Charleston White: I'm willing to d!e, k!ll and go to Jail for free speech | Funky Friday Cam Newton

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okay let's just put it like this and let's come up with a rule don't say what you w't say in their face Dion his wife too you think so you would you if me if if me and Beyonce had to be around each other for two weeks you right I get her so he so he's a [ __ ] rapper Ro in 60 right n King vaugh is a serial killer documented by the FBI who wouldn't say on Friday and I'm over here trying to talk talk you interfering with me and my you don't even love her I love my how you going to love her you going to put your hands on same reason you whoop your kids and tell them you love them and this why you doing this no no yall use weapon see I don't fight F see most is a priz Fighters I'm a surprise fighter yo yo yo what are you doing I'm giving you you unbelievable content for the masses and you just going to keep it to yourself do me a favor tap that red button right there subscribe and it literally takes no time try it and see what happen yo what's good what's popping What It Is What It ain't what it could be what it should be what it would be Cam Newton the some Mr Boogie to all here with another episode of funky Friday and I promise I really do promise to give good content for the masses but most of all I promise to Keep It Funky for your asses now boy oh boy oh boy are we in for a tree today boy I went from possibly losing it to now being on the same page been dming and communicating and conversating for months we I so long that bro we finally here you may seen them on social media uh entrepreneur comedian influencer at its all time uh Heights I present to some introduce to others Mr Charleston white what's up man uh yeah yeah I I like that introduction uh boogie boogie all huh Mr Boogie all yeah uh well uh it was one thing left out after of the introduction talk to me uh I started out on the internet as a as a frustrated youth Advocate okay uh I wasn't an entrepreneur I was a struggling single dad uh who who who financially uh didn't have the means to put gas in the car every day okay but was still working in the community uh because of that uh that that struggle uh and and that small time frame of of struggling uh I I I evolved in in into entrepreneurship uh by way of the internet uh but I started out frustrated uh so when I came to the internet uh I didn't even know you could make a dollar off the internet uh financially uh I I didn't know how to create a business uh to make any profit from a business M uh I thought I was supposed to been begging and asking for donations so the internet taught me a lot uh and it helped me to become a all those things uh that you just named so really what I what I do know um and I've told you this while we're talking in uh anticipation to get you on funky Friday behind everything that you say controversial agreed upon or disagreed upon behind everything that you say I can agree that there's some truth to what you say and in a message uh I ain't just talking to be talking uh I ain't start out trying to be funny M uh it when I was describing po babies with rund down Michael Jordan tennis shoes uh I wasn't saying that to be funny uh when I was talking about them ghetto with them weaves on their head riding in the car patting them head cuz they can't scratch their hair and their daughters grow up patting their head cuz they don't know that's what they mom so I wasn't saying that to be funny when I was talking about the S laying around the house watching the woman uh go to work with that good in the bed but he can't fix no alternator he can't get no job he laying around the house jacking his off on the phone uh going outside to hang with a bunch of on to end up in jail by Friday uh yeah yeah I wasn't saying that to be funny uh that was my observation uh from from from uh doing qualitative studies in our community from Community work so I wasn't trying to be funny the internet told me I was funny for one I didn't know I look funny the internet told me I look funny oh look at his eye ah look at his dread so [ __ ] I didn't know I look funny I thought I was cute so so the internet shaped this what they what they see today okay well I I must admonish the viewer to understand this we ain't even 5 minutes into this segment and we already uh ruffling some feathers or or or may would you don't bring your Shadow band ass over here to Funky Friday and get my [ __ ] Shadow band too but we going to have a good time today cuz one thing that I do believe in is accountability one thing I do believe in is making sure that I don't judge right even though in my religion I love it so much so that it reign supreme of everything in my life I think sometimes as Christians we can have this judgmental attitude uh one of the first things some of the most devout Christians do when you go to church is where you being M I ain't seeing you and so Mo when you go if you go to church and then you don't go to church and you come back to church the church to make you feel shamed in their judgmental approach where you been we ain't see you in a while uh so I get it uh it's a very and I'm a I'm a I wouldn't identify as a Christian but I have Christian values and beliefs I believe in Jesus I believe that he's the son of God uh I just don't take the title as a Christian uh man I just believe I just believe so what are you a a believer that don't make you a Christian uh no uh because I also like to sin and most Christians don't admit that they like to sin but you do understand that Jesus died for all our sins yeah that's why I say that's why I sin and just say I I pick my sins wisely okay but you know you're not perfect I don't want to be perfect you I I think that is trueth but but but my saying is most Christians don't admit that they like to sin most people can't admit to the sins that they do that they like to do see it's something that we do but we also got some secret ones that we like to do but that's everybody that's that that that's not Christians uh Muslim Hinduism that's not that's just everybody as Humanity uh when when when the f studied Malcolm and when they studi Martin one went and spoke and came back to the hotel and prayed and talked on the phone with his wife and they don't have no dirt on it he was Muslim the other one went and spoke and came back to the room and parted and [ __ ] like a [ __ ] and every town he went to that was the Christian so it's a difference one was studied full time how you know that though now you using my platform trying to bring all this speculation of Martin Luther the King because it's documented evidence uh they they they the FBI said that Malcolm X was a saint compared to the doctor uh it was it's very well documented that that Dr Martin Luther King uh was just like any man uh he was a whoreing preacher it's documented uh compared to Malcolm who has no documentation of doing anything such like the preacher see the difference I I hear exactly what you're saying but that doesn't necessarily uh Rectify you not being unknown to your religion I think uh I I I don't want to be a religious man uh I don't want to be Muslim I don't want to be Christian I don't want to be Hindu because I don't pick up the books uh I want to be able to grab hold to the spirit yes sir uh Mo most of the people who out here talk the books and can recite the books don't show the spirit they don't they can't access the spirit but this is this is where I can agree with you but also is is for me to also admonish you to say you use your uh platform for people to receive the word in your own right you see what I'm saying uh I I don't deliver the word uh cuz I don't know the word uh I I walk with the spirit my mother them know the word word I don't know the word I hadn't picked up the bible to read the word I got the Spirit uh because when I wanted the word I couldn't get the word I was locked away in the sell and they wouldn't give me the Bible so for for some some strange reason I was able to access the Spirit uh that's the spirit that Jesus said that would write God's word upon your heart uh I don't want to be Christian because Christians can't access the spirit they all got the word I don't want the word God I want your spirit because it says with this spirit that I can do Greater Works than Jesus there's no Christian I ever heard that say they can do Greater Works than Jesus and Jesus himself said that you can do Greater Works with this spirit so I don't want your I don't want the Christian word give me that Spirit Jesus was talking about that raised the dead that allows you to walk on water I ain't seen a Christian walk on water yet but isn't that the truth for you to to understand and say yo I'm GNA be what I've never seen uh I if you not if you had never see it you can't become it so I watched my mother take care of children I watched my mother feed people with her with the with her word of God I watched my mother pray to get my grandmother off drugs I watched my mother use the word of God okay Mama that word work good enough for you but I need the spirit the things that I've gotten involved in and the things that I do and the things that I face the word ain't going to help me Mama I need the spirit tell this tell that point take me through this whole uh background of what we see now and what had the most influence to you becoming what we see today I F in the washing machine when I was 5 years old years old so I was my mother was sleep I snuck outside and I was in the laundry mat playing in in on top of a washing machine and I was jumping up and down getting ready to jump off of it but I was jumping hard the lid popped open and I fell in and I broke everything from my waist down we end up suing quickwash and and the reason we won the lawsuit is one of the reasons why now when you open a lid to to a washing machine it stopped it was supposed to stop and it didn't so I broke everything from my waist down so I had a bone pop out here a bone pop out here I had pin in my leg this is at 5 years old in a in a in a washing machine spinning like this I pulled myself out and then passed out I was in a full body cast from here all the way down with a stick between my leg so I had to lay flat like this and I had to learn how do we walk again I was walk walking in that body cast they thought it was a miracle they thought I was a miracle child I rose up one day in that body cast and started walking with a broken up body uh I got the spirit of God at an early age so two years later after that I put my right eye out so I've had nine eye surgeries when I used to when they used to put that that oxygen mask and make a [ __ ] go to sleep somewhere in the Bible they says to be absent from the body is to be present from the Lord whenever you you go to surgery you're absent from your body in my mind I vividly remember having dreams going somewhere to Heaven as a kid so you only have sight in one eye yeah this a prosthetic limb it's a glass eye oh wow so that's from five to seven okay so I had to learn how to rewalk again with no problem so I ain't got no hip or nothing so if I was to stand I ain't got no hip or nothing so that's at 5 at s so from 7 to 12 I had nine eye surgeries mhm so I never really got to go to school so I had a private tutor it's things that I remember educational wise that I don't know how I got this knowledge they don't teach us about Jim Brown in school [ __ ] I know everything about Jim Brown AB the Abolitionist I got knowledge and information that but that white tutor I had a white tutor in the 80s coming to my home to teach me so I was groomed to be a intellectual so I didn't really get to go to school to the sixth grade by the time I got to the sixth grade I caught a capital murder case in the eighth grade so I'm an institutionalized baby from medicine hospitals to now incarceration I'm a book driven baby I've been reading books all my life I ain't been outside playing I ain't played no Sports I've been reading books I've got a brain full of knowledge I've been watching television studying movies and actors that's how I can act so what you see now is a product of a system [ __ ] I'm an educational baby that's why my knowledge and my articulation is what it is because when I went into the system I began to read more books so when [ __ ] were playing dominoes and and watching rap videos I was reading Danielle still love novels so I'm very charismatic I'm very Charming that what you think yeah yeah yeah yeah well that's that's that's how I've been able to get in B by getting in trouble but let me let getting in front of a judge and being able to say yes sir no sir no ma'am yes ma'am getting in front of a probation office to knowing how to make eye contact sit up straight look them straight in ey all of that was Charming things I learned as a kid to get out of trouble out of all those books that you had access to you ain't never had access to a Bible yeah yeah yeah I I refused to read the Bible because I couldn't as a kid I couldn't I couldn't connect to the language that the Bible wrote Thou Art I couldn't my understanding couldn't comprehend that okay do you did were you were you uh coherent to understanding that there were different versions of of the Bible yeah I I understand about the council when when when they introduced uh Cesar bagaria as the white man with the blonde hair and they took out pieces of the Bible so I know the Bible have been dissected to brainwash to control uh so what I did was but not more or less that level about n the international version I understand but but as a kid you don't know that yes sir as a kid you don't know to pick up this book and say okay they got a King James version okay you don't know this all you know is here read the Bible they said read the Bible and you can't really understand what the preacher saying but I have a mother who are quoting scriptures and I'm hearing her say these scriptures but they not making no sense all things work for the good of those who love God is called according to his will and his purpose Mama I'm locked up here for murder and I can't I'm G to be here for four years how's this going to work for my good well some but she's trying to explain this to me and I'm saying man stuff don't make [ __ ] don't make no sense I'm rejecting everything she's saying for one most kids reject what they parents teach him because you think the world no more than your parents so this ain't making sense Mama this God that so loved the world that'll give us his son then why why this kid over here get molested if God love us where my daddy at mama if God so good you keep hiding by God good how he good how and so it ain't making sense so so you don't believe in this scripture raise up a child in the way should go as a kid don't know scripture makes sense I know it now that's of course so but but but but as a kid it says train up a child how many parents are really training we're raising our kids we ain't training them that's why when they get in situation they don't go to their training to make good choices when police get in situation they go to their training they training is to shoot shoot where shoot to kill why you didn't shoot him in the leg because he was in a situation where he had to fall back on this training and there's a silhouette where they're training to shoot Cent MK so that's why they don't shoot you in live so what training are we giving our children where they get in situation where they choose the training we're not training we raise our kids how do we raise them food shell the clothing we ain't training the kids we ain't training any [ __ ] so we ain't trained we got to go to work mama got to go to work daddy cross to playing stepdaddy making more babies who training us nobody we've been indoctrinated at school and we're being programmed by the culture who's training us so we can miss train up a child that's why the kids ain't going no way cuz ain't nobody training them they're raising them they're providing good homes good clothes good foods but other than that there's no training that's why we're not in Boy Scouts uh that's why we're not in rooc that's why we're not in in in no type of physical training to teach us how to do push-ups outside of sports so as a kid you your parents are trying to introduce you to God but you looking at the circumstances in a situation that y'all growing up in so God ain't making sense to children no more it ain't making sense was I blessed because when I go to school the kids at school ain't blessing their food but you got me blessing my food it ain't making sense ain't nobody at school blessing their food so I'm supposed to go to school and pray over my food no I ain't doing that M because my peers supersede what you trying to teach me if you don't have a bunch of money to buy my attention so my mother had a my mother was financially stable to buy our attention what your mom do uh my mom worked for General Motors retired from General Motors uh the backbone of America the blue collar worker in ' 80s in the 80s so uh we were very financially stable I had my own I had my own bedroom homie uh in the third grade I had my own phone line I had to the bunk bed uh uh bed with the desk uh I had the Basketball Gold I had the remote control car we had the Nintendo with the Power Pad the duck hunting game I had the Jabo I had all the name brand stuff that a kid could want uh but for one mom wasn't at home she had to work so she provided a great home life but when we got out of school she was going to work uh daddy retired from the Navy uh he doing his own thing did you did you were you raised in a household with your mom and your dad no just Mom were they ever together uh yeah they were together the first part of my life but that's that's a vague memory yeah but when you say first part I have no memory okay now do you think that that had any type of traa in your growth as a man the absence of a father the absence of a father in any child's life leaves a child hurt but ultimately develops a child as an angry kid and it can't can't nobody explain why this little [ __ ] just angry that's the absence of a father so both my brother you speaking as a from the son's perspective or the female's perspective I'm speaking from the son's perspective so both my brother and I grew up with just a good mother a good loving mother when I was eight or nine years old homie my brother looked at me and said when I grow up I'm gonna kill somebody man I looked at that [ __ ] and ran downstairs Mama Mama C say when he grow up man boy come here what what you mean well I I'm going kill and so she spanked him when she should have been exploring that anger M long before a kid gets angry they feel hurt [ __ ] where my daddy at mama where daddy at what Tupac say he heard Mama crying mama where my daddy at heard you crying late night through the bedroom door and Do You Love Me Mama why they keep on calling me [ __ ] get my weight up with my hating pay them back when I'm bigger so that's the 12 year old big body kid [ __ ] that they done put in football that Grandma and them scared of when he get mad he huffing and puffing he kicked the door he punch a hole in the wall he push his little sister down get that weight up with my hate so just think about my brother saying this [ __ ] I'm 8 years old he 10 [ __ ] he killed somebody 17 so so I'm trying to piece it all together so the anger right so we hurt in the beginning but before you hurt you feeling unloved no hold on hold on check that truth truth to that but in your household you raised by your mother parents was never together you guys three boys two two boys so just you and your brother just me and my brother two boys so you only got one sibling yeah but but I had a sister come later in life when I was 13 okay so we got Uncle we got granddaddy we got Grandmama we got aunts we got cousins so we got a big family and we got Grand and we got males there but they ain't the right kind of ma granddaddy got a barber shop uh granddaddy went to the military granddaddy retired from Paul lumber yard granddaddy work at the bus born he the supervisor at the bus born but he pimping he got all the hoes boosting and stealing uh granddaddy catch a a major federal drug case and make the front page paper right so I remember my mother telling us when I was like in the fifth grade don't nobody don't go to school and tell nobody that's your granddaddy his name Freddy white uh my uncle is a pimp my granddaddy got the barber shop I'm growing up with Granddad and Uncle them at the barber shop seeing the hustlers and the players and The Pimps it's the black exploitation area the 80s MH so uh so I got men in my life but my mother is contrasting and countering what we seeing right she trying to raise us to be opposite of her brother and her daddy so she's trying to instill good morals but [ __ ] who [ __ ] up the kids more than the [ __ ] uncles in the black family because Uncle Wayne is the pimp with the rose Ro Uncle W is the pimp walking through with the Briefcase full of money the trash bags of money so as a kid you see the Dynamics of how the family treat Uncle Wayne everybody kiss his ass in here a woman beat her so everybody kiss his ass so it's no different than a d boy Uncle who in the household with the mama who got the favorite brother he coming through with the pan sagging and the gun the nephews them is picking up these traits as he stop through and get this one money get out money rub him on the head let him ride in the car with the hoes and the [ __ ] so I I was a little