get dreams trying to find these stupid thingies but [Music] too far too far in fact we don't even need this let's just cover this we'll just whenever we want to go there we'll just go down here no i don't know it's just right down there and then we'll run to the ladders over there it's right here go down here here it is no one's gonna find that no one's gonna find that and look they should be just one tap yep the thing is we need the afk somewhere closer i have an idea i have an idea um reezy thank you for subbing john thanks for gifting two more subs egg supreme says this morning i got diagnosed with covid and i've been isolating my room stream you made me happy thanks for having stay strong man you'll get past the covet i believe in you exercise says this morning i got oh i read that one already the point of this sub war is to support a true king like satnav i love your content so proud and happy to put my money back in the community around you it really sucks i lost my spot but gg said john and rex ski love you sap thank you chloe thank you so much i really appreciate it one sub it's plenty but you really went crazy thank you so much oh my gosh man is he was taking this ha sign up i have to go but i hope you have an amazing stream also could you please say i love you love you izzy my mirror says i was trying to write something but there are no thoughts empty head huh syr says baby zombies might go through that spawn hole since they're short enough oh yeah i'll make some slabs good good idea a good catch fine i'm trying to go to the cave that's behind here i work at domino's and i gotta say is this worth nearly half an hour of work yes anything for sap nap uw hey sign up i have to go above my stream um thanks spacing for something thank you thomas grind time fishing thanks for subbing as well welcome to the saplings tlw thank you for stopping welcome to the saplings can you please tell christy and nessa that they're cool kids thanks so much you guys are cool kids where is the entrance do you guys know where the cave is i know there's a cave over here that i blocked off ugh whatever you know we'll do something else i have a better idea start all this junk we'll keep the mossy coffee soon let's go get some uh let's go get some trees sophia thanks for gifting us up to taylor text message thanks matt oh my phone's about to die i need to plug my phone give me a second i don't want my phone to die how am i supposed to text dream when he gives me the details about the thing all right one last donut because i couldn't clip it can i get i love you haley so i can flex my friends love you haley close up can you say [Music] no i don't believe that's what that means crystal i do not believe that's what that means but if i'm wrong i'm sorry but i don't know if i want to say like i don't think that's what that means thank you though cyanide thanks for giving us some sophia thank you i used to have now lately i am suffering from depression i'm confused my sexuality and i live in a conservative country to talk to all my close friends hate me just let me know and that the dream team always watching this once they have thanks i love you well if our content helps you get through that then i'm i'm happy um i don't know i i have never been in that situation so it's hard for me to tell you to do but it's just something i'm sure that you'll figure out and something you'll get through so good luck with that but you can watch my stream to get your mind off of it for now for sure um okay i'll make sticks with these do we need oh no just half just half does it actually mean does it actually mean i love you because i feel like i'm getting trolled uh don't make me ask my stepmom i'll ask her she's like nick where did you learn those naughty words and i'm like i don't know guess that's not i guess that doesn't mean i love you so if i go and tell my stepmom what you guys told me to say right now will she or will she not be angry with me huh yes go tell my stepmom what i would well my house was was donated to me he said can you tell my bro aiden that he got a five hand that he's gonna get that nightmare clap if he don't stop talking trash aiden bro you better watch out man she won't be angry okay if you guys pinky promise you guys pinky promise i only accept a pinky promise the frick okay just a little higher oh i left my crafting bench up there let's go back we have to go back [Music] let's go back take it back you guys that's a pinky promise pinky promise i know she's sleeping right now there's no way my stepmom's awake right now no chance absolutely no chance trustee google says it does mean i love you i don't know you guys are totally trolling me i don't know if i can trust you guys you guys are memesters ahaha i made sadness a naughty word in different language which isn't as funny by the way by the way it's not as funny as making me say a naughty word like that i know you know oh my god i left the crafting bench again bruh why am i such a [ __ ] you guys pinky promise i don't i don't believe you [Music] why would we troll you for so long i don't know you guys don't oh don't be like oh guys we would never troll stamina for that long you guys we definitely trolled me for that long given the opportunity you guys would most likely do it um i don't want to take this wait i made this craft image okay i made this so i can take it it won't arise suspicion that they're like huh where'd my crafting so [Music] and we'll put the crafting bench right here all right we need to do this little baby zombies come mess us up all right this is nice i do appreciate this let's get these ladders go back up make go back to our journey mahal kita there you go i said it if that was a naughty word it's not my fault here we go yeah this is where i want to be oh no bad bad creepers oh my god okay now watch this what we're gonna do here is cover this up so no i don't find this [Laughter] it looks like nothing was ever there so good so good so good [Music] so epic no one's gonna know no one's gonna know this is quite epic guys [Music] now now what i want to do okay now what i want to do i got some ideas flowing in my head this is going to be good this is going to be good i got some ideas i got some ideas sound nap is big brain playing right now stand-up's on a different what the just shot me bruh i got some big rain plays going i'm gonna watch this i know i mean i'm being a genius right now you guys can't even lie i'm being quite the genius sap genius so i want you guys to refer me now as top genius [Music] let's go this way you guys are to refer to me as sap genius from now on all right so i'm not okay read that oh my god i hate creepers i'm so annoying we're gonna go sleep in our home nightmare says i got a joke knock knock be honest this heist i've just started watching your vids and i really like them keep it up thank you what is this doing here i clean up the world constantly ah let's take a sleep take a napping sap nap i think we're shooting right now i'm in a bad place i need something good to watch no problem i got you mad and then says why are why we on fire bro i don't know why are you on fire keep that make this just a random crap chest okay mkay oh wait what [Music] [Music] my [Music] oh little dreams here i don't know what dream's doing [Music] where is he where did a bone i don't know where dream went god this path is so messed up it truly angers me i can't call i'm not gonna call him if he wants to talk he'll call me i leave it to him because we're like oh that's pretty he won't call him aha we got you southend up we've got you know no geniuses you don't you don't you just down okay while we're waiting for dream where is he can this guy hurry up [Music] but anyways oh ah follow