Dragon's dogma 2 ultimate trickster guide #dragonsdogma2

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the trickster class in Dragon's Dogma 2 is often called the most boring class or vocation but if you play it under level and with the correct comp it's actually really fun and challenging you can start battles between Titans you can earn 50,000 gold in a single hit and you can buy enough time for your team to bring down the heavens on your enemies but this class is not a hack and slash you know you have to be a little tricky a little deceptive to make make this work in this video I'm going to share everything I learned through my playthrough of playing the trickster start off with only wizard classes Mage Sorcerer And then trickster to see how that whole line progressed and even after 100 hours it was still incredibly fun feel free to jump along the timestamps below to find a chapter or topic that interests you most otherwise I'm going to show you how to unlock this vocation break down all the abilities give you little tips and tricks on how to best use them then I'm going to give you my suggested setup in Pawn allies to best use a composition around this class or vocation and then I'm going to show you some really satisfying plays and how to do them so let's jump into how to unlock this class you can find the trickster maester in Bak batal at this Shrine just by showing up you'll be granted the trickster vocation you can access this pretty early actually in the game taking an ox cart from burnworth to the rest checkpoint town then I would suggest smuggling yourself via an ox cart through the gate and and then you'll have to fight your way through to here at this uh Shrine right here and just speak to this Arison she will give you the vocation I would then also suggest going around the side climbing up this ladder and then you'll find her actual form in the front and this will actually give you the master teaching uh the master uh skill right there so you'll be able to use that pretty much right off the back then push to the city buy a house this will grant you a residence permit which allow you to go back and forth between the two countries change your vocation while you're here and you are ready to exper a difficult class having to rely purely on deception and pawn AI can be a challenge early on before you're leveled up so let's jump into the vocation starting with the basic attack so we're here with Our Risen we have our three Sorcerers yes three Sorcerers I'll get more into why I set up my comp that way but the basic attacks all right so when you when you swing your sensor that's weapon for the trickster it creates a cloud and this Cloud really just attracts attention to your trickster and and the main purpose of us is just to draw the attention of the enemy and let our pawns do all the other damage but we can do it in some pretty cool ways and early on you're a very squishy unit and and once you die your pawns are going to die it's just going to end poorly for everyone so learning how to to draw their attention effectively is a key part um the auto attack damage is incredibly low you're don't try to go hacking slashing you're not going to do much damage there but depending on your your weapon that's equipped and specifically the Whimsical Daydream you're going to get this from the Spinx quest line if you need help go watch a guide it it's quite intensive it's actually quite hard to solve too but if you do get the Whimsical Daydream it's got a really cool subfeature and I would Sugg just reading all the weapons all the armor you have they have little hidden features and this one right there it says in the last line it's Bearer coin purse swells with every strike and so whenever you hit you actually gain a little bit of gold so this is what makes it kind of fun to use as a a side thing like if you if you're if you're free you can just go and Auto attack to get a little bit of gold every swing is 10 100 or, gold and then I think once per game once per playr you get a 50,000 coin strike which is huge it felt so cool like what that was a 50,000 strike or it's probably just a really low rare uh strike rate but either way really cool when it hits nice little Spike of dopamine so definitely do that if you can but that is the main purpose of your auto attacks now your triangle isn't like a heavy attack or anything it is a figal incense now this is the bread and butter of this class you're going to summon a clone and so its health is based on your magic so the higher your magic the more Health you're going to have the strength applies to a amount that it's going to draw enemies to it so the higher your strength the more enemies are going to come towards your clone and you want both High obviously but really I've never had a problem attracting enemies to you the only problem only time you're ever going to run into an issue is with ogres if you have a female in your party they will naturally just go for them instead of your clone or you so make sure that you're conscious when you're going against ogres but basically you're going to press triangle you're going to summon it you can press triangle again to Snuff it out be careful like when I was first learning this class I snuffed out so many times and it does take a second to summon and that is when you are most vulnerable You're always going to want to have it summoned and then what you do is as you're running around exploring you can press R1 to summon it to you and so you kind of just keep summoning it to you but you have to beware if you don't summon a to you can also just hold R1 to keep it with you but if you don't summon a to eventually you're going to get so far it'll actually die and you'll start to see its health will start to decrease once we get far enough away hopefully we get far enough away to trigger that effect uh yeah you can see it start to decline right there but if you just R1 now it's to you but it is low health so typically if you're safe you're know you're in a good spot I snuff it out and then make a new one and that's typically how you have that clone always ready to go because you're going to be making some plays and if you play League of Legends it's kind of like LeBlanc or Sho you're trying to use this to to take the aggro for you and your pawns and it is a really fun way to play but so that's the main purpose there and there's one other really cool trick with this once you uh level your vocation up a little bit and that is the enthralling aroma so if you hold R1 and then you press triangle it'll cast it out now this is a really short range and uh if you really like this uh you can have there's another ability which I'll get into just a minute where it goes further but what this does is you cast it it and it'll attach to whatever enemy you send it to that enemy will then be attacked by any enemies around it that see it and are attracted to it so you can actually use this to this is your offensive way to play the game and so you send it at the enemy and then you just watch the enemies just tear it apart sometimes they just run away because they know they're being attacked it's crazy it's funny to watch but you have to beware once you send this to that one unit that unit's no longer being no longer attracted to the Clone so they're going to try and attack you so you just have to dodge that single unit that's now free so as long as you know how to Bob and weave you know break break their legs break their ankles you're going to be good to go but that's what you want to do to kind of make it through and that that's the general kind of way that you're going to go into battles so let's go and jump into a fight right here I just told my pawns to wait so I can show you guys how it kind of works in here so you're going to be in here you definitely want to have your incense already summoned because they'll come on you and then you just want to keep pulling it towards you keep the aggro on your clone do make it Dodge the so it's not taking any damage you can kind of last forever just by playing and juking these guys out and as long as you know generally when they're going to attack when they're going to connect you kind of pull it away and you're going to be safe to go so they just keep missing easy day now if you want to try and play that the the more aggressive way you can then summon your shroud and send it out using that R1 and then triangle and then watch them just start fighting their own guy but remember there is one that will be chasing you now you just got to be able to kind of Juke him and you should be good to go and I'm just picking up some items in mid fight so that's a little scary but easy to go but now we can call our our uh Sorcerers in to finish the the game uh Beware your clone is getting damaged while it's there you can see that it health starting to Decay but they killed their own guy so that was nice and easy now let's see if our Sorcerers can take care of the rest and so you'll notice that sometimes they're attacking my my my units or my pawns that's not the desired outcome so that's because my strength is isn't high enough right now so what we want to do is summon and collect them and so that's where you use our our suffocating shroud ability this one's really good one in attracting them and you'll be able to tell that they are attracted to you by their bar showing up so that that's how you know that they were attracted to you and you'll be good to go there so we can pull it here make sure that we pull that guy in and try to and when they cast something like that you want to try and get the Clone inside the Cyclone so they get sucked up and then they're dead there's its body flying around and land somewhere who knows where but that's kind of the general way that you play it and obviously this was an easy enemy to to kind of Juke out and show this but harder enemies or if you get like a lot of goblins they're all over the place they can kill your clone pretty quick one thing note if you ever get attacked if they ever hit you it also takes away your clone so you have to be perfect never getting hit throughout your entire playthrough and that's what's really fun and satisfying is you're you never get touched if you're really good at it you just never get hit your clone always survives and then you're good to go so let's go and try and find a more difficult enemy to Showcase this so luckily we found a griffin that was right next to us so we're going to summon our incense and then we're going to be getting ready to fight so let's try and draw it in over here we need to get it off our allies we're going to use that suffocating shroud to try and draw in we'll try and get some of these other little guys to to fight us too show you guys how it's done but it's it's attacking my clone because it it saw that it's attracted to that I've also got one of the harpies on it easy day ooh got knocked over that's cool my pawns are deciding to jump the Griffin I don't know why normally they would uh summon and do what they they're supposed to do and so you really want to try and keep your clone as far away from your people as you can and then you want to make it so it's dodging their attacks as much as possible so you kind of want to predict when it it's going to be making those attacks you don't want to be standing too close to your clone or they might be hitting you so it's kind of just bobbing and weaving trying to attract them get him off of your your pawns but uh here we go they're casting meteor now he'll be dead very soon and so we're kind of just waiting for them to get that my clone's almost dead so you have to be okay I know that it's got maybe one more Auto attack and then it's gone not that it matters cuz then the meteors came in and wiped them out so that's kind of the general way to take out bosses that was super easy right I I'm really far in the game I have like unlimited health with my clone my clone survived really well there got a fully upgraded Whimsical uh dayam was one of the better uh sensors out there and I have a really good uh weapon in armor I'm like level 70 or something so but that's kind of how you play uh generally uh against those kind of enemies and we'll jump into the next ability which is The Binding Effigy so this is the ranged version of your uh regular your thring aroma so now you can throw it a lot further so hopefully you can boom cast it up there now it's on that Harpy which is kind of cool so now the other harpies will attack that Harpy remember it's now targeting you so you got to be able to Juke it out and then boom got around it give it a little Bob and weave and you're good to go and then hopefully we can get the other one to attack it so I use that suffocating shroud and kind of just run around in a circle and you can jump this guy real quick oh I missed him he got away and yeah that's pretty much it that guy got sucked up by that we're going to summon our incense again cuz it did die let's try and get this bird inside our tornado here he comes and he's done easy day and that's kind of just how you you play around with the the uh binding Effigy it's got nice range you can send it off uh into ranged units like those um harpies and yeah pretty easy way to play there the next skill I want to go over is aromatic rally and aromatic resurgent that that's the one I have equipped right now the advanced form uh you're cast that and it's going to give you all your pawns a big boost in damage and and I think it's it's based on percentage so uh bigger weier attacks that have a high damage will get a bigger increase than like a small small damage is which for flat damage uh typically that that's like a meteor will be just so much more powerful if you use this it's it's substantial I don't know it's like 20 to 50% damage increase I think something pretty crazy uh cuz you can take out dr's super super easy when you cast this on your allies even at like level 40 I think I could one shot Drakes with three Sorcerers casting meteor so it is a really cool way now I can oneshot a Drake with level 70s so it's it's pretty fun to just play that kind of comp but um that is the aromatic Resurgence I think that's one of the best abilities all right so the next one we're going to talk about is the elusive divider or the wall creation magic uh you'll just be able to create a wall what's really good is actually stipping inside of it and I'll show you how good that is they just don't know where you are it's really good uh a lot of times I at first I was trying to set up like a wall a barrier to stop them from going through sometimes they would so it was like not working but if you actually step inside that's where you find I find the most benefit out of this uh and then you could cast like uh binding Effigy or aromatic Aroma and that that can be ways that then you just watch as they tear apart their own team so we'll go and play against these harpies real quick probably get hit a couple times as I try to get on this platform so there's that let's cast our divider we're now safe all right they won't come for us they can't see us we're inside this wall um and then this is where we can summon our incense so then we have it ready and we can cast finding fig on that one boom cast our suffocating cloud and uh there's not any other birds around are there oh there's another bird good boom and then they're attacking each other that's exactly what we want to see now it's just going to get torn apart and while you're in here you're you're pretty safe but my Wall's down so now it's going to start attacking me again so that that's the good thing about having the elusive divider the upgrade you going have two walls at any time so you can constantly keep casting them and then have unlimited walls want to bring that back in recast the effigy on the next Harpy and then let them take each other out again and this is the one way you could actually solo whole teams with uh the trickster class so you can just keep doing that super easy to just keep playing with and honestly I hate harpies so this is a really nice way to take care of some harpies you can set this up while your allies are inside the bubble they're safe while they're hiding in there uh makes it really quite nice to to just chill so that is The Binding or sorry The elusive divider the next uh skills we're going to go over is fragrant alarm and then dragon's delusion which is the master one so uh this fragrant alarm just helps us detect enemies in the in the area obviously we can see there's some around this corner looks like a whole bunch of little skeletons and then um some other units you can try to predict what's there and prepare a a strategy for it so that's what that one is let's cancel that out let's uh summon our guy right here oh we got a skeleton actually coming to me so that's good we kind of predicted that let's pull the team in and let's go to battle so if they're being I think they're being summoned I think there's a greater Lich uh oh and we have a pawn in here that's just been fighting nice oh there we go we got a fell Lord which is cool oh and we do have a lich um that's good let's pull in our our guy right here let's try to attract all of these guys to us and then uh I'm going to show you guys dragon's delusion what's cool about dragon's illusion is really good against uh flying units like this um we can actually use it to knock them out of the air so it works on Griffins uh even Dragons I'm pretty sure but we'll cost this it'll Knock It to the Ground he's scared falls to the ground and now we can really finish him off um had a little aromatic Resurgence to boost our our team and the fell Lord's right there too we we' actually cast this on him and then maybe the Fel Lord would go attack the the Lich we we we'll cast the dragon I try and knock it on the ground before it attacks me hurry hurry hurry H hurry oh but I got hit first all right so that's unfortunate our shroud's gone oh and seeing or our Cloud our uh shoot I'm sorry to say a our shadow clone was gone so that was not not great so we pull that there let's summon it back on onto him now we can get the fell Lord to attack its own Master be kind of cool if it works out along with all of these uh skeletons but I just accidentally summoned my guy to me that was a mistake let's try and knock this guy back to the ground dragon's delusion sit down you got scared hits the ground and then we can finish him off look at how much more damage they're doing cuz of that knockdown going and slap him a couple times just cuz we can boom he's dead easy day dragon's delusion great for some of these uh more flying units all right so now let's jump into the builds for my trickster builds I have two one is an allout trickster one is a Warfare both will have three Sorcerers I really do like this three sorcerer combo it just is so much fun to just see meteors and moms just wrecking and ravaging the field uh this play through all I was playing was Mage and sorcerer so I really wanted to just keep capitalizing on that and play through that and then in my future playthroughs I'll try and address and check out some of the other options but um so you're going to have three of those have all three have meteoron and melstrom uh and then just go with your uh Pawn just all damage all knock down just pure pure pure damage cuz you're just going to have him do everything all all the damage um for our four abilities I like to have the suffocating shroud really make sure we draw them in they are ours they're not going to touch our ponds ever um and you might even want to mail pawns so that the um ogres don't try and jump you uh next we're going to have the binding Effigy this is nice just send it out at a harpie uh and then it'll make them fight each other and it's just an easy way to get it off of you uh those harpies can be really annoying uh dragon's delusion uh great for taking down those Griffins taking down liches flying units in general and smaller units it can just scatter scare them away so that could be just a good one to have in general and an aromatic Resurgence is just really nice uh to make your meteors hit so hard and like I said it's a big upgrade um so that's those for augments I like to augment your magic that way your health on your clone is really surviving if you have unlocked Warfare I like to reduce the weight movement speed being able to Juke people that's really key as being a trickster uh reducing the stamina when using your weapon skill just to make sure you have it this one you could probably get rid of especially if you want more one of the trickster augments you'll see I don't use any of those but maybe you want to be able to find all the Seeker tokens that's a huge one or you're trying to do uh car charismatic stuff or there's many other um ones that are really good in fact there's another Archer one that I don't have unlocked which augments your Pawn's attack damage in Magic that's a really big one in fact I would have that one over sustainment which I have in currently here which increases their defense and Magic defense realistically they should never be hit so so this should be swapped out for that but I'm just keeping in for now um provocation this is a key one that you want this increases the chances that they're going to attack you uh just once again trying to keep them off your pawns as much as you can in fact I even wear the ring uh that also increases how often we I'm being targeted so that's really key and then we also have the exaltation which augments your stamina recovery speed you just want to have that constant uh recovery you always have stamina that way you don't run out because if you run out and then you're trying to cast something ooh you're you're going to be taken out pretty quick it's kind of scary and for my second build is the trickster Warfare build uh really there's no difference in the way you're going to be playing it's just adding a whole bunch of utility outside of fights and so you're going to have to get the Warfare vocation if you don't have that or don't know how to do it definitely check out a guide but you'll be just going down to the volcanic aisles there's a gentleman near the bats uh you give him some n liquor you should be able to get the vocation you will need to get his master teaching as well which is rearmament um and then that allows you to switch between all the weapons and that's super key uh and useful because uh you didn't have any healing you lost your Mage you were doing three sorcerer and a trickster it's not there's no utility there and so being able to switch to a mage staff so you can heal up your team is super super useful so that's one of the key things you can do and the second one is having daggers or some other melee item because the only counter to this build is the golum all right you cannot finish a Golem often you'll just be sitting there trying to get that last Medallion it's stays hidden unless he's cooling off oh it's so hard you have to perfectly time a meteor to hit that and it's just unlikely that your team is going to land that so it's really helpful just to be like okay I'm going to take care of this switch to daggers climb on them stab stab stab take that Medium out you're good to go and so that's really all that's the only counter to this comp um and then for your last skill there's a whole bunch of different options um but the one problem with a trickster is the second that you switch weapons your clone starts to die as if you were too far from it like I mentioned earlier so it's really key to just be able to switch back to your trickster so you don't want to stay in a different vocation or a different weapon for very long um it is uh useful like I said to have that Mage staff so you can levitate uh I also think if you have Mystic Archer already unlocked you could have that recovery Arrow uh so that you can throw one of your pawns off a cliff switch to it revive them and then jump down just makes exploration a lot better but yeah really all you need is that suffocating shroud and that aromatic Resurgence and you can do everything else uh it's really quite easy just to buff your pawns and let them take care of it and the the loss of stats from going trickster to Warfare are not even really important the extra magic uh the health difference in your your uh clone really isn't significant enough to matter and neither is the strength and the attraction of your clone and so that's the Warfare one it's just a lot nicer a lot more utility to it so let's start jumping into the different tactics you can Implement and the first one is about learning attack patterns that that's just key in this game in general but you're able to use their clone just to like draw their aggro from certain positions what what side of the body they're on so in this case we're we're attacking the dragon I'm trying to learn how does it really function so I can pull the Clone to the back and I'm like how do How does its tail swing work first he looks back then he whips his tail up in a circle and then hits the ground so you know if you're in the back and you see that tail going up you need to run so that's just one example you can just leave your clone around not attack and you can learn so much the next cool situation you can create with the trickster class is just epic boss battles yeah so here's one example where I got two Golems to battle it out and there's Orcs all around just trying to to give little hits here and there just so much fun attach it's on his knee we need to back up uh I need to tell my pawns to come here and wait so you already see the Orcs are starting to try to take out its leg that's hilarious let's try and draw him this way a little bit ooh something did some damage there that's awesome all right let's try and draw it this way a little bit so you can see my clone's at half Health doing well oh this Golem's loading up an attack boom lit up these little goblins they're having a bad day all right my my clone is dead though so I need to resummon it so pull it around a little bit put it on his leg now o big hit the Golem the the Orcs are actually chunking down the Golems right here ooh oh they're fighting they're boxing let's go Battle of the Titans right here big right Hammer ooh clip he's Frozen he's stunned from that hit with dragon's delusion you can literally call down any flying creature and that includes when you're riding a griffin you can summon your little cloud dragon and you'll knock it to the ground at killing it uh obviously you're going to die too or have to use a wake stone or if you do it over water you could still get that experience so one way to easily on-shot a Griffin and if you have that windal Daydream equipped this is where you get to start playing a little micro game if you're really good at keeping your clone alive and and controlling the battle you can just go on auto attacking and eventually you're going to hit for 50,000 gold and that just feels really good and I mean often you're only get like 10 gold let's be honest but you'll get a 100 you get a thousand every once in a while and that adds up like especially over longer battles and if you're really good at it you will continue to make good money but I've already mentioned my favorite thing about this and that is just having a three sourcerer comp we actually get to see those meteors those whirlwinds flying around and it's just really quite easy honestly like like your your clone is so good at drawing aggro and once you learn how to like keep pulling it and and protecting it it can be super easy to just even take on large mobs but against single targets like this ogre who thinks he's a big boy oh it ends very poorly for them three Sorcerers Bringing Down the rain just absolutely annihilates him and and you know it's just crazy because with this much they leave nothing there is literally nothing there so if you're looking for Monster material this is not the way and even late game monsters can not handle three meteors for full from Full build Sorcerers this doah ham which is supposed to only be weak to um uh holy damage it's going to see the damage now I did have to give it a the aromatic Resurgence to give him a little extra boost but this guy just gets deleted also and and I was kind of this was actually first time I ever fought him and I was like oh man this guy looks scary I have a friend that played dark risen in the old dragon dogmas and they said to watch out for these guys but uh yeah they weren't a problem they were not a problem for me here and that includes the final endgame bosses like this one here I I was fighting him I he was probably actually the hardest enemy I had the entire game uh for this comp uh they're using the whirlwinds right now and they're way above at his head so they weren't really clipping him too well but they still took down like two bars right there and then you know I switch to to Mage or cuz I have that and so hit it with some high freeor while it's down but once these meteors come it it basically gets just deleted the rest of the way and then it just takes a little bit more to finish this guy off uh but really this this combo is just really really fun and really easy it just feels good to see powerful magic in a game that's the end of this guide I hope you found it helpful hope you found some fun ways to play the trickster if you have some cool uh moves out there that I didn't talk about let me know below I'd love to hear them I'm sure there's some really cool ways to play with this class um and then I'm moving on I'm going to be playing as the thief the Archer and the magic Archer my next play through comment below on anything that I should know what is good to play with these classes I'm super excited to get into it I'll see you guys next time caveman logging off
Channel: Polemos_Action
Views: 18,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tricster guide, Trickster guide, how to play trickster, 200iq trickster plays, trickster comps, Dragons dogma tricksters guide, dragons dogma 2 trickster guide
Id: 4YbdOi69H7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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