Draw on My Back Challenge with Ryan vs Mommy!!!

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hey guys today me and mommy are doing the drawing each other's backs challenge first i'm gonna draw on ryan's back so he's gonna turn around [Music] and then ryan is gonna put his sheet of paper on the wall and he has to try to copy me okay you think ryan can do it yeah enjoy this okay let's see what ryan does [Music] okay yeah that's exactly what i'm drawing drawing this and then drawing this [Music] so far so good what else that's it ah [Music] nice yeah ryan so far so good okay [Music] wait can i make a double because i think i know what to draw okay maybe it's a flower very high quality flour nice oh looking good looking good okay all right almost done [Music] okay so my drawing is done are you ready to compare ryan three two one tada is it the same drawing not the same at all so ryan drew is cute though right into a snail with a flower it's my turn to see if mommy can copy what i drew [Music] and then this these okay like that okay what okay did ryan do this going [Music] [Laughter] um [Music] this and this [Music] here here and here here here here and here like that okay let's see if we got the same drawing i'm so confident three two one [Music] i see i knew you drew some sort of triangle and that's why i drew triangles ah you know what guys this challenge looks so easy to me so i'm gonna jump in and try it well it's easy when you're drawing it we'll see all right i'm gonna drop a beautiful piece looking good you guys and ryan and daddy usually think alike so i think he got it oh that looks so similar uh-huh keep going keep going you guys are doing great uh-huh this this is important right this this portion there you go exactly exactly great job okay almost done [Music] all right i'm done all right daddy's done we're gonna dealing moment here three two one a pirate why did you straw hot pirates you said peace [Music] hey at least it's a beautiful drawing look at that big hair okay dad are you up for the challenge i got it i can read people's minds okay it's my turn let's see if daddy can guess what i draw easy i wonder what i should draw i'm focusing all my sense to my back you even draw me i don't feel anything wait did you not feel it okay [Music] this ah feels like a facial feature and it has an ear an eyebrow a little bit of beer wow you are so good you almost exactly copied how interesting i am okay so you what you're doing is very long nose okay [Music] i'm actually already done just final touch i don't touch daddy okay i'm pretty confident about this three two one oh yeah because i accidentally zoomed in very close to this this person got it no no no no no i just wanted to go on a little bit in detail thank you for watching our drawing on each other's backs challenge hi hi guys today we are playing this really fun projector here we got so basically this game i think you just have to just get rid of all the monsters in the pool yeah this game is oh 17. let's see if we can beat 17. uh-oh they disappear or you're winning oh 20. good job can you beat 20 this time oh 18 oh okay all right the power of mommy and ryan you ready 18 mommy's no help okay so this game is where i have to step on little cute bears good job this one looks like a ship game whoa you guys ready okay shoot the bombs yeah there you go good job emma yeah the pink on this side [Music] my next game is super soccer it's on ryan i'm gonna get you okay oh no what what no no no no oh no go i gotta step on the ghost [Music] good job [Music] teamwork it's a street ball a new game kick the ball into the goal [Music] right there you have to kick it there you go good job [Music] there you go kick the ball [Music] good job wow the trophy oh a different one smash the melon gotta smash the melon we don't like melons we gotta smash it [Music] yes smash the watermelon emma [Music] whoa look at your score good job [Music] new game what is this stop oh this is too fast ryan good job there you go [Music] good job good job good job okay you gotta hit the one in the that pops up it's like a whack-a-mole [Music] beat em all good job emma oh there's a monster rabbit nice [Music] so here you're just smashing the monsters that's easy maybe they're all bad ryan figure out a tricky you're gonna watch kate ryan okay all right let's just do it look at ryan good job england versus emma usa take the ball to ryan there you go good job kate's winning [Applause] [Music] ryan yeah three to three it's ty whoa that's a tie who's gonna win [Music] get the box of ryan there you go no there you go [Music] i'mma keep swimming [Music] it's a tie good job guys just kick to ryan hey you won you beat ryan today we're gonna try to see who can last the longest in the ball pit it's emma versus kate versus daddy and mommy i'm going first there you are mommy's coming in too oh no emma where's daddy yeah gotta go find daddy where's emma where's my