Dream Lab - White Stones

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[Music] you glad everybody could come tonight excited about this evening we're gonna have a little bit of fun actually we were just having a conversation so I thought that I would start off with something a little story that I was reminded of with our conversations somebody was talking about talking during their sleep and you know it's it's interesting that not all talking during your sleep and not all sleepwalking is actually playing out a dream but that is often what's going on your body doesn't realize that it's asleep your spirit is active and the connection between the spirit and the body hasn't disconnected so your body is actually playing out what's going on the experience of your spirit is having won one night and this was a number of years ago I need to remember exactly what what year it was and anybody remember when that the big tsunami in South Pacific was a 2003 around I can't remember which year it was but about six months after that tsunami my wife shakes me awake what what did you what do you need what's going on I'm like uh what do you mean she goes you just woke me up I'm like no I didn't you woke me up geez no you screamed there we've got to be careful of the earthquake I'm like I don't know like well what were you dreaming I have no idea what I was dreaming you just woke me up so we just we just prayed and Lord whatever this thing is with the earthquake would you deal with the issue of the earthquake and the next day I figured I'm gonna go and look and see if there were any earthquakes last night in the same place where the last earthquake was it created the tsunami there was another earthquake that was almost a whole point on the Richter scale stronger than the previous one and they were they were saying that they were trying to figure out why there was no tsunami from that earthquake there was absolutely no tsunami now I found out about a five years after that that for the previous six months the Lord had been speaking to John Sandford about that exact same issue saying you know basically I'd warned you about the first one so that you would get people to pray there's another one coming pray because it'll be worse than the first and so there were intercessors literally around the world that had been praying and because of that that earthquake for whatever reason did not quit well the the non-scientific reason there was no tsunami that was created by it so when you find yourself saying something in your sleep pay attention to it now not all the time but before I knew the Lord yeah this is a funny story so I'll go ahead and embarrass myself slightly before I knew the Lord I was passed out on the couch with some of my friends hanging out and I sit up on the couch and and yell out I've got to go be Michael Jackson and Eddie Murphy Street and then I just went back to say I was completely asleep the whole time I never figured out what that would mean I don't think there was actually any meaning to that so sometimes it really has no meaning and sometimes it does say that's just a fun one yay alright so we're gonna do our dream lab and I hope a couple of you brought some dreams right come on up Diana okay okay I was standing on a brilliant white surface that seemed to be suspended and in completely white surrounding but it didn't see any walls I've been sending edges to the surface and on the surface were a whole bunch of stones almost like marbles and they were white as well and they had streaks of amber or gold to them and they were all different sizes or something like size of a man's hand some of them were bolder size in any rate they seemed real stationary and I was walking around among them and I noticed there was a Ledge around the outside above me and there were a number of people up there with white hats and they were pointing white rifles at me mmm they fired but I never got hit so I knew it was safe as long as I stayed right there okay so no hold on just let me repeat that dream back make sure yeah yeah the winner okay so you're you're in this setting where everything is white everything's bright light right and you're walking on this white flooring type thing yeah and there are all these stones that are on the floor some of them about the size of a man's and some of them huge boulders right all over the place and they're also white and they have this like veins like a marble wood but they're gold or they're amber right that's in those and you're kind of walking around them and then you notice that all the way around the the outside edge of this space there's a lad you're above yeah and there's people that are standing there and they've got white hats on and they have white riffles and they're pointing them at you but you know that as long as you stay there you're safe right wonderful okay very good thank you all right now this this is a fun dream and some dreams are even more than dreams they're almost an encounter so you're gonna take the moment pause your video figure out what are you going to title this one what's your focus what are your sub fusses your details and then work out an interpretation and I challenge you actually write out the interpretation the way that you would say it to the dreamer because learning that skill is so helpful so that you get better at communicating to the dreamer once you've got that done start the video again and we'll let you see what we got here at the lab all right are we ready awesome okay so what did you guys come up with for title the lifter up of my head okay white stones anybody safety in the spirit okay well since I'm writing always take the shortest one so we'll go with white stone alright so who our what's our focus the dreamer yes it's all about the dreamer and our sub focuses and what else the shooters so I'm gonna put min and I'm gonna