Dream - Minecraft Manhunt Extra Scenes (4 Hunters Finale)

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he ran back towards the middle oh my god that is so ridiculous oh my that was like the longest end fight in the history of end fights no it was not that there was that other one that was like half the video that was that that infight oh my gosh oh my goodness that was did we say he was in the middle i didn't even know everything was kind of long like the nether was the longest nether i think that end was like the second longest end the beginning was kind of short i guess but oh my god i didn't even know i'm falling oh oh my god oh my gosh i think it was after i killed george like i kind of started like how close was i to killing you in our little duel in the end um i mean you were you were you were you were eating how did you kill me i was just saying i was in water when we first started fighting so i just couldn't get any like good hits and you were just creating me like what the hell so i was like you know what power up time magic mushroom i just oh my god we were so close that's insane oh there you go dream congrats oh that's insane that that was my dream that might have been that might have been the most intense thank goodness i think for me that was the most intense manhood i've been in but no yeah it was a lot of close calls man oh no there were so many close calls literally and then the whole oh my gosh oh that was so great like i i i use like multiple tricks to to insta-kill george when he had front one diamond i think how did you kill me when like in the in the stronghold how did he do that yeah what was that it's like entity cramming so entity cramming's like in minecraft when there's too many entities in one box it starts killing like living entities and so i just like i just like mined iron until i had enough iron for 29 mine carts and the limits 24 so i just put them all in like one block and i knocked george in the hole and then because george living out today oh yeah oh yeah yeah so i had a ladder and um and i i placed a block i was facing the ladder and i placed a block into a place behind me and so then i blocked you off and then i thought it only killed mobs you can do that to kill you yeah it kills people it kills people are you serious yeah because people are enemies it took like 120 something iron or something like that george george if you hadn't died he wouldn't have had diamond armor look see this this is your armor george what he's wearing i mean were you saying you wouldn't have fallen for it bad no i was staying in the room i came around the corner you're just standing there looking at the wall and next thing i know i'm dead i gotta say i probably would not have expected something like that so that's pretty meany oh my gosh i feel sick right now yeah i feel i feel kind of sick but it's like i just feel like that's like that was like too much intensity for one one sitting like i think there was like just so much intensity i don't know the end even if there was one that was longer like that one we were just constantly screaming yeah that's true yeah because i think everyone was just dying it was like chaos it was just complete chaos i feel like it was also like going really low for some reason and so because the dragon was going really low it kept killing the enemy but also booping you guys like in the air and stuff so you guys constantly had like yeah you had to worry about it kept going for me like what thumb up the thing is like usually you could just tower up but i had a punch two bow so i just kept blowing you off oh that boot was really annoying i mean that punch honestly like even though i didn't think it was that useful at first it definitely won me that game game because like oh that's for sure i mean i was able to stall for so long just by booping you off over and over again well i just sat now getting knocked off yeah oh well dream the thing that was the memeiest i think was how you're like oh hey guys i'm still in the nether oh yeah and then you i just thought it'd be i thought it'd be funny to act like i was still in the nether and then yeah i was and when i was yeah but that's like be fair i was i only left another for like 30 seconds like you guys realized really quickly i think it's because i said i think george just knows me and like when i said what'd i say i said something i said something about like how i'm in the nether and then like i mean and then george was like yeah george was like hmm that's kind of suspicious maybe he isn't in the nether and he like checked and then george was like wait guys he's not in another or something like that you could have got away with it for so much longer i feel like if i just had not mentioned anything i might have gotten away with i just thought like it'd be better it'd be more believable to keep you on high alert for like all i needed was a couple minutes and i feel like i could have gotten cause imagine if i had like three more minutes i got in the stronghold like a little earlier and then i could i'd be in the end instead of like that and then you know it would be fair that happened maybe i would have lost like it's kind of like alternate universe because if i had gotten to the like maybe i wouldn't be able to trap somebody's and i would have iron armor like a 4v1 versus prop 1 diamond there's zero chance i win that you know there's an alternate reality where you haven't won any manhunts right you know what honestly i think we should disqualify this manhunt because you pretended to be afk at the beginning no honestly i i think that just ruined the whole dream in all seriousness but like really you're just gonna be like oh they're all waiting for me and i'm just gonna like oh weasel my way off you got like a head start yeah that was a huge headstock that's part of it i mean that's been a lot since the beginning it's always like you got to be on high alert as long as you guys are all like you all say you're ready and you're on the server like i can start at any point you could just you could let you just go make food for like hey guys i'm gonna go make some lasagna i'll be right back and then we're all just supposed to sit there and stare at you dream i will say this good job i think i think it was the three hunters we were up 2-1 all right and we gave you a rematch so i'm just thinking you know that's a good point you got a common courtesy you'll give us a rematch it's fair yeah i mean i was i think that i have performed okay i will say a lot of it's luck but but i have performed better in the four hunters than the three hunters but i don't think it's like oh there's 400 that's why i think that i've gotten like like the one time i got like two god apples and like i've gotten print and then this one like i've also been very very organized like i used to not spend as much time like this this man hunt i spent like three or four days like prepping like thinking of different things i can do and like just going over all