King like the little kid finessed two times got I was that little [ __ ] with my uncle now being exposed to this [ __ ] so that's the dynamic of the loving single black mother who's God-fearing uh who's trying to teach their kid her kids good morals and values but she don't have the time cuz she got to work and provide a good living for and and there's a missing piece and the father being the absent of the father so the the so the absence of the father who's supposed to step in a uncle a cousin somebody within the family within the family before she have to go out and get a coach correct but [ __ ] there's no positive male figures M they teaching us the [ __ ] toxic and they telling us don't listen to your mama boy you going to be a trick listening to your mama they so they really got you so so your as a child you're battling different things don't listen to your uncles and your uncle saying don't listen to your your mama don't know what she talking about you see what I'm saying be a little [ __ ] you know say hey you going to be a man D we all go through those type of so not only that when Mama leave just like every other kid what we do we cut on that television so now when we cutting on the television at this time homie uh excuse me uh gangsterism being introduced [ __ ] mom at home and and and what I see on TV is is is being propagated it's being glorified a image imagery right it it it's no more big daddy canes it's no more kiding play it's no more MC Hammer [ __ ] dancing uh imagery is now being subjected to Children uh by through through the Hip Hop culture the bad boy the The Outlaw come on homie NWA The Gangsta [ __ ] uh [ __ ] school I pull a g about a week [ __ ] school just that just that small line right there in a rap song I pull a g about a week [ __ ] school that was krs1 saying that m uh so when I cut off my television [ __ ] them images that I see that's that like Uncle Wayne the pimp yeah that's who you relate to come on now so now I'm spending the night over my homeboy houses [ __ ] they Brothers is uncles is drug dealers and gangsters they looking like the imagery so now we're starting to take on the image uh how do we learn the behavior of gangsters through the lyrics and the movies are now being shown to us uh now rather than us wanting to play football uh [ __ ] we want to be too sweet we playing too sweet the guy that can whoop everybody in prison in the movie Penitentiary M uh instead of doing Kung Fu uh and doing karate uh [ __ ] we playing high top and rocket on colors so mama at work while all this Dynamics is changing with no with no absolute clue don't have a clue what's going on because nobody is hip to this new culture really yes sir so now so now you have people who are becoming aware of of the words and and and these lyrical contents and now they're starting to put parental advisory labels on on on on on tapes but Mama them don't have the time to sit and listen to this [ __ ] they tired they getting out work TI then one of us is having problems in school so she got to take out work to come deal with this one so because she dealing with this one guess what the younger one flying under the radar getting in trouble because the oldest one is getting in so much trouble right and that's what's happening in these households it's becoming it's becoming overwhelmed it's only one parent it's becoming over it's only one parent not only that the problems and the frustration of the children is mounting on top of whatever problem you having at work whatever financial problem in your relationship problems so along that as your or not just you but what you've been able to verbalize and and and and picture paint is a typical situation in Black America I call it the traditional single African-American parent home it's so Trum uh not problematic it's trauma based it's it's trauma it's trauma in that in that household that's festering and you're you're building the next generation of killers uh pimps drug dealers because that's what they see out of fear uh you do this it's some mothers all my partners they got the gangster masam M uh them niggga was some of the most Harden killers in the streets because their mothers groomed them uh the niggga who was groomed to to to be hard on a woman uh he's very abusive because his mother taught him these traits and and and and whatever Mama teach us we stand on it I'm going to say it again [ __ ] whatever Mama teach us we stand on it oh that's why [ __ ] I repeat a lot of [ __ ] my mama say [ __ ] mama said that the Bible so [ __ ] so if you the street mama that's why the whole mama is so dangerous uh but the loving over nurturing Mama is just as dangerous as the whole mama who teaching him the the street [ __ ] yes sir because because she handicaps him and and what ends up happening is out of his Rebellion to Be Free as a boy in a male he overcomes himself St with being over masculine because Mama gave him all this everything so he tried to play over Mas he too tough he too tough that's the [ __ ] too tough over masculinity is the driving force for [ __ ] to crash out [ __ ] want to fight all the time that's Mama he don't know to think because analytic being analytical is a man's natural behavior not an emotional state [ __ ] we've been groomed to be emot Ally responsive and emotionally driven men because of our loving mothers she's so loving she only whoopers when she frustrated that's where we learn to hit when we get mad M that sit down somewhere they hit you and secretly they feel guilty because I've done it as a parent yeah feel bad in the [ __ ] but you done already delivered the lick yes sir I Got a Friend by the name of Teran Samson he did 29 years on a 30-year sentence for murder when he was 12 years old he stabbed the next door a neighbor 90 93 times he said he had his first homicidal thought when he was 5 years old after his dad had brutally beat him but right after the thought he said his dad walked in with tears in his eyes and said son I'm sorry imagine had his daddy done that before the thought he would have saved the life come on homie so so frustration is a [ __ ] as a parent before before get to ahead of ourselves I'm trying to paint a picture here and I'm trying to I'm trying to take people on this journey when you were you took me through 6 to 8 uh talked about your brother uh committing a a a crime for you at 14 or throughout that whole process of of juvenile what was what was that like for you uh it was traumatizing uh because you got to think how I'm a I'm a Mama's Boy [ __ ] I'm the baby and I just come from being hurt so I've been in the hospital most my life yes sir I'm a nurtured child I'm a nurtured child who who needed to be accepted uh I didn't play football didn't play basketball so I needed to be accepted uh and I found acceptance through through through negativity violence ultimately committing crimes um I I wasn't I learned to be violent I'm not a violent person uh I can be violent I learn how to be uh I I'm I'm I've done a lot of violent things in my life but I was playing uh trying to fit in with the environment uh we laughed after after we committed that murder but it wasn't funny but what happened though uh we went to the mall uh to go steal some starter jackets so I had ran I had ran away from home so my mother I told you I got a younger sister so my mother was pregnant my brother was already off in the boys home so my brother had already been to the boys home like two or three times right so he was already troubled because he was so troubling and giving Mama such a hard time I'm going through the Adolescent stage and of course the Adolescent stage going to be a bunch of rebellion right so I'm really following his lead but I'm flying under the radar correct so Mama missing a lot of [ __ ] because I'm Charming I know how to pull my pants up and I'm sneaking out so mama don't know until I start getting arrested can very conniving mischievous as they called it back then so so my mom get pregnant with my little sister uh and and naturally that that triggered me into another part of rebellion I ain't going to be the baby no more right you the man I ain't going to be the big brother now yeah but I didn't want to be the big brother want to be the baby [ __ ] yeah I want I want I'm the baby uh and so naturally I rebelled at at 13 years old going on 14 mom could to have another baby so I ran away from home uh and I tell this story I used to run away from a good home [ __ ] my own bedroom walking on marble floors uh bathtub trimmed and gold uh [ __ ] food and ice box to go to go play poor with my partners in the projects because I want to be accepted amongst the poor because the culture in our community make you feel like you ain't real if you ain't embraced by the poor so welltoo kids or throw everything away just to go hang with with the poor in the projects all day doing nothing just hanging so that's what I wanted to do man uh so I ran away from home and went and did it and went on a crime spree from snatching purses stealing car breaking in the houses uh that's how we was able to get the gun uh we broke into uh one of my my former girlfriend's houses who dad was a Dallas police officer at the time uh stole a Nintendo VCR when in pundit uh just on a crime spree but boy you as hell boy we we see see see children are impulsive right that that's where brain development comes in at right the prefrontal cortex so most kids unless they come from extreme poverty are not committing crime for financial gain it's for Thrills and feels the excitement of this [ __ ] the rush rush so that's the impul yeah that's the impulsiveness of a kid when you supposed to be getting this playing football you supposed to be getting this in boxing but we're not so this the element of children that's getting their Sports fixed right so it was just for fun and It ultimately end up cating a innocent man uh uh his life so we go to the mall the plan is just to go to Foot Locker grab some hats and some starter jackets and and and run out so the first time we went they had a a young black dude look like he run fast uh so we didn't do it I got two partners right now today [ __ ] named toan Harris and thearc is Miles both them [ __ ] older than me so the first crew we went to go do it with we were like no man [ __ ] that I said man let's go get theca so I went to go get the ncus just to drive and toan was over there getting his haircut them [ __ ] supposed to callau a murder case he would cutting to one her out the N said no man come back and get me well I was too anxious I ain't go back and get thearc CU I went and got torn big torn and little torn went to the mall grabb a jacket grab a hatch ran out and in the process of us running out of my Victim which was a little small white white guy by the name of Michael Levy uh he had just got married 3 days prior to that he saw what was happening because he was working on his car in the parking lot and so he tried to stop us he ran and Dove on top of the car he started hitting the windshield uh with whatever Ranch he had in his hand and so I'm in the back seat saying uh man go [ __ ] Drive mot in the front seat he can't put the car in gear you know back then that [ __ ] go up and down yeah and and and you can hi a car and drive and cut it off and take the keys out and so that's what he did he reached inside the car uh and cut the car off and took the keys and so uh and how old were you at this time I 14 I had just turned 14 so I was 14 we was all 14 15 16 17 mhm uh so when we get out the car I was sitting on the gun so I get a gun to my PO so I'm in C man shoot that [ __ ] uh and he shoot him uh he wasn't trying to kill him it it just that uh the gun that we had was a was a was a 38 well actually was a 357 snub no uh with blue tip hollow points in it so when he shot the gun it went up and hit him one time in the chest and and uh because of the bullets uh they thought we shot him in the back you know could them [ __ ] expand as soon as on on impact yeah so they thought we shot him in the back uh he he died in the parking lot so Tony daret had just opened a club up uh he was still playing for the cow I think he just retired for the Cowboys or was still playing he had just opened a club but right where the incident occurred so it it made headline news a front page paper uh it was real big because we were four black children who had killed killed the white man and and and in in a week within that same week uh three skin heads had had killed this black man that that was sitting on the back of his car so both of them were very high-profile cases which of course uh in the media the white kids were being treated lenient and we was getting more time uh but I got less time than anybody but my mother was financially uh able to go out and get some of the best lawyer representation in the city which was a guy by the name of Carl mallerie and in Louis Sterns uh and and Carl Maller is dead now uh may God Rest his soul and and and Mr Sterns end up becoming judge leis Sterns so he just retired from a judge so I had two of the best lawyers uh in the city uh my C- Defenders home they mom and him couldn't afford that year uh one of my Cod defendant uh got out on BN and his mother moved him to I think Oklahoma or something and he end up dying uh running from the police in the hot speed chase the the my oldest codefendant got 99 years went back on the pill and was released on a 25e sentence the 16y old shooter got 75 years he still incarcerated right now to this day our crime happened September 18th 1991 so I'm one of the first children oh my I just got chills uh I'm one of the first children uh in forward Texas to be tried and adjudicated for the crime of Murder in the early '90s in the state of Texas I'm one of the first children who follow in a group of children uh who was tried adjudicated and sentenced for the crimes of capital murder and murder who was sentenced under Texas juvenile law that's called Texas juvenile determined sentencing law where a kid can be sentenced up to 40 years so I got a 12E sentence uh for capital murder so to take me back real quick to the individuals who the black boy how how long did they get uh boy I almost said his name Josh I think Josh got like 12 or 13 years uh the the the white guy who pulled the trigger he got like 50 years uh and then the other guy got like [ __ ] barely 20 years so all of them got significantly low amounts of time than than my counterparts so me me and Josh we we was in the boys home together uh uh he was just a white kid homie uh you know the same dude that was a part of the yeah yeah so so so his Cod Defenders was tried as adults and sent to prison as teenagers like mine was uh Josh should have been tried and S send us to prison but he was a white kid the only reason I wasn't tried as an adult is because I was 14 so I didn't meet the certification age but the following year Tech the state of Texas Lord the certification age where a 14year old uh can can be sent to prison ultimately they L to age to 10 years old where 12year old can be send us to life without parole so many people don't know up until 2016 that there was only three three countries on on on this entire planet that would take a 12y old kid and send us them to life without parole that's America Sudan and North Korea at 12 years old at 12 years old Katherine and Curtis Jones is two children out of Florida uh who sentenced to life without parole uh Sarah Cruz life without parole man I can go on and on George toer life without parole I can go on and on these were children steing Ste in C or or have there's there's there there there there's like right at 2,000 individuals who have been locked up in in America since they was children for crime they have committed as children and have life without parole that would die in prison as young as 12 years old uh Florida Florida will take a 12 and 13 year old and send them on the prison yard at 12 and 13 Katherine and Cur walk in adult prison at 12 and 13 years old both were brutally raped at 12 and 13 years old in prison in America so when you when what I'm hearing in this particular moment is like prison reform is is essential it's real it's very essential yeah very essential uh there you have to understand home there was there was was 20 or 30 years of of of our country who who who believe that that we should be tough on crime and and they became tough on crime so not only did they create sentencing guideline that's where the three strikes come in the minimum sentencing guidelines come came in that was completely uh unjust and unfair particularly to us uh that's where you start seeing children going to prison at 15 and 16 years old uh when when we have all the the the the the evidence we have all the the research we have all the medical and science information that says that the human brain don't develop to at around 25 so why would you take a 17y old or 20 year old and sendish them to to life without parole when they don't even have the full brain development to make the rational decision that you and I would make in certain situations uh if you factor in child trauma you factor in abuse you factor in neglect uh that brain may not develop to 30 that's why you hear these old ass [ __ ] like Jay-Z them holling 40 is the new 30 that's the lack of brain development for us to even think to process that 30 is the new 20 that's us really saying we're really [ __ ] up there's no way the 30 can be the new 20 you have to think backwards but that but you taking it out of context no I'm not what's in a man's heart come out his mouth if you say 40 is the new 30 you don't so that mean you're a 40y old you still looking 30 no bro what are you saying then but uh I remember uh that that song 30 just new 20 yeah I'm so hot yeah uh he's it is he's still rapping about dope and his song Now the song God is but but you there just like a lot of things being taken out of context it was more or less like yo even though I'm older I'm still able to you know live a life that not like a 30y y that's the problem with the black man he won't grow up he won't grow up he still want to be 40 and live like he 30 what's wrong with being 40 and living like you 40 why you still want to live younger the goal is to grow old not get younger M so the goal ain't to keep all my black hair the goal ain't to go and put a whole bunch of pretty white new teeth in my mouth the old I get I'm going to lose a side tooth it's okay I'm getting old [ __ ] I'm going to get a ball spot it's okay I ain't got to go get the man weed what so that's what's happening Homie we what's we shaming old so that's why the old [ __ ] said oh look at you old [ __ ] because we shame to be old so our kids shame to Old ain't nothing wrong with 40 being 40 my [ __ ] yeah but what got you on to this activism in the community uh because I had people who who who poured into me when I was a fool so so before I got out the juvenile system uh I I wasn't exposed to gangs yes sir uh I grew up in a upper middle class neighborhood with white kids from the third grade I don't know nothing about the hood [ __ ] [ __ ] I used to go to my Ain beating them house and see them [ __ ] with the blue flags and then I saw that [ __ ] on colors on TV I didn't know what that [ __ ] was until I went into the juvenile system so when I got into the juvenile system you see rolling 60 Crips you see rolling 30 Crips you got Alena block Crips you got original swamp Compton you got five D ho Crips you got GDs you got uh black Gangster Disciples you got Spanish gang you got all these different Gams and it ain't no football team and I'm going to be here for the next four to seven years get in where you fit in correct because this the boy sport in here so [ __ ] I joined the game and and when I got introduced to it coming from and I want to say this to all the Mas coming from a single parent home with just mama in the house never been spanked by a man never been disciplined by a man never had a hug from a man never been kicked and ass by the man when I got introduced to the gang it was everything I was looking for [ __ ] I got an uncle in the gang I got a big homie I got a [ __ ] playing OG just like the Daddy I got Brothers these are your male figures that there you go and they ain't number two three years older than me yes sir it's like the [ __ ] in the ninth grade looking up to the senior it's like the [ __ ] in the eighth grade looking up to the 11th grader he like a big big homie he like Daddy it's like a niggaer in the sixth grade looking up to the [ __ ] just got in college he's still a kid too but the sixth grade niggaer don't know this correct these the big homies now [ __ ] these the daddies these the uncles and [ __ ] I fit right in and I became the little homie everybody love and I work my way up to rankings showing out for them [ __ ] I just want to be accepted [ __ ] so I'm gonna do what these [ __ ] won't do I'm the little [ __ ] I'm the little [ __ ] all the big homies love so yeah [ __ ] so uh but it's people people like me that's sitting back coming to work every day looking at this little [ __ ] reading books looking at him his test scores seeing he's smart he got potential his mama coming to see him he making phone call he getting mail he getting cards he getting letters man this little boy playing these other kids ain't getting none of this so you got workers who sitting back looking at the Dynamics of all these kids they work with and it's their job to say man why y'all hanging together y'all don't fit together so it was the workers who was seeing the good in me I ain't seeing