Dream SMP Ep. 12 (cursed stream)

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it's my thing we're [ __ ] but turn my echo thing back on there we go yeah okay I don't know how do we I just had myself again really or well this week how do we play um are we doing one do you wanna be doing like to veto maybe to mean jury versus George and Kalin well I don't think that's fair I think that's fun um you know me and George versus you and Callaghan know what do I don't want to be on CalNet saying give me do I just make the fatties how do we play I mean George versus dreamy Calvin wait did you make the parties I don't know how - party create my lunch party gorgeously bodies you're like no any or chat or just not cuz notification doesn't get sent out George from my party I join all right Kelly and create a party and invite Stefan up no no I don't want to be on kalyan scene I wanna be on George's team with oh it's too late it's too late it's already been it's already been decided your chat disabled George what happened Oh someone subscribed oh wait is my chat disabled someone's no one's chatting and there's 432 people yeah your chat must be disabled Robbie how you like subscribe remove let me sub is off maybe Oh subscriber subscribe thank you okay I don't know my notifications might be messed up maybe wait how was everyone's subscribing thank you who is this oh I thought it was gonna be too many alright are we ready - are we ready to play yeah we're ready alright I'm gonna join but I transposed always - we go thank you thank you for subscribing [Music] allenham except so this is something that I coded a long time ago yes all by myself well I didn't actually I don't actually Oh a succeeded me thank you a 60 you actually did none of it so you don't you can't even lie about this one this one was 100% me did nothing zero well I did a hundred look at yours look at your view count go up it's going up a sixty just is carrying is carrying me oh my God thank you so much a six guy he's just like waiting to finish his streams like come on Joe start screaming I want a radio so it's basket below if you can tell about to start like play toys subscribes thank you Auto V oops okay come on you have the balls FK is it cute it's cute I'm Kobe what I have a Kobe skin on on accident I need to change it imma change it too I'm helping wait why don't you have Callahan I've got him I've got come on don't worry don't worry okay what's this wait what it was accident where's the boy oh you got it I got it alright alright take the boot hit the ball psych you thought Oh juice behind comments behind me okay I'm shooting No nice block Callahan Oh Jim everyone is subscribing I can't look right now I'm sorry number George George coming up I see on Georgia Colbert come on No oh I have not left actually but oh my god that is loud that does the kraang all right get them off me dream I give you pointers are you joking perfect play getting a man switch switch switch switch oh my god come on take the ball game Oh get them shoot come on no no no no go to the right this is gonna be so hard to like keep up with the notifications we just left Callahan wide open George you're throwing throwing I'm so open I'm so open I'm so open no oh my god do do you ever sleep in there yeah do I have a sleep oh my god I do sleep I actually sleep a lot I just having a while at the moment I got it I got it grunting run run run go yes ward Oliver 9 thank you for driving dream with the dung ease on out right out let's go dong so I think my notifications are actually walking which is good because stream had problems with his no notifications yeah I'm Kobe Bryant sadly my skin.i I do like some video while ago for like Twitter or something and I had I never changed my skin oh but it's like it's like a skin on like it's not actually my skin but it's a skin on on this game can you get Jordan callaghan's destroying me please oh that's right that's it nothing yeah I come on come on please save the stream the stream will be saved as always that always saved I think for two months you can watch them okay hey stop now Joe chill out oh he missed to rip Coby oh he missed our he's gonna miss again he's gonna miss again George at 6 a.m. I know I know it's late Ella Khan's missed both of his free throws will he miss the third we're down by 10 we have mean it could come back right now okay we got this George rack Calcutta whoever has the ball he like refuses to learn how to play the game for some reason get off me Georgian that's in that's in come on come on raiveer twain I said oh why stop now Oh Oh Mike the crowd is so loud I'm sorry I'm gonna fix the weather sounds soon it is so loud George's thank you is so cute also do you have a discord there oh come on oh do I have a discord I don't have the moment but maybe I will make one in the key hang on music and sounds weather off okay I don't care about the audience wait who is the ball oh my god wait what was that when you want to when you want to bowl with your birds but quarantine yeah this is yeah oh my god okay I kind of want to wait what just happened I don't know what just happened there was a noise I don't know what it is and I can't look at the moment oh it's bits I think my bits work that's good I wanted to test them I'll read it in a second no dream okay cheer 1000 how much is a thousand I think that's that's like ten dollars right that's a lot this is important text dreams mom happy birthday oh my god it's Mother's Day I was it's not Mother's Day for me because it's different in the UK but um yeah I should actually do that oh no George I will oh no I'm pushing out push them out I will text reams mom actually wait is it today the 10 3 is the 10th I actually looked this up earlier for some reason someone mentioned it but yeah I will text your mother drew him and tell her happy ma don't do it before you have you text wait how do you how does that even work with you like text her or what Oh what do you do oh no how did he get it uh over through it come on come I saw my mom today but Mother's Day wasn't today yeah but I mean like I saw her moving drew my movement julia box thanks also then i cobbled him so hard following me so hard I stole it well you call I called you Sardar then you come with me right back go go I'm getting them off you where is it oh yes do them often get them off me please yes we want you guys to name it for us please come that's on fair point five oh no okay it's a name it ah miss miss miss miss miss miss we can't leave him out of it oh you missed wait what I got oh he let me through I don't know what to name the group chat what can we name a group chat just call it the dream for your job but thanks for coming actually see me on 500k means a lot I don't know what we can what we can name of each other I'm like really hot this is very hard to concentrate right now no I'm getting destroyed by both dreams just sitting there looking at me like come on Joe let's do something wait shot clock violation alright on get off me I'm trying to think of a group name for the group showers okay I'm passing [Music] come on blue galaxy thank you for sobbing I'm reading Oh No - I'm creating notifications and still getting past defending some okay don't mind that's fine it's fine they seem to get a few and we'll make it up George no let's go baby oops I think I'll go dead okay yes yes nice you stole it please please no George thank you yes okay no the heck do not do that George I'm nowhere near I'm open though I'm moving now I'm open that's way off oh come on more bonds back in guard this guy can't guard me a step towards hello thank you for the chair ah Sun up you're not getting of what's this thing called the key okay you're out of the key I suppose but wait do something dream get off Callahan Callahan I did Oh what oh no tops tops off oh no it's not oh we gonna live that's him roll me down we're only down we're only down by seven eight we have three minutes we have three minutes we can come back we can come back a mess is everyone all right yes okay come on come on no no please oh that's no I was supposed to go in don't go in okay baby come on the Georges please no dream say hi to Libby and crimson if you want to win you have to say hi see Libby and crimson quick hi okay okay it's getting me okay I got them off please oh my god we have to can't score here they can't score here there's any petty six seconds left turn we need to do something go ahead right there on the money miss where's the balls ah summer but I asked the I'm so mad he didn't foul all right look I've send my best is so close it's the best of three it was so close that's a foul [Music] VP fifteen points ah okay went if you you basically drew a foul at the end so it's so scummy what babe rash please turn off the celebration effect for new subs it covers the whole screen and something yeah those and it's so annoying okay how do I turn that off [Music] hi again Jorge to everyone right chat hello how do i how do I turn this off thank you for the donation again I don't know how to turn it off preferences channel alright best best two out of three one second twitch disable new sub celebration celebrations what how do I wait what is it it's an effect you have it you doing stream labs I never had my own way it's a stream type thing like you added it no I didn't know oh I feel like twitch celebrations okay control there's no celebrations and huh is it's still doing it like how do I turn this off oh I don't turn at all joy because it doesn't me it doesn't on yellow stream as well just my stream like just your stream but I'm saying like I'm watching your stream and I see it happen I don't know how to turn it off wait what do I do did anyone know there's anyone there no one if I could be a fairly obvious thing a giant