Dr Umar Johnson Responds To Long Time Bank Loan Argument

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[Music] awesome [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign Club interviews the Vlad interviews and I was pissed off at Vlad because he chopped my interview up he didn't do that with Mark Lamont Hill or the other Scholars he played they interviewed flat right why not just play mind flat don't sensationalize my content unless you're going to put it in a way where you leading Credence to the message but he was yeah he was turning into some [ __ ] yeah excuse me click bait and I didn't like him for that right so then his people hit me up they said well let's come back let's do another one I fell back on that yeah you know what I mean because I didn't come on there for that I came on there for a grown man interview right you know what I'm saying so but I think those interviews show the power structure that you can't give him mainstream attention because it goes viral yeah and I'm telling you the way it went the way the ripple effect was crazy man like yes it was everywhere like like you said I was amazed brother yeah man the only thing I you know because like I don't give a damn because it needs to happen like you have to be on these platforms so we need to build some other ones that you need to be on because those interviews are more important than the Charlemagne asking somebody about who punched them in the face and why like I like that too right right but it's it's an interesting thing over there uh with Charlemagne that I'm noticing he he has this guy he does a podcast with named Andrew show yeah who came at me a bunch a couple yeah he got a I saw one joint but he's been coming he's and and what he's saying he he he he's saying like and the [ __ ] he's saying and it's not a Nuance yeah he called me the black Hitler or something the black Trump the black Hitler like oh [ __ ] and I'm thinking to myself like the dude listen yeah and and if I play it to you gonna be like what the what's up with this yeah the one I saw was yeah it was too intense for somebody I don't know it never had a cross off with but Charlemagne because that's his friend I don't think Charlemagne understands what he's doing unconscious okay okay he's giving this guy because they sit down and talk every week about Black Culture right he's giving Schultz because I've watched what is it the brilliant idiots yeah it really is podcast I've watched shows I'm a fan of shows okay but I've watched him Garner enough nuts to start to even say these kind of things I see what you're saying you're too comfortable because of Charlemagne you're too comfortable without that podcast with Charlemagne I don't see him speaking on black culture okay I don't see him even doing these things I've I've listened to Charlemagne explained to him things without enough information okay like for the black experience he might just say hey man what's up with the guys doing this in Charlemagne for the sake of content is pulling his leg and just you know shits and giggles okay but this guy's forming a real opinion not on only on you but on Black Culture yeah rappers on hip hop on like without Charlemagne Andrew Schultz isn't who he is got you Charlemagne comes from The Breakfast Club he brings all of us yes to his podcast yes which you're there saying stuff here and there and when you take a liking or or not or we just now recognize who you are but it's a weird thing and I wonder and I want to ask Charlemagne that I wonder if Schultz has affected the way he looks at you because I know that he's he was impressed with you I think he still is okay okay and I would say that because we do texts from time to time okay uh when I hit him up on the fourth interview he was all for it okay we just didn't make the ends meet here's what I'ma say about Charlemagne not to defend anything that is indefensible right of course but I would say that having met him he's a lot more conscious and concerned about the state of the race than I would have thought before I met him and see I thought that too and I think that but 2019 see back when when when when that when I saw the brother polights and the yeah the the Dr UMass and the farrakhans and them going out to Farrakhan spotting yeah even in his regular conversation he references umai reference is fair this has gone away like okay I watched these guys because I'm a student of the game and so what what confuses me is that I know 100 because those episodes that you catch clips of when they talk about Umar Johnson yeah I catch the whole thing so I I listen and and I see that Schultz gets him in a place where like and I'ma ask you to to speak about this because this is the thing that he held on and he kind of he kind of stumped Charlemagne Charlemagne didn't know what to say okay the whole thing about the bank loan like you can't right you sent you can send him back if he's Asian you can send him back if he's so Andrew Schultz's point was that's Umar Johnson is a crock of [ __ ] come on listen listen listen come on he's talking to black people education is going to cost me 100 Grand the car is going to be about 70 grand the house is going to be a quarter of a million body or prove that but you don't approve the business loan which is probably for half the amount because if I finance your empowerment that disrupts my system of extermination in genocide you cannot kill a people who you are financially empowering so we are kept without access to wealth that's why the hood is full of mom and pop stores that's why the hood is full of struggling businesses because America has a policy where you do not Empower black people for their own benefit any other minority yes why because if they get out of hand they can be sent home the black man cannot be sent home slavery is over there is older than America America was born on July 4th 1776 slavery in the colonies began on August the 20th 1619. you can get a student what do you think Chris I disagree absolutely I have a little bit of experience can I just can I just respond to one thing and then because I want I want to show you okay first of all uh you can get first of all it just I really get upset at these types of people because they just take advantage of people that aren't that aren't intelligent and they speak well and they take advantage of fear they take advantage of anger right there are black people that go through racism every single [ __ ] day and they feel angry about it as they should right and they feel they feel uh just just wronged by society and they need and they need a rationale for those feelings and this guy comes in and he comes in and he goes oh I got you I'm gonna make money off of your anger I'm gonna make money off of your fear and I'm gonna give you the perfect solution I'm gonna give you a nice big bad guy for you to believe in that's the cause of all your problems and I'm gonna tell you some real sexy [ __ ] and I'm gonna bring out the dsm-4 psychology Bible and tell you why it justifies all my [ __ ] bigoted ass opinions so when it comes the white man when it comes to this long [ __ ] right here when it comes to this loan she's talking about here how is it that you could get a loan for a house but you can't get a loan for a small business [Music] yeah so this is what he's saying right he says you can't send an Asian back that's an American you can't send uh these people back if they're Americans also he says uh did they not put Asians in internment camps in World War II who are American citizens they put them in concentration camps right American they put them in internment camps during World War II right here in this country see in that seat Charlemagne or myself don't have that information right Schultz on the other hand went to school abroad and stuff so he's has a little bit more understanding of some of these things so he's able to Corner Charlemagne I got you and and kind of put him in a place where hey man you know uh where he wouldn't be able to do that to me exactly here's the only reason why I haven't debated him I need to make sure that I get more out of it than him yeah for reasons you just said right he's benefited from Charlemagne's platform right I have a very strong following right right I can't afford for him to benefit from mines right you understand right right because the European is all about exploitation yes even this business an agenda behind me yes that supersedes his ego yes it's Financial it's political you follow what I'm saying call me right now and said I want to debate you and I'm gonna give you a million dollars to restore your school let's get it popping I'm ready let's go yeah yeah let's go yeah yeah but I am not going to debate a no name right because for me he's a no-name I never knew him before Charlemagne as you said I'm not wasting no time with no no name up if I'm not gonna get something out of it right he even if he pull up a half mil quarter Mill yeah I'm ready now yeah yeah I don't need no prep let's go yeah yeah but if you think I'm going to give you the benefit of my following my platform my position and I ain't getting nothing out of it but it's a conversation with a nobody right no and see and and and that's what I'm saying I I almost think and I want to talk to Schultz too and I'm asking the tough questions because he needs to be asked yeah yeah uh but but I seen Tariq Nasheed do it with him I didn't know they had a conversation oh man and he sat him down and just he just kind of you know [ __ ] [ __ ] him [Music] much for joining us man it's my pleasure I listened to you on tax yesterday yeah you are talented thank you my brother I don't say that about anybody I don't know if you listen to this podcast but I'm very uh you know seldomly bestowed at compliment on people you have a gift thank you you're a great communicator very very good communicator and I'm listening to this episode I wonder and I mean this when I say you are a gifted [ __ ] communicator and I wonder if you suffer from a lack of competition hmm I wonder if you know how like Jordan needed the Pistons yeah to reach Peak Jordan you know and like magic and bird needed each other and you know all greats need somebody to push them to expose their greatness and I wonder if you're so good at making arguments seem completely understandable completely believable that the person that you're arguing with uh that isn't challenging you enough and I felt and I felt like and I remember thinking in certain ways like when you were talking about white supremacy um I was like are you is this hmm how do I explain it are you blinded by white supremacy in terms like where you're missing the maybe the actual root cause of an issue um well blinded that's interesting blinded by whites meaning like like you're so committed to proving white supremacy which we which we can absolutely acknowledge right in certain in certain instances is the indicator is the root cause and certain in certain okay but I think in other ones it might not be what happens a lot of times people put black folks in token positions and say hey there's a black guy right there so there's no white supremacy there's uh two black kids going to that school so it's not