DIY Giant Bubbles with 1 hr TOP easy DIY kids science experiments to do at home!!

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guys are you tired of bubbles that always pop [Music] today i have a solution for you non-popping bubbles let's go [Music] hey guys today we're gonna make bubbles that don't pop but always ask a parent for help so first you need a hundred milliliters of water and then 50 milliliters of glycerin and a squirt or one tablespoon of dawn soap next let's agitate or another word for mix next get a pipette and cut it right here i'm gonna ask my daddy to help me hey ryan all right so we're gonna cut right here all right i'm gonna cut this for ryan boom is this what you wanted yeah next you need some woolen gloves and then you take the pipette dip it in the water and glycerin and then there you go [Music] let's try that again [Music] okay guys we're gonna see till it pops oh oh it already popped now me and daddy are gonna throw the balls to each other until it pops whoa whoa okay stop popping up whoa it's bouncing okay guys now i'm gonna make a bunch of bubbles and i'm gonna see how much me and daddy can hold i'm going to break the world record [Music] come here [Music] whoa ryan that's huge it bounced can i put it together oh did you guys see it became one wait so can we combine ours yeah oh never mind i popped or you can just uh bounce it with you oh whoo well you made a giant one nice whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] [Music] alright my turn can't break the record okay guys so that's how you make a not popping bubble [Music] guys biggest bubble ever i'm talking on it even me talking kind of pushes it away now ryan's blowing bubbles for m1k let me make it super big okay [Music] [Music] wow wow it's like self-destruct [Music] oh and now she's making multiples you guys see it nice emma [Music] [Music] bubbles hey guys today we're going to make a diy giant bubble first thing you're going to need is 12 cups of water you need a little bit more water thick and next you need one cup of cornstarch there you go once you put it in you gotta stir [Music] another word for stir is agitate next we need one cup of dawn soap now it's blue now we agitate a little bit more and now it's blue instead of weight next add two tablespoons of baking soda bam and to make it strong for two tablespoons of glycerin this is a little bit more because some is leaking but that's okay now let's agitate it all together so now it's more lighter lighter blue look guys there's bubbles already now we can wait for a couple of hours but the longer you wait the better the solution is you can make your own diy bubble wand like this first you're gonna need two sticks then some string it should look like this at the end get a string to connect the two rods and then get another string to make it like a v and then don't forget the washers okay guys let's test out our homemade bubble that's giant all right i'm gonna go first dip it in all right i want to go slowly slowly slowly whoa oh that's a giant bubble oh [Music] looks like a wizard it's not special effect it's real guys ryan that's really cool whoa oh i'm gonna throw it at you whoa oh i touched it okay whoa whoa i maybe a little bit smaller this time the long one's cool but it doesn't really form the complete bubbles all right guys i'm gonna try oh all right one more time okay brian teach me how do you do it uh yes the longest ever okay i'm gonna try that too that's so long oh guys look at yourself oh [Music] wow [Music] what if i get on the trampoline okay ryan's gonna try on the trampoline it's a big operation it's gonna be an epic thing turn around turn around yes yes yes wow it instantly went out [Music] did you see that whoa i almost went 360. so guys here's what we're trying to do so i got the water blaster ryan's gonna make a giant bubble and i'm gonna try and blast at it hey guys today i'm doing the freezy animal challenge mommy put a shark inside this balloon and this balloon is filled with ice and i'm gonna have to free the shark from the balloon but first here's how mommy did it first grab a balloon then get your favorite toy carefully put the toy inside the balloon did i mention carefully once the toy is inside fill the balloon with water oopsie carefully not to splash water everywhere the balloon will get bigger and bigger then remove it and put it on the tray next tie the balloon so the water won't spill out everywhere next put the balloon in the freezer until the water inside becomes ice okay first i'm gonna try to get rid of the balloon and also don't forget to ask a grown up for help [Music] what it's not breaking it's super strong [Music] i'm gonna take the balloon off and you won't even see a difference wait guys i think i see the shark inside somewhere in the ice first i have my goggles just in case okay let's get started [Music] we already cracked it i see the shark already i'm gonna try to use warm water it's working it almost got the shark out he's right there but he's finn and his tail is stuck i think that i can use salt bam no [Music] i hear the ice crackling guys it's working i don't want the shark to crackle i think i have an idea mr shark let's take it outside remember i