How to make Rainbow Popsicles with 1hr DIY kid size baking!!!

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you try it rainbow too sour what are you guys making today yogurt and some fruits and vegetables yeah what are some fruits and vegetables so what is the first color he doesn't want to make orange okay so put these two orange into the blender I just pour everything in it's like coming out your the two frozen there you go I'll make sure you get your spoon oh there you go good job huh so now we're gonna get a big spoon of yogurt put it in put water in yeah okay it's blending time I'm just gonna do it [Music] the yogurt thank you why are you doing that okay so mommy made a little mess instead I think every single one of them need it there you go okay so they fill up the whole tray good job which colleague what are you guys doing nose hey guys ready ha nope are you guys ready to put in the blend back to the code okay put the whole thing in the blender here great add some spinach [Music] big spoon of yogurt what are we adding [Music] - all right I think the green is done so now we're adding the green in yeah yeah rainbow lollipop thank you for helping [Music] it's done yeah so they fill it up it girls now we have two colors you guys ready okay [Music] one more scoop I think you have enough a little more lemon under any water first so we actually like starry bananas we have some banana - the strawberry [Music] strawberry sure you can test it out all right so now we're adding the rad for strawberry strawberry today together [Music] pinky they know me me next Brown what's how are we doing that a little bit banana [Music] they want to blend it this time go ahead there you go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] and I'm gonna bed you can also use pineapple Cheerios give it the more yellow color but we only have some yellow you're gonna fill everything up to the top porridge you guys are doing great for colors and there's any different colors eat it why yeah their grandma's gonna be so happiest right was the brand line the line good idea in the dark our just maybe one more you all the leftover we're gonna save it and then probably make a smoothie tomorrow so good if you mark thank you for sharing done so now that we're done where I want to put in the freezer okay okay taking it to the freezer I'm gonna open the fridge for mommy okay now we gotta wait for it to freeze okay I don't know maybe three hours let's go play while we wait now we're gonna just hang out and play while we wait for the toxic go so now I'm just putting the popsicle into water to unfreeze it for a little bit to sour what you guys think alright so there it is rainbow popsicle okay what are we making today so we're making our own do-it-yourself gummy bear we got a giant gummy mole here we're gonna make we also have really cool shapes here like gummy warms octopus got some one dinosaurs and then obviously bear frog and Lauren and we got some fun flavors like cherry and blue raspberry and orange and lime which is probably sour and lemon hey guys where you started you can wake my be too sour but they won't bother we'll eat the lemon okay first we already got the unflavored gelatin here we're gonna each put the water into their water yep just water fording gonna open these up for you and now we're putting in the colored flavored gelatin yeah yeah it's okay it's pouring in red I'm a yellow that's cool okay smell it you smell the lemon flavors you know how my cake is agitating they're stirring it together while they stir mommy's gonna make a lime flavor and an orange flavor the doctor are doing great here's my orange and here is my green okay Kate's over there actually playing with the bounce house while they wait so daddy's gonna help because this is a don't only thing yeah that's right yeah so now we actually gonna put into the microwave heat it up I am [Music] we're gonna microwave beeps alone for about 30 seconds to the giant mall here ready to go now they're gonna use a droplet and then just pour it in to make gummies hey there you go nice job we're gonna get some fish tomorrow yeah whoa one good jock Hey oh because I forgot me he saw my wife yes [Music] [Music] yeah Oh two colours that's a pretty good idea I know I love it the warms another done fridge I just took these out of the fridge it's a little bit harder now but since there's still space blast there's some jelly here that we haven't you so I'm gonna go ahead and pour some just fill it up okay take multiple layers so I'm gonna pour the wine maybe I'll use orange soda put these back in the fridge and then look us two layers it went and when it comes out I will put these fit so I take it out and then add some more flavor and then this one I'm gonna act end it's just orange or yellow multiple colors even I hate you all right let's put it back in the fridge they wait and they're just playing with Ryan on the triple [Music] [Music] [Music] it overflow that's why but it's yummy I know dinosaur bro ah no yes if it's Han the other bears [Music] well they in cookie yes Orion way on Instagram at Ryan's world it asks questions today me and mom Kate are gonna make a video about what we like and what we don't like so if you gotta tell any questions leave it in the comments down below sorry we took answer the MA but here's some fun one for one how old are you three your dates and I'm good all right so you're telling no changing your mind no you still eight what about you did no change in mind okay so we have a three-year-old at 8 euro in a 10-year whoa okay so the first thing the big chocolate chip cookies put the whole thing