Dragon's Dogma 2 - True MOST POWERFUL Vocation & ALL Vocations Best Build & Skills Ranked - Guide!

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ladies gentlemen in Horizon of all ages when it comes to Dragons Dogma 2 the Myriad of play Styles is one of the coolest parts of the game and mostly that owes itself to the vocation system each vocation has its own set of skills and among them some are more situational and some are just downright ridiculously strong to the point where you sort of always have to use them if you're playing that vocation so today we are simply going to go over the best skill loadouts in Dragon zma 2 for each of the different vocs the strongest sort of combination of four skills for each one and we'll also be ranking the classes along the way buy these skills specifically just for a general judge of potency starting at the low end then at 10th strongest we have the trickster with dragon's delusion it's strongest individual skill it is able to get a full stagger on larger enemies or bosses even and even cause smaller enemies to just sort of flee fights entirely then there's also aromatic Resurgence for a buff that drains allies Health a little bit but also gives them a notable damage buff and prevents them from dying if they are going to drain below zero Health this is both great to actually just boost damage during the knockdowns granted by the Dag and to keep allies alive through certain abilities past that you almost always want elusive divider which is the skill that creates a fake wall that enemies have to obey this both can create essentially one-way Shields where your allies attack through it but the enemy can't attack back and it can just completely protect you one side of it if you are surrounded just extremely strong then your last slot is a bit more flexible I personally like suffocating shroud just for a large AOE threat control but trickster has a number of situationally strong options in this slot as well you may be asking why are you saying that if it's 10th on the list and the answer is it simply can't really really applied damage itself it has to rely on pawns for all of the damage no matter how you build it following that then on our way up the chain I've got the Archer whose strongest skill is Tempest shot this just Fires at a ridiculously rapid firing barrage of arrows at the targeted location and this is fantastic in its own right for sure essentially just the highest damage per second skill that Archer can reach naturally but then it also has a lot of combo abilities and Synergy with things like sorcerer's augural flare which you can have on a pawn of course so it has a lot of utility passes its base existence manifold shot then is a similar move that fires a bit less frequently for a bit less damage but can be used while moving which is extremely important as this lets you just sort of avoid attacks while still applying loads of damage and then you have your more suppor options past that Cascade shot for a multi-target close range Lys and sight for longer range shots or even erupting shot for high knockdown power and damage if you place it on the weak spot then moving up again we have Mage and Mage is one of the more open ones is there is just a ton of useful options that you could argue for the first question is does your weapon have innate element on it if no then you want boons or affinities the upgraded version these add on a ton of damage to each attack that you do so they are nearly required to have in a party somewhere and while usually you would only want one slot for a specific Boon You could argue even having three slots for different Elemental options while you're adventuring so you just have access to the strongest element for the most situations possible that said if your weapons all have innate elements then suddenly those bounds are useless so Celestial pain the legendary skill is also a near Auto include as it prevents stamina loss in the area while active and that synergizes extremely well with pretty much every every other vocation high padium is also nearly universally good giving everyone around you a shield that just blocks a hit of damage each time that you cast it and there's just a bunch of other great skills for your last slot too things like high Solarity that basically just give you haste for a speed boost there's quite a lot of good options here after for that we have the fighter which while it can deal some nice damage its main role is really controlling the battlefield both with crowd control and with direct tanking Shield drum is invaluable for Mob control and then you also have rius Fury the legendary skill which is great for Pure DPS and that's excellent to have too that said Fighter's main role is tank and after use Shield drum to grab attention you can then bust out one of my favorite skills Flawless guard a skill that makes you basically just spin on the spot blocking attacks from every direction and flinching any enemy that you hit in the meantime what this essentially is then is just a full of safety area of effect knockdown power machine that lets you Beyblade through the middle of a pack of enemies and just be unable to be damaged while making the enemy unable to defend against your pawns as well for your final slot there's a lot more of sort of Niche or situation utility options that you could put there or you can just pick something like blink strike that I particularly like to close gaps which is always quite valuable next up is Warrior and this is one of my main vocations so I've messed around with it quite a lot the best General use setup is indomitable lash which is just an extremely strong high damage attack with a bit of a longer charge time and you also want Mountain breaker which is if you target a weak spot with this you will get a massive amount of knockdown damage done to it especially against larger enemies like bosses these can create massive openings where you can fully knock bosses over and then indomitable Lash takes advantage of these openings when you hit the weak spots with it and that's the main combo really your other two choices for this are a bit more malleable then though my personal opinion is the best two to slot in our ravening lunge which is just a hefty movement skill charging forwards for the entire length of your stamina bar unless you stop it ahead of time that will also pick up any smaller enemies that you hit with it and then if you hit a wall with an enemy stock on your weapon it will do bonus damage and stun them or you can even use this to throw them off of cliffs or Ledges of any kind then there's also tidal wrath quite simply a Parry that can Parry any attack in the game so a really high skill cap survival tool that also has a really high damage followup if you are successful with it everything else is situational really so this load out covers pretty much every base that you could really need from here we are moving on from things that are just sort of solidly good into the realm of okay maybe that's a little bit overpowered and in fifth place we have sorcerer whose main skill is augural flare there are ways to build around this but no matter what you do the basis is always sort of the flare this lets you apply basically a debuff to a specific part of an enemy that when damage will pile up explosive power that then detonates after a short duration the relative power of this is insane when paired with particularly fast hitting abilities Because the actual damage scales with the amount of hits that are taken not with the amount of damage so the best real combo that sorcerer has itself is the skill melstrom the legendary skill though it is extremely difficult to sort of put them