would only do this with adult supervision okay three two one he just got off [Applause] can i take him out no not yet his tail is still stuck yes i got the shark down thank you for rescuing mr shark with me bye thank you for watching remember or stay happy and rise up bye shark says bye too hey guys today we're gonna do a diy make it yourself balloon ring wait racing with a balloon how when you don't tie it keep holding it you can let it go like this did you see that all you need is a string and you tie it into one end of the wall and you take the other end and put straw inside like this there you go can you pull it right okay a little bit thank you now take it all the way to the other wall and go ahead go ahead go ahead and then you hold it here and tape it okay hold it steady okay and let it go and tape it like this one end to the other [Music] next my dad will blow up the balloon all right and flip it with this [Music] next daddy will take the straw to the balloon sure now take the balloons to one of the ends and then we're gonna test it once you unclip the balloon will go okay let's race three two one go [Music] until you won okay guys round two three two one right before you it was so close did i win really okay fine all right so round two y and one all right guys now it's the final round ready yeah three two one go wait no my balloon crashed into your balloon good job daddy you walked victory dance hey guys what do you think would happen if we put a balloon on a bed of nails so guys if you do this at home make sure you ask your parents for help all right so today i'm in charge ryan yeah so what do you guys think do you think the balloon is going to pop or stay the same on top yeah on top of this nails instead of trying out with a lot of nails let's do it with one let's see what happens i think it's gonna pop if you put a lot of pressure all right let's see what happens you guys ready yeah all right same pressure all right so guys so now let's try the same thing with a lot of nails yeah guys remember there are a lot of nails so remember ask for grown-up for help yeah because they're pointing right so you don't want to touch it here all right you guys ready so set the limb i think i know what's gonna happen all right and i'm gonna use this board so it won't go anywhere ready press it good i'm pressing really hard but it's still not popping you see it how come there's so many nails daddy but it didn't pop the first time we apply the force into one nail so the area that we apply the force is very tiny area right here okay second time we apply same amount of force but this big of an area for example if i press you with my finger out right for the same amount of force but if i do it with my palm it doesn't hurt right no but i'm applying same force but in different areas but daddy can we see how much force it takes to pop the balloon with the giant area all right let's see because earlier we couldn't pop it that it was like all the way down here well if i press it on my 100 force what's gonna happen are you doing 100 no no yeah oh my gosh still not popping can i even pop no way it's still not popping are you at a hundred percent yet yeah oh my gosh ready i'm gonna reach my hundred percent you ready still not popping look at this [Music] look at that wow oh that was hard but did you see how much force i applied yeah because the area was so much bigger so i have to apply a lot bigger force to pop the balloon that was so cool so now we're gonna see it in action again all right let's go whoa again i'm pressing a lot pressing around do you have to go all the way back down again still no whoa almost all the way down that was so cool yeah this experiment teach you the concept of pressure the pressure is the amount of force applied over the area so the smaller the area is the higher the pressure for example with the same amount of force by flying in smaller area it makes the pressure higher ah your finger hurts ryan same amount of force but for the one you point at pressing with your finger it's higher pressure than the one you're pressing with your hand yeah okay guys remember or stay happy and rise up bye we're gonna pop another balloon now see it's really hard [Music] hi guys today we're gonna do the balloon blown up by yeast experiment first we're obviously gonna need yeast did you know that yeast is a living organism like us and we can activate them using sugar yeah so we're gonna do an experiment to see how much sugar we need to blow up the balloon okay so fill the bottles with one inch of warm water perfect now it's an inch now let's do the other bottles all right we're gonna keep going and add the yeast to all the bottles a lot more yeast yeah so we actually have used five bottles the reason why is this one we're gonna have no sugar one teaspoon of sugar two teaspoon of sugar three teaspoon of sugar and this one instead of sugar we're gonna use honey yeah see if it works and how much of a different it makes over here we're gonna use honey instead yeah we're gonna use one teaspoon of honey whoa this is a lot of honey i think that's one teaspoon okay goes damn [Music] okay let's put this on there you go okay yeah so baker also put yeast into the bread and the bread