Giant Board Game challenge!!! Winner gets surprise with 1 hr kids games!!!

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hi guys today me and mommy are playing giant connect four and whoever loses gets pie in the face oh no okay i haven't lost yet ryan challenge accepted okay let's do it i'm going to pick purple and i'm going to go first i'm going to pick red i'm going to put it right on top of ryan because that's a good spot right on top of the doors what you gonna do i wonder what mommy's gonna do but it's my turn for now so i'm gonna put it right here you better not be ruining my plan it's okay i have a second secret plan well my secret plan is still in action right here do you guys see any supposed to be four in a row do you see any purple you're not supposed to see anything i don't see anything i think i'm winning i see what you're doing right here it's okay my plan is still safe right here mine right here where because you didn't see everything one purple two purple three purple red goes on top of it blocked right here i have an idea [Music] how did you win i got four here [Applause] oh no did you guys see a diagonal purple yay i connected four in a row which means i win [Music] wait but um what about we double or nothing okay so out of three rounds whoever wins instead one pie i'll w for two eyes hmm sure for round two i'm gonna go first red in the middle i'm gonna put it on top okay i'm gonna change my strategy and put it right next to me on the side ryan's wants me it's okay what is mommy doing [Music] you don't see anything around here nothing around here that's so obvious mommy obviously i gotta block this oh so close to winning so close but not blue okay hmm i don't know what you're doing but i'm just gonna work on what i'm doing ryan can't win again i think i need to block ryan here here i'm gonna put it right here i don't see anything suspicious top of my other red double red triple the red triple the fun i win that one yay right i win right here right here right here and right here yay i won mommy you said double the pies oh no i lost what about triple or nothing winners pie three times okay challenge accepted you're gonna get pied three times i'm gonna go right in the middle i'm gonna go the other side other side i gotta block him maybe i should go right here wait that was close ryan almost got four in a row right [Music] what strategy is that it's just only two purple not four i don't know what mommy's doing but i'm going to focus on what i do here i'm going to focus on me too here we go oh uh-huh [Music] is ryan's strategy here look there's two purples oh there we go so i need to block him right [Music] blotcha why nothing oh i see i'm gonna put it right here [Music] in a row right here and then he blocks it with the purple let's make a new strategy what you [Music] [Music] guys i found where ryan's gonna go but it's okay i'm gonna block it look there's three purples one two three good thing i blocked it mommy guess what what you missed the spot [Music] oh no what does that mean i lost yeah that means you get pie three times and no more double triple watch ripple or nothing okay [Music] be easy on me ryan okay here's the first pie oh don't put too much it's enough i'm just gonna put a little bit on the first one okay this is a little bit yeah that's just a little bit three two one [Music] hi too okay just a little bit on pie two just a little bit this is a lot not a little bit three two [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] oh elise is delicious hi guys today daddy and me are gonna be playing a diy board game and stay tuned to the end because you can see how to make it here we have red cotton and combo panda the object of the game is to get the tallest leg wins so each one of us takes turns rolling the dice and whatever number you get your leg is taller one two three four like that see now he has a tall combo you ready for this balance yes i'm gonna go first let's see how tall i can get red titan it's pretty short right now he's four all right okay so move up by four okay two three four boom no no that means red titan's taller than combo look at this he's tall titan looks very weird it is okay it's my turn and combo's drinking lots of milk so he's gonna get taller all right [Applause] [Music] [Music] three four five six whoa hobo yeah he can be a basketball player look at this yeah i wish i had that leg oh i'm [Music] oh gang okay now i'm gonna go uh maybe red tie and drink a watermelon four guys oh that's pretty good that's pretty good all right very consistent you got four last time you got four this time too now i'm very tall ready let's spin it different way one three five one two three man come bro still growing so right now we're trying to look at his teenager yeah what does he look like when he's 20 i'm ready okay it's my turn i'm gonna spin it i got four actually four i keep getting four okay three four oh man he's so tall red titan's looking down on that combo i'll show you there you go oh three again what if i just got four again one two three oh we're the same height 12 versus 12. who's gonna get 20. me oh two i only have 14 but i'm tall yes this is my time to shine daddy's