celebration here we go get my friendly nose twitch really well the dream is big poopoo group chat okay I'm sorry I read celebration says configure configuring twitch celebrations for your channel clicking this link are going to create a dashboard affiliates partner twitch celebrations wait give me the link yeah Oh clicking this link I'm on ah okay okay Oh celebrations it's just an empty page there's nothing here there's nothing here yeah Jamie you click it there's nothing there oh I'm not a partner so okay this is theme is important this is bad I don't know how to get rid of it so what does it do it just maybe nothing there's nothing as celebrations huh I'm trying to fix it I don't know how bits and cheering community support and recognition may be in no okay I'm sure I don't know what to do so when someone subscribes it like spam my whole screen just full of likes how do I turn it oh but it's on my pages like HDMI whole thing or something on that okay obviously Knights do know but it's like a it's like a web page thing it's not it's not on the actual video yeah like it covers my whole screen not just like like the film that on this website dream with like the the twitch page it doesn't that thing doesn't exist in my settings are you single asking I am alright let's just play again because alright two or three total how to fix it I'm sorry everyone I'll go change should I choose a new stadium we can pick like a colored stadium with locale hands not even here Calahan that worries like an ad is hearing I can't see that whoops yeah that one won't kill him so saying when someone subs it does thingy everywhere okay I have it open I want to see you next time someone subs yeah so once up come on guys subscribe oh my gosh also by also alright SAP nap is gonna serve let's see it oh you did it I don't see any confetti it didn't do it this time I'll just wait and say nothing's happened alright since I subbed to George I need Jordan so give me everyone go sub to me it affects I wonder if like because you visited the pager detected that you like want to do something I know that's a fault I know because if they said it's a feature that only 5% of partners have right now it's like a test feature I'm like they saw you visit the links I see you're trying to get rid of it or something ey first thank you for pointing in your dream will get his his chest and son I've already got his oh thank you and Cassidy is cool thank you for subscribing hey George my girlfriend loves you in dress up I love you like sir thank you I love you Lexus yeah two or three we're just we're just playing faster three twitch Prime about twitch Prime it's free to subscribe it is what it is all right new game partially my skin all right Kelly and stay on George every time yeah Sami Callihan just like that you're doing a great job coming huh good hey chat which name dreamings big poopy chat good chat well group chat not found well I prefer dream his big poopoo but guess Jack and decide Oh dream I just jebaited you so hard it's a fake pass man didn't debate me in order for me to go to Callahan come on stay on them cons for the bull do not come over here yes come over that come Oh take these no fees Tik Tok wait what oh I'm open you're like right by me that's a hard name to say when I'm looking at it quickly one second screen I think that said thank you for Luke scribing that's a good one I could be saying screen world dollar defense okay I'm open here thank you no comms bad news that's cool you should have took a shot while you were open instead of waiting for him to get there you're joking all right here I go wait I didn't get a footing wait callaghan's like callahan was destroying no it was it was right on this screen nine to three OMS Oh long dream joking two more get that boiling dream this is the hardest one it's like right at the floor right before and nice nice good story huh oh I just realized someone stop nothing said oh come on but it's all good fine it's fine I switched I switched he's destroying MIT he's gonna see you bye we came over to help Oh spot and thank you SPO deacon no he didn't have time Oh Amy I keep dishing you these dog well that wasn't always whale where did you throw the ball down there alright he caught a timeout all right it's all right so what what winning 5-0 this is embarrassing something nothing Callahan what am i doing I keep throwing Callahan these dimes yeah George are you $25 remember it took end in our discord messages oh hey everyone's typing $25 wait why does George seconds to do it broke his ankles you see that oh I'm I think I missed all right Oh Georgia take that word what okay Jamie gotta know Genevieve thank you for this very that's it oh it is in its drooled back in hey come on this game is so intense and coming up how did you get wait what okay see that no how does he pick that up has like this really good paint like minus three years rebounds Wow oh I just broke Khan's feet again there we go that's an yes nice come on he's three nice no enough no it was close though but still up with so I was close okay come on you gotta start getting past Callahan I'm trying he's just licking me uh George George George nice what no you see what I did I just held back with him he kind of ran straight through me oh he misses these he misses the one well if you can make these we would be winning but yes nice okay Cohen George to shoot let's go to bien are you Joseph go here that's gotta be a yes oh thank you yeah we did have a callahan hit that I had a good day I recorded a video maybe tomorrow if I'm actually or using me productive in dreams opinions on would a nice my veins and what are pretty safe uncle would it's bad or something don't know what is the worst and oak wood is like math and acacia wood sucks I quite like a good but I mean oak woods like okay mmm-hmm Oh easy combo long-forgotten oh oh just please how is that so far off it's in there it's it's not in Ojai we're playing by the pool basketball easy inside Church at that yes do you guys stalk our fan accounts I think SAP nap does well oh you're not gonna like me I see how it is you know its voice to be too right now Oh get them off me yes thank you oh that's in that's in that's in is in [Music] what wait what that's not a foul no it's off it's way off doesn't go easy okay 2311 not looking so good nothing come on I love you and dream is wrong acacia is the best word wrong acacia is the best wood I don't know if that's true I don't like a case you're a tool I would never use it for anything thanks for the donation but your opinion I would maybe use the log for like occasionally and the logs not bad actually but the planks and then of everything else trash he's crying because he's sore loser oh you ran away I will read that in a minute hang on can I get a bowl off sap nap come on oh come on you're coming no time no time yes yeah it's your birthday today on Mother's Day I was wondering if you guys would wish me a happy birthday anything love you all so much very my day look forward to see more content happy birthday on mothers [Music] Abby Shana with snow oh wait I'm this is how shorty when I'm playing this game I'm sorry hi George I hope you're supporting went well also tell dream dark oak is the best wood okay bad can yeah you can be my my donation reader oh my okay I it just went badly I'm sorry if the recording did go while Ashley thank you oh my goodness George there's something on your minecraft foot on my minecraft foot Wow yeah look at your Minecraft fight there's something on it I'm George there's something on it George oh my god it's 1:22 am I making a Mother's Day card thanks entertainment also please thank Jane for just drawing my Twitter mentions haha honeybee oh you're welcome you guys welcome and wherever you are how did you miss that make that Mother's Day card I made my mistake but I think you're under estimating acacia wood dream vacation which George in Sherwood is adorable that's the easiest shot in existence oh that's good at perfect let's go George that's completely together dream Oh taunting clapped come on if you hit him close five times in a row you steal the bull by the way so come on it's getting some good hits on me Helen just so we know if you oh nice go cow how the foul that is absolutely amazing each of you guys favorite would honestly I like just Mook would I'd see the most you yes how my spray sweats the most weeks why is it useful that we can be useful no you can use spruce with like any block type spruce is pretty good you can't really use like oak with anything there are certain blocks it doesn't look good but Bruce looks good with pretty much anything how bad to stop falling come on your Mike is always okay okay Mike keep son boy in my microphone is very upsetting my serious told you sexy and I love you I see how this that purchase dream is a witness which is low-key not the best I hate Burch Burch is my least favorite one of the main reasons why I hated those whenever we're doing our challenges obviously we mainly have oak and then when you get butch it's just like an extra stack and it's annoying well that's what we need to make what types are pattering I think it's kind of ridiculous that you can't craft woods together for certain things like they let you do it for crafting table yeah Oh gang right those are the best like looking longest I think they're sure that's in it oh yeah happy you don't have the London look what is the London look actually know what the London look is I'm from London though so you'd think I have the longer London look but is the London look somebody tell me that thoughts on that sexy nether warped wood planks I can't actually think what they look like right now and they blue turquoise that's ridiculous it's crimson popping sounds cool how it is okay