will rise just like how the yeast will also rise up this balloon okay okay whoa look brian i know it's going up already what about the third the one with three yeah maybe we didn't shake it hard enough it's starting to maybe it just takes more time i guess we'll find out all right we will be back yeah one hour later hi guys now we're back all of the ones with sugar and honey worked yeah yeah so what did you notice ryan so the one without any sugar did it work no no the one with one teaspoon of sugar worked a little bit yeah the one with two teaspoons of sugar is a little bigger yeah and the one with three is even bigger yeah so did honey work yeah yeah it did yeah yay so there it is so this process is called fermentation can you say it fermentation fermentation that's right so the yeast feed on the sugar and then what came out of it what's in here gas gas what kind of gas carbon oh carbon dioxide carbon dioxide gas that's right yeah it also also releases an alcohol called ethanol but ethanol stays down here and the gas goes up into the balloon [Music] maybe you guys should also try this out but instead of one teaspoon do like one tablespoon yeah and lots of honey right so instead of honey also maybe you could use like syrup or anything that's sweet what about salt what do you think will do right yeah if you guys test it out let us know for now thank you for watching bye remember always stay happy and rise up bye hi guys today we're gonna blow up balloons with rock candy and coke so we got a whole bunch of rock candy here have you guys ever tried rock candy before no yeah you have yeah how about you guys you want to try it yeah okay so which flavor you want to try i like this one okay so emma wants to try blue kate wants to try grape and ryan is pineapple green apple okay okay some green apples there some grapes [Applause] [Music] yeah you guys can try it and you don't have to chew you just put it in your tongue and it's supposed to pop tell me if you feel the pop do you i feel it i hear it too do you feel the pop yeah just put it in your tongue and just keep it there uh-huh and close it close your mouth can you pop it whenever i i know wow what you guys think you guys like it don't like it weird you like it how about you guys [Music] yes okay you guys ready to blow up some balloons yes okay actually before we try to pop a balloon we're gonna see what it looks like with the coke okay so everybody pour in their rock candy all of them yeah all of them oh there we go there's okay so now we're going to try the diet coke in there and see what it looks like whoa whoa that's a lot well we want to eat it i know we have a lot more whoa i don't know if we need that much wait there's like it's like kind of changing different colors do you see the pop in there that's who wants to buy it yeah maybe we're adding too much you guys wait do you guys hear the popping sound yeah whoa poppin oh more do you see the popping how does it taste it tastes good does it yeah okay just one little taste [Music] of the taste of sauerkraut really yeah so how we're interesting okay so yeah okay so now we're really gonna do this experiment okay first you're going to pick your balloons [Music] blue okay change your mind okay okay okay yeah so first we put it in that's right good job ryan yeah all right we have a funnel to the balloon and ryan's gonna put the rock candy inside like that okay we're gonna use both because we are courageous yeah go big or go home right yeah no bigger oh that's a lot yeah all right shake shake shake okay right here's for the hard part can you put your balloon over this without it going in yeah maybe you got it you got it got it all right kate's turn oh there you go yes your turn emma okay now emma's turn of course yep we're gonna try two probably works with one but maybe we can get a bigger balloon right yeah now we're gonna put it down three two one go whoa whoa the balloon is getting bigger it's so big and i still see so i like the longer this yeah it's bigger one is more bigger yeah mine is more bigger yours have a weird shape ryan yeah my hair's working now it's going down oh no it's going down here and these are going down here yeah wow hopefully oh oh it's spilling that's why we have a tray it's filling a little bit but it's okay that's why we have a tray you guys are awesome hey guys today we're gonna learn how animals like polar bears and seals survive in cold environments so the first thing we're going to do is do an experiment okay so have a bow here full of watery ice i want you to take one finger both of you put in the ice and see who last the longest oh it's cold yeah it is cold let's see i'm gonna push the ice next to daddy ah no i can't oh it's too cold next imagine if you're an animal okay who lives in arctic or antarctica and your environment is always icy cold like this how will you survive maybe buy some coat right yeah gucci coat jacket gucci coat but animals can't buy cokes what are they gonna do that's true [Music] that's an idea yeah but the way that they've been surviving is actually because their skin has a layer of fat around them i don't know i got some layers of fat in my skin but they have a lot more so we're going to do another experiment