segregated no white supremacy it's integrated because there's two black people right there you see integration is a trick word it's white supremacy no no I'm saying you said if there's one or two it's a token so I'm going what percent of representation does it become not a token but in fact the exact representation that it should reflect of the population when there's equal treatment and equal resources for the group function of white supremacy that they're doing so well here because they're allowed to other people are allowed by the white supremacists to prosper over black Americans here I don't know I keep going to Nigerian doctors and dentists that's the thing they're allowed they're allowed why would a white supremacist allow a black Nigerian to receive such wealth and privilege because they can take that wealth and privilege right away if they want to how anytime they can Deport them they can send them back over to Nigeria hell you can't you absolutely if you're a black Boxer um if you are black if you're if you're from another country we're talking about immigrants here they can find a reason to deport you my mom's an immigrant from where from Scotland okay well she's white that's different but a black person only Deport black immigrants no no no I didn't say that but okay you can Deport them with black people well they're doing that now with syrians all they have to do is say you're a terrorist you're connected to Isis they can make up anything you're connected with Boko Haram they could make that up and you have no proof you have Ebola from Nigeria so you're going to have to go back because they're connected to Boko Haram and for people who aren't familiar book around Boko Haram is a terrorist organization with links to Isis that is uh operating in Nigeria right now and it's displaced thousands of people um really scary [ __ ] but uh who have they sent back because of Boko Haram as far as my understanding Ebola with the Ebola thing but but the thing is I'm giving you an example they won't let people over they'll say well he can't come over here I'm just giving you an example of what they can do they can do anything this is why you're good I'm giving you an example I'm giving you an example what they can do now she was saying great things but Schultz he's a comedian so you have to know it's mannerism it's mannerisms and the way he's able to present things okay he can make it seem away but you have that too oh yeah without being so Tariq is just kind of sitting there he's not a scholar he's not a trained scholar so there you go with the right Supremacy you know so he's not yeah and he's he don't he may not even know how he looked yeah Schultz drilling at him and and you see the titles that Schultz put up see Charlemagne somewhere in his mind this is it's his own his mind he's a cancer I know it's on his mind somewhere he may not ever speak about it okay but this guy is getting out of I mean he's doing it and he's still at it yes see I didn't know that he moves it like from you to he he's a contrarian he's turned since you and Tariq Nasheed and then this whole when he felt this Dole he caught striving and and found a way to kind of go against people and get notoriety from he started he stem and switched his whole [ __ ] to now I'm just a contrarian right because she's able to get the black views off of that and the white view exactly and he titles it to get the white views like and I think if Charlemagne's not paying attention uh but some [ __ ] he'll say you'll see the title of a video and this could be coincidence I don't think it is I think it's bad yeah so so you will see a title and it'll say something like uh uh the brilliant idiots debunk racism and he's sitting next to one of our cultures most prominent people right like he co-signing that you're sitting next to him yeah and so and I'm thinking to myself either Charlemagne doesn't he probably not conscious enough you know Joey Diaz is amazed they're comedians they're trying to figure out you know how did you start getting these views yeah damn dude you're kicking it culture vulture coach your vote and so Charlemagne he's sitting there the whole time just like you know man I was 17 you know I started you know you know you know going to the comedy club you know the next thing you know I start putting these clips up and so you know there's this weird thing that I'm hoping because Charlemagne is in a position to put people like you in front of our youth yes so in a weird way and just by conversation I have to I have to lean towards he's being affected man I have to just because and I'm not saying clip wise I got you I'm talking about two in three hours because shows gets him in these places and he can't he because you know he like he said I don't have enough information right and like he said like one one of the time he told him he said about your Breakfast Club interview he was talking about uh something and Charlemagne said dude I didn't have the information right he's he's he's this is what he does right he's like um well how how didn't he know this or whatever and I'll let you hear it after the interview just so you can know you don't have a sense of what's going on yeah but you know that that's just yeah that that that's something to me something there to me and I'm just trying to figure out what stopped Umar from being on these I here's where I'm at with it to your point which is an excellent point the Roland Martin interview when he tried to assassinate my political reputation and I flipped it right I think that interview may have hurt me more to get other interviews because I did so well with it in other words the power structure probably said look at what he did we sent Roland in there with two Coons I ain't gonna say three because the third brother he was all right okay but Lauren Burke and Eugene Craig they were Coons okay Roland Martin in two Coons but an Entourage of four and they cannot take down Dr Umar if he can do this to Roland imagine what he'll do to Don Lemon right Wolf Blitzer right Conan right you see the Oprah right we can't if young black people see him do on Oprah or CNN what he did to Roland that we will become yeah the black Messiah right see serious leaders they never put them on mainstream TV they never put them on mainstream TV unless they know they can control their actions or know they have to answer to somebody who can control the action they put Malcolm on TV but Malcolm had to answer to the honorable Elijah Muhammad right in the Nation of Islam is not a political organization so they didn't have to worry about them trying to make changes in society because they are religious they're not political right right so they could Malcolm up right once Malcolm split he was still on TV but not as much because now he has the freedom to do and we don't need him giving out marching orders on our show yeah you see yeah you got to watch that the ones who are always on TV they're not a threat the real ones don't get them how many times you saw hrat brown right Stokely Karma a few times yeah yeah yeah but not only regular I don't even remember because uh the worst thing you can do to an organizer somebody who's organizing to undermine your agenda is to give them your platform to inform their people about how they can help them undermine you yeah that's why you'll never see me on I think I can force it though as we continue in this voice and the power come and the school come right they won't have a choice because here's the issue with the white man he has a need for power but he also has a need to get paid capitalism and racism Works hand in hand but racism says Dr Umar doesn't go on CNN yes the capitalism says do you know how many views we would get if he went one-on-one with Don Lemon right right right right right if he does with down what he did with Roland do you know how many views we will get and then the racist comes back and say yeah you'll get 10 million views the first day yeah but at what cost it affects how many more black you [ __ ] are going to be woke up how many black folks are gonna go looking for him right and that's the balance of the racism and the capitalism that the white man has always had to strike right right which is why with the black comedians they'll let them stretch out a little bit more with their political rhetoric right because they're comedians they're not organized but the minute the comedian starts saying he wants to organize they clip him I.E uh what's the I.E Bill Cosby in jail right now because he tried to buy uh NBC and what's the brother that died man I'm I'm losing it uh I could this comedian Dick Gregory Dick Gregory yeah shout out to you know right before he died I spoke in DC we were on the same cart we spoke about three times together we did Boston together uh we did DC together and we did another city together and the last time I saw him was at a DC lecture black church right excuse me he never did this before he waited he had already spoke he'd only go he waited until I was done outside at his age he waited to talk to me I'm like Bob McGregor you never wait for me I mean we always been cool but you never wait brother we spoke outside till it got dark yeah I want to say five six hours yeah kicking it yeah five six seven this man knew all my heroes yeah personally yeah Medica personally Malcolm personally person Stokely Ace rap all mines yeah yeah he's telling me Umar you got to be careful but when I look at you I see them yeah you know and I'm paraphrasing him but this is basically what he tell him he give me a little tidbits watch this watch this watch this we only left we would have been out there to the sunrise yeah we only left because his driver said he had to make another run he had to take him home yeah when he took off brother a lot of you not I told my brothers who was with me I got chills yeah I said I don't think he's gonna be with us too much longer him taking that time out to me was symbolic of him telling us in the torch I'm passing it I got to go right I knew all your Heroes um this is the last time I'ma see you and I want you to know that you got my back right you on the right path keep on pushing and you are there real it was almost like he was the go-between between Malcolm and me king and me right right right right definitely less than 30 days he was gone damn and when I went to his funeral I was standing in line because his daughter called me to give me a ticket he said my father would want you to be here yeah I'm standing in line to go inside the funeral pack beautiful funeral Stevie Wonder it was all that one of his friends came up to me said I just want you to know that me and Bobby Dick Gregory had a lot of long conversations about you and he loved you Dr Umar yeah he loves you yeah and I flashed back to that that's why he took them hours with me because he saw something in me that he saw in them and the message I got from him is you ain't got to prove nothing to me right I know you real right that's what I got from him you ain't got to prove it to me yeah I didn't walk with the best you can't trick him you can't trick him ain't no tricking six hours man yeah everybody was gone yeah and it was just us yeah yeah I'll never forget it