not a teenager now [Music] you're so tall see he's so tall that's why he's looking down like oh my gosh i'm so tall i'm scared so combo is 16 years old and red titan is 14 years old but i'm a teenager yeah okay but now i'm gonna be older than combo we'll see [Applause] again four but he's just going up by four every time oh 18 are you ready to go up in college wait did you take s.a.t a.c.t which one both daddy if you got if you get a five or uh four or five or six you win right when i hit 20 that's when i win here we go here we go [Music] [Applause] so he needs two or more can he do this probably okay three two 1 he dislocated his legs yay i won first to get to 20. it's okay we're gonna do one more round okay so this time instead of growing legs we're gonna grow arms so it's gonna be between robocombo versus dark titan who's gonna have the longest [Applause] i don't know oh i'm gonna go first to be honest though guys i think they need longest leg look at their legs very short yeah but it's okay we're gonna work on the arms first yeah okay let's do it [Music] oh starting out slow smaller [Music] he's smiling i think why just his face i don't know all right here we go [Music] always get six in the beginning oh whoa i mean he's a robot so all he needs to do is extend his arm right yeah okay i'm going to spin [Applause] five good job so now i'm one better that's true ahead of me if i want one more wait or you're at seven good job ready [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're going very slow this time all right this is going to be the evo with the longest arm it's going to be a rubber combo [Music] again i can't even tell the difference very subtle boom you get one then i get two it's very anticlimactic i don't know what people buy a ticket for all right give me give me good luck [Applause] slightly better that's slightly better so maybe i'll get three one two two okay i'm halfway now okay let's see what i got i got three i always get one more than you yeah that's okay all right keep going i got 14. yeah look at the arms it's so long he's 14 arm oh if they punch they can just go all the way over there okay one two three thirteen oh that's a bad luck right now is roblox and dark titan is 14. we're in our teenage years i do not like that it's a lot of work for parents teenagers okay three two one all right i still have a chance to catch up no you don't you don't have a chance to catch up ketchup i love kitchen all right you guys ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] if ryan gets four or more he wins this round the thief can do it three two one all right go up three okay i still might not win okay if you get one so ryan's at 19 right now and i'm on 18. so this round if i roll one i lose any other numbers i'll win um [Music] [Music] [Applause] he goes in beyond [Music] he goes 23 so oh right here [Music] how to make your own diy game roll the clip i'm gonna start by drawing my favorite character i'm using pencil so i can get all the little details next up add in color now alpha has lots of pretty pinks and blues and all sorts of colors that make your alpha awesome there now i'm going to cut her out into a rectangle and make the outer sleeve i need to fold it into thirds but make sure i leave a tab that can be glued together something like like this next step making the counter board i've folded a piece of paper in half and glued it together now i count all the way up to 20. perfect now we need to add the feet i'm gonna sketch out the feet and then stretch all the way up and connect the legs with a ruler last step color in the legs and you are ready to go let's test it out three one two three let's try again four five six seven once you get all the way to 20 you win hi guys today we're playing giant board game in real life it's me versus mommy some of the spaces are good and some of the spaces are bad oh no what it could be whoever reaches the end wins the treasure and this is the prize win i hope i win i'm gonna go first let's see what i get [Music] purple i'm on blue then i'm on board then purple if that means you have to do a dance i know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do the flash okay good luck go ryan go ryan go ryan go ryan [Music] 10 seconds now all right ryan it's my turn let's see if i can beat ryan okay so far this game looks easy let's see what i get a treasure chest aha okay all right so i'm gonna go to yellow let's see move out of the way ryan oh ryan this is treasure chest see what's inside are you ready i know what's inside oh i get to use this nerf gun on ryan good luck can i dodge it of course all right okay ryan i think it's your turn good job [Music] [Applause] [Music] question mark what does that mean you ready to find out there's buttons to press one of the button is good and one of the button is bad shoes guess what ryan the floor is lava oh no look at her cube oh that was a close one but mommy it's your turn okay hopefully it's a good one let's see one two three what does that mean okay i have to go to red yeah oh no i land on a bad space what does that mean punishment mommy i'm gonna scorch well at least i'm beating ryan i'm way over here and you're way over there your turn ryan oh no you know what's in there [Music] i got the nerf gun now now i get to get you with me okay well that was a close one i guess it's my turn it's my turn ryan whoa no i have to land on red does red mean bad against oh no ryan what's the other one since you went on the backspace i get to throw [Music] a water balloons at you three two one go [Music] now super wet look at this [Music] oh no i'm really really wet more ride's not done [Music] an extra change of clothes are you done now wow that was so much fun now it's my turn [Music] wow what's going on no it's mommy's turn well at least i'm winning i'm way over here ryan you'll never catch up let's see what i get [Music] orange what does that can spin the mean yay hopefully i can go ahead what if you have to go back to the store no i don't want to go back to start let's see [Music] no right was right back to start i have to go all the way back [Music] all the way back [Music] [Music] spin the wheel dance again [Music] go ryan go ryan go ryan 10. right whoa dizzy dizzy from dancing okay it is my turn i have to see if i can catch up oh oh another bad face all right all right i'm gonna continue i'm gonna continue ryan what is it this time mommy since you've got a bad space i'm gonna put confetti eggs on you [Music] ah more ah oh wow that's a lot ryan not only am i wet i'm covered in confetti oh no okay ryan it is your turn now no more right it's my turn now now i'm gonna spin look what dance again [Music] one two three four five six dance i'm gonna do make it right did it okay i guess it's my turn i am way over here i gotta see if i can catch up to ryan he's halfway okay what are you doing ryan what are you doing okay i'm gonna ignore that i'm gonna roll the dice okay let's see something good please orange what's that orange spin the wheel yay what if you can't go back to start no going back to start ryan let's see [Music] that means i get to go two times mommy lost a turn i get to go twice oh wait a minute i'm safe i'm safe [Music] wow okay i did it now it's your turn mommy okay come on dice don't fail me let's go yes real mommy who's that green okay all right let's see oh no it's a question mark what does that mean you have to press one of these buttons one of them's good or bad oh no which one should i press it's hard to decide i'm going to pick blue blue means good right let's see mommy you got the wrong one now we have to play nerf gun battle oh no i'm not good let the battle begin now you can't die for me ryan oh no ryan i'm out i guess you won you're gonna get ah [Music] yay [Music] i got a dance make it rain 2.0 [Music] mommy i'm starting to win i don't think you can catch up no i'm way over here okay let's see if i can catch up oh thank you ryan let's see oh at least i get to go okay next green space let's see oh no another question mark what will it be okay mommy let's see which one you're gonna pick oh no okay so blue was not good last time maybe orange would be good to me this time okay but what if it keeps switching i know this is too hard okay i'm gonna try orange anyways one two three is it good or bad you got the bad one oh no what is he doing color feathers butterflies i'm starting to think all the buttons are bad they are all bad but they have different stuff oh no now it's my turn i'm gonna roll the dice [Music] i get to see what's inside the treasure chest oh no ryan won yeah let's see what's inside [Music] damn it yeah bye guys i'm gonna go now no what are you what's right gonna do where did ryan go where did he go did he travel to space oh where is he ryan ryan where are you oh there you are hi guys today me and mommy are going to play giant jacob whoever makes the black ball loses okay i'm gonna go first let's see if i make it fall or if i don't make it long i wanna pick [Music] this one [Music] got it hey mommy's turn i'm gonna go for this green one right here okay now it's my turn i'm gonna pick one oh got it nice what about oh this pink one here well that's easy [Music] hey all right trying your turn i'm gonna do this one are you sure oh never mind i'm gonna do this one i'm gonna boo wow it's almost as high as you oh yeah to your nose let's see if i can we can get it to ryan's head all right what about oh i keep picking the middle one oh that's an easy one yeah [Music] is it easy oh no it's stuck oh dog no okay got it yay okay ryan good luck i'm gonna see how hard this one was okay are you sure oh i know oh great oh no oh no yeah oh [Music] yeah yeah yeah yes wow i can't believe it okay okay let's see which one should i do you guys oh a green one here look green one's easy it is getting higher i'm gonna do this one oh wait no this one the red one yeah okay all right i'm gonna go low you guys yay yellow okay i'm gonna try to do the bottom one okay which one right very bottom is possible oh wow the very bottom the middle bottom three got it yeah hey guys it's getting higher okay [Music] got it this one here good luck ryan i'm gonna do this one then easy guys look it's this whole thing is just holding up my one brick yeah oh crazy and also this part is holding up yeah okay okay oh this purple one here steady so tall i'm gonna do [Music] nervous nervous everything is too hot oh this one what do you guys think this green one can i do this yes you can can mommy do this yes yeah okay ryan i'm gonna do this are you sure yes easy whoa what should i do everything seems so hard oh there's a yellow one found it oh yeah got it okay oh let's see who's taller jenga blockers or ryan let's see still ryan okay let's see if we can make this taller than ryan be careful [Music] you're like the big bad wolf and i huff and i pop and i blow your jingle break down oh oh easy yay okay [Music] it is like up to my chin [Music] [Music] okay nervous nervous everything is hard i can't get anything out oh never mind just kidding this yellow one here pokey pokey poke go to the other side oh ryan he's blowing it okay good luck ah oh oh all right sure no no no no no no not wobbly [Music] stay lit like okay i'm doing this i have to put in the middle right here is it possible okay that's not nice okay i don't think anything is budging you guys and one i think [Music] it's not as easy as i thought [Music] oh in the middle yeah yay wait is it taller than ryan now or at least the same height the jacob lock is taller than ryan keep going let's see how far we can get i'll pick up this one got it okay it's mommy's turn well it's awkward like to my eyes look at this will it be taller than mommy i know can we make it taller than mommy [Music] okay now it's my turn i'm gonna green one green one [Music] [Music] are you sure e e e e e e e [Applause] wow okay i did not see that coming that was hard that was hard what should i do oh that one [Music] okay can i do this i'm sorry yay okay ryan good luck this one no no no no no no oh oh oh [Applause] [Music] wow okay that's already way taller than me now i know i thought for sure that was gonna make it fall okay purple my it's my lucky color so it should work oh two purple in a row look at this oh okay ryan oh that one is twisted look it's so crazy oh yeah i twisted it can i take any of these no no i can take this one out [Music] guys have you guys ever made a jenga block this huge before yeah red red is also my lucky color it's gonna do it yay oh red okay ryan [Music] oh no way oh what it's already tilted this way i know it's the the front body is like twisted like it's twisted yeah what should i do this one yay wow guys is it taller than me yet or not yet it's about almost as tall as that so one more one more layer one more layer reach [Music] m g whoa oh i can do this hey [Music] wow i can't even see anymore guys there's so much going over here this is a hard one but i'm still gonna try to kick it off i got it it looks wobbly doesn't it yeah ready steady [Applause] wait it might be as tall as you now if you're right let's check is it yes about as tall as you wow [Music] i'm going to take out this one [Music] you reach good [Music] ha wow i'm speechless [Music] can i pull this okay my heart is pounding like oh okay good luck oh oh found one no never mind i did not find one [Music] okay good job alright you did great yeah all right guys so now we're gonna end the video by stacking like dominoes like this around our kitchen and then we're gonna knock it over yes are you ready yes okay so i'm gonna put them around like this hopefully they turn correctly [Music] there you go keep going [Applause] that's what we have so far ryan's working on the other side good job ryan so we're gonna try to make it all the way around all right guys we're almost connecting it look let me show you guys our progress so we just need that area to that area guys we did it look okay guys to get all around the kitchen now [Music] okay guys let's knock it hungry hippo in real life with dinosaurs [Music] today they're going to be the good dinosaur so it's going to be ryan versus mommy versus daddy to see if you can collect the most balls with the help of our dinosaur friends today are you ready ryan okay so first pick your dinosaur what's this one ryan's pink okay and then daddy i'll open the quinoa okay and then i will get this lovely classic t-rex dinosaur color here okay the first thing to do here dump out the balls you guys ready all right go ahead dump it out are you ready for the third round we're ready all right this is my position are you guys ready let's go oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] ten nine eight seven six five four three two one now let's jump the balls one two three four [Music] eight nine ten four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 23 i counted all my balls and i have 60. okay so of all these balls i got 72 balls oh no i only have 56 in the third place [Music] okay you ready to go for a ride uh-huh are you ready for our fun ride um kids blue only has like 17 balls nobody plays but nobody's playing and still got some points thank you for watching bye hi mommy and ryan hi what are you doing today doing the super giant three marker challenge [Music] from here so this is a regular marker and this is a giant size marker look at it compared to each other look at it compared to me that's how it is compared to ryan okay so here's all the colors that we have we have pink and then we also have purple nice and then next is blue yeah then yellow red orange wow green green and green another green this is the lighter green color are you ready ryan for the three marker challenge and it is one got paper so i'm gonna close my eyes and ryan can mix around the marker number one did i get a good color you guys i guess yeah you got a pretty good color all right you need that color yeah number two oh yeah you need that yeah you need a color marker number three uh yeah i can i guess you can use it too okay all right here's all i got i got pink oh that's a good color yellow and green for guys that is perfect all right ryan your turn mix around this giant marker go ahead take your marker which one you're holding two both of them and the giant picture that we're going to be covering is gus and ryan you together in five minutes online let the challenge begin oh five minutes on okay okay ah what do i okay i'm gonna color i forgot what the red titan color looks like i know that r is red oh but i don't have red so i'm gonna use pink oh this is hard well i'm coloring outside the line this is harder than i thought yeah it's so long i know whoa you better hurry time the time's running out how much do we have uh four minutes i'm doing a squiggle on the cape what do you guys think so far let's see oh the mask right the mask is also red i don't have red so i'm gonna also use pink all right now time for the little lightning here did you know red titan have a little lightning here so yellow for lightning of course what there's lightning it's right here how about this is this bright yellow iron freaking no that's red oh i'm sorry what about the the suit is that yellow no no mommy that's white are you sure yes i'm pretty sure ryan's pants and shirt is yellow no it's red well i like it this way this is a cute ryan this is his new updated version right here oh no it's pretty tacky why didn't you look at ryan's t-shirt as an example okay well i'm gonna move on to gus i'm running out of time and i already forgot what gus looks like wait gus shirt is green is that right red it's red red red too late mommy or the color green green so i'm going to color guest shirt green right here yellow oh okay time's running out are you sure a minute and 43 seconds and then 42 seconds huh i'm just going to scribble scrabble scribble scrabble off so ryan just gave up and then started drawing stuff outside the character [Music] he said oh oh my god all right um what else should i do what about gus little dots here is that yellow yellow uh sparse little box no they're green they're green green on gas i don't think that's right okay well mine's right i'm gonna use green green gas are you ready stripe stripe stripe what do you guys think so far whoo this is good for the clue now i'm gonna copy [Music] [Music] did you like it do you guys like this amazing piece of art all right guys i'm going to judge who's better at coloring i'm really good yours so this is ryan's looking nice and he's still drawing i'm like that's loud and this is mommy's drawing hmm interesting so mommy's drawing the color is all over the place look at it it's a red tightly but it's yellow yellow tight now yellow pink titan and gus he's all green even his t-shirt is green i don't know moment of truth all right daddy if you think you're so good then it is mommy versus daddy you're going down okay so we are going to the three marker challenge with our new virtual youtuber you have to name ryan alpha alexa there you go so she's coming up soon so stay tuned for her she's gonna be amazing and awesome look at that super super cat all right daddy you ready to play rock city yeah paper rock see the shoot [Music] scissors good pink red and yellow no pink blue white blue i need pink blue orange she's very colorful pink blue green okay all right go ahead so you can find your color pink is this pink oh it's a pretty good color right next color let's see this one okay [Music] all right and this one okay you could kind of use that oh i got pink pink yellow and green and green you needed one more blue it's okay i think i can work with this all right now it is mommy's turn to pick the color oh yeah and ryan said he's gonna mix for mommy so you can mix it very well okay ryan a lot of mixing going on really i don't hear anything wait where is it where oh there it is okay all right so this is color number one this is a good color anybody yeah really really good yeah i guess you could use it yeah okay no not good no really really good really really good yeah okay wait wait wait okay green now you know what that doesn't mean great yes completely bad okay yeah this is like the last one all right daddy you ready five minutes on okay all right so i am coloring alpha alexa skirt red because i don't have pink that's why it's red i don't have her color so i'm going to color her sweater green i'm just going to color the hoodie aubry green nose give her green hair combo has yellow hair but my elf alexa has green hair what you guys think whoa whoa mommy's eye looks crazy is that zombie christmas christmas look at my awesome hair eye color isn't it cool what do you have going on over there mine looks realistic it's not like your zombie mine's much cuter look look i'm giving her yellow