together properly due to cast times and stamina cost however I recommend taking melstrom anyways most of the time just because it's strong in its own right too past that you want spell hold which lets you cast a spell ahead of time and then hold it for later to release it quicker mostly this will just be used specifically for augural flare so you can just sort of combo one flare into another one using the explosions from one to fuel the second and the last one is a bit more flexible but high fror is the best option really both coming with movement utility and also being a nice low cast time high damage area of effect skill as well and fourth then I've got Mystic spear hand with their absolutely busted defensive ability Mir Shield this creates a barrier on you and all nearby allies that completely negates all damage for a short duration which is up to 10 seconds by the way with the advanced version of the skill so essentially if you cast this once every 10 seconds and it costs far too low stamina for that to actually be an issue to do you and all nearby puns are fully Immortal at which point you could be doing peenuts for damage it doesn't really matter because you can never really lose a fight in the game again with this skill being used properly but there are also vocas that can just sort of kill enemies so quickly that they never even have the chance to take damage which is why this sits in fourth the other abilities then that you would want to combine with build for this to make the spear hand the best it can be then are dragon's fo mostly just for the combined movement util that you can use in various situations and the Damage that it does wild Fury which is just an incredibly high damage per second skill that you can hit repeatedly just sort of attack the monster just over and over again if you get the openings for it and the last slot is somewhat malleable you could go for the dive attack for more damage you could spec into a bit more of your range damage options instead but my personal preference is ravener Hound which let you just straight up drain stamina from your enemies whenever you get low up in third then I have magic Archer which has the strongest pure offense ability in the game Marty's bolt this legendary skill absorbs your health and fills your lost gauge while charging it so the cost is massive but if you charge it with a near full health bar it can on-shot pretty much every boss in the game literally one skill usage for a kill is intensely high risk High reward of course as after doing that you will have like no Health left and no real ability to actually recover it but the reward is unquestionably massive so it is nearly always worth having around for emergency situations next up then is recovery Arrow this can heal pawns and can even revive them when fully charged letting you just keep Pawns stable from a distance which no other vocation can then you also have sagittate Avalanche which is just the strongest damage heill that isn't martyr's bolt for this class that also synergizes extremely well with augural flare on a pawn is just an extremely high fire rate burst of arrows fired then your final slot is much more malleable I'm personally a really big fan of Bolt chain strike for General open world exploring as it can apply a lot of crowd control to larger groups Arctic bolt is incredibly good for single Target damage and it also applies a buttload of stagger when you hit weak spots with it too then if you want to go more support Ed you could take life-taking Arrow which is a piercing shot that drains Health from enemies and gives it not only to your pawns but also to you yourself which is pretty neat too but then there's also Ricochet Hunter which is just absolutely nuts if you're doing any sort of indoor condent at all with walls or roofs in close proximity of any kind with enemies in it but it is sort of useless outside of that so it's definitely extremely Niche but it's also extremely strong and fun the final one that I really want to shed out here is safic Bolt which can put nearly any enemy in the game to sleep in a couple of hits and you can of course use that to combo with martyr bolt for a massive finish then in second I've got the thief which honestly shouldn't surprise a singular person the first skill is also probably unsurprisingly skull splitter this move just does an incredible amount of damage it Dodges lower attacks and it has an insanely fast hit rate that makes it essentially the best pairing for augural flare in the game leading to pretty much one-shotting most bosses in the game if you just skull split into an augural flare then past that you have formless faint which makes you automatically Dodge any incoming damage while active and then you combo that further with blades of the py which makes you well explode but the fun thing is these things interact together and so with formless faint you dodge your own explosions so you don't take damage from them or get flinched by them but still do massive damage to enemies that are nearby and this is just extremely fun and Powerful by itself too then your final slot is a bit more open General L suggest picking just one of your movement oriented skills in general just so you can get around the battlefield a little bit quicker but it's mostly personal choice and then we have number one which without a doubt is Warfare with the rearmament skill at the top maybe you consider this a bit of a Cheesy answer but I think this is just sort of extremely logical of all the ridiculously strong skills I've been talking about today only a few of them really are legendary skills and rearmament lets you use any combination of three non-legendary skills in the entire game in your other slots regardless of occas that they are attached to naturally this means that you can use things like augural flare and skull s Splitter on your own character for overpowered nut soap builds and you can even put them but together with like mired shield in that last skill slot and now you become literally unkillable while also being able to apply your own flares that do detonation damage depending on number of hits taken with your third skill being the fastest attack in the entire game it just undeniably creates the best possible Synergy on a singular character it lets you accomplish all of this without having to rely on Pawn AI for any of it which is what makes it the best simple as that That Just About Does it for today then everyone just a full ranking list of vocations by their best ability loadouts as well for a bit of fun to get to talk about what I think are best things are for each ones and why and how I think they compare to each other for various reasons I hope you've all enjoyed this and of course if you have any other thoughts on the subject feel free to leave them in Down Below in the comments of the video like if you like the video subscribe with the notification Bell for more and most importantly ladies and gentlemen until next time stay sweet Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 25,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragons dogma 2 best vocation, dragons dogma 2 all vocations, dragons dogma 2 best skills, dragons dogma 2 vocation skills, dragons dogma 2 unmoored world, unmoored world, unmoored world weapons, dragons dogma 2 highest damage, dragons dogma 2 weapons, best weapon, weapon, mystic spearhand, magick archer, sorcerer, thief, vocation, vocations, dragons dogma 2 gameplay, gameplay, dragons dogma 2 pawns, dragons dogma 2, pawn, best, mage, warrior, dragons dogma 2 best skill, ragegamingvideos
Id: AeNu_4bwbN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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