man that's electrified I'll never forget it I like going within 30 days damn and I felt it I felt I said he never did that with me before yeah yeah but take hours and just he was just going I wish I could have taped it because he was going off the top just giving me all he could give me before he wrote yeah he will Pawn into you I got him on my altar too that's real that's real man that's deep so so uh clarify clarify your point on the uh whole banking thing yes yes and that situation black people can easily get loans for college cars a little tougher but houses we routinely are denied loans for business a lot of that is because of intellectual racism or what they think we can achieve but the bigger piece of that is what economic Liberation they don't want you economically liberated I'm not going to finance your freedom when I brought you to America to exploit your labor right what I want to finance your freedom for when I give you the car loan I'm investing in your debt so when you drive that Mercedes off the lot is worth half of what it was when I give you that house loan I'm I'm banking on the fact that you're gonna get a variable mortgage that they're gonna Spike up on you so you ultimately going to have to foreclose on that crib and I'm going to get it back and sell it to 10 more black families right that's a hustle right if you're not bearable a big hustle you see what I'm saying yeah College I know that's a hustle because you're going to spend four years in there that interest is running every single year you're gonna come out you're gonna have to go back and get a masters you're gonna come out you had to go back and get a doctorate right before you even get your first real job you owe me quarter Mill yeah yeah yeah you see that yeah yeah most of the loans we get are for our continued economic incarceration the business loan is for your Liberation and that's why you can get a 250 000 med school loan but you can't get a fifty thousand dollar daycare loan right now now Schultz position on that was um with the car loan the reason it's easier to get has nothing to do with race the bank can then take that house and sell it to somebody else can they take it nobody beats the whiz and sell nobody beats the Wiz when that's out of business can they tell they can take the property can they take but you don't own the property when you have a small business you own your business in your house either yes you absolutely do own your house you own your house and if you don't pay the bills the bank owns it but what does the bank do with nobody beats the Wiz when they don't own the the actual brick and mortar property they don't own the property you understand the difference between a business and property because if not we can't have this discussion no I don't include okay so business right is Charlemagne they got Enterprises oh yeah I know that but are you sure but if you have if you own a business like as far as like leasing a building renting a building which most people that's what most people get the loans for to get the building most of the time that's not true I grew up in a small business in that sense so that's most of the time when I'm for me when I'm trying to start up a business more than the two thousand dollars a month that you have to spend in rent what do you think Chris uh you're talking to someone who grew up in a he's right about systematic economic oppression but I think he's using an incorrect example on my understanding I want people to believe all these grants you can't Google the information to back up with Dr Umar said Google information I told you you did not you already told me when I got on the phone with you I don't disa you said I disagree with that one thing about sending back the the other money yes and I said when it came to the small business loans yes you can get grants but I don't know about from the banks you can when you get small business loans these aren't banks that give you small businesses that's true they have companies because I have businesses but he's insinuating the money's not out there and I think I really think the money like Wax should absolutely be able to yeah yeah yeah yeah like Barack Obama allocated 1.2 billion dollars that guy who hasn't done anything for black people according to Dr Umar Johnson that Barack Obama hey oh what what about that 1.2 billion dollars oh I guess he just forgot about that or maybe it doesn't fit his [ __ ] agenda which is give you a justification give you that heroin you need you feel shitty I'm gonna give you a justification for yourself he just didn't know it's his job to know not really that's his [ __ ] job we don't know everything so why don't you come here with more facts then because I ain't doctoring everyday read because this [ __ ] will get from talking about this person that you and I have already had a conversation about he said specifically in this thing what's the difference between giving people of uh other minorities in America loans and giving black people in loans is America doesn't want to profit the black man's rise in economic power um not profit they want to support it they will do it for people other minorities because they could send those other minorities back to their country how listen how could you do that I don't agree with that you can't send a Chinese kid that was born here back to China I don't agree with that but you know the reason it's not even about agree or not it's wrong I don't I think it's wrong but you know the reason I didn't dispute this because I didn't know simple as that how could you not know this is Mr Constitution doesn't matter he doesn't know the fact that you know if you're born here you can't get sent back to China I'm not gonna look at him and go we don't want that American it's two things I want to make a point about the difference between me and you is I'm not talk about this issue because now we talk about I'm not afraid to say I don't know and if I don't know you know what I do I shut the [ __ ] up and listen sure and then I go research so the next time I'm more prepared that's number one number two the reason I tell you to it's okay to say yo you don't agree with Dr Uma but to say things like he gets up and he just runs his mouth and he wants people to believe in him that's what we all do yeah I didn't say any of those things no I didn't I said he praised off people's anger and he process you want people to believe in him and you said I never said I want people to believe him you said what you want people to believe in him of course he wants himself he can profit off of them yes okay which you know we know I'm living that I got properties I got equity in all of them I don't owe anything on anything like I'm 100 ownership I went to get a loan and they told me no and you gotta I make a thousand dollars a month from two houses they told me no knowing this money is coming directly from the state of Tennessee exactly they see it coming into the bank and they told me no what other reason could there be I don't know because if they give you the loan they Empower you to challenge and compete with other white males for other economic agendas right right that's what purely racism and that's what I'm saying my uncle's sitting in there like we get you guys see K coming here every month like clockwork clockwork from the government they just come straight from the states and they said no we like yo what see the economic racism is more important than the intellectual racism the social racism the militaristic racism I.E police genocide why is economic racism the most important racism because there can be no black power without the black dollar they can't be no black power without the black guy if we don't kill the black dollar we can't kill nothing else that's why they focus on that so much right all we got to do is stop them from getting capital in large amounts and we can kill the whole black Renaissance facts now to to clarify now Schultz point on that was well the reason you could get a car loan the reason you can get a home loan the reason get these other loans um it has nothing to do with race the reason is because they do have the ability to sell the car if you can't afford it they do have the ability to sell the house but with a business loan uh nobody can they can't sell nobody beats the Wiz because you don't get the property you just get the business so you're you're operating your business which has no value in in the marketplace is what he's saying he's saying that hey nobody beats the Wiz which is a a business uh if that falls and goes out of out of commission there's nothing you can I mean there's nothing that they can if that be the case we step away from that and say let's look at let's do a case-by-case review of all the white folks who have been approved for business loans in one year just go to past year and let's look at all the black folks who have been shot down and let's look at whether there's any differences in equity income credit score I think we all know what we're gonna find right you feel me right now that is an argument you cannot win right right right right because racism is the original intent of America America was built on racism do you know why Thomas Jefferson declared independence from Britain why was they even a Declaration of Independence do you know why because Britain had already started entertaining the conversation of liberating their slaves in their Caribbean islands and in Europe yeah so the colonists Washington Jefferson Franklin Madison they said the British are going to end slavery our whole purpose for creating America is to exploit slave labor to build a new country right if we remain under Britain as a loyal subject and they killed slavery they kill our whole economic Empire contrary to popular belief they did not declare independence on July 4 1776 for their freedom before your continued servitude that's facts if sharks pull some money out I'll spank his white ass I ain't got no problem I eat his food and I'll be I'll eat his food because we're not equal right he got you if it was Michael Eric Dyson or something right right right and I respectables right right but you're not my equal friend I think it's time for shows to show us that he's doing more than taken from this culture you know coaching yeah because because we and we we welcome the men because we got that much respect for Charlemagne yeah so you stand next to a man that that's what I'm saying I give you another one I ain't got nothing against them DJ Khaled I got nothing yeah but how can an a rap right from Black Culture like that yeah we've never been able to eat from Arab culture right you're not going to invade Arab Music and become one of them no Eminem yeah Eminem you're not no black person is going into a white industry and being put up as one of their greatest right you don't get that in nobody else culture only black folks is mostly our fault though we allow them to come in yeah and exploit the Vlad is another one how do you lettuce be responsible for at the end of the day man these kind of people are in these positions like you said it'll be rough for me and they have no loyalty to the coach that's what I'm saying it's all about purely for