Minecraft Speedrunner VS 4 Hunters FINALE REMATCH

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this video four of my friends try and hunt me down and stop me from beating minecraft can they stop me from beating the ender dragon or will i survive this is minecraft manhunt also only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed if you end up enjoying this video consider subscribing it's free and you can always change your mind enjoy the video i'm gonna go dreamy boy oh gosh keep running oh dream that's what you get dream watch oh my god him careful careful oh that was what was it of that those are somehow a creeper and spawn there's a village over here oh oh we go do the vintage strike go to the village with me okay you guys stay on him you guys [Music] just give up come back no whoa yes oh is it no i fell in the room i don't know oh my god i i took damage from falling on it [Music] did he get you in a ravine dream premier dream you're not gonna kill me wait what's happening he's actually killing me wait a minute [Music] what's happening to kill me just run around oh my god what how did he kill all of you oh my gosh wait does he have stuff no you just eat we fist fart you literally just punch each other yeah guys there's tons of food in this village hunting you down dream [Music] i just saw his name tag oh oh my god he's got a there's a cave i can see his crafting table oh my god i see him where's he doing guys get over here guys get over here guys get over here i see your name is your name jordan he's like in a cave do you have something up he's just right here he's right here [Music] i think he's got stuff he's got stuff he's got stone age where is he where is he he's made his pickaxe i'm getting wood was he down here yeah like i i just saw his mouth i never remember no no no no believe [Music] i don't have any food oh my god i i can hear him digging where are you going dream we're gonna go dreamy boy is that him oh i see him he's going deeper oh he's going really far down he's going really far down it's like a really big cave do we go do we follow him wait no we're gonna make a controller tools first okay let's get started let i need food oh my gosh you passed by some like cows and stuff where the cows would kill actually they're back they're back in the field we ran through he's just in this deep cave um he's like it's fine he's like it's fine we have time we have time oh i'll get this one oh this is so fresh there's a sheep over there yeah there's more mobs okay let's go back let's go back to the case yeah what are you doing where are you doing all right guys we need to go wait what how do you how did you get on so quickly i have no idea this is going back let's circle back where are you guys oh my god guys he just got iron armor i only have raw food though fine do you see that where wait where hello no his name oh there's so much iron here you didn't even take it yes come here oh my god [Music] oh my god wait does he have stuff oh he's not adding he's got iron we're getting out of the cave where are you i'm trying to get this i'm hoping i'm helping him [Music] [Music] oh my god guys guys we need uh we need stuff we need stuff he's already got like oh my god wait what did he have did he have his shield and iron and iron chest plate yeah yeah being a good little muffin as you would say i have been a good little muffin yeah yeah i only need one more oh there's so much with you all right there's actually hay bales yeah i've got i got tons of wheat just get some bad come here nice going inside oh i see what you're doing bad you're jeans yeah yeah i'm going to tell you guys something i was on one heart and no hunger when i fought you guys in that cave what are you kidding no way gosh when we were all running for you [Music] how far away did he run he's he's not super far just like over this morning okay if he's still in the cave it's like just yeah like a minute this way again oh come on dreams get back [Music] oh hey guys keep your shields up oh george no no no no no don't take him oh wait he's in my boat [Applause] careful what are you gonna kill he's going to kill you [Music] get him i got hit oh hit him yes get him get him and get him he's on the right oh these lily pads are blocking me careful careful you did it [Music] wait what swing shot me let's zoom zombies here flipping where are these coming from breathe behind you look behind you uh [Music] [Music] oh no george wow [Music] yes he found out ravine oh he survived he was he wasn't where is he where is he he's right there get him get him get him go go go what audrey [Music] [Music] just keep it wait keep him there oh he's straight he's getting him get him get him go go go go go go go go he keeps moving he's here he's right he's here where are we i'm here guys you hit me you hit me what are you doing sometimes you're going to die you're going to die you're going to die i don't see him from down here wait where did he go is he all the way to the other end yeah he's all the way at the other end sat nav's following him no no no i can't we cannot back up if you need to i will oh my gosh um [Music] the strap almost worked he must have been so low he's got him what's up he went down over here he went down wait whack where down over here what is there another ravine no wait what yeah i'm so confused where are you