in here so do it together put the whole thing in there you go booty I see the chocolate chip that's right before the egg here's a fun question if you could have for power what would it be being your superpowers butter okay butter butter is admin cake superpower okay whoa butter splash shoe butter splash [Music] invisibility okay let's see that wow you guys are just making up numbers you ready to start the next step yeah okay Nexus we just have to prep your neck so Ryan's gonna do it because last time you guys splash all over now you got this it's a very hard job it's Rhine crack an egg uh-huh then what good I'm gonna throw that away be right back you guys we're back next step is we're gonna put the butter in well and maybe open the butter have a next question do you like putty or slime better Oh Ryan likes putty and then oh okay what are you guys like okay next question what is your favorite video game okay twenty years old who loves to play roblox 256 and then do like barbie games or nail salon games by making barbie games a one year old playing board games just mix you guys can take turn mixing and we'll keep mix first have another question for you when you grow up what do you want to be superhero that's a good superhero with power Oh princess in your future Princess Kate oh why you guys keep mixing here's another question for what is your favorite subject or recess that's a good one okay can we recess you like to play much a favorite recess game then we can good smash the butter okay while you guys smash the butter here's another question oh you know what i mommy forgot to do i think i supposed to melt the butter let's see in the instruction here oh no never mind it says not melted Oh huh but a full Salette butter softened at room temperature for one hour which I did not do [Music] another question okay do you know Emma decide to be a witch coming together I actually have to melt the butter which is not supposed to sorry so hopefully player who loves cookies okay you ran I'm like two hundred fifty six year old that likes roblox and minecraft and I like eating pizza okay what is your favorite food anymore that's a great choice great healthy choice I'd real three-year-old so what is your least favorite food [Music] [Music] who do you think is your favorite color okay if the Chinese drama okay she been watching it with her grandma so Chinese drama for half an hour [Music] [Music] this is one is for you how do you tell your sister apart how do you know which one is a lie which one is can't because they're identical twin so they kind of looked almost this day oh really you tell from here he's a little walking Kate let's finish it sister for tip but I mean do they look the same to you are different they do look different to us cuz we see them every day they actually look very different to it they don't look the same at all they look like two completely different people yeah you guys just trust mommy next question what do you guys like to do at home for fun [Music] your iPod video what about you what do you guys do at home for fun [Music] one of the plans that's a good one what's your favorite fruit oranges about you Jim doing injury no like I can't Phillies helper from Adrian don't taste the same yeah okay what about you and my watch your favorite fruit watermelon oh I like that one too I don't know how to fix this probably just use my hands and kind of just like put them together I'm sorry this is gross yeah sure though my hand it's clean I just washed it it's gonna work it's gonna work what is your favorite book have you been reading the pie-in-the-sky Mickey Mickey Mickey Mouse and then Kate and it book that's your favorite what about Champlin paw patrol pups a soda machine oh as well so this is a book rhyme in greeting pie-in-the-sky it's really fun it does have some pictures in it and it's pretty funny so so yeah that's right book I've been reading question is what is your favorite dessert ice cream what flavor yeah okay what about you guys ice cream with chocolate and cakes there's so many to choose from there's pies there's chocolate cookies there's I'm going to put this in the oven I will be right back okay hopefully thanks I'm not like you guys don't know I am Borah ball at cooking or baking wait for the cookies the cookies [Music] what is your favorite sports or activities okay activities what do you like do you like soccer do you like variety so guys I haven't news I think mommy hotbird the cookies in the little punchy I can say I can see the crunchiness that I did I burn it yeah I did yeah I did I'm so sorry that's why mommy doesn't have a cooking show because I am NOT good that's why you guys don't know daddies usually the one who cook around the house because if mommy does it she does this so ho sorry guys it does taste good all thank you K it is bad what about you this is good all thank yous for you guys you guys eat so this one is do you like Pokemon okay you do what is your favorite Pokemon a sky one God what about you [Music] dragon I'm a dragon client to have a due to the name what about you am I do you know Pokemon yes you don't know experiment that you've done the floating science experiment I don't have we've done that oh the flighty Toronto the want the Bicky so add vinegar yeah that's my favorite that's really cool question would you rather have ways to fly or tell to swim talk to swim like a mermaid my question she said I need folks question would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet well pet whale where you gonna put the pet whale in swimming pool swimming pool so would you rather want a panorama or pull pet dinosaur