[Heated Debate] Dr. Umar Johnson Checks Black Men About Accountability! Part 2

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that might be most black people love love ain't love for most white folks white for everything white people do has a political purpose everything white people do has a political purpose ain't no Lover's level would be we be considered racist if we only date within our race no that's what you call Race loyalty and you get racism as a group system yeah of exploitation discrimination oppression bias where one group seeks to deny all members of another group their fair share of resources opportunities and privileges you know why you can't be a racist you don't own a damn thing white people need in order to live true white people need you for nothing but you need them whose schools out who schools our kids go to theirs true our money and whose Banks theirs who's building the houses we need to rent and buy them who's shipping our stuff around the world that we need to order to live them you follow me they don't need us we need them for everything we are as dependent on white people today as we when slavery ended 157 years ago foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right and black people got to be careful about raising the importance of other people's issues to our own because by doing that you reduce the quality of your own fight right because nobody else has been through what you've been through here everybody in America showed up as an immigrant we're the only people who showed up as Imports why would you dare make the gay struggle equal why would you dare make uh the Arab or Asian struggle equal ridiculous when those Asian women were murdered in Atlanta which was a tragedy and I didn't have a problem with the president making a law against it but my problem was you had about eight to a dozen Asian women get murdered in one night and as a result of one night one night the President and Vice President flew down to Atlanta and met with the Asian Community he passed an executive order almost overnight a congressional bill came anti-asian hate unanimously passed almost overnight my issue with that one Asian tragedy they get a personal meeting with the President and Vice President they get an executive order they get a federal law that makes it illegal to even use a racial slur we've been here 400 years you ain't never flew down and met with us face to face after no tragedy when that damn devil walked into that supermarket in Buffalo New York and murdered those Africans when pillar roof walked into that church since Charleston South Carolina murdered those Africans we didn't even get a face-to-face meeting from the president of the United States who was black at the time Barack Obama but this is what you do for the Asians and then you sign an executive order and then you sign an anti-asian Hey where's the anti-black hate I don't want to sound dumb but you know they would have to deal with their their people who do we have that would support us I agree with you the reason they responded to the Asians the way that they did yeah is they got somebody to go home absolutely you have China you have Japan who have political power yes that America has relationships with that they can't afford to lose exactly and you will have to answer they will be political economic consequences for letting out people get mistreated in your land we don't have that and the reason we don't have that is because we have not helped to build a single African State into the power base we need her to be so she can speak out for us we have used our money to empower understandable all these nationalities and use almost none of it to empower Africa the very continent we need to do what you just said be strong enough to be a diplomatic voice for American Africa but this and this is why I asked you before which one is more important to fix first because if we had that power behind us wouldn't it be easier for us to make moves over here if we had that power in Africa absolutely but we're not building the power though in other words we should be in Africa right now I'm sending you to Ghana I'm sending you to Nigeria I'm sending you to Namibia I'm going to go to Ethiopia we're going to sit down with the president listen we are two trillion dollar people man we need you to be able to speak up for us would it be hard what are the economic slave chains that America has around your economy what are the economic slave chains America has around your economy and what could we do with our education and income to weaken those chains so one day they can fall Africa would love to do business with us instead of the World Bank or the international monetary fund or the French government or the Belgian government or the German government they would rather do the business with us but the problem with black folks we are comfortable in content being American slaves we're not looking at the global ramifications of our irresponsible Behavior we're not looking at the global needs of our people we are content with this America the way that it is we are comfortable being treated like 21st century slaves because if we were not with the resources we waste every day we would be going crazy go down your social media feed does it look like a Black America is in a crisis does it look like black Americans in a crisis go through your Twitter true go any if you did not know how racist America was and you went to Black Twitter black Instagram black tick tock black kitchen important could you tell no no don't it look like we live in the best times of Our Lives because black people are like overgrown children slavery arrested our psychopolitical development slavery arrested our psychopolitical development the slave system turned us into Eternal children in this country what do children do they spend their money on the things that they like right and they beg their parents for the things that they need is that not Black America two billion on Air Jordans every year you're right four billion on liquor 30 billion on hair and beauty nearly a billion dollars on chicken turkey beef and pork multiple billion on video games multiple million on children's cologne children's cologne check this out we spin them yeah we spent about 21 million dollars on children's cologne a year wow what the [ __ ] is children you know Baby Polo baby Versace but yeah they got children's cologne but half the black boys in America and fourth grade can't read on their grade level that's the first half the black boys in America in the eighth grade can't read on their grade level no we spending 20 million dollars on cologne I don't excuse nothing another race does to my people because as a human being you should be able to practice decency whether you're dealing with a billionaire or somebody who dead broken homeless on the street you understand me definitely but we have to look in the mirror too and look at how we make it easy for people to disrespect us because how does the people in your condition have the time to engage in this type of tomfoolery over here do you feel me yeah if I'm Chinese looking at Black America how do I make sense out of this all right y'all can't care about yourselves because as much as you talk about reparations and as much as you talk about the next presidential election look at the money you waste imagine a Korean walk into a black community meeting on reparations a Korean and stand up and say can I ask you a question why y'all in here arguing over reparations when y'all didn't turn my people into a trillion dollar Nation I make 30 billion dollars off your people a year 30 billion a year how much has we have we give the Koreans over the past 30 years what's 30 billion times 30 is and you talking about reparations you see that but black people are in denial about our self-hate I tell black women all the time if you would just stop hating the way God Made You you can take your 30 billion dollars a year and build an independent school for every black girl out here you could stop child sex trafficking black women could wipe out child sex trafficking for black girls by taking some of that 30 billion dollars on here but guess what how I look is way more important than the condition of my people black men same thing we could take the 4 billion