he went down he was where he was hiding before oh he's such a genius he's such a genius he placed a crafting bench where he tower down what the hell wait guys should we get iron iron in this ravine oh yes yes yes oh hello oh a chest you have a sword what do you see him i mean he just had a chest so i doubt that's why that's why he went home but yeah that's okay bad doesn't know what context clues are [Laughter] wow would you look at that an iron chestplate oh why do you always have to like say things like that what do you mean say things like what it's annoying oh guys just let you know it was on one heart well it's just letting you know i want to see your reaction i don't want to know usually people don't care how much that hurts us yeah no i just these were my fur and i and i just took my own eye just because you're utilizing my facilities you have to wait in line no they're communal for an eye no they're my fur and i that i am allowing you to rent oh i'm an idiot george i need more iron i'm great no it's fine you can get your own no no i have less than sure no it's fine hey if i remember correctly i got you all like all the iron last time so there's only that was last time though oh yeah so i think it's fairly you pay the favor right now he's got a plane you want me to repay the favor yeah i do what are you doing up there how did you find iron up there how could he do that oh should be good wait wait wait don't go through yet okay um here i'm going to put a bed down everybody use it here baby that was a reaction state your spawn where's the bed yes there's so many zombies here oh right here put a chest down hang on i'm getting some extra wood quickly where is he hold the shield [Music] he's right down there he's right down there ah guys guys guys we're left west he's right there i see him he's going up he's moving he pulls maybe i don't know okay i hear him wriggling around in here somewhere i can hear my ear lining up where is he oh i think i found where he mined through i don't have any items that's me that's me that's gonna hear him are you dreaming oh you want to [Music] explode [Music] stream say something george be careful oh my goodness whoa whoa he's up [Music] george why would you eat the pigment i was trying to drink all the i'm trying there are so many pigmen [Music] oh no no no no no no no no no no one dream wait break a shoe nice i'm dying to a pig man oh my god why did i have to hit the pigmen come here stopped up no sir i have nothing i can't help him [Music] george go help him he's using my bridge where is he he's gonna kill me i need help george is hiding i can't i built a wall i built a wall oh my god i think i killed all the pigmen oh my god my god he's on that little island okay he's he's keep him trapped he's behind he's behind the wall here i'm towering i'm towing over there okay he's right below here i'm going for him oh mr dream he's gone he's going to go what what wait what i ducked down step up where is he oh he's over there he's to the side rain arrows where are you i i don't think he's in the ceiling i don't think that was time oh go up look he's down he's down there tower wait he's just stuck down yeah he's down there he's down there um here oh oh and do you need a pick or an axe oh my goodness you guys don't die don't die you got this you got this build a staircase george mine actually let me give you your armor back here it's probably better than you have it all is that you guys finding yeah yeah yeah he's running too though oh i found the batteries right here let's go there oh i hear him digging videos oh he's smelling take this for a night careful oh where is he you hit me oh you show me you're very careful guys careful he's right here you hit me down george here he's there get him get him oh my goodness he's escaping guys hit it how's he dodging everything he just blocked me go go go bridge up oh my goodness no you got me i just go oh my god i'll pick up your stuff i'm going back to the room okay i'm is he coming right over this way oh my goodness stop get up i didn't have anything it's fine i didn't have anything he's right there he's right there careful oh my goodness like trapped in this hole oh he came out he came out he's right here i'm low i'm low hang on i'm going i wait i'm low too do you have any food george i need food oh i see him where is he he's right up here by that dirt you see the dog how did you get so many you traded your arrows i'm going out i didn't see the achievement just keep shooting at him oh he's gonna die i can hit the shot i'm shooting at him george hit the shot don't hit me he's so close oh he's up here guys come on we're coming out we're coming up oh my god i'm staying with him i'm staying with him he's running this oh he's got him he's got about help guys where are you guys get up get up we're trying where are you hurry up wait where are you oh my god where'd he die where did you die there i see him he's right here gosh all the pigments are on me oh no [Music] i'm missing no george i'm gonna go back and get all the hours that we missed oh i just saw him he just jumped off go go go go go go go go [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and head of crossbow and shot me off oh stand up from here oh my god oh my gosh the bastion is op [Music] he's right here he's right here [Music] he's turning across like