daddy emma let's see if we can catch daddy okay all right go let's see we can catch daddy daddy you got me here yeah you did hi oh where am i go where am i oh no where's kate where'd you guys go where's this where's kate we're kate they've gotta go find kate i hear noises uh-oh ah there you are there you are daddy's missing again we're daddy [Music] we're done [Music] [Laughter] okay she's missing again monster mommy wait where's emma who's this who's this wait i found somebody's shirt who's this [Music] who is this such a cheek that's a cheek mommy's gonna hide too bye hey kay can you find mommy yeah where's mommy you found me i love you i know [Laughter] kate left you wanna play in the house so that mean daddy where'd daddy go where'd daddy go daddy kate left so it's just three of us what okay yeah she did she couldn't survive she's over it she's over there you guys see her she's way over there where'd caico she's hiding in the house where kate there she is you want me to count okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten where am i where am i [Music] okay you can come back there you go hey emma what color is this good job hey kate what color is this yellow okay emma what color is this good good hey what color is this good emma what color is this yeah one more are you ready kate yeah what's this color good job you guys know your colors yeah ah yellow what color is it green good job green uh is that yellow what is that blue good job kay one two three oh daddy got a ball here here you go daddy here you go hey guess what everybody wins good job yeah the floor is lava okay [Applause] it's okay you did it no more lava emma maybe lava got daddy thank you for watching bye bye hi guys today we're doing 24 hour challenge in the ball pit i got this giant ball pit all right let's see who can stay longer ryan or daddy i think it's me i'm your first why it's going in it's fun i'm gonna go from here daddy okay guys i'm going to join you too oh no i can't see myself wow ryan okay i could find him ryan ryan ah i found something ow what is this that's your hand pit party go ryan go ryan all right tsunami of the ball pit okay yeah i'm ready daddy you okay guys i'm just finding random things in the ball pit really yes look found a snack a wall this is not good and welcoming okay we're gonna eat it later yay let's see what else is in here i'm gonna look for more oh where'd ryan go you guys see ryan anywhere where did he go i see stuff moving i know hey daddy who finds ryan first wins okay good idea challenge go ryan ryan i found out my shirt this is so much fun oh i want to backflip okay one two three [Music] i keep finding stuff in here what what it's pets cookies people are leaving stuff in here yeah yummy i'm gonna jump in again i found something daddy turn around turn around turn around i found something really weird in the ball pit i don't even know what is here it looks like a space what is this what is this get daddy okay what there's so many snacks we can definitely stay here for 24 hours i found something what what this is big big what is it do you think ryan i don't know skateboard you can stay over there he's surfing go combo go combo come on i know hi combo i can't believe there's so many treasures in here i know that's cool okay all right guys we're gonna look around for more what else can i find i know anything oh you need a minute nerf blaster wow oh no mommy do you know what this means oh no i just try [Music] all right let's see if ryan can block all the miracles here we go this is so much fun i know laser blaster good job ryan i'm getting sleepy okay look what i found there you go [Music] hey daddy time to wake up daddy what'd you guys do that to me well you snooze so yes me and daddy do a challenge and you have to hide these so we're gonna see if who can find them wins okay who can find these get to eat if you don't find it then no snack got it ryan all right turn around no peeking guys all right i'm gonna hide them okay guys um i hit it go find it okay why is pulling my leg [Laughter] are you guys even finding it oh no snack for you [Music] you didn't win daddy sorry daddy made my next challenge you can win you can get snacks next challenge i'm gonna win guys okay what challenge should we do how about first person there there wins okay we're gonna swim guys get around we have to swim in here okay all right snake are you ready you guys ready go touch first to reach the end [Music] hurry oh ryan did it daddy where are you [Music] [Laughter] sorry daddy's ready ryan reached it first what it was close is it close naughty no really oh i have a next idea so basically i'm gonna hide and whoever finds me first wins okay [Music] face the corner face the corner yeah all right guys all right i'm gonna hide here ryan no cheating i gotta switch plates i have to switch place now okay time's up we're gonna look for mommy alright let's see ryan can you find mommy or daddy