okay we're gonna put the dinosaur in our house be parent what about you I thought I saw our pet whale I'm peg bang dinosaurs even occurred a girl that's a good choice yeah do you know combo has a pet dinosaur yeah you know the name Sheldon yeah Sheldon there you go hey boy that's a boy so we got donut tray you guys ready yeah we got ya so next is we gotta mix it together add to take and take [Music] that's right that in there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you want try it later [Music] good job guys see I made donuts we can make yeah [Music] [Music] okay that is super strong Thanks you guys are strong like Emma's muscle yeah okay all right Emma's helping me away right here Emma I do it okay this is adults only okay okay Thank You Emma all right guys we're gonna bake it for about ten minutes okay while we wait for the donut to cook we're gonna add we're gonna make the glaze okay place the doughnut so you want sugar doughnut right okay so let's add in the sugar powder in the ear yeah help each other okay let's add a pinch of salt tiny bit we're gonna add a tiny bit of vanilla extract ah there you go that's hot milk first okay add in the milk okay now we're gonna mix it together [Music] there you go agitate agitate they want to make a piece ways okay so now we're gonna add a little bit everybody there you go get ready please see how the sugar is turning pink good teamwork good job guys Pete is turning Marky yeah hey guys and now we're gonna just wait for the donut to be done it will take it out and show you guys okay okay so we got it out now we're going to dip it in the glaze sugar like so and then put into the pan [Music] looks good huh all the other good idea next time we should make different color you right and then you got to do this freak oh okay they're spring clothes you guys can sprinkle it on the other Donuts to girls okay [Music] [Music] all right daddy you I try my cake doughnuts Oh which one can I try it's so good right yeah yeah are you guys ready to get started yeah okay sponge here what we're making a fake brownie we're gonna put the frosting all over the sponge and see if daddy thinks is real do you think daddy's gonna think it's real yeah someone took the spongy I'm gonna cut in half all right we have frosting pan we're going to use to spread there you go that's right like that I put a lot on for you keep hurry daddy's gonna come out soon looking good guys all right you guys are doing great look almost done that's exactly like a brownie good job yeah you're such great yeah so now some sprinkles yes daddy back looks exactly like a brownie cake looks good I think daddy's gonna be tricked by this right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put this on the side okay leave it here there you go so it's mean to check someone and I get them something real right so we're actually gonna make a real one after yeah all right so now since we're making the real one for everybody no for everybody so we got the chocolate powder it looks like sand next is the oil this here is water and then last thing is egg okay one two three ready I know there we go so next thing we do is mix it together [Music] [Music] and now we're gonna use the mixer is now I'm gonna print up and you have a square pan on the circle on that it's okay I'm still gonna work mix very well but it's okay all right you guys now now we wait that's right now we just wait for it to cool down okay good is ready we're gonna show daddy surprise daddy [Music] okay oh yeah either one each yeah oh just pick it up oh just take a bite you'll be good [Music] [Music] daddy's heart says we trick time to get the first bite we really trick your daddy this is the spot right not the ones do you want this one'll totally new don't worry just took it out of the package and we have different colors red [Music] you guys ready get started [Music] [Music] good job cake that's right that's awesome blue you're right Emma that's right Oh No take my donut face you have donut bodies don't like trash I love it it's hot but always make sure you ask your parents for help so you put one cup of water to each container [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for them because it's so hot [Music] [Music] [Music] good idea [Music] favorite dodge do you guys know what the next step is what all right you guys go wash your hands while mommy put this in the fridge okay now we're putting the fridge we made extra because there's some extra jello less we put it extra bowl all right wait for four hours okay mi can't couldn't wait so we took some out early so still not super hardened but it's to like enjoy eating it is it yummy yeah so what takes them out tomorrow morning and hopefully it's more hardened this is just tests right yeah good yummy yes thumbs up but sharing girls alright I won't let them keep eating it will open the other one tomorrow okay guys it's the next day so hopefully it's more harder than yesterday so we're gonna open it and see if it's going to be okay so now we have sprinkles and we're gonna put it in our jelly donut except they're eating it right now you want me to do or do you want to do they live [Music] [Music] that's from the blue one here oh okay there you go oh hey let's sprinkle on that one you want to put one on the red and the light sprinkles don't eat too much okay not good after dinner yeah good yeah you can have one bite us for oh and that's a lot of sprinkles yeah I got just a tiny bit oh yeah just that all right girls know enough sprinkles that good [Music] digging jelly donut it's a good honey them dead one more sprinkle okay here you got one more