Dr Umar Johnson GOES OFF , Deion Sanders' Move to Colorado: In Spirited Debate In Front Of HBCU TSU

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we know Dion ain't the loyal type to the black community cuz he the one who also criticized Colin Kaepernick for taking a knee so you know what we're going to do we're going to get the whitest School in the country to offer him some money to come teach them cuz he couldn't went somewhere they were making a statement Dion was sent to Colorado to make a statement that every one of them ninjas got a price find his and pay him off it's up it's up [Applause] thank y'all so much man appreciate this up there their podcast live show was like it was real cool the host he was asking a lot of like good question for Umar to like he was giving a lot of push back for Umar to give his more you know more what he had to say about the topics he had my experience of the it's up there live podcast show was amazing I came because I met L time you have a show I definitely will be in attendance and I was I have my own podcast so I'm definitely learning a lot from this man king is giving me gems every time I see him um I really enjoyed the it's up there podcast live show um I learned a lot it's up there live podcast show was amazing it was a good time and always informational and uh the perfect date night for a Friday night I think the ins of their Life podcast was phenomenal defitely a platform that I am so glad to be a part of it was definitely enlightening and motivating and empowering oh it was awesome I am so glad I had so many other things going on tonight but I made it an a a a important it was very important for me it was also important for me to bring my grandson I share with everybody I [Music] know once again put your hands together for my man under the it's up there podcast my man Big L what up my brothery please take it good afternoon good afternoon everyone I want to thank everybody for being here today I go by big noon it's up there podcast for those of you that don't know me um I've Been instrumental in Foundation of podcast um for for hip hop and black men so I thank y'all for coming out this is a live taping of what we're going to do tonight is have a very very important conversation with Dr Umar Johnson any of y'all know Dr Umar all right cool cool cool without further Ado man let's bring out Dr Umar Johnson brother up all right can we get the can we get the uh oh just click okay all right Dr Dore how are you sir I'm well glad to be back in Nashville it's been about 4 years this might be my third visit overall I end up in Memphis a lot more I'm not sure why but I have to start spending a little bit more time in Nashville you you know your last time in Nashville ironically we did a podcast yes sir it was at the beginning of this thing that I've created and you are my first repeat guest I told you that backstage this thing is important to me right the conversations uh the curriculum the things that we discuss is very important for me to have a repeat guest for my audience speaks volumes and I want to let you know that as I did in the back you know in public that I appreciate what you bring to brother appreciate you as well today we gonna have a we gonna have a heated conversation all right there a lot to talk about yes sir um so for the recording you guys I need to start off um speaking to the camera so y'all give me a second welcome to us up there podcast I go by big Lon your active and attractive host for another episode of the fastest growing podcast on the market right now who we have here today is a Monumental force in Black Culture this guy is someone that if you ain't seen him you had to be hiding under a rock we got Dr Umar Johnson in the building to have a monumental convers I don't want to Doc I told you back there I don't want to really have a conversation about your school cuz everywhere you go we have the same conversations and I think they put you in this spot where it's just Comfort comfortable for you to speak and I want us to have a real conversation today but for the audience can you give them an update on your school really quick absolutely uh brothers and sisters and let me first say thank you to those of you who have supported and donated to the Frederick Douglas Marcus Garvey Academy we get a lot of donations from across the uh state of Tennessee a lot of them um and we just completed all the renovations on the school uh so now yes yes so now we have a HVAC inspection that'll take place in a few days and then we'll be applying for our certificate of occupancy from the city of Wilmington Delaware once that's done we're going to have a paint day to paint the school a cleanup day to clean up ain't much to clean up and then a Furniture day to move all the school Furniture in and then we're going to have a grand opening for the community so I want to invite all of you to come on up to Wilmington Delaware to the grand opening of the Frederick Douglas Marcus Garvey Academy we're not going to start school for the young people for another year because we need time to get all that right but we're going to start holding Community programs immediately there will be a conscious singles convention for those of you who are conscious and looking for a mate uh of the opposite gender who's also woke uh we're going to have the conscious singles convention we're going to have black woman's convention black men's convention ex offender conference black media conference black investors conference black Farmers conference we plan on having two conferences every month for the community so although fdmg will be a school by day it will also be a black community organizing Hub by night uh we're about 20 minutes from the Philadelphia Pennsylvania International Airport PHL so you want to look and see what flights get you to Philly the quickest round trip from uh Nashville and you just drop 20 minutes to the front door of to school uh Harriet Tubman spent a lot of time in Wilmington Frederick Douglas escaped through Wilmington The Honorable Marcus Garvey Incorporated his black Starline steamship in Wilmington Bob Marley used to spend his summers in Wilmington so a lot of history there in Wilmington Delaware right down the street from Philadelphia shout out to you do I know building this school I know what