on liquor to 2 billion on the Air Jordans the multiple billion we spent on vacations all the money we spent on these damn non-black women we could take that money and build black schools for black boys yeah but I want to know we can't I mean I want to say we can't change that but that's that's we're surrounded by it's like every block has a liquor store every block has sneakers that don't mean you have to partake I agree with that 100 where is the discipline it's so hard discipline but yes we do know better we do even the most politically uneducated black person knows there's something better I could be doing with this money do you feel me I agree we are comfortable in our oppression and the reason we're comfortable in it is the white man has allowed us enough of his useless amusements to content us with our oppression we got the cell phone social media NBA playoffs we have enough see black poverty ain't the same as African poverty right it ain't the same as Caribbean African poverty it ain't the same as Brazilian Africa our poverty is damn near Middle to upper class in most other places yeah yeah do you understand me and so because we don't have it as bad as other people we think we win and when we lose them we think we win it when we lose it is that why you know when Africans or the Caribbeans come over here and be like yo you know what y'all got it easy like you know what I mean y'all just being lazy compared to what they come from right yeah and when they come they take advantage of whatever they can do so they'll work at the taxi they'll work at the uh airport security right and they'll save that money and they will send it back home many of them come over there to hustle and to send the money back home and I don't have no problem with them doing that you understand but what I do need the African immigrant brother and sister to understand America will give you opportunity that she will never give me because you are not a threat you can be deported whenever they feel like it true you can be stripped of your American citizenship or your green card whenever they feel like it they can strip me in my citizenship but where do they send me nowhere we are the only people that cannot be deported and that's why America can't stand us even though she's the reason she can't get rid of us so I know you said earlier that you you don't want to beg anybody to be a part of the the movement yes or the race right so but it just seems like a lot of people are ignorant to what's going on here so it wouldn't be begging I just think they need to be educated I mean like okay I think they're ignoring it I don't disagree totally you have Negroes and you have Coons okay the Negro is completely ignorant he would respond to what you just suggested take a negro who think white people are everything white women are beautiful white people are more intelligent black people are lazy he's a negro he'd been miseducated you okay to him you can bring him back into the revolution right right he was just a negro he didn't know right but then you got the [ __ ] the [ __ ] knows that the white man ain't better the [ __ ] knows that black people are the original people but he's paid and financed to intentionally mislead his people the Negro I can't work with because I can educate him out of his situation right the [ __ ] is dangerous the [ __ ] has stabbed me in my back the minute I turn my back and that's why many of our African leaders from around the world have been betrayed by members of their Inner Circle Patrice lumumba murdered by a Friend Thomas Sankara murdered by a stepbrother Malcolm X murdered by people he trusted Dr King set up by people he trusted when you look at the black struggle globally because you got to look at all of our heroes and heroes not just the ones here many of them were set up and sabotaged by people they grew up with and who they trusted Kwame and kruma was overthrown in Ghana with the assistance of his college roommate at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania the state department found his roommate sent him to Ghana to help overthrow his roommate who was the first democratically elected president in Africa post-colonization that's like the the Fred Hampton story I have seen recently right now that informant wasn't a friend of fair at Hampton but to your point he weaved his way into his trust sold him out gave the FBI a drawing of Fred Hampton's apartment drugged as Kool-Aid yeah you understand so when you get in this movement for black liberation you don't have no friends I I have a quick question for you that may be personal do you feel like since you're a big impact to the black community that you're in danger I'd say this I get death threats on a regular basis I know the FBI and CIA tapped my phone they've been doing it since my first trip to Africa 2005. mm-hmm there's about six people who come around me on a regular basis who I'm pretty certain are paid agents some of the women who have expressed interest in me over the past six months I definitely believe that they are paid agents but I'ma say this to you when I look at Malcolm and Martin and I listen to their friends who survived them they have to talk about how those two great black leaders two of my heroes got to a point in their life where they were so spiritually and emotionally exhausted from the threat of death that they felt they secretly wished for it to come to get it over with it's like always looking over your shoulder kind of they got tired of it right Dr King got tired of it Malcolm got tired of it and I think they asked the Lord just make sure when they hit me they don't hit my daughter and children my wife and children you feel me I don't ever want to get to the point where I'm that fatigued from the threat that it takes away my commitment to the struggle now they never lost their commitment to struggle yeah but they basically died before they died if you understand what I'm saying because once you psychologically exhausted with the threat of death there's nothing else to live for I'm still struggling but I'm not enjoying my life because my wife can't really enjoy me my kids can't really enjoy me because my mind has become beaten down with the prospect of death remember they bombed Dr King house twice right they buy Malcolm house the day before he a week before he died right I don't ever want to get like that so I discipline myself I practice a traditional African spirituality I try to stay as rooted as possible I need to do a better job but that's my walk the biggest thing that insulates me though is I believe I was born to do what I did what I'm doing I don't believe I was born to be nothing else but what I am right now and because I believe that I'm on a god-given mission and because I believe that the ancestors are helping me as much as possible to achieve the goals that I have in mind for my people which is ultimately Liberation for all African folks if I die in the work it was my destiny and if I don't it wasn't you know I mean so for me I'm content with whatever happens but my comfort and peace of mind comes from knowing that this is the destiny I negotiated with God in heaven before I incarnated so it don't really bother me so let me ask you this question right just to go back to the day and outside your race um you once said that data interracially is a form of self-hatred absolutely why do you why do you believe that absolutely because why do you want to stare in the face of a member of the people who have committed the greatest human atrocities against your people these are the people not only specifically to white people or do you mean if they date an Asian woman or Indian woman is that still the same well I got two answers if we're dealing with white people right why would you want one of them after what they've done to us and continue to do because your white girlfriend's still a racist she still doesn't value black life you understand that white man Serena Williams is married to he don't value black life you understand that white woman that took a billion dollars from Tyler uh not Tiger Woods she don't value black life right I could give you countless examples of people I've met in therapy who were called the n-word about white husbands and white wives you understand me white people who have