into the void come on dream oh he jumped what this is [Music] hey what's happening wait what you're here wait where is he yes i don't even see him but he like disappeared on my screen oh oh my god gosh oh my god this is so annoying just run just run this is large right george i'm at your coordinates where were you better for you okay oh my goodness george what are your questions again perfectly fine no chance no chance no chance holy that that's happened twice in manhunts what what what what yes oh you guys found the oh nice let's yes oh my god what oh wait that police oh really hey there's no chance you're here there's no chance maybe we are maybe we aren't oh damage i don't feel safe i felt safe when i was on it yes nice it was almost blaze rods you're not okay yeah well yeah is it the same or different is where is the compass tracking like towards him or away from the fortress uh i mean it could be pointing towards the part of the fortress but it's on the very edge if it is i am so on edge oh hello guys oh hello hello hi oh my god this is going to be the lamest thing ever i don't know this is going pretty good for us oh hello oh wait better mine oh my gosh rods [Music] so oh hello [Music] [Music] uh oh i am a genius merry christmas oh my gosh you don't even want to know what happened please please please please please please i've been saved hallelujah oh it's beautiful it's beautiful you don't even know you don't even know how beautiful it is what you have to tell us beautiful [Music] it's just a prank dream dude good sir yeah i want that i'm leaving hey dream what you know um your mom is what oh wow you're so roasty toasty why is there a dumb little baby yeah what is seven times two uh are you serious fourteen yeah wow it took you so long because i'm wondering why he's asking dad what's 36 minus 12. let me guess 14. it's 24. it's 24. i thought he was being so good no no no no no no now [Music] that's why i hacked [Laughter] you are horrible you deserve the acts of punishment oh you what you dropped that i don't even know whatever i don't even need i don't have space he was gonna [Laughter] nap moments that nap sus moments yeah i'll do the intro in this video sat nav did a bunch of such stuff during the manhunt so we decided to expose him keep watching to see what he said that's one of them [Music] there's a lot of penguins over here [Music] arrow arrow guys he's over here he's right here he's running go go go go go go oh he's still shooting oh you're a dead dream you're dead go go go kill him where's he going he's jumping down [Music] stay on him no my shield get him get him go go go go go get him hit him [Music] i'm towering hurry oh god there's some piglets be careful [Music] where did he go obviously back to the nether where's the portal [Music] guys where's the portal oh my goodness yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh my god it's all you're cute you really think you're gonna be able to beat us okay okay not bad we've been running forever where are you actually just running straight away from spawn seriously no i'm i'm going to the the stronghold goes up go go [Music] are you kidding me [Music] that's true i heard that i heard that once if you want you have to winnie oh that's true winnie the pooh [Music] yes [Music] oh what it's so hard to hit yes please are you killing him we're jousting to the death oh my gosh only one of us speaking out here alive you got this you can do it get him crush him oh god oh no what bring it this is so hard this is so annoying look at yours jump higher than mine [Applause] oh my gosh you're so annoying come on come on you got this i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i killed source i killed source come on there's always gonna be me versus you oh oh my god i'm fighting dream you're still up here oh no oh my gosh no yes george don't die i'm not gonna die i'm the best one the greatest no careful be careful oh my bro go go go go go george oh dream dream i'm in my chat what guys i fell behind my food i thought i had more food don't let him get food he's drinking potions he's drinking what is it what did he drink all right stay with him oh dreams who can play the strength potion game oh i'm sorry i'm mad oh my gosh how is he so far ahead use the lily pads my potion's gonna wear out before we get to him come here dream come and say hello your potion ran out dream you need to die oh my gosh are you kidding where are you guys hurry i'm right behind you yes you guys gotta catch up oh god i'm trying to stay with him oh yes killing skeletons ah what the muffin why are they aggroing me oh dream oh oh oh oh he's right in front of me where are you guys hurry i see you i'm trying to find you i don't even know where they where are they he's literally just water ouch i'm right with them playing fight across georgia they bout to cry i'm trying oh i see you guys oh my goodness where are you i don't see you always see you i see you okay hurry hurry hurry oh my goodness hold on i'm taking damage oh my goodness endless round oh that's so dumb where are you where are you we're right behind you okay okay so just stay with me i'm going do either of you have food i only have raw food i have a little bible give me give me give me here i'm killing cows next to you kill [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] oh my gosh