i'm taking dream to the to the mob spotter i don't know if you seen it [Music] makes me happy to make other people happy though it's all worth it chlorine rescue though wow combined we donated a total of 192 subs we were so close anyways let's call it even john is a graceful winner thank you john it was really kind of you guys thank all three of you guys for making this day crazy so that gang says so speaking isn't a pickle could you please some sweet words for motivation stuff spec gang no matter what pickle you're in swim nip is here no need to fear you guys got this do you remember to bring his laptop but not sapnap heartbreaking i know he he remembers to bring his laptop but he doesn't bring me that is heartbreaking where'd he go he's not on a laptop he has a com he's on a desktop yeah this is a new zealand town you shouldn't hear it's pronouncing google 20 name that's cool so i can't type oh my god punch him i don't want to anger him i don't know what happened last time we got enough fight this guy i mean tommy fought this guy for hours okay how do i make the afk thing i know you do like this hey okay you know what dream you do it here there's your water bucket do it i don't know how to do it he knows how to do he knows what he's doing i have no clue to do it so it's better he doesn't you think it's cause this wall here huh how do we do it [Music] is it doing it no there's no way that's doing it dream do you know how to make the other afk spawner we can just make the other one it's a bit easier like the one we just go in circles i don't know how to make any of the afk spawners um he said i forgot to check in screen dance for me uh oh my gosh everyone told george lots of love for having team thank you landling thank you so much for subbing dreams of scammer smh also be prepped for santa featuring bad boy halo diss track yeah he should be very scared um that's nice the only thing i'm worried about is this shining light out here when it's nighttime and someone will find it but whatever but whatever happy nappy can you give a love you to caramel noodle and maddie from the bathroom telling me to save my money so that i don't go into debt thank you heart yeah i've read that is so far behind oh my gosh the donations are super far behind that's okay that is okay let's get some sand we'll cook this sand up all right let's just cook the sand up and we'll have the glass this is gonna look really good hopefully oh yeah 36 in plenty there's plenty plenty of sand thanks so much samia's happy you're the best hopefully that wasn't something atrocious i just said but well aj thanks for stopping welcome to the saplings uh you know what we'll do you know what we'll do i'm gonna steal some of that i'm gonna steal that don't steal that there's anything else i want to steal in particular [Music] i know it might seem like i'm not reading these donations but i read them all already well the subs are going through and then down here we'll go ahead and add some fertilizer some chests right there [Music] do yeah we're pronounced for an eye i don't know why you guys are captain it's furniture is dream being a good friend in afk up there what is dream doing dream is smart by adding this water here so we can just jump down quickly but we don't want any light to come up here because that will affect um the rate at which the zombie spawn oh he's not does this work perfect so now people can afk then we'll go ahead and fix this up so it looks pretty yeah and i guess we'll just line this up make sure it's even so we'll do that oh oh my gosh thank you thank you dream paid me for being a good citizen of the world all right let's see dreams base where'd you go oh he's leaving uh we're not going to talk about it no one needs to talk about it i'm not gonna talk about it you guys aren't gonna talk about it oh my gosh this guy's like a tree thing that's a little bit cooler than my hall of fame [Music] just no one no one talk about it for the best just shh nobody nobody talk about it right now i can't wait for someone get the four month sub badge i want to see it i see a bunch of one one months oh no [Music] do okay [Music] where'd your dream go i want to see his base oh he's over there i see him remember dream this is our secret and law spawner is only for us certain people can't be trusted with it okay dream oh dream's gonna protect my sappy nappy can you give a love you to caramel noodle and maddie from the bathroom gc4 telling me to save my money so that i don't go into debt thank you heart i already did that i got you guys oh i had one bucket what the heck dreams house turn around what is that oh that closes it oh my god oh my god he has so much stuff oh my god he's not playing around oh my god not messing around are you holy crap you see all this stuff yeah what is that upgrade gear well that's how you make netherride stuff very cool i shall leave your house now damn now we're gonna we can't oppose him he's so much stronger we need to get a fortune three pickaxe that's the only way but the thing is we made him stronger we have to ally with him we have to we just made him so much stronger by giving him access to um a mob spawner that he's gonna have enchanted gear like whenever he wants probably so many zombies in there right now let me go kill them do you like them all spawner oh i didn't put the glass i got the glass watch this stream the glass is all smelted let's kill these things oh wait they're already dead did you kill them or they despawn i need to cover this up forgot about this i don't want them actually falling in here here we go we'll do this [Music] yeah see really suckers fun in here oh my god how do we stop these things from spawning in here that dream you've broken a hole in the wall spawner oh no no please please please please please please please oh my god how do we stop these things guys what's the best thing to do how do we stop them from doing this what if we block this up and put this in here and then block this completely that way they won't spawn in here thing is if we keep light will that affect the mob spawner slabs oh yeah maybe slabs thing is that i don't because the torches will affect the the mob spotters see we want the mob spawner to work fine i have to be up in four hours so i am going to bed d-e-t-a-g says hi and loves you as always and i love you too thank you have a good stream pls say hi to dta guwu [Music] i read that earlier toasty thank you my dream likes this stuff oh very nice did you cover this up already okay well then let's cover this up there we go that's epic how do we get up there we'll make a non-obvious path there we go yeah well that's a little obvious dream let's not have that there just leave that like that or let's get some more dirt right very nice i like that all right and then let's put slabs all over here so these mobs won't spawn because we don't want these mobs to spawn like this slabs won't spawn in here there we go now you have an afk machine in here so if you want afk you can afk you can look at the mob spawner you know what i mean very nice it's very nice don't you guys like this but how do we stop them from doing that that's annoying i don't want them to do that i guess you can just chill up there so like this [Music] why are you doing that i wanted to add another layer so you can walk up here it doesn't look as weird like this oh they will what if we break the slabs below it like this watch this watch this watch this i'm big braining then we'll do this will they spawn there big rain yeah huh oh imagine if he died [Laughter] imagine if he died stairs oh stairs that's smart you guys are so smart put this in the ceiling h-i-i-i sapnap i just started watching your vids and i really like them keep it up thank