it's like to to build some but some of that magnitude man just Monumental I know that fight is a it's a mean fight was a hard Road my brother nine years I remember we took our first fundraiser in April of 14 St Louis uh we wanted to purchase the St Paul's College in lawrenville Virginia and HBCU that was closed down uh they wanted $2 million we didn't have any money we started raising money for St Paul's College the Chinese bought it uh took it right from up under us so then we said let's just get us a day school so I thought we were going to end up in Detroit because Detroit has a lot of Catholic schools in great shape that that were being sold for a reasonable price once they found out the purchaser was myself they refused to sell then it was a school in Mount Veron New York hometown of Denzel Washington Heavy D puffy and uh we wanted to lease this Catholic school they found out it was me they said no we had another school right outside of Cleveland Ohio Cleveland Heights Catholic School Philadelphia we had a Catholic School Trenton New Jersey we had a Catholic School my point is we could have been open years ago but every time we found a school that was worth buying they once they found out I was the purchaser they refused to sell it and in places like Chicago and Detroit the public schools for sale they would only offer me the schools in the worst condition so the good schools they wouldn't even show them to me when I went to Detroit they showed me schools with no roof schools with no back schools with the water up to your thigh why you showing me this when you got a school right across the street so uh it it was made very clear to me that the white power structure wasn't going to do anything to help me get this school so one day I'm on uh what is it a loopnet and I see the school in uh Wilmington former charter school was a black charter school and I'm on my way down to the Nat Turner uh 2017 great North American Eclipse if you remember that that big Eclipse it was August 21st of 2017 so August the 20th I stopped by the school I saw it went down there celebrated in that Turner with the eclipse came back went to Cuba to get my eii initiation came came back got into the school I said this is where we need to be but they wanted $2 million we didn't have it so they wanted the same price St Paul's wanted we didn't have it so I stayed after them for 18 months I kept calling harassing them pestering them and I said listen nobody going to buy this school but me sell me to school and then one day I called him and I don't know it was just my lucky day they said we going to give it to you for what you got and so February the 7th of 2019 we Clos wow wow that's dope yeah so um how do you explain to someone who doesn't know you what you do and why you do it uh I mean forly you know I always start with the formal so I tell folks you know Dr Umar eat tund is a doctor Clinical Psychology certified school psychologist uh Pana africanist the former minister of education for Marcus Garvey unia author of two books uh black parent advocate and uh psycho academic Holocaust founder obviously fdmg Academy and the national independent black parent Association but if I was to sum all that up I would say that as a Pana africanist we all as black people as African people have to decide how we're going to make our contribution to our people and so for me I've decided to do it in the area of education and mental health and so opening up this first school we're hoping to have so many more come after it because from a psychological perspective I understand we can't change nothing about our predicament until we change the way we think and so the thinking has to be changed in the children Frederick Douglas one of the models of our school is uh Frederick Douglas who I'm related to by Blood he said quote it's better to raise strong children than repair broken men and so that's the MTO of fdmg get them while you're young because being a therapist I know most people who come to therapy will never change they will never get helped people show up with depression bipolar anxiety low self-esteem domestic abuse suicidality most of them will never change because they're not ready to so that's people who' been dealing with a problem for five or 10 years you're talking about African people who' been dealing with post-traumatic slavery disease for 400 years so if people don't change after 10 years imagine 400 so we have our work cut out for us but I definitely believe that the mind we have to start with the mind there's no economic Revolution there's no political revolution there's no social Revolution there's no cultural revolution there's no spiritual Revolution without the psychological Revolution and if you study all great movements in history everyone Chinese Revolution French Revolution Russian Revolution Cuban Revolution American Revolution AF Revolution Vietnam Revolution they all started with an educational system to transform the way the children thought so if we're going to change we have to change with the mind you know we want to change our spending habits we want to change the situations between black men and black women you're not going to get the none of that until you change the way we fundamentally think about ourselves right we going to talk about some of that stuff today though yes sir sure but I want to start with Dion Sanders M you you went to The Breakfast Club and I want to roll this clip because I want you to uh kind of further speak about what we saw here on The Breakfast Club let's pay attention no he never said I could be gone in three years what does it matter though this I'm tell you why it matters I'm about to tell you right now why it matters cuz he damn wrong now if he told them if I'm going to go back and study some more but from what I seen him say he was not that direct but if he was if he was and that's not what I saw so I we disagree there but if he was he's still wrong but it's a low level because at least you was transparent and you gave him informed consent they knew you could leave at any time that's right okay still wrong I'mma explain in a minute now if he didn't tell them that okay and I'm hearing from people who know athletes on that team that they were not told it that way they weren't listen and they're upset cuz he said that on 60 Minutes