the good in me cuz I'm playing bad they see past the ACT it's a facade just a facade homie I'm playing [ __ ] I ain't none of this [ __ ] that's why I'm so easy to quit when I got my senses so it's some [ __ ] get stuck playing that because they don't have no app you said you said something though and I want you to say [ __ ] I got a app I'm smart [ __ ] I can I can pass my GED I can take college courses [ __ ] I can go before the Road boy and look all the white people out and talk it's a lot of [ __ ] can't so they don't have no app [ __ ] they ain't got no mama sending them scriptures they ain't got no mama calling praying with them they ain't got none of so they I'm hanging with these [ __ ] with no app but I got a app yes sir so it was the workers who made me realize homie uh you bullshitting so when it's time for me to go back to court uh part of the law is uh you go to the go into the juvenal system until your 18 uh 30 days prior to your 18th birthday you go back before your sentence and judge and the sentence and judge will make a determination uh whether you're going to be transferred to the adult prison system whether you're parole or you're recommitted back into the custody of the Youth System now if you're recommitted that mean the juvenal system has jurisdiction over you until you're 21 you get out at 21 and you free your record a seal if you go to prison then you do the remaining of your 12 years so I had already done four years years at this time on 12 my my victim's family played a played a big part in me not going to prison uh because they they was they was a forgiving white family so I could never be angry and hate white people because I took a white men's life only for their family to be loving and forgiving I and so it's hard for me to to to to to develop hate uh in my heart I hate things but I don't hate people so uh so actually got to look look at these people and and hear the words uh I forgive you uh we forgive you not only that uh I had a compassionate judge uh my judge is the same judge who who who sentenced the the little white kid Ethan couch to the to the four to the 10 years probation for those four DWI murders uh judge Jean Boyd so in her defense uh many people believe she should have sent that little white kid to prison uh and many people believe she should have sent me to prison because that was a recommendation for the state for me to be transferred to the adult prison system remember I told you my mother said no I'm not asking for him to be released if I would have been released at 18 I was bringing home the gang bang in mine MH uh at 21 I brought home the youth Advocate mind because in in those three years uh I began to work the programs hold on hold on sit tight real quick so you say at 8 you went back in front of the judge for a transfer hearing to go transfer hearing your mom had the the opportunity to either say I I would have been parole home that day I would have came home and been on parole for three years and and and free in Ence but you had parole yeah I would have been free I could have yeah yeah at 18 years old and she said what they the judge specifically say Miss White are you asking for your son to be released today uh and my mom Mama looked at me and looked at the judge and said no y I think he need to go back and work the programs because they were great programs uh it they was program that focused on on on on not just Rehabilitation uh but resocialization and and repairing a child uh from from the childhood trauma that most children uh who commit these type of crimes endure uh I hadn't really had no trauma homie that I thought at the time other than the fact that my daddy wasn't there that alone is trauma mhm that alone is traumatizing yes sir uh on on top of the fact that your mother is there and she's not there that's even more traumatizing on top of the fact that you're having surgeries where you're being put to sleep which is hindering some brain functions right so uh so I learned a lot in those three years but there's a fast growing proc process from 18 to 21 where a kid can develop and grow uh at such a rate it it surprise as many uh it's not a big difference from 18 to 21 but if you nurture a child and you put a child in the right environment and in in in the right setting uh that kid can grow to full potential in three years and that's what happened with me so so within 3 years so from 18 to to 21 I went from playing leader of the role 60 game to within two years uh and this wasn't me fronting uh this was the this was the real me I was fronting as a gang member uh this was the real me excelling uh homie they used to take me off campus that's where I told you I spoke at blind College I spoke at Texas ANM prayview every College in around there UT uh the Aggies uh all the high schools so my last year and a half two years of being locked up I would go out and do public speakings and motivational speaking at colleges and universities and high schools so they groomed me for this it's just that when I got out at 21 in 1998 my record was sealed uh no felony convictions but my identity was tied inside the Jew system so I came back out here [ __ ] with a murder case that everybody know as a you know [ __ ] so [ __ ] we root for the killer so I come back to my peers who I know from school [ __ ] I'm known as a [ __ ] who caught a murder case those are accolades right so in 1998 when I walk out of the juvenile system all of my childhood issues have been resolved like I was pure and innocent uh but I didn't know how to talk to girls I been locked up from 14 to 21 look at that big old Gap you know how much [ __ ] go on from 14 to 21 [ __ ] I didn't know which way was north south east to west when I left if you was cute you can get a girl niggaer when I come home it's about month hone the Doughboy [ __ ] this the Doughboy every now so culturally gang banging dying out so what I'm going to come out here and do n ain't gang banging in '98 I'm trying I kind of really want a gang bang but I don't know what to do gang bang I had never been introduced to gangs in the Free World so it was easy for me to walk away from this gang mindset that was just in the juvenile the past time so when I come home homie uh you do what most people do homie uh you go back to the old people the old places and the old things uh I tried to work but N I ain't know how to get up and go to work been locked up since I was 14 yeah I don't know how to get up and go to work uh I don't I don't know how to wake myself up I've been getting woke up when it's time to eat [ __ ] I don't know what to eat I've been looking at the menu the menu been saying what we going to eat how I know I ain't been I've been locked up so there there there's nobody you really can talk to because at that time [ __ ] re-entry is something big now but [ __ ] it was re-entry was unheard of back then let alone juvenile reentry so there was no church there was no family member that a [ __ ] can talk to and say man I'm having some inade inadequate issues [ __ ] I don't know what to do so I'm trying to date girls my age but the girls I'm dating saying stuff like you need a high school girlfriend man I don't know what the [ __ ] she mean but my conversation ain't on that level mhm so uh [ __ ] what do you do uh you go with the culture right so what was the culture doing at that time selling dope Master P had just dropped that [ __ ] uh ghetto dope crack like this ghetto dop and taught you how to cook crack from step one to step 10 so I decided to go to college because one one of the benefits of of of of Aging out of the juvenile system in the state of Texas is that you become a ward of the state so once you get adjudicated for a crime your parents are no longer your parents you become a ward of the state so meaning you're you're a state baby so one of the benefits of being a ward of the state is uh they pay for my college tuition up to a PhD so right now I can go back to college and they still pay for my college tuition so uh that was one of the things that I tried to do when I first get out but I ain't had nobody guide me so I I went to go and roll at the University of Arkansas in fville Arkansas uh in the process I had a cousin who were going to school up there he was the president of the BSA black Students Association and he had a fascination with wanting to be the weed man so uh me and him come come home one day uh he done got the football playing [ __ ] money uh he done went and got 10 pounds of weed I don't even know how much a pound of weed cost our way I just decide to drive get stopped and get pulled over with 10 pounds of weed uh catch a drug trafficking charge I hadn't even been out eight months after gone being seven years uh 90% of juveniles are rearrested within one year after being released 85 to 90% of adult inmates are rearrested are back in prison within five years after getting released those numbers don't lie so I F in those stats uh I ultimately end up getting six months prison boot camp five year deferred adjudication probation uh in the process of trying to complete those five year deferred adjudication probation a [ __ ] just trying to find an identity MH from 21 to 30 the black man a black boy he struggled with trying to find an identity that's why you see him in his 20s and from 19 to 21 he hanging with a certain group of [ __ ] he trying to find somewhere to fit in then he with this group of [ __ ] he trying to find somewhere to fit in then he over here trying to do this it wasn't until I start having children that I found an identity because other than that [ __ ] done pimp [ __ ] done sold drugs [ __ ] done robbed [ __ ] done done all the thing we think we supposed to do in the streets other than rape child molest and shoot dope right so all the Gangsta [ __ ] we think we supposed so [ __ ] go try all that [ __ ] homie and God bless me not to you know get in no trouble to catch no time so I hadn't been in no trouble as an adult uh that have warned me to go do uh a bunch of [ __ ] time I I've been submerged I I haven't been a criminal I've been submerged in the criminal elements of our society because of our culture right so uh what do you mean by that a [ __ ] get a job and have a quarter pound of weed at the warehouse and be selling weed at work just to have a little extra money for gas correct uh a [ __ ] have a homeboy who sell weed and got another homeboy who trying to buy some weed and he a middleman a little drug deal to get him extra $700 so I was submerged in the in the criminal elements trying to find an identity but that's all you know too uh well it wasn't all I know uh because I got I'm educated homie I can read I can write uh I can do a resume uh I can I can go get get an interview and and can sale myself in a interview uh to get a job because those are the things I started doing when I was tired of doing wrong you're doing wrong because you think wrong is the right thing to do in the mind state that you in right we got an element of our culture to tell us doing wrong is right uh you got your parents teaching you what's right and what's wrong when you do wrong it don't feel right even when you try to justify it and and so that's that's why had gotten in life homie uh I had a son and and and I knew that uh I have options man my [ __ ] them got to sell dope because they mama was on crack they have to do this I don't and so that's when that light came on that's where my fear came because I start telling myself that it's only so many so much Mercy that God can give me because I know better M I ain't supposed to be doing this they is and it maybe they ain't but [ __ ] I know I'm not so once I was able to gather that concept uh I was 25 26 with a full brain then now I'm rationalizing uh because now I have a son and and and and and I want to get this little boy something that I never had and and I didn't know nothing about being no good father no bad father know [ __ ] about that cuz you didn't had that I just want to be a her father M yeah I just want to be a her father that he can come in there and pull in my legs open Touch the nose Slob on my face I ain't know nothing and and I figured he me and him will figure out together so that was my Approach me and him will figure this out together uh so I I I learned when I was becoming an overbearing uh mean frustrated parent when a little boy asked me dad is you mad about something that mean I'm taking some [ __ ] out on him and he can tell yeah so my yeah I learned through through the kid that what's a good and bad father uh and to this day uh I've been a day one Daddy I don't have no unexcused abces I've been have perfect attendance in fatherhood yeah I got perfect attendance in fatherhood all right hey how many how many children you got bro I got two by one woman okay so I I had my son uh I like that and then uh when when she were pregnant with my daughter uh uh I I didn't want to continue to have children out of wedlock uh so I made a conscious decision uh yeah to marry to marry even though we divorc uh but but I wanted to give them something uh I wanted to break the curse homie you want more kids nah yeah I want to yeah I want to be Reckless with that dick and just run around and [ __ ] them baby grown now yeah I don't want to be tired down no more if I make a baby I want one overseas that I can leave behind no man yeah yeah yeah them SE baby don't matter no yeah man [ __ ] them overseas baby I'm going to have me some overseas baby like granddaddy them did in Japan and Vietnam you can't do that man you can't I know yeah I know I can't but I think it all the time yeah I just want to make a but this this this like 90% of this this video up until this point you have been I want to be a Sor [ __ ] sometime H home it's hard being a good daddy all the time man [ __ ] I want to be a s motherfu I want to see at least what it feel like I at least want to see what it feel like you want to feel you you know what it feel like you was a part of that uhuh no no I know what it feel like not to have I don't know what it's like to be the one to cause that's so contradicting I know man but [ __ ] [ __ ] it uh man I want to sectionate baby man I just see sometime and send the child some 43 two come [ __ ] the mama high five the baby play the game rub him on the head and then he grew up make it to the league and I show back up you think he going to show up in the league with who who skill set the mama or you the stepdaddy cuz that's normally who developed them [ __ ] the stepdaddy then taught that [ __ ] how to run them routs go that way go that way yeah n homie but listen it's all right to want to be a low down dirty [ __ ] and admit it but you're not I I'm listen I want to have a baby riding left behind just yeah I want to be man I man man [ __ ] y I want to be dirty sometime I want yeah I want to be do you think you got that really in you to do though no okay mm but but saying it is just something it just it just left out there in the universe to just be say I don't want to be an a [ __ ] D well I'm just saying there's a possibility that I may make a baby here in the future with the fame and stardom that I got and I may not be able to be there for the baby this is coming from a person who has seven children and one on the way right I could never see myself not being a part of my children's life me too this what I used to say when the first kid and I had my first son I said man mama I can't see myself loving no other kid the way I love this child I couldn't imagine [ __ ] then that little girl came boy you love her equally so I'm saying that I also said [ __ ] soon as I get a chance to sell out I'm gonna sell out first chance I got to sell out I ain't sell out sell out what uh your people yeah had a chance to sell out it's like you talking about snitching no sell out be be be what they want us to be against black people cooning cooning yeah yeah I had a great opportunity to do that and you don't think you been doing that nah uh I take my money and give it to the black people that people don't even know exist so is can we Keep It Funky yeah like I'm talking about real funky this the funky podcast that's swear fiday Just Keep It Funky say l so when I when I see Charleston white right and I know of of really what you stand for I respect what you stand for how it's articulated sometimes is something like ah why you got to go all the way over there for example this is quote unquote coming out of what you said [ __ ] Dion Sanders and his sons for leaving Jackson State [ __ ] nipy hustle [ __ ] King vaugh [ __ ] Jay-Z yeah [ __ ] them [ __ ] what what that ain't coonan no what what enlighten me uh they don't say that [ __ ] say [ __ ] LeBron James LeBron James get mistreated more than any athlete in the world I ain't saying that for white people but [ __ ] don't say that uh [ __ ] Ain't My Kind of [ __ ] uh uh these nigg go to white people stadiums and buy popcorn and hot dogs so you a never been to a football game I I do but I ain't paid for it and I don't buy no hot dogs and popcorn so what you do I really don't watch sports at all so what's your thing uh strip club hoes and and po [ __ ] babies and not [ __ ] their Mas like the Little League football coaches see I'm the [ __ ] in the projects and in the ghetto that give away the toys make sure the kids get and and don't touch their mama's [ __ ] I ain't like them other [ __ ] so I can say [ __ ] Dion cuz [ __ ] I Dion coasted My City before with prime [ __ ] I know the East Side Falcons used to play so I know about Dion Andy you that ain't respector worthy for you to say you know even though no no no that ain't respect worthy because because because what I saw was and I ain't really saying [ __ ] Dion I'm telling black people to say [ __ ] Dion Because what happened we took well we took our love and our support to Colorado and we forgot about all these HBCU that's winning or losing we ain't said High them we don't know one black coach at HBCU okay now stop because like I said behind everything that you say has some truth but to that I would suggest you say in that statement I ain't going to say per se [ __ ] Dion but look let's leave that part out I'm saying it that no but but what we receive would be like yo even though Dion Sanda had to make a professional decision to go chase a bag that Jackson State didn't necessarily have let's not forget about the other HBCU coaches that's out there let me just say uh Dion knew they didn't have a bag when he took that on it was already an agreement that we know we go to struggle he even agreed to give portions of that to that facility he already knew this the white folks just came and do what they always do come get the [ __ ] and take the attention that he was going to bring to the spotlight on the HBCU now this big old light that could have been on these HBCU is now on this one white school that's 92% white so let me ask you this if you was in Dion Sanders situation you would have stayed at Jackson State no you missing what I'm saying I no you missing what I'm saying I ain't saying [ __ ] Dion Dion done what he was supposed to do as a hubbing in the coach I'm saying [ __ ] the hubbing in the coach [ __ ] we don't rally behind no [ __ ] that'll sell out for the white man job [ __ ] go get with the [ __ ] that's still with the [ __ ] down there on that field with them hoes in in it like the schools and the shoes that [ __ ] we always had a Negro League stay in the Negro League my [ __ ] why you going to take our best in our brightest so you done went and took the best in the brightest players over here for who to benefit not your people and you done took all your people with they Fame and they support for who a school that's 92% white and y'all a't gave a one game not one game to the black HBCU not gramy not PR not one one no celebrity so you're going to come over here and rally all the best and the brightest players to come over here on Whitey porch and you the bait sir you and your son y'all the bait no my [ __ ] I ain't with that so I'm saying [ __ ] him and his son [ __ ] why y'all ain't doing the same support for the Little League football teams in y'all City that help them babies get to where Dion at they don't get that kind of support they stand on the corners and have the cheerleader little girl looking like hoes dancing begging for money with buckets okay now now let me that's just a little league fundraiser let's just keep it above all right honestly it's it it it make me feel a certain type of way when now I'm gonna get to King Von and nipple we onon right now we on Dion it just make me feel a certain type of way because I respect what I respect Dion and what Dion got going on so it's hard for me to hear you say that in a in a way where I know Dion Sanders impact in our culture has did way more than anybody else in this in this society that we live in where what impact have Dion had other he brought notoriety to a a space that in essence really wasn't dead before what de Colorado he brought notori to Colorado to Jackson State he brought notori to Jackson State and then he took it where to Colorado now to to to make my point all right so I'm asking you Charleston White you go to it matter of fact can we Keep It Funky what's the most that you've ever gotten to do or to be Charleston white uh $40,000 for a for a two-day interview okay $40,000 now if you could say I could change that $40,000 to $400,000 would you just leave that $40,000 or would you go get for $400,000 I'm going to go get 400,000 is that not what Dion Sanders did okay what Dion Sanders uh Dion son is a star quarterback that