you i read that one earlier stairs dream let's get stares in here ah yeah they won't spawn on stairs let me get some more cobblestone let's get some more calls down we're so smart there we go and just like that we're good i suppose we should do the same thing here there we go we like that why is the water all jacked up again oh he put that there from nice stupid stuff there we go oh my gosh xp yes oh look at all that xp oh my god bruh that was so much xp you guys saw that and then we can use this to put all the loot we get from it we'll put some extra stuff like some cobblestone slabs and then we'll put a chest up there i guess why not you know why not i mean why not do [Music] and then we'll do this we'll put a chest i don't know put it here and voila and we can put that there some signs so there we go looks nice oh sapling support thank you guys very kind appreciate it [Music] all right it looks epic i like this we worked hard on this it looks very nice don't put some wood stuff in here just some extra stuff we might need i'm sure someone we have these amount on diamond armor two sets of diamond armor hey we should oh we should combine some of this like these two helmets we should make them into one brand new boots cool we have like a fresh diamond set that we can enchant thank you guys for the support i appreciate all the hearts and stuff thank you a little bit random crap in here as well voila just like that we're looking looking fresh i want to make a secret base as well that's the secondary exit oh wow watch look how much xp he's getting look at all that xp look at all that look at all that xp that's epic all right i'll leave dream to it we'll go do something else now we will leave dream to the xp grinder for now because we don't want to grind the xp while we're on camera that's boring guys i want to watch us just sit here and just look at zombies let's go work on our home i think that's what i want to do that's what i wanna do oh my gosh we caught up crystal chicken says mahal kira savna from dream team philippines dt ph discord thank you yeah i want to work on my house and i want to get like we get we added some more chests and that's pretty cool so we have more chests we can organize we'll let dream use the xp farm for now [Music] holy crap dream good looking all that sound up i know the first to beat the game wins and would be easier for one of you all the other gets pearls maybe maybe that'd be cool good idea tell dream i said his diamond boots be looking swag or af he might be listening if you heard that dream your diamond boots be looking swagger af okay so how do you want to improve our house purple toss is so cool rest in peace tubo tubbo tubo whatever it's a shame we do not condone this here is a virtual hug because you're so sweet thank you this is epic did someone break these oh why do people always have to mess with the oh my god oh well um you know what i want to do i want to just because it's just bothering you the absolute piss out of me i'm going to fix this izzy says i'm back because your stream is better than all like so but anyways can you give me a twitter by love you ultimate ultimate sapling there's your twitter bio and then hi sumnap i love you so much okay also can i can you say hi to the shy club that won't be annoying um so if you don't want to it's okay that's all right hello shy club if you are concerned about light affecting the mob spawner go inside and check the light levels in f3 i'm certain the light levels in there are fine now i'm not worried about it i just wonder is there a way i can make it that's like like an easy way for i don't know us to see can you tell dream since he's there that i say thanks for raiding shy it's been a blessing for both of us and i messaged him but i know he will never read it he might i'm sure her dream is listening so i'm i'm pretty certain he heard that gabby thanks for subbing welcome to the saplings um let's make sure this is all fixed because i can't stand when this thing is like broken like this yeah just bothers me so much i don't know why like this is just not okay this is not okay let's get some of this dirt [Music] uh thank you for the 200 bits uh nika and then we have frank sapnab you should put a hopper under the farm because it gets a little likely oh that's a good idea maybe uh can i grab back the extra five i did that was that's my gasp slip huh it's interesting fix turbo's turbo two bus house i am really enjoying your stream rn thank you so much i love you a whole lot also how are you i'm doing good thank you bro i don't know if i can fix this house i can like i don't know i can destroy some of this bull crap i can't fix this house guys i have no clue that would be such a process is he actually quitting if tommy made him quit bruh that's so much work i'll help him by destroying this stuff because that house that is so much work well i would be sad too oh wait is this tommy's bed this is where tommy's trapped hi zapnap lovervids and i was wondering if you could say hi to my friends webshape holes evan and meloish webb oh hello to all of them hello how you guys doing is this where he's trapped don't break the trap oh i didn't know this was a trap let's see i'll put it back sorry i didn't know this is tommy's uh i was trying to help i'm trying to help him with this base hi snappy wappy mappy dappy thank you um you're really enjoying your stream right now i read that one so i just want to say thank you i'm still watching deserved throughout yes you're so cute thank you um cindy thanks for getting stuff to ethan okay we've caught up on everything make tommy suffer how are we supposed to make him suffer he's already came to like log on ugh his house is so beautiful what do we do i don't know i guess we can just work on our house i guess we can work on our house because the inside our house doesn't look very good it's just very basic there's nothing wrong with it i think i want to make a second floor second floor would be cool yeah rip two bow i don't know why tommy blew up his house how did he what did he use to blow it up you guys what did he use fire charge a fire charge what do you mean like he just said so he just set it on fire he didn't blow it up he didn't necessarily blow it up he'd set it on fire this is equally as bad not defending him i'm just saying fire he takes after you yeah i don't go too crazy like apparently tommy does tommy took it too far man this time he's taking it too far we mustn't forgive tommy for this [Music] is that why tommy called me on discord earlier this morning but i was sleeping is that why why did tommy call me on discord i was sleeping i know he called me on discord because he woke me up i was like oh i was like i was like i'm too tired tommy whatever's going on he can deal with himself yes he was doing yeah was he wanting me to assist him i don't think i would assist him with that to be honest because i don't know how i feel about burning someone's whole house down and i considered it but even i was like that's a little too much bruh why is this not working he needed my help with burning someone's house down i don't know we go and this can be the start of the second floor but i don't want it to be on slabs that's the only thing let me get some cobble let's see what we can do here can we place cobble right here without looking dumb not really does it look the same underneath it does well i guess we can just place cobble there that'll be fine we'll break these slabs please go to bed why would i go to slip bed i am fine i'm wide awake renovations to the house sapnap does not need a nap relics thank you for subbing welcome to the saplings uh who did that why would someone do this i don't appreciate that do we do that we need it