personal and economic and political things right there's no loyalty to the culture meaning if something better came along which required them to turn their back on the culture right they do it in a heartbeat right there's no loyalty there and you can feel it and that's what I that's what I think about the whole Charlemagne thing and and and and I don't I don't say that to to get in between those guys I just understand the way it looks I gotta be honest about it I thought the whole Schultz thing was a One-Stop shop in other words when he went at me for a couple times and he left I thought it was a thing of the past because this is the thing this is what he finds [ __ ] up right 15 minutes they were talking when he was trying to flip it on Charlemagne and he was saying like well if I were you man I'll be responsible with my platform I wouldn't put someone that hate gays and that hey I don't hate gays that's what I'm some but but he's saying that to to penetrate Charlemagne's man like oh [ __ ] but Charlemagne standing on the Square in the moment right right but I know in the back of his mind he's like okay we are in Council culture like I don't know if this is dangerous if it's whether or not he's introducing doubt okay into a mind that that probably that I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt yeah I'm gonna give Charlemagne to benefit yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but your point is well taken yeah and I may speak with him about that next time yeah definitely and I'm sure he'll he'll heal this and he'll probably he'll probably they'll probably speak about it because I'm telling you there's something there every time he brings you up he discredits it on a level where it's like it's almost it's almost like if I go home and tell my woman I want to eat chicken tonight and she oh my God chicken's the worst [ __ ] thing at some point I'ma stop bringing up that I want to eat chicken it's unnecessary we're friends we're we're supposed to be boyfriend and girlfriend there's no need for us to argue about so we'll eat something else yeah right and I think he's kind of he's pushing you know what I think a lot of it boils down to there's nothing a white racist male hates more than an unapologetically African alpha male yeah and what he hates even more than that is a unapologetically African alpha male who's Foundation is not mutable by the white power structure in other words when you say we want to destroy Dr Umar you can't go to no University I don't work for him right you can't go to no school district I don't work for him you can't go to Minister Farrakhan I'm not in that right you see what I'm saying who you can't go to the NAACP he's not that right you can't go to the Masons he ain't one you can't go to the elk you can't go to the Greeks yeah you can't go to a black church who in the hell can we reach out to yeah to pull Dr umar's collar right nobody exactly and my power base is my people yeah this is critical because when you look at a lot of our hip-hop artists although they're from the hood some of them still in the hood yeah their power base is the major music Industries the conglomerates right right right and since most mainstream hip-hop is purchased by non-africans they require some degree of complicity because you don't want to alienate your white base right now we may we listen to the hip-hop more than white folks right but we're able to get it through different venues that don't require us to pay for it you follow what I'm saying it's not that white folks are listening to hip-hop more than us no we're able to get it without paying for it you see right but in terms of purchasable consumers the whites are buying it more than the marketplace the marketplace right so they can be controlled to a degree because you have a white constituency no different than a black politician right my constituency is 100 black 100 you see I ain't got no Arab constituents I ain't got no Anglo-Saxon I ain't got no Chinese my power base to some degree think almost like me yeah yeah how do you shut him when he's standing on millions of people who believe what he believes that's the issue with people like jokes because they're so used to making one phone call and killing it and killing it yeah so but and so what he understands is because he's a psychologist so what he understands is see this dude is his stealth he's he's got you know what else I learned he studies me yeah he studies meticulous yeah yeah he knows yeah but and and so he he's he's a psychologist so when he talks about it he he puts it in a in a way where like I said if you're listening and you don't know any better or you don't know for yourself yeah or you don't go research for yourself he puts it in a way where it's like whoa whatever he was just talking about that must be true yeah like that guy must not know what he's talking about you know and so I just think it's something there that that that that that just needs to be addressed but your message oh that's what I was gonna say what I think is going on is that he understands that well not only him people because I'll take it off some people understand that so what they know is if I can get to Charlemagne or if I can get to because I can't affect him get to The Gatekeepers exactly if I can get to him and say well he's LGBT he hates gays man or he he's one of those guys that they're like assassinate the character make the host feel ashamed yes and kill access to the platform because what he he's also said about the school he said Hey listen um you know because Charlemagne was trying to defend you he was like man that man he's not going to be teaching the kids to hate gay people and he was like oh so you think the man who's uh uh spitting on this rhetoric all around the world is going to have a school and then stop spitting the red you know see he puts him in these but here's what I say because when I speak at universities I'm going to get a phone call because black LBG tears are going to tell them I hate gays and they're going to contact me and this is religiously okay and and I'm going to ask them one simple question I have more videos on YouTube than any living black scholar in the world yeah can you find me a clip where I said I hate or that I advocate hatred gays show it can you show me a clip where I said I hate white women or I advocate hatred white women me telling black men that they don't need to be with white women ain't about hating white women it's about loving black women me being against lbgt ain't about hating lbgt it's about loving the black family you see don't confuse the mean and the method with what your interpretation is and that's what they do so they'll try to put their interpretation on my message you cannot do that prove through my words your position that I'm a hater right you see what I'm saying that's all Charlemagne had to hit him with right give me something he said right that you feel substantiates your claims that he hates gays right and I've spoken on lbgt a lot so you shouldn't have no problem what is your position my position on lbgt is this I love all black folks I don't care what they are gay straight crooked whatever crazy I love all black folks right right but I reserve the right to disagree with any actions positions Lifestyles or agendas that are not in the best interest of African people which is to say that I'm politically pragmatic as a pragmatist you bring me something and I ask you how does this benefit me like a vegan or a vegetarian they are dietary pragmatists will you bring them a meal you know what they're gonna do they're gonna look at it and say there's no nutritional content in this Hoagie I'm not going to eat it you follow what I'm saying they're going to look and say well this carrot got a little bit of fiber but this kiwi got more I'm gonna eat the kiwi instead of a vegan and a vegetarian they are dietary pragmatists they're not eating it if there's no nutrition in it period right it must be of benefit and nothing in it better be of detriment right that's how I am politically okay you bring me homosexuality I'm gonna ask you in a community where most men are incarcerated or dead in a community where most black women will never be married in a community where our sisters are the last married in the first divorce how can introducing same-sex marriage amongst men benefit our people you see that no hate no hate how does that how does black boys seeing black men be sexually intimate with each other benefit their manhood training pragmatism it's no different if you bring me a black man with a white woman how does black boys seeing a black man love all up on a white girl and not a black one how does that benefit us you bring me white jesus how does black people worship in a white male image as their lord benefit a psychologically and spiritually right I'm pragmatic yeah with all things right not just one thing right I'm pragmatic with all things right right I've been on lbgt shows they invite me on and we have respectable dialogue right right and I ask them the same question it's never been answered can you give me one benefit I'm just looking for one because I'm a pragmatist so there needs to be benefits right right can you give me one benefit of the free expression and practice and promotion of homosexual and lesbian lifestyles in our community can you give me a benefit and they can't answer I haven't been given an answer yet in 20 years um and they and so what you're saying is that people tend to twist that they twist my message in order to render it so ridiculous to be ineffective so people don't listen any further see Schultz's agenda is to to stop people from listening to my message right because he knows that it's so politically potent so what I'm going to do is misrepresent what the man is saying and make it look so diabolical that when I tell people what he stands for they will be gullible enough to believe what I said and not go and see for themselves and that's what Charlemagne told him hey did you even watch the interview well he said man I watched the first eight minutes and knew he was full of [ __ ] I can't even get through he's jealous that's a that's a that's a whole man that's a [ __ ] show but but moving out of that into into police genocide yes let's let's let's spend some time police genocide the reason we got such a strong return of police genocide under the Obama administration because it's been with us since we've been here the slave patrollers were the first police remember no state has a national security Force until slavery ended there's not even a mature Federal incarceration system to 1865. so the prison system was literally made for us with that being said the reason you saw so much of that come back during the Obama years is because white people who are politically uneducated I'm talking about poor white trash who don't have a political education they're like poor black folks don't have a political education poor white trash interpreted the Obama victory as a message that white people were losing control of America that's why white folks bought all the guns and all the ammunition there was more guns and ammunition purchase during Obama's years than any other