sex with you didn't slave master sleep with our mothers and grandmothers so just because they land in the bed with you what makes you think that they shed their racism they don't wipe people are racist all white people are racist there's no exceptions they may not all be bigots but they're all racist they all want their people to dominate unfairly the resources the opportunities and the Privileges of this Society so what every white person what about the people that just say love is love right who believes Love Is Love I mean that's most people's answers that might be most black people love love ain't love for most white folks white for everything white people do has a political purpose everything white people do has a political purpose Ain't No Love is level like would be we be considered racist if we only date within our race no that's what you call Race loyalty and you get racism is a group system yeah of exploitation discrimination oppression bias where one group seeks to deny all members of another group their fair share of resources opportunities and privileges you know why you can't be a racist you don't own a damn thing white people need in order to live white people need you for nothing but you need them whose schools out who schools our kids go to theirs true our money and who's Banks there's building the houses we need to rent and buy them who's shipping our stuff around the world that we need to order to live them you follow me they don't need us for [ __ ] we need them for everything we are as dependent on white people today as we were when slavery ended 157 years ago um so in my opinion if you talk to an integrationist if you talk to an integrationist and say how far have we come since slavery or we come very far we got a black president now we got a black Vice President we got a black Supreme Court Justice we got about 10 black billionaires we got about a hundred black millionaires you should change because their definition of progress is based exclusively on superficial assets are you following me that's the integrationist now you come to me the Nationalist the pan-african Nationalist how much progress have we made since slavery zero but Dr um how can you say that black people got Master degrees doctor degrees houses and white neighborhoods we on our own businesses we got millionaires we got tech companies here's my question to what extent are we now in a better position to protect and dictate the lives of our children today than we was when slavery ended let me ask it another way when slavery ended we owned one half of one percent of all the wealth in America guess how much we owe now one half of one percent of all the wealth in America what the [ __ ] has changed nothing at all but the appearance of things right the only thing they did when they ended slavery is change the way it looked they traded in slavery um before the 13th Amendment we were owned by individuals it was the property of individual slaveholders after the 13th Amendment we became property of the government itself we are slaves of the state um so no not free let me ask you a question because in other words if you walk out here right now and the police officer pulls you over and takes your life God forbid unjustifiably [Music] how was that any better than you being on the plantation picking cotton in the overseer just decides to get off his horse and blow your damn brains out 157 years apart was there any difference in the power Dynamic no nothing at all you're right we are exactly where we were power power power is the measuring stick y'all not education not income not billionaires and millions how many black people on TV Obamas and kamalas that's irrelevant how much power do we have no to force white people to leave us the hell alone and do we have any more now that we had in 1865. I don't see it moving wait hold on let me ask a question real quick because a lot of people say that Obama got in office and he did nothing for black people do you think he had the power to do anything when he was president I want to ask a question before that question do I think he had the power yeah yes and no major changes he didn't have the power right minor changes he did for example Barack Obama could have got us more black teachers Barack Obama could have did something about the special education exploitation of our children he could have done something about the suspensions and expulsions he could have fought for better schools and more black Educators because everybody agrees that the schools are a problem everybody agrees Obama didn't do nothing about that you follow me he could have done something about black homelessness he didn't now for the black middle class he threw them a couple bones and allowed them to buy a house and that kind of [ __ ] if you consider that progress right right but overall did he systemically change anything for black people not at all but did he systemically change anything for gay people hell yeah hell yeah but don't you think it's easier for one to do that because of the power that they possess because of I mean there's white people Asian people that's in that Community okay possibly but here's my question for you now let's let's say Obama had no power to change nothing let's just say that um then why would you vote for him for your presidency I was I was ignorant to how that whole system worked when I first voted I was I just turned 18. I mean so when as as I'm learning more I realize that it goes through a vote and you need certain seats people in these seats right to push bills through he didn't have that even by the now where we voted in these seats he's still not doing nothing for black people but you know what the difference is uh presidents have executive privilege Barack Obama could have signed executive orders to do things for black people that he did not do remember Biden gave the Asians an executive order to before Congress gave them a law he gave the Native Americans an executive order before Congress gave him the law you follow what I'm saying Donald Trump gave the Hispanics the Latinos an executive order before you understand Obama could have used the power of his pen and here's my one thing against Barack Obama my one thing you're right I'm not going to slight him for not changing anything I'ma slide him for not even trying do you see the difference definitely you the president a student government at College you didn't get nothing done but guess what brother I salute you because I saw you fight for me you feel me you didn't get nothing done but I saw you fight for me every time I turned on the television Barack Obama talking about homosexuals like they the only people in the country that's all he talked about middle class white people homosexuals women and immigrants that's all they cared about black people got no attention from him but that's why the white man put him in there when Obama was running for office I'm one of the only Scholars of public stature that said when he's done we're going to be worse off than we was before he got in there you go to my old I did a lecture Black and Nobel bookstore in Philadelphia it's on YouTube go watch it people still watching now they say doctor everything you said in the Obama and this is why he was running everything you said about him it has all come to pass why I'm not no genius but what I do know is every time we get elected officials the condition of black people gets worse it never gets better rarely do we do better when somebody black gets elected you don't think he was personally uh hand selected especially after the oh situation yeah they selected Barack Obama to make America the make the black community in America safe for homosexuality and they needed him internationally went back to Africa's support because America needs Africa's resources so he was a stooge in a puppet he knows it but he did it willingly you know I'm sure he has trouble sleeping at night sometimes you know what I'm saying but my point again if he has no power and if you claim your vote see both things can't be true either your vote is important or Obama should have never been elected because he ain't got the power to do nothing you see that you can't have a boat you can't say my vote means everything to me but I'ma use it on a man who can't do anything for