to go one higher don't we do this and then we can go like that there we go like so very nice very nice look at us look at this guys looks good looks good yo i just like spit on myself this looks quite nice why would i someone tell me to sleep guys i'm fine you've been saying mine i'm all wrong it's a nightmare can i get it it says nightmare i learned how to use bits for you all thank you we are mining renovating our house today hey it's all gonna be a okay do where the odds are you getting a flight and i'm getting a flight to the uk all right you paid for it and um to be honest tommy's been nothing but toxic to you all talks to all of you the whole time he's really rude to 202 taboo tubbo well it's okay it's all everyone knows just we're all friends it's okay [Music] we need some more cobblestone surely there's some cobblestone you know what's sad no one uses the main house anymore it's just like a connector connects everything no one uses it anymore we all used to live in here once upon a time once upon a time me dream george we lived here it was great uh the fleeting the memories we once all lived in harmony together best friends living together under a single roof now dream lives in a mountain george rarely comes on feels bad man and then we have alyssa's house that chicago drama youtube video it's okay all right all right ignore i that think alice says he calls him i just take her diamonds she doesn't use them the good old days before the fire before the fire nation attacked nope huh interesting quite interesting just take it over make this my home but i don't want this one that's quite ugly like you know no one visits beckerson anymore how is becker go check on beckerson backerson beckerson look where is he there's beckerson he's right there no one checks on beckerson anymore i'm taking backers that christine's gonna live with me in my home no one even checks on beckerson anymore come here backerson you're with me me and beckerson are gonna live a good life together happy i'm taking beckerson to live with me beckerson's gonna no one visits beckerson anymore he has his friends but no he doesn't get to be with us this is my two months of anniversary thank you oh my god [Music] we're taking beckerson to live with us he'll live right next to me we'll make beckerson happy again george doesn't you know if george comes back what oh my god if george comes back he's free to take beckerson but until then beckerson will be living with us where he will get the attention he deserves and needs we'll take care we'll take good care of eckerson i wonder if dream's still at the afk farm i bet he is i bet he's getting stacked on the next few levels he's going to rock everybody who opposes him we need some problems soon so i've never received any calls and i'm going to steal some cobblestone for somebody i don't want to mine it it's kind of all my snp wants someone else no one wants to live in the same home base after a point just take it over sound off it's yours now maybe it's me confessing my love please go on a date with me but i'm gonna cry the house is the best but honestly love all the new houses would join if i could just look at them dang rip smh the server is full of pyro naps i just got here what did i miss you lovey hughes thank you ugly whatever road that's my house now dang will you ever revive mr squeegee bad seems so sad about it i can't can't mr squeegee's gone look i'm just borrowing this from purple he'll be okay it's taking some golf soon dog champ the heck what okay i'm about to say please don't get me stuck here this is so cool he did a really good job with his house okay skeleton horse died here it's almost like spirit spear died it's okay beckerson you're not alone anymore we got some sand we can make him a little aquarium he can sleep right next to me we'll keep you safe patterson [Music] long ago long ago four minecrafters live in harmony then everything changed when tommy innit attacked spirit spirit was the saddest death by far i i cried when spirit passed away very sad i've never been so sad in my life vibe check my dudes thanks so much for the two what's up welcome to the saplings who hurt me spirit spirit hurt me when he died i just wanted spirit to live on live on forever but he didn't do that for me he died rest in peace spirit okay ah yes it's very sad okay now now what we're gonna do is bring our bed up here if you won't go on a date with me can you be my friend yeah i can be your friend fo sho um how are we going to do this exactly i'll do something like this oh that doesn't look right how should we do this how should we do this how should we do this i gotta catch some sleep we gotta work tomorrow do you have any bed do you have a bedtime story maybe not off the top of my head how do we do this oh should we do this how do i do this so it looks normal oh sound islands it's pronounced tubbo it triggers us so much what about turbo i don't know what to put up here and i don't know how to do it like bruh it's not big enough the issues we shouldn't go this way we need to go this way this is what we'll do and ideas just hit me [Music] love you sweetheart thank you caitlyn i appreciate you alright so there we go look we'll make a little walkway here um watch this i lied one last no no i'm gonna suggest a basement not a second floor all right peace out huh maybe this isn't really looking too hot maybe a basement would be better oh i have epic idea i have epic idea i have epic idea i have an epic idea okay we're gonna just undo all this we're just gonna pretend this never happened okay we're gonna make a basement but we're gonna make it out of glass so we can see the water all right let's break all this we'll just pretend this didn't happen until it's not looking too good great to mine all this crap though not too happy about this my pick is gonna break eventually i'm using all the stuff on it and you go mining soon now this is epic someone should make a hobbit hole style house on smp server maybe i've already this is my home i like the location of it so sad that mr dwem left you behind to get the gogi i know you are the best of the team mr sipnip yeah thank you uh now delete this pretend this never happened you're great at singing the scooby-doo thing by the way i'm so glad i made the small idea huh thank you i'm decent at singing the scooby doo theme [Music] hey sound now good luck for the minecraft championship i might not be able to make it since my birthday so i'll be with family i'll try my best to make it if i can love you lots thank you we're gonna try and win i think we have a good shot at winning i think we have a good shot replace all of this bag like so new honestly forget dreaming george you me shake shack at the park near rice village let's go all right bet let's go oh my god someone said something that's so nice it's funny though manifesting that purple pandas will def win duh ass and obvi obvious outcome that'd be so hype if we want seriously i'm so sorry one more idea it would be pretty easy to make yourself a wheat farm down in the basement but i don't know man i'm not always on top of wheat farms myself maybe but tubbo has a good uh wheat farm here's a good farm it's automatic what there's a way to automatically replant i think you can do that villagers make them plant it okay epic gamer moment the house is back where do we put the staircase going down though where do we put the staircase that goes down you think [Music] [Music] yeah i don't know that's difficult i don't know how to build that you guys think i know how to build that [Music] spiral i don't know how to build a spiral staircase building a spiral speed dare case that is in water you guys are asking me to do some difficult things rex you i thank