Dream Reacts To Accusations Of Him Scripting Manhunts and Debunks them

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um so it was a video that i saw that i wanted to react to because i think it's i think it's a good video to react to or not necessarily react to but um talk about as well um because there's some like this this this video is called the unsolved mystery of minecraft manhunt genius or scripted it's pretty pretty good title i think i'd rate it uh i'd rate the title a seven a seven out of of ten i think it could be could be better it could be worse it's kind of it's it's kicking on a trend so it's pretty good it's pretty good if i were so if i was making a video as well i'd probably title it something like that because that's kind of clickbaity mixed with like me my one of my series you know um so let's react to this let's this video was very this video was really well made this guy didn't really take aside he more just like pointed stuff out so this would be a cool a cool thing too but if you enjoyed the video react to it in a way it's free clip one from minecraft speedrunner versus three hunters rematch dream is put down to one heart by the three hunters and as he frantically tries to make an escape he drinks a personal i iq yeah will abandon the fight and turn and run first of all strength potions have a very dark red particle effect whereas fire resistance has a light orange and they are noticeable george's color one totally different second of all he was very low as you hear them say as they are chasing him he's like a one song come on just click it one more time and even with a strength only one of the three hunters has to hit him once to kill him all three turning and running seems like an insane overreaction third of all well um so just to mention that if you watch in the clip and as he frankly tries to make this when i turn so george is in the lead bad is in the back and sapnap is in the middle george is colorblind and he's actually he can't he has trouble seeing red the strength pot is red and fire resistance is is orange red and orange just color blind that's that's the first thing the second thing is bad actually yells from the back he's drinking strength bad can't see that's not close enough to actually see what i'm drinking or what i'm not drinking but george is but george probably can't tell because he's colorblind but bad bad isn't colorblind but that is bad says it so bad says it george sees it and then sapnap doesn't see anything he just hears bad say and george see it now i will have you know that strength is the most dumb overpowered thing in minecraft history okay on 1.16 if you get a strength potion a strength two potion you can like two shot full iron armor so it's insanely overpowered so they would obviously want to run if if i if i drank a strength as i had drinking strength in the previous manhunt and killed them all so they're they're gonna get flashbacks and go oh my god he has he has strength he's going to kill all of us but i didn't um so as for it not as far being obvious that it doesn't look like strength um they uh um i see george's colorblind bad fart enough back where you really can't see it and bad calls it out and george is in the front so he sees it uh on top of that on top of that he mentioned there's spiders in game there you go um on top of that he mentions that they knew i was low so they should have just went ahead and and clicked me well first of all um they they said that i was low he said he's like he george said he's like one shot just click him right after they had gotten a hit on me so i see they're assuming that i'm pretty low i ran a little bit further so i could have healed and then when i turn around and i and i'm facing them um i'm assuming that they probably in their mind go if he was one shot why would he turn around drinking a potion like why would i do that why would what in their mind why would i do that it doesn't it doesn't make sense like to them so in their mind they're not thinking he's one shot they're thinking he's buffed he just drank a strength potion he's going to kill us all please run um so that's kind of that's kind of like addressing that i guess second of all he was very low as you hear them say as they are chasing him the three hunters has to hit him once to kill him all three turning and running seems like an insane overreaction i mean is it an overreaction because if you go watch the other manhunts like i the one time i use strength potions i killed all three of them twice so is it really an overreaction to think if i have strength for them to just turn around and turn around and run i don't think it's that far of an overreaction like if i had drinking strength like let's say let's say i was on full health there and i had and i and i actually drunk strength would the smartest play be for them to run like i think it would i think it probably would but again that's just me third of all while the three hunters are running dream actually hits bad boy halo with his sword twice which would have done massive damage if he had had strength and then he also hits george once they would have realized that he didn't have strength by just the lack of damage he was inflicting so a couple things there one they both took massive fall damage after i hit them so it's kind of hard to go oh he has strength or it doesn't have strength based on just those hits because bad when i knock him it's bad he falls all the way down to the floor like he probably took he probably took two hearts or a heart and a