Dream Lab - Prophetic Hangout

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[Music] you one of the things we're gonna try to do for for this session of dream lab we're going to go through some dreams and as we interpret the dreams and as you interpret the dreams I just want to invite you to think about how would you say the answer to this dream to somebody that doesn't know Christianese the average person now I mean we live in dallas-fort worth and I know most of you don't live in Dallas Fort Worth and Dallas Fort Worth everybody knows Christianese what 90% do you know Christianese but I lived in Boston for a while I had to use a different language up there it's it's still American and I know it's not English if you live in the UK it is American but it is a very different language when you're up there then when you're in the church and and what's happened to most of us is we're so used to being around other believers and using certain words that we don't understand what it means I mean we have these words that we have context for but they don't mean something to the person that we're reaching and the first thing that any missionary that's going into a new culture learns is the language you've got to learn the language if you actually want to speak to the people and if that means that you go because nobody can teach you that language and you just begin to learn how to communicate you've got to figure out how to communicate in a way that they hear not the way that you want to talk and and when it comes to to our explanation of spiritual things and our explanation of dreams that we interpret when we're when we're talking with somebody else in the church it's great to use language as common to them but when you're talking to your coworker alright when you're talking to your uncle that doesn't want to have anything to do with Church when when you're talking to that person at Barnes Noble because you're just trying to practice dream interpretation and you give them an interpretation of the dream if you use language that they don't understand they're not going to get the interpretation you can interpret the dream and still not be helpful and so we're going to practice as we go through and gonna go through a number of dreams and you'll probably see this as the intro on more than one episode because we're gonna do a number of dreams and and the goal of each of these we want to just bring a little bit of focus how could we say this to somebody that does not have the Christian language that we have so that they can understand it so what we're gonna do I'm gonna get somebody from here from the audience here in the lab and have them come up and share a dream then once we shared that dream I'm going to give you an opportunity to work through the interpretation while we work through it here and then afterwards we'll talk about what that dream might mean and give you some pointers to help you get a little bit better at understanding that dream and maybe some nuances that you might have missed or you might not have missed so who has a dream Carmen was our first handsome Carmen come on up have you have been watching the lab you know Carmen she's an she's been here almost every time when we've done the dream lab I'd like to preface this by saying I had this dream two years and one day ago June the 13th 2015 so I've been carrying this a while that's why my hands shut up okay I just well at the time I wrote I just wrapped and I was at a place where prophets hung out Paul Keith Davis was there and I looked up and all of a sudden Bob Jones came out of the bathroom I said Paul do you see him do you see him he said yeah I see him then there were several students there and they all wanted a word from Bob Jones I decided to get one too so I went up with another girl we held hands to pray and Bob gave her a directional word and told her not to go see and told her not to go to the very place that I want to go but he didn't tell me not to go he said nothing about it and in fact I don't even believe he had a word for me then john-paul showed up in punky Davis's place was so excited to see John pong he was my friend and I loved him dream that's the end of the dream all right now one of the tools you always want to do is try to repeat back the dreamed of the dreamer to make sure that what they said is actually what you heard so in this dream you are in a place where prophets hang out prophetic people hang out and you're there in Paul Keith Davis is also there and you watch Bob Jones coming out of the bathroom now if you don't have contacts Bob Jones is a prophetic person but at the time of this dream Bob Jones had been passed away for about 16 months about 16 to 17 months at this point in time so that's contact somebody that's passed away shows up Bob Jones so that's kind of important in our interpretation so Bob Jones comes out of the bathroom and and everybody is excited in your tone Paul do you see him do you see him he's like yeah I see him and some of the students they come and kind of get into line because they want to get a word from Bob Jones and you're like that's a good idea I should get a word too and see you get in line as well and with one other girl and he gives a word to this other girl that you're with and it's a directional word and in the directional word tells her that she's not supposed to go somewhere that you want to go but he's not talking to you he's talking to her and you can't remember if he even gave you a word there was there was nothing I thought oh shoot he said that to her he's probably gonna say to me and he did it didn't even give me a word that I remember in the dream okay very good and then that kind of scene switches and pop keith is now John Paul or John Paul is there in this in the place where Paul Keith was it's now John Paul and you're excited because now again and this drain this is about four months after John Paul passed away so you're really excited to see me Oh John Paul's my friend and that's where the dream ends mm-hmm okay very good thank you wonderful now there's a lot of some fun metaphors that are in this dream and so what I want you to do is begin to think through how would you title this dream who or what's to focus the dream what