you for subbing welcome to the saplings yo night you write basement wheat farm that'd be awesome do you like bubble tea so what's your favorite i do like it but i don't know it's my favorite off the top of my head what do you guys think based on the house expectations are low go look at the look at this nice thing right there i built that the model spawner i built that the hall of fame i built that our wonderful wonderful courthouse i built that where my bed used to be that would be interesting that would be interesting maybe maybe i need to look at a spiral staircase would be good though very nice i would appreciate a spiral staircase wake up dream he missed you what do you mean wake him up confused i don't know maybe yeah maybe here like going down right here maybe that's not a bad idea that's not a bad idea at all good luck on mcc swift it's actually being broadcast on my birthday so i'm not going oh is this the same person it's another person who's at birthdays on mcc sap the builder zap the builder we can fix it we can this is not gonna be this is probably not going to work how we want it to that's okay um and we'll make this like the furnace room too okay we got some coal that's good bloop bloop one [Music] what size you think speaking of for beckson's tank by the way there's a streamer called beckerson too um i don't know i actually don't know at the top of my head but a good size for a king like beckerson beckerson needs friends he had friends over there but he wants human friends he's on a because very like smart he doesn't want fish friends you know i mean he wants human friends you know what i mean like because too smart to only have fish friends if that makes sense get beckerson friends maybe we can have both like human friends and fish friends can i be a friend yes caitlyn you can be a friend a friend of me mine or a friend of beckerson okay then what we'll do here is we'll do this then what do we go straight down like with like um they always eat hobbit never ask ye oh my gosh do we do we go like what do you guys think do we just go straight down with ladders at this point and we keep going with oh my god with um stairs what do you guys think what do you guys suggest dig down what's beckerson's middle name he doesn't have a middle name beckerson needs a girlfriend [Music] he is a chad [Music] my instinct is telling me just go straight down how am i meant bruh how am i [Music] how am i supposed to get rid of some of this water that's in here bruh [Music] thank you reverie hopefully i said that right appreciate it there we go [Music] there we go we have like a little underwater area sponge i don't even know how to get sponges so and then i think we'll just go down here like this what the heck put this here and then we'll go down here with like um ladders it looks cool and have a little underwater thingy going on here a little underwater thingy i think we'll work on that a little bit more next stream ocean monument did i get those that's a builder i feel disturbed well maybe i'll get tubo tubo to help me do this because i don't really know what i'm doing i'm not much of a builder myself but maybe he can help me and we can build honestly i don't know maybe i'll just like clear this out and make this whole thing just glass under here i think that'd be better discord okay i'll try and do the obvious parts okay actually no that wasn't there i need to make some of the stairs all right we'll try and help i said that squeegee could be beckerson's boyfriend and chat agreed just saying uh maybe stripped oh wait this is just regular oak let's just make some oak stairs how did it why i don't think it went like this maybe oh it did sound like if we try to make the answer into a high castle yes i will check it out okay such a vive you are the music we're fighting thank you huh it's kind of hard why did tommy blow up his whole house oh it's kind of mean it's very mean not the whole house i'd be pissed if i was tubber turbo tabo i'd be pissed off see the thing is i don't frick what did i get um i don't know exactly how this was so like i don't know what went here i mean i just gasped like this thank you i guess it went like that um [Music] we're doing this is dream streaming no do not believe so [Music] so [Music] thanks for subscribing don't think i've ever heard or seen your discord i see it oh okay thank you and what vaude is dream sound up please explain vaude is like when someone streams they can save what happened on their stream okay that helps me a lot in extreme i can do this now it's much easier and i see what i'm supposed to be doing much much easier so vod is just like a saved stream essentially okay this needs to be oh shoot well that needs to go back and this needs to go like this like that there we go now we're going to go like this so i was wondering if you could in front of ethan when you don't stream he's a big fan of because we could only say we don't want to but maybe i'm not sure watch out this baby scooter boy is coming to get you go burr okay how high up did this go one two three four five one two three four five is it dark hook at the top it does not seem to be i guess just like this and then like this all right thanks sad y'all doing a good work helping tuba's house like this good beans you guys are so kind of building people's house love you you're being amazing i guess it's the least we could do [Music] he helped me rebuild my house when it got burnt was it oakwood at the top though that is the only thing i don't know i think this was just like that maybe oh this is very difficult actually there we go that's what we want discord okay i see all right i can work with these two screenshots okay and then it seems if we go here [Music] seems like he has it going like that underneath yep have napstep listen to grown red i have i have all right we're gonna need some more spruce wood logs but whatever let's go over here let's go over here like that and one more does that look right no this is extra this doesn't go i think it ends like that oh wait probably not yeah probably not no no yeah probably not probably not probably oops it's not what we want like that oops then [Music] i don't know i'm gonna go get can you hear me for real love y'all guys you guys made it very thank you you have a good one how do we it's quite difficult to do actually okay well i'm assuming this is just gonna be the same over here oops if the guess is just gonna be the same voila let's make some more is this hard work it's pretty hard to recreate a house got burnt down i got something like that it just doesn't make sense for it to go like this you make more sense feel like that looks better huh what do you guys think thank you sully thank you guys okay then here it seems like it just went like this yeah that's how i went i'm good um how did this go it seemed like i mean i'm assuming you probably just went like this dude this front so messed up why did tommy do that oh it's gonna be such a pain yeah i saw it let's put air dream i want to put another crafting image right here for now let's make it easier right on the keys to these make those in the stairs how did this connect all right now we need to go a little a little bit like this a little bit like this like so let me go underneath it like that another thing here like that and then i mean how do you think how did it go like this looking at the screenshot i'd imagine you're smelling something i think that looks fine i think that looks cool i like that design like that it's not exact but it looks pretty cool this was just like that a little bit of scaffolding over here like that we'll be putting tommy on trial for this time i i'm sure this is too far he's done to our poor boy tubbo this is not okay