he's trying to get to the league and he's faring his he's fathering his son to the league with nobody else's children in mine and he's getting a pretty big check to do it and what he's doing is he's robbing black people of their star power he's robbing black people of their economics because he done took it and gave it to the white man because the the the the the space that you speak of why not why not send it back there too why leave it here why the baby why L Wayne why all these major people don't go stand on the sideline of cultes that's not a celebrity why they don't do it to people who not celebrity why because this is what I know about black people they worship and they idolize celebrities that's why they are worshiping and idolizing Dion they worship they worship they worship and idolize celebrities and so I'm here to say [ __ ] them celebrities from King Von to nip because when us regular people need a when we need help they don't come they don't step down and come [ __ ] with her that ain't true man I've been in the community for the last 12 years man I know Dion lived in Prosper Texas Dallas Texas Dion what never there outside of his prime organization football but that's him there but that's why I'm saying [ __ ] him because I I was in the community with him I I was at the football game with him I watched how his arrogance walked past the parents and the kids I saw how arrogant he was to his people he ain't loving man I done man I done fought with the police I was at every city council meeting so when the football and celebrity [ __ ] go to Talking I said man y'all talking from up here I'm talking from down here with these people I'm in the schools I'm in the juveniles I'm in the jails I'm in the prisons I'm standing on stand swearing as on murder cases and capital murder cases man y'all talking from up there it's easy to say [ __ ] Y'all easy to say [ __ ] and his son who driving to rollsroyce who and these kids down here dropping out of school to go strip and sell [ __ ] cuz they daddies don't have the money to send them cuz they can't eat but he got a roll Roy they won't pay the parking fine now keep putting it in their face keep showing up putting them watches in them kids face that's why y'all got robbed in UCLA see that's what I'm talking about the Bible speaks for the least of those those kids up there ain't the least of those that's why I talk about the PO niggga baby okay so can we Keep It Funky yes Sir Charles White sound like you a hater no no no no no no I'm a realist no cuz you talking about you talking about materialistic things no no no no no no no favor ain't fair I'm I'm talking talking about talking about I'm talking about socialism and classism we ain't talking about favor no but but when you put it in their face that ain't favor because favor is Meek mild and humble so you mad that that shadur I'm glad they got I'm glad they got glad they got robbed I'm I'm glad they got robbed I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad every school he went to he done been robbed that's cooning no it ain't that's cooning no cuz you bring it see see see cuz why I say that's cooning is you turning your story and your belief using your platform to tear down a person who's bringing notoriety to something that wasn't that wasn't there well they well they using they platform to turn down the black school by not giving to light because the black school had this is what I'm saying black people for the last two years when he was at Jackson State y'all was HBCU hashtagging I'm talking about you couldn't get on the internet and I see HBCU hashtag what happened y'all y'all cooning now with the white man with Colorado University y'all cooning now what happened to the HBC you hashtags that's all I'm saying what happened I'm still HBC you hashtagging while I'm cooning and I'm still showing up at the HBCU by HBCU girl and rocking it on the major platform I don't see nobody HBC youing it like me who so who cooning so I'mma tell you this you just sit up there and told me that you made $40,000 in two days and you also just told me that if you had an opportunity to make $400,000 you would take that so the fact that on let me just say I turned down a $5 million deal with Aiden Ross and kick to take a half a million dollar deal with [ __ ] I turned down a $5 million deal with Aiden Ross and kick to come over here to sign a half a million dollar deal with [ __ ] so I can stay with my people yeah they say I'm dumb and stupid yeah I turned down five million so I can go sign half a million so I can stay with these [ __ ] I ain't want to sell out and go beat up them white folks take all my star power over there with kick and a and rth with them Jew I wasn't F to do that my [ __ ] I stayed with the [ __ ] culture TV don't even know if they give me the whole half a million but [ __ ] I stayed with my people my [ __ ] my spirit wouldn't let me do it so I don't give a damn what Dion that Dion talk [ __ ] I sacrificed for it yeah when I told them white folk I'm not leaving my people they took back the the the the it's a it's a it's a curriculum and for those that know it's a curriculum called thinking for change when Obama implemented the my brother's Keepers initiative there's a curriculum that's called thinking for a change it's damn near $100,000 curriculum white folk gave it to me but they said Charleson we want you we don't want your people I said if you take me away from my people you diminish the value of who I am for my people I'm G to say it again when you take me away from my people you diminish the value of who I am for my people and I refuse to do that and Dion diminished his value to his people for his people to go over there you got enough money where you ain't got to how much money you want I don't want a 100 million I don't want a billion it's that much harder to get in heaven if you believe that word I don't want 100 million my [ __ ] I want to walk amongst my people I want to be able to go to the bottom of the least of those he can't do that him know his son they going to rob him I ain't been robbed yet and I sure with no security I done say [ __ ] nipy I done say [ __ ] the Crips [ __ ] Raymond Washington I done disrespected everything these [ __ ] done kill for and I travel with no security they can't do that up there now that don't mean you ain't been looking over your shoulder I ain't been looking over my shoulder I just to sleep I just went to sleep in the barber shop and got hit in the head with the pistol in the hood it's viron in that I didn't look over my shoulder in the hood I went to sleep I ain't looking over my shoulder I went to sleep in the barber shop cha [ __ ] come hit me a killer I didn't look over my shoulder [ __ ] I went to sleep I go it's pictures of me sleeping in a strip club like this I ain't looking over my shoulder though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil I speak against evil okay let me ask you this so you think if Dion Sanders go sitting in that barber chair you think he going to get hit with a pistol without no security he going to get robbed and hit no you lying to me no you lying he getting robbed right now that's C him and his son getting robbed right now he got robbed in Jacksonville but see Dion Dion coach football I address killers in the neighborhood I address the [ __ ] who killed in our communities Dion don't mhm I address the gang bangers who do wrong but you just got pistol whipped though no I didn't get pistol whipped I got hit what's the difference uh a hidden pistol whip is a different thing [ __ ] you got hit I got hit in the head and jumped up [ __ ] and I ain't get hit no more cuz I know what to do when a [ __ ] hit me I ain't get hit no more what you do [ __ ] I went to work oh y'all was fighting I went to work that's sh I went to work what that mean uh I ain't get hit no more so you do this this ain't even been a week yeah but y'all was fighting I got hit sleep and then y'all how I'm listen how I'm going fight get hit sleep and a [ __ ] hit I'm days when a niggaer hit me so I ain't no fighting [ __ ] I went to grabbing so you got hit and y'all got the I went to grabing [ __ ] I went we [ __ ] didn't touch me no more I went to grabbing [ __ ] [ __ ] you don't hit me no more but did you hit him back mm like how I'm going hit I'm days if [ __ ] hit you with a pistol sleep how you going to wake up [ __ ] you days he got you I'm sleep like like this here so this is this is what I'm telling you I wake up [ __ ] and grab the closest thing I could as a weapon till I can come too and it ended so so this is what I'm saying Dion coach football I address Killers I say [ __ ] King vaugh nipy rolling 60 and if you kill in my community I'm G to say you did it [ __ ] you don't get to ride around here and holler no snitching who did that killing I'm the [ __ ] come out and say they shot that baby and you [ __ ] [ __ ] better turn yall yourself in [ __ ] and we really to go to war with that see Dion don't do that who is when you say we who me and I got some [ __ ] go go to war okay now I got some [ __ ] go go the wall homie see this see this is the thing charson like I I think everything that you're saying has some truth to it it's just the the delivery you standing there's no denying that you're standing for and by your people well here's the thing uh when you addressing evil you can't worry about the delivery when you looking at the conditions of our Community you can't worry about the evil when you got kids that kill kids and say we smoking on Tuka see they wasn't worried about the delivery when these kids in Chicago was talking about smoking on Tuka M they Wen worried about the delivery I ain't got no maners for no [ __ ] I'm going put my thumb in her butt the delivery I like girls kissing girls where I'm from and that's on the radio girls on girls that's they that's promoting lesbianism to my daughter as we ding to school this song they playing with Drake y'all worried about the delivery these [ __ ] talking about killing each other they really that [ __ ] Thug said [ __ ] I shot at your mama you don't mention me no more he really shot that [ __ ] mama and y'all worried about my delivery these [ __ ] are confessing to murders on songs and y'all worried about my delivery the conditions of black sucking them talk about booty ho y'all worried about my delivery come on don't be hypocrite black people y'all can't listen list to this music if y'all so caught up into my delivery don't do me like that and the way y'all snap and pop y'all [ __ ] to this music the way y'all kill and drill to this music Don't triple by my delivery hey yo easy why you wear your pants like that I wear my pants like that cuz that's easy access baby easy why you talk like that I talk like that to get my point across cuz when I wasn't talking like that wearing the bow tie y'all wasn't paying me no attention and I was going to the Supreme Court changing laws and legislations in this country I was working with over 50 US Congressional members from Ted Cruz to Mark Rubio senator John Corin I was on the front page of the American Bar Association Journal I had done a study with news21 Walter con School of Journalism y'all wasn't paying attention then so [ __ ] I gave y'all what y'all want a ignorant [ __ ] [ __ ] that talk like them rappers now y'all listening now y'all paying attention huh I got y'all attention Checkmate now let me tell y'all what y'all need to he we [ __ ] up as a race of people since y'all so caught up into my delivery 5% of children now are catching HIV from ages 13 to 21 what y'all worried about 85% of the new chedia all the new cases are teenager what y'all so caught up about [ __ ] only 35% of most kids in inner cities can read on or above their grade letter what the [ __ ] are y'all talking about the kid can't read come on my [ __ ] so if we going to be real let's be real uh I'm not bashing the black woman in her bbl's I'm not bashing the the black woman cuz she wearing eyelashes I'm not [ __ ] with the sister cuz she got too many baby daddies I'm addressing men boys and men from Dion Sanders and his son to black people following a CT likee man but won't support local how can black people give all this energy to one man and all these other black coaches from high school to college why is it just this one man and we abandon hash HBCU just like we abandon no justice no peace for George Floyd are we still mad about George Floyd are we still mad about police shoo is that why we not kneeling no more are we still boycotting the NFL what happened to all these things what happened [ __ ] because I'm still stuck on toir rice while y'all stuck on my delivery I'm still mad why ain't now [ __ ] tow up the country behind toir rice baby toir rice at that since we so in tune see I know a kid by the name of Deon Steptoe who killed a high ranking police officer by the name of Officer Garett Hull they called him Rambo after he killed officer Garett H rather than them taking daan Steptoe to jail they executed him on the spot broke his arm in two so I'm saying to myself man why why these people so caught up on my delivery when all these police shoot [ __ ] ain't nobody died for nothing yet see [ __ ] I done put my life on the line to die for a family who the police was threaten I ain't see n [ __ ] on the front lines so when I see celebrity [ __ ] from football players to basketball players to rapping [ __ ] I say man them n can't talk to me how many kind of work I done put in Them [ __ ] Ain't Got No Business say a [ __ ] thing to me [ __ ] I really been feeding the community [ __ ] if you go to my city [ __ ] if I talk to ma listen these [ __ ] just be talking so now [ __ ] I really get offended that's why I say [ __ ] Dion that [ __ ] lived in Dallas for worth for over 20 years that ain't known for doing nothing in the community my [ __ ] nothing [ __ ] his son has been favored to get the drive a Rolls-Royce [ __ ] when half the kids can't even pay College tuition where we from let alone drive a road rush and not pay parking fee robbing my [ __ ] that's what we doing anyway to our Rich cousins if we go going to be real the poor black and the rich black don't get along so they play like we don't if the rich Dion come down there he going to get robbed and hit upside his head too them [ __ ] will Robb their Mas down there let's just be real homie but I ain't left them people I still go back to get my ha cut with them I still pass out turkeys I still give them Christmas toys when they called to get their kids out of trouble I'm still there I ain't left them yet with my startom Dion left I ain't showed up in a bunch of kids life and promised them that we go grow together and my first chance I got [ __ ] I left them and took the money you know what I just did I just left this whole group of kids right here with some more abandonment issue because they were seeing me as a father figure y'all just see him as a coach they were seeing a daddy a father just the presence of that man just the presence of that man in them boy's life homie and you take that from them you take that from them you take the Limelight from them you take all that from them you strip them from that and now they back in the dark they back in the dark sh come on my [ __ ] I I'm starting to resent black people don't do that [ __ ] next year I'm gonna be holling [ __ ] black people cuz they the most hypocritical fakest [ __ ] people in the world cuz they any [ __ ] mad about what I'm saying and can like little dirt can can listen to King [ __ ] nipy hustle say I'm gonna turn all these [ __ ] into lesbian I started not liking that [ __ ] when I heard him say that [ __ ] you turn all the hoes in lesbian he said I'm going to turn all these [ __ ] in lesbian [ __ ] not my black queens maybe you ain't got no black mama I got a black mama [ __ ] but hold on you just told me that you wanted the dog on have a exotic baby in another foreign country I don't give a dam what's in another country them ain't my people but you going to leave them that Ain my but that ain't my people hold on hold on I will make a white baby and leave that white baby that ain't my baby but you're saying something that you and you admitt it that you wouldn't do no but I would want to do it but you don't do it that don't mean you will do it though but listen now I won't do it I want these people are speaking about or having the ability to have freedom of speech that don't mean that they want to do it well people like me for what I people dislike me for what I say I can dislike them for what they say it's no difference okay so let me ask you this though let me ask you this I'm no fan of these entertainers period Point Blank who okay fine and and you can feel the way you feel I'm not here to sit up here and try to put my hands on you to pistol whip you or spray you now look answer me this with your feelings how you feel who's doing it the right way that you can say okay I [ __ ] with him for doing that uh nobody uh because I ain't watching them I ain't paying attention to what no [ __ ] doing [ __ ] is watching me worried about what I'm saying I'm still doing what I'm doing [ __ ] is hearing me say [ __ ] and caught up into what I'm saying [ __ ] I ain't watching no niggaer to know who what they doing I just know I'm doing it right and I've been consistently doing it and that's the key consistency since a lot of [ __ ] start but they don't keep doing I ain't sto I ain't every city I go to whether I'm doing a comedy show or anything [ __ ] I make it my business to go to the community to give money directly to poor people I make it my business every city so I hear a lot of people talking and I'm saying well [ __ ] [ __ ] I got and I a't I ain't been doing this Rich I just got rich [ __ ] I was doing this poor with no car in the rain feeling shame feeling Less in because I understand it's obedience over sacrifice see a lot of people make sacrifices to help other people I'm operating out of obedience I do it even when I don't feel like it I do it even when I think I hate something man I hate these [ __ ] God I still go do it cuz it's obedience at this point but I'm a natural man I don't like Dion I don't like his son I don't like them [ __ ] I don't like them rap [ __ ] homie because from my standpoint I fight white people I've been bucking the system I've been I killed the white man homie I've been doing thing the white you didn't kill him you but I I led the charge yes sir and and and and the newspaper described me as the smallest of the bunch but the brains of the bunch I put the gun in his hand I I'm the dictator but it it it still don't matter it's a l uh uh L Larry Hoover didn't kill nobody but he's in there for all them murders because he said go do it I'm the dictator [ __ ] if I say do it he get done the little bitty [ __ ] with the big mile if I say do it it get done I've been like that I was a little bitty boy I'm the general [ __ ] I ain't this brazing online and ain't this bra I'm a general in real life homie if I got a problem the whole city want to know what I'm mad about but I ain't brought home to my people I ain't sold dope in the black community I went across the railroad track because I was trained I was trained not Tau I was trained by the old [ __ ] you go across that railroad track [ __ ] and do something to them you don't do it here I ain't shot no gun to no [ __ ] I ain't had no fight with no [ __ ] and kicked him in his face I ain't done my people bad all my crimes have been predicated across the railroad tracks all of them so I'm a different kind of [ __ ] with a different kind of spirit so I re Supreme Over certain kind of [ __ ] that want to talk to me that's been hurt [ __ ] all they life all my crime been across the railroad track and I take pride in that see most [ __ ] don't know what it's like to stand up a white man and watch him die and look him in his face and watch him take all his last breath [ __ ] that's a picture in a vivid I can't get out my mind so every time I get mad at white folks that picture come up every time I get mad at white people [ __ ] so can't no [ __ ] talk to me [ __ ] better keep playing football [ __ ] we've been snatching white folk pures breaking into white people houses beating up old white people cuz they won't let the purge go doing white girls bad in the name of doing them bad nomie we've been vicious to white folks so and I don't speak with this to try to boast and brag but that's the side of me that rise when my people got a problem with what I say and Overlook what I do because I'm watching what y'all do and listening what y'all say and y'all just as hypocritical as y'all think I am so you couldn't find yourself to find nothing good to say about Deon nothing I been the man been in my city for 20 years brother have you ever met him I've met him I've actually talked to him after he got his toe amputated yeah I met him and did you say anything did you say [ __ ] Dion in front of De uh he he he was still at Jackson State then did you say [ __ ] him then though it was no reason to say [ __ ] it did you say [ __ ] King vau in the presence of King vau people uh yeah yeah you uh uh it's on camera what's the boy name 600 Breezy we still Toe to Toe 600 Breezy in his face you go quit I ain't going quit disrespect nothing about King vau [ __ ] in his face and went to Chicago and did an interview around the corner on dju from oblock you went to oblock I went around the corner at dju no no I went listen we rolled through oock however we got there I don't know nothing about Chicago but [ __ ] we went around coner from