sure it's bread you're up by 35 by 25 and you deserve the world by the way acacia is trash miss Bruce is best oh yeah I somewhat agree with that I think but just equally baddest I just can't wait for the N word to come out it's gonna be purple and it's gonna look sick you know they're gonna add it at some point oh no oh no okay I'm here dreama vein destroyed was I'm good it just you just push them past me it's fine Colin's gonna mess go just go no Reem where we're winning so what's this what is easy three points out I'm not even looking so mad women the team one more game to play I could go anyway I don't I don't know why I asked the London like stereotype that English people have bad teeth I don't think that's even true to be honest take a shot George take a shot oh I tried sailor they was all right so it's one all this is the deciding game and one less you guys wanna forfeit now that's fine forfeit let me hurt somebody hello my kings I hope that you're all staying safe and healthy ah we all a nice person except for Sapna he's always George you wanna walk with me on stream thank you for the pointing content is no problem um do I want to 1 B 1 year 1v1 me on stream kal Alaska verse 220 basketball - ho no are you playing or you play I think we need to do the the last game right last game I want a one-on-one George oh it's this one's glitch this one's glitch this one's what's wrong what's wrong how'd you know the map the maps off this maps off by one what do you mean like the map she's gonna have to reach out sir reset the whole sub uh yeah just reach out the server okay one second well I think I did already and get the lorry wait I can come back no okay let's see it's restarting come on st. George yeah George yeah you got a donation that rate up was bullying me it's early do they are like ten minutes ago but I was just thinking that my stream believes me in yours I'm looking the sad Pitino well the bag is off the airstream loves you and so does George's dream and so to my stream the tote bag to stop flowing Theo mic is off gag yeah stop falling for them but of course then it's back up there George oh you don't they just don't love me enough to not mean [Music] okay I'm in the party I haven't set up need to make a party George how often do you well I haven't all recently become and I know it since quarantine so yeah I used to take there's so much like let's see whenever I need to go anywhere I just take it oh my goodness they are they are a true joy and bad Celeste the buzzer go now Thank You Wyatt how bad Celeste look more than the world itself so bad that's bad as now me now as a ha we've done it bad is now bad girl hallo I think you can throw a little donation thank you for the donation Celeste you sweetener oh that was the person Angus the last two nights potato dream well I you can see like the points the stuff you can hear the hey how do i spectate first respect to thank know what I like better oh I thought you would just I didn't hit the hospital you're stealing all mothers oh no come on I know I already donated but I just nice to have a nice donation I'd get out the basket get out get out it will actually I'm this is hard to keep over the donor Thornton's like this I'm sorry I will read through them again as I'm like in the series xx way what's the come on suspect a Bab nap is better at PvP than char no guys look at my Twitter I tweeted out a video way yesterday I'd old sapna pin a1 b1 it was fair no okay all honesty when you stream it drastically affects your PvP skills in a negative way and then you just say no ever be like five times in a row honest we got so mad and number two sat-nav is way better Oh George get him off me dream thanks for the ball I can't just leave like you've gone better connection than me it's not bad no you choke we can't let them win this I'm trying really nice illegal don't steal hearts and I already did I want to say hi to those pieces you're a beautiful potato JK awesome okay I'll read more later because we are trying to win this game another timeout attention and then like vote again this wasn't paying attention any George you want to hear something funny hi happy Mother's Day have you oh you're finally the saying save all so bad I would let you give my life and the remaining me usually twelve those in my bank account for you hashtag bad right we get me to a two of your twelve dollars thank you hi bad we love you so much buddy the good outweighs the hate oh my bad such a nice donation one stopping after trash you're left going yes yes there's no way in no time I'm sure so for the two I said of going yeah I'm George you got him yeah bad how much did Sam uh pay you to pretend like he's better than me at PvP I'll never earn you a PP then watch this uh oh my god dream you're so look George George I'm trying I'm trying more attention I'm paying attention for it George why do you have such a positive chat nice in half yeah yours alright it's full of niceness and positive energy and I don't see any immunity at all this great flies on poop stay on him I just want to stay here he is not why is every one thing everyone's being mean to me in my donations but I've found everyone's nice and chat that doesn't mean it's not even close who's better at PvP George it's not being mean to you to acknowledge that fat maps better at PvP he's feeling honest that's over I'm like much better though for the last look out oh my goodness I donated $50 $50 oh my I will look of look after but thank you that's a lot of money that seems like too much thank you so much I will read a message I'm going I'm going I'm gonna backwards kind of walks through me for the shop you suck oh wait you didn't even get the Bulger oh okay come on your donations or spammy either you just get a nice one I'm trying okay I thought I could read it just then I know you got a punch him pick on read the donations it's rendering run just then and then you ran backwards towards me you could have had it dude I was so annoyed which does seem like there's a light you nice okay does something nice my eye and you can sorry everyone thank you for the donations I will read them eventually I'm sorry if you're not reading them immediately please please that's it that's it that's it let's go nice my mind Colin you can call time out George if you ever need to okay you can do it Kellyanne come on man stop cheering on Callahan cheering it mine cuz he's the underdog right now it's also donated celestial generated videos again I'm more I won't read it I just sorted out the corner of my eye oh thank you after this game just take your time I really want to win this game what you can do it I'm gonna switch to Callahan's basket oh poor three posit drew what I do what are you doing oh we won I mean we got a foul okay let me read the okay I'm making tonight to make the most donations your streams oh my god will win or else I will revoke my donations but I love you please join twit so I can donate to you tear my own thank you so much for the massive donations ah dream come come come on yes I've got it I've gotta run dream yes nice what positive thing make sure I did do it I did okay I got out okay I don't know if they're literally not that far ahead of you you can catch her BZ we are so far ahead know you've got this come on he was trashy deserve so much better also dream is a fake speedrunner if a Keisha isn't his favorite George can you at least try to win I'm trying but um yes I will try it we are winning right now let's go Callahan oh my god glass so that's gonna fit 350 again we're wrong anything for you oh my god what a nice to do too much money I feel bad now but thank you so much why is Callahan millions open you've got to be the biggest right now oh so close Kalyn Jahn got and I hear that correctly [Laughter] yeah we're all cat naps by 12 do miserable James in a school okay I'm gonna score actually that's in that's a dub-dub W's in the chat everyone please [Music] teamwork makes the dream work let's go oh my god that was a big that was actually a massive W that was a massive w I was like yo that's the score and you're like no I'm not open come on okay now you can take your E that's fine hey dream capable psyche I'm just gonna squash I was gonna give me the foul okay that's in no it's not geneviève what I see guan Aviv not Genevieve apparently I scored Shu and I scored I was trying to read the donation oh my god guys got this there's literally no way this is basketball there are no run run what are you doing I was helping you I just wanted you to run through and then we could have scored are they go doing that oh my god come back hopefully soon oh it's so nice that one muffin who donated about saving up her dreams they're basically saving up money painting shoes ah thank you nice potato I fear we are g-locked boy no no 15 points any method know where we went that was a crazy shot ah many nice potatoes what come on that's my bowl refs say the shot was on the line oh my god guy come on hon died Oh 10 seconds on the clock this is the biggest dog I've seen in a long time good work he missed oh my god Wow congratulations we won't okay let's go up to the crowd yeah take me in the crowd take me up to the top okay I feel like I need because I miss so much okay I I will be back sound they're still coming through okay I'm gonna pause because I can't okay let me see how many did I miss and why would I miss so many okay so I'm not his better at PDP than you George that is false I will fight him right after this after I read all these donations I will I will win oh I think I will and can you renovate the survival house it needs it it really does we can we can try do that at some point I've ever done something a great day all night I don't know over here in Texas feel and I'm not sure what time it is