we do not condone this on the dream team survival server i'm sure he'll be punished accordingly okay there we go that seems to be that james doing a marvelous job over here [Music] looks like this is two blocks wide i think this is two blocks thick dream over here say uh the stairs you placed in the first arch were one off the top i think it was meant to face a different way the first arch were one off the top what do you mean i think i think this is right [Music] oops why did that do that not a big fan of that cows was found thank you for subbing and danny thank you for stopping welcome to the saplings guys i need some more food let's go get some food soon we don't want to starve voila we'll do the same over there i said that i love you so much thank you oh this is so bad oh my god sure this is like this [Music] there you go that's how it's supposed to go looks looks much better already we're making good progress making progress i know right dream so i was thinking hi stand up and dream i'm feeling really overwhelmed with med school absolutely and i'm staying up to me it's mission thank you no problem good luck good good looking into med school it's a very prestigious thing i have no clue what the hell goes on on this side other than this probably goes like that we need a sleep dream oh [ __ ] oh crap i need food i'm gonna die i'm gonna die on two and a half hearts run thank you oh i'm on two hearts run i only have one bed at my house dream i'll go to my house to sleep you go to your house to sleep i have my bed on me oh you left the game okay he wants me to sleep okay we're good i've slept let's get back to work okay dream is fighting an enderman oh that's funny what the hell oh enderpearl your dream i'm gonna place a bed right here just set your spawn okay let's get back to the let's get back to work okay well this is not correct right here wait so what is the actual story did tommy just set a fire charge this was like all right good luck buddy what happened just fill that up do like this blue there's no way this wasn't all like this because i know it goes one two three and then it usually goes up like this if it's anything like the other side i'm assuming i'm assuming you built it the same affordable thank you for subbing savrika and cj say hi we love you love you guys too are you guys doing one two let's get the stuff that's in here clear this out make sure it looks normal it doesn't need to be here it's actually oops should i just fill this in oh it doesn't look great oh i just keep going sideways i don't like that i don't like that i don't really fancy that hold on we'll go like this and like that and then we'll break that and place that and place that voila shoot oh hell that's gonna be not fun to rebuild we started a high train hello chad thank you rogue inside doesn't look too bad all right you find that i'll go in here and fix this up some obvious stuff in here that needs to be fixed taken but found thank you for subbing i don't know what went on in here i'm just gonna put a floor here i don't really know what was in here hey hey sap is dreaming youtuber yeah he is a youtuber you not too many people know him though pretty small this point would be faster for you to re for you to rebuild them a whole new house now because the whole thing is like this house is so good so we want to we want to rebuild this house you know it might just be like this oops uh oh i had a dark oak i might have to do some whatever we'll just do that for now there you go looks good in here now this might be kind of what it was like maybe it's like this before how's this looking this looks pretty good does not look bad that's gonna trigger me i'm gonna go get some more dark oak wood well jim gets the screenshot um okay this is definitely definitely like this there we go [Music] all right dream do you do you have more dark oakwood or should i go get some more just tell me yes or no or do you have some at your house here's more epic thank you all right let's get back to this shall we let's just say craft dusty rusty cloud thanks so much for subbing honestly think dream guys because i would not have done this definitely not by myself because i didn't have the materials i was like oh that's going to take so long so difficult but dreams started in it and i was like all right well i guess i'll join so charlotte's house to dream i suppose cause i no offense but definitely would have done this without him okay oppa tubo's happy when he sees this he really deserves a good day i think he will be hopefully imagine he's like oh i actually wanted to just rebuild a whole new house actually yo sapnap i finally caught a stream i made a dream team texture pack a few weeks ago and it would be quite epic if you could check it out twitter den underscore is underscore epic love the vids uwu thank you thank you i actually realized it's probably like this like how he does it on this other one then it's another one this is how he does it there you go i'm just probably i'm assuming he does it the same on each side if i do guess that would make more sense like that right oh [Music] okay oops this backside didn't get damaged too bad at all well we're actually knifing that far away from being done to be honest [Music] stream sent me another screenshot oh the side is going to be real difficult i think this will be our hardest part is doing the side right here [Music] check the arch there's an extra strip the log where like another strip log that goes up right here thank you house looking good lads yeah sure [Music] i don't know i was going to leave it how it is for now how did this go oh groom's in a much better gaza for the second one let's make it much easier [Music] [Music] so oh it's right here just follow this one like so hi zapnap we the tony discord server love you in the dream team so much do you think you could call george we're concerned about him in the middle of all this chaos we've low-key been panicking but we love you all so much heart i assure you george is totally fine no reason to panic no reason sorry i'm also focusing right now george is totally fine no reason to panic go back to the first arch i don't understand what you guys are talking about oh you talking about the middle part bro why oh they're after you dream or maybe i just slept here you sleep you sleep let dream sleep give him a second give him a second to sleep let's see if he slept yet oh he hasn't slept yet he's too busy trying to shoot the damn things oh here's the bed all right there's monsters nearby bring it inside his house bring it inside his house what why can't i sleep ah these things are so annoying let me bring it upstairs maybe [Music] bruh these monsters man oh no i'm sleeping here we go okay oh i am so sorry uh let me go get some dirt from somebody i think there's some dirt in those chests over there all over here we'll be right back we'll be right back i didn't me i didn't mean to do that that's okay it's okay it's the creepers fault it's not mine oh need some water i just fell normal yeah i know the sign but i don't remember what the sign said so rest in peace to ever sign that was i am so sorry it's not on purpose so i digress ah right huh we're gonna fix this house i need to fix this while i'm at it this is not okay it's good to see you and dream practicing for mcc build mart we are we're practicing for the mcc build more yay hey dream i don't think the crafty mitch goes there buddy i'm drawing you once again and it should be up on twitter about an hour or not just remember the name men okay thank you okay well i fixed it as much as i could let's go back to work on this [Music] practice a little bit for the parkour you know right here [Music] here we go all right how in the world is this