old BL DJ you DJ you was his DJ ain't ain't DJ you is DJ you lying to me and they want to kill that [ __ ] for not letting him back over me around the corner from O Block let me tell you something you was probably on P block I don't know what block I was on I don't know what block we was on you wasn't on old block I don't know what block we was on but we wasn't too far from whatever block they say you can't you could be at the airport talking about we wasn't too far no no no no no no no let's Keep It Funky chareston come on now well let me just say this they got the interview to prove it so that's how all I'm going to say wherever DJ you studio is everybody know where it's at [ __ ] they got the interview to prove it but to the to the viewer that sees this you ain't say no [ __ ] Dion Sanders why you was talking to Dion Sanders it was no when Dion was getting his toe amputated it was no reason to say [ __ ] Dion so why would I just if Dion Sanders were to come in here you I tell Dion [ __ ] [ __ ] Dion Sanders what you expect Dion Sanders I don't give a [ __ ] what he G to do I'm ready to respond or whatever [ __ ] you think I'm talking like this and ain't ready to respond okay so so let's flip it all right cool hold on hold hold you think I'm running around being this disrespectful and ain't ready to respond so what do somebody want to say man [ __ ] Charleston white I hear it all the time or sticks and stones may break my bone but words would never hurt me you better not put your [ __ ] hands on me and if they were to do oh will you jail or hell is the only options who go you going to do that jail or hell you going to put you going to take I ain't never I ain't never been beat up real bad [ __ ] I talk a lot of [ __ ] and I've been talking this all my life man you remind me of my cousin I've been talking this [ __ ] all my life and I and and [ __ ] when I was in an institution [ __ ] better not touch me and I can squabble you can fight and I'm dangerous you can fight and I'm dangerous but can't you fight and I'm dangerous you can shoot a pistol you can shoot a I'm telling you I spent seven years locked up homie and as much [ __ ] I talk you ain't found one [ __ ] that been in all them Texas prison to come out and say no man we used to beat that [ __ ] up but you good with words you can you can talk your way out ass whooping now char they'll pay a [ __ ] $20,000 say he with me just think all this noise I've been talking for the last five years I'm telling you I grew up in an institution with murderers okay it ain't one and all these [ __ ] online giving interview it ain't one [ __ ] I can pull up an interview right now that [ __ ] say n mean that [ __ ] a monster a monster chareston white what's your whole name uh Charon white what's your middle name you jam Jam yeah yeah yeah you yeah I use weapons see most I don't fight for see most [ __ ] is uh prize Fighters I'm a surprise fighter yeah most nigg prize fighting I'm surprised fighting like a [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a good right there n [ __ ] I'm a weapon user [ __ ] that's a good one hey that's a good one so uh [ __ ] I just travel around the country with weapons uh yeah that's all I do travel around the country with weapons uh saying I wish a [ __ ] would and I ain't the baddest uh I just know I ain't done nothing to nobody and all my life [ __ ] I ain't done nothing to nobody but I I I just I just keep it a but with you king vaugh killed people home and y'all love him so that's what I'm saying [ __ ] y'all worship King vaugh and we have documentation that he have killed women and children and people but he's admired so he got what he got I ain't never killed nobody I ain't never robbed and shot nobody black so why would any bad come to me for what I say Karma don't come for what you say do you think do you think this is a this is you this is like the Persona or like you act like this the stage Charleston white this ain't jaman wife you feel uh n no this this this this this Charleston on on the stage that that he want the world to see okay but what's the what's the daddy like tell me that uh yeah he the fool too oh yeah I'm the [ __ ] I'm the [ __ ] that that that go to the school when I roll kids in school and play like he the dumb daddy who who can't read so I get a school a hard time I'm just I [ __ ] I talk my son in the dropping out so I'm crazy in real life man I talk my son into dropping out of school in eighth grade he dropped out because I think school is for dumb people I think everybody with education is dumb so he don't got he he never graduated well my mama talked him into going back but I talked him into dropping out I said man you can hang with me and be a dumb mechanic I'm going to let you go up here and work at my partner mechanic shop he just got tired of doing nothing and wanted to go back to school and when he went back to school I told the school I don't give a damn but the boy can do good but I psychologically do that so they push him through and feel sary for him when he if yeah [ __ ] I do the [ __ ] I teach my son that ignorance prevails so I play ignorant in real life in front of my kids we ain't lost yet the ignorant [ __ ] fool ain't ain't fail me yet during the Corona virus I play like I couldn't read so I ain't have to do certain thing cuz guess what they don't want to read it to me I play like the dumb [ __ ] they call it jeffing they call it jeffing where I'm from conning I play like the dumb [ __ ] I can't read and write so I learned they get my kids a little favor they kind of feel sorry for the dumb kids cuz his daddy ignorant so they push him on through what they got to say and that say sometimes you got to play the fool to the fool to make the fool think that they that you the fool but really they the fool that's what I been doing so so you basically saying this all this a front yeah oh so you really don't mean like [ __ ] Dion That's just yeah I really I really mean that I really mean that from you don't want me to mean it but [ __ ] I mean that from the bottom of my heart uh but this this because but but see what you see what you overlooking is I'm a I'm a I'm a young man that can relate to those kids who may have be be having abandonment issues because di that's Jacks State yeah yeah okay so you got understand [ __ ] I'm looking at this y'all looking at it from a we love Dion standpoint I'm that guy that say I love Dion I'm them kids and I'm not mad that he would to go chase that bag he did his service to Jackson State and still doing service to the culture of black people but see y'all but see this is what I'm telling black people you just named three components you said the culture you said Jackson State but you never said those boys see that's what y'all the players those boys that he left that he left okay so you speaking on they behal I'm looking from they perspective if you think they ain't saying [ __ ] that [ __ ] and his son you come on now the privileged son get to go with his daddy the football coach who get to coach his son we done seen that at every level it's called nepotism you going to take the people you like with you you going to take our best players with you cuz you know they got a better Jersey so it's some kids [ __ ] walking around they're going to be resent they're going to have content in their heart y'all forgetting about the kids but this is what I'm there go the buts it's all about Dion though and all I'm trying all I'm trying to say homie I'm looking at it y'all looking at it from the top down I'm looking at it from the bottom up and most people at the bottom is saying [ __ ] y'all at the top and you know where I learned this from taking poor children to events 601 tickets used to donate tickets to my organization I take the kids to the WWE we got some good seats boy them kids seeing them other kids get to go down to that ring and touch the wrestler boy a little [ __ ] holl out oh I hate y'all hey [ __ ] what's wrong with you man they get to be down there if you think them kids ain't saying that about Dion and this boy that's where the resentment is coming from the new recruit that UCLA want to steal we feeling left out we feeling abandoned we feeling rejected [ __ ] we had access at a man like a father figure the the the the the the the discipline that he brought into the locker room the the structure that he brought to the environment what that's gone now man what we go homie so so so I'm looking at it from their point of view point point taken but let me ask you this if you could talk to Dion and Dion probably will see this that there's well enough worthy clips for this yeah his wife and P and all of them spoke out he he he done look he listen if you could advise Dion to do something what would it be I wouldn't advise my [ __ ] thing see that's that's hypocritical I ain't got no advice for no [ __ ] I speak with children I got a organization called helping young people Excel hyped about hype youth Outreach hype is an acronym for helping young people Excel I don't waste my time talking to Grown Folk I try to talk down on this level right here say look out young brother I ain't got [ __ ] to say to De I got to talk to these baby they need my words that [ __ ] don't need my words he got y'all clapping for him them boys need our words I want to I want y'all to come talk to these boyss with me come bring y'all light and come ask them how they feel about Dion cuz they saying [ __ ] him too why ain't nobody went back to Jackson State and talking to them people how do y'all feel about this what's the name of your new quarterback who's the new coach that took over we don't know okay can I give you an example F can I give you an example yes sir so probably let's take a young man who probably had his biggest impact or a large impact incarcerated Juvenile Detention right so let's say for instance his sentence gets shortened because of good behavior or favor from the judge or whatever the hell you may have that person gets awarded to a light a light of sentence and is able to leave or get out you don't want that person to get out you want him to just stay there yeah uh there's a guy by the name of Eric Brown he's one of those kids that I talk about that had juvenile life without parole he was sent us to life without parole plus additional 30 something years to die in prison when he was 16 for a crime he didn't commit there was another guy by the name of George toer George was also another 16-year-old who was serving life without parole for for murder he didn't commit and he had been in there 30 something years George is the guy you just described George took the out but by George taking the out it keeps all those other 2,000 guys life without Parole in Eric Brown didn't take the out Eric Brown is being a sacrificial lamb he's out on the appeal but he did almost 30 something years too homie but n it's a chance that he can be found guilty and put back in there on this crime but niggaer he making a sacrifice for the others that's coming behind him so I would ask that that one person homie make the sacrifice for the others that's coming behind you somebody got to do it somebody in the family homie got to make the sacrifice got to be that lamb and say man I'm going to do it different I'm making a sacrifice to make this somebody got to do it Dion could have been that one you wanted Dion sacrifice uh for us uh I did yeah I I I did homie uh I I I was selected to campaign with Donald Trump uh to go to three ke B ground States uh I did trainings for the United States Department of Homeland Security human trafficking division North Texas crime commission East field police training academy uh I train a state juvenal correction officer yeah I sacrifice a lot for my people only to realize [ __ ] I don't like my people I'm trying to connect with my kind see there's a whole there's a whole species of birds those are my people but my kind is you got red birds and blue birds and red birds and blueb birds don't fly together I'm looking for my kind amongst my people so don't give a [ __ ] about my people I'm looking for my kind how do you identify your kind by their actions and ain't no way my kind would have went to that 92% white school and changed them around to make billions in less than one year and we we don't get nothing I'm the only one to benefit everybody around me eating everybody around me got a YouTube channel everybody around me is benefiting off me being here it ain't just me and I can leave everybody and be the only one benefitting [ __ ] I sacrifice at this point it's complete obedience because at some point obedience got to kick in I'm doing it because I'm called to do it so you talk this Jesus talk you talk homie uh uh if you leaving for the money then what's what about the purpose because even though I'm getting money uh I've never abandoned my purpose of working with children working with youth that's why my conversation is [ __ ] them [ __ ] that what the kids saying but in the Bible you you quoted it in Samuel it said obedience is better than sacrifice so if if he's being obedient to the word rather than sacrificing himself he can impact more by using their platform I don't see how you don't think that uh well because it's about money it's not about people and purpose it's about his son he already said that the he would he will coach at the L Falcons if the Falcons G his son so it's about his son and I get that let's not make it about this is about these black kids now it's about his boy the mothers just fall under the umbrella if we going to be honest m and that's okay but I'm telling black people what happened to the calls how did we abandon the call for one person's success look cam want me to tell y'all what I really feel now I know I'm going to bring my real [ __ ] feeling to the Internet so here we go all right I'mma most people relate to they upbringing their environment their background how you was raised and where you was raised kind of it's a big part of who you are and how you engage the world so naturally I'm going to sympathize with with the players who may feel abandoned by their father figure coach right so I share that abandonment that these kids may feel uh because I don't put myself I don't play football right so I can't put myself in the shoes of a football player I can put myself in the shoes of a man who would choose to take a better job to take care of his family or to take a job to advance his son's career on the flip side of that you got a bunch of kids that feel abandoned uh I got a couple of them in my phone uh you got a you got a few coaches uh that feel neglected uh you got some staff members uh that felt wronged uh I I look from from from from they position uh the abandonment issues uh the kids who had hopes who had just transferred to their school who probably wasn't as good as the ones who could start on the football team what was there because of his leadership and his guidance and you abruptly take that from them nobody's talking about that uh not only not only do you abruptly take that from them they're now push back into non-existence they don't exist no more they back in darkness uh when you do the 60-minute special and I hate to repeat this but I'm going to repeat it uh there were many people in Jacksonville who was offended by by the special because they only show one element uh the poor bad side of Jacksonville and there's a vibrant side of it so to take I'm not really mad at Dion homie uh I'm saying so you can so you can you can see where he coming from like uh no I can't because I'm telling you homie I wouldn't have done it okay that's cool but because I'm can you see where he at though from the top I don't well he's not on top because because because now because now he's in question they're already saying that he's not so so you're already looking at the critics he's on top in black people eyes but he's ain't on he he's not on in top in the alumni's eyes he's not on on top in the eyes of the sports critics he just had to fire his his offensive coordinator so he's not on top in our eyes he don't have a 5050 winning season black people are the only ones saying well they won one game last year they wasn't even expected to man everybody's expected to win even when you come from losing but hold on that's what you that's what you speeding now now now you talking about language because now you talking about he's already superseded expectations in Colorado two two more games right that's it don't matter if it was a half a game minimize so let me just say so let me so let's [ __ ] the games homie look how much money this white school benefit from all this black support they couldn't get this from their white support they couldn't get this from them we came and made them people from buying tickets from $462 for the whole season to [ __ ] just one seat costing this the only way we get fre is economics not by jobs so imagine what we could have done had we kept this in the Negro League what happened to the Negro League Brothers our best and our brightest is going to keep going over there every time we build something good they going to keep buying it out bet every time we build something good they going to keep destroying It Black Wall Street they going to keep taking it from us I'm going to give you an example and we we good right uh I heard this from a uh black own apparel company by the name of actively black Lenny Smith right uh I was out with him and his his uh lady and he shared this story about one of his mentors who is who was an investor uh in actively black he said well I asked him I said yo would you ever sell actively black to like a a juggernaut apparel company Nike Puma Adidas XYZ he said you know what I never will but I'm going tell you a story that I asked a person who sold his company to a Caucasian person and got a lump sum a billion dollars right and he asked him he said yo why did you do that the man responded and said I did that because that Capital that I got with that money I was able to impact my community with that to give more entrepreneurs that look like me opportunity with the money that the white man gave me so when you're when you're trying to raise Capital it's not necessar you don't have to sell your company you can go to a person who looks like you that has the same green dollars blue dollars currency and you can still consider yourself a minority or a black company so when you see a person like Deion Sanders doing these certain type of things you want him to sacrifice okay cool but he's opening opportunities for black people to be able to have opportunity in ways that we never have had now to your point now this is trickling over into what I know for a fact right with Dion Sanders being who and and and being as impactful as he is right now the white man is saying hey we need that type of impact I seen a I seen a uh advertisement commercial with uh Colorado watching their games and you know how they do you know like the in the science labs on campus and all this and all that and the tagline was that's Prime that's Prime all boom the the the the student said that's Prime boom you may have seen it too and I was saying to that as a way to say okay now these universities are saying to them to themselves like yo maybe we do need to hire more African-Americans because hold on stay with me when you look in the NFL there's not a lot of minority head coaches okay up under a head coach you got coordinators there's not a lot a lot of minority defensive or offensive coordinators or let's look higher than the head coach there's not a lot of minority GMS or let's look higher than the GM there's not a lot of minority owners but what Dion has been able to do with saying hey his impact has been good for business so therefore with his impact being good for business potentially there could be another minority that can come behind him and make even greater impact because of the likes of Deion Sanders white people know black coaches won't lead them to being no great uh winning teams white people know that uh you ain't going to get no bill Bella check out of Dion you ain't gonna get no [ __ ] me Pat Riley out no you ain't gonna get it this is what I know so you can't get so so no black coaches no black coach can't coach what if I were to tell you Tony dunie he ain't no good coach no he was no good coach oh cap boy you now you talk talking out the side of your neck how many championships he won he won a championship how many it don't matter he won how many he won one bill bich won many but well you got well you got you got you got you got a field Jackson and and and and and you got a what's the little short [ __ ] play for play for the San Antonio Spurs Avery Avery Johnson so you got a Avery Johnson and you got a field Jackson every one one give me field at one minute yeah but he had tenure though well let me just say over time let let me just say this CU cuz I just made white white white people long as we've been in this country white people are not looking at one black person and saying maybe we should hire more black person CU there's one black person done good and let's just be real America is not doing that America is not doing that longer we've been here proving ourselves as coaches as athletes there's not one black person that can go get a job and convince white people that we need to hire more black people it's always a token [ __ ] he's a token [ __ ] he's a token [ __ ] that played football for white folks we always been patted on the ass and tapped on the head boy they wouldn't give him a chance he wanted to coach at Florida black