okay he didn't say it that way charlam me I saw that he did not no he didn't now if he did not do it that way that automatically means that Deion Sanders used abused and exploited HBCU Jackson State just to be given an opportunity to show predominantly white institutions that he could coach if he only used them as a stepping stone to getting a job at a white college he was dead wrong sers now let the reason I'm so personally disappo in Dion is I thought he was there for a movement not for money meaning Dion Sanders the coach of Jackson State I foresaw a situation where Dion would hire other coaches other retired black NFL greats to coach other HBCU in doing so you attract our top tier high school athletes to come to HBCU stay with me stay with me stay with me football about you know like I know if you got top tier NFL greats coaching HBCU the athletes are coming just like they was coming for Dion he showed you charl he showed you and there's other one just one most famous people ever and his other one just as great so listen Georgia Tennessee State that's one person we talking about a system not an individual so depending on white money you got HBCU at risk of being closed I read something that said almost a half of them a half may not survive the decade so this was bigger than football this was about the survival of the HBCU especially no so I wanted to play that um and I want you to build on that son for those of you underw with that clip and just to give some context and some groundwork around it that clip was in reference to Dr umar's opinion about Deion Sanders leaving Jackson State and headed up to Colorado to coach that team you mind building on that I want us to have that conversation uh sure uh first I want to say that I have tremendous respect for Deion Sanders and what he's done uh for a long time he was my one of my favorite NFL players uh I have nothing negative to say about him as a human being or as a man we're speaking about his obligation to the black community and what he was in position to do to help secure the legacy of HBCU now the other day Dion Sanders hold on before you go sure cuz I know you got a lot you believe Dion can cons can secure the future of HBCU I believe he had a strong chance of being able to lay the foundation for doing so yes so laying the foundation and securing is different we can uh not necessarily because we have to see it in motion but the point is Deon Sanders was bringing top recruits to Jackson State right I saw Dion Sanders as being the Catalyst of a movement where X NFL greats and NBA great rates would occupy the coaching ranks at the premier HBCU campuses pulling all of our talent that is exploited by the pwi back to the HBCU College athletics is a multi-billion Dollar business we have at least 40% of HBCU right now in danger of being closed down we tried to buy one there's a few more that just closed down in the past year if you lose the HBC you lose middle class Black America the HBCU is responsible for more than 50% of our attorneys 50% of our Engineers 50% of our teachers 50% of our doctors if I didn't say that already so the HBCU has singlehandedly kept a professional class in Black America you just had a situation as I mentioned to Charlamagne where the Supreme Court just threw out affirmative action in College admission which means white colleges no longer have to pursue the black student anymore that just made HBCU is more critical if they don't survive the black middle class and or professional class doesn't survive when Dion showed up at Jackson State and I've spoke to players after that interview players who told me Dion did not tell us he can leave not that quickly multiple players so so but at one point do let me finish that point go ahead so therefore you come to this HBCU you see the change that you're able to generate why not systematize this so that HBCU can now compete with the Alabam and the Florida States for that football Revenue that basketball Revenue those top recruits and now the HBCU doesn't have to worry about handouts and contributions from alumni and celebrity blacks because you're now bringing in enough Revenue on an annual basis from your athletic programs the same way Duke and Carolina do to sustain the university Deon Sanders could have went down in history as one of the greatest black men in American you don't think so had he say that again you don't think he's still going down in history as an athlete but that's irrelevant to me I don't care about athletes I care about blacks as a coach you don't think he's going now as what coach as a coach he may I don't know what the future hoes but that's not important to me so what is he what would he Athletics Athletics does not in any way shape form or fashion compared to Black survival and success I don't care how many trophies you got how many rings you got that does not compare to where we end up as as a people is is sports Athletics a portal or a porter to power though how is it a porter to power when less than 50% of black division one male athletes graduate within 4 to 5 years and at least 40% of them never graduate at all they exploit them for 4 years and they back in the hood selling cracking weed how is that a p of the power yeah I understand that but at the same time I feel as though someone like Deion Sanders can come through that and continue to elevate I don't see so Deion Sanders bragging the other day that gained the home opener for the University of Colorado Boulder Colorado with a black percentage of 1.3% cracker land 1.3% black people in both y'all know King Kong was coming 1.3% black people in Boulder Colorado 2.6% black students at the University of Colorado Dion bragging that the home opener made $18 million what did that do for us I heard I I mean I understand that but I think it's I think he's thinking about his journey the same hold on the same way you're thinking about your journey no my life is for the the people everything I do is for the people all right I I understand and you you know we going to have some clapping and all of that you going to have it it's funny to me cuz I'm the realest Man in Black America listen listen what we going to talk about is the truth though because dealing with the truth we have to live in reality we're not the claps don't make us right or wrong right what we