president in the past 25 years because poor white folks don't know no better they think a black face means black power poor black people don't know no better right they think a black face means black power you see what I'm saying right so the reason the police went crazy is because putting a black man in the White House to uneducated whites actually meant a changing of the political Guard from white to black they didn't know Obama was just a stooge he was just a token he was just an agent of right power they didn't know that rich whites know that educated whites know that poor whites which are the bulk of America they didn't know that so the police largely Been Working Class A step above those poor whites you see they have the same mentality so the best way they could exercise their disgraceful views on the Obama situation was to attack black folks knowing he would do nothing about it let us be clear had they knew Obama would speak up and stand up for black folks against the police it wouldn't have got out of hand like that they knew he would do nothing about it and one of the most cowardly moves of Obama was after Freddie gray had his spine snatched from the back of his skull up in Baltimore the very next week guess what this Negro does this [ __ ] opinion Barack Obama signs a Blue Shield law that protects police against any type of resistance from the people that they arrest making it punishable life in jail and all this other stuff if you harass or abuse the police in other words a black boy just got killed by the cops instead of you making a law to protect the civilians from the police you sign the bill to protect the police from the civilians that was Obama's message to White America that I am on your side not black folks once white folks saw that the president of the United States I mean let's be let's go to the legal now the president of the United States according to American jurisputans is the chief law enforcement officer in the country you follow me right Obama is the commander-in-chief of all military forces the Patriot Act brought the police under the military so Barack Obama is the number one cop and the number one cop won't say or do anything about his employees taking the lives of our defenseless people men women and children Obama is the reason that thing got out of control and our support of Obama is the reason they got out of control because the power structure said look we're letting the police kill their people every day Obama ain't said a word and black folks won't even challenge him on it once they saw that we would let Obama get away with the defenseless murders of black folks they went all in do you do you think because I know you were saying that he has to face criticism do you think he face any by the time he left now Barack Obama is Untouchable two people you cannot talk about in our community white Jesus and Barack Obama he's untouchable which is dangerous you know why because that means we still haven't even learned the lesson that the Obama presidency should have taught us that a black faced on equal black power right and that white supremacy is white supremacy irregardless of the hand that carries out the agenda right we still haven't learned it because we're too emotionally connected to the situation you're not supposed to fall in love with politicians this is a big mistake of black folks we fall in love with power if you run for mayor of Nashville guess what if I don't like you I'm not gonna vote for you yeah you might have the best economic plan for my people you might have the best plan for the schools you might have the best plan for the jails you might got the best plans for the homeless you might got the bless best plans for Fisk and Tennessee State you got all the right ideas but I don't like you and because I don't like you I'm mixing personal with business look at that because I don't like you even though I agree to everything you saying is right because I don't like you I won't vote for you and that is black people's political immaturity and it has been haunting us ever since the Civil Rights what do you what do you think that's from I think a lot of it has to do with the way in which black church has evangelized black politics to the point that remember it's the pastor that brings the politician yeah I've seen that to preach in the church to get your vote yeah right now the church claims not to be political but the church is the most political institution in the community because in order to get elected you got to get endorsed by who the church so the pastor brings the politician in so you got two pimps sharing the pulpit the pastor and the politician to serve the people up at the voting block you see so the church is ran on emotion and Imagination in order to be a good pastor you must be a very good communicator yes of emotion and Imagination yes yes you see yes yes yes so the politician automatically is being introduced to the black congregation through the pastor that automatically means that the way in which we engage our pastor emotions and Imagination we engage our politicians emotion and Imagination yeah with one extra added detriment or side effect and that is the pastor as a representation of God is beyond reproach questioning or accountability you see and if the politician stands next to the pastor isn't he also Beyond right accountability because can't nobody else stand up Bill exactly and that's why the two most Untouchable people in the black community is the elected official and the bishop so the two people who should be doing the most are asked to do the lease and and you know like I say church for me you know like I say like you I've heard you say before is that they only asked you to show up and give hope so there's no they don't invoke any kind of no action no action yeah pay and pray yeah same thing with the politician vote in Hope preacher pay and pray politician vote in Hope Dr um on a Garvey train and I say that ain't bad but if it's not coupled with action it is worthless right that ain't bad right but if in a couple with action it's worth it right so this is what we're gonna do imma still let you pray and pay yeah and I'ma still let you vote and hope yeah and once you're done praying and voting we're gonna come and do some work yeah and then the pastor and the politician will shoot me down yeah mind you I didn't shoot them down I said you can do it yeah yeah and when you're done come see me yeah yeah why couldn't they endorse me the way that I endorse them I'll tell you why right because their constituency working with me okay excuse me my constituency working with them doesn't put me out of business their constituency working with me puts them out of business because guess what once she get a husband and once he get a job they ain't coming back to church is the hangout for single black women yeah and unemployed black males once he gets some economic empowerment his Jesus can go home with him yeah yeah yeah see the pastor depends on poverty yeah to keep his population yeah now they preach A Better Tomorrow exception to the black bourgeoisie churches because you know you got the churches where everybody in there make a million hours I ain't talking about that I'm talking about the masses of black churches are people by the poor right you see the minute you ain't poor no more you don't need it no more yeah because you and then they keep talking about you're gonna finally make you something just hold on exactly you thinking and the politician go out of business too you know why 60 of Americans vote I'm a political science major 40 don't let me say that again half of America don't vote black white rich poor do you know why I tell you why poor people know the politicians ain't thinking about them rich people know we own the politician be effective the only people who vote are middle class and working class poor people don't matter rich people don't care right do you feel me makes sense so if you Empower black folks economically guess what they ain't gonna go vote no more or they might but it won't be the central tactic in their arsenal of Liberation because they got control of rich people ain't got the vote because they own the politicians poor people ain't got to vote because they know they don't matter yeah 40 of Americans don't vote this is not a democracy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah America is not a democracy first of all the word democracy is not in the Constitution it's not in the Preamble it's not in the Declaration it's not in the Magna Carta what is it in it's not in none of your 50 state constitutions how did the word democracy yeah wait out of every because America is a republic democracy is a rule of a majority this is the rule of law itself as a nation yeah yeah so so when when you talk about um [Music] the solution everybody knows the solution Everybody's scared to say it go back in our history and this brings up the praying and the voting Again by the way are you aware that every significant change we got in America we pay for it in blood can you name me one significant change in Black America 400 years now that you got praying or voting can you give me one everything I know came through blood civil right uh you got out of slavery blood 13th Amendment blood 14th Amendment blood you had to protest go to jail get killed get beat up you understand me 15th amendment blood civil rights build blood Voting Rights Act blood everything you got you got through blood you can't name me no damn vote that ever changed anything for Black America let's go to police genocide right now we're in a pre-campaign season right can you name me the Democratic candidate who has stated on record that they have a solution to police genocide can you name me an independent candidate who stated they got a a solution to police genocide can you name a republican candidate who has stated that they have a solution to police genocide nope and do you know why because they know like we know what the solution is and you cannot say it on TV the only way Black America is going to get the police to back off of killing Black America is Black America going to have to go to war with police just like you went to war with the KKK just like you went the war with the Confederate soldiers they're like you went the war with the police back in the Black Power movement just like Dr King and them winter war with white racist governments even though they claim to be non-violent there was nothing non-violent about the non-violent movement because Dr King faced off with dogs on water hoses and police there was nothing non-violent about non-violence you see right show me where we got anything with our violent confrontation the only way you're going to stop police genocide the only solution black men will have to make up their mind not another one and the next time there is another one we got to get our weapons and we got to March straight to the police and we got to face off and you know what that means just like the Civil War mass casualty on each side yeah mass casualty I don't want it you don't want it but I know that in order for our grandchildren's grandchildren to live free it has to happen until they lose blood ours will