where you all of it is 7:00 a.m. for me right now but I had a good day tell assignment that he makes me send okay I'll tell them consider me stupid that's how I'll tell them NBA Finals yeah this is literally the equivalent of the NBA Finals it's actually way back way bigger than that I promise you please tell everyone I love them I love them all so much except for SAP nap I'm not gonna read the bracket part but yes I'll let them know sign-off is better than George but how much did you pay already read that one yeah but some of must have paid him a lot and I will remember the text rooms mom happy Mother's Day I just do it right now I'll do it I'm okay so here are the celestial sweets and donations $50 I'm trying to make it my mission to make to make the most donations to Austrians oh my god and then 30 more win or else I will revoke my donations we won we won so I guess you don't you can't revoke them now hello Jim I'm gonna make him out of acacia and jungle wood oh my god you could do that I suppose you need something else though for the the outline the black outline this stream is a cultural reset I'm not sure what that means but thank you for donating bad you should really stream on Twitch YouTube streaming community it's trash I didn't think he'll stream on Twitch he's been swimming on YouTube for a long time and it just makes sense to say that but maybe eventually anything for you another $50 that is so much money oh my god thank you so much tell bad we love and appreciate him very much I mean oh my god again don't feel bad just finally take my phone out what is your where I don't know what your name is on wherever you put your phone on hi guys Jim is big boo boo boo cat loves you feel free to pop in I will when I get my much I said this I'm hopefully getting much done soon I'm working on it let me play the winner this is it this was not really public at the moment so can't really do that right now I'm sorry oh yes I've seen your DMS actually you are painting shoes for people to try and get money for dreams much that's a good idea good business I know you hear it so much but I love your heart thank you so much also can you tell him to respond to my Twitter's am i baught much and I want to join the discord he's replied so many people have said this he's new keep spamming him and just keep spamming him and he'll see it eventually but I'll let him know it's a check well that's it up um completely blow my card and my savings through donors only because I can't ship much here oh my god well thank you for donating but yeah they should they should be able to get much sent out to you hopefully they've got that worked out silver slash subscribe to prime thank you christos dozer subscribed thank you oh you put your twitter twitter is galaxy splendor its synonyms because I'm stupid okay I will I'll check you out and checking the strips gifted a sub thank you MC h HL got a free sub and today is Tuesday says best boy halo you all so cute keep other dancing thank you everyone for donating now we can we can come back to actually sir me now I got caught up Oh bad seize it and do more gets to serve to Cora thank you thank you so much okay sound resumed hello hi George do you mind asking dream if he still accepts people into his okay yeah we just completely destroyed these these idiots like the frock how did we lose okay just warm I would have his babies Callahan you hear that he's gonna say something stupid I mean look how people to us right now actually sleep there Galaxy splendor let's see where am i okay yeah oh wow best boy two peasants add the mercy of God let me see if I can show that let's see why is the youth ways this UK flag or Australia that's Australia flag display capture let's see is this oh here we go okay this is pretty epic dreams like trying to hunt us down what that's so cool Wow oh that looks like an anime character in this this is good goodness that is so I bag well it's like the the pre drawing I guess but I don't know what you call it welcome to sketch there you go that's amazing dude that's crazy I love it that's amazing that's I want to retweet that sweets I've went through entire Twitter what is this Henry's a link okay that's turn this off and here's the line that's pretty epic keep up the dancing bad what dancing do you do bad huh what apparently you need to keep up the dancing Oh know what you're talking about you do like ballerina dancing you know so wait what are we doing now that was pretty epic wait is there any other game boy what games are there on here right now how there's like nothing I know it's just we couldn't go on survival about survival or we could play you play basketball with bad if bad wants to play yeah or we could play survival wants to destroy George George isn't paying attention so it's okay you want to destroy me ask the question I'm answering a question let's play you a survival or we could play minecraft what do people want do you want basketball with bad or survival with bad maybe that could always join our survival but I don't know if he wants oh I gotta go to bed soon I have a sponsor stream tomorrow exactly is this bedtime soon his mom must come in again kisses on the cheek also rattling yeah she does the attired little potato she's all xscape inton a hey ma'am oh thank you mom and you just donated I guess Ophion laura-leigh oh yeah i oh i spelt it wrong what laura-leigh laura-leigh yeah Laura lately I said earlier I love you so much you could say hi I heard mean the whoa hello apparently it's bad they love bad especially Wow kind of rude especially thank get out of here and get on a bad stream then okay I think anyone wants us to play survival so we go in survival oh you can come with but I just wanted that bad so sad battle wanted to play basketball he's so sad and how do you mean crying now basketball later if your stream wants us to go to survival we should do that wait should I quickly wombly once apon up on hypixel yeah you should yeah you should definitely do that I like using easy like turn on music and beat you alright and then you're never done right now right now right now no oh my god saft now don't do it don't if you lose really so mad but it doesn't mean you can do it because I already beat him yesterday I'm the last time I do it I might because I believe in you SAP nap right now is won twice in a row but son of individual somehow ended up with George friendship ended with George no bad is our new friend I don't I don't lose and yeah I'm gonna not look at donations at all during this fire I believe in you oh my god nobody's landing anybo shots sounds getting me if you guys being quiet oh oh oh lava bug I'm so nervous come on you can do it how did you know in my lava you could say he's got cold feet [Laughter] anyway oh my god I'm out of arrows bow end amuse oh my god oh my god come on please no my lava Winesap nap you got this stop he hasn't said a single word since this fight started oh my god the easy he was so close you're so close like he only caught the first half of his word he was trying he put on some some travesty he was maxed out he was trying so hard and and not streaming and did say a single word the entire fight you can I take back that George is so much worse than you and you take that back I don't know it's putting him in fat combos that whole time I know you think you had nothing lasts what do you mean I had another guy no you had no heads you had like one gap 'el the whole gap was like a big difference no one like more healthy one at the end huh full like I ate that got another one left a region I was like didn't have another left I saw you ate six apples yeah it says in the chat don't lie found you could save found Jordan they both meet each other on each other's dreams barely his own TV me on my stream but I also beat him on no one threw him so all right I kind of want to build my own house on the survival world but I don't know where to build a rager hotbar no choice messed up your stream hey hey just wanted to say that I love all you guys I'm bad thank you for streaming despite the memes despite the memes you missed my last bits by I'm gonna say I made some phone off you guys on Twitter my user is newfangled one love you guys how do I join the survival server with CIP for me okay we posted in chat but you'll find I'll Rita - it's seven nine four five six seven eight okay so what is this you put this bamboo here I did you could say you got bamboo so who's building is this yeah it's mine that's that SAP nap since sometimes house what is it yeah yeah I built it and finish my stream yeah it's like a you and uneven you okay interesting where can I build my house I want a house let's see let's scout out the area where can I build a house um let's go to the top of the house and see galaxies wanna thank you for subbing this is it cool thank you Wow the stamp shot background looks super awesome it is hey whitelist me so I can come in destroy George's whitelist good girl hallo hey that's not a mod hmm I could build my house in this little I'm in the wilderness Oh crafting 50 minus 250 mmm that's really far away hey the only place left on the waters maybe I don't want a better on the water I get what I like on the opposite side like over that's a dead it's like just outside the other side what is that Piper mzx that's a interesting name thank you for sobbing Jim is a burial ground for spirit south I didn't see this thank you basically what happened was George listen I'll tell you the story so I went on like a 40,000 block total ride with the same horse right I bring it home and then I'm like okay so that's now you know what I'll let you borrow my horse ago another thing literally he's not even 500 blocks in the house and he kills the horse on accident like a skeleton kills the horse