have to focus on is the truth you're telling me you're telling me that your life so if if that was the truth if your life was for the people you'll live at that school you wouldn't have a home I probably won't go home once the school open before it opens you will take the money from your home and put it in the school I have all of it just about see that's what I'm saying so there's but there's room to think about yourself yes but yourself does not take precedence over the people my life is for the people it is not about Personal Achievement nothing wrong with that here's what I'm saying because I don't want to make it all about Dion you understand this is a systemic problem we have as black people where we never subvert the personal agenda for the best interest of the race that's where we have to go Chinese The Race come first European Jews The Race come first aabs The Race come first and we're black people ourselves come first and that's why we can't win because all power is in the group Teamwork Makes the Dream Work hey y'all y'all are funny man y'all are so funny hey you know you know they were going to do this cuz you're powerful with this talk Make Some Noise this is why I brought you though Umar because again the way you speak I think you're one of the most brilliant speakers in the world but again I want us to hammer this point down you don't sleep at the school right well remember you do have a life outside of the school outside of the mission outside I have a school I have a life outside of the school but I don't have a life outside of the mission there's nothing I do on a daily basis that isn't directly tied to the liberation of African people I don't know give me something I don't know your daily you give me your daily routines I don't know I it's I find that I mean I'm at the airport today coming here I'm on the phone Consulting with a mother because they trying to expel her special ed son illegally because they never done a man estation determination they never gave him the behavior plan that the IEP Law requires him to have for them to even consider the exposion then I'm on the phone with another mom trying to help us save her son people call me 2 3:00 in the morning with mental health and educational emergencies you understand so I'm not saying that I am the most devout black man on the planet I'm just saying if it ain't me I don't know who it is all right so back let's get back to di cuz you popping some you popping it right there let's get back to Dion so so in all actuality with Dion I feel as though when I look at even people like business doesn't have moral claws in it right so no European business doesn't have moral and that's what the that's what the colleges are right ain't that the European structure okay all right so we're speaking about the again situational awareness you cannot ignore the facts Dion is inside of a structure and a system that he has to play a certain game the same way you do so Dion had to lead Jackson to go to allwhite Colorado cuz he's in the system yeah no Dion I believe Dion to be chasing a dream I believe Dion to be chasing a position for him his family and then the mission I believe the mission is still in the car with Dion sometimes when I hear you talk about the mission for him is saving kids at a allh school who he saving black up there who Dion saving they go they go who's Dion saving at the University of Colorado he's saving children though his son there they go who son did you save your daughter of course all right I don't like hold on not you keep on what I think listen it comes off disingenuous for me when you try to act like I'm going to put y'all in front of me and mine I got to save me and mine he got his son with him he on Miss I know Deion Sanders was brok and poor in the hood no not at all okay but my mission ain't accomplished you ain't broken poor but your mission ain't accomplished okay so every day we wake up we go towards the mission how is his mission tied to the white college his mission is tied to success and results looking at it for him and his family family what about the community again that's still on the agenda but where at an allh school where is the community on the agenda where is the black community on the agenda at Boulder Colorado so what I did if I'm Deion Sanders I come into Jackson State and lay a blueprint I break a mold I do something that's never been done but for you to that's for what you just spoke to you spoke to him bringing all this Revenue bringing these a he was there for how long that's that's that's not what we're speaking about no it is what we're speaking of because it shows a lack of commitment no no no here's OPP you know what the bigger issue is here go ahead what do we value more Building Systems of success for young black children or being accepted by white people that's what this is about Dion went to Colorado not for the money cuz he wanted to prove the white people he could coach white children that that's not right look at all them look at look oh it is right look look look did y'all see all the celebrities who was at that game last week did y'all see them flying all the way to Boulder Colorado why they don't come to Tennessee State like that for your homecoming why they not at Howard like that why they not a South Carolina state you know why cuz it was a white school it's the same reason why entertainers will go to the Grammys and go to the amas but they'll start fights at the uh Source Awards and the bets because we Value white people we want to be accepted by white people Dion wanted white people to know he could coach at a white school I think this is miscategorization Mr doct no I think what I think what what Dion wanted was to show that he can be successful in Collegiate Sports he could have done that in Jackson I think because that well he did it in Jackson this is the point I'm making two years was it yeah he did and he did it he did it so what I'm saying is though brother come on listen he used them to get seen known to go to a white college and you know what I think y'all I believe the white power structure sat down had a meeting and said we got to put an end to this if we let Dion stay at Jackson and he start pulling Ed Reed and Randle Cunningham and all these ex all these X NFL greats to these HBCU they going to steal our money