Playing Musical with @Hilary Hahn!

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AHHHH… HALP! Bam! Bam! Bam! I dOn’T kNoW! Hello guys, welcome to another episode of Twoset Violin. And today we have a very special guest, but you guys know her already. Hilary Hahn. In case you don't know her, she's a soloist. Go check out some of her Mozart recordings that just came out. But before you do that, we're gonna play a game together. It's called It's a bit like Pictionary, where each of us have to draw and the other two players have to guess what the person is drawing. Yeah, we're on opposite sides of the world, so it's a game we can play together. All right, I’m gonna start the game. Okay, so I'm first. I'm gonna start drawing. Oh, here we go, the stick figures. That's a two-word one. Why does he have three legs? Ha ha ha… That’s a bit sus. Glasses… Oh! How!? Vio...Violin? It's something violin. Oh…! - A ha ha ha... - Hilary: Dude! Okay, didn't know we were going that way. Oh, Hilary's got a word now. I'm not sure this is gonna be that difficult. Ooh… Ooh! Okay! See, Brett. Hilary’s so much more artistic than you. So, there you go. Of course! Hilary Hahn! Oh dude! I didn't get to select my word properly. This one is hard. I don't know how to draw this guy. “This guy.” It’s a person. Okay, uh… Is that the eyebrows? This looks good! Who is this person? Whoa! I'm just marveling at the artistry here! The highest of compliments. Oh yes! Oh nice! You got it! I can't get the… Oh, oh, I see! - Eddy: Oh yeah! - Brett: Nice! That is a good drawing! You did two different font thicknesses, too. How did you get the… I think I pressed something. I have no idea I did that. Oh, it chose for me! I didn't click it! Oh, this is so hard! It picked the wrong one! But now you know you gotta pick it fast. Okay… Are you really gonna write out the music? Is that what you're gonna do? Arpeggio. I know where he's going with this. Ha ha ha ha ha ha… This is so hard! I hate this. Sweating? Something sweating into coffee? Blue, water. Water? Water. Ugh! Philip Glass. That is so good! The repeated motif. Oh, that was so hard! Whoa, that's a lot of words! Looks like Picasso. I'm so confused. This is tough! Oh okay, I know what it is. Dude, I’m nailing it! What is this? *laugh* I’m getting more confused! Oh! Got it. Yes! Oh…! Okay. I got one. I hope some of our viewers watching this don't get triggered by this sacrilegious drawing. Got it. Dude, this is totally not what it looks like, but… It's a little questionable! I was like, “I don't know what it looks like.” Oh… How'd you change colours? Yeah, how'd you do that? Come on, guys. Brett: Yeah, ha ha ha! That was an easy one. The thing we all have in common. That is awful! Sorry. I don't even actually know the parts of this instrument properly, but I'm just gonna like… What is that? Oh! Oh, of course! It looks more like… you know, a noodle bowl or something. All right, my masterpiece. No?! Wait what? What? Um… Oh, I got it! Oh! Yeah! Nice! That's a good one! That's a really good one. Okay. Oh, my turn! Oh, wrong colour, whatever. Looks like music. Oh, here we go again. It's so bad! Is this what I think it is? ‘Cause that is so dumb if it is. What!? Hilary got it! Oh! Okay. Not sure… Oh, here we go again. What is this? It's the Bumblebee. Not sure what I am drawing… It's like a treble clef but it died. What is that? Oh! I know! Actually no, I don't know. - This is like proportionally all wrong! - Oh, yes. Oh okay. Yeah. - Ah yeah. - Ha ha, the person! We should frame these artworks. I think they would sell for a lot. These should go on tote bags. Ooh. All right, I'm gonna pick an interesting one. I'm just gonna take a guess. Ha ha, didn't work! Two words… It's gonna be two words. This is fun! It's just… We're just chilling. Mm, maybe it's a person. Oh, it's a person. Dude, I don't know how to do this! Ooh, there's a letter O. Oh, there's an O. All right, you know what? I'm just gonna do a Brett Yang. Ha ha! He’s gonna write the music out. Ha ha ha ha ha! This is totally cheating, but I don't know how to do it any way else. ♪ Dun, dun… ♪ Come on. Surely that's enough. *gasps* Yeah, yeah, yeah… Okay. How do you spell Chaconne? *laughs* It is Chaconne. It’s… Eddy: Yeah, but you guys gotta figure out how to spell it apparently. Ha ha ha! I can't spell it! Hilary: Why?! - Hilary: Okay- - Brett: Oh, I got it! Eddy: Oh you got it! So hard. I’m just trying