half of fall damage or something done damaged and then also it's kind of the heat of the moments like you can't really tell and then george took so much fall damage like george here i hit him once but he he fell all the way to the tree like he took he took so much fall damage clip two from speedrunner versus three ah okay this was going to be the analysis but we'll talk about it here dream finds diamonds in a cave but doesn't have an iron ingots to craft an iron pick he crafts two furnaces and begins smelting three iron the iron doesn't smoke fast enough and the hunters catch up to him forcing him to run from the diamonds just as he's about to start mining them with almost comedic like movie timing okay this will happen here right think think think from my perspective here i'm running to go mine the diamonds i hear them behind me okay i go to go mine the diamond i realize i'm an iron pickaxe i'm about to break it but i think in my head what's gonna happen if i break the diamond if i break the diamond i'm gonna get i'm gonna have one diamond it's gonna drop into the hole most likely it's gonna fall into the hole of the one diamond block that i break right and then i'm not gonna be able to drop in the hole pick up the diamond and hop out of the hole without risking getting cornered and crit out so i decided last second that either i mind the diamond and then i have to leave it and then they get the diamond or i just leave it and then they can chase me and i can come back to try and get the diamond so that's that's what i did so essentially what ended up happening was i i i saw to run from the diamonds i got the pickaxe i ran towards it i was starting to break it and then i was like do i really want to break this right now because if i do they're probably gonna get the diamond but if i don't break it they don't have iron pickaxes they might not get the diamond so i decided i'm not gonna break it so it is kind of like a comedic timing of me going oh i can't get the diamond and leaving but then i came back to it if i did that then why would i just loop around to it again like i just with almost comedic like movie timing first of all he crossed two furnaces but only uses one you can see him putting three iron yeah that was just done by me that was just a mistake i i originally made two furnaces because i thought i was going to smoke my iron and i hadn't even seen them yet but then bad he doesn't have it in here but bad said something um like after i placed the furnaces down bad said something like i see him or something i don't know and um i so i put only three iron because i didn't want them to get there and me to lose my iron because if i lost my iron then i'd be in a really bad place so i just i did it in one furnace i probably should have split it up anyway it would have it would have been fine but um that was just me being that was just me being stupid clip three from minecraft speedrunner versus three hunters finale rematch dreamer enters his portal to leave the nether but unbeknownst to him the three hunters have set up a trap and are waiting on the other side of his portal when he goes through the hunters place a lava bucket on him and dream strictly puts it out with his water bucket but bad boy halo steals the water and this forces dream to jump now from the beginning this is suspicious as dream could have quickly booted a nether portal at the lava lake as he normally does um i thought i talked about that in the analysis video i didn't want to make it in the lava lake because they were in that this village here they were in it and the lava pool is like somewhere down here um i think and they're right here in this village so if i made the portal in the lava pool then when i would come back then when i would come back from the nether i would be stuck in a cave like by a lava pool and i knew they were all there so i didn't want to get stuck in the cave that's the reason i towered up my original plan with the buckets i explained in the um in the analysis but i originally wasn't even planning on i was planning on on making a portal going to the nether and then um and then uh towering up and like and then chasing them and then them chasing me and i tower up go to the portal and they'll be like dumbfounded below the portal until they finally realize like 20 minutes later but i got i didn't want to get stuck in the in the lava pool so that's why that's why i didn't build it in the lava pool even though i used it i already had the buckets so second the odds of him successfully falling and mounting a horse are incredibly low i tried it multiple times come on here i'll you know what i'll try it in game well i'm gonna i'm gonna regret this if i fail but i bet you i could do it i bet you i could do it i bet you i could do it first try we'll see we'll see we'll see we'll see i'll hit it i'll hit it i'll hit it come on it's gonna be embarrassing it's gonna be embarrassing come on please hit it dream please hit it you know you know you can you know you can okay anyway that's two out of three i mean come on come on the odds of him successfully falling in mountain course are incredibly low that's not the odds of me falling and mounting a horse are not incredibly low they're not incredibly low there are there are different there's varying levels of skill so like the odds of me hitting that are probably i'd say i'd say probably like i don't know like 80 or something i honestly think i could hit it so many times it's just like energy watering like it's not that hard clip four from minecraft