me it can't be both ways I'm gonna be honest with you and I don't blame Barack Obama to his credit he never said he would do nothing for black people when Jesse Jackson ran for president 84-88 he said he would do something for black people when Al Sharpton ran he said he would do something for black people when Barack Obama ran he made sure he didn't mention black people even in his presidential address he would even mention Dr King uh by name he just said a preacher from Georgia he wouldn't even say his name Obama stayed as far away from black issues as possible so to his credit he didn't lie to us we projected on to him this Messianic complex has failed us because guess what you know what do you think Joe Biden would have ignored black people if we didn't let Obama do it for eight years do you think Donald Trump would have ignored black people if we didn't let Obama do it for four years for eight years you will never get another president's attention anymore because the whole the whole they give Barack Obama a pass fate yeah the worst thing we could have ever done was publicly say it was okay how do we bring to not do nothing and just be black how do we bring value back into our vote yeah because they organize it along racial lines get out of the democratic party when Joe Biden you know when he was asked by Charlemagne you know uh why should black people vote for you and he's just like well if you don't vote for me you're not black like it was that wasn't an answer he just was like yeah it was disrespectful but you know why and he didn't get no flag from he did but you know why he was comfortable enough to say that because the Democratic party has owned the black vote since 1933 that's correct this is 2023 so in another nine years we would have voted Democrat for a century what have the Democrats done so great that we own our vote for 100 years Brothers a hundred years 100 years you see that get out to your question get out the Democratic Party get out the Republican Party black people need to become Independents and we need to run and finance our own independent candidates so when you become May of New York when you become a governor of New York when you become a city council a State Rep you're going to do whatever the black community tells you to do because you don't owe nobody nothing you didn't take no money from the Rockefellers you ain't take no money from Chase Manhattan see that you ain't take no money from Morgan Stanley you ain't take no money from Walmart you ain't take the money from uh Hyundai you take the money from McDonald's you are a free candidate the problem with our elected officials is 99 of them show up in office already enslaved by the dollar of another man so how can we up there celebrate he's the new mayor of New York City like the guy y'all got now sure police officer yeah what what we vote for him for he's a damn cop no disrespect him he might be a nice guy but you Fraternal Order of Police color his color is blue so thank you thank you so what we vote for him for because black people love to be what kind of independent party win them because if you don't need to win ah in fact you don't even need to party you just need an independent political union in other words let's say we're a numerical minority right right we could run an independent we never gonna win because White's got more votes than us and Latinos now got more votes than us right yeah we didn't have to win we're going to leverage our votes we're going to have a political town hall meeting with all the major candidates Republican party Democratic party libertarian green party right you say it is New York City we got four million black votes and we putting them all in one place we are not splitting do not divide the black vote put it together we're going to ask y'all some questions after y'all leave we're gonna talk about y'all behind y'all back we're gonna have a big Community Town Hall debate but when we walk out of here we agree that majority rules right and whichever one of y'all we vote for that's to go and get the votes and if you do not deliver on what you promised very next election you're gone they're going to have to deliver can they survive without your 4 million votes no no hell no that's why they said save us for the end it starts absolutely [ __ ] to make us listen here's what y'all need to understand nobody wants an organized black vote let me say that again no black governor candidate wants to organize black vote no black U.S Senate candidate no black U.S rep no State Rep state senator City count nobody Black or White in politics wants an organized black vote you want to know why because you know I got the power to hold them accountable if we was organized your mayor would have to go to war with the police department on our behalf he would have a choice or he's going to be unseated right do you understand me you think he wants y'all to be organized these handkerchief hit as black politicians who don't fight for us and these governmental systems do you really think they want your vote to be organized you will make them turn their slave master into an enemy do you think that's why they give women and trans people so much Leverage when it comes to like separating them from actual like black man or the black family yes I do think they want the black female vote because she's the biggest constituency in our community right Brothers don't vote Brothers in jail Brothers know the vote ain't gonna mean [ __ ] until we organize it so yes they would rather have a black female vote than a black community vote hands down because black women vote more than black men and that's why we need our sisters to come back into the fold and say you know what we're not voting this women we voting as black people and we voting with our men do you know how powerful that would be all right if black men and black women stop the dumb [ __ ] on social media and say we're going to fight because we got a common enemy white supremacy and we're going to put our votes behind a candidate who offers to do the most for us that would be revolutionary definitely So speaking of that um you know I've seen a video of you of yours where you said that feminism has conditioned black women a view black men as the enemy um it has feminism was financed by the CIA uh Gloria what was the name Gloria Steinem I think she was right yeah mother of modern feminism because uh traditional feminism goes back to the 1800s right with Susan B Anthony and those uh white supremacists but Gloria Steinem was a CIA agent they financed her her first feminist magazine they paid for the CIA brought feminism into the White household to get the woman out the house and into the black household to turn a black woman against the black man to scapegoat us for problems calls for her by white supremacy so you know obviously you know a big thing obviously we spoke about the the gender was you know earlier um obviously there's a lot of conversation nowadays about you know the value of well a woman brings and the value of what a man brings in a relationship and now there's a lot more rhetoric from our women that we here is um strong independent I Don't Need No Man right so that's just that's pain speaking about right because most black women know they will never get a man a black woman can have sex whenever she wants right because she's beautiful she can have a bed mate but to have a soul mate she may never get I have two daughters 11 and 20. right my oldest would be 21 this week statistically right this is a strong chance my daughter could be one of those I hope she's not she could be one of those who never get a husband because only one out of four gets a husband you see that so when the black woman says I don't need a man that is a reaction to the reality that I may not get a man so why not preach because I understood you know you're you're obviously against interracial relation when it comes to Batman with black women I mean with white women with all women you should only be with a black woman and you will say well if you can't find a good woman in America absolutely so why not teach that same rhetoric to our women like if I do if you feel like yo sisters all the time go to Africa so no sisters who married I just I just uh spoke with it says she invited me to the