fine first where's mommy where'd she go what oh yeah something's moving maybe mommy's moving around you put mommy are you sure something's moving you're so right there you're tickling who won me ryan won right good job ryan oh i'm thinking ryan daddy oh no ah we're so tired i don't think we can last 24 hours in here what do you think i can you can't sleep you're gonna sleep okay what about you daddy i think i can do this what are we doing today that's right we have so many different slime here so this is really cool like galaxy slime yeah grape slime fluffy slime some elmer's slime what is that that's right pick slime yeah okay stuff inside and then did you guys know that play-doh also makes slime so that's really cool yeah and then some generic slime some fun stuff we're gonna put into the slime um some really cool permanent slime what flavor is that oh it's a berry cake flavor i like it you like berries yeah so these are really cool there yeah pink purple white orange and blue yeah you guys ready to mix all the slime together yeah wow i love it come on kate trying to do the floss cute okay so it looks like they're starting out with cakes ready i think it's pretty okay [Music] what are you picking next it went inside there did you see the little purple it's so pretty because it has the little stars and stuff in there right now snowflakes yeah good i'm mixing pink and purple together sure oh you're not thinking there now yeah cute pink purple you got blue okay how about you cake i got it okay whoa i'm gonna mix it together and we're still working on her blue look and take it out you did it next to purple oh that's beautiful so emma's not mixing it together she's just putting next to each other very cute put them mommy in the middle yeah emma and kate you like that one pretty [Music] what does it smell like strawberry it looks like cotton candy or something yes mine look like hot and candy oh what does it feel like it's so stretchy oh this smells like marshmallows mommy okay you're just turning out really pretty look at that mommy how about mine look is it a mermaid or is it mermaid i know i love it i'm not feeling you guys want to try this one [Music] okay these are like different type of special slimes [Music] it's like a [Music] okay okay it's doing the orange whoa look at that look at stretching what about yours emma inside the green crunchy feels crunchy yellow yellow okay oh yeah it looks cool super bright what that one looks really good it's looking in mouth and you're having a big mark mommy hey but i love the way it feels it's like sticking to them as well yeah like a spider web well i like the red one [Applause] [Music] happiness that one's cool are you gonna dump it in i'm gonna blow my hands okay you're ryan hi ryan hi mommy how old are you ryan six years old really what grade are you in ryan [Music] i can't tell you right now it's a secret i didn't know okay last question ryan what is two plus two two really okay what about if you really ryan then tell me what is your favorite game whoa you're right what do you like better minecraft or fortnite [Music] fortnite is that true guys [Music] oh this is the real rhyme so i don't know who's in the background okay oh ryan is really smart so like he knows math oh yeah yeah so emma i mean i mean ryan ryan what does this say what does it say right there can you read it for me grapes it says grapes okay you're right don't say grapes you're so smart ryan ryan what what who's the real ryan oh no you know the real ryan knows how to do the floss yeah show me the real riots [Music] okay all right okay go ahead whoa okay guys who's the real ryan wow this is really good it's hard to tell who's the real ryan look at the floss style wow super good whoa that's good too who's that [Music] hard to tell which one is the real one the real ryan knows this number you ready okay [Music] that ryan says it first oh okay all right the real ryan can read this word right here [Music] her made slime mermaid line oh they can all read it okay the real ryan can read this word right here [Music] jks diy copiers what is the real ryan's favorite animal [Music] um you guys always have the same one i can't tell who's the real ryan ryan lion oh yeah okay so sorry we were making slime sorry guys all right where were we wait are you ryan now are you emma i forgot ryan okay ryan [Music] ryan your slime is so pretty look at that okay while kate's doing that guys look what ryan did to me ryan hey hey kay can you help mommy look at this thank you oh it's sticky whoa this slime is sticky you guys look at this it's hard to get out thank you ryan i mean thank you okay [Music] whoa that's really pretty egg this is your favorite color too yep pink is my favorite color too you're right oh the real ryan is back why not bad wheel i am good ryan oh good ryan thank you i like good luck ryan and i ran away from him got it so the real ryan is the real good ryan is back cute