okay so this here does this one involve putting our hands on fingers again yes but again but this here is um shortening people use it to bake and cook but it actually contains fat inside okay oh okay first i want you to do is take some of the shortening and put it inside a ziploc bag okay here you go okay well then this spoon goes perfectly down be careful don't be shy animals like the polar bears have a lot of layers of fat around them it's called blubber blubber [Music] oh there you go like a bunch like this here we go it's interesting because this is soft it's not warm or anything right yeah that makes a good insulator so let's see next use an empty plastic bag as your glove there you go okay unless you want to get your hand dirty full of shortening if you don't want to then you just use that yeah okay then dig your hand into the layer of fat okay oh okay are you gonna dig it in there you got your hand dirty once you got your layer of fat around you dip it into the ice again again let's see how long it lasts let's see if it's a good insulator oh it's okay let's see okay go i don't feel it much yeah i only feel uh coldness where the where you don't have the layer of fat yeah no what do you guys think did it help why would i definitely help let's see let's see who wins i'm gonna turn mine around so then i can oh wow how long you last now all day 20 years 20 years so that's how animals like polar bears survive in the winter yeah yeah because i have a layer of fat around them but maybe they have like five times what we're doing right maybe yeah so because they have this layer of fat like this called blubber around them they don't get as cold yeah turn it around again i'm just turning it around so if you go to somewhere cold you should get a fat suit heard it from daddy fatsuit that suit yeah and be covered in two plastic bags oh they gotta catch fade that suit keeps you warm so while daddy and ryan trying to figure out how long they'd last here's some more fun animal facts for you guys roll the clip to fun animal facts with me off alexa polar bears have white fur so they can camouflage or blend in with their environment polar bears are even good swimmers they can swim for many days at a time penguins are the fastest swimmers and deepest diving species of birds and they can stay underwater for up to 20 minutes at a time a group of penguins in the water is called a raft but on land they're called a waddle seals have a layer of fat under their skin called blubber which keeps them warm and cold water seals cannot walk on land to move seals have to propel their bodies like caterpillars did you know that snow monkeys or japanese macaques are a type of monkey that lives in japan they love to use hot springs to stay warm in the winter thanks for watching these animal facts back to you ryan okay guess what they're still holding on can you believe it all this time they're still going no water not inside mine though you don't want that all right guys thank you so much for watching bye remember always stay happy and rise up bye hey guys today we're gonna do the dancing popcorn experience [Applause] okay so first you need a jar of water and then you put the popcorn in the water like so wow the kernels sink do you know why the kernel sinks to the bottom because they are more dense than water okay do you guys see that the popcorn's dancing already or not yup popcorn does not dance with just water okay okay so mlk is gonna put in food coloring that's right emma is putting in blue food coloring and kate is putting in red food coloring great choices okay next we're going to do is agitate [Music] that's right i see it's moving you're moving because you're agitating it yeah next step is adding some baking soda all of it yep i love it ryan's adding yeah ryan's adding two cups of baking soda and in case i need one that's right that's right what's another word for agitate mix that's right to stir to mix mine's gonna be so white almost agitating everybody's agitating all right i made a small whirlpool oh that does look like a whirlpool it's like you're swimming pool yeah you're right next up is the vinegar i will be using two cups so if you do something like this use two cups if you're doing something like these then use water okay maybe a little bit explosion go explosion explosion whoa they're moving around they're just going up and down they're a little bit more do you see ryan do you see how the popcorn is dancing yeah and i can make it dance more by spreading it emma's too see it see you guys see do you see how you're all going up and down he's dancing right it looks like our tornado yeah tornadoes okay yours is true look can't see it's going up and down i'm gonna use one of them okay guys here's how it happens so when you mix baking soda which is a base and vinegar which is an acid a chemical reaction takes place carbon dioxide bubbles are produced which are the bubbles that you see lifting the corn to the top once the bubble pops the corn falls back down and this happens over and over again so it looks like the corn is dancing how cool is this now we're going to add some baking soda and vinegar for fun so first we're going to add the vinegar whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i