wedding she just married a brother from the continent so it's but instead of saying they they will never take their sisters to Africa who married Brothers they met in Africa right so yeah I think this is I think there's obviously plenty of black men women they're going to go get you an African man from the continent right you don't have to understand that the way in which you talk to black men in America will not be tolerated over there um that's what we're trying to tell them well over here I want to say this to us though because we try to act like the way sisters treat us doesn't have a history that we are not at least partly responsible for let's be honest the black woman has had to hold down the black house by herself although imperfectly she's had to do it by herself since the mass incarceration of black males began in the 1970s you've understand me most of our children are raised by a single mother right now and it has been that way for about 50 years so when a sister says I don't need a man because she couldn't find one strong enough to hold her down or when you meet a woman and you say sister I'm strong enough to be a man you ain't got to work or you ain't got to pay the bills or whatever pull back I got you and she can't do it because all the other men before you who disappointed her so what I'm saying is black man we got to be patient with our women because we created that personality we created that and then we want to act like we didn't play a role we have to be held accountable for their poor selection so you have to be held accountable no you have to be held accountable because they have a poor selection see what you're saying you're selecting a poor mate and what I'm saying is they don't have much to select one so of course you're going to end up with a poor mate and why is she going to end up with a poor mate because we as black men are not raising black boys to be the men that our women need we are not they out there killing themselves right now what we doing about it unemployed black males what we doing about it pan sagging weed smoking what we doing about it black men are not raising black boys to be the men our community needs that is 100 our fault what I'm saying is she got a right to be angry with us she got a right to be angry with us honestly we have not been on our job as black men if men are the providers what have we been providing for our community I'm not speaking you individually yes yes because you might be a damn good father you may be a damn good father you may be a damn good father but guess what what are we doing for the community what are we doing for the children who don't have a father you don't think the black woman got a right to be angry when she been raising two-thirds of the kids by herself for 50 years and the minute she raised a voice we say she's not humble enough she had to become masculine to survive the rape demolestation the domestic abuse are you telling me you can't see how we created that I understand that but she needed that we was loving our women and taking care of our women do you think she would be like that that personality has a history if she's picking Pookie and Ray Ray instead of you're making her a scapegoat no she's picking a scapegoat no no no no no there's there's good connection equipment that date she even got it why why is there even a Pookie in the selection because black men have abandoned black boys and have allowed social media White media athletes and rappers to raise them that's why she went Pookie if we never allow Pookie to develop she would not have a Pookie if we going to be men the first thing we got to do is take responsibility for why our women feel the way they feel I can't I can hear that I'm not saying that their right to disrespect because even if a woman disrespects me right that still don't give me a right to disrespect her because she's still the queen of the community even if she not acting like it I'm going to give her that respect but when I hear Brothers talk like this discourse we have it now yeah we act like we don't understand no I just use this for that [ __ ] I do understand women are so valuable you get what I'm saying like I think women ground men and help them you know Propel to the to the next level I think men go get further in life with a woman right but if I'm a hard-working man but I've only looked as as resources okay and then she's ready to jump on Tom Dick and Harry because he has he's he got flash he's uh shining a little bit more his access to money is quicker than mines it's it's kind of hard to have that that well no one I agree with you but that's not all sisters no it's not and if you're constantly running into that type of woman yeah then the problem is you because you're attracting a certain low vibrational energy that same energy for the for women you just you just again you have demand you're having a conversation as men yeah I got I got plenty of interviews with all women where I check them too right but as a man you should not be concerned about what I say to them you know as men we should be concerned of what we're going to do to produce a better generation of black males for tomorrow that's the only that where is where we should be focused women bring the choice of life right we understand that right I can't have a child unless a woman agrees she can't carry one if you didn't put it in there I agree with that 100 too right but whether or not if you want that child or not she can still make that decision it's always you don't put a seed in her nothing else happens and no woman can make you put a seed in her so the original Act was the responsibility of a man I mean all right so the the black men willingly leave the household or was it the system that was it was systemic right so how if we if if we're giving them Grace for them having to do it without us but it wasn't our fault how are we not getting that same Grace and that same reason I'm gonna tell you why why I'll tell you why because black men as the leaders of the community now we can't be leaders here's the here's the question here's the here's the question because the argument y'all make yeah feeds into the feminist agenda okay it's an argument that says I don't want the responsibility I'm a leader I don't want to fix it right I'ma fall back and let her run everything that's what the feminists tell they say look at them making excuses for why they can't be better man make an excuse of why they can't make better man you understand your argument feeds the feminist narrative you say I am the better man but I shouldn't be held responsible because you wanted to choose a Pookie and array that's not me I work too hard out of my life or what I said Pookie and Ray Ray shouldn't exist and you're gonna lose a lot of people and Ray Ray exist because we're not in the community making those boys the men they need to be do you say that she don't get a Pookie if you didn't allow a Pookie but she got an Eli she ain't coming to Eli she went to Pookie and that's what we're trying hard in my life she wouldn't have had a Pookie if we didn't know I wanted We've been supposed to make the brace the boy right we as menless holding other men accountable for for the same thing that you're talking about right now what are we doing for the young Brothers in the street so what you mean mentoring them now I mean he's a great father that's good but that's individualism what are we doing collectively as men to change the trajectory for black boys in the streets right now I'm nothing [ __ ] yeah I mean you can take it it's not going to get better unless we put hands on deck the reason the athletes and the rappers are the role models is the professional black man moved out the hood where the dentist at he ain't in the black community no more where the lawyer at where the business owner at where your city council person at we abandoned black boys and then we blame black men for poor choices inmates that they should not even have to make if we did a better job raising our boys the right way at the end of the day if I'ma call myself a man the ultimate responsibility for reconstruction of the black community rests with me yes they have a role yes they have responsibility but as a man as a leader to say I can't fix this [ __ ] unless she changes that's not