folks gave him a chance to prove that he can do it why leave us to go over here with the white folks you already knew we were having money problem big dog that a don't say that don't say that so so why so why why did he have why didn't he get the rest of his money for his contract then but you can't say that though well let okay well let me say this then let me say this why did black people follow him why didn't black people stay with Jackson State that's all I want to know because obviously he left okay in so we left HBCU to go join the white universities we took our support and not only did we take our support we took our dollars we did the same thing when they said hey y'all we going to take the signs down let them [ __ ] come over here and eat so we can shut them shut them places down it's the same trick integration hey come on Dion Come integrate R Us we strip you of your powers so what star power do you have for HBCU now at least hold on let me see that homie do you saw the first couple games the star power that was on those side lines so now since you think that he can do more because he can recruit more black students well how many black students can he get on that football team at that 92% white school how what how much change can he do with how many 12 players he may get 20 he can't make an all black team [ __ ] we see it all the time okay when he do that then alumni going to be pretty upset cuz they got some white kids in Colorado that want to play on the team they already having some problem cuz he fired some white kids they already secretly writing about it why you think his son car is now being written up and booted okay let me ask you this Colorado is still racist y'all I just want y'all to know that they have a real history of racism let me ask you this so I wouldn't s my hold hold on hold on hold up just say something how many white people are on Bill bich defense not many I don't think how many white people are on Nick sabin's defense uh not many so you're not sitting up here telling me something that I don't already know well I I I I agree with you but you have to look it's not it's not it's not the players the white folks will sit back and let Nick Sab go get a bunch of [ __ ] to run they ain't F to let no black man go get a bunch of black people to come take over a team in a predominantly white school they not going to do that fam if you you think they going to let it's they already Maddie came in and fired the player that were before her and it's some upset alumni about that and guess what he's losing and he's losing his star power you don't see any of those rappers on the sideline anymore that's what the white folks are saying but you don't see nobody at anybody's sideline but listen listen to me brother what I'm saying is in the beginning he generate a boom he generated something that the college football Arenas had never seen before star power L Wayne the baby stars from everywhere was coming coming down to supporting him when he was winning that was fine and dandy for the alumni but you still have to understand this is America and there are some upset white people in Colorado about this situation they're starting to write about it that's why his son car is now unfairly getting booted okay this is where I'm we're losing kind of like traction it's not about Dion and why he's losing star power he's losing star power because they're not winning at the moment now you can't sit up and tell me that bill bellic's team who is not sitting at any games over 500 they have a losing season ain't nobody selling out them seats ain't nobody on the sideline trying to beat down the they don't have Prime Time games you know when you're not winning so it's it's not necessarily about the person it's about the success of the team right if Alabama was not as dominant and successful as they have been over these years Nick sain wouldn't have been able to what people follow success you got have a hard time saying you're the best coach without the success so this is what I'm saying he's not having a success anymore okay but it takes time cuz I can guarantee you this if you give Nick Sabin dog on the same roster that Dion Sanders have in Colorado you going to get the same product if you if you give if you give Deion Sanders the same roster that Nick sain has in Alabama it would be hard for anybody to lose so this so this is what I'm thinking everybody's missing my point it ain't about Dion see y'all keep making about Dion It's about all y'all following him over there support him so now that he's not winning he don't have the same star power support so y'all going to wait till he start winning years from now to come back and ride back to sideline that's how in the process what are we doing for the HBCU that's winning M that's all I'm saying black people so if I have to say [ __ ] Dion to make my point I'm going keep saying [ __ ] Dion Because I'm trying to get back to Hash HBCU what happened to we mad about George Floyd what did they give us to solve that they gave his family 20 million what about Mike Brown so we keep following Trends and I'm saying black people look at us Dion is a new trend y'all done quit this trend what's next what are we going to be cons so we done quit HBCU we done quit Dion now he ain't winning look at us y'all is what I'm saying we was in the Uproar every celebrity everybody was in now since he's not winning bandwagon because we don't have a cause and I'm saying y'all trick me in believing we had a cause y'all had no justice no peace y'all had police on black shooting we don't we had boycott the NFL Colin Kaepernick what happened to all these causes we keep bouncing from so okay now we got Dion I don't say [ __ ] Dion cuz I'm saying what happened to the HBCU people can't get past [ __ ] Dion and I'm saying what about the HBCU people can't get past Dion so leave out Dion and just say let's get back to the HC let's take the focus off me saying [ __ ] Dion yeah like stop saying [ __ ] Dion cuz you distracting I got to keep saying that I want to distract I want to distract but if you want to keep saying if you want to keep distracting people rather than telling the people what you I don't want to tell I don't want to tell the people cuz these are grown people I don't have nothing for grown people I work with children in a community I'm not coming on the line to appease grown people that don't know what to do with their time their mind or they energy by watching the video [ __ ] Dion Sanders his wife too no he not man [ __ ] them people [ __ ] I don't give [ __ ] I come from the ghetto I'm going back to normal people that won't ever meet celebrities and they don't give a damn about me saying [ __ ] de okay let's just put it like this and let's come up with a rule Don't Say What You Won't Say in their face [ __ ] Dion and I said [ __ ] fake because I'm willing to die kill and go to jail for what come out my mouth I'm willing to die kill and go to jail for what come out of my mouth I done already beat two aggravated Sal with a deadly weapon charge I will to die kill and go to jail for what come out of my mouth that's why I speak so boldly man listen here I just have a hard time like only thing I got oh the [ __ ] who hit me across the head hit me across the head cuz I wouldn't quit saying what he told me I better not say [ __ ] you a snitch [ __ ] I'm willing to die kill and and say it in his face that's why I there [ __ ] I'm would to die kill and go to jail once you get to this point homie and put this suit on and you start saying the things that I'm saying [ __ ] you have to know you going to see these people in your face I ain't back there said no no if you willing to throw your life away I'm willing to die kill and go to jail by my free speech okay so let's just put like that and I just got to keep it funny look if it's somebody that's tell cuz I don't know I'm not Dion you know I I can't speak for trador speak for I don't believe he's married I believe he's in a a serious relationship but can't speak for all those people but what I can do is speak for me and if I have a individual telling me [ __ ] Cam Newton that first word that you saying it it's going to be happening because I would love for it y'all sue the [ __ ] out of you [ __ ] for assault to me over my word and you go pay that's cool that's all I don't mind how I get paid I don't mind getting paid but I'm ready to respond to whatever violence that come my way so now uh [ __ ] but you going to have to respect how how how what comes your way oh [ __ ] I I I don't I don't got to respect nothing because I'm speaking as if I don't respect it and I'm a little bitty niggaer I'm speaking if I don't respect it I'm a little old bitty [ __ ] and I know it's a chance I can run into these people all the rap [ __ ] I see them backstage at the Kevin Gates concerts I I'm out and about I'm in a strip club with the [ __ ] I see them can I ask you a question can I ask you I usually ask a lot of people this question yeah are you a real strip club connoisseur no so you don't like going to strip club I love them but do you like so you're a strip club kind of sewer like you uh I'm a whole specialist okay I specialize in ho all right cool so you will be the first male that I asked this question to because it usually you know ask the females can you rank the strip clubs who had what city state has the best strip clubs top five Tampa Bay uh Atlanta Charlotte Houston DC in my top five yeah you want to rank them oh oh man [ __ ] I I'm GNA put Atlanta for for for number one uh far as uh entertainment and dancing yeah if you just want to go look at some ho work in some poles yeah that's where you go uh but boy if you want them Thrills and Fs uh you want to go to Tampa Bay yeah if you want them Thrills and them fs and them oo and them o yeah you want to go to Tampa Bay yeah now you just want entertainment something that look good and yeah you come to Atlanta but boy if you want them th in field Tampa Bay what that is uh number three uh Houston yeah yeah number three Houston uh you don't got no no no uh no no mantra for for for Houston uh uh uh uh Houston Houston for game uh Houston wide open uh you know Houston downam near legalized prostitution uh yeah yeah it's downn near open for game uh it's just that uh Houston lead the nation and in STDs and HIV so yeah you got slow down going through Houston yeah you speeding yeah yeah yeah you got to slow down going through Houston okay fourth is uh DC DC got some beautiful women uh yeah yeah and they with the [ __ ] too uh but they a little gangster uh and then Charlotte uh Charlotte North Carolina got some of the prettiest [ __ ] women walking on Earth boy they got some of the prettiest [ __ ] women walking on Earth up there in Charlotte I love Charlotte had some good times in show yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hey let's get into this game real quick all right funky Friday games uh by breand Butler shout out to breand Charleston you are a man of potent words so let's play one word with Charleston white right the game is simple I have a list of names describe each person using the first word that comes to mind are you ready to play yeah I got 10 names here just one word number one Will Smith gay Jada Piet Smith [ __ ] up that's two words uh [ __ ] funky [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] that's the WR word come to mind in bold letters Adam 22 Master yeah he a slave master sexy red [ __ ] you a stomped Down Dirty leg ho we going to have to bleep that you trying to get me uh well you ask me what's coming to H this man trying to get me flashbang oh my goodness I like Suki I met sui in person though I like suana real sweet young girl what you think about sui uh she real sweet in person no give me the one word for sui freaky and the [ __ ] freaky Yeah Boy freaky freaky freaky Britney rener hot yeah hot yeah that [ __ ] look good impress yeah hot could you take Britney Rena serious uh yeah [ __ ] uh yeah yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] yeah could you have a a child with with BR R yeah yeah yeah yeah give me some free game like how would you approach a woman like Britney uh you got to handle a rough uh You Gotta Be You got to be a dominant dominant man to deal deal with Britney Britney renold when you say Ru you're not talking about domestic violence R yeah yeah domestic violence no man no yeah but you ass [ __ ] I'm telling you yeah you got she one of them on you got to kick in ass sometime slap her across her head [ __ ] sit down somewh man a ain't being Uncle Curtis done it and they stayed together 40 50 years all good relationships somebody got to take a ass kicking somewhere in the relationship right we going to cut that out man man everybody got to who man you can't tell [ __ ] he can't whoop his ho and she getting out see the kind of ho you got so the woman that you was with you put your hands on your woman uh I will if she take me down no have you ever put your hands on your ex-wife no okay thank you so all that [ __ ] that you talking is I don't slap the [ __ ] out my baby mama huh yeah I done slap [ __ ] out my baby mama driving [ __ ] yeah hell yeah I done open hand slap the [ __ ] out yeah hell yeah slap [ __ ] out of my [ __ ] no that my [ __ ] no man you deal with your [ __ ] you you discipline your ho how you discipline yours I'm going discipline mine how I discipline mine and yeah man you got to kick some of them in they ass I wouldn't give down what now I just put but I look I'm I'm telling you Grandad and them said that I'm tell I'm telling you as a man and I got to hold you accountable if I were to ever see you put a hand on a woman it'll be a hard time for me to see that Charles real [ __ ] oh well uh just be willing to go to jail or go to hell if you get in fact me and my [ __ ] [ __ ] I go my brother you better leave me alone by me and my [ __ ] [ __ ] you better go home [ __ ] this me in my ho you better stay out of this and then that's how [ __ ] die that's cool me or you got to die about this [ __ ] and and now both our Vegas the Vegas odds got me winning that fight Man this ain't about no fight [ __ ] we got to die behind my [ __ ] you interfering with my you don't even love her [ __ ] I love my [ __ ] how you going to love her and you going to put your hands on her same reason you whoop your kids and tell them you love them and this why you doing this no no it ain't no different so think about this concept you tell you tell your children I'm doing this because I love you so why I can't whoop this ho and that's why I'm going to whoop your ass cuz I love you cuz I'm telling you I have to tell you that that ain't right so I'm going whoop your ass you on your way Marvin Gay had to kill his daddy or his daddy killed his son for one of them for getting F [ __ ] about that [ __ ] that's how don't don't get in that man don't get in that if I see a person putting their hands on a woman I'mma put my hands on them because I love them yeah and I'mma tell you that ain't I'm shooting out of anger yeah I'm shooting out of anger man [ __ ] ain't got no business getting in my business what I'm saying it's my [ __ ] [ __ ] you better leave us alone now everybody F to die for cuz you want now your kids F to be without their father cuz you want to save this bit I'm I'm going be at home you don't know that because what what what ends up happening it's always the good guy to lose his life it ain't never the we done watch this situation hold so that's why I don't get in domestic if I see a [ __ ] whooping it [ __ ] I mind my B yeah that's some sucker [ __ ] cuz I done cuz I done got in before and the [ __ ] say it's all right blue oh okay [ __ ] this what they do let me get out of this that's what they do no because cuz cuz I'm I'm speaking I'm speaking for the fathers I got daughters I do too and I'm I be so if if somebody put their hands on your daughter then what's going to happen oh depend on what she did no you can't tell me n [ __ ] I would ra like this you might n to you [ __ ] I won't know what the [ __ ] if somebody put their hands on to you if somebody put their hands on Shakira or Sovereign Dior I'm listen here man what you do and I would hate for that to be Charles if they [ __ ] listen here let me tell you something especially if they [ __ ] no that's what we that's where our how you done said a lot of truth I don't get involv I don't get involved you said a lot of Truth can't I seen a lot of [ __ ] play Captain sa ho trying to jump in a relation save a woman and this [ __ ] get killed and she be putting money on that [ __ ] books that killed you for trying to save her but she coming to see that [ __ ] she writing that [ __ ] she still taking care of that [ __ ] and you done jumped in now your family is sad and this [ __ ] still [ __ ] with this [ __ ] that was slapping on N I ain't one of them kind of [ __ ] oh yeah yeah yeah no that that was a sucker Road my [ __ ] will be at the funeral say me and my [ __ ] went out like a sucker so hey to each his own but I know if a [ __ ] get in my business with my [ __ ] I live in a gun State and I keep them [ __ ] on me and I got over 20 something [ __ ] gun I practice shoot only can shoot one that's all right I shoot them all good too boy keep them [ __ ] all up to shoot right like a [ __ ] all right moving along in our list of names with one liners boy you a mother but yeah I had to grab Britney Runner by throw in the club [ __ ] let me tell you something [ __ ] yeah we made out like a [ __ ] that's what she want you kiss Britney R man I I just said we made out I ain't saying we made out in the middle of this [ __ ] strip hold what your made out be cuz it's two different form man I got a man I can't I can't uh man I can't go into detail n [ __ ] you you going to go into detail today you've been telling everything else from [ __ ] uh this person [ __ ] that person and you on he can't sit up here and say man I'm trying to [ __ ] what I'm going to tell for and I ain't [ __ ] yet I'm going to [ __ ] up come on now I'm trying to [ __ ] so you kiss Britney that what you saying y'all made out yeah she got my dick hard on the podcast in my lap gave me a lap Dan and I could feel that Warmness through them jeans and those jeans [ __ ] I damn mess my Brites but yeah no we didn't make out but we kind of made out a little bit I don't want to go into detail but I had to be a little rough with in the podcast uh yeah yeah yeah and they deleted all the footage so and I'm glad they did good and guess what I'm going to delete a lot of footage do that my [ __ ] please play this [ __ ] please let I got to I got to cuz you ain't acting right and you saying some outlandish [ __ ] but keep saying some outlandish [ __ ] about this right here I thought that's what you got me here for [ __ ] [ __ ] deleted think I done spend all this time thinking of this crazy ass [ __ ] and you go delete it come on man [ __ ] Aiden Ross confused lizo fat Dwight Howard sick soldja boy weird Charleston white oxymoron no you had part of that word right you can leave out the oxy yeah oxy [ __ ] n you can leave out the oxy yeah yeah what you like I'm what you like but can't love I'm oxymoron yeah I'm what you like but can't love you like the provid this you like the the the harsh brutal Truth uh but you can't love the truth cuz the truth hurts and and the truth don't care about people feelings and neither does God I'm going to say it again the truth don't care about people feelings so uh I try to tell the truth and not consider people's feelings so so I I seen this recently um where it's like I prefer to slap people with the truth rather than kissing them with the LIE uh tell me the truth uh yeah g g give me the truth so I can be free uh I I want to be free uh I I've been tricked with lies all my life uh I bought the lies as a kid I wanted to grow up and to realize [ __ ] that the lies that we thought was true was bold lies that was told to us boldly so that's where a lot of my resentments come from from the streets N I supposed to been a lawyer uh but because the culture brought gangsterism and made gangsterism so appealing [ __ ] we don't went against our mothers we went against our our better teachings to go be gangster so that's where a lot of my resentments come from from the streets homie uh that's where a lot of my my my a a lot of my my words toward rappers are ill because I know they playing Gangsta I know they playing ganga so they so they so they what you us you said they stuck on stage they stuck on stage how they can't they can't exit U that's why when they get an interview you can't ask them about school that's what was so good about MTV Raps guys like Fab fob Freddy uh being able to go into uh Tiger's basement and and rap do your freestyle and rap because you get to come out of character home uh now we making these these [ __ ] getting stuck in character and so what ends up happening is when you get stuck in character you can't exit stage cuz you might got a 50-year sentence stuck on stage trying to play gangster in there when you come home [ __ ] you Ste Cs and blood stuck on stage so for for for the people that's in the culture right now give me the top five people that you believe that is just stuck on stage uh I I don't I don't know him personally uh so I I can't I I just know our kids are stuck on stage uh where are the LL Cool J kind of guys when you look out into the culture where are the L Cool J kind of guys ladies love cool Jane the [ __ ] who just known for [ __ ] with the ladies everybody gangster every rapper gangster every rapper