are your sub fusses what are your details go ahead and pause your video work it out maybe write it down on a piece of paper and once you have an interpretation for this dream go ahead and start your video again and see what we got here at the lab you welcome back we're getting ready to diagram the stream up here on the board and let's start out with the title what did you guys come up with as a title for this dream stay tuned for more okay anybody else prophetic hangout that's fun that's nice and easy to ride oh use that one so don't you love that sound [Music] pathetic hangout alright now who or what is a focus of our dream and our sub focuses B sub focus somebody said I'm using our initials here for everybody and somebody else to say something Bob Jones it's making more noise than normal I don't know why I don't know what so up here well right friend she was just another girl so not specifically a friend Justin all right so you're a friend well just put student because it's too hard to erase that let's put a line I made a mistake on the diagram but it's not easy okay the bathroom that's detail this we said was a detail anything else essential okay so there was a word given by Bob Jones to the student yeah we'll use the student to represent that whole group of the other students that were lined up for this prophetic word yeah anything else so yes just making sure everybody you hear what so where it was Carmen holding hands with this person so yes but the context was all of the students that were coming up for prayer they're all just holding hands just together for a prayer type so [Applause] I'm gonna put quotes just to say that was her expression that was her thoughts that was what she experienced off my friend all right now I think we've got enough get the basic understanding of this dream so we'll start with the centerpiece because you always want to start in the middle and work your way out karmen literal or symbolic literal it's actually about her so carmen is literally about Carmen Paul Keith Davis literal or symbolic symbolic what would pop Keith represent prophetic now remember it started this was a place or the prophetic hangout right so you have the context of prophetic and so you're gonna see a lot of prophetic that is related and you're going to specifically see people that Carmen recognizes as being prophetic and that she has as received from where she looks up to in that particular arena so pathetic so this is going to tie into this into this alright it's not about the individual people it's about what they represent okay now if you leave out the fact that Bob Jones came out of the bathroom does it change the plot of the dream no all right so if you never figure out what that means and you just leave it out of the drain it's not even going to change the interpretation of the dream so well you know we could tie in bathroom a lot of times we talk about cleansing so there's an aspect of the prophetic needing to go through cleansing that could be a possibility but that will almost muddy up the dream and the interpretation more than it will help so we don't need to put that in all right so all of the students line up to get a word from Bob Jones right now notice you you have this action between the dreamer and Paul Keith Davis do you see him he's there I'm do you see me yeah yeah it's in all right and then everybody lines up all the students line up now the students line up who doesn't get a word Carmen that's important everybody else gets a word Carmen didn't get a word as soon as that happens what's the next thing that happens she sees jump off she goes oh I've got a friend just seeing that switch all right now I'm gonna have just a couple of you come up and share what you got for your interpretation of the drink so who who wants to come up and you've got a question so let's questions where we're bringing right up here we've got our marker right here we're making everybody get out here so they so you can actually see them and hear them when they give their questions so so the question is the fact that comment heard the word that the other girl received and I somehow was connected with her in terms of saying that she heard the place that she was supposed to go to and Bob Jones kind of giving you know a word that is on the negative in terms of saying don't go there does that have any significance of you know even though despite the fact that she didn't receive a word first anyway herself yes so it does have significance is it essential to the main point of the drain not essential but it's definitely very helpful so what would you think of that what would that mean what we sensed a while discussing was probably there was some kind of a connection maybe that girl who was holding hands with though she's not a friend or you know she doesn't know her from before there could be a possibility that there's some connection there that that girl present her but that could be something that might be long it's tough but that was what we kind of punished to find anywhere discussed right yeah now and that that raises up an interesting point so um when you have a dreamer in a dream the dreamer is in the dreamer actually represents themselves in the dream other people and other elements in the dream are going to very very very rarely ever represent the dreamer so you you want to really you want to steer away from that as a rule unless the Lord specifically says that that's a case now the only cases where I've personally seen that is when there's literally split personalities and then the different personalities can show up as different characters in the dream not so it can be talking about something the dreamer needs to learn but it's not a part of the dreamer if that will but you have a little bit of a contrast that would might point you in a different direction because of the contrast of everybody all the students getting a word right but she's not getting a word yet now what that word was that that has meaning right she's she's looking for direction and she's recognizing other people getting direction even direction that would fit into her life but she's realizing she's not getting that right right so that that would be that the kind of that metaphor of that