guys we lost our lead that's fine it's fine it's fine it's fun green what sound do chickens make no no this is something dream what sounds do chickens make oh very funny oh okay yeah oh he's underneath he's looking down yes he's on the trees wait is he on the trees he's down here oh is this where the end is does he go there he hasn't completed him yet i see him i see him he's really close oh yeah he's all the way down there he's all the way down he's pretty fast it's [Music] is is he still below us yeah yeah i see him he's right there he's right there he's so close right here he's right here oh god go go go go go oh he's sniping me oh my god he got me again oh there's a lot of there's lava oh my god i'm going go go go go crazy oh no i have no arrows [Music] i got it oh i'm out shoot him i've either left what are you doing oh snap nap can you mind the blocks below himself now george go to the left side go to the left i don't get knocked in the lava um i'm towering i'm gonna go i'm gonna go above him so he can't come out he's playing he's drinking he's drinking oh he's gonna fire risk careful stamina oh my gosh oh my gosh you're fighting under the lava damn hit him he's in there with you i know yes he's totally toast he's done oh look you check it out he's right he's right here he's gonna get out he can't get out you're done you're both done that happened look simon was sacrificed we're sacrificing you somehow just try and kill him for the cause come on you got this we're just watching them through obsidian [Music] this is literally this is so such a crazy battle just killing it i'm stepped up one of us [Music] get out can you even see what's happening [Music] [Applause] well i can hear you play some blocks come on come on sound out guys yes dom do it right next to him you're right next to him come on come on come i got 10 seconds left no no with everything i got oh he's going down he's going down you're going down with me dream damn if you're a legend come oh my goodness the lava we both mined down and then he's all the way over there wait i can't even see where he is oh there's love everywhere everywhere i'm just we're just stuck down here what do we do what are we doing i don't know how do i get to him he's under obsidian he's under lava no he went this way i found some water where is he i don't know um i found some lava this way i do not know where he is what is this place there's more time there's more diamonds i see you guys okay yeah you take that oh my god how do we lose him nice okay let's just let's go find the stronghold before he can i know i know how i already have a head start how are you gonna find it before i can i don't know we're better than you oh it's backwards this way this way grab it on top of the tree pick it up don't lose it did you get it oh it's on top of the tree okay let's go oh okay oh it's right here okay i'm putting water down we're coming yes nice pretty useful very nice very nice oh this is a solid staircase okay i don't know it's got like a full new set that's pretty nice actually yes yeah yeah it's over it's beginning to look a lot like christmas [Music] oh dream is gonna be crying [Music] whatever leave me alone right now [Music] hey what are you doing yeah you need to take this seriously where is the where is it germ uh does anyone have a furnace actually [Music] it's still pointing away i'm like right at the edge of the stronghold oh my gosh it's pointing outwards are you kidding me he might he might have actually gone i think he did obviously he left the stronghold because he saw what we did he's going to the other stronghold right now did you just realize that [Music] mean tonight feeling me tonight i'm feeling mean i'm feeling me tonight i'm feeling me gonna make enough listen tonight i'm feeling mean i'm feeling me tonight i'm gonna pick myself a fight [Music] if some deserving dirtbag [Music] and if he swings at me then i'll bust that sucker asleep cause tonight i'm [Applause] you guys gonna like catch up to me already ketchup ketchup oh my gosh we're catching up sore oh my god i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] ever seen [Music] guys i see like oh i see his parking table oh he's there go go go go oh my god [Music] we're so far away [Music] we have no choice oh my god i don't even know what just happened it was all over you've got crafting tables [Music] oh my god there's so much damage come here [Music] and we're on our way just trying to cover up [Music] oh this is oh my gosh channel you're in a fighter you can take him in the desert temple i'm not gonna go down there you're gonna blow me up wow oh my no god go oh my god
Channel: Dream
Views: 48,818,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dream Minecraft, dream Minecraft youtube, minecraft, dream, Speedrunner vs 3 hunters, Speedrunner vs 4 hunters, Speedrunner vs someone trying to stop them, Beating Minecraft but my friend tries to stop me, Minecraft but water rises every minute, minecraft but lava rises every minute, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft 1.14, beating minecraft, rematch, finale, finale rematch, grand finale, grand, four hunters, 4 hunters
Id: k4v6slOxxXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 47sec (2987 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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