this is a billion doll Empire we cannot afford for the HBCU to steal all the top tier athletes cuz there will be a reversal of power in D1 Sports this is what they said and they said we know Dion ain't the loyal type to the black community CU he the one who also criticized Colin Kaepernick for taking a knee so you know what we're going to do we're going to get the whitest School in the country to offer him some money to come teach them because he could have went somewhere they were making a statement Dion was sent to Colorado to make a statement that every one of them ninjas got a price find his and pay them off you know what I think I think and and they listen see them facing you see look talk to me about hey y'all y'all y'all feel him listen when he sit back and do you like this bro what he sit back and do you like this right here he kicking the highest game he can kick right there as high as he can get boy but it's it's effective listen I think what I what I believe is that in college Sports we have to be effective to get higher to do certain things just like you I'm still want I want you to look at it through your lens and the things you've been able to do and how you had to exit certain routes you had black people um come and try to fix your school up and you had an issue with that sometimes the power structure calls for us to need a handoff need an assist need something to put us black contract is scheming and scamming ain't got nothing to do with Dion run to 1.3% Black this is what I'm saying color so so here here let's let's wrap that around HBCU and business in general not HBCU but business in general has no moral Clause I disagree with that tell me from European standpoint yes we ain't Europeans our business always have a clause what you so fost not to have access to power what business or industry do we even control we2 trillion Doll People what business or industry do that's the problem we control his access schol for the white his access to power goes through b to Colorado goes through the power structure all this money Dion making for them by the time he's done he would have made far more for them than he earned from them not only that God forbid if he ever be but the point is he shouldn't even be in that position cuz you had the chance to restructure an entire HBCU athletic system permanently and you sold it out for money to go to a white college that's the facts of the situation I disagree with that it's the facts it's undisputable that's what he did that's why he not still at Jackson he's not at Jackson because he had an opportunity called an opportunity to go teach at to coach at a white school no to Showcase his skills on in a different level oh we don't know what Dion is capable of no not in college not listen not not again you have to coach in these different markets same way you got to go speak in different markets same way I got to podcast it ain't about compromis it's about results I keep telling you I'm showing up to show out I ain't showing up to do that other stuff results for who for my for my stat sheet for what I been able to do yeah so if he's they trying to turn black people into a permanent underclass you talk about stat sheets burn the damnn stat sheets n you need that don't do more if that's the case you would you would sleep in the mop room at your I will be I don't think I once I get these are future plans but this dude here is working now I'm telling you if you believe what college if you believe what you're telling me you will walk in that school and say damn it with the house damn it with the car until this school get up and rolling uman don't got nothing well I agree with everything so so I'm that's that's my point you can't compare my commitment to the black community to Dions because he has yet to show it you don't think he's saving children doing what being the motivation continue I arrest my case oh so you don't think motivation is necessary brother to whom much is given much is required you telling that to me and I got a lot Dion has a lot yeah so for you to tell me that he's somehow benefiting black children cuz they see him winning at a white College that's the same argument obam Maniacs made when Barack was in the White House and negro said just him being there was a benefit to black people only problem with that it didn't play out in the statistics High School graduation didn't go up crime didn't go down you understand we didn't do better on a single index in this country as a result of Obama being in the white house so now you're giving me Dion on the white football field Barack Obama and the white man house listen they're clapping for nothing they're clapping for nothing no they clapping for the truth they're clapping for nothing it's and it's it's hard it's hard because you're not even getting through it and they're clapping so I know they're clapping for nothing no they hear me but but more than hearing me they feel me yeah they feel you I feel you I I believe you to I believe you to be the truth like I always say but I'm telling you that I believe you not to believe what you're saying I don't believe that you truly believe that someone should put everything they have into the mission I don't I don't see you doing that only way we I don't see you doing it though you don't see me doing it no okay show me another psychologist who has done more to change the way black parents deal with the mental health and school system in this country I haven't seen I know what you do and for the sake of conversation let me push back in history for the sake of conversation I will push back where's the result show me some numbers show me something tangible I can look at I tell you what I'mma do I'mma have every parent I've ever saved and child I help email you directly and now and then you can take it from there my brother all right and I'll definitely have it I'll pull it up on on black power on the interview black power you see and and here's the black power yesterday black power today and black power tomorrow but most of all most of all black queens forever Snow Buddies never y'all getting Dr Omar Johnson in round for tonight y'all getting Dr Umar Johnson the ra for him so so um how far how far are you willing to go for your children as far as the mission required see here's the thing we have different