never stop flowing in the streets deep I mean because you know you you meet forceful Force man give me forceful Force yeah and that's what did Frederick say my ancestor Frederick Douglass power concedes nothing without a demand it never did and it never will yeah he said the problem with black folks is you want rain but you don't want Thunder you want crops but you want to rip up the ground you want the ocean but you don't want to deal with the waves you got to take the good with the bad what did that Turner say Nat Turner said when the spirit revealed itself to me it said that this you must do and whether it comes rough or smooth whether it comes rough or smooth you got to do it however it comes yeah yeah see that shit's so deep like people gotta feel it people have to understand what that means and wrap their brain around and the attorney that interviewed him Thomas Gray I believe he was an attorney at least he was an author he said that didn't you say God sent you Visions to lead this raid Matt said yeah he said well and by the way you could download the whole confessions online for free and that turning confession 1831 Thomas Gray he said well all your homies is lynched they killed Nelson they kill Hart they killed Sam will the execution to kill all your soldiers is killed they lynching black folks all over South Hampton County he said well doesn't that mean your lord has failed you brother now Turner looked at him he said nah because even Jesus Christ had to be crucified look at that facts even to the day that he died in that and then they took that turn across the street to get lynched they said do you have anything you want to say that Turner said nah hurry up and get on with it and then they said when they put the Noose around that turning neck he didn't show no nobody didn't even gangster you talk about Robin die he said even Jesus had to be crucified where was Nat Turner killed Jerusalem Virginia wow Jerusalem Virginia I ain't know that black Christ man black the real black Christ we that's deep that's some deep [ __ ] the other day my mother and I was watching the movie 300 you saw 300 the um yeah the uh Athenians and the Greeks right Leonidas took 300 soldiers to go meet uh uh uh uh uh that damn Arab that was running the the world at the time Darius I'm watching that movie you know what I said to myself I said this ain't about no damn Greeks I said this and that Turner um this is Nat Turner we're no more than 60. taking on the entire United States government he said I'm not waiting for no vote I'm not waiting for Jesus I'm not waiting for no damn reparations I'm not waiting for a Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton my people gonna be free now yeah you see that that Twitter said now yeah he wasn't gone now he went with it he went with it when was this the 1831. just picture that 1831 man mind you he was born 1800. a few days after that Turner was born they lynched Gabriel prossa remember Gabriel prosa was going to lead the largest slave revolt ever known Richmond Virginia he got snitched out two two Coons he got snitched out by two Coons and then 1822 nine years before Nat Turner you got Denmark visi down in Charleston South Carolina his was going to be even bigger than Gabriel's got snitched up by two Coons God said okay I can't tell too many people right right because these Coons is loyal to their Master right so he only told those Nelson hark Sam there's four or five of them and then they brought the other ones in and the baddest Soldier he had was will the Executioner will wasn't playing remember that turn that was agreed what was strike first death he had to go kill his master first they said since you're the leader you got to prove your loyalty strike first death that turned to hit him he didn't die before he could even say nothing will came with the battle ax crack now mind you will wasn't even one of The Originals but will ended up being the main one will was no joke getting at it yeah Bill wasn't no joke yeah yeah why they don't talk about him as much Matt Turner because Nat Turner and Marcus Garvey are very dangerous because Nat Turner shows what a true Christian man will do for his people if he really believe in Christ yeah see they don't need that in black church right because if you go take because remember now that attorney was a pastor so you go to the Nat Turner was a pastor of the church so you go take that turn and you say Pastor look what this man did in 1831 we wasn't even considered people yet what you didn't do right he did nothing oh oh Nat Turner's example exposes the whole Christian church and then Garvey example he the only significant black leader we had after slavery who didn't use religion period period everybody gave you religion except Marcus golf he said this ain't no religion this ain't gonna be no muslim things it's gonna be an African Bank yeah and his movement is the only one that included black people in every continent Garvey is the only leader in modern history who you can say was actually leader of the race yeah because every significant population of blacks in the world was represented in the Garvey movement that's not true for nobody after God nobody yeah yeah Global leader of African people without a single penny from white folks he buying ships Black Star Line over here black Starlight no money from white folks um one of the members came to him and said Mr golf you got a rich white man he want to donate he believes on what you're trying to do Marcus God he said you tell him to keep his money it's a black man's Movement we never took a penny from another race strong man now boy he was a strong man now so down here just speaking about police genocide we had a guy here uh Daniel Hambrick RP Daniel he the police killed him right so he jumps out of what they said was a stolen vehicle and he's running and I would say he's about 50 feet from the police officer the police officer now makes a decision to say damn this this young man is fast I can't I can't catch him pulls his guns out and he murders him shoots him in the back as he's running shooting boom boom [Music] they just emotionally relevant there needs to be some structure yes that's automatically attended to as a priority item yes separate from yes your music yes as a black man or woman I'm glad you mentioned these names Meek Mill Kardashian because as you know Meek and Jay got the criminal reform thing they working on right Kim Kardashian is running around with her little I love black people and want to get him out of jail movement right here's what we got to pay attention to first of all with Jay and meek it is my hope that they focus on systematic change as opposed to what Kardashian is doing what Kardashian is doing is what white folks do all the time they never attack the causes of the problem they only deal with symptoms so Kardashian runs around and she'll get that grandmother out right thank you right I'm glad she's out right she'll go get that woman out right thank you right I'm glad she's out right but that though they're symptoms of the problem right they're not the problem they're the consequences of the prop what are you going to do to systematically change the law the process the system so this won't happen again right absolutely nothing and I'll tell Meek Mill to his face I tell Jay-Z that they face and I like them both I support both brothers right if y'all do the Kardashian thing imma bring you as a hypocrite in a phony right don't tell me that you're helping individuals get out of jail to the exclusion of systematic change in the criminal justice system right right I'll give you an example with Barack Obama his last year in office what did Obama do he commuted the sentence of hundreds of people in jail right started letting them out yeah I'm glad they got out right but please don't be distracted by the fact that Obama did nothing to systematically change the problem so that don't happen again because guess what that Grandmom that Kardashian got out because she didn't change the system there'll be 10 grandmothers to replace her that young sister that Kardashian got out because she didn't change the system it'll be 30 more systems to replace if if meek and Jay are going to follow the Kardashians stunt of dealing with individuals but not systems right individuals but not systems individuals but not systems then guess what every brother you get out of jail will be replaced with 100 more every every person Obama let out his last year of office with those commuted sentences yeah they've already been replaced by hundreds yeah yeah never let nobody play games with your intelligence right enough to make you think that progress has been made right because one or two people got out of jail you see that's the same logic that America uses when black people say we're economically devastated right America will say but wait a minute you got Jay-Z yeah you got Bill Cosby you got Tyler Perry right those are individuals and you don't judge progress for a People based on individuals and the only reason why they get away doing that with black folks is because we are so individualistic that we don't care about the group we don't care about teamwork we're not interested in the collective so you can run that hustle on us because at the end of the day I don't care about him or her I only care about me yeah and that's the real thing that's definitely a real thing and with I look at you know meek and and Jay and even with Jay doing this whole NFL deal he's facing a lot of back lash about it have you my I haven't looked at it intensively yet I will but here's my early position my early position is simply this Jay-Z has done more than most mainstream rappers put together right when it comes to issues of social justice right the Khalif brought a documentary I'm not even including that right okay but I do know that when the protesters and the activists was arrested on the Michael Brown in the aftermath of the Michael Brown assassination he paid for them to get out right when they was arrested in the aftermath of the Freddie gray situation he paid for them to get out I've seen where he's went to Africa and helped finance certain types of infrastructure in The Villages right did he do everything no yeah did he do enough given his economic position maybe not but that's not to say he won't right I recognize that where Jay-Z is on the economic economic totem pole he cannot move as freely as you yeah you might can't move as freely as me right but you understand so you have to respect where people are in their personal journey and not superimpose your volume you system on them it's no different than if a sister walked in here with a blind wig on their head yeah she knows I don't agree with that I ain't got to say it right if a brother came in here with his white wife he knows I ain't got to say it right but the fact that she wanted to interview me said she trying right the fact that he came in here with his white girlfriend it said doc I know you don't agree with this but I'm trying you gotta respect people when they try right and my whole thing with Jay is like I told my friends and couple of guys when I was talking in the in the studio last night I'm like to have a