hair you guys what do you guys think of yellow hair all right online what do you guys think so far i'm working on her eyes right now one side is green the other side is yellow it's gonna be a cute cat mommies i don't know what mommy's look like it's gonna look really bad okay i don't know what to build her tail what about how many is yellow very much yellow tail what you guys think the tail is pink i think mommy are you sure i'm pretty sure it's yellow man i think mine is looking pretty awesome what do you guys think yours looks like a zombie with christmas outfit i was being too careful oh no my operation is not complete oh i gotta finish her t-shirt oh what color okay okay maybe green and green it's okay it's okay i have no time ah skirt is pink oh but then her skin is also pink too no no can i do this okay everything's big time's up here it's daddy's version what do you think is it good and here is mommy's version all right guys who wins the three marker challenge mommy or daddy ryan doc eeny meeny miny moe yay [Music] oh yeah ryan's gonna jump over these giant markers are you ready yes all right ready jump over the grass color another grass color fire ocean the sun color whoo the sun color ocean again and fire nice as fast as you can one two three four five six seven eight whew hi kids today we're playing box yeah it's a giant version of a hungry hungry hippo except these aren't hippos is it pigs [Music] yeah so we're gonna play this family fun game where we all collect the balls and whoever collects the most balls at the end wins are you guys ready all right on your mark get set let's go let's collect the balls [Music] getting it i don't think i'm collecting anything [Music] this is a little bit hard this is not easy oh i have the most right now i'm gonna catch up baby ah there's a little bit left we're all fighting for it i'm gonna go down one last one last one last one [Music] you got it so this is ryan's stash whoa daddy stash and this is mommy stash let's count i know daddy has the worst one oh really let's see i don't know who's you don't know yet all right you guys count [Music] maybe he has a lot that's why 23. 23. daddy i have 12 12. uh oh can i beat daddy one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen ryan number one mommy number two high five buddy [Music] now we are going to use gumballs [Music] yeah so we're gonna dump double bubbles in to the game then we're gonna have a timer on for 60 seconds and you'll ever collect the most wins okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh he's really going out he's really good [Music] three two one there's ryan there's daddy and there's mommy i think it's safe to say that daddy lost really mommy has more well i mean compared to ryan oh yeah one for sure we'll give it to you ryan i feel like mine is wonderful yeah ryan is definitely the winner he has a lot more than daddy and then mommy good job boo time yeah so this time we're gonna see who can get the most kinder eggs with the balls for distraction yeah so the balls get no points the kinder eggs each have a point and there's only five so let's see who's gonna win you guys [Music] doesn't count remember just kinder eggs [Music] so ryan has two kidner eggs daddy has two kinder eggs and mommy only half oh no so say we're just playing for fun each of us gets a kinder egg ryan gets to pick first because he really was the winner oh thank you ryan hey let's see who has a better surprise toys ryan's opening his daddy's opening his oh what is this what is that i have a brush so it's a paint brush set that has yellow and blue and here's a frog paintbrush and you just need to do like like dip it in water yeah you put water here and you dip it in the hair all right so that was daddy's toy let's see what ryan got let's see if it's better than daddy's toy put the lion remember we got it a long time ago yeah oh mommy and little baby let's see if my surprise toys can beat them [Music] [Music] i don't know guys i think mine's pretty awesome yeah yours definitely the winner yeah i think so too let's put it together all right there it is my car hmm [Music] oh don't eat my car so there's no teams instead of pillow fights we're gonna use these pigs times [Music] [Music] whoa that was good oh ryan going for the steal he has two pigs now i will fight you then [Music] oh [Music] all right daddy i think you're out and you land oh no oh no you can't get me you can't get me oh oh no one more and i'm out there staying behind that you guys are gonna block me and he's gonna block oh no you can't get me you can't get me oh that was close [Music] i'm running away i'm out too right one
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 58,504,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan's World, Ryan ToysReview, board games, kids board games, 1 hr kids video, 1 hr video for kids, kids activities, giant board games, giant board games in real life, family game night, family activities, surprise games, board games for kids, board game irl
Id: JIFhiFxmQ1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 3sec (4083 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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