experience but kind of the the interesting twist is all the students lining up to get a word and even this person right next to her gets a word but she doesn't get a word but she recognizes yes a friend yeah yeah yeah so thinking on that do you have an interpretation for the dream you worship I know I'm putting you on the spot so feel free to say no so we just I just said whatever we I felt like it was a I mean we all kind of agreed upon this fact that there was because of so many prophetic you know people in the same place it felt like a prophetic counsel it felt like a place where you know they're serious prophetic ministry and there is serious dialogue with God that can occur because of the kind of people that were there like John Paul Jackson Bob don't apology Davis because they carry such a ministry upon them right they carry such a ministry as well so and and what I felt is that in that council even Garvin is there so it's really amazing that she's part of that somehow kind of part of that council but when Bob Jones comes out of that bathroom we kind of felt like it was a purified prophetic ministry that was in place and the students that lined up before him it felt like denotes training so which meant even when Carmen joined that line even though she's part of that saved the prophetic counsel there is some training that she needs to go through as well under an umbrella of purified prophetic ministry and and the wonderful part is even though she didn't receive a word with respect to the direction in her life I I feel like the direction was friendship because when she turned and saw the place where porky Davis was sitting it was not porky Davis it was John Paul Jackson and she felt such a connection in that place so it's almost like saying that she's not out of place if she finds her in herself in such such intensified or powerful prophetic ministry group or a council of prophets who walk in such a realm that maybe not normally is seen so often she shouldn't feel herself or find herself out of place because she has a friend in the midst of that prophetic counsel and but that is training as well and that's alright thank you great I'll release him no anybody else anybody get another aspect of that another way of looking at it go come on up you knew I was gonna do that to ya so I think he added a lot that we didn't get but just to add to what's already been said is we felt that that the waiting in line was protocol that she she did what was just she did she follow through on protocol and she waited in line but when she got to the end and didn't get the word that we thought maybe that signified that people around her or even very close to her peer wise might get that word that don't go work but that she didn't get it in other words nothing has changed okay okay no before you go oh yeah it's good question okay how would you say to that to somebody that doesn't know Christianese uh I would say something to the effect of you followed through all the things that we were required of you and you've shown a lot of respect and you've shown you've shown respect for the protocol that's been required of you and even that was a risk because the person the people that were around you they were that were near you did get direction that you did not want to receive but you were brave enough to ask the question and so but but at the end of the day nothing in your destiny has changed you didn't you can still hold those desires you can still ask those questions that this friend of yours is still a friend and this chapter hasn't closed yeah good wow that's a great way doing it yes practice that now but but also a me realize how much thinking that it takes to to communicate in that way cuz we're so used to communicating with certain words we need to actually take that time to think through how to do that because if we practice it here when we get out there it'll be a lot easier so I mean just taking a look at this dream I mean you have prophetic people you you have this place of community this place where there's a lot of you know there's giants if you will but you also have students you have Carmen putting herself with the group of the students but not getting what the students are getting she's actually in relationship with the Giants so now how would you say that to somebody that is out on the streets you know there's people that you've really looked up to for their spirituality and for their spiritual wisdom and and you you still see yourself in a lot of ways in a place of a student but you've actually been moved into a place of relationship with some of those giants then you've been looking up to and while students may be getting directive words you actually have that personal relationship to hear from God for yourself so again it seemed the same thing just set in a different way in thinking through how to say that in different ways --is is very important but if you work through this dream and you got the main point so this is about the prophetic calling that she's in that place of prophetic ministry that there's other students that she's been in relationship or been along with but that she has relationship that's that's the keys that that's the main points of the dream how you say that and the different points I mean I love bringing out the purified prophetic that was that was gorgeous that was really good and then hearing that that piece of you know there's there's things that are in your heart that you're looking for and God's not is not putting a note of those things for you even though other people have to to do that their path is different than your path that's a great piece the the main kind of the main piece of it is those feelings of maybe am i a student no your friend you're a friend and so that that difference in perspective and how the dreamer sees themselves that's kind of the main the main point for that so any questions about this stream before we move on awesome thanks for joining us for this episode of dream lab we will see you next month with another dream
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 4,813
Rating: 4.8963733 out of 5
Id: xDXwNBh7j9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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