I let my viewers remake minecraft

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these are my viewers and i've assigned each of them a different part of minecraft to completely remake and when they're done i'm gonna combine all of their mods and try to beat the game all right are you guys ready yeah because you only have 30 minutes go and this is just round one each round i'm gonna give them less and less time to make more and more complicated items until minecraft truly becomes a wasteland of creativity these are actually a lot more well made than i thought they would be oh my god ev3 what is this i just made really quickly yesterday a spider that does not look like a spider we've been here for two minutes these are supposed to be the normal things instead we get forest also this is professional minecraft modder dr rat hello a very talented person who has made some incredible mods you have stone button have fun for some people i just gave them completely random things like rocket launcher and oil and others i just gave completely impossible things to do castrate you can't figure out how to do a command yep perfect it's a lot funnier when no one knows what they're doing even the most basic stuff is proving quite difficult like survival gui muffin juice i want you to make me a gaming pc i don't care how much it costs just do it also you have 60 seconds alright the timer is up it's time to try out what you guys have made so far okay see if you look around it doesn't look like a lot has changed and then you look a little bit closer yeah type in password for free bobox how do you even have the time to oh that's gonna be an obstacle what is that i asked for water not chad water that is definitely oil what are the odds this instantly kills them well nature is healing the rest of this looks nice you know we got new armor we've got beats there was a small fraction of people who gave me the things i was looking for that is definitely something i was not looking for uh neither is that yeah this this is what i expected you guys to make okay let's go in yeah no there are certain things in life that you don't trust opening up that chest is one of them oh it still blew up perfect we have the nice mobs you made for me the ghast the creepers i like how you corrupted the textures a new take on an old classic you know what i just realized every time i press the hotbar key one this thing pops up cool i can't press one anymore if you can't tell i'm also letting them change the textures another grave mistake well round two 15 minutes everyone here in this group is being assigned to cow you all have to work together and i just want to see what you come up with some of the sharpest minds the free world has to offer these are already getting unreasonable for 15 minutes i can tell that a lot of you are very talented and i can tell that others need to go to therapy excuse me what the last round you assigned me a car this round you give me a boeing 747 what am i supposed to do with that yeah i also assigned someone best buy i've never seen a best buy perfect dear god what is that oak stairs there is a stark divide between the people who know what they're doing and the people who don't this guy's just frozen poor guys someone's gotta help him these are four of the most talented modders in this discord clearly you all have dirt whoever makes me the best dirt wins as always there are no rules this is anarchy oh speaking of anarchy for some reason it rendered the body upright well it turned out really good time's up let's go see what 15 minutes gets me oh no things have taken a turn for the worse i guess this is the rock biome oh okay oh my god yeah this is really annoying at least poor villagers oh no yeah this is what i expected and this is what i wanted i'm scared to put my game mode to survival oh what is that that's not right oh oh my god they're multiplying pig cannon um there's only one way to contain them i'm sorry little one whoever had pig you did a good job a man after my own heart what is this oh oh my god this is one of our dirt submissions it's just a trap fake dirt that you can walk through these spawn everywhere a stone cold assassination attempt i give it a six out of ten but we do have new tools now a nice monochrome pickaxe oh wait the pigs dropped something now cats is it worth it to eat this again there are strong odds that i die oh go to brazil 10 minutes on the clock go this time i'm giving each of you a lever we're just gonna go around and everyone's gonna add something to the lever democracy at its finest i feel like the less time i give you the better output i receive the law of diminishing marginal returns finally handing out the big boys like weather and not chinese government too i don't know what that is oh my god it's tommy in it invite to speak i knew you were real [Music] we're just gonna end this round oh great he's still he's still stuck oh no it just keeps getting worse oh my god what is this what is this in my inventory it's just called brown it's steadily increasing that will be a problem at some point what is that ravinger okay oh what is that oh my god it's steve what could they've done to my boy here is a real ravinger and uh it looks like they just set him on the wrong axis oh now what is this what are the odds that it kills me i'm two for two right now oh a pleasant welcome surprise oh it's orange gatorade that i forgot that was one that i actually assigned you guys love doing this thing where every block that you make i can just walk through it i know i'll reach a biome where i'll just fall through the entire map i want to go underground and see some of some naturally spawning ores some of god's beautiful creations what what order did you make this poor guy oh perfect we don't even need to know stage four you got five minutes we're starting to move through to the end of the game the whipped cream on top of the gucci belt of our mods oh god i just opened up the submission folder someone sent me an entire episode of spongebob uh it's been two and a half hours you just have to click the x i don't think you can hear me oh no each stage we strive further from god's light we got what we wanted a cesspool of creativity like christmas morning all right stage five the grand finale and i will give the ender dragon to whoever does not know what they're doing but at this point they've changed almost every part of the game and it's time to compile all of the mods together and try to