Dragons Dogma 2 DLC LEAK...

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all right guys Wes here welcome back to the channel So today we're going to talk about some news for Dragon Dogma 2 now despite some slight hiccups dd2 is on its way of being a major Game of the Year Contender some are even calling it one of the best RPGs ever made and according to Capcom as well as this other alleged leak it seems like there is some pretty big plans for Dragon Dogma 2 and in today's video we're going to go over absolutely everything that we know about the future of dd2 as it seems like Capcom is just getting started guys we have a lot to talk about in this video so check the chapters for easy viewing also don't forget to my PS5 giveaway as soon as we hit 160k I'll be given one away to a lucky subscriber those details are in the pinned comments so let's get started so even though the discourse around Dragon Dogma 2 was pretty negative going into launch week Capcom still got a ton of early adopters thanks to the hype as well as very positive reviews that went live a few days prior there are so many amazing things about this game that were overshadowed by the unfortunate controversy specifically in regards to the PC performance so hopefully these updates manag to shift the focus from the shortcomings to the things that could make Dragon Dogma 2 game of the year now luckily according to Capcom Dragon's Dogma 2 was a big financial success thanks to the fact that it sold over 2.5 million copies in its first two weeks across PC and consoles this puts the Dragon's Dogma franchise at over 10 million copies sold Capcom is also expecting dd2 to keep selling copies over the next few years like the original game did I saw some comments that said that 2.5 million copies in 2 weeks is actually a disappointment but this couldn't be further from the truth now sure some games sell way more than Dragon Dogma 2 did at launch but you have to understand this is an m-rated RPG with an extremely deep gameplay loop it's not as mainstream as games like Spider-Man 2 or God of War Ragnarok that get tons of widespread mainstream attention at launch because of the legacy of their IP it's also not like other Capcom franchises like Street Fighter or Resident Evil that have massive communities waiting for the next entry Dragon zaga came out over a decade ago and is largely seen as a niche title so the fact that they sold over 2 and a half million copies this quickly is actually a huge achievement and I for one I'm really happy for the developers remember the first dragons agma only sold 7 million copies over a decade on the market the sequel is starting out with 2 and half million copies sold right out of the gate which bodess well for the future of this game as well as the entire franchise so when it comes to updates though a number of stability patches have already been released or confirmed and while the state of the game is certainly better than it was on launch day there's still a lot of work that remains to be done the optimization still needs to be ironed out and performance is still a lot worse than it should be for a game running on the re engine now some have argued that Dragon's Dogma 2 runs poorly because it's the first game built on the re engine to be this large in scale but the more that people test it the less accurate that explanation seems to be Dragon Dogma 2 has a number of optimization issues that other re engine games simply don't experience and it all seems to suggest that this game might have been pushed out a little too early likely so that they could hit capcom's quarterly Financial deadlines now in a way this is actually good news because it means that with some time and Care Dragons Dogma 2 should be able to hit the same level of optimization as other re engine games assuming Capcom allows the team to keep working on it instead of just just pulling the plug now that the launch sales are out of the way but the team does seem committed to fixing up their project and assuming the rumors about the DLC are true they're certainly going to want some stability updates before new content drops so if you're still playing Dragons Dogma 2 and are hoping for performance improvements Capcom already confirmed that they will be updating that in the near future but speaking of DLC it's looking more and more likely that Capcom is working on something behind the scenes to add more content to the base game in the form of a potential paid expansion now in late March Capcom started sending out surveys to dragons Dogma 2 players asking them a number of questions about the state of the game but there were also a couple of questions about DLC the survey asked players what kind of DLC they'd like to see and roughly how much they'd be willing to pay for it with options ranging from less than10 to $50 or more the survey was also made available to the public and if you participate in it Capcom will give you a free digital wallpaper so it seems they want as much data as possible which really sounds to me like they're laying the ground workor for a paid expansion now given how game development Works nowadays I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Capcom already has some ideas for the DLC ready to enter development or maybe the team has been working on those ideas in their off time but now that the game is out the publisher needs to see how much demand there is for a paid expansion before officially greenlighting full development of more content because at the end of the day Capcom is a business and if they don't think people are going to pay for the DLC they're not going to want to spend money for people to make it but with the success of the base game's launch and how much Buzz there seems to be around for future content and the fact that Capcom is making the survey open for the public for maximum Intel I think I think it's all but confirmed that some kind of DLC is going to come out for Dragons Dogma 2 now that being said there have been some rumors floating around that Dragons Dogma 2 already has some DLC basically already ready due to the fact that it's cut from the base game which is something that Capcom actually did relatively frequently back in the Xbox 360 days how many of you remember how many controversies Capcom started up in the early 2010s by locking DLC content on the game disc and then selling it as DLC I don't think the Capcom is going to start falling back on their old habits but if they did cut content from the base game then that would be really unfortunate but it wouldn't be out of character for them to have cut some content from the base game so they could use it to pad a paid expansion now some have also criticize Dragons Dogma 2 for not having much of an enemy variety so is it possible that there were going to be more enemy types but Capcom cut them so they could have something to sell in a future DLC obviously nothing is confirmed just yet I don't want to spread negative rumors for no reason but the whole situation does seem kind of fishy to me and that leads us to the other side of this DLC conversation though as there was an alleged leak that came out recently describing the planned paid expansion and honestly if this is what was in the works the entire time I think the fan base will be very satisfied with it and know the leak doesn't say anything about recycled base game content in the expansion which should be reassuring according to the leak which like I said is not 100% confirmed just yet so take it with a grain of salt the expansion is titled the dragon princess and is considerably bigger than the Dark Arisen expansion for the first dragon zaga game the DLC is reportedly not going to alter any of the base game's content but rather add a ton of new stuff to the map including a new country called galacia which is based on various northern European countries now the leak said that the area will be roughly the size of the main gamees map meaning this expansion will be more or less double the size of the play area and you'll access the new area by visiting a point in east of burnworth the DLC story will only be accessible after you finish the main game story but you'll be able to explore the new region at your leisure which I think is a nice touch if that ends up being the case now in terms of priceing Capcom is reportedly planning on charging $30 for the DLC although it could end up being more expensive and the leak also claims that the expansion was in the works before the base game was actually out and it will be capcom's biggest paid expansion ever and feature roughly 35 new enemy types and 10 new monsters so I guess technically some of those enemy types may have been planned for the base game at one point but if you were worried about a paid expansion just selling the content that was cut from the base game this alleged DLC leak sounds like it's not going to be anything like that and any recycled base game content is going to be a very small piece of the larger puzzle which I'm okay with now one of the biggest changes to the base game that needs to be made as soon as possible is the limited saves as it stands right now there is only really one save slot in Dragon's Dogma 2 so you can't have multiple characters at the same time this also presented an issue in the PC version where players couldn't overwrite their one save file for any reason meaning if you beat the game and wanted to start over with a new character you literally couldn't do that luckily Capcom has already released the new game option but the option for multiple save files is still not here however if you're playing on PC there's a mod that's available right now and it's quickly becoming one of the most popular mods available able it's simply called dd2 save manager and it's been downloaded over 20,000 times at the time I'm making this video the mod is simply a save slot manager and you're able to kind of hot swap in between different save files as well as different characters with this manager now if you guys remember from Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen this mod is essentially the update to the very popular save manager mod so if you're playing on PC and you were hoping for multiple save files as soon as possible I would strongly recommend going giving this one to download because we still don't know for sure if Capcom is actually going to be adding this as an official feature or not my guess is that they don't have any plans for adding any official save slot manager so the only way that you're going to be able to do this is by modding the game now the question Still Remains when are we going to be getting the next update for Dragon's Dogma 2 will it be this week will it be next week or are we going to have to wait a little bit longer for the next update it definitely seems like Dragon Dogma 2 has been on top of the game with getting updates out as soon as possible so I'd say that we probably going to get a smaller update this week and then we'll be getting a bigger Title Update sometime later this month well guys that's going to wrap it up with this video let me know what your thoughts are down in the comment section below what do you think about the state of Dragons Dogma 2 are you still playing the game or if you've been holding off on buying dd2 are these updates going to push you over the edge into buying it make sure you're subscribe to the Channel with your notifications turned on so you're not missing out on any future gaming news also guys don't forget to enter the PS5 giveaway those details are in the pinned comment it's super easy to ENT all you have to do is subscribe to the channel comment your Twitter handle tweet me proof that you're subscribed and that will ENT you for a chance to win and thanks again for watching guys this has been West and I'll talk to you in the next video [Music]
Channel: WesNemo
Views: 43,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragons Dogma 2, Dragons Dogma II, Dragons Dogma 2 Gameplay, Dragons Dogma 2 Gameplay PC, dragons dogma, dragons dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma 2 preview, dragons dogma 2 overview, dragons dogma 2 release date, dragons dogma 2 news, dragons dogma 2 latest news, dragons dogma II news, dragons dogma II gameplay, Dragons Dogma 2 Update, Dragons Dogma 2 DLC Leak, Dragons Dogma 2 New DLC
Id: HEaj2hZmgS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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