Killer even Drake talking gangsters so where where are the where are the cool Modi kind of guys where are the Big Daddy Kane kind of guys that still cool and sve that can dance so even the football players have to play Gangster that's true even the basketball everybody gangster now homie so I'm saying [ __ ] where where where the where the the the Playboy kind of guys where where the [ __ ] that really want to ride the skateboard yeah they still a skater but he cool so you respect that I respect that a lot be you so Drake Drake hasn't done that uh no Drake Drake still be talking that he kind of talk gangster home what about jcole uh J CLE in his own lane uh what about uh K Kendrick Lamar he in his own lane you respect they work right yeah um a great deal so in recent what I seen I I I I I hate gangsterism uh because the gangster rapper is only telling one story yeah and and and and and and is used as even though we like the music it's the propaganda for our destruction so it's being so so prison jail killing drugs [ __ ] uh not being responsible fathers not being husbands all of that is propagated promoted projected and glorified and you're not using your platform to have propaganda too when you saying you know you want to have ins solicit children people you want to put your hands on your woman uh I I I don't use that I just ask the question question I I I don't speak that I speak against destruction in the community but you you just that was a question asked I I don't use that so what they use they platform to consistently talk about killing people I don't consistently talk about you use your platform by saying [ __ ] black people no I don't I don't say [ __ ] black people you say FU uh [ __ ] nipy hustle [ __ ] King oh that's a rapper so nipy hustle is a nipy hustle is a rolling 60 rapper okay rolling 60s do what kill black people so he so he's a [ __ ] rapper R in 60 right mhm n King vaugh is a serial killer documented by the FBI who wouldn't say [ __ ] them okay what about [ __ ] Dion Sanders [ __ ] Deion Sanders but why he's a he's a he's a he's a idolized worship celebrity but why [ __ ] him he ain't Killed Nobody he's a idolized worship celebrity so you so that's a hater uh no this is what I'm saying where was y'all at when they was saying smoking Tuka because Tuka was a kid that was dog on I'm talking about Dion Sanders you already made your point about you already made your point about King so so so let's just say this so Tuka mother is still alive you are so so hold on hold on this is what I'm saying so why are y'all so stuck on Dion Sanders homie when these kids mothers are still alive who the rappers disrespect and y'all don't have nothing to say about that I'm not talking about that Charleston all I'm saying is you press Me by Dion and I'm saying all you you just defended King vau King vaugh five people came up theread for King vau to come out of jail what about their family I'm not talking about so it's easy to say [ __ ] Dion no but why you made a such a because because he's a he's a worship idolized celebrity that sounds like a hater who we think sold out he didn't sell out you say he didn't but it's some of us that say he did that's cool so we have our opinions you just Happ to be a celebrity who knows this celebrity but I bet if you come to the barers shop I bet it's a bunch of people saying [ __ ] Dion cuz they got to pay bills cuz I guarantee you this we don't give a damn by D I guarantee this I guarantee you this and I'mma drop the mic with this one o I bet you the same people who say [ __ ] Dion including yourself would do the same thing Dion has done I done already not did it I just walked away from 5 million public talking about and I could have ch I could have done a whole lot for my community with that 5 million guess what I'm still dealing more without that 5 million I walked away from five okay that's you but everybody in that damn that barop you just said in that barber shop you just said including if you were have to ask a person if you would want Dion Sanders life if you could change into Dion Sanders's life hell to hell with Deion Sanders at this particular point you would change lives with shador Sanders you would change lives with Shiloh Sanders you would that you talking your little two cents in that Bop the only reason you would change lives because you're looking to see what the possessions they got you don't know what soul they walk with you don't know what Spirit they possess you don't know what demons they battle you don't know what vices you don't know none of that so you're looking at the outer and I don't think most people would do that they would I don't think most because guess what you you got you got to understand you got to understand even though they grew up with their father they had dysfunctioned mothers and they had publicly fights between mother and father remember Dion and them had an ugly divorce for a long time P it was real ugly in the public and they said a whole bunch of Thing by Dion so come on man let's not talk that talk we don't know what them boy was suffering with when they mama was publicly doing what she was doing to the daddy and the daddy was crying out in public going through that divorce in court all of his schools felling cuz they were stealing the money at the [ __ ] Mr schools over in Dallas and Fort Worth they couldn't pass come on now let's talk it we go talk so it's a bunch of people that's poor that's not looking at Celebrities wishing that they can trade places with celebrity because a lot of them [ __ ] [ __ ] like Dion and such whatever their name is for them [ __ ] to get to heav is going to be trying to squeeze a camel through the eye of a needle rolls Roy driving [ __ ] yeah yeah going to heav go be hard you Ro Ro driving [ __ ] you that's just what Mom and them said I don't believe half that [ __ ] I just pay attention to what Mom and them said all right moving right along here we go what happened between you and wack 100 uh nothing uh me and wack actually done become cool man uh weal we talked a few months ago uh to do a podcast uh personas yeah we ain't never even met in person uh to have no arations you ain't never met wack I never met wack in person never ever I I Ain't Met y internet beefing yeah we internet beefing and we ain't really even internet beefing uh wack really want to be a [ __ ] friend he want to be your friend yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and we don't we done we done talked over the last over the last 60 days and is it true that the Michael Jordan had had to intervene like no that's [ __ ] Michael Jordan you don't know no I Manan I ain't never even been in no place with Michael Jordan uh uh uh that internet a [ __ ] Because the Internet just shows y'all Michael Jordan they ain't show y'all me and they took I said man no [ __ ] I wouldn't dare be nowhere with Michael Jordan be man I don't hang them type of [ __ ] be okay can I be honest yeah you will never be in those places never cuz he he's a big be like not no Banger he's a billionaire like yeah I know I wouldn't there go nowhere with billionaire you know what you got to do to you know what type of sick [ __ ] you got to be to acquire billion you know how perverted your mind got to be to get a got to be perverted uh because I I understand life and I understand uh the ram of things uh why you just can't have favor to be like yo a good talent you're going to you're going to get money but you're still going to have your vices and your demons with all we all so so one thing I know by the be a you a [ __ ] they get to do whatever they want to do and you want so much pleasure you get to meet it and you can't do whatever you want to do oh no hell no I can't [ __ ] 10 [ __ ] right now if I want to [ __ ] 10 [ __ ] I might [ __ ] two but not 10 you got a game like that no no you got have money to [ __ ] 10 you ain't got that money I ain't not to [ __ ] 10 I can [ __ ] two with the money I got what type of like they going to be tens or they going to be like twos oh no they going to be tens like what's considered a 10 like uh the eye of the beholder cuz what's a 10 and you might be a 15 to me what's a yeah you see what I'm saying so it's the eye to behold who you think that's fine right now let me see what your type is Beyonce but you just said [ __ ] Jay-Z they don't give a damn about it I can say [ __ ] a [ __ ] wife and still want to [ __ ] his wife I can say [ __ ] him and still lust on his wife you think Beyonce will ever give you a chance uh no okay that that conversation is over with then um but why was she a married woman so of course yeah [ __ ] you think so you would you if me if if me and Beyonce had to be around each other for two weeks you goddamn right I get her but that is never going to happen uh I don't want it to happen you just ask me a question [ __ ] I you just asked me a question [ __ ] I don't want I Ain I ain't I asked the question if you had the game to pull a Beyonce well but you saying it never would happen so you just asking possibilities so I'm just answering the question I wouldn't give a damn if it happened or not who else give me give me another person let me see that Ivanka Trump you think you pull her I know I could how you do you sliding the DMS or uh no uh you put me in the room with any woman for two weeks I get her two weeks Charleston yeah why would anybody want to be with you for two weeks uh you just ask me question I'm just answering them why would somebody want to be with you for two weeks oh we could work on a job we could be on a project together you just put me in the presence of any woman where I have to consistently be in her presence and I can get her conversation rule the nation and you think you got that much uh I got the world watching me just from talking and I ain't no celebrity you are a celebrity I am now but I would I talk my way up real just for conversation yeah straight conversation over over just on one platform I'm over three billion I just on Tik Tok uh just between me and say chees TV I'm over five billion what yeah I do million views in one day on just one platform what you think this going to do uh it's going to do some numbers because of what uh because of my conversation and that you admitted to you being a [ __ ] uh no I'm a oxymoron uh I've never done nothing wrong with nobody see the thing about this is uh you don't hear nobody said I've done wrong to nobody it's always what he said this see I thought it was actions speak louder than words so what I realize is most people hypocritical they stuck on words that's why they ignore most people actions like celebrities that's why they ignore AR Kelly actions for so long when he was child molesting that's why they ignor Jay-Z's action when Foxy Brown came out and said he were putting that harsh dick in her in The Source magazine remember that interview you might be too young Foxy Brown came out and said Jay-Z was [ __ ] her when she was 16 so if we just go come on now so that's why action don't speak louder than words to black people because if you go to look in the action you look at Dion can't keep a marriage he been divorced how many times this is how many wives he done had three or four so we are Fallen a man who came how many times that's all I'm going to say that's all I'm going to say known for sleeping with multiple women throughout his life whoreing man maybe that's why God took his toe turf toe [ __ ] Okay so I'm that's all I'm saying so this is a man who done abuse multiple women P has so much to say about it go get the divorce papers abusive a come on they had come on now I paying attention cuz I lived in Dallas at the time so it was big talk in Dallas and we ain't going to talk about when he was in Atlanta fronting the dope [ __ ] down here when he was playing for the Atlanta Falcon all that's documentation all that's documentation speculations okay we'll say speculation but there's no speculations on Charleston white it's just what he says it's just conversation so when you look at Charleston white you see he's a father a husband a community activist a youth ad you ain't got nothing on me ex-husband cool you ain't got nothing on me snitch you ain't got no paperwork no paperwork no paper it ain't no paperwork on me you got to have paperwork on the snitch no paperwork the cooning [ __ ] we get every black City I go to [ __ ] I do way more for black people than any celebrity I know to date you think you do more than the community to date to than me to date yeah to date than me yeah to date how old you I'm I'm 46 years old okay and I've been doing this for over 12 years at every level in every institution from the White House to Congress to State legislation to the prison schools the Alternatives capital murder cases robbery cases I'm at every level and I consistently do it and I haven't taken a break I haven't taken off to go play football I I this is my life and you can say that you did more for Atlanta uh I ain't from it I don't give a [ __ ] about Atlanta I ain't did a [ __ ] thing from Atlanta [ __ ] why would I come here and do something with Atlanta I'm talking about where I'm from don't you go nowhere else and do nothing if that ain't where you from you got to Village and it says it takes a village to raise a child so go to your village don't go to nobody else Village right I come over here to shine my light on people like this brother H is doing something so I come to other places to shine my light I don't come to help y'all because I don't have no connection here my heart is at home okay so I wouldn't dare come here try I don't give a damn [ __ ] it I don't give a damn about helping now some [ __ ] in Atlant yeah [ __ ] we come here to party and [ __ ] with ho like everybody else do and gone [ __ ] y'all help here but I do do work here though but no [ __ ] just the work that I do consistently over 12 can't now now man uhuh and I'm and I'm and and I'm bold with it because what I've been doing is I ain't been asking nobody to help I've been going to the community saying say y'all this what I'm doing and the community watch me do it and they come join in so what I did was I pride myself in having a 501 C3 organization that stayed in good standing and never asked for donations because I had a Jewish attorney show me how to become self- sustainable well we don't ask nobody for nothing to help us take care of our people and we damn sure ain't asking our people for nothing so I don't post cash apps I don't ask for money I don't ask to don't share nothing don't I don't ask to do that this what I'm doing whether y'all join in or not and my people come join in it's called self sustainability yes sir no fundraising no nothing I don't apply for Grants no nothing I make the Doughboy [ __ ] that's where the snitching come from because if I'm giving away toys and you say a dope [ __ ] I'm going to shut your house down [ __ ] you don't come bring no toys down hereit you godamn right [ __ ] cuz you selling dope in this community hold on you've been selling dope in this community for four years [ __ ] you see every summer we feeding kids down here and you ain't going to give us nothing so you extorting folks you godamn right I extort the drug dealers by way of threaten to snitch are we willing to go to war with you [ __ ] oh you listen listen what I'm telling you I got a army of [ __ ] behind me it ain't just me just talking cuz one little man can't talk and say all this stuff and not be protected by an arm no you protected by the jurisdiction of who who oh so so so listen ad so so so hold on so let me ask so when I get off the plane and I Uber here who's protecting me no because you said it yourself if I were to put my hands on you or somebody put their hands on you you either going to get locked up when hold on when do gangster [ __ ] who hurt people give a damn by going to jail and they want to hurt somebody that's cool but but that's what you standing on but no no listen hold on Listen Listen Hold on he keep see he keep missing hell in jail see he keep overlooking hell in jail didn't I say hell in jail I'm known for packing a gun I'm known for this so you ain't just going to jail you might go to hell too [ __ ] you might go to hell so that ain't tough talk I'm not trying to be tough I'm trying to clean up the community but when you sitting up here saying [ __ ] this and [ __ ] that well y'all can't that ain't tough talk that's a man who's standing on what he's saying why they got to be tough and you know you're protected because somebody if if somebody retaliates to the words that you say you could either die or go to jail so what am I protect so what's Pro so what so let me just say this an assault ain't nothing but a MISD mean a $50 Bond who afraid to go to jail for whooping a [ __ ] you better sit your [ __ ] ass down here [ __ ] leave me alone if you afraid to go to jail for assault you better leave me alone cuz I just be the aggravator salt with a deadly weapon case against him now you better leave me alone my [ __ ] I ain't just talking just to be talking if you afraid to go to jail then you better leave me alone yeah yeah you better just keep your feelings to yourself cuz I come from [ __ ] don't give a damn by going to jail [ __ ] you do something to violate them they don't give a damn by that J B your ass is grab them the kind of [ __ ] I be looking for so I see I see what you want so so so this is what you want to happen right cuz y'all ain't doing nothing but raising this is what I want to happen this is what I want to happen I want grown men to get out their feelings and stop letting words of people that they don't know to affect them cuz don't you got a woman to lead don't you got children so if you sitting around saying what I'm saying don't you know the right the law give me the right to defend myself of Free Speech you can't hurt me for my mouth so be willing to die or go to jail you tough [ __ ] listen but so all you're doing is just saying this you're you're you're agitating an argument because what you going to say is hey man [ __ ] cam new what cam gonna say man [ __ ] Charleson white you ain't gonna do that I'm not in my mind in my mind when I say [ __ ] King Von King vaugh dead so he ain't saying [ __ ] me back when I say [ __ ] King vaugh I'm making a point because I'm sitting next to tka's mother see that's what y'all keep missing my [ __ ] I met hold on listen homie I'm telling you I met this boy this baby's mother and this boy is saying smoke this kid not only that he done killed other people so it's easy to say [ __ ] him my [ __ ] when you done met these victims that's all I'm saying it's easy to say [ __ ] Dion Sanders when you got these Jackson State football kids in your phone see that's what y missing all this is because I work with children [ __ ] nipy he a rolling 60 [ __ ] cuz they kill black people they mislead children so it's easy to say [ __ ] that but I ain't saying [ __ ] black women but y'all defending knes but you just said you going to slap a black woman no no I didn't I said I I said I will slap my woman but I ain't slap my woman I don't slap my woman see this is the black man getting caught on Words and not actions that's how y'all getting played on black man y'all don't you you but but you sticking to my words and not my actions because because here's the thing no no no no no no no no I've been saying that for the longest that's what I'm saying no no no listen I will slap my woman [ __ ] but I haven't okay [ __ ] you think grandom and Granddad ain't been together 50 60 years and he ain't slapped mael and you don't think Mabel slapped him it don't matter but you trying to rebutt the truth you think people are standing together 40 years and they hadn't put their hands on each other in no instance I think my par I yes brother because look I'm trying to tell you I'm trying to tell you something every time I ask you a question you got all this doctrinated information that I'm listening to me I'm just trying to tell think people stay together over me on F Friday which is hosted by Newton and I'm over here trying to talk and you still talking I'm trying to tell you is not going to happen because you not going to over talk me I'm trying I'm sitting up here telling you I invited you over here you UNC by the good graces of God all security behind the scenes that got I ain't got no security I got I see that person over I see the person that off camera said man I really love I really love D and all this I ain't said up here telling you that what we done press that record button it's a whole different Charles to White then when we don't press tell you you [ __ ] this that man you f i [ __ ] meig me for and you want to say that and you want to say this and you want to say that I've going all you doing going is bumping I've been going out I've been going out I asked this man one simple question you think ain't nobody been married 40 50 years and ain't put their hands on each other he went to a whole dialogue and I prove my point he went to a whole dialogue he went to a whole dialogue but it goes back to prove my point the black man is stuck on Words and not actions are the black man is this a free interv this is a free interv and then you going sit up here and go jail or hell that's what you said I didn't say you said I said I'm will AR willing to go to jail I'm willing to go to jail for what comes out of my mouth my exact word I'm willing to die kill and go to jail and I've said this on every platform and my tune ain't changed it ain't changed real it ain't changed on down platform I'm willing to die kill and