didn't know that would happen oh mighty exploded so much at the first one look almost all of them are at the top okay i'm gonna add into baking soda too okay maybe like that much [Music] do you guys all see the bubbles and fizz and carbon dioxide gas forming yeah whoa the ground is bubbling you guys see all the bubbles [Music] whoa whoa colonel tornado [Music] oh ryan looks cool guys today we're gonna do snow storm in a jug first you're gonna fill a jar with three fourths of baby oil next add a little bit of white paint and it jumps next step let's aggregate add a little bit of the of the water paint to the jar with baby oil what did you guys notice water oil doesn't mix it's separated next get alka-seltzer and break it into small pieces are you guys ready for a snowstorm here it goes whoa it's so cool it's going up and then they're falling down all the way up and then they're falling back down that's so cool hi [Music] whoa and on this side it has a white oh oh it's white everywhere look guys you can see the bubbles on the [Music] top that was so cool you can also optionally add glitter see what it looks like this time a bunch of glitter add some alka seltzer there whoa it's storming down glitter [Music] wow [Music] did you guys see that there's so much green because most of the glitter is green [Music] now we're going to try out a whole bunch of different colors let's activate okay click okay there you go yellow okay there and on now add it to the baby [Music] it looks like an ocean yellow probably looks like a banana ocean maybe purple would look like a bunch of grapes on the ground orange is lava [Music] now for the rainbow snowstorm there [Music] all falling down and going back up and falling down and going back up so cool hi guys i can see you through it okay guys thank you for watching our video thank you for watching our snowstorm in a jar video bye remember or stay happy and drive bye more stormy wait is that a real snowstorm hi guys today i'm doing the dinosaurs dig kit but with animals and also one dinosaur and animals roar so this is a do it yourself at home science experiment so all you need to do is add corn starch that is a lot of corn starch we're making a giant dig site ryan are you using all of it yeah let's try it okay get ready this video's gonna be messy you guys epically messy yes so please do it within a don't or do it outside except it's super hot outside right now so that's why we're doing it inside already very messy one more i know better outside but outside right now it's like oh it's like 90 degrees so we are risking it indoors poor animals already covered in cornstarch so i'm gonna make my water kind of look brown like sand uh eat eat now i'm gonna mix it already perfect [Music] oh this one's better okay now we're gonna have to add the water into our giant cornstarch [Music] that's a lot of water we're actually making ooh black have you guys ever have ooh black before oh we're making oobleck yeah this is like oobleck do you remember uh-huh ublock is a substance that it's a fluid where it could be a solid or a liquid yeah it's both right depending how much pressure or force you add but next all we're going to do is just agitate agitate agitate [Music] it's very hard it's very sticky huh yeah does it feel like quicksand or what does it feel like maybe yeah i like quicksand wait it's already ooh black yeah you feel it it's like down here already all right guys we're gonna keep mixing it and then we'll show you guys when it's ready okay guys we got our ooh black look this is liquid now you guys can see it's a little bit hard but you guys can see you pick it up it runs yeah but if you punch it it's solid whoa you pick up a whole bunch maybe just squeeze it like this it's hard like a rock see super hard but if you let it go it just drips like a liquid [Music] isn't that cool time to bury the toys goodbye mr lion how could you just sink by quicksand [Music] bye bye see you soon yeah if we see you soon bye bye mr dinosaur bye bye shark he's going down into the water bye bye mr giraffe wait how is this one gonna like go all the way in like this i guess so i should have picked smaller toys these ones are too big goodbye mr elephant goodbye mr octopus or business i don't really know yeah it could be a girl it could be a boy we don't want to assume we're gonna try to bury them the best we could probably not gonna work but it's fun it's hard to pick up huh uh-huh because i'm regular to picking up things or with force yeah that's right but you're not supposed to use force yes if you use force it becomes a solid but it's like hard to pick it up because when you pick it up you have to use force you're right yeah elephant almost done almost got the elephant yeah how are we gonna rescue the animals um that's for you to find okay now my daddy's gonna bring it outside oh okay guys we are gonna wait for it to dry probably in one or two days see you soon okay guys so it's been about a month and look at all these animals it looks so hard yeah are you ready to see if you can break them free yeah good luck okay three two one did it work but wait what did we forget oh lashes that's right very important for your eyes good and you know