beat the game this was horrible this took forever here we go oh my god oh my god is that hand drawn is that is that ariel font i don't know what i'm typing here this is probably a warning of some kind oh no okay off of my first look here what is this what is this i don't oh okay you went through the effort to literally corrupt this just a little bit just a little bit first things first i want to find a stretch okay i don't know where that came from oh good it looks like there's no water no there is water it's just invisible all right i'm just gonna avoid that i just need a structure so that i can try to just survive one night um can i eat this oh uh i'm just gonna assume that even if i could eat it it would probably kill me perfect home sweet home oh this is the best buy oh he nailed it this is just what they look like okay let's hope this doesn't kill me okay well we lasted about five minutes all right he left me some signs i can't read those what is this okay i guess i i can't open up doors we're going through the windows king in the castle okay i promise you i'll die and lose all of this we are off to a great start here [Music] time to build a house i've also realized that all of the wood that i've gathered in this biome is not actually wood it's just some fake substance that you can't craft anything with i can't use it for this perfect the home sweet home now i gotta go find actual wood wow when you guys put your minds together you can really make a great third world country and now we get our tools do we make normal tools no sword stone wood shovel and this stuff i i don't know what it says it's time to go find the viewer cow it's the one that you know 20 people worked on my expectations are incredibly low we're gonna go bring him home we're gonna kill him it spawns in the plains biome which you guys nailed wyoming be like i have no armor or tools or anything that can defeat him what's the worst that could happen oh finally there he is he's taller than i thought it would be he's also not a cow radiation poisoning cow a worthy opponent okay i'm just gonna hit him baptism by fire oh no no no no no no he's chasing me he's got minions oh no things have gotten far out of hand oh no no no no no we got the dig there's only one thing the only way to move an immovable object is with an unstoppable force the viewer lever i'm sorry it has to happen for the republic oh no it's frozen just run just run just run just run i gotta get out of here oh see ya oh no no no no oh there's still alive another one another one we did it patrick we saved the cows we're just gonna let these guys wander around and kill everyone honey i'm home great we only lost almost everything now we can take this time to make some light upgrades around this place some nice chainmail armor that i actually asked for can go mining real quick i'm going to assume that this is our new coal it's probably oil we can also smelt some new tools i've also noticed like 500 things that i cannot possibly put into this video for example whenever i press shift i die the guy that's stuck in there that's guy fieri whenever i right right-click an object i'm automatically in shift the back side of this chest is a png of an industrial refrigerator just a few touches of charm that makes this place home i also want to go to the nether but we need some practice first apparently i forgot to assign someone dirt so instead now there's an entire dimension worshiping it also do you guys remember when i asked rat to change the stone button he did and he showed me and it's insane and i'm just gonna leave it here and hope that i don't accidentally push it all right into the rabbit hole how beautiful a day trip to l.a are these supposed to be pigs i think why are they built like that come here buddy oh dead what is that they're having fun without me oh oh no okay dead i'm out the dirt dimension was exactly what i expected not very interesting but you know what is interesting these mcdonald's that spawn literally everywhere i think i asked you for a stronghold look at this cool rock i found very well done this is what real mcdonald's workers look like they got fries they got burgers i'm just going to kill them oh they drop a hat ting in the castle oh okay oh no it's the taco bell wings what one taco bell wing does to a man i i can't escape i'm trapped i can't read there's only one way i have to press shift boom well you guys nailed the stronghold okay i asked for an end city that's not what i meant well yes we can just beat it nice some boring normal stuff stupid don't care i want action i want another and to defeat the nether we need a weapon of mass destruction glass of water an ancient tool and it's time for iron armor that's made by someone with so low of an attention span that they didn't even use the same color hey guys it's jim from the future that armored texture there's another png of guy fieri i've got my home depot bucket and i know the place for lava the fake dirt traps okay i had that coming this might take a while [Music] perfect that was probably an hour and a half condensed down to like 10 seconds all right let's go no no it's even worse than i thought we got to make this quick why are they mad i haven't done anything yet this is what the real nether is like all right i'm done okay let's go if you're wondering why the nether was so quick it's because everything that was made for the nether just spawns out here here we go cheers oh my god okay ignore it just you and me oh no he took everything from me i was saving this for the end the doctorate special this is what it comes down to just light them all up just light them all up the fourth of july thank you rat this incredible work of art go sub the doctorate thank you to all the people who made these mods i sincerely hope you go to therapy
Channel: ItsJim
Views: 2,891,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, fundy, boffy, itsjim, yeahitsjim, minecraft mod, Minecraft but I coded, itsjim tik tok, minecraft coding, dream cursed, texture packs, logdotzip, imnotacasualty, i made a custom minecraft mod, craftee, boffy cursed, making a minecraft mod, craftee custom hearts, rekrap2, parrotx2, socksforone, skeppy, remaking textures, I remade every texture in minecraft, viewer texture pack, realistic minecraft, my viewers made minecraft, minecraft knock off, minecraft copies
Id: D3JZzruoF9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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