whoa it's kind of see-through and clear yeah mommy you guys can also put in all these fun glitters you feel like this one this one sure this is cool now i'm doing well oh that's pretty mommy that could happen more no i don't know you're done so this is emma slime here it looks pretty cool what's in mine there you go oh that's so pretty i'm doing this on top what are you doing you're massaging it looks like you're massaging no i'm mommy you're mommy now i am washing it today you're washing the dishes mommy that's so silly ryan's back i'm good right okay well at least we have a good ryan oh that one's pretty well got the rainbow piece too so that's really cool [Music] this one yeah whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys that's enough there you [Music] go [Music] [Music] here we go pretty [Music] wow look at him has glitter hands whoa so that's what their slime so far whoa this is emma is doing the blue glitter confetti wow how can i do this beautiful wow this is the most beautiful slime you guys ever seen this is the most beautiful slime when i'm doing it whoa it smells good okay i'll smell it guys i smell it what does it smell like oh that smells like a like a blueberry or something whoa so long wow that's pretty see some well it's like a lot now okay oh thanks good job for sharing [Music] whoa that looks so cool wow ryan emma whoa i'm ryan kate yours looks cool i'm ryan okay ryan hi emma hi mommy do you guys know what we're playing today that's right so we have a whole bunch of hat here so we have really fun hats like a crab hat a joker hat a crown hat and a shark hat emma and kate are gonna see if they can get the same hat you think you can get the same hat yeah all right so they're twins they should get the same hat okay all right without looking at each other pick your hat let's see no looking there you go when i say one two three get in position ready one two three is it a match is it a match is it the same is it the same no not the same try again good job though okay you guys ready for round two yes pick your hat without working you think emma's gonna pick the hat cake yeah you ready all right [Music] good job you guys guys you guys got a match one point good job all right you ready okay pick a hat no looking pick a hat pick any hat no looking okay all right all right no looking close your eyes pick a hat and close your eyes all right emma close her eyes no looking okay close her eyes all right one two [Music] three that's right two points all right guys ready for the next round yes okay pick your hat okay emma pick the clown let's see oh i should have said anything kate oh i think i gave her a hint that was mommy's fault you ready yes okay one two three let's see is it a match it's a match good job you clown you are clowns do you have any points you have now [Applause] [Music] okay guys round five let's see if we can make a match okay that's what emma's gonna pick don't tell kate okay what you guys are twins you guys know wow [Music] there uh are all right guys ready for round five okay let's see they can get five points which one is emma and kate gonna pick so many choices no looking no looking at each other you gotta close your eyes all right that's what emma picked that's what cake picked one two three is it the same thing five points wow next round pick your hat that's a crabby hat what about you emma let's see let's see oh is it gonna be a match all right so that's the hat emma pick one two three not a match did you guys both pick under the sea a fish and a crab very good oh crap getting a fish oh krabby kate crabby all right guys next round which hat you're going to pick i'll see you remember don't tell your sister see here okay all right okay all right i'ma change her mind one two three [Music] no i can't see your eyes where emma can't eyes go where'd it go hello [Music] okay guys ready for next round okay pick your hat oh let's see oh and the same one okay it's a scary crabby okay cake what about you oh one two three is it the same that's the thing shark attack shark attack ah shark attack you guys ready for the next round yeah all right let's see if we can get one more point go ahead choose your hat choose wisely without looking at each other kate are you looking are you looking kate okay changes her mind that's the hat she gonna pick no looking kate all right that's the hat emma choose cute ready one two three is it a match it's not a match oh crabby emma [Applause] [Music] [Music] there they are
Channel: Kaji Family
Views: 18,526,909
Rating: 4.1162891 out of 5
Keywords: drawing on my back, drawing on each other back, drawing on each other back game, drawing on my back challenge, draw on back, drawing on back, back drawing game, kids drawing game, fun drawing kids game, Ryan's world, Kaji Family, kids challenge and games
Id: AORKF_5a9cA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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