go to jail for what come out this mouth and the [ __ ] ain't hit me in the mouth yet whether I'm trying to agitate or not you [ __ ] stay in your feelings ain't nobody hit me in the mouth yet that go for Dion King vanau people everything I done disrespect [ __ ] I done looked in the face I went to the West Coast [ __ ] and disrespected all the nip people same thing happened there I ain't back down yet and it's on it's on every video every stage I ain't back down yet so take it how you want to take it I'm standing on it so [ __ ] Dion [ __ ] him and his wife too PW yeah I didn't had to check that [ __ ] so yeah I'm with all that yeah I'm with all that you just want to argue and I something I get paid to argue now I get paid $110,000 interview to argue [ __ ] I don't want to argue if I ain't getting paid I like the dialogue listen you said something in this interview that may have went over a lot of people's heads but I caught it you said what you really wanted to be was a lawyer and what I'm hearing today is a person that is a great debator well what he failed to realize is I told him I work on capital murder and death penalty cases I just made that I just sat here and said in hold on no no listen I'm not agitating because I'm speaking from a child's perspective of children that's what he keep that's what he keep going all around I'm a youth Advocate who's talking about the kids from Jackson State who's in my phone he overlooking the fact that I told him I work on capital murder and death penalty cases as a criminal defense mitigation SP I told him that but he's not listening see because he got a narrative he's trying to paint that's why he got questions wrote down it ain't for dialogue this ain't for dialogue this is a narrative that's why we never got the king vaugh that's why we never got really the nipy we stay stuck on Dion this is about defend than Dion this ain't about Charleston and what Charleston do this about Dion 40 to 50 to 60% of this whole interiew been about Dion Come on now because and this ain't supposed to be about Dion HBCU is what I keep saying y'all as a community activist as a spokesman for the Youth when you say [ __ ] that [ __ ] what are you telling to them uh [ __ ] that [ __ ] cuz they got some [ __ ] they saying [ __ ] iist as an activist and as a community youth that I talk to kids like that [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] yeah I talk to kid like that too yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] that white school Che don't know [ __ ] she talking about [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] just do good in class and don't pay that [ __ ] no M I talk like that to the little [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] that yeah I talk like that cuz that's where we come from see I started out talking saying say look at our young brother say look at our young sister they don't relate to that I watch how they Mas come in and talk if you don't sit your [ __ ] ass down boy I'mma whoop your ugly ass so I started trying how the parents talk to the kids and it became much more effective much more effective you cannot address kids who listen to cussing music all day and don't cuss to them and think you're going to get your point across all day long they hear and [ __ ] you [ __ ] suck my dick godamn it kill and you think you f to come excuse me can you no say boy if you don't cut that goddamn [ __ ] down and go get your ass in that [ __ ] bi tub better response qualitative study I tried it you talking to a [ __ ] got over 12 years and it can't nobody tell me nothing nothing especially no young [ __ ] I'm a young [ __ ] you a young [ __ ] young [ __ ] yeah boy you fresh off the porge mhm with a structured life mhm no [ __ ] about as long as you've been in the league that's how long I've been dealing with the PO [ __ ] babies who been killing for the last 12 years and and and I swear in in court as an expert with my hand on the Bible sworn in the court as an expert so I think I know what I'm talking about I think I know what I'm talking about too I think you just came to defend Dion that's been the only position here that I got out of this out all this talk it ain't about man I'm going let you talk and then I'm uh well we done already talk M so I'm going to let you talk okay thank you no interruptions uh now I don't want you to listen to No long Dr ass speech he got to yeah [ __ ] I don't want to hear no [ __ ] your narrative your narrative is said I came here and we talked about Dion sers for 70% of the whole interview but that's the only time or the only thing in the subject that I can relate to so I'm I'm speaking of my perspective well I done wasted my time [ __ ] I don't I ain't travel all the way here to talk about no another [ __ ] uh yeah no [ __ ] I ain't travel just to talk about no [ __ ] I don't like no relatability bro I don't want to relate to no [ __ ] because my time and my energy is for kids homie my whole time I came here to n to [ __ ] with babies I don't want to spend my time talking to no [ __ ] for free don't get no monetary no I don't want to relate like that I don't like sports that much because I don't watch sports I don't watch basketball I ain't into sports I'm into them [ __ ] in the community my life re around so I don't want to relate to nothing about that don't mean that I don't that ain't got nothing to do with you I'm speaking for me but we hadn't taught Community here speaking but this is what I'm saying we but we we ain't been talking Community here we've been talking Dion celebritism we ain't talking celebrity and I ain't so that's the Divide that's Co that's that's why that's why you notice I kept making reference y'all up there looking down and we up here looking up I kept I kept putting me down here with the regular people I kep putting y'all up there with the celebrity I'm down there though that's what I'm saying no no no no no but the people down here don't give a d what I'm saying about Dion Because life don't allow them see that's see that's what you don't know well I'm around theun you don't know what I do in the in the community I'm not KN I'm not trying to know what you do I'm saying I put me down here and what you just said on here is that you're a celebrity so I'm not this had nothing to do with what you in the community I said that's why I kept saying y'all up here and we down here you are a celebrity I ain't you are I ain't you are I remain down here but anytime you get paid I remain down here you become a celebrity I think therefore I am so I remain down here okay cool so tell me this Mr Charleston before we adjourn tell the people what you do in the community uh Man by this point they know what I do it's documenting what I do exactly so you going to sit up there and say man you ain't talking about what I do for the commity well we we done already spent talking about what we talking about so there's no need for me to talk about what I need to talk about it's no need uh but tell me this though respectfully I really I really I really tell me tell me tell me what you got coming out man uh you mentioned uh movie oh I got a movie coming out about the 1997 uh Atlanta freak nck called we out here uh I play a I play a role by the guy by the name of chop uh smooth little [ __ ] that's the leader of the crew but he not the leader of the crew uh that should be coming out in a couple of months uh and then turkey giveaway where you tell me the structure of of the turkeys where you do with at uh I got my man right here right here in Atlanta so uh you doing turkey giveaways in Atlanta yeah uh when Saturday so so what I do is I partner with people here in Atlanta uh that's unknown to the world and I bring my light and shine my light uh yeah so they can burn off that light is there any way that I could donate yeah there go the man right there the one you said security W right there that's the turkey giveaway see behind the scenes y'all can't see but listen he got a bunch of security guards back here one of them really big I can't really tell because yeah you got infom you got infom from the infom mil platform that did my documentary went back to my city uh this man here is from Atlanta I'm I'm lying by the way listen listen he got he got a a a good crew with him I see three three fellas yeah all them [ __ ] podcast [ __ ] so all them [ __ ] is guys who I met uh throughout this journey right uh we've done a lot of work he come to my home City uh he booked me for a podcast he does community work I found out that he does community work so I got three different juvenile youth curriculums that I'm giving to him one is a anti-gang cognitive Intervention Program that he can teach at the Juvenile facilities after school program I met this young brother he was a promoter who booked me so he and I been doing business traveling around the country doing shows podcast so I met all these guys doing black business on the journey mm uh uh that's every city I go to so I I I I come online to say [ __ ] celebrities uh because I know it's a divide between regular common people and celebrities the regular common people have what I call an entertainment whes mind so they they either worship or idolize they either worship or idolize so they make these people gods and then there's another faction just saying what I'm saying [ __ ] [ __ ] them [ __ ] I got to pay bills [ __ ] I got five [ __ ] kids I don't give a dam about what that [ __ ] doing I'm with them people but I'm also with the people that resent [ __ ] those at the top those are kids that's why when they cousins at the top come down here they play on them because it's a big divide between the halves and the Have Nots and that's the biggest divide between black people the halves and the Have Nots so who bridging that nobody and I ain't trying to [ __ ] I'm playing on the fact that it exists I I want to ask for your help with something do you do you care to hear [ __ ] asked a question yeah uh I have a uh a program c1n right this is my give back initiative I give back by using my god-given talent in football to educate the youth been doing it for going on 13 years so when you see the lackings of a Dion Sanders uh player by the name of Travis Hunter he came through my program when you see multiple that's in the NFL right now Deshawn Watson uh Justin Fields uh so many different others Heisman hopeful uh bo Knicks uh Sam how who also is in the NFL multiple players that I did not mention um I've been working with my team and I need your help and I I I love your mind right very educated young man by the way uh all that other stuff that we was doing that was surely out of entertainment purposes and that was just to get somebody to click but now that I got your attention Charleston White I'm asking for your help to be able to work alongside with me I got you to help create a curriculum for my program if if nothing else I know about sports it's a great tool for character development yes sir uh it's a great tool for self-discipline uh it's a great tool for helping a young man uh identify uh with a team in a team concept to become a team player which ultimately helps him work better as a family member mhm right uh I'm all for that what I what I and I don't want to throw this out there like that but that's been my plight with the Dallas Mavericks the Dallas Cowboys the Texas Rangers and the rappers when they come to our cities uh the poor children in the ghetto in the communities never get to touch these people never I can't think now black school homie where the Mavericks so [ __ ] I'm saying this when Dion was there I'm saying this to the radio stations i' have gotten into it with the radio station nobody is bringing these people to to our least of those people the people who won't ever get to go to a game the fact that they could walk to a school homie walk through a school and change a kid's life forever just at one day so that's my beef with the rappers [ __ ] they come do concerts nobody's coming to the community to let our kids to let our people touch them if they can't afford the program so I would be more than than happy and willing to to collaborate with you andjoin uh to help you create a curriculum for nothing else Homie we to develop character yes sir nothing but character homie cuz this is the reality of of my situation right I uh have it saying that I I I tell my kids you don't have to do nothing special to be special keep the main thing the main thing most of the time when kids are are not or athletes student athletes per se that has an elite skill set there's a high percentage of time that they're no longer able to show that skill set in something unrelated to that skill what I mean by that is this I tell kids to be like me in regards to why I'm not in the NFL because somebody thinks cam is not good and I'm cool with that because that's the discretionary where you would never find in the reason why I'm not in the league I didn't slap nobody I didn't get caught with drugs I done put my hands on a woman I never promoted violence I did right by my platform I promoted togetherness and unity in my community so when you say I go back to the hood that's something I stand on my father instilled that in in me so whether you knew it or not I've been doing this for years years uh in regards to athletes I my heart goes out to a guy like Mikey uh his last name Williams uh because that's how most of our kids are no longer able to play because it's not that he don't got a good jump shot it's not because he can't catch the football it's not because he can't throw is they are looking up to people that are stuck on stage they not in a in a way to be able to say bro I'm so locked in on my sport that I don't have time to frolic around with drugs or violence or anything like that that I see Mike and I'm saying bro had I been able to talk to him had I been able to kind of put him in my program I guarantee to tell him like yo that gang banging [ __ ] that [ __ ] lame as hell B bro why would you want to do that you Mikey bro you're the most influential kid in high school everybody want to be you you don't got a dog on slap somebody so to this I'mma show you the power of of of really being Gangsta right you say you can send out a hit that's ganger to me cuz if you disrespect my name I'm not going to be the one that's going to slap you I'm worth too much money I understand that I understood that at a young age but that don't mean people don't stand by me and say bro don't worry about it bro I'mma handle that for you right see people look at me and they say damn bro this [ __ ] cam off the chain but what they don't know is Cam has never took a sip of alcohol a day of his life he's never ever did drugs a day of his life not marijana not cocaine none of that [ __ ] why because when I was in high school I got a very very vivid memory when I was in the car right and I felt this one in my core and it like it was yesterday I was in the car and some of my teammates are smoking weed and my brother was smoking weed too right in that car and you know smoking weed etiquette pass it around the circle right I'm a germaphobe that's why I stick to Cigars you feel what I'm saying you can't shut no cigar that ain't something that people do but any who nevertheless in that car at a young age in high school and I seen people smoking weed and my brother was smoking weed he looked at me and he said boy if I ever see you smoking weed I'mma beat your [ __ ] ass that hit me to my core I never reached for a weed a day of my life but I was always around it my brother told me that that's why I never smoked weed a day in my life at 15 16 years old so now when I'm around people and they smoking and this that and the third I don't have the heart or desire to smoke weed because of the the words that my brother told me you feel what I'm saying and that was coming from a weed smoker you feel me so I don't drink because I didn't necessarily have a person in my household I I was raised in a church right so it wasn't like people were drinking or they was doing this and they was doing that I just seen so much when I was going on College visits and the people who always was drinking they fell out of control of how they were acting so you mean to tell me you can drink a substance and then you dog on lose memory or lose conscience of control of your body I'm a control freak I like to control things right and you blacked out you don't remember last night no bro what happened no I don't want to do that you mean tell me I can't have control over myself if I were to drink a substance or cocaine crack Heron a Leen that [ __ ] lame to me but I don't judge the people who do it they got a story behind what why they do their stuff too so I use my platform I don't just say one finger one pink one thumb love I really love people right so when you decided to come on this platform it wasn't to bring hatred amongst people it was pretty much much to promote because like I told you ear on I said bro behind everything that you saying has some truth and you was speaking the gospel uh I I I I don't use my platform to help nobody uh I didn't come to the internet I didn't create a platform to be helpful I don't love people to help everybody I only love what I know I only care about what I'm what I'm connected to and that's what I know so I don't come and use my platform to uplift black people was damn by black people my [ __ ] I care about my kind my [ __ ] and my kind I can see a black person getting his ass kicked by the police I ain't jumping in I would have been the same black people standing right there watching George Floyd die I wouldn't have sacrificed my life to push that cop off that [ __ ] so I didn't create no platform for black people [ __ ] I create this [ __ ] for monetization entertainment purposes only [ __ ] I don't give a damn about up so you're not a celebrity oh no so that's not what celebrities do I don't know what celebrities do I ain't now I'm a [ __ ] who talked his way into getting rich making money that's not what celebrities do that's not what rappers do they don't use their voice to talk [ __ ] I don't know what they do fam they do I don't know but if I'm a celebrity or not [ __ ] uh I'm not here to help people I help youth in real life so I'm not going to come to internet and waste my time my energy or my resources helping people from my platform do that in real life to to to your point actions speak louder yeah Than Words cuz your actions help people in real life yeah so I come to to do the totally opposite of what I did in real life I catch you I come to the internet to be the opposite remember I was a frustrated youth Advocate this was my outlet this was my way of letting it out and it just so happened to pop last words got anything to say uh you can't fix the community until you fix what's in the mirror and I think that's the problem that most black people are trying to have uh we overlooking the mirror the man in the mirror we overlooking the woman we laying next to we overlooking the children only to come outside and try to fix the community when we need to be making our beds up in the morning when we get up we need to be dusting the house during the so uh that's the problem we having is black people we trying to fix everybody but us starting in the mirror then when you come out the mirror [ __ ] repairing and trying to fix you you look around at your wife and your kids and in the house and try to fix what's in the house then you step out on your pors and say hey neighbor then you look down the street and see what's wrong with the street then you go out into your community but you don't start from nowhere but the mirror that's the starting point and I think that's what we forgetting as black people I went and fixed me before I came to the internet and start saying uh what was wrong in the community uh I became the change that I wanted to see in the process of of doing that I became famous uh I found out that I got a gift in comedy I discovered my talents that I didn't know I had as a kid so hey [ __ ] [ __ ] who mad [ __ ] it worked and it's working my [Laughter] [ __ ] oh man boy man this when how long it go take for y'all release it CU this [ __ ] go break the internet this [ __ ] GNA kill you that's all right and then what they hey hey what they say in the school oo hey man but with all love man listen can you follow your instructions yes sir all right here we go let me see in unison as we end things here at funky Friday we're going to start with this camera right here then we going to start in that camera second in unison and we going to finish right here and when I say all together we going to say one love you ready here we go right here one finger one pinky one thumb all together one chareston white ladies and gentlemen and we out [Music] baby [Music] oh
Channel: Cam Newton
Views: 5,583,775
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Keywords: cam newton, cam, panthers, carolina panthers, vlog, cam newton vlog, cam newton youtube, #camnewton, nfl, cam newton nfl, football, cam newton football, cam newton quarterback, interview, cam newton interview, football highlights, cam vlog, football vlog, workout, NFL blog, offseason workout, cam newton workout, Cam Newton 2020, inspirational, funky friday, pod cast, Funky Friday podcast, relationship advice, people and personal journals, fashion, Football, funky friday w/ cam newton
Id: mD9-ckm4xEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 27sec (11187 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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