Noodle Challenge with Japanese Bamboo Noodle Slide and Trip to Japan for Family Fun Vacation

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I got one bite here hi guys today we're gonna do a noodle scooping challenge hey guys or should I say konnichiwa today we can do something different on our video now that she's so man you guys know what that is it's a family fun activity we do in Japan during the summer time so this is the rig that we have the biscuit is look at like water slider put noodles but you have the noodles and you let it fly through the water slide catch it with a chopstick it's really fun and it's sometimes it's typically lie down really fast all right you guys up for the challenge yes let's do it alright so guys well now they're so mean you have to use chopstick to grab the noodles so mommy has chopstick and for Ryan so once you grab the noodle you dip that into this ball with the soy sauce I got one bite here hungry only one note when you eat noodles in Japan it's polite to make a sound it's kind of weird you have to make a sound I'm gonna lower this I haven't got any okay I want to get the leftovers down here yeah I'm gonna get off before mommy it's the mommy all right it's okay keep it going all right guys let's eat more keep it going this one I go wow look at this the final round guys okay Ryan since you did so well in the previous round I'll give you a bonus round this time only you get to do it I give you 30 seconds all by yourself unlimited noodles you ready 3 2 1 go all this big one coming Oh grand finale ready that's how much Ryan got let's see if I can beat that all right daddy ready for your 30-second noodle challenge again I can still try here I know got it got it got it all right keep it going mommy go go go go don't stop don't stop I only have 30 seconds Wow got it three times up all right guys let's compare how much needle we got so here's what I got for my round Ryan's not so much like Oh mine's bigger all right I guess why I win all right now let's eat I hope you liked our video bye thanks for watching remember always stay happy and looks realistic doesn't it look real Ryan yeah yeah so that's what we're gonna go to next we're gonna see how they make these I make our own so that's pretty cool sample place what do you see Ryan look super real look a giant burger look at that or you can eat that yeah well look at their sample fish off the puss some yummy soup and Wow yeah so today we're gonna learn how to make this right here damper you guys ever tried that before the store just opened look at the food I can't believe all these aren't real macarons what do you see so all these small pieces differently all right so we're here we're gonna make some yummy food that's what we're making your chef favorite okay you know you're gonna pick trim okay what else is he gonna pick ready to do what's it you're gonna put it in here look how you make it so which one the other one you want Ryan is that sweet potato okay eggplant much what is the answer to my liver okay so I guess I will pick what is this pumpkin okay that light now I'm gonna get this to see what this looks like [Music] green pepper right drama we're done put our food in here guys holding it we couldn't really film when we were there so we have some pictures to show you and we will also open this when we come back to the hotel to show you the final product let's be good they're the best yeah you guys judge Ryan did a pretty good job Ryan yeah an arcade machine okay all right let it go oh you let it go it messed up already that's it not nice and I can go for do I get it we get it I don't know I just talked about the where that day tomorrow [Music] I'll be right yes capsule machines don't want you filming right yeah [Music] yeah back inside oh it's gonna get open it the Ryan's going to get it for me is it a rice cooker it looks like a rice cooker super cute we got our little rice cooker where we get strawberry looks like regular [Music] James what tapas Wow [Music] maxie found a gundam cafe into it my favorite series my favorite season this one's cause it looks like a gun though it's right here it's not like this I have a surprise for you do you think it's big huh big Gundam yeah drink this drink is named after my favorite Gundam tough to prove a hero it's okay where did you buy [Music] all these casters with you there April what we made we were not allowed to film there so we just wanted to picture okay only they said that we can take picture so we did so we gonna show it is what we made there well it looks exactly like real food here's the lettuce look at that lettuce and here's the tempura shrimp bye goodbye where I get a really good job and this was sweet potato right yeah looks good fine did a really good job daddy [Music] I did the lettuce - it wasn't very good oh you brought it you can tell ropes these are I'm gonna the same material that they used to make candle wax if we melt it in the hot water hey and here's mine I got what is pumpkin so real yeah the way that this technique to make the food sample it was used until 30 years ago and they change the format oh good this may not look the same material as candle so if you put a spotlight and shine it gets heated up and it's the melting colors oh very cool I had so much fun he wanted to go back there again right yeah except in order to go back there it took us like an hour on the subway on the train and we were really tired so daddy did a really good job he only did one time and he was about $1 right yeah someone try to do it and they gave up follow me and somehow I got super lucky I always been one dollar I know I was spending money anywhere just speechless they were impressed and we're gonna see what we can get out of the cats over here next Joe forgot your coins [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's gonna try this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] betray [Applause] [Music] right playing mario kart mario kart Ryan [Music] [Music] I just got back and I got so many capsules let's see um AJ God let me do it Oh daddy got sold so maybe I can't even tell which one we go alright let's see what we got you see we got anything cool oh I got this two times so I got this and this which one which ball is it it looks like the Hokey Valley the ticket you bought because pick gimignano pick at your bum though there was a yellow bar low level little ball you go well that's just a regular bar right is it oh yeah the ball off the ball Ryan I choose you what do you want off in next where the Train oh no I forgot my Thomas train yes his name is Theo can you open next Ryan you sure mm-hmm daddy needs it's not easy opening capsule machine huh what is it Goku I want to open mine oh you got that one sushi sushi Ken that's funny it's just wearing a limited school I see his little drum mm-hmm hmm what I'll see you in open oh this one the one I got from the crane catcher oh yeah minion that's it that's our couch solution opening that is love which one was your favorite out of you remember here are some to refresh your memory okay so they're all messy everywhere so let it cook you pictures Iron Tail
Channel: Kaji Family
Views: 53,339,062
Rating: 4.3137636 out of 5
Keywords: ryan's family review, ryan's world, ryan's mommy, ryan's daddy, japanese noodle slide, japanese noodles, noodle slide, bamboo noodle slide, bamboo slide, japan trip, japan vacation, japan flight, japan adventure, japan family fun, family fun, noodle challenge, bamboo noodle slide challenge, family fun vacation, noodle slide challenge, ryan's parents, ryan on vacation, ryan in japan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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