it's kind of hot outside so we're gonna take it inside okay okay guys we're back inside you ready to get started yeah yep and only do this with an adult supervision three two one oh look there's somebody tail right there dig site yeah what is that do you remember that animal what is it hi octopus oh turtle you want to get out turtle i can already pull it out whoa nice head up okay and then we have a few more left thank you ryan about me mr giraffe i'm stuck can you help me out [Music] who is that dinosaur hi mr dinosaur okay i think we have one left lion mr king of the jungle yeah i think we miss mr sharkey here oh yeah help me ryan save me save me so much on mr sharky i know yay i saved everybody next we're gonna try out vinegar wait it's number two yeah it's number two so what does that mean is it a more acidic or less acidic than the milk i think it's acidic welcome to ryan's world [Music] hi guys today we're going to be testing out items that are liquid in our house to see if it's acidic or if it's basic yeah so we gather around 10 things around the house and we're going to test to see which one of these items are acidic and which of these items are basic well how do you [Music] i guess tell find out ryan how do you tell you ask me you didn't ask but how do you tell we got these strips called universal indicator so it's going to indicate to us if it's acidic or basic we're gonna dip it in different liquids and it will change colors you see so anywhere within these colors one through six is acidic and if it goes from eight to fourteen if it's any of these colors it's basic and then if it's green it is seven which is neutral okay ready to test them yeah i'm gonna test orange juice first to see if i'm right i think it's acidic aesthetic okay so we're gonna take some of orange juice and you need a tiny bit [Music] yeah here is your universal indicator dip it in now we're gonna take it out ryan [Music] i did they dip it i wonder which one it is all right which one is orange juice ryan which colors oh that's two it's three three okay so three is on the acidic or basic acidic right here good job so orange juice is right here yeah so about number three okay next i'm gonna test this baking soda all right before you test can you give me a guess acidic or basic i feel like it's neutral he's neutral so ryan thinks it's going to become this color here for neutral let's see if ryan is right what do you guys think i don't think it's acidic but i don't think it's basic really okay let's try it oh it's okay wow okay so because it's not a liquid you know we have to add to make it a liquid like a wild guess waiter a waiter yeah we don't have a waiter here water usually pure water is neutral yeah but because a mommy had used some of these water it probably been exposed to the air and so it's probably a little bit acidic but it's okay it'll still work and then let's go okay don't forget to keep agitating for 10 hours 10 hours later just kidding guys let's see ryan's right right this is neutral let's see [Music] whoa it's green okay so let's match it up where does it go where does it go like here you think so maybe it's either basic or neutral i'm guessing it's basis okay so basically so we got baking soda so we have one aesthetic so far and then one basic next liquid i'm gonna touch is soda what do you guys think is soda acid or my wonder what do you think ryan probably oh acidic okay here's your universal indicator let's see what indicates it indicates in a stick is that it yeah oh yeah it's like the same as the orange same huh yeah here it is on top of the lemon no not lemonade orange juice so they're both acidic next we're gonna try out tongues do you know when you use tums when your tongue has a stomachache that's right when your tummy hurts right so let's figure out is the tongue an acidic or basic what do you think probably acidic okay look at the name of thomas ryan it says a tums is an antacid what does and mean think about the word ant like anti-bullying anti-social what does that mean it means against against so against acid so what's the opposite of an acid and they say basic but we'll see if it's right okay so first because this is not liquid you're gonna have to put it in you have to put it in water water yes brian's pouring some water okay okay ryan bonus question for water do you know the chemical compound of water uh what what is the symbol of our kick of water h2o h2o [Music] [Applause] [Music] shake shake shake so we might have to crush the time 10 seconds later now we put in the universal indicator and it says it's an eight okay so let's test it out against the chart okay let's see so it's none of these i think it's this one right here yeah yeah looks good okay here we go tums is a basic that's right yeah so when you have a tummy ache it means your tummy is maybe too acidic so you want something to fight against the acid which is something basic to neutralize it yeah now we're gonna try some milk my favorite drink in the world okay good oh and now the universal indicator [Music] what is it indicating it's indicating this one i think five or four they kind of look the exactly the same oh kind of between a four and a five right okay so what does that mean