that's not very good rip everyone put an F in the chat and pray for spirit pay respects we have spirit be too so it's okay Andy chicken you guys have chickens at the house I can bring one we have tons of chicken like a whole chicken in the farm he's like the chicken being or something wait punk he's playing on here yeah well the people that are playing are pong won't only been here once but Alissa awesome dude nice app nap George in you okay could you maybe share stories like sign up and Jerome did the other day what stories did you show you um Megan or 250 negative 215 oh here's my if anyone didn't see it here's my amazing spirit mine was come down here what is this mining yeah but you can mine like this wow you can see these blocks where is it gosh Ivan no oh yeah or Pam or George why don't you go towards it Beth Jordan since you're the one band a buncha stuff Georgie Thank You Ava because I George you gotta go it's fine that is interesting donation young Dec thank you for subscribing alright bad do you want at all yes please follow me I see will start here cuz we're here so okay this is the okay let's start over here this is the the tree farm there are trees we can get all different types of wood whoa that's about it okay now come over here this is the nether as you can see it's leaking out into our overworld but he come through another gifted sub Thank You G Lamar oh they pushed me out of the house oh my god oh no died oh my god we messed up again okay wait you have the Flint state why it doesn't matter all right I'm just gonna break this one because it's annoying me all right break it all I won't all right now I'm gonna take too long so this is our little nettle spawn as you can see we have a little chess with nothing useful in that you have any food cooked chicken okay I found a crossbow Thank You Gabi and cheesy pasta subscribes I like to do so I was in jail that's all right now so here's all hey enchanting table and enchantment table why did we replace this block on the ground with some ugly gray block are you blind this closer it's closer it is closer even though that sopping up killed spirit ISOs him for him and Celestia Vegas subscribe Thank You Celestia Wow Celestia Vega subscribe thank you huh alright so this is the can you stop with the fishing rod you're gonna push me off first Kalyn Jahn yoga boy Waldo Callahan walked off about mmm-hmm I want to show you something come over him so this is the bridge remade the bridge yes it's an iceberg I'm at the bridge because I'm an amazing builder Phoenix laying MC I see site it it's kind of a long it's not a long way that's as well you gonna don't fall in the lava okay looks so cool here this biome it's pretty neat there's a piggelin thing over there yeah I like this that's when I want to show him so if you following me one I gotta turn off auto jump it's very frustrating and you always get it another sub thank you a little slime man huh okay I have a crossbow okay I'll protect you but where did you guys go why it's snowing oh it's not oh yeah I think it's no but it's some really what else - that's ridiculous it's snow both OH - do these things still attack you if you hit her thank you they're looking at me kind of funny wait why is it snowing in the nether he's kind of bizarre to you laughs why look it's like a vote it's like a volcanic ash no look it's coming from the sky it's coming from everywhere the ceiling yeah I'm the ceiling exactly is this this no this is basalt it doesn't say ash it says basalt look this is just how this is you know the conquest of the game so anything it's not snowing it's salted it might be being difficult I just want to serve him this thingy look it's like a it's like a new nether fortress thing has these like lava fields it looks oh those are cool loot inside but we don't want to go in there right now because it's it's dangerous because we don't have goal with the pagans attack us hey you wait like all that enchanted armor I do but they still attack us what prot level is that God my head disappears it is pro 3 pro 4 I'm basically invincible and you're worried they can kill you so easily they can like let's go okay and we can go say hi there's a gas I love you but kind of disappointed and sent off for killing spirit like he could have gone another white hose for him that's true wait sound not killed a horse Goss is gonna knock me off it's down off unlike schools of what is this what is this there's a gold block here what is that what is that gold when no way you can get gold nuggets in you know they're straight my bad hold your breath because we're going into the the dandruff and lice path my spa hey this is no I'm convinced this is snow I refuse to leave anything else hold your breath you don't have to hold your breath how would you know I'm holding my breath quick they wouldn't know well thank you quick you know you read about being sent stop it I I'm getting out you're being ridiculous almost fell the tree farm the tree farms and the eat mosquito tree to tree farms and what else yeah I get a phone another we're going back okay that's a big one we want to put them on oh I miss fowl which are on the tree farm in another so there's still the whole house and everything else and we've got oh my god re bad stop right I get gave five subs thank you thank you so much okay what stopped oh my god George stop it stop no no no stop I'm gonna die seriously I'm gonna die stop stop so many times in a row oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god get him get off me come on stop oh my god because of the Pearl I can't come through let me through stop pushing me out Oh God guys stop stop it heart that's how come on I'm trying oh my god why did you kill me you have become powerful you've been bullying us for too long dream no I'm going back for my stuff kill him dream why doesnt me creepers are you I'll show you this stuff is gonna kill them by cross why did you kill me there listen George you have bullied us for too long oh my you have okay for everyone else has stuff to burn teii me what for your stuff to burn this is a bunny with your dream why are you burning my stuff and Dragan wait no stop killing me what wait I win the runway why are you killing me oh my god I had so much good stuff and I had like 15 listen it's it's gone which mean is gone tyranny is over George it's over your tyranny is over your journey is over you have bullied us for too long you killed me like 30 times last name and you killed sap nap on his stream like 20 times okay you have too good of Sun so what are you what are you doing with my stuff I'm still getting more burning you're burning it what I spent like you know George's pick oh my god no it's gone it's gone wait all of it wait are you you did not there's normal dying boots we'll keep it oh I found protection ivy boots worth burning or throwing the lava you don't you're trolling you know burning lava no it's all burnt I promise alive promise yeah why would you burn I promise you it's burned you're lying nope No why would you bunt promise yeah wait dreams those regular dome is too powerful we just started this survival series we you have had too much stuff everyone else has iron you have Opie stuff we would need to build our house make it better and you're too focused on protection Ivy looting buys everything and this is a coup everyone got together in a meeting everybody and decided that it was time way dream those a diamond boots are action like can I have those bad how do we get down how did they how did they get down there's no way you I grabbed our house and jumped there's no way you actually bunt the stuff no it's actually burnt it's burnt it's burnt you could have at least put yourself you just destroyed it yep no one needs that stuff so there's nothing to find your let me kill you let me show me you don't have it did you get our house oh yeah actually bun tears my arrow there's an arrow in here oh we talked about it and then we talked about it off stream both Alyssa I need and we decided I don't have an error that your tyranny is over you actually bun - I have a gift for you though George I have a gift for you I don't want your gift you just burn like - Sam's the awesome stuff oh my god yeah that is clapped during what you just did why did you kill me and then this bone the stop forcing rules with prot heavy armor when you're not in charge here George you can't you're allowed to keep these two items I didn't burn those wait George is this one of your items is on the edge of a lot of air I don't kind string I've got a diamond axe and a diamond hoe at least these are kind of good but like II burn you actually burn this off are you serious yes it's gone forever dream stop being toxic no the King has been overthrown no more tyranny if you weren't there for our streams then you missed it I killed George zero times George killed me like a hundred times now George we have gotten revenge it is we me and SAP dev have determined as even okay no more fighting it's gonna be a peaceful nation so peaceful in fact that we have a gift for you okay what is the gift you have any blocks hey give me my bread has gifted five more subs AB now give me my bread or I'm jumping in this lava here your breads over here please oh my god props for dealing with this I can't walk bring me bread please it's okay George oh wait I'm dying oh my god wait that wasn't yeah I thought I was oh my goodness don't I just give me oh my god forget myself go get my Axl my hands please I don't see one where is it is it near where you died yeah yes uh are all these things supposed to be charging at me just gifted five so like George chicken the strip just five subs thank you so much wait watch wait I'm coming back I'm coming back I'm trying to come back oh my god they actually