John Thomas Creating a reputation in heaven

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our attitude and the way that we interact with people is one of the most important things that reveals our spirituality the way that we think about ourselves not just in our head but in how we allow other people to treat us and the way that we treat ourselves says a bunch I have constantly held on to this understanding of being a servant it's it's one of the values that I have that I've worked very hard to keep in my heart and it's not always easy because we don't always like to think of ourselves as a servant and when you think of yourself as a servant you end up doing work and sometimes you just would prefer not to but I've had multiple times where I've been at churches and I'm there to teach at a conference or at a seminar and the things need to be set up whether it's it's not ready yet so I've gotten there earlier I've gotten my piece set up and and they're moving chairs around or they're getting things around and and just working doing stuff and and I go to help out and they're like oh no no no don't you need to you know go pray or something you don't need to help us and and yes there's there's a time when I actually do need to prepare and when I need to prepare I need to take that time to prepare I need to prioritize that but it this was not that type of an issue this was them thinking oh wait a second this is the speaker let's not have him have to do anything we should be doing this he he shouldn't be bothered with these little jobs and that is not a healthy mindset not it's not their problem it's my problem because it'd be very easy for me just to let that go and well I mean they say that they don't want my help I can go do but no you you actually have to step in you actually have to assert yourself as a servant no I can help no it's not a big deal we can do it well yeah but I can help and having that place of just doing what needs to be done it's so important because it reveals what you really believe about yourself and what you really believe about yourself tells you what your character is because you will become what you believe about yourself so essential I had an encounter a number of years ago that has marked me and it's one of the reasons why this is such an important principle to me I was in prayer and suddenly I was in a visionary experience and then this visionary experience I was in what I just knew was a room in heaven whatever that means that's what I understood in this experience and I saw these people and I knew that they were angels and they were just setting up tables and chairs and so I just helped out I started you know grabbing chairs I noticed how they were setting him up and nobody said anything we just did what needed to be done got the whole room set up all the tables all the chairs was set up and all the angels left except for one of them and the one that was left he turned and he looked at me he goes you know around here you're known as a servant I knew in that moment that that was the greatest compliment that someone could ever get in heaven I pray that I'm still known as a servant because the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many I was in a meeting one time where John Paul was asked if you had one thing that you could tell this next generation that's going to be changing the world with the power of God what is one thing that you would sew into him and he turned and he looked at the camera he says never get too big to take out the garbage and clean the toilets that's what I'll leave you with never get too big to clean the toilets to set up chairs because you may just find that you're creating a reputation and have and that reputation is much more important than a reputation here on earth
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 1,806
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Streams Ministries, John Paul Jackson, John E Thomas, life empowerment, Christian, Bible, Spiritual, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Charismatic, Servant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2017
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