billion dollars to be a billion dollar guy a billion dollar black man yeah black black man he's the only person you're gonna ever see do anything do that yes you'll never see nobody else do that no you will never see so for me and I don't speak on on things until like I say they play out so it's like I'm gonna I'm gonna give this guy the benefit of the doubt four seconds yeah because the what I said and I don't know if this is his thinking or not but what I said is how do you know he ain't trying to get in here to finally get one of these NFL teams because from what I understand we don't have a black NFL owner at all what if he trying to be the first and if he becomes that maybe he'll give cabinet his job back while he still got a couple goodies right right you don't know the man's strategy and our problem as a people you saw with me with the school right is we want to know publicly right right now publicly yeah yeah we want to know on YouTube on Facebook yeah come on Snapchat all controlled by the enemy we want you to tell us publicly what your plans are you damn fool if I tell you what my plan are it will be destroyed before if Jay-Z told you what he was really up to he'd never get a chance to implement it right see we got to recognize something what a leader says to the media may not be the same message he shares with you it doesn't mean he sold out to the media is meaning he's thinking strategically because he has to protect his agenda and if he opens up the agenda the art of wars deception exactly The Art of War is deception you must perceive your enemy until you achieve the victory I'll give you a quick case Dr King a lot of people don't know this did you know that Dr King didn't believe in non-violence no Dr Martin Luther King Jr did not believe in non-violence yeah you know what they did they went to Pennsylvania and got Bayard Rustin from Chester PA my neck it was and brought him down to Alabama and said you have to convince him that non-violence is the way we got to promote the situation yeah yeah King was not forward he said these crackers will never Bend to it yeah they are arrested said if you do it any other way you can get killed King said I'm going to do this because strategically it's the best way to go yeah not because I believe it right most people don't even know now violence wasn't Dr King's idea that was Bayard Rustin King said y'all crazy I brought me from Atlanta for this and guess what the entire time the entire time the southern Christian leadership conference had a stockade of weapons wow because they thought that there would come a day where the non-violence will break down yeah yeah yeah yeah strategy yeah our people want you to be so a matter of factly yeah in public yeah yeah it's crazy give the enemy your whole plan yeah it's crazy to pacify a couple yeah who ain't gonna support you anyway yeah ain't gonna do number clap twice it go over something else and and the crazy thing is we are so like you said we're searching for man and I don't know if any other race does this man when we finally get a guy like a Jay-Z or like a Umar or or like anyone that's in a position to be looked at is doing right or good or for us yes we we search that room for a dirty sock man oh yes they searched that [ __ ] room for a dirty like which is why do they search the room for the dirty sock part of it is self-hate because they need to assassinate your character but why do they need to assassinate your character in addition to the self-hate because they need to be able to live with themselves for not following you they need to be able to justify why they didn't get behind you they have to be able to explain to their children and family and friends why you did not support this brother who is doing something good for the people they did it with Dr King all the Negroes who were scared to March against the police oh he cheated on his wife it wasn't just to satisfy the appetite to destroy the character of another black man they needed an excuse to justify their lack of participation the reason they need to find fault with me they need an excuse why they don't donate to the school right you see what I'm saying it ain't just about making you look bad right making you look bad helps me defend the fact that I did not support in my position yes right right and so with even with Jay I'm like yo y'all just chill chill you got to see it through yeah and the coach is saying oh my god look what he did the first thing he done he came on like because now they said well he's selling T-shirts and selling something my thought is okay the first thing you need is capital yes so and not only that I'm looking to see how many jobs are being made for black folks off of that because you're going to watch the games anyway and the same people condemning Jay-Z at home watching NFL games right every Sunday and it's it's the craziest stuff so I hope and I pray that Jay-Z does the right thing again he has a track record so we gonna give them the benefits gotta give them time to operate right right now once this NFL scheme is over I can judge him in hindsight right because he's done right but as long as he's in it I got to see it through and we are too quick to condemn and criticize black folks but we will give white folks a million chances dude we've been giving them chances for 400 years and we still got 400 more years a chance of life but we won't even give a brother a half a chance him and Beyonce when she stood up and did that tribute to the Black Panthers at the Super Bowl she did that on the anniversary of the Black Panthers I said if she don't do another thing for 10 years I didn't say another thing yeah yeah but for a couple years yeah yeah she good with me because half of them would have never even thought it would have done that so J and B cool with me yeah and with with Kanye and Kim with Kim doing her you know getting this guy that guy this guy Kanye man he he had a flip and I think with you always speaking about like medication and ADHD I hope he ain't no mess but I think he is the meds taking if Kanye is on meds those he's probably on antipsychotics mood stabilizer yes anti-depression kills the section of your brain responsible for Ingenuity and creativity yeah it's no different you in the music business right I know you probably could think of a couple Brothers local or or Maine who did smoke so much weed they flowing in them yeah it's over yeah they floated in them they're like damn you didn't cook that part of your brain that gave you that yeah word play yeah and then you see them they trying to you like it's done it's over I don't know what happened to his number y'all smoked it away yeah you gotta protect your brain and you got to protect your balls cause you only get one of each yeah yeah yeah so he like I said with him uh it was a moment where he was on his meds and when he said the slavery was a choice thing and all of that oh that might have been inspired by the medication that's why I didn't pay it no mind that's what it was but he said that at that time he was off his meds so he had made a conscious decision to be like hold on they're they're like I'm getting fat I'm I'm no longer myself I'm getting off of this [ __ ] so he stopped taking it now what that does is fire back up those yeah it's called a rebound effect where everything that you experienced before you took the med comes back 50 time stronger so now he's just blurting [ __ ] out he's not articulating it good see remember what the meds do all psychotic meds psychiatric meds are designed to force the brain to do against your conscious will so you take a boy with so-called ADHD which is a joke which we gonna be talking about tomorrow he's choosing to be hyper he can sit down if he want he likes what he's doing right because he won't make the conscious decision to sit his ass down you're gonna give him a pill that's gonna sit him that's gonna sit him down whether he wants to or not do you see what you're doing you are eroding his executive function executive functions are the aspects of Consciousness that allow us to control when we slobber when we chew when we urinate you know right it erodes that so once your executive functions have been taken away from you too often you're no longer in control of yourself it's the pill you see so you're saying stuff you don't mean you're slobbing out the mouth don't even know what you peeing on yourself you defecate that's where that comes from because the pill basically shutting that [ __ ] down the pill steals your Liberation in other words the pill introduces slavery on a neurobiological level yet now no longer a physical slave to white supremacy you're a neurobiological slave to White the chemical is the Handcuff the chemical is the Handcuff so how do they really my thing is how do they get that [ __ ] to the kids because if it could affect the Kanye West 30 some odd years old 40 some odd years old in that way what what is that medicine doing to a nine-year-old I've seen him give it to I think the young three years yeah six two yields it's like they don't care yeah like it's all about money first of all because all the drugs are publicly traded in New York Wall Street right remember earlier when I talked about that timeline CIA dropped off the crack in 1980. well guess what the American Psychiatric association dropped off add 1980 same year same year that they started drugging the adults they started drugging up the kids at the same time you see but it's all done with parent permission though see in order to get the pills you need the evaluation in order to get the evaluation you need the parent signature parent don't sign no pills no evile so we are complicit because we are doing what these white folks tell us to do when somebody comes to you and say get your child evaluated for ADHD your answer should be no and they're going to say why not [ __ ] say number one I don't have to explain to you because I'm the parent that's what they need to stop right there yeah right there because I'm the parent that's why not but if you want to go further ADHD don't exist it's a damn joke you want to go furthermore I'm not giving my child drugs and that's the only solution y'all got right see that's where I come in right if do you believe in crack for kids right because if you don't believe simply crack for kids you don't believe in ADHD right because once you get the label the only option is the dope that's it and then I get parents to say well I just wanted to see if he had it didn't I just tell you it don't exist they can't prove it right they can't prove this yes it's a thoughts and idea yeah yeah yeah it's an idea Made Real by the fact that you decided to medicate your child yeah yeah now now with that being said I know some women right because of the economic structure and what the black men not being able to provide in certain circumstances I've seen women with four and five children basically take a child or two and look at that as a paycheck yes and that's true they exploit the child for Social Security Supplemental disability income right but guess what she still ain't the problem she is symptom right you know why because if Dr Umar Johnson a certified school psychologist never