for milk it means it's just acidic so far these three things are acidic and these two things next we're gonna try out vinegar you think so i think it's number one or two do you think it's that strong yeah okay let's see that's enough there you go oh now i'm gonna use a universal indicator wait it's number two yeah it's number two you're right ryan yeah so what does that mean is it more acidic or less acidic than the milk uh more acidic that's right more acidic so here is neutral neutral seven so the further you go away from neutral this way the more acidic it is and then the further you go away from neutral this way the more basic it is vinegar goes right here there you go so which one of these are the most acidic vinegar the new characters further away from seven and the one that is the most basic is basic soda basic soda yeah baking soda next i'm going to test out ketchup ketchup [Music] we have to actually put a little bit of water in so what do you think it is before you use the universal indicator probably [Music] it is acidic okay which number let's see wait it's number three it's another three yeah well we have three threes yeah you guys if you notice you've been eating and drinking a lot of things that are acidic correct yeah next i'm going to test out alka-seltzer okay do you think alka-seltzer is acidic or basic probably basic basic yeah so you also use alka-seltzer if you have like a tummy ache so it's also an antacid whoa but i like alka-seltzer look how it sits and bubbles yeah put it in whoa it actually didn't change color really interesting [Music] oh wait no i think it's dry oh so maybe you have to wait for it to dry yeah because it kind of looks great all right wait for it to dry hmm let's see what it is oh i think it's a number nine to base it okay yeah it's a nine so is it a weak basic or is it strong basic it's a weak basin and there you go next i'm testing out lemons so you know lemon is really sour so do you think lemon is acidic or basic probably a set really it's probably gonna be a three two or one that's strong yeah okay let's test it out okay i want to use two hands now let's put it inside it's probably acidic [Music] it's number two it's that acidic oh yeah you're right ryan so it's pretty strong huh yeah we can put it right after the vinegar now the last thing we're gonna try is some toothpaste i'm pretty sure we need to put water [Music] off your tape and take adjective it's probably done time to use the universal indicator what do you think it is probably neutral neutral i mean no not neutral high vanilla basics a basic i'm gonna say it what do you guys think okay you gotta wait for it to dry wait i i think it's already green it's getting green but it's still wet so we're gonna wait for it to dry a little bit but yeah it's already turning green so it's either a neutral or a basic okay seven or eight let's wait a little bit longer [Music] let's see what it is i think it's an eight an eight yeah so what does that mean that means it's a basic basic here you go here's your lube of toothpaste basically a lot of things that you drink and eat are uh acidic that's a lot of the things that you eat and drink are aesthetic how do you get rid of it like what's the best way you think you eat and drink and put on your teeth basic things basics right so that's why you have to use toothpaste and toothpaste are basic to get rid of the acid before we end the video i want to ask you ryan you know how we always do the baking soda and science experiment video yeah according to the chart which one is an acid and which one is the base so the baking soda is the basis and the vinegar is the super duper acidic good so it's kind of the same as the lemon so do you think that if we replace the vinegar with lemon juice will it still work [Music] probably okay let's find out instead of vinegar we will use lemon juice because it will take too long for us to squeeze and we're gonna use the one that they already squeezed for us [Music] we got enough a little bit more okay put some blue in perfect okay guys here's the baking soda it's gonna work maybe [Music] it works it's just a little bit less than the vinegar but it works yeah oh wow look at it coming up that's cool yeah so you guys should also go out and try your own experiment there's so many other items that you guys could test that we didn't test like a soap or honey what else can you think of or mayo or mustard or ocean water oh sugar salt water good idea yeah if you guys tested let us know for now thank you for watching bye remember always stay happy and rise up bye
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 27,694,775
Rating: 3.827651 out of 5
Keywords: Ryan's World, Ryan ToysReview, science experiments, giant bubbles, DIY giant bubbles, easy diy kids science experiments, bubbles for kids, bubbles science experiments, DIY kids science, easy science experiments, science experiments to do at home, kids activities, family activities, 1 hour kids video, 1 hr kids video, top science experiments, kids top experiments
Id: BsonTB5DhHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 53sec (3713 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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