so hard to spell it over- I'm like… I thought I was right with my initial spelling. You did like the European spelling. “Ciaconna.” Bro, why do your guys always have 3 legs? Bro, is it a music stand? Really? Do you really wanna know? Um… This is so bad. Orchestra…? Oh… I got it, I got it. Yeah… Ha ha! We all got it. That was such a bad drawing. It's good! It’s four! So sus, man. Yeah, everyone has like the triple… The music stand, tripod legs. Okay. Um… Okay, so there's this situation... I like the angles. Ha ha ha! Oh! Times 4… - Oh, it’s the same! - Oh! The same word! Hilary: Yes. It picked it by default. All right. That's it. That's my drawing. What? All right, I guess it's not my drawing. That looks like a pointer finger. Oh! I thought it was an arm with a pointer finger. And then it's like… BAM! Up bow? Ha ha ha! No, that's the motion of the bow. Eddy: Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam, bam, bam… Bam, bam, bam. I thought this one would be a lot easier. Apparently not. Staccato! Come on, Brett. Focus on this bam bam bam. It's like a light bam bam bam. No…! AH…! HALP! I dOn’T kNoW! It starts with an S. Oh, SPICCATO!! It’s not like “bam bam bam!” It’s like “boop, boop, boop…” Yeah, I guess. More like “boop boop boop.” That was so obvious! Okay. You’ve been assigned a word, Brett. Let's see. Ooh, yellow! I like that. Seven letters… Oh yeah, nice. Nice, nice. How did you get the right color? That's nice. That does help. I have no idea how I'm gonna do this. I can try to do it to sound like the pictograms. So the last one is like… So it's the verb. The sport. So that's the last syllable. - Eddy: The last syllable, hey. - Hilary: This is really hard. Oh! Oh! - Really? seriously? - Eddy: Got it! Okay, okay, that's good. All right. And the first syllable sounds like… Brett: Oh, got it. - Yes! - Brett: Got it. That was good. That was good. How would you have drawn Tchaikovsky? I probably would've done the same thing, to be honest. Ooh, I don't know how to do this one. Okay, good luck! I'm gonna just go with like a art style… Brett: Oh! Got it! Oh really?! What?! Night? Moon? Sea… waves? This is what the music sounds like. It's very- Destroying… Oh… Oh…! I was trying to go for like a van Gogh. Our options have opened up for clues. Brett: Oh, this is gonna be hard. Which one do I pick? He's already guessing the words. Eddy. Merch. - Product place... Yeah, that's right. - Brett: Product place- Buy our merch! That's right! Brett: This is gonna be really hard. Oh! What? I don't know! What is that!? Oh what?! How did Hilary get that!? Brett: Hilary is a soloist. She understood it straight away. Bro! Yeah, yeah, I can't relate. Soloist things. I've been living in cadenza world. Okay, so this will be an instrument, and this is how it's played. This is not gonna be very clear. It has like… Brett: Yeah! Oh! Eddy: Nice. It's a horrible rendition of an oboe. But we got it! Oh wait. - Why is it orange? - Okay, Eddy is drawing. Eddy: Oops. He means business. We've got multiple colors. I'm gonna do a Brett Yang. Aw, that's cute. Oh! No?! Brett: No, that’s not right. Unhappy because the student didn’t… *laugh* Brett: What is this? This is so hard! No… Co...contest? Brett: Won first prize... Second? - Hilary: Oh no! No one got it! It’s so good though! - Brett: Oh, no one got it. I thought Hilary got- Brett: I thought Hilary got it. I totally see what you're doing! Oh… It was like me versus prodigy! I was like this little fetus. Eddy: Oh! I fluked that! HA HA HA HA HA HA!! WHAT?!! - He didn’t even finish the circle! - I just typed a random thing! Ninja teacher. Oh man! I guessed Harry Potter, but… Brett: Oh, that’s Shostakovich. How!? How did you guess that? Brett: Yeah, I don't know how Eddy got it. I just saw the number of letters and typed a random composer. Why is this hard? You've lived with this. - Wait, I feel like I should know. - You have lived with this. I think I know the second word. - Eddy: I don't know what the first word is. - Brett: Are you serious? You can do this. - Hilary: Let’s see. Um... - Eddy: No! Brett: I’m panicking! AHHH!! Please buy! Oh, Spring Sonata! Wait, how did no one get it? Brett: I thought I knew. Eddy's turn. Brett: Okay, bow… Yeah, it's bow something... Eddy: BANG BANG BANG BANG!! Brett: Oh this again! Oh no! Bang bang bang bang! Brett: What is it called? Oh! - Eddy: Oh nice! - Brett: Yeah! - Eddy: Yeah… - Hilary: Yes! - Brett: Col legno. - Hilary: That's a good illustration. - Brett: Bang, bang, bang! Col legno, when you hit the stick on the strings. Yeah. And then you get just wood chips everywhere. Eddy: Dragon Ball Z. Hilary: This is baffling. Eddy: I’m gonna give it a thumbs down. Maestro? Or concert master? Brett: Get it? - Eddy: No. - Hilary: Competition? Dude, what the f*** is that?! Winner… Something competition! Brett: This guy! - Hilary: He's like, thinking... - Brett: This guy! Who is that guy? Oh! Oh! Oh! What are the big competitions? - Menuhin Competition. Oh... - Oh…! Menuhin! Wait. Does Menuhin look like that? Hilary: Oh, the hair! Brett: I was gonna draw a menu. Okay guys, this is like a big project. So we have that figure, and then we've got like stands, stands... Eddy: Bam bam bam! Oh wow… That's a lot of bams. It's the thing and the group. Uh… the thing and the group. Oh! It's a noun and an adjective. Brett: What? I don't think I can draw it any better, - Hilary: so I'm just gonna keep adding people… - Eddy: Just keep adding. and stands. Brett: Oh, of course! All right, are you ready for my genius artwork? Hilary: *gasps* That's beautiful! Oh, I forgot what the notation looks like. Ooh… that’s… that's like… I think it’s a Paganini Caprice. Come on. Look at the… Look at those hands. That does look like it. It's a technique. Harmonic… um… Brett: Got it! What?! How did you guess it? Wait what? Open harmonic! Come on! Fingered harmonic… It's not organic. - Hilary: Oh… - Eddy: Artificial. What is an artificial harmonic? I've never even heard that term. - Eddy: Really?! - Brett: Really?! It's when you use the 1 and 4, right? Open and fingered. - Oh, open and finger- Ah, fingered harmonic. - I just heard like, fingered and open. American terminology. So we cheated on that one. Okay, what do we have here? Ooh! Three words!? So many different ways to draw a figure playing the violin. This is awesome. Eddy: That mouth. Brett: Oh no! I can't draw this! Brett: Ah, rub it out. Oh, the rubber is too small! Oh… What!? Excuse me? First, Brett has three legs. Now his rubber is too small. Ledger lines. C, A… Aha... I don't know how to spell it though. Ooh! Left hand… What!? “PIZZACATO!” Eddy: Oh. Pizz-i-cato. Brett: Yeah, you were like “pizzAcato.” Pizza. I am hungry. I want pizza. All right, here we go. Oh, this is the last round! Round 10. Oh boy! I like that figure pose. There's a reason I'm doing this. Brett: Is this a “ski” again? It looks like my violin posture. *laughs* Brett: The scroll is as big as the head. Is that like a Bigfoot? Is that what it is? Brett: I can't tell. Is it a giant? There's a bow in there. Brett: That is a bow with a big hand! WHOA!! Brett: Ha ha ha! What?! Wow…! Brett: Is it Super Saiyan? *laugh* What is this!? Brett: Ah… yeah! Oh… okay. Brett: So much sound! Whoa… Paganini! - Fireworks everywhere! - Brett: Yeah, and the hands are big. His hair is just like shooting to the skies. Oh… okay. Here we go with the bow. Ha ha ha ha ha… You ready? Doink, doink, doink, doink, doink, doink! Whoa! What? Brett: Oh! Hilary: Staples. Doink, doink, doink… Ric… Brett: Doink, doink, doink… Yeah…! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! The bumpy ride is what it is. Eddy: A ha ha ha! He can't spell it. - Brett: How do you spell ricochet!? Help! - Eddy: That’s some French spelling. - Hilary: It’s French! It’s French. - Eddy: Dude, you're becoming French. Brett: I cAn’T sPeLL iT!! - Brett: Oh, ricochet! - Hilary: There you go! But you knew the word… Brett: Oh, Eddy won. Yay…! It's two against one. I think it’s tricky to beat the two of you guys together. It's a little bit. We spend so much time hanging out. I think we kind of know each other's styles and thought patterns. - Brett: But that was fun actually. - Hilary: Yeah, this was kinda fun! It's nice. It's fun to just hang out. Hey guys! Realise we never did a proper outro? And that's because we ended up on this long discussion and we just got sidetracked. That discussion, we're actually gonna post in a future video because it was super insightful. But for now, I'm just dropping in to say… Thanks for watching! Accent the like button and legato the subscribe button.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 433,001
Rating: 4.985765 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: 3ZnS9zgGiBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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