Dr. Myles Munroe | The WORSHIP Experience: Session 1

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and want you to not allow anyone to distract you tonight so you need to move around do it quickly I come to this conference tonight with a heavy burden that I've been carrying all day and I don't always carry heavy burdens because he says his burden is light but my burden is a legitimate one and those of you who are involved in worship ministry in your various churches UI worship leader or you are in the musician a band I want the musicians to sit very close to me please I want every musician to listen to me tonight intently I want to encourage those of you who are visiting from other churches and pastors over here take note of what we're going to talk about tonight please write on the top of your page tonight our topic worshiping God again say that with me worshiping God again that's our session tonight we will continue this tomorrow evening because there's so much in this that I have received from the Lord I want to be focusing on keys to refocusing the object and subject of our worship the keys to refocusing the object and the subject of our worship I add my welcome to all of those who have done it already to those of you who've joined us here tonight as well as those who are joining us by our global television network I've already heard from some of you by telephone thanks for tuning in tonight and tonight is probably the most important message that I would have spoken for a long time because it is about God everything is about God but tonight we're going to talk about God in a way that you probably have not focused on him before the theme of this conference spilled out of my heart on the desk in my office when I sat with our worship director and I think it was out of frustration frustration I was incubated spiritually in the in the belly of worship I started playing the piano when I was 4 years old my father is here tonight he is 80 years old and he remember me as a little kid walking up to that big old piano in in a store building that was in front of our house and I would hit the keys on that piano as a little kid and I remember hitting the piano one day just playing with it as a child and suddenly I knew the sound of the other key before I touched it and when I hit that key it was the sound that I heard before I hit it and then I knew suddenly the sound of the other key and I realized that something had happened in me I discovered a gift that they called air air is the ability to hear sounds in music and make sense out of them before you play them so if somebody was to hum a tune I can walk up to the piano and play that tone back to them exactly the way they hummed it without formal training in music that's called a gift and so I began to embrace this gift and by the time I was seven eight years old I was playing the piano like somebody who had been trained as a teenager 13 years old I gave my life to the Lord as a little teenager wanting to know about God I had a lot of questions about God as a teenager and I surrendered my life to him by the time I was 14 years old I began to have a passion and a desire to know God so I began to read the Bible as a teenager and reading the Bible thirteen age it was probably the most important thing I ever did in my life because the only way to know God is to know him and the only way to know God is to read his thoughts and the Bible I didn't realize at that time but the Bible is the mind of God on paper it's not only God's mind about you and the world and creation but it's God's mind about himself so if you want to know who God is and what he's like it's important to read the Bible I read the Bible through completely by the time I was turning 15 I remember being confused about the Bible as a teenager but I wanted to know God and I think would inspired me to read the Bible as a young teenager was my parents I saw my father and my mother always reading this book my mother is not with us today she is passed on and she died a few years ago but as a picture of my mother that stays in my mind as a teenager and as a kid and that is she was always laying across the bed with the Bible on the bed and she was always reading I would get up in the morning to go to school and there she was reading I'd come back from school and she was reading the Bible I still wonder when she worked she worked she had to wash clothing for 11 kids cook for them before they came home from school so she worked but every time I saw it is this picture in my mind about her reading the Bible and then my father was a teacher still is and he preached the gospel as an associate pastor and so he was always reading the Bible but he'd be home preparing himself and I'd see this picture of my father sitting at the table reading the Bible and I I grew up with this desire I said if they know God and that's how you know him then I want to know him like they know him and so what I'll do what they do and I think that's a very good lesson for his parents to remember never tell a kid something that they should do if you're not doing it so my parents didn't tell us to read the Bible they read the Bible and that's what we saw and so by the time I was 15 years old I'd read the Bible through completely and didn't understand a lot of it but I began to learn a little bit about God and I and my commitment I made to myself from age 15 even to this day is to read the Bible through once every year I've been saved saved we call it saved I've been committed to the Lord and received his spirit for 37 years this year this makes 37 years so I've read this book 37 36 times I'm going through it again this year I just make my 37 times and I still don't understand the book but I'm understanding it better than I did before and I'm going this direction tonight because I want you to appreciate that our our session tonight is dealing with worshiping God and what you think is worship is not worship you have to know God in order to worship God and you can only worship to the degree that you know someone the less you know about a person the less you can worship them and I'm going to show you that tonight in a very simple way I'm also going to show you tonight why we don't worship God most people don't worship God I - I'm still struggling with worshiping God because worshiping God is very very simple but yet very elusive and that is why even tonight you are struggling are they worship conference to worship God so let me begin with a simple concept the person that you know the most is the one that you normally have no problem appreciating i watch the athletes on television sometime when they are interviewed by the news media after a game or something whether it's soccer or football or basketball or tennis or whatever and they're interviewed and they were all they would all mostly say I want to thank my mother they don't talk a lot about their fathers and to understand why and most of you in this room probably at the same way you talk a lot about your mother or whoever was performing that motherly duty in your life it might have been a guardian an aunt or maybe a grandparent but whoever that person was that was with you the most and and helