Dragon's Dogma 2 - New Vocations for an Expansion - We NEED the Best Vocation Back! (Fun/Theory)

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[Music] ladies gentlemen and Arisen of all ages with the game now being out for a solid couple of weeks now a lot of people are wrapping up their first journey in Dragon Dogman 2 and as we all have fun with the end game or even check out New Game Plus or hey if you've stopped playing after finishing the main story there's nothing wrong with that either but I imagine everyone who has gotten to this point has really enjoyed the game and that a core part of why you have is the vocation that you spent your time playing whether you picked only one that appeals to you so significantly that you couldn't possibly choose anything else or if you're more like me and switch to the drop of a hat to just try and experience every play style the game has to offer either way vocations are a massive part of our fun here so today I thought it'd be fun to talk about the vocations in terms of the future of the game as it is pretty much guaranteed that there will be a fairly major DLC or expansion for this in the future whatever you want to call it really added onto the game at some point and a core part of that could well be access to more vocations that are currently in the game so we're going to talk about a number of vocations that exist in the Dragon's Dogma universe that are not utilized for players in Dragon Dogma 2 specifically things that could potentially resurface and then I'll go over a couple of my own ideas for potentially intriguing or engaging fully new vocations as I think this game gives a sort of unique combat sandbox to Workshop different play style Concepts within starting off with the known entities then but on a bit of a lesser known side of it let's talk about Dragon's Dogma online this was a full-on MMO set in the Dragon Dogma universe but this was never released in the west and so a lot of people who are even longtime fans of the series don't know much about this game but it actually had a number of unique vocations that are quite quite interesting to imagine transferred to the modern single player game and the one that interests me the most personally is The Alchemist this uses magic to create physical objects or more accurately to transform matter it changes matter that exists into different matter and then it lets them fullon shove their hand through someone's heart as a result of that create offensive crystals that can burst and explode defensive walls to protect you mines that then blow up after time traversal tools as well they even have a full-on like midest touch type skill where you tune to gold and if an enemy attacks you while you are made of gold they will then also turn into a golden statue this is just like next level realization of an alchemist class fantasy and that's especially interesting because it is very rare that I ever see a game even try to tackle an alchemist in the first place but holy crap this is just a really cool vocation in Dragon Dogma online and I could only imagine this style this concept of freeth thinking matter transformation at the core of a vocation brought into the depths of the realization of Dragon's Dogma 2 that could just be absolutely legendary then we also have the spirit Lancer these wield long Lance weapons very sort of melee focused but agile and Airborne combat with the ability to heal and buff allies as well honestly this is sort of like if the Mystic spear hand lost the Mystic part of it and was instead something like the holy spear hand but also had some of the thief's core skills for movement and just a much harder hitting per hit play style larger weapon so longer range great mounted damage as well but also very agile compared to something like Warrior as a comparison generally I think this one was probably overwritten a bit too hard by Mystic spear hand now existing a bit but I could also see it being a separate hybrid vocation as well honestly they would just need to do something like give it a more distinct weapon to actually fit the play style then we also have the high scepter and honestly this is sort of the other half of what became Mystic spear hand being a combination of magic wield in one hand and a sword in the other with some range attack stemming from using the magic to throw the sword forward as a range weapon before pulling it back this vocation could make magical barriers as well they could use magic to teleport themselves for their own movement around the battlefield and they could even fire blasts of energy out of the sword itself like an extension of the blade this vocation is really cool and I bet you that they could find an interesting Niche for this somewhere in the middle of Mystic spear hand and Magic Archer where it is Magic as well as both melee and ranged in a unique mix of these play Styles then the final one unique to Dragon's Dogma online is The Shield Sage which is somewhat similar to The Mystic Knight in the first game being magic tank with the shield but more specifically this is actually a wand and shield as your weapon combination which is a really cool concept to me games never really do that of course gameplay wise that wound up being relatively similar to Mystic Knights but with a focus much more heavily on defense but I think if they brought this concept into Dragon Dogma 2 they could rework the actual offensive parts of it and it could find a really interesting place of using magic to turn your defense into offense every block proing different Elemental or status effects type of thing something like that that could definitely be fun on that note though we do also have the two more distinct vocations that were in Dragon's Dogma the original one but didn't make it into the sequel which are the Mystic Knight the one that people seem to miss more as it is the more unique play style essentially Mage and fighter combined but in a much more more grounded and defensive way than Mystic spear hand is that hybrid this vocation could do things like reflect Elemental damage every time they blocked as an example of this but it really just was a lovely mix a great hybrid that was clearly distinct from the Mystic spean that we have now the other vocation that didn't really make it through then that I I sort of want to do as a combo is the Strider and the Assassin both of these vocations were basically based around a mix of both melee weapons like daggers as well as a bow essentially acting as a mix of what thief and Archer do in Dragon Dogma 2 with the having some more fighter type options as well the mix was definitely an interesting one and while I think most of the core gameplay absolutely exists between thief and Archer and then considering the existence of warfare you can sort of just put those two together anyways and make your own Strider at home you know in that sense I honestly couldn't really see this being something they chose to add in as the whole idea of a vocation they can switch between weapon types is 100% filled by Warfare existing and so it just wouldn't make sense to add a new vocation that focuses on their ability to switch between multiple weapon types mid combat while all this covered then I got a couple of vocation ideas of my own nothing crazy in depth of course but just some base Concepts I can see being really fun in the game the first is a throwing weapon style in whatever way you sort of want to take that something along the lines of a javelin thrower or a shuen wielding ninja maybe a knife throwing Bandits the type of General play style where it isn't archery you aren't using a bow it is much faster pace you're not charging shots and you can even take a hand out of the high scepter Playbook from Dragon zma online and do something like have the ability to magically retrieve the weapon throw it at enemy manually using your own arms but then use the magic to recall it to your hands afterwards maybe it spins as it returns and does damage as it collides with enemies help what if even more than that what if the Base Class attack is generating a javelin out of thin air using magic a magic Javelin throwing that into the enemy and it will stick wherever you actually hit with it enemy ground wherever you actually hit the attack and then there are just maybe various skills that you have that play around using those locations set by the javelins to interact with each other something like connecting them with lightning like the shock shot from Magic Archer something that could make every spear currently implanted implode maybe if you hit a spear and there's another spear in a certain radius around it it will then cause a larger explosion maybe can even have like a legendary skill is something like calling all of the currently implanted javelins out and using your magic to just fling them all in a river forwards like flow one by one directly at a body part of your choice like a flurry of homing shots that is charged by just throwing them to begin with so that they already exist like it takes advantage of the fact that you're firing physical objects okay before I get too locked into that one because I can get very carried away with this my second is another sort of magic and melee hybrid but this one much more farther towards melee and it's a big guy wielding a massive two-handed flail and the actual ball at the end of the flail is almost like a magic impact grenade in a way that you load through your skills with magical charges maybe you have a skill that has it explode in a radius around the flail when you hit with it maybe you've got one that makes it have a stupid amount of knockback that pushes enemies away from it when you hit the area that you do throwing enemies to the floor making them go off a Cliffs things like that you could have a skill to either make it buff allies in a radius around you when you hit with the flail or the opposite making it debuff enemies around the hit that seems much more reasonable honestly the debuff and maybe instead of the seal actually triggering directly on use it just adds like charges to your flail to your melee attacks that then expend when you use your light attack maybe the light attack expends it on hitting the enemy maybe a heavy attack instead actually hits the ground with the flail then causing a burst on the floor of whatever you have charged and then maybe you could like stack charges creating like a queue of different effects depending on the order of skills you use one hit after the next and if you do that you can even have like a legendary skill that has wildly different effects depending on which charge you have currently loaded on the weapon yes this one is getting a little bit wacky but I love coming up with crazy magical concepts for interesting play stells and I also really love flails and big weapons then the final one that I have is the glomba stomper very simply I want a vocation that has spiked boots trampolin and the ability to bounce if they land on top of an enemy so that they can continue bouncing on enemies while also having momentum based damage so that the higher you go the more damage you do when you land fitting with the physics Ender of the game yeah that one is a joke unless I'm just saying okay that just about does it that everyone just a fun talk about some of the Lost vocations of the Dragon's Dogma series left behind in previous games in the series and not made it into Dragon Dogma 2 but also the ways that I could potentially see them being brought back in Future DLC which would be a prime location for bonus vocations and of course then just a couple of my own concepts for vocations for the game just to have a bit of fun what are your own thoughts on all this then which of these vocations would you actually want to see return in future DLC like you like like the video subscribe to the notification Bell for more and most importantly ladies and gentlemen until next time stay sweet Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 41,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragons dogma 2 new vocation, dragons dogma 2 online, ddo, new vocation, new vocations, dragons dogma 2 bad, dragons dogma 2 expansion, expansion, dragons dogma 2 title update, title update, monster hunter, patch, update, dragons dogma 2 patch, dragons dogma 2 unmoored world, unmoored world, dragons dogma 2 unmoored world guide, dragons dogma 2, pawn guide, dragons dogma 2 pawns, location, gameplay, dragon's dogma 2, pawn, best, guide, review, strider, mystic knight, dd2, ragegamingvideos
Id: dcdTPuGVQok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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