speedrunner versus three hunters rematch dream is being chased through a jungle which is difficult to navigate and is struggling to escape the hunters he jumps into water and the hunters catch up to him and begin attacking him putting him down to half a heart but he manages to miraculously escape still first when he was put down to half a heart the hunt hit him again the dream even takes hunters are still close enough to him again dreamy no they're not how are they close enough to hit me again when he was put down to hop watch this how are they close enough to hit me again aha a hunt is still close to him again what if they have like 10 block reach maybe they're close enough to hit me again oh come on they're like 10 blocks away they're 10 blocks the hunters are still hot on his trail and he needs to open his inventory to get food the hunters were right behind him and dreams still managed to shift click food into his hotbar without dying but wait there is a very convenient cut just as he gets the food into his hotbar here watch this watch the watch my analysis videos dude watch them all right this is good enough good enough here we go i'm gonna play it you guys ready i'm gonna play it this is the this is the full unedited clip ready no no music no anything no anything uncut okay don't let him get it that's my boat get him get him come on right there ah no i got i got caught in a vine oh my god okay that is that is the full uncut clip now there are a few other clips which i want to talk about which aren't as damning but are still interesting and suspicious there was a funny incident in minecraft speedrunner versus three hunters finale whereby dream surprised the three hunters and began fighting them in a cave but started dying and couldn't escape he for some reason decided to bring visibility potions previously and when he would i i brew them for this that's the reason i i brewed them he for some reason decided to bring visibility potions previously and when he was close to dying he threw one confusing the hunters as they no longer i wasn't really that close to dying i guess i was dying i was on f i was on four hearts before i threw it i think as they no longer knew who was who or did they at the time he threw the potion george had clear sight of him okay watch this watch this closely and actually hit him after he went invisible so he hits me after i go after him go invisible and look wait he zoomed in but you see look literally look in front there's armor there right like literally right in front of me meaning one more hit and then it's inside me the armor is inside me whose armor is it see that i'm i'm literally inside something bad okay i'm inside bad now watch this casually watched him although he could have easily kept track of him as the three hunters were all standing here i don't know if he shows that let me see if he does so look who they start look who george starts killing i believe this is george maybe not that might be snap now but look who look who they start killing dude who do they kill who's that bad okay so what happens is essentially what happens is i run through bad and then they end up killing bad so i'm assuming they got confused with me or bad and i ran through him on purpose but i just i just walked by him and then they they they ended up killing him and flying um and then i took the chaos i saw them killing bad so i decided i'm just gonna kill i'm just gonna kill george because or yeah i'm just gonna kill george because if they're killing each other i can kill them and they won't even know halo died he had diamonds on him which was some reason he didn't and bad which is right here that i end up killing used to cross sapnap doesn't know who just got killed so sapnap's standing right here he doesn't know that bad just got killed by me he has no idea because we're all invisible so he has to stop and read chat and even if he and he stops he reads chat and then he realizes this is dream and then he starts attacking me the she's two hunters would have had some diamonds as well it seems as if they intentionally made it so they all looked identical so this play would work it would i mean i only i the reason i had the idea to do it in the first place was because we all almost always just have full iron and a shield like we almost never have diamond swords or if we do we just have diamond swords but they just happen to all get diamond swords but it would have been fine anyway because i could have just been holding steak or something and it should have been fine he doesn't attack dream potentially because dream had low health well okay that's just bs he attacks me even though i'm on three hearts his dream kills bad boy halo if he didn't attack me because i was on low health why would he attack me when i was on three hearts let's talk about the grand finale the epic scene at the end whereby the three hunters decide to enter the end before dream in a crazy twist of roles first of all let me explain what happened spoilers dream knows they're going to try and trap the end spawn location and send through a bunch of tnt i came up with this i came up with this like three weeks before the manhunt i actually came up with this in the before the last manhunt we did before this one the tnt the tnt bit which blows a hole in the hunter's platform and knocks them all into the void like they they had been talking about they had been talking about for so long like they might go to the end before me and i never wanted i didn't want to get entrapped again because the one time