the definition of a man I don't see I think we're not we're on two different Accords I don't think we're saying that what I'm saying is I am I'm capable of being that leader that provider I've worked hard in my life you get what I'm saying I should not have to do you still going back I only feel like we tell black men that we have to now deal with masculine women women with children is she masculine because she's had to raise the kids alone not one you mean to tell me the only woman I could look forward in my life is a masculine woman that has kids by other men no that's what I have to look forward to but I'm telling you mistakes made by black men systemically gave rise to the conditions that allowed her to be masculine and made her end up with a man that you consider to be less than what he should be and I'm telling you black men are responsible for her being masculine because we have not helped to raise them children and when I say help them raise them children I don't mean you as the steps I mean you as an active member in the community where we go to every single parent black mother and say how many sons you got two how many sons you got two well guess what that's your son's big brother that's your son's big brother he taking him to school he doing the homework he gonna spend a couple hours with him every Saturday he got his own kids too but he's gonna make time for you she got masculine because she had to become masculine in order to deal with the rape the abuse the domestic violence the the disappointments that men had in her life and also raising those kids and have to take care of herself all at the same time the black woman has been the be all in all in our community for half of a century and now we want to turn around and say because she didn't do it perfectly enough or remain feminine enough where she had to absorb our responsibilities plus her own that's insensitive and disingenuous to tell me something that we've done systemically to combat that a business but there's plenty of women and men women and men as a group in the community you understand we gave birth to that you see so you say she had a couple kids already because she got she met men she probably thought they was good some of them they loved it you know they wasn't good you don't know that bro they wasn't good you're making assumptions about her would you make the same assumption if she was a white woman yes I would so you said no no no come on listen like I said I I feel like as a black you don't hold them all accountable because black men date outside they race more than every other man put together I said we y'all three yes okay yeah because I don't know your person but if we look at the numbers black men marry black women at 80 87 rate with black women marry outside of their race um or they they may outside at the 92 black women do not no no no you're right that's not that much black women do not marry out the race more than black men I'm not saying that but then the percentages black women have one of the highest fastest growing interracial marriage rates but her interracial marriage rate pales in comparison to what black men have been doing interracially for four or five decades you understand she don't even come close to what we're doing black fathers are in the home more than any other group of race okay but what that has no value it does have value but we're going to put that up against the other statistic two-thirds of our kids are being raised by the women two-thirds of our kids are being raised by the women and like I said when I say being raised I'm not saying it needs to be a father I would like a father in that house but I know it's not enough us to go around yeah we are not even being accountable to the boys in the hood and we're complaining about the women I'm our argue with women who are making babies yeah with the irresponsible men that we didn't raise correctly that's [ __ ] all right that's wimp ass weak man [ __ ] take responsibility for our [ __ ] stop go now yeah I could agree I could agree to that all I'm saying is look at all we can be doing better man I had the black boys in the fourth grade can't read what black men doing about that systemically not not enough I know what I'm doing about it I'm building school for it two of them but systemically as black men what are we doing about that nothing black black boys are the most unemployed teenager in America what black men doing about that we letting them raise right before our eyes and then we want to criticize something ending up with one when we should have made sure there were none they said we all got we all got choices just like if I choose to live a lifestyle individually that's part of choices no it's not we have to deal with this systemically he brought up a question earlier and he said did we make these problems on our own or was there some systemics involved it was systemics okay in 1970 they shut down the factories they took out the industrial building jobs uh 1980 dropped off the crack and the AIDS in 1990 the Bill Clinton crime bill this systemic factors at play you totally divorce your analysis from any systemic factors at all you ain't mentioned one you can be talking about her and Pookie and Raven with the kids you ain't say [ __ ] about the systemics that's exactly what white folks want you to do Mr white folks want you to do things what I've done to your women is Skate it's not solving it listen I I I don't mind us holding the women accountable I don't mind us holding the men account right yeah but when we gonna hold the system accountable as well and if we're going to hold the system accountable that also means we got to make our own systems too black men have not been manly in quite some time when it comes to raising boys how would you suggest that black men take on the role of leadership especially when there's an attack on black masculinity without women willing to listen to us you get what I'm saying how do we prove our Worth or take back the leadership you want the women back take care of these damn boys they run in the hood killing people at will flunking out of school following the lead of the gangster rappers there's a whole bunch of stuff we can do that ain't got nothing to do with the women boys and men do you understand deal with the boys and the men leave her out of it and go straight to the boys and you'll get her respect back give them jobs give them education give them training give them your time they're not getting none of that from black man we don't give a [ __ ] about black boys and then we get mad at her for ending up with one later in life and get mad for her for ending up consuming the product she could consume whatever she was I'm just saying as a black man it's not about her consumer whatever she want brother because if we're trying to fix the black community everybody and everything matters it's not an individual you're an individualist you're not thinking as a community your whole analysis is based on me and her step out of that [ __ ] it's the systems at play you understand right multiple black men screwed up multiple black women screwed up you understand me look at the systemic nature and say what system do we need to create as black men to prevent the Pookie and Ray Ray from coming into existence or I as a black man can just look for a woman that is healed that is leading in her femininity that doesn't have a child by another woman that doesn't solve Community problems we're talking about Community Solutions that's individualism that's that's fair um let me get to this last topic before we get up out of here um I do want to talk about your school because there's a great transition um you know how difficult was it to build your school and obviously you had the detractors and the haters saying that the school didn't exist or you know you were scamming people so what was your biggest um I would say disadvantage or hardship about going about building the school first of all this water was good and it better not be FBI water [Music] but I'll take all these pictures Frederick Douglas Marcus Garvey Academy first thing I want to say to your listeners is please donate to the academy indeed get on your cash app dollar sign fdmg School get on your PayPal PayPal dot me slash fdmg Academy you can mail check a