part done cheese louise man how the frick well this one's gonna guess it's just done the same like that maybe someone else was shaking my vienna but wish me luck remember i guess i think what do you think me and dreams should do for our v-day um i would say hang out with your friends if you can how was this part does anyone remember this part is very confusing i don't understand maison let me how do i how did he do this part did he just it's just mad confusing did he do like this no he went like up like there did it like here just like this no that is not it that's not it at all maybe dream knows it to you it's like that dream are you sure i don't think so unless because you can see this unless unless it's like this underneath if it's like that then that works because you can see the stripped logs underneath i'll be helping someone quarantine on my b dave i hope dream has a good day and i'm going dude i know it's still a while late but saying before i forget thank you if you have a program like paint or photoshop you could zoom in real close might make it easier to see the blocks i don't know look bro i think james is going to find a uh another screenshot and that'll be gucci there we go um let's go ahead and destroy this over here sleepy x-mart thank you for subbing welcome to the saplings destroy this go ahead and start destroying some of the cobblestone that's all around now we only have the necessary cobblestone we need to get up there [Music] all right i'm shifting let's just see what dream does and we'll just follow him does it go like that nope surely goes like that that looks right [Music] i think that sign got blown up from cj isn't listening donated i'm gonna trust you hopefully you're not being a muffin and just saying like one of your friends or something i gotta go find the pound thing for copy and paste pound sign where is it okay um cj isn't this is this is the tree how is this the wrong tree what tree no no no no that's the tree i'm telling you this is the tree what tree this one to the right i'll just put it here there we go close enough i need some more food i'm just gonna go steal some food for somebody dream's working on that sorry puns it's for the greater good is that it are we done don't forget that cobblestone up there i already broke all the other cobblestone taco thank you so much for subbing welcome to the saplings all right looks good i guess we fixed it that one's there on the left what the heck is that doing there kophyak thank you so much for subbing welcome to the saplings lucky mix thank you for subbing well saplings did we do it dream looks good to me i don't know what was up there i actually have no idea maybe we can try and fix this up a little bit i have no clue what's supposed to be up here hi cj here thanks so much for watching no problems dj i don't know this looks fine to me yeah go down we did it i went in here and fixed some things up did he have fences right here kazam i think he had fences right there just gonna go put those there act hardly soldier serving fans let's make these i think he advances here pogs in the chat we did it we fixed the house we i dreamed this is apparently this is where tommy's being spawn trapped are we sure we want to undo this are we sure all right i mean dream says so we're clearing tommy's prison where's my dirt i just i chucked out my dirt didn't i that was a mistake there you know i don't have i threw it out let me go get some i'm sure somebody has some dirt and then i'm gonna steal a bee from puns i'm gonna steal a bee and give it to a tubbo so i know pawns has bees up in here box there we go here's some dirt should we give him a b i don't where's his leads is he ten dollars because why not lmao thank you appreciate it do you have another lead in here he doesn't where all right like puns these things are useless you don't want them i just i'm taking a lead those llamas are absolutely useless and they won't leave anyways come here i want this b come come on oh all right where we got a b that's out where's the b here it is come here okay what was the b name i wanna watch this why can't i print that there oh it doesn't have enough enough light notice that actually on the ground are you naming a dream do you have the name tag oh he does okay i was gonna go grab one of mine you left that on the floor it spins pretty sure dream is spelt it but oh no that's what spins there we go good is new okay good as new we did it yay you really wanted to replace it to that one 2006. [Music] oh my gosh i'll give him some crying obsidian um dream do you think i should give him beckerson should i give him beckerson or is that too nice i don't know i don't i almost i don't really like coming back or saying because i do here i think tubbo would take good care of beckerson where do i keep beckerson i love beckerson so dream at home or is actually in the uk or what dreams in the uk dream should i give him backerson do you think he would take good care of beckerson no okay i i have him imagine i gave him beckerson i don't know what block that is i don't even know what block that is i want i want to take beckerson with me i want bexson to move in with me but gene probably wants backers in to go back there i'll just go put backers in back maybe whenever i'm completed in my house i'll make i'll steal beckerson maybe i'll hold backerson on hold back with me i like beckerson no keep him okay i'll keep back or something with me for now for now shall keep beckerson i think next time machine will work on our basement we'll work on this we'll like clear out some of the sand and then make it all glass bring flint where did i put i know there's some no there's a flint and steel somewhere hi me again my message is cut off on my last note anyways this one if you anything to me in the hall of fame thank you oh there's nothing special being in the hall of fame i think it's just like the same thing when we're putting the fish in the lake just like 10 or something like that but i'm going to get a flint steel and go fix the thing yes there's like six portals i know so we're finally fixing that puns i'm just borrowing everything from puns but it's okay oh wait i don't think puns has give a flint yeah just take that i'm just taking everything it's okay [Music] i have beckerson i'll keep bexin on me thank you luna you're cute and i love you oh my god what if i died imagine if i died all right fine we'll go clean out our inventory we won't die with backerson we'll allow it imagine i fell in the lava with beckerson oh my god all right we'll put beckerson in here this important stuff throw all this wooden stuff in here for now let me put our diamond set in here we'll put it around beckerson to protect him okay let's put our bed right there for now so mayor thanks so much for subbing welcome to the saplings bring gold uh yeah i'll bring those boots just in case there we go we're set [Music] did you already fix it all right i'll go fix that stuff look we're like a team me and dream we just get we get stuff done oh look the tree grew voila voila okay i'm coming to help him fix the nether portal thing though wow mean dream really just went and like fixed everything that everyone's been messing up dream do we do we want to fix the walkway while we're doing it how sir stream so wholesome thank you house oh oh my god it's so messed up never mind bruh i'm coming anyways oh shoot can we burn this whatever just fall asleep thank you alright dream you ready to go fix the thing let's go fix another take this right here that needs to be fixed yes we are we're cleaning out everything spring cleaning mean dreamer going around just fixing everything how do you feel about all the awards and so that's happened since tommy joined