i got the one time i had died before the manhunts was it was an end trap i didn't want to die the same way i had died before i was like hell no i'm not going to die i'm not going to get all the way to the end and then die to stupid bad boy halo in a lava trap again that's not going to happen to me i'm going to figure out how i can beat them if they go to the end before me so i thought of it and i thought that because now it's the nether like now that it's the nether update they can get pearls really easily i thought they're gonna go to the end before me because they've mentioned it before they thought they mentioned if you watch the extra scenes of the last manhunt they said that they were going to go to the end before me but that they didn't have enough ender pearls they said that but the thing is um now it's the nether update and they can just trade for ender pearls like really easily so i had thought about that like i talked i talked with my brother about that um a lot like a long time ago and like i practice stuff like i practice things like there's so many things that i i try out before i do it like one of my original ideas was um invis and sneaking through the portal and i couldn't sneak through the portal because the fact that i i mean i wasn't sure if i'd be able to sneak through the portal without my invis being exposed but my invis wasn't um but but we tested it and my invis uh we as in me and my brother and we tested it so that uh the and we would we would try and see if the invis would actually um go out or not and it didn't so i planned on doing that this was a great end yeah i have i have i have two sisters and a younger brother i have a younger i have a younger sister an older sister and a younger brother the finale you all but come on in an earlier manhunt bad boy halo enters the end first as well except he places lava on the spawn platform to burn dream alive when he gets in yeah um these are in two different versions though dude like this is in one point this is in 1.5 and the other one's in 1.16 so the difference between the two versions is that i can get a fire resistance potion without actually um without actually making one in the later versions like right now i i in this version i couldn't because i had to actually brew a fire res but in the in the in 1.16 you can trade for a fire res on the spawn platform to burn dream alive when he gets in why didn't they do that or at least trap the end spawn better they didn't trap it with lava because they thought that they could put me on lava and i wouldn't have time to react right away and um i could have had a fire risk because of the fact that you can trade for fire as now in the later in the later updates i know that dream did drink a fire resistance potion but it still would have made it much more difficult for him to escape if they it would have made it much easier if they if they put lava in well i guess not because of the way it worked out maybe not but if they put lava in and and they didn't have the feed trap and i drank a fire as they wouldn't even be able to see me i'd be in the middle of the lava like how are they going to hit me how are they going to kill me they'd have no way to kill me i would just swim up like i would just swim in the lava until i got out and then i'd be a free and i wouldn't take any damage because the fire is it wouldn't it didn't make any sense the trap they made was very lackluster considering all the time they had in the end to prepare they didn't even slap this he says they didn't even slab the spawn so i can build out if you put slabs on top of the obsidian it deletes them i'll show you all right look i slapped it up there's slabs on top of it and he said that that way i can't build up right so i can't be like because i can't actually tower because there's slabs um so if i were to go into the overworld ah where'd the slabs go i thought that there was slabs also the fact that they stood on the side of the platform which was exposed he also says that they stand on the side of the platform which is exposed to the void well on this side of the platform like if i let's say i was i was choosing a direction to run right if i was choosing a direction to run like i would have the most space to go if i go this way i'm trapped there's there's just plain blocks there i'd have to be mining through end stone which takes a long time to to mine so i'm assuming um that they just wanted to block off the side that i could just tower out and and leave but so dream could have boot out also the fact that they stood on the side of the platform which was exposed to the void is interesting as there's plenty of space and also sapnap you can like from sapnap's perspective if we slow this down from sapnap's perspective he tries to escape like why would he do this if it was okay he's on two and a half hearts and he heals i think no he doesn't but he would live pearls do two hearts he tried to he tried to purl like he sees the platform there because sapnap's pretty damn good he sees the platform and he goes i'm going to pearl over to this platform because it's like a place where i can land and then he hits george he hits george with his pearl he hits george with his pearl and then he doesn't have enough health to pearl anymore there's plenty of space over on the other side he circles like there's just end stone like the edge of the cliff the edge of the endstone cliff like i think that side might have been void too like underneath the dirt there it might have been void i don't know though i don't