money order in to fdmg Academy P.O box 9634 Wilmington Delaware 19809 you can get that information on my website Dr umarjohnson.com you can also text message me for that and for my parents out there who having issues with your children learning disabilities autisms adhds IEPs 504s white teacher racism psychological evaluations pre-refer intervention plans behavior intervention plans any issues you're having with your children education or mental health you can reach out to me 215-989-9858 that's 215-989-9858 Frederick Douglass and Marcus Garvey Academy the idea had been with me since I was a psychologist with the school district of Philadelphia the the idea began to take form in 2014 when an associate of mine gave me a phone call and told me that the historic HBCU St Paul's College was for sale in Lawrenceville Virginia he said they only want two million dollars I said a whole HBCU for two million dollars 118 Acres I went down there told them I need to school for our boys the white people at motley's auction in Richmond Virginia and they said if you can get us 500 000 in about a month we might could work with you so we started a fundraiser as soon as we started the fundraising my detractors attacked it they called Motley tried to disrupt the sale in 2015 a year later we started a GoFundMe they sabotaged to GoFundMe said I was spending the money on my own so they stopped to GoFundMe even though I Supply GoFundMe with all the account statements and gave them permission to speak to the branch manager to verify the information GoFundMe didn't even check it out because they wanted to shut me down um they didn't want to support a black initiative so then we learned in what 2017 I want to say 16 that a Chinese Corporation bought the Saint Paul's College I couldn't believe it that in the process of you doing it yeah I couldn't believe that black people let Chinese people buy a historically black college built by our ancestors coming out of slavery by father Russell who was friends to both Booker T Washington and George Washington Carver Chinese on it now so once they bought the school I said okay black folks are donating we've always got a lot of donations they're just low amounts quantity versus quality right yeah quantity low or should I say the quality of the donation low but the quantity that's yes okay so you know a lot of tens 20s 1500s but if you're trying to buy an institution that ain't quite enough right got you right so anyway we said we're just going to get us a day school so I used up all my frequent flyer miles flying all over America I thought the school was going to be in Detroit because Detroit had a couple Catholic schools in great shape that we could afford there's around a 300 000 Mark I said we're gonna end up in Detroit black and City I'm ready for Detroit Roman Catholic Church wouldn't sell them to me then we had a school in Philly Roman Catholic Church wouldn't sell it to me then we was going to Lisa School of money on them money earned in Mount Vernon New York clean Catholic School white man said I gotta call Rome I said what he said I got a call wrong I said you got to call the Vatican he said yeah I didn't know this he said half the Catholic schools in America are still managed directly from the Vatican that's crazy did y'all hear that I didn't know that that's what else he told me that the Roman Catholic Church is the second largest owner of real estate on the planet Earth white man told me this um so he called me back Rome said we can't give you to school right the Roman Catholic Church refused me to lease the school and money earned in Mount Vernon New York in other words the school could have been open years ago but we kept on getting sad is that because do you feel because you are a black man trying to purchase because I'm Dr Umar yeah what he's trying to you know remember something Napoleon Bonaparte said during the Haitian revolution when Napoleon said we got to crush the Sadler Overture on John jock desolenes one of his subordinates said Commander why are you so interested in destroying the Haitians is it to prevent them from destroying our investment on the island he said nah we must stop and crush the Haitian revolution to Forever prevent the march of blacks forward into the world the Haitian revolution wasn't about the Haitian revolution it was about white supremacy they can't let me succeed because they don't know how far I will go you see that when white people see a fire they put it out you feel me who is this black man coming up here who can afford to pay this type what black man is thinking about opening up a school for black boys independently now you might do LeBron James Public School you just give some money to you didn't buy you didn't build it you don't own it you don't control it Puffy get you a charter school Jalen Rose get your charter school I'm not doing that this independent We Own It Right then I went to Detroit try to buy public school they wouldn't show me none of the public schools in good shape Chicago couldn't get none of the public schools in good shape that's when I realized this is a national there must be a national thing out right he don't get no school you feel me we had the money and they still wouldn't sell them so then finally I come back from Benin Togo in Ghana 2017 remember the great North American Eclipse August 21st of 2017. which is my birthday Matt Turner day Haitian revolution day George Jackson Revolution day I'm on loopnet I see the school in Wilmington Delaware so this school looked brand new I go to it on my way down and that Turner came back from Nat Turner went to Cuba to get my initiation when I came back from Cuba I finally got into the schools I walked around I said you know what these schools are modern day in good shape did my research found out these schools only 10 years old two of them they wanted two million dollars we didn't have we only had a half a mill but that was August in September of 17. we bought the school February of 19. so for 18 months I stayed on them right can we get to school can we buy the school can we get to school and then one day I said can y'all sell it to us he responded give us what you got um I said oh sh I talked him down from two bills right we got to school 2017 I'm happy jumping for joy little did I know the black contractors was not going to do us any any jobs yeah we got robbed we got scammed man our own people which is unfortunate yeah very unfortunate then one day last September I said you know what I don't have to use white folks I waited three years to try to get my people we got to school in 17. we in excuse me got to school in 19. I saw it in 17 we got it in 19 this 20 23. right so February of 19 to 20 to 21 to 22 to 23 four years February March April May June July August it'll be four and a half in August I decided to call up a white man HVAC he had both units on the roof in two days crane truck and everything we already bought the units we had them custom-made so they've been sitting for a year brand new sitting because all the black hvacs tell me they're gonna come do it never did it so I called a white man to do it he gets the units up right before the festival I started scratching my head like damn waiting on Brothers for three this white man did this in two days so then I asked the white man I said you know any plumbers he said I got a plumber for you boom electrician I got him back boom security boom Fire come boom boom Wednesday I go to the school to get the final HVAC repairs done HVAC is on we got air we got AC you got to do some final stuff right to get the inspection once that go through we die I got to call the city find out what we got to do to get our certificate of occupants because Plumbing is repaired and inspected HVAC repetitive inspected Fire Security repaired and inspected everything the only thing left is HVAC and of course we gotta close up the holes and paint and do the floor it's superficial beautified but all the systems once we've done HVAC we're done the sad thing is those white men did in four months three months really what black man couldn't help me doing three years um it's the self-hate it does not give it up on our people though yeah when we go across the street to the Frederick Douglass High School which is four times bigger I still want to