value systems right and the problem with black people is we operate on a platform of selfishness and individual agenda every other group the culture comes first the culture comes first could you imagine if Dion Sanders was at a historically Mexican college and he got an offer to go to Boulder Colorado and turn his back on the Mexican students at the Mexican college on the Mexican football team he would have never done why has this looked at like turning your back I just he took a job because he did he had a chance to make a structural systemic historic change in the benefit of black so you believe you you believe that they would have let him make that change but you don't believe that we have that access to any power but he could have made that change single access to power at Boulder Colorado no it's not a finished product this is what I'm saying okay what will the Contin but we don't know but he's on a journey the same way see here's the thing I find here's the thing I find disingenuous you were someone that started a school you went through criticism every move you would try and here so I'm here's another black man I'm building a black school he had a white college how you comparing them listen s scho you foret about that I know Deion Sanders had a charter school he never owned an independent school like I do Charter scho listen listen it was a charter school it was a charter school you we'll give yall to speak you know we all live recording charter schools are publicly owned Marcus Garvey Academy is independently owned by black but I'm saying listen back back to what I'm saying hey LeBron James drar School Dr Omar Johnson know what you say Dr Omar Johnson stop she was wrong I had to CL I understand I understand listen though who owns it listen who owns it listen who owns it hey hold on sweetheart I'm so we'll give you an opportunity I'm gonna give you a mic in just a second listen though you you're judging Dion Sanders and this is not a finish we will in a minute but but I don't hey hold on now hey man on whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on I love my brother this is my show let's let's let's remember that this is long show don't y'all can clap all you want we have to talk about the things I want to talk about yes sir sorry yes sir yes sir sorry right Dr Umar cuz I haven't finished this point I really want us to spend some time and we got a lot to talk about yeah but in particular want to look like I'm I'm trying to dig I know these guys they know this is I'm just trying to get information and I won't you to speak to him yes sir if as if as as if he's watching I want you to speak as if they're watching because they n times out of 10 off watching they watch so I'm telling you this is this is important to me so now I'm saying that I feel as though it's unfair for you to judge di Sanders in his current position as he is on the journey the same way you were on your journey for 12 years to build a school that some people say should have took one year okay now you how can they say that if they never built it you've never did what he did he never done what I'm doing so again why you speaking well what is he doing he going to a white college a lot of black coaches went to a white college what do you mean no no no he's breaking the code of what it looks like to be a head coach he's trying to get to the first black head coach of a white school no no no he's the first of his kind he's the first of his kind he's a different kind of Coach okay and at the end of the day what what are you expecting to come out of Dion what does he change being a coach at this white school let's say Dion goes 30 years undefeated what the hell did he change for black people at that all white school wait I mean that's a loaded question you can change a lot of Lo yeah see you can't tell me what a loaded question is these are tactics and I know you're a great speaker stop the tactics you know the the this the D these are tactics we yeah these are tactics so we want to just have a now listen I believe him let's just move off Dion cuz I feel as though hey look I feel as though you yeah clap too much we going back clap too much we going back let's talk about ESPN and Fox what we saw with shadon sha um according to yeah according to Stephen A Smith uh skip bis and Shannon sharp had a run in and he was let go um this news just came out a lot of people thought he would he left on his own or some kind of good so ship had a run in yeah there was some argument live about the live I remember that yeah yeah and so I think that bled over to behind the scenes and led to eventually those two guys not being able to coexist um Shannon Shaw is now on ESPN Stephen A Smith broke the news that he was asked to leave um what what do you think about people like Shannon sharp sitting next to someone like skip Bor and providing that um type of style and swag to those I think the shed and sharp skip bis situation is so symbolic for black people in America on many levels because Shannon was a better commentator than skip he made the show but because skip was the privileged white man Shannon made the mistake of outshining the master and within the white power structure you're not allowed to do that and so skip was willing to cut off his fingers to teach Shannon a lesson that you never would never go against the White Hand That Feeds you and so it was unfortunate but I'm glad Shannon is gone because to me I believe he was selling himself short constantly trying to play humble black man to this arrogant white man you think he played humble up there I've seen him he did many of times and you saw it on on y y'all saw him when he kept trying to ingratiate himself to skip he tried to win skip give me an example just in the in the in in the nonverbals in the language in the difference he always tried to make sure he didn't go too far in challenging skip he always started the shows with the with the with the with with the hand the you know he wanted it he didn't want to leave I think Shannon tried to win skip back over but skip being the slave master he is he needed to teach Shannon a lesson and although his ratings are going to drop in Skip's mind it was well worth it because in the mind of a white man what good am I if I can't even check a black man so that was all about RAC and it was about