put two details because we have the white hats then we have white rifles anything else important legs yeah this was a sub focus these are details and they were on the ledge it's also a detail anything else the veins in the rock so gold gold or amber veins okay anything else inson we need it for this though the surface so yeah so there was a I guess we'll just write surface flooring the what yeah it's just hanging there an air yeah that's good more right surface but we'll remember the fact that it's hanging there well please hopefully will remember now the fact that was hanging there for those of us that forgot that like myself anybody else okay so in let's let's put it this way on because she knew that if she stayed here she would be safe from here right and that's kind of that that's the piece that is the the part that the dreamer needs to know that's the why did God give this dreamed of this dreamer part right there and so that that's one of the pieces we want to make sure that we have in our interpretation okay so what do we get for the stones what would would the stones represent stability and presence of God some type of authority and purity that was given to the dreamers spiritual authority purity okay now let me ask you this when you think of biblically when you think of stones what do you come up with yeah the Ten Commandments were written on tablets of stone yeah very good what did you have to we'll be given a new name on a white stone and it's a name that nobody other than him and and the person receiving would ever know right and I also I always go back to one other place at Matthew 16 where Jesus first uses the word Church in a religious setting that establishes the idea on this rock on this stone and so one common theme in all of those uses of stone is the stone is revelation it's a word from God it's revelation so she's walking in the midst of Revelation it's carrying the gold the glory of heaven it's carrying the the atmosphere of heaven all right so that that's that that's that platform that it's the spiritual platform it's not held up by anything other than revelation okay now what about these men or did these men represent these good men are these bad men bad men right because there's a threat to the dreamer that doesn't seem like a positive thing right but they're in white so what would white white to the positive talks about purity holiness what does it mean to the negative religious very good so the white hat and why a hat it's talking about covering but it's also talks about a role that you play but different hats on for different roles that you're playing so it's talking about position positional Authority yeah so position religious Rifles what do rifles represent words spiritual reach or influence Authority exactly all of all the above so it's its authority that's being used so they're their authority to harm the dreamer only works when she's not in that place exactly yeah long range yeah one of the questions you always want to ask why this and not that why a rifle not a pistol why rifle and not a sniper so all those types of questions and that the reach right how far that it reaches so these are people that have broad reach they have broad influence their be they're able to affect things a pistol is generally less accurate right than a rifle yeah the the distance the range is much shorter and so there there's you know the the likelihood that they would be shooting and missing is much smaller with a rifle than it would be with a pistol and yet they can't hit her so they're missing even though it would seem that their authority would reach it doesn't right right which also points back to the position the the ledge that they're on or the platform that they're on it's it's a place of authority it's a place that's been lifted up right but what are they not walking in right they're not walking in revelation all right so get a couple of you to put this together for the dreamer who who wants to give it a try wow we just walked through all the pieces but a lot of being able to give the interpretation is how do you say it to the dreamer and a clear concise manner so who come on up Gail so what we came up with was that people who are in some level of spiritual authority by but they're on the outside they might take aim but they don't really have any influence or power to harm you very good very good yeah who else does anybody have another nuance that they want to draw out and bring emphasis to our group really thought that she was called to be an Assessor and that because she's walking in her rightful authority that God has given her and in the revelation that God has given her that leadership that even if they're placed above her could not harm her with whatever they were shooting at her so to speak because she stays in that vein of heavenly things so she shouldn't be afraid of going on in her calling yes because she's right on track exactly under the protection of God that's good and seeing that's that peace and why did God give this dream to this dreamer as long as she continues to walk in the revelation that she's been given she's gonna be safe from religious attack and that's that's the why peace and once you have that peace that's that's really helpful but it's also an encouragement to the dreamer the the level of Revelation that she's walking in I mean there's little things size of immense hands and there's huge boulders but this is the revelation that she's walking in the midst of and because of that that there may be attack that comes but she's safe if she stays in that place yeah it's an awesome dream so very good hope you guys got that at home we'll see you next time on the lab
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 5,462
Rating: 4.9617224 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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