find some black contractors yeah but I also have to face reality right in the reality of the fact is we are so psychologically damaged that most of us find it almost impossible to do right by another black person um and these white folks they don't even like me do you feel me right they don't even like me but the money but they did the job yeah and did it right yeah it hurt I'm like damn they just did it with no problem just came and knocked it out cheaper price and everything if I would have just went with whites from the beginning the school would have been done but I couldn't do that because that's against what I stand for so I had to try to use our people so with this being an independent um school does that mean you can Implement your own curriculum exactly so what kind of curriculums do you are you going to plan on teaching at this school well you got to have math science language and social studies that's required right and then on top of that we're going to have Agricultural and agronomical science dietary nutritional science we're about to buy some Farm Lane right now we're also going to have political and Military science but we'll be teaching African martial arts weapons training too uh there will also be spiritual astrological signs I practice Europe and spirituality we will teach it the school will be a Bonafide independent parochial Academy we must have a religious instruction and spiritual instruction there will also be a dietary nutritional agricultural agronomical spiritual and uh astrological military and political science of the black man woman and child right so we're going to teach the boys how to be men how to be gentlemen also how to be men how to be fathers how to be leaders in the community and then financial and economics investment real estate stocks all of that we're going to have guest speakers every month for the boys from different Industries they're going to work on their own business plan and when they graduate from the school we're going to give them their grant for their first uh business so yeah well um I noticed in China um they are actually teaching their boys you know they have masculinity classes in a sense right is that do you think there is a need to kind of have a masculinity course for our young black boys I don't know exactly what their masculinity course entails right but our science of the black man woman and child will likely cover that okay that's fair because we believe in the Divinity of the black man and the Divinity of the black woman so right that's part of it sure we might need some classes for some grown adult men to be taught how to be a man I agree with that um I need something we need some help we're going to have some stuff for the men too once we get the boys up and running because although fdmg is a school by day it's the community by night so this is the oh boy School you see it's going to be all boys for the first three to five years that is going to become girls okay boys and girls I'm volunteering us anytime you ever need us to meet even like speak or do some that you may need some that you may not have time for some you think that we can fit to help okay we're definitely going to be a part of it just you know send the kite out I'm looking forward to it you know not just for the blessing it will be to our our children but also to the community definitely very few places that we have where we can meet unencumbered by other peoples um you know I speak more than any other scholar in the world black right I'm the most requested black scholar on the planet for 13 years straight I can count on one hand the amount of places I've been in the world that we own most of the time we're in something owned by Arabs white people they flicking the lights on cutting the lights off I got to get out you feel me definitely like damn we don't only place that we own is the black churches but the black churches don't want you in there talking politics because they already in somebody's pocket downtown you feel me but the one place that has space and a microphone for us to organize and strategize the black church don't want to send it an organizing strength I did I wonder what fdmg we have enough space where we could do conferences and everything and once we do the Frederick Douglass High School which is across the street once both schools are up we are undisputedly the largest independent black school country black school independent campus in the country in the only independent black school with two buildings two legitimate real schools not no church not no basement not no home real school we're the only Independent School in the country with two schools that's black and we're the largest listen before before we get up out of here because I understand you're a busy man I do want to ask you one question it's a short question sure I did see I seen that you posted um uh female rapper by the name of sukiana um she has some Choice words for you and and her song you know what I mean what would you what would you say to a good sister about the uh sister Suki honey I never heard of the queen before a supporter of mine sent me the video you know where she said I'm not gonna use her words but what she said if I wanted to spend some private time with a man it'll be Dr Umar right um and then at the end of the video which wasn't on my Instagram but it's on my Facebook and Tick Tock she says if Dr Umar met me he would shoot his shot because he'd see that I'm a beautiful black African conscious Queen I could use some guidance I got a little bit of daddy issues she was very humble right you understand yeah it did I didn't know she was from Wilmington Delaware that's where the school is right yeah I I would be open to meeting with her right and see where her head is because first there's always politics before punani for me so what can we do together to build the community now obviously her content isn't something I could endorse but it seemed to me that if she's willing to follow my lead that she might be ready to make a transition right from the raunchiness to the righteousness and so maybe she'll take all her followers and bring them into a more conscious lifestyle maybe I don't know that would be a conversation that um we would need to have though but if she decided to turn the corner and leave that content alone for something that is more conscious and more positive for our daughters and sons I would work with her and I think we could do a whole lot together too but she would have to turn that corner because I couldn't endorse the current message listen if anybody could do it you could do it like yeah again appreciate you for pulling up um again let them know where they can follow you at uh uh Tick Tock and excuse me Instagram and Twitter at Dr Umar Johnson Facebook Dr Umar IFA tunday Tick Tock Prince of pan-africanism with a k uh what else is out there I think that's it right Facebook yeah YouTube right I don't have a YouTube okay you don't have YouTube all those are fake Pages before you go to you gotta hit us with the I beg your party you gotta hear it come on I beg your party [Applause] if y'all enjoy the conversation make sure to hit that like button subscribe if you're not already subscribed join the membership man there's a lot of behind the scenes great might get you know what I mean it's a great episode Captain merch as well who do that code man appreciate you y'all ain't bringing me no shirt no we got you sure yeah we're gonna have to send something to the school like you know we do all of that yeah
Channel: DailyRapUpCrew
Views: 1,342,025
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Keywords: dailyrapupcrew, dailyrapupcrew reaction, daily wrap up crew, daily rap up crew, daily wrap up crew podcast, daily rap crew, daily rap crew podcast, rap up crew, the daily wrap up crew, dr umar, dr umar johnson, daiyrapupcrew reaction, dailyrapupcrew reaction video, daily rap up crew reaction, daily rap up crew podcast, umar, umar johnson, the daily rap crew, drumarjohnson, drumar, heated debate, daily wrap up crew feminist, black male accountability, black women, black men
Id: 8pHh6ECjtWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 34sec (3934 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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