power and I think Shannon may have not fully understood the rules of racism and the first rule of racism is all white people are racists and the second rule of racism white people don't share power with black people so the minute Shannon wanteded an equitable power sharing in the conversation on Undisputed he had to go skip had to let him know we are not Partners I'm the slave you're the slave and I'm the slave master Shannon tried to break the cold change the power Dynamic white people don't do well with you changing power dynamics cuz at the end of the day all they have is their white privilege over and above you but with that being said and I love my brother Shannon sharp I think he got a good heart but until he stopped running around with them damn snow bunny I'll never be able to give him the total respect that he deserves I think he's a good brother but he got to he got to heal whatever went on with him and his children's Mother ex-wife whatever but for him to be as dark as he is is and to only be running around with white women is a disgrace to the race so love Isn't Love isn't love to Dr Umar John if love is love why don't we see rich white women marrying broke ass black men if love is love does that speak to what what are you saying with that I'm saying what white woman married to a black man has ever done anything significant to help black people Kobe Bryant's Widow Vanessa who inherited over a billion dollars worth of his wealth she just did a HPC excuse me a college partnership in Kobe's name and all five colleges she chose to be part of this Kobe Bryant thing were white she didn't choose a single black college for this black man's money who didn't attend a college at all isn't College the European power structure what so do we participate with it or not like at some points we hear yo get outside the power structure create your own then other the moment we here yo you should have stayed at that HBCU in the white power structure cuz you still could have utilized it but if you go to this other school you're in the white power structure and you can do nothing I'm like I'm confused as to why the power confused clar anything in Boulder Colorado at Jackson State he could have did a lot what we're talking about is Kobe Bryant's Widow taking his black man man's money and not using any of it to support HBCU I know black people ain't supporting nothing with they money okay so do I but that wasn't the point so it ain't about the skin color it's about the it is about skin color it's always about race everything in America is about race it's black people that don't help black people I ain't been helped by why cuz they've been taught not to help black okay so if that's and who taught them not to help still situational awareness them not to help black still the same situ not to help black there's a history to self-hatred I'm not exempting black people but any problem we got if you don't start with a plantation analysis you off base yeah but at the end of the day I'm I'm telling you that it's not just being black that makes you contribute to the cause and I think you're framing it like you got be black and conscious black and all right so you got black people with money that don't check the conscious box that do nothing for the black community that's true so if we can't just say if you're black and in a position that you're going to do something but you can't scapegoat psychologically dysfunctional Negroes from the fact that they exist in a white racist power structure the power structure is still the power structure whether you committed or not that's and the only way we're going to get black people to be focused on building their own institutions and systems is to build our own Institutions and systems that's what Dion could have helped us do at Jackson State because he he CH snow bunny Boulder Colorado see and this is where this is where I just think you just tripped yourself up because you're still telling Dion to participate in the HBCU system yes I am okay so there there we are you're still in the so how can you do something if the system is the system no matter where you go a black system is a black system a white system so now you saying College if it's HBCU is a black system the HBCU grew out of a legacy of enslavement you understand but you know they were built to give black people the opportunity to learn how to make it in this world they are discriminated against they are ignored and they are being marked for extermination Deion Sanders was at an HBCU at a time where they really could have used him to stay put and create a system that would have reviz revolutionized the financial system of division one sports that's all I'm saying what do you think about chose money what do you think about female rap what do I think about female rap be more specific this over seexual rap is hell so we not we'll get to gangster rap I want to focus on female well they gangster raps too a so so so it's kind of over sexualized people to say that it's reached a certain height that that is uncomfortable for certainely pre pornographic so you have no you you I mean what's your thoughts on just pre that's it it's pre if I were in charge there would be no gangster rap and there would be no soft pornography rap it all be exterminated and one of the biggest contradictions I see right now as we celebrate the 50 years of hip-hop is I don't hear nobody having a conversation on how hip hop has hurt Black America gangster rap is the marketing scheme for the mass incarceration of black males and nobody saying nothing about it 50 years of gangster rap 50 Years of Hip Hop most of the money made by Jewish publish and housers not a single black institution relevant black institution and let me tell you what relevant institutions are schools Banks hospitals supermarkets manufacturing and distribution centers 50 years billions of dollars the most influential music form on Earth and in 50 years they haven't built a single Institution for black people throw it in the trash so that's gangster rep and I I've heard you also say that they're flaunting and and certain things you feel as though that they're um almost on oh yeah black people who who are the main message of gangster rap is I made it out the ghetto you didn't and I'm going to flaunt to you what I have that you may