burned my stuff guys unlost did you get my oh my goodness what is this thing I'm being chased by a gremlin there's a condition to our present okay okay our present is a stack of what a stack of diamonds but the condition is that you have to stream two streams in a row where you do stuff for the house in the end of the world and not mining diamonds and getting protection for God that's the condition to the to the gift two streams where I have to build this for the house flock you have to build your own you can build your own room you can you can improve upon our ugly house finish the fish tank anything anything anything you want oh my god how do I get back to the other world I'm kinda stuck it's okay George I don't think your tyrant and I still love you thank you I was not a tyrant I was worth playing the game how do you define a tyrant I don't know how do you define it George that's that that's how you define the home they're just picking on you George don't worry no we're not picking on him he was a tyrant anybody who says he's not did not see in my stream in stopping upstream here here they ate me exactly he just got taps that's it he just got he's got a ninety four hundred percent of my wealth 90% of your wealth but it's okay we burned this so it's not we're not taking it you just basically like you could have donated it to charity at least the gorge not found interest to Callahan don't I'm almost crying yeah I know you clearly are these random things coming you're gonna do that cause this isn't this isn't a sweet run this is a team a team work system we have to make our house we have to make a whole system we need to make real roads we need to travel the world a 7-up account so not two seconds they are cancelled from now right now this we're not cancelled in the ICU I yes I may keep the ho I'll have the ax okay okay thank you you've retrieved the gun yeah my crossbow did they you have an error on you I don't wait show me the crossbar son all right wait right click at anything all right I need a Pew they really how do I know you but my stuff and you want just keeping it for yourselves well I recorded it you can see it if you like recorded it oh my goodness through oh my god on my go to my order this is George George they're attacking oh my god oh my god right what's this this the house are they following us verge is this what we're supposed to burn down oh my oh my goodness there's so much stuff in these chests is this I am dreaming this I'm not going on are you are listening Joe Kings we're said we're even we said we're even we said we're becoming a peaceful that we did you break his bed [Music] no this Mike Ross remember last stream when you fell in the lava and you would have won a hundred percent died with all your good stuff but guess who saved you me right yeah right I would have saved you this is just this is just the this is just the universe making things has they should've been okay oh my god you need an arrow dreaming something up you drew up this crown don't pick it back up would you mean bad the group bad had nothing like I was giving bad all of the world I didn't know about it there's no way I was like all the lead-up of his tyranny and then you will understand the pain and suffering the number of times he killed me he killed me I was on a half a heart screaming please don't kill me with nothing and no bed and he still killed me this tyrant needed to be stopped okay this is revenge and if you don't think so you're wrong yeah I could technically not take the deal and then spend the next two streams instead of building sling getting all my stuff back but then we're gonna just then if you don't then we're just gonna get Opie stuff and then we'll kill you and then we'll take your stuff and burn again and we'll burn our stuff too you [Applause] know I can't even replant all this stuff I don't care anymore oh my god why he pawned the seeds he's ruining the house he's ruining the house I'm killing him don't kill me no don't kill him to kill him it's a peaceful nation we have to stop with the killing no more killing guys we're working towards a utopia okay we can't do that if we're killing everybody some seeds I want to help there are some seeds and kelp oh no guys watching George's boy origin story oh my god I did nothing wrong I didn't know you did nothing wrong okay you need to at least retract that you definitely did many things wrong look let's not argue about who wronged - okay even in your last stream I was begging for my life in an hour literally nothing I mean I thought it was a peaceful nation how are you gonna how are we gonna be together oh my god someone's killing me please please hmm no doors like one hits up that bad night take yourself to his stop store take his stuff take his stuff that no he didn't have any of your stuff so you're kind of a drink no focuses for revenge not sorry you are trying to you have to have peacemakers here you're trying to write in French okay okay it's over all the killing it needs to stop we're gonna have a peaceful server guys stop with the killing I am stop you as George has it's his killing oh my goodness he killed them you see this George the dream cannot peace yes I killed Sapna I don't want war I want everybody to stop fighting everybody needs stuff fighting we have killed each other so many times the last like two streams that we need to stop fighting and get an no more fighting yeah I was trying to fish basket holy men with rights that was amongst that give me that is that is the only become what you must see to destroy we were so mad it was either it was either we quit survival or we take the tyrant out because that was at that's how about my god this is this is the worst day of the fish oh my god what is wrong with you stop now we can either include but not limited to fish oh my god so what now I've just lost everything I have to start again well we have tons of we have tons of stuff you have materials free just you're gonna build your house right build your house pick a place for your house build your house you have tons of stuff to go over [Music] they don't being nice in the first place so I'm not Connie Miss Bossy any place okay George you want to hear what's even we doing more screwed up about the story what though the leather that's in here he like whenever spirit died spirit dropped a leather and he was gonna put it in here but then he accidentally made the item frame with spirits leather instead of like putting spirits leather in there's now it's just a useless piece of piece of leather in there I think quarantine is making dream insane killers dogs that seems like a bad deal George do not go near my dog you don't know which ones are my dogs don't go near that right-click I will tell all the restored peace there I clicked you no way right click juni what right click how do I know you're right clucking uh-huh it doesn't matter whose horse is this mine now that's oh my god stop naps worse but it's supposed to be spirit too I'm taking this back come back on the server we'll get you a new fish taking this stupid horse on my face I'll get you a new so you know and there's I'll get you a new fish right now server yeah I'm like rolling it back right now I'm trying to okay spit horse Jamie's gonna go kill spirit he's already almost killed spirit v2 okay bad I rolled back the server I have I have the I have squeegee okay I'm coming on dream why do I still have my bag well anymore like the whole sir cause I'd be dumb cuz the whole job I roll he got back no one's the horse to die thank you the chat has saved the horse okay fine I won't kill the horse stupid horse it's a it's a team horse feathers where this horse dies they're named after our subs look get in here oh my goodness what dream is right here it's a team game there's so many friends from mr. squeegee and look it's beckerson yes beckerson oh this is great I'm a win-win dream kill your dogs get revenge oh my goodness mr. who give any back what kyon used all our wood to build that can't get out no is Callaghan what are you doing thank you oh yeah I need a name tag can you fish up the name tag towards the fish things like oh I don't have any XP levels dream how many XP levels you have save them save them will stop it's coming down I call my my skull nation I can't yell cow didn't kill Callaghan he fell look I didn't push him you went off to him and pushed him off okay I if I kill yours head this is supposed to be a team peaceful server and you're ruining it look Callaghan fell okay if I killed him it wouldn't have Callaghan is is gonna cry look at his life it was art is that he went up there to try and like change his mood did the fish get out no I even pushed them in thankfully they're still pay more attention to welcome things that will benefit everyone George spent a lot of effort gained diamonds was everyone you see so I think that's the problem you both may communicate on things more interested a communication and we communicated with everyone else on the server that determined it was we're gonna have to have a coup to get rid of the tyrant Wow if the server wasn't lagging then he would have been it would have worked perfectly smoothly perfectly smoothly yes I don't have an axe I have your axe oh I join your axe back George yes I do oh and I can give you it back okay um and like I said we will owe you a stack of diamonds if you follow a thorough where is my stock of diamonds you don't have it now you don't get it until you follow through you don't get it yeah what I have to go to streams before I get it okay well if you commit to it then you can get it next stream I want to eat you up short thank you for donating to eat me this is suicide I'm just stuck up here well George whenever you killed us and you had full diamond and we had nothing and then you were like you're so easy like that is gonna spark a revolution against you you can't have a super opie loot and you won't shut up about your pickaxe every 10 seconds my super OPP you're gonna get yourself what's my soul of it is that's what happened it's rude you got up somehow has Karuna it's okay George this is why he's done this cuz he's got coronavirus it's making him do bad things any of us any of us could have had the same loot if we decided to grind instead of actually playing the server and making houses and making traveling to get wood for everybody and so on and so forth everybody else could have had the same loot we don't want it we want to make the server better whatever just admit admit that it was a little bit just admit admit that you start admit this admit that you started it admit this only ten percent of the people now are followed I know if you're not follow right now like literally right now because only ten percent of people watching I can see the stats it says ten percent of people watching right now are followed Hey Oh show me where your pets are people following I see that I want to see them going up I see the number like we're at 12% guys don't stop guys I cannot commit to a stream schedule until we hit a hundred thousand followers I'm sorry that's not how it works all right the numbers going up we're now at fifteen percent which I guess is all right click the follow button click the follow button click the follow button guys click it right now I'm clicking it listen I'm clicking it yes yes follow okay there's only 69 percent of you guys are following make sure to click that follow button because your chats getting spammed in your viewer count went up by like 300 or something alright guys we're gonna kill the engine right now let's go wait what like I said George revenge is a dish oh my god Kelly and we just had this problem with the fish they said someone in the when you did the whole like bladder if you dream has been in in the last 24 squeegee drama George luck me what he has a fish Dramamine that's called been christened this is the official mr. squeegee oh did you name it yeah oh you did squeeze like at least 68 that's because he's a legend mr. squeegee oh my god yeah it is sad you guys in there follow the stream right now I mr. squeegee you can spell his stuff into lava cause you're jealous yeah they were so jealous yeah if we were jealous we would keep this stuff but us burning it is because we're not jealous we just want to have a good safe productive team and when one person has a tyranny over everybody else that keeps killing then you can't have a team there is no I in team George snack to you and by the way here come here Alan none of this would be happening if you guys were Bob's what is it Bob's that's cold thing and Nicki Minaj Stan yeah if we would Nick even our sons know this but how did it happen obvious oh yeah because we're all Nicki Minaj stands right your squeegee well how can somebody say where was the tyranny like oh oh I will post the second channel video like I'm so tempted compilation of George killing Sapna and dream they said you should give me my free stock of diamond myseco diamonds for free you play for fun dream is weird well no cuz then how do we know you're gonna make the correct rules of here in the game with friends you play for fun dreamers weird dream as well hashtag dream is waiting tell bad beckerson loves him also back home discord is requesting for him to join we're waiting house team bonding exercise fix the survival house yeah we need to finish our house we have an inner house listen listen that's another thing how do you have prot 4 diamond armor and the best tools when we haven't even finished our survival house that is selfish selfish for fun and it ruins the fun if you just beat the energy eigen in two seconds and get Opie everything when we're trying to have build our houses Alyssa wasn't even finish building her house yet and you already had it full stacks of diamond get out of here wait there's anybody anybody who disagrees is an idiot there you go I said it have you seen this block guys it's obsidian but it's got purple going threat I have seen that blog where are you oh your chest yeah this is crazy all my hard work for diamonds it's okay George I'll help you get your stuff back oh my saluting sword is still here you did you see how bad reacted when you were in the nether he's like what you're basically invincible that is the point Oh fifteen ender pearls those would have come in handy while running from Sapna [Music] George it's true the face is terrible what is this house George come here come over here George Romania so here you know my crossbow please don't I give you an apple just good and pass it dream with no brim jim has no brim look at home well I was your correspond to that we don't want to everybody everybody like everybody other than George talk we don't want to get protection like we could just catch up easily if we spend time and got it just like George did but we don't want to because we want to we want to like make this survival server last a long time and if we just become invincible makes kind of boring because we're not like all the mobs won't be able to kill us and we can easily go in the nether and everything and we just want to be able to play a long time and I don't know just like have fun for the longest time we can that way we can stream for a long time so if we could we could easily grind just like he did and get Opie's stuff but then it kind of ruined the point of the server because then we all be invincible and there'd be no fun and playing survival and we'd all be bored and we wouldn't scream anymore and that's how I was feeling and that's how it's after I was feeling that's how Alyssa was feeling and that's how everyone else in the server was feeling [Laughter] no chill I found that diamond chestplate dreams corpus okay I see what's going on corpus is like a thing something to do with words I think we need to stage a coup on top now give me the rest of my stuff back your fatty muffin head Wow okay you took my pants I see how it is gonna guys that's low who do you use you manage I don't usually rate anyone I just pick someone random I haven't ever rated the same person twice I don't think I don't have a pickaxe oh my god this house sucks and I hate it why is Kalin making these dumb bad yes this is my room I got it's okay is that a baby chicken called a check not good actually nugget die step dream justice for George revenge now I don't think mr. squeegee is safe on this server Oh what this will not die he's in the fish tank he's good yeah anything happens to him though I'm gonna burn this place to the ground burn it all down are you stealing stream Osito steve-o spectral arrow be great for tracking down waste our arrows George we need arrows oh I hit him oh stop killing Alan Alan needs to survive spectral areas do - you should have been a true coming I think I don't know did you like my room did you see the ceiling on it um oh I would like outlines them yeah do you see the ceiling oh yeah there's water above it yes like fish in there yeah let's go you can't be in my you can have a part of this you like make a door like here yeah exactly laughs now get out of our room this is why dog don't touch it what guys Georgia peaceful let's we're here to stop them stop the fighting oh my god bad this is why is bad killings revenge where do they go yeah I see outline him again for me yeah I go that's yeah I have no hours left okay see how he likes it Oh cried no oh my god did he block that takes a long time it does spend his time getting diamonds there is one build stuff on the server getting diamonds for myself wait I'm out of arrows again I'm out of words this is these shots are too hard to hit him break the crossbow it's like about to break my dog is I have no I have new hours I have no errors is up there cannot chase let's go back holding our houses let's make a beautiful experience on this survival server that we have right now right this sounds like a good idea now baboo halo has joined us so he can have his overcoat and we can make and again easy one here but the wheat no your crossbow no sure thank you only have three arrows though that's fine you didn't see me being attired in anyone's videos you were already think about getting your own house so I think it's time for you and bad to get your own place starts a new life together everybody has their own room pretty much but make us half that means like own like a mini little house but not really it's like he's playing making his own house but oh the crossbow just broke someone's still killing me well you guys be fair you guys were trying to kill him but you should stop stop that and everybody should get out of my house everybody is my friends everybody is friendly go let's let's become bad oh you're so lucky that wasn't mister squeegee that naps threatening me stop calm down rinse just stop everyone just go to bed we can wake up and have a new day do I really miss a stream okay I will I do need mods but I don't want to run on me give out mod to people hey guys I need to uh I don't know do something how do I check he's worthy of being a mod I don't know they have to do Lin do it oh and like a barbarian win 1v1 battle to the death I love your videos and can we see my dream much right now save I'm saving up can you please say hi for my friend okey hi okey okey dokey dokey yes alright well I don't know I think maybe I'm gonna end this dream where are you gonna where are you gonna build your house drugs where were you you never decided I don't know I don't even remember it feels like it felt like it was so long ago I felt like I was the staircase is ruined I think I was gonna build it like hair or something like yeah we need to have maintenance I said did you shoot an arrow one of our stuff is in that way I'm just so you can do it you could do it by where punk made his chicken there are pills just in the chicken thing yeah wants me okay I mean finally they've saved Punk's chickens okay let's save I haven't liked nothing but Oh God I got them both and then you crossbow whatever it's really low anyway I don't want it I don't want it umm I threw it yeah I was about to say oh my god oh yeah it was so much tech screams mom I'm texting your mom right now I dreaming and saying happy Mother's Day no stop I'm doing it a dream look at this guy he begged me to stop chasing him but he runs and shoots me at the crossbow constantly I don't know watch there don't you shoot that across but one more time and I'm killing you there is ridiculous since we're gonna force we're gonna have to like have a committee we're gonna have to there's there's like seven people on the server we have to have a committee of everybody that votes on things oh we have them we need to build a courthouse we need to build a courthouse you'd have a committee we need to have a jail and we need to Callahan is the sheriff because Callahan is the most neutral oh my god I texted during his mom you're such a lot you say I said happy Mother's Day oh that's a really nice thing this thing oh my god later you can do exclamation what twitter and you can follow me if you're not George yeah gotta kill him now we should fighting in the court some why you kidding me tap tap stop guys I was not at some point by I need to set it all up so all right listen not right bad way because he's the most neutral muffin here he's the mayor he's the mayor of the server and he gets to help in the courthouse justice for George also when are you guys gonna work on the Hall of Fame I don't know where would the whole thing go we can put the mutiny of George we can hug the crowd what if we make the courthouse and I long all the walls of the courthouse we just have everyone who's named on the walls so it's like a double whammy it's the Hall of Fame and the courthouse oh that's true that's true we could and it's like our decisions are being watched over by the people I agree mmm this seems to be a lot of work to do now we gotta build according sauce oh my god how are we gonna fit in in the nether now we have my good pickaxes going gonna take forever with just diamond pick I have enough food now so I feel confident biting him the nether is never right now we'd never fight you sad map I am a peaceful potato and two portals head it's so messed up all right yeah and then we make a gladiator arena so if you need to like settle a dispute you can like 1v1 somebody in a gladiator arena we can have a rustic coding game returns something by combat what's it called we have it at the back of the courthouse can you please say eww you we've had we've had we've allowed anything to go on for too long look look with bad dream look that is jungle wait stop calm down no the court has those executed you know bad as leaving out important details he was sneaking around the house trying on fire to run away on his horse he's trying to escape Leia this year's will never catch me good boss creating evidence been blues dogs for these juni and Kristen those are creeper Alania popped out popped up bad move the stinking whatever was called my oh don't kill don't why did you punch it I stole his June creeper what's in the water I can't sit it's irrational disgusting behavior it really is listen listen from now on we're gonna have a civilization okay that lives in harmony and works and there's no ruler not even me not even anybody nonny like we would have elected you anyway oh you can have you can elect battle horse I might vote my vote will be cast for bad boy halo am i bad boy halo for mayor's in the chat let's start a petition let's go Arriba Arriba can you name a pumpkin often okay I don't even know if we have a pumpkin I just lost my water do we even have a pumpkin probably worse it's not a very good jumper goodbye muffins I will tell your sourcing right images 10 people that have yet to be put in item frames cool SAP nap snap map as punishment for his crimes see if it's snappy I'm giving you that has not been why not thank you potato for your $3 be fair technically please just give sapping up some carbonated melon milk yeah anything let alone carbonated melon milk which sounds disgusting but I hereby declare today the air melon day mayor melon day he's not even mean what but what does that mean bad day we stopped them stolen the memorial wrong ear leis didn't that say lies personal that's wrong the next one dreamed many many miles shaft Hill a is a good friend it's okay today leap easy now old pal who's trying to kill me was that dream will stop now it's time nap he was a hey we're Sat Navs chest I want to look for his stuff - no I've been licked or anyone stuff except your guys's gosh here you just see Sapna did you see Alyssa's also gonna listen sighs bad where's her hats come here this is it oh my goodness that house is way better than York Isis I know I'm living now on you can ask her maybe she'll let you wear her chest located I'm gonna take some of the stuff why does she have so many chests with nothing in them she hasn't moved in yet she's still moving bonuses something okay to be fair we probably shouldn't take anything that would be highway robbery what where is Sapna the Pawnee has diamond dama and Mo destroyed and must be destroyed wait don't SAP Maps diamond armor is in here somewhere let's find it and fish like this and you can it does that's kind of dumb I what I didn't mean to I found some chests I'll tell you your potatoes are they heal half I am the crossbow collector and some diamond whoa a diamond sword I can make I guess we've got so much stuff to do we can't do it or right now can we there is a lot to do why are there so many puffer fish so I think the stream is going to come to an end now thank you everyone for coming I'm shooting my shot can you please name a piece of bread after mediated motivate I can name a piece of bread off if I name this piece of bread after you you have to go do your homework okay before you end the stream room it's to come say hi in the Germans big poopoo group chat we're very honored to have been seen by you much love that is the best name that is possible for a group chat Oh free food all right I'm gonna in the stream let's see if there is anyone to raid no one that I'm following is online okay badges dancing again I don't know who to raid by everyone who to raid the who is this person I have an odd 15 seconds worth of ads I'm watching my ad I'm watching my ad the ad is over good night I love you good night potato thank you okay what are they doing they're like slightly different because of these weird spider buildings I love you bye Nia thank you okay follow me on Twitch I dare you follow me on Twitch I dare you I'm gonna down myself an awful you but thank you for donating there let's put English as a tag Dream Team you guys are the best thank you good night I don't know who to raid this is the hardest part wait what did he just start screaming or I don't see him where is he oh what's his name on twitch am I just being stupid [Music] let me see Hey look maybe he's on my mind the perfect thing is he's back after this we should be able to return back to how it was the first like six streams we all did because the tyranny is over I'll say my better way because everybody was on a legal and equal playing field and we will work together we will do things like travel together in the nether and build things together and do things together and have a fun fun time right George right yes just just okay admit a little bit that I'll be that you think it'll be better we'll have to wait and see that's the wait and say okay so many times multiple complaints person screaming 1.15 vanilla hardcore it is similar to what we were just doing so they're gonna get the rate I have no idea who they are dream is delusional nothing is going to change nothing I'm not delusional okay so yeah I'm gonna pause Strike Group their name is just button quite nice little using it and they seem to have a nice base I'm like us so I will read them I have no idea who they are so the grain of soul whatever that means could be bad I do not endorse them but whatever blah blah blah blah thank you for coming everyone thank you for sobbing it's my first stream as a partner although George follow him you can sub now you want to get a special badge for the first month you have to sub like now exactly okay well not now but the first one okay so yeah thank you everyone for coming donating sobbing clinging but giving me bits everything thank you so much and thank you for 500k as well I got 500k today on YouTube my YouTube is exclamation mark YouTube brah you don't know somehow if your hair from twitch and you don't know me that's my YouTube and yeah I'm going to leave now okay bye bye bye bye okay bye
Channel: Dream Team Streams
Views: 544,273
Rating: 4.9404764 out of 5
Keywords: dream mineraft, georgenotfound minecraft, dream and georgenotfound, gream, dream livestream, dream minecraft livestream, georgenotfound livestream, georgenotfound minecraft livestream, dream minecraft survival, georgenotfound minecraft survival, dream, georgenotfound, woops georgenotfound, dream and georgenotfound minecraft, dream and georgenotfound minecraft livestream, dream survival world, georgenotfound survival world, george survival world, georgenotfound survival, sapnap
Id: K1F_t1DWwsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 57sec (9117 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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