7 Suspiciously Easy Ways You Got Good Karma

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it's extremely difficult to atone for terrible Deeds just ask Mike who ate my entire stash of Sour Patch Kids I said I was sorry not good enough luckily for gamers loads of video games are more forgiving than me many of their karma based systems work on a scale allowing you to make up for misdeeds with good deeds and thereby improve your karmic standing oh thank you sir truly thank you but some of these Good Deeds are so stupidly simple or easy that we can't quite believe that they can be used to cancel out the heinous things you can get up to in these games so get ready to do all the evil Deeds that you want only to undo them with these seven suspiciously easy ways you got good karma and beware spoilers for The Following games [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] howy hello if you can't treat people with respect what's the point I see that the truth well nice to meet you be se you manners cost nothing but in Red Dead Redemption 2 they can get you out of a whole heap of karmic debt outside of doing the Obviously good options in missions there are plenty of easy ways to raise your honor as you wander about in Red Dead Redemption 2 you can complete Camp tasks and donates to Camp you can help out strangers you bump into out in the old west not a word to anyone y me oh you one Mis you can even gain honor just by releasing a fish back into the water after you've caught it and away however those good deeds all take time and or money in this game there's a low effort way to get your honor up fast say hi to random strangers hey there Mis a moment of silence for all the introverts watching they'll appreciate the quiet in this game Arthur somehow has the confidence to strike up a brief conversation with every person he comes across who doesn't immediately try to kill him hey partner hey mister every few friendly greetings you do gives a Small Bump to your honor rating presumably to demonstrate the importance of a good first impression I mean who could Peg Arthur as a ruthless gang member after hearing this hey friend hello there oh he's such a gentleman what you robbed a bank that guy nah this almost deviously simple way of undoing all your bad Deeds means that if you just did a bunch of dishonorable things like I don't know murdering half a town to get someone out of jail Micah all you have to do is head to another town and greet as many people as you can hey this totally cancels out shooting a bunch of innocent folks right right hey friend man if I knew Redemption was this easy I wouldn't have had to bother with the second half of the game I wouldn't have had to go to gu [Applause] lots of people love hiking including me but only if there's a pub lunch at the end because I need my Yorkshire puddings one place that offers plenty of hikes but zero Pub roasties is Far Cry 4's cirat it's within this mountainous region in the Himalayas that you'll be fighting off the forces of pagan Min and also where you can find forgiveness should you st from the path of being a good guy see while most Far Cry games don't have a Karma system Ubisoft included one in this installment likely as a nod to Karma being a core concept within the main religions of the region Kat is inspired by however this being a video game it's not all that deep if you f up and accidentally kill civilians or run over a friendly golden path soldier who walked right in front of you damn it undosed location where you can't find find me no you can simply neutralize that bad karma by heading over to the nearest Manny wheel and giving it a little spin is that it I feel like I should be doing more nope that is it all you have to do is hike up to one of these prayer Wheels give it a spin and you'll be rewarded with a whole bunch of good karma this is a ridiculously easy alternative to the other ways to acrw Good Karma in the game which involve laborious and dangerous Karma events which are 1,000% more hassle than spinning a wheel spinning these Manu Wheels gets even easier once you buy all of the maps and you can just fly your way directly to them via buzzer and find them easily with a waypoint marker even if someone did hide them in a corner somewhere again this feels way too easy let's see what other options there are collecting creepy masks left by a murderer known only as the goat yeah I'm not sure having a collection of Serial Killer masks is a good thing it has been said that a crime punishable by a fine is legal for a price nowh is this more true than the Fable series Fable games famously place your character along a scale of Good and Evil and where you sit on that scale is represented via your character's appearance while there are huge in-game decisions that can affect your level of good or evil there are also multiple lesser Deeds that you can do throughout your adventures to nudge the need one way or another so if you regretted your evil choices or just didn't like how you looked because of them you could go off and do a bunch of good deeds to make up for your bad behavior who are you to judge me I bet you've pocketed a few unattended items before or if you're incredibly wealthy you can buy your way out of the consequences wow my fun Fantasy game is getting a bit too real in Fable 1 and two the easiest way to gain good karma is to donate to a good Temple so if you for example sacrifice someone in the temple of Shadows in Fable 2 all you have to do is saunter over to the Temple of Light and drop some coins in to rebalance your moral scales bless you for your kind donation Enlightenment is yours it's Fable 3 that really takes the biscuit though see newly industrialized albian doesn't have a good Temple for you to donate to but have no fear you can donate to your own own treasury that's right once you become ruler you have access to Alban's treasury in the story this is used to fund the fight against the horrible unknowable corruption threatening albian and also any of the investments into the kingdom that you may have promised earlier in the game as such any donation to the treasury balance from your personal balance is seen as a benevolent act even at the end of the game where all you're doing is adding to a big pile of money in your Sanctuary that you can clamber all over like albian an to Scrooge [Music] McDuck but again while it's in your Sanctuary it's not technically your money you're just looking after it and if your personal balance isn't looking healthy enough for a big donation to make up for your misdeeds don't forget the best and easiest way to make money in this series is by becoming a landlord so if you need to get your Cala up stat all you have to do is up the rent on all your properties then wander aimlessly in a circle to get the game's clock going and wait for the cash to roll [Music] in much like an actual landlord does I imagine they've got to do something with their time good evening madam what can I do for you nothing I hope Fable 3 isn't the only game that lets you throw cash at your bad Deeds until they go away take Fallout 4 for instance where you can get good karma just by donating caps to one of the wastelands churches like the Church of atom in Megaton bless you child you can also get good karma by surrendering Quest items to Quest givers without asking for a reward for instance when handing in scrap to Walter for the Megaton water processing plant are you serious why I'll be thank you stranger I can't tell you what this means to megaton well I'll tell you what it means to me free Karma point I mean helping the community but there is an even more ludicrously easy and more importantly free way of gaining Good Karma which you can access early in the game finish the quest the power of the atom and you'll be rewarded with a permanent resident and your very own Mr handy robot good morning madam what can I do for you disarm Megaton bomb rather than using it to explode everybody and you'll get this luxury apartment in Megaton along with woodsworth who is there to assist you with your every need and constantly block the stairs it's good to see you alive and well Madam well it's good to see you anyway yeah well I'd be more alive and well if you weren't in my way woodsworth still this automaton can provide you with Free bottles of a normally rare resource pure purified water this heals you up with zero radiation gain and can let you a ton of karma certainly Madam here you are certainly Madam here you are certainly Madam here you are certainly Madam here you are see around the Wasteland you can find parched down on their luck folk such as Mickey here outside Megaton who will ask you for a bottle of the good stuff please welcome water you help me if you hand him a bottle of pure purified water then thank you so much I'll never forget this boom 50 points of sweet free Karma oh wait sorry I probably shouldn't say boom too loudly around here should I sorry woodsworth can provide five bottles every seven days so when you run out all you have to do is step outside your apartment and wait for seven days as if you've halted the search for your missing dad just to try your hand at being a living statue certainly Madam here you are this is a laughably easy way to rack up good points and if you were evil enough to wipe megatan off the map rather than save it don't worry you still get this Speedy way to farm karma in the form of Godfrey at your 10 Penny Suite certainly Madam here you are certainly Madam here you are and it's terrifyingly easy to get back into the game's good books using this exploit with nuking Megaton netting you minus 1,000 Karma and donating bottles giving you plus 50 Karma a pop all you have to do is donate 20 measly bottles of water to complete completely undo what you did to megaton well only undo in the karmic sense sorry [Music] Moira if you could get good karma for playing music you'd assume that it'd have to be some damn good music like Phil Collins's Tarzan soundtrack seriously underrated and yet in the Metro series potentially all it takes is a casual strumming of six open strings to earn you the good ending you see Metro games are constantly judging you from behind the scenes only informing you via sound effects if you've done something it recognizes as morally good maybe until the world up there will take us back obtaining moral points is vitally important for anyone wanting to gain the good endings meaning that you must constantly prove yourself to the game ticking off morally good actions like a girl guide trying to earn a new badge since then he doesn't eat doesn't react to people he just speaks to God yes going to get that chess badge real soon wait that wasn't chess was it most of the actions that earn you points involve you interacting with your comrades which is timec consuming and you're a busy Ranger many want to leave the station more convenient is the guitar that artium has in his room which he can breezily strum for a low effort moral Point first off in 2033 and then here again in last Light our guess is you get the moral point because neither time does he play wonder wall these guitars aren't even the only stringed instruments you can play in these games as both include a balica a three string Russian instrument that also offers moral points in each game game finding the guitar and the balica gives you two moral points a nice buffer if you decide to do anything morally repugnant later down the line I wonder if that works in real life I've got a lot to make up for wow you're really playing a long time there what did you do what did you do [Music] as a wise woman once sang it is murder on the dance floor and especially so with these killer [Music] [Applause] moves never mind in the CD Undead World a vampire colon the Masquerade Das Bloodlines there are multiple clubs in which you show off your dancing prow [Music] but being a boogieing boogeyman serves a purpose much greater than making you look like a drunk uncle at a wedding as a blood drinking monster you run the risk of losing your Humanity represented in game with Humanity points the higher your Humanity the easier it is for you to resist the urges of the Beast and thus the easier it is to pass as human and maintain the Masquerade useful nah now that's what I like to hear you can lose Humanity points by doing evil Deeds such as accidentally on purpose turning people into human raisins by drinking them [Music] dry whoops if you want to claw back some Humanity after being a little too thirsty you can do one simple thing get your Undead ass on the Dance Floor immediately that's right Humanity points are up for grab so long as you let your vampire bust a Groove long enough to some truly uh Timeless classics a point of humanity can be gained from every nightclub in the city so if you Club hop to each of them that's a worryingly easy way to make up for draining people dry like human juice [Music] boxes although not quite as worrying as that dancing you'll have someone's eye out that'll be I'm going to tear you limb from fre [Music] enough solid man thanks the title Infamous May imply that you're going to be playing some kind of bad guy but protagonist Cole McGrath actually has every opportunity to earn positive karma for example the First Choice you're given in the game is whether you'd keep airdropped food for yourself by zapping innocent civilians to scare them away or whether you share the food with [Music] everyone cool okay made that choice then you can really be a total selfish bastard in this game and the game will certainly judge you for it NPCs are not afraid to let you know they don't like you even going as far as throwing rocks at you if they see you in the street it's never a hell fortunately should you suddenly feel or guilty or just get sick of people throwing rocks at you there's one way to counter balance all your bad Deeds that feels a little too convenient which is why you should grab it with both extremely electrified hands just a few measly missions into the game Cole unlocks pulse heal this handy ability helps him to heal Fallen allies but also crucially anyone else he comes across with this Cole can run about like a human defibrillator zapping people better to bump up his karma even though Cole running about being an evil Menace is most likely the reason these people were injured in the first place dead I was worried there you go that'll make up for stealing all your food earlier right right just be careful not to accidentally press square instead of triangle as then you'll instead use the evil leaning bioleach ability which well yesh oh well guess I got to heal up some more people who needs healing I've definitely got the right button this time [Music] probably thank you for watching this video on outside extra about the seven suspiciously easy ways youve got good karma in games and Ellen's going to play us off with her um is it okay have I made up for it yet yeah her Penance you CL yeah okay and while she does that you can watch this video from outside extra or this video from outside Xbox both are equally excellent o yeah I think she's making I think she's making it worse I think you actually go sorry I'll go back think you actually go to hell for playing ukulele like that so um better cut it there but yeah watch one of these videos they're a bit like the one you just watched but but different and equally good
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 145,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming, outside xbox, jane douglas, red dead redemption 2, Far Cry 4, Fable 2, Fable 3, Fallout 3, Metro 2033, Metro last light, karma, funny, funny karma, good karma, easy karma, infamous, vampire the maquerade, vampire the masquerade bloodlines, vtmb, vtm, list video, funny list, comedy list, comedy, funny video games
Id: PAlSXV1y4Ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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