sprinkle and so I just got this cake mix here mommy's gonna do the egg okay all right one two three [Music] that's right one more it's cool huh [Music] everybody makes a cake we actually forgot water so now we're adding the water a good yeah now I gotta mix it again [Music] pull like a fool so I'm just gonna help me mix your teamwork i'ma throw it in and keep mixing are you such a good teamwork there you go all right so next we got to put in the cupcake paper drink great girl let's count to see how many cupcakes we're gonna make two three six seven eight nine so how many cupcakes the next thing you have to do is spraying it cuz you don't want it to stick okay yes it just spray a little bit I hold it and you can help me okay all right spray spray spray take the next step is you're gonna take the powder and then just add it in there you go see just like that Oh too much huh there you go that's a big scoop maybe good girls [Music] okay now Kate's turn again now we're learning how to share so they taking turns [Music] so we're done with it and now you know what we do next that's right now we're putting the cupcakes in the oven and probably bake it for 15 minutes there we go see it's too big so they put too much it's too big right now all right the cupcakes are done look how big they become I would eat sandwich yeah so they're eating while they're waiting for the cupcake hey do you want it with frosting on without this without frosting and then you have to wait it's a Ryan's gonna go first decorate his cupcake there you go good Wow beautiful done good job Ryan and you have some sprinkles if you want yeah what's wrong there you go enjoy yeah so now grandma's gonna help them one you want to try by yourself yeah we can actually go later okay oh wow good job it - squeeze hard kick please there you go beautiful wow he's doing a good job yeah so now we're putting sprinkles beautiful good job girls yeah you can try but it's not gonna stick but you can if you want to [Music] what are we today and then here is flower you guys gonna do this together this looks a little bit heavy everything there you go no big deal and the last thing we need is baking soda now it's advocate time Emma's gonna do anything and then cake turn that's right it looks like Sam [Music] [Music] a whole bunch of sugar cuz it's a sugar cookie monster there you go the sticking there you go one butter - butter there we go so we're gonna add the butter in with the sugar Wow this is just going crazy you know okay we gotta break up these two butter and you're guys break it up next we got added one egg and I said she wants to do it nice that my good job next let's add in one teaspoon of vanilla extract okay thank you alright put it in Kate there you go so now we're gonna keep mixing again there we go nice wow you guys are good yeah so now we're gonna add these two together whole thing that's a lot huh [Music] okay guys I can't explode Chu never gonna mix those two together now we're gonna make colourful sugar cookies so we're gonna add some food coloring coloring is it working kay there you go there you go see it's coming pick already okay guys we're gonna keep mixing until it becomes the color agitate agitate and their cane antitank so let me go mixing paint has her pink at my house her purple and then mommy has her blue next what are we gonna do is we're gonna take it it looks like a play-doh right we're gonna roll it into a ball like oh that's a good ball ki like that oh yeah there you go yeah no we don't need to smash it just roll into a ball like that okay four so far sugar cookies I have to put a whole bunch of sugar here like that I can't want to do it there you go sugar okay there you go yeah that's pretty down there we go perfect now once you have your little bob then you have to roll it in sugar because it's a sugar cookie it's a rolling sugar everywhere you're just rolling sugar roll it in sugar there you go now done you done okay we're almost done and was finishing up the last blue and I'm gonna finish up the last P and then we are done I'm gonna put in the oven good job all right we're gonna know thank you for about 10 minutes okay cookies are done we've cooled down a now we're gonna add some eyeballs we're gonna just add a whole bunch of eyeballs yeah okay we have just just squeeze it down this whole bunch of monster eyeballs there you go put the eyeballs in I'm gonna decorate this one this one's a little bit too big yeah I like your monster so far look this one has three eyes eyes in a row a little lamb one there you go on my one yeah good job guys oh good job great cracks but it's okay next for fun we're gonna add some sprinkles there you go monsters like sprinkles right yeah yeah oh it's a lot of sprinkles for that monster well that's a lot Kate you wanna save some for the other monsters shake shake shake shake I'm gonna try take one bite of the sugar cookies are you think cake too much sprinkles yeah how about we try the one without the sprinkles how is it yeah good that's a good idea [Music] [Music] [Music] Thomas M&K videos
Channel: Kaji Family
Views: 15,950,508
Rating: 4.1505733 out of 5
Keywords: Ryan's World, Kaji Family, baking, how to make, homemade popicles, how to make rainbow popicles, popsicles for kids, DIY baking for kids, homemade baking for kids, kids homemade snacks, fun kids treats, family activities, kids homemade treats, icecream, how to make ice cream, Ryan's family, Ryan's Family Review
Id: k2sSIlx3M1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 30sec (4110 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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