never get it's about making yourself look important to people who don't have much now by you see you made a lot of money off do you know you I'm make a lot of money off what yeah I got you just hold what you got do you know that do do you know that do you know that you've made a lot of money in like a the motivational space do you know people view you as like like some sort they they pull motivation from you do you not recognize of course I'm the greatest black speaker on the planet right now he okay so when when you say that when you say that and let's let's hold off for some of that Dr Umar we'll have to now just but but seriously um people look at I don't make much money from that I make my money from you get your brand visibility though from that see that's that's value that goes in different buckets especially when you're building a my credentials pay the bills not the work for the no no bro you can't tell me that oh don't do that a fact AB no no it's not a fact there a lot of school psychologist cuz it's a lot of school psychology it's a lot of people with your your um attributes that don't make the kind of money you make and if they did pay the bills didn't you wouldn't take bookings the way you do no no okay I'm not going to break down my bookings right I'm just going to say that a lot of what I do in the community is done at zero cost I don't charge a penny to go into the prisons I don't charge a penny to go into the halfway houses I don't charge last time you been to a prison on a halfway house about a month ago last month I don't charge the penny to go to Africa how do you know what to charge for and what not to charge for well because because I'm a doctor I can charge for everything that I do but I'm said I don't charge for anything when I leave the country no yeah how do you I don't charge for anything when I work with vulnerable populations so if one of them call me up right now and say Dr um I work at the youth prison can you come down here to Nashville and speak to my boy sure just cover the plane ticket I'm not going to charge you a penny I've never charged for those things right so how do you know what to charge for and what not to charge for if do you charge for like because okay I don't charge for vulnerable populations so if you are helping people help themselves I'm not going to exploit that I'm coming for free just get me there that's it okay again I I want you to know that and I didn't even charge for my speaking for the first 10 years you know when I started to charge for my speaking when it started taking me away from my Psychological Services and then I had to make if you're making so much money on Psychological Services why the hell am I going to come speak for free or or no let me cuz I know what you going to say this is about the mission so I'm saying if I'm if if if I'm shut up if I'm making so much money on the on on the psychology why the hell am I speaking for 10 years for free you TR you you got tell me why are you interested in speaking at all and I'm trying to be respectful you guys don't make me be I I was sitting here by the ancestors disrespectful means just turn up in my give me a second Dr Umar seems like that conversation is getting heated I go by big loan it's up there podcast what you're looking at right now is it's up there podcast live event if you have not been to one I implore you to get the one I advise you to get the one I recommend that you get the one it is a one-of aind event there's nobody else that can have a live podcast and keep people that engaged and entertained at least in our opinion and the result show for itself we had a packed house I want to ask anyone that's watching this video to do me one favor pull your phone out go to wherever you listen to podcast And subscribe to it's up their podcast and then subscribe to this YouTube channel if you just need more of loom more podcast more entertainment more content and you come behind the payal patreon.com and sub their podast and we operate as a family back there this conversation went on for 3 hours I like to stress that man because it's so important that people know it's possible man we came from humble beginnings man we came from nothing with this podcast thing man we was able to make it out with this thing we got a packed House of black people white people all race of people to come here conversation we didn't tell him a rapper was going to be there we didn't tell him an athlete was going to be there we didn't tell them they'll get money they'll win a prize there's a contest there's they get a Instagram we didn't tell them they get nothing but the coming heads up there podcast big Lon and somebody be there with and for that I'm thankful and I'm grateful to each and every one of y'all but we have to run a business and to support the business you have to go wherever you listen to your other podcast and hit sub subscribe put us in that rotation hit subscribe on this YouTube hit share on the video comment on the video these things are imperative as we move through this ecosystem you no longer do us Justice by just watching and not saying nothing and seeing me in public and saying something or dming me you now have to be visible and so I give those marging orders to the people that's watching me to the people that really support me if you just a fly by Watcher hey do your thing it says 71% of the people that watch this has not subscribed but they're returning viewers and so I have to make this kind of video to to kind of instruct y'all of how to support 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Channel: Its Up There Podcast
Views: 447,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deion sanders, deion sanders colorado, dr umar johnson deion sanders, charleston white, deion sanders interview, deion sanders post game, dr umar johnson, shedeur sanders, football, coach prime, espn first take, coach prime postgame interview, black people, umar johnson, deion sanders 60 minutes, charleston white deion sanders say cheese, deion sanders charleston white, charleston white pilar sanders, cam newton charleston white, umar johnson joe budden interview
Id: YKn9n5e3Qn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 21sec (3381 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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