so you're taking but i feel bad for all things toys i mean it's fun so as long as everything's done in a fun way jesus which one of these are we breaking all right i'm just gonna start breaking no i think that's what we want i'm gonna break this one how'd the nether portals get like this melicity v 25 underscore nameless thank you for subbing welcome to the saplings what is this guy doing here uh this is going to take a while i know it's just don't worry about it bro that's gonna take so long thank you that's not up to me gekko dream decides who goes in and out of the survival sir bro a portal spawned up here hello bruh moment uh words of encouragement oh oops i'm not very good at that type of stuff but i just say just you know just stay strong and it's kind of lame but not really the best at that that is my words of encouragement to stay strong just keep doing what you're doing it's the best you can do yeah this was a very chill stream i agree yeah i might put my valuables in the under trust especially beckerson gotta keep beckerson safe it's gonna hold click here this might take a little while can you say hi to the patches supremacy gc we love you hello how you guys doing y'all imagine getting to be on the server for a day as a video present that would be cute [Music] i don't have any blackstone dream do you have blackstone like how is this it's gonna require a lot of blackstone to fix let's fix this portal first this is where the portal should go that should be right there this right here are we minding the same one right i mean here just mining the same let's see we're sitting dude there's a portal below this is risky okay i was about to just jump down how did the portals get like this i don't understand how they got like this like how is that possible [Music] okay i'm so scared one of us is going in this lava i'm telling you 40 obsidian holy crap give me some of this stuff right here oh shoot do not want to fall thanks so much for subbing let's jump over here ouchy there we go all right let's get them out okay okay how do we get back hmm okay let's go let's go oh yeah look at that guy oh crap this isn't right what there we go wait what that doesn't look right what am i supposed to do i did it wrong because it's not regular oh it is just regular blackstone wait what it looks different is it different smelt them oh um i'll go get some more black soon i didn't know that i didn't know that oh i did not know we were supposed to smelt them look at all this black sense what we want [Music] okay should be enough [Music] [Music] all right dream do we have a all right cool do i smell the bricks or do i smell just the black stone do i smell okay there's more okay what are they building here you guys know what they're building right here you guys have any idea what they're building here arena [Music] do we need more [Music] [Music] h granger rocks thanks for subbing welcome to the saplings look at this look at this it goes look at this pigment go off the side of the edge [Music] bye [Music] dream there's a block missing right here here [Music] do we want to cover this up or at least like a little bit that scared me that scared me remove the ugly arena we need to remove a lot of this stuff but whatever oh dream's doing it oh shoot i guess i'll help him watch happening thanks for subbing well shoot i guess i'll join him dream dream dream go to dirt i'm just gonna watch out behind you which i behind you um [Music] shell's gonna break he has this notch up oh he gave me a notch apple thank you just in case okay we'll leave that dirt so you can make it yeah easy jumps serenity thanks so much for subbing welcome to the saplings what are you doing dream oh don't worry buddy um oh scary it's okay i mean i would have lived that my notch apple as long as it like i don't die from the initial fall damage [Music] do i light it up does this work please tell me it's not going to spawn more portals oh yay orion thanks so much for subbing welcome to the saplings hell underscore in thank you for subbing welcome to the saplings anything else we want to fix what what animal is that oh we want chickens all right let's go steal some eggs from punk are there eggs in here i'll go get some eggs punk should have some eggs where'd you get the eggs from last time jim those eggs in here in here maybe one time we actually want chicken eggs yeah i'm going to oh you have no okay oh what is this what the hell holy crap that's a lot of chicken eggs like a lot i would just grab some more uh carrots or potatoes i think i have some if you go go to my house my house my house i have carrots xavier thanks for serving for two months in a row welcome back and hybrid thanks for subbing this is faster you click as fast as you can how'd that chicken get out oh my god i can throw them through there all right i used all my eggs back pigs wood you want i'll go grab some what type of wood what the heck is this guy doing in my house hello sir sir please exit my house you're not he's standing on my bed too that's just not allowed that is just not allowed sorry we don't just you can't just be going on my house on my bed no no no sir apparently dreams got it what did you do dream oh we need some here watch this i'm gonna take this carpet since it's not being used anymore look at this yeah the carpets here back up why can't that just doesn't look right put the chest like up here put all the animal i don't know i just felt like it's better for the carpet here just feels better we need some oak wood i don't know why someone put yellow freaking wool there but okay look i got a golden helmet and beats now just remove this tree goodnight john thank you zevey thanks for sticking around voila much better i even know why we have yellow well now we good lunamanders thank you so much for subbing community house all right i think we've fixed most everything's look looking good this needs to be fixed but i mean i guess i'll do that another day where'd you go [Music] all right all righty we did good we did good i think we will end the stream here good point good good parts in it when is mcc mcc is in five days from now it'll be on the 18th at 3 p.m est um yeah i hope everyone enjoyed the stream we did some cool stuff and yeah hope you guys all enjoyed see if there's anyone that we want to raid that is online [Music] [Music] wait nevermind who who do you guys think any suggestions any suggestions oh god i'm tired yeah i just woke up even though i just woke up and uh yeah i guess we'll raid a rat the area he was a team to the dream right emcee last mcc check instagrams thank you i will well everyone tell them that they're going to lose tell them that he's going to lose to the purple pandas hope you guys had a good time we streamed for three and a half hours just longer than we usually stream so yeah hope you guys all enjoy make sure make sure to be good over there and i hope you guys have a good rest of your day night wherever you are and yeah goodbye now
Channel: Dream Team Streams
Views: 207,291
Rating: 4.897532 out of 5
Keywords: sapnap, sapnap livestream, sapnap minecraft livestream, sapnap hardcore, hardcore survival, minecraft hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore livestream, sapnap live stream, sapnap minecraft live stream, sapnap parkour, sapnap minecraft survival, sapnap hardcore world, sapnap hardcore minecraft livestream, sapnap minecraft hardcore livestream, sapnap hardcore minecraft live stream, sapnap george and dream, dream and sapnap, sapnap collab, sapnap face reveal, sapnap twitch livestream
Id: AdWXjmtWYFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 40sec (12640 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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