remember now just one general point about the manhunt i want to make the hunters don't really seem to improve that much or coordinate well take they do they improve a lot they every time they improve like the every time i think they've gotten better every time like the thing is i get better every time like i i get better every time like so i i do we kind of equally equal out because i get better and they get better like the last time this is like a perfect example literally the last time i tried to do any crystal trap and it didn't work on them and they had fallen for that before so like that that right there is like a perfect example of they definitely did better another good example of them doing better is that the last manhunt they died four times total four times total four times total and and every other manhunt they had died like 10 15 times total plus only four times that's insane like i think saying they didn't they don't improve is definitely like they they definitely improved like if it wasn't for the tnt trap i would have only killed them one time the entire time that that would have been that would have been um that would have been uh crazy i think if they could have beaten me and they could have only had one death i would have been so insane like they would have been so skilled if they had done that this clip for example not only is dream leading them along a narrow man-made tunnel but dream has blocked off the door with dirt and it's clear he's done some tampering but they don't know why though that's the thing is again they don't they don't know why they just see they're all stacked up they didn't even know like i asked them they didn't even know that you could even make an end crystal like what are they going to expect like actually it other than the end crystal what trap could i have done where i lead them down a narrow a hallway and like somehow instantly kill them like i don't think there is another trap i could have done where i just instantly kill them in that way so it's just it's just kind of it's just kind of crazy like they they're not expecting oh he's gonna trap me they're just thinking oh like oh he's gonna whatever like he's gonna he's running from us we're jumping him and i purposely walked all the way out so that when they would jump me i'd be like way out here and they'd be like oh there he is i'm just in some random hallway like they're just thinking oh he's in the end fortress i run they may not even notice the dirt here like maybe they thought it was natural i doubt it but maybe i built it in a way where it potentially could be better so most but most people don't even know like i i didn't even know i could make an end crystal until i looked into it for this trap i'm leading them along a narrow man-made tunnel the dream has blocked up the door and that was just perfect and it's clear he's done some tampering but they all blindly follow and not one of them calls out the end crystal or anything i feel like if you played as many manhunts as the three hunters did you would start to learn and recognize when dream is trying to trap was well they do they did no they didn't fall for any of my track like the last one the only trap they fell for was the tnt and that was just so unexpected like there's no way they could have like prepared for that set something up but rarely do they ever it sometimes seems like they are headless chickens which dream has to find the most entertaining way to kill but anyways i made this well it may seem like i have to find the most entertaining way to kill them because i have to find like i can't just kill them normally like if i try and fight them normally they just die and like that's that's kind of the cool thing about manhunt is i either find a new creative way to kill them or i lose if i don't find a new creative way to kill them i lose so obviously it's gonna be the video's gonna be entertaining or i lose so it's like i either have to find something new and entertaining in order to actually win or i lose so it's going to be entertaining because if i do a trap i've already done they just don't fall for it if i do a new trap they fall for it and there's the only way i can kill them is with traps so i'm not just going to fight them so i have to come up with a new never done before trap otherwise they just they they'll beat me that's that's kind of why like that's why it's um that's why guys he's not being rude he's he's just making he's he's speaking about it he's not he's that doesn't mean to be rude yeah he he sounds like he seems like a nice guy um he just i think that some of the things that he mentioned were kind of out of place but that's his um my orange he's making the video entertaining by by doing that but yeah i so that's kind of the reaction to this video i guess i thought i wouldn't make a video or anything i thought i'd react on live stream why not
Channel: Dream Team Highlights
Views: 3,497,519
Rating: 4.8952994 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dream, minecraft manhunt, is minecraft manhunt staged, is minecraft manhunt scripted, minecraft manhunt grand finale, minecraft manhunt analysis, unsolved mysteries, unsolved mysteries dream, dream team, dream minecraft, scripted, staged, unsolved mystery of minecraft manhunt, minecraft manhunt in a nutshell, dream clips, minecraft manhunt clips, minecraft manhunt bonus clips, minecraft manhunt plugin, mugo, debunk, manhunt, themisterepic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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