diagnosed her son with that emotions she couldn't do it right she said somebody gave her a label right you see so she's still a symptom and what the system does is they'll try to turn the sister into the problem and say well they auctioning their kids off for checks right okay they are some of them but guess what could they do that if your psychologist didn't auction them off first right with a diagnosis that ain't real exactly primary responsibility secondary responsibility okay we're gonna wrap up in just a second sure let me let me ask you this um what's that the book of the diagnosis mm tsm-5 you said pedophilia was pedophilia check this out when they first came out with the DSM-5 about two years ago a year or two right it came out where pedophilia was listed as a sexual orientation some white person saw it and sounded the alarm and then the spokesperson for the American Psychiatric association came back and said we made a typographical error do you see that did you see that yeah they tried to get away with it right because somebody called it then they fixed it but according to the DSM pedophilia okay if the child is 16 is not pedophilia they're already legalizing pedophiles yeah and if the child is 13 or 14 a person got to be at least four years older than them yeah yeah if memory serves me correctly and I didn't bring my DSM with me and I shoulda I believe right now that DSM defines pedophilia as sexual attraction to prepubescent children did you hear that pre-pubescent so do you know what that mean if your daughter going through puberty and she might be 13. she might be 14. but if she going through puberty she ain't pedophilia they already legalized it in my opinion and they not done they're going to keep on legalizing it because you got the organization the North American Association for man and boy love look it up on the internet North American Association for man and boy love they want to shut up they said it should be an orientation it should not be mental illness I told people it was coming you got to remember now the same way people looking at pedophilia today is how they looked at homosexuality in the 19th century right right homosexuality was a mental disorder in 1970 yeah and they took it out in 74-75 people thought that would never happen ain't it legal today yeah I promise you pedophilia will be totally legal in the next 10 20 years that's deep that's deep this is a cultural it's a cultural genocide not just physical yeah they hitting us everywhere because they coming to you and say listen we know this ain't how Africans live right but this is how we do it right don't get me wrong most white folks I don't believe agree with it either right but it is still nonetheless a product of their cultural heritage Greco-Roman culture that's where it came from every philosopher was a homosexual Plato Aristotle depicted this that's what they was in Roman Catholic Church viewed the women as less than clean that's why they preachers don't get married so there has always been a disdain for the female energy in European culture not an African culture you come to our culture we love them okay we believe in equal the man can't survive without the woman right in our culture the woman is given such a position that when you become the king you have a queen mother who can unseat you if you don't do your job right you look at our deities look at most of the masculine deities they are born of a feminine mother who gives them the right to have that power which is why an African culture whatever it is the queen you see the Queen Mother over there because feminine energy was first God created feminine energy first and then he introduced the mail so we never had no gay because at a certain point homosexuality can be considered a total rejection of feminine energy lesbianism can be considered a total rejection of masculine energy at the basic non-sexual level it is a rejection of your opposite well that's a big problem for African people because we believe in a balance of all things right that's our culture right for this for for light this dark for the sun is the moon right for water this is the land right for the yin is the Yang for the man for the woman and if that is the essential building block of creation if you disturb that you disturb the entire Universal order right that's why we oppose the homosexuality but we can still love the homosexual facts facts facts man like I say this has been a this has been a very great interview man I really appreciate you coming by um anything you want to lead to people oh yes for the people out there get in contact with Dr Umar Johnson Dr Uma austin.com I got a new podcast site only one podcast is up right now on ADHD and that's unapologetically african.com and of course we spell Africa with a k um donate to the school please donate to the school we're trying to raise a million dollars to get this school ready I would love for next school year yeah you can donate mail your check or money order payable to fdmg Academy P.O box 9634 Wilmington Delaware I repeat fdmg Academy P.O box 9634 Wilmington Delaware 19809 if you ever need to talk to me you need a consultation about your child education or mental health is what I do you can reach me at 844 Dr Umar that's 844 Dr Umar or Dr umarjohnson yahoo.com and then uh before we go I want to say congratulations on the school it was a hard job yeah I watched it all day February 7th seven days before Frederick Douglass birthday wow yeah wow I think he might shifted that yeah yeah yeah and I saw before we go I want to ask you about this the family of him says that was not the family it wasn't Roland Martin when he read that letter yeah that was not from the family that letter came from one [ __ ] in the family who doesn't occupy any official position with the family okay he's just a jealous negro right period that's it right who said that I wasn't related to Frederick Douglass right I'm not even mad at him you know who I'm disappointed in every other member of the family right for letting it I've been to the family reunions yeah y'all know my name is on the tree yeah you understand yeah any one of them could have called him up and say brother don't do that don't do that yeah you know it like we know and it's still tan at you it's still pulling at somebody because a lot of them don't agree with my political views that's what it is they let him go at me yeah you understand yeah so that's why I don't go to no more family reunions no more because I'm like any one of y'all could have stopped that yeah and y'all chose not to so I'm done with it and you you're the loudest voice for they but that's the jealousy because when here's my thing I'm related to Frederick Douglass by Blood Yeah by Blood yeah the woman and man that raised him Betsy and Isaac Bailey those are my grandparents like his they his first grandparents they're my seventh grandparents but we come from the same loins right I rep Garvey where most people think of Marcus Garvey they think of me right does that upset Marcus Garvey Jr his son no does that upset Dr Julius Garvey his other son no they love the fact that I'm keeping their father's Legacy alive they ain't never settled he don't speak for my father right right but here I am related to Fredericktown right blood right and you got Negroes hating that's right but the Garvey family don't do that I ran into Marcus garvey's cousin in uh Austin Texas he couldn't wait to give me a embrace it and some love those two names you're the loudest Voice period but I'ma tell you why they hate I'm gonna tell you the difference there's people in our family who want to be considered the official authorities on Frederick Douglass as a way to make money um it's about money in other words they want to get speeches to go talk about they want to get grants to make you see right and clearly you're not doing it you're making you're getting enough space ain't nobody ever called me up and said we want to pay you to come talk about Frederick Douglass yeah yeah yeah I don't know doing it cause it's dead yes my reputation is purely off of my own work not my relationship to Fred but because I big him up so much and I'm so associated with the name if they do want somebody to talk yeah why would they get anybody but me right right and that's why they angry because they feel like I'm blocking their economic power right right right it's about cash right right right well with that being said man you yeah I know for a fact in hip-hop in rap which is we control the cool yes you are the loudest voice in regards to that those two names there's nothing that we can that's not even close right that we know I'm talking about the boys listening to the the you know they can change some things we don't when we hear Marcus Garvey Frederick Douglass we're gonna say Dr Umar Johnson is what we hit that from yeah you know what I mean and so even today you spilling all this stuff about those guys we don't hear that anyway yeah there's no other scholar that I know of that we're gonna hear be able to even do that on a level like that because again the inflection and just the passion all that that combination is is why you're special you know what I'm saying it's why you're able to go in and out and float in and out to these cities and countries and people gravitate to that man that's a very very unique combination you got man and I want to tell you that personally I don't meet a lot of guys uh younger or older that I'm uh can can say I'm impressed with just the way you're put together you get what I'm saying and that's a real thing I can make some money I don't know how how much of the the information I can right retain right right you know because man you're doing that you got to be very sharp but but again I want to say thank you for coming out man hopefully tomorrow y'all have a great time again anything y'all need while you're here I don't care what it is let me know I'll resend that yes no matter what it is you coming through you're gonna sleep yeah I'm gonna slide through I'm gonna slide through mess with y'all for a second but anything you need I'll send it again we we uh we signing out like subscribe comment fogfo TV uh it's up there podcast is another great episode Dr Umar Johnson s-o-g-f-o-t-v what foreign [Music] thank you for watching the video you just watched and make sure you subscribe by hitting the button you see on the screen or go to the next video by hitting this right here you see on the screen biggest update part
Channel: Its Up There Podcast
Views: 28,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, flagrant 2, andrew schultz, brilliant idiots, dr umar johnson, king kong consciousness, the breakfast club, dj akademiks, dj akademics, king akademiks, akademiks, kanye west, dj akademiks lil baby, charlamagne tha god, charlamagne, logan paul podcast, impaulsive podcast, charlemagne, ITS UP THERE PODCAST, BIG LOON, flagrant, JOE ROGAN, dr umar the breakfast club, dr umar kyrie irving, britney griner on america, dr umar kanye and kyrie, shannon sharpe
Id: EQG5dZNaqug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 8sec (5708 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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