different minecraft features and like which ones i can use that's how i came up with the the minecraft the minecart thing and i try and do things i know you guys browse the redis i'm like i try and do it it's something that's like not on the reddit i need to come up with stuff that's not on the reddit anywhere otherwise they're gonna know about it because it's on the reddit and like so that was one that like just was nowhere and oh you should've you're gonna see in the video but in that on the one scene when i was on the top of that giant mountain and i voted down like i voted down there's like a waterfall coming off like the mountain and i like boated down the waterfall and then into like an ocean and it was like this epic like majestic like scene flying boat into like a into like a waterfall and then into the ocean hilarious yes i will i will offer you i will offer you a rematch um and obviously i feel like people see that coming i don't think it's something that i feel like either way i don't know i honestly feel like i'll struggle next time i feel like three was kind of the perfect amount where i was able to pull off like some crazy crap because like the thing is you guys got like op armor two times in a row now like that never happens because i think you guys realized after the first one like hey we have four people like we usually don't like get op stuff but with four people but we just like buying diamonds and gets oh no that ant did like a great job he was just off the entire time getting us stacked he was communicating with us so we were like so like once you realize that you guys have gotten twice as hard but i feel like because of that instead of me thinking of hey instead of me just relying more on like my my navigation skills and like my parkour and getting away and stuff i've had because because i know you're gonna try and pull that this time i had to try and think of things like how can i yeah you know in this in this case like before this man i was sitting there thinking how can i kill a prop 4 diamond armory person you know i was sitting there thinking i'm like with a notepad out like i'm in travel minecraft going through creative mode and looking at all the menus and seeing like how can i kill somebody that has full diamond with prop 4 just in case you guys do it again and you guys didn't do it again but you guys did like a more reliable strategy i would think which is just like i mean to be fair you did get a lot of diamonds like i mean it was a long time but still that's a lot of diamonds did you have do you have a there's no you had fortune after you killed me thanks to that stupid water zombie thingy uh i helped mine for you yeah yeah i think i think you helped after five like 30 or 45 minutes something and then like i don't know how long i don't know how long anything was but though i will say honestly that was just so easy yeah oh my god i feel like i just like every time we do a mana i'm just like well there's no way it's gonna be crazier than that and then like the next time i'm like well there's like some i think i think the reason it's such a perfect series in that regard is that because like you guys can't do the same thing if you do the same thing every time i'm gonna smoke you and if i do the same thing every time you're gonna smoke me so it's like each of us have to come up with these strategies in order to in order to win so oh just to just to like i guess to it just to put this in here because it's something that i don't think i mean we've probably we've probably said it before like on stream and stuff but two two very obvious things in this one over the time of manhunt when it's progressed we've made certain rules in order to like make it make it fair yeah and one of the one of those is that you can't you can't like never travel insanely far um and of course with any rule we pretty much have an exception like unless there's unless it's like unavoidable if it's unavoidable like you literally have to nether travel then you're allowed to and the same thing with trapping the portal you're not allowed to break like the original portal like that's that's something that we made it was after i i broke it against george like one time a while ago we made the rule essentially that you can't break the portal um again unless it's like completely unavoidable which i don't see an area where it is but so in this time like i had the obsidian to make a portal and you guys like didn't break the portal so sometimes people would be like oh that's like that's like rigged or whatever but that's just kind of the rules we have if you guys just broke the portal you just break it every time every time yeah you can travel you'd never travel yeah never drive just get so far away from us yeah i just get to the nether and then i just grab obsidian from chest and then just run a million blocks and another trouble and i'd win every time i mean so those are just kind of two worlds i'm sure there's other small rules like that that we haven't that we haven't [ __ ] up before but i'm sure if we in the future i'll mention it if they come across yeah like what's the point having first it's flying boats and now it's getting squishy yeah okay mystical things we don't know about mechanics in a way yeah oh yeah oh as a game mechanic if you have more than 24 entities in like a one block space you're not allowed to so it starts killing them because that's what you learn to lag your minecraft handbook oh yeah yeah so i guess we'll do a rematch if the video the original video gets 1.5 million likes i'm sure it probably will but sometimes i'm sure we'll do a rematch but you know i mean if i win the next one then we're not we're ending it there and either five or well i mean we have to do the you know bad boy halo versus four hunters i bet i could avoid you guys all right all right get ready for a two-minute video right now hey right now that's fine very bad we can do right now all right let's do it all right let's do it let's do it right now clear your inventories all right oh [Applause] look at that oh look at that oh stop punching me stop come on no i'm boosting you no please he's not one heart no [Applause] no i'm going to win i'm going to win we have to kill him die yeah oh wait wait wait i'm gonna get away i'm gonna get away stop stop would do just get it yeah like to be fair that was good no dream wouldn't drown drown though can we go again that was pretty stupid that was a lot of fun uh i think it's on thanksgiving so happy thanksgiving and uh happy thanksgiving happy thanksgiving happy thanksgiving and i'm very thankful for you guys george and i'm very thankful for you guys watching the video and so are these guys so i'm very thankful to have a epic video to give to you guys so yay thank you we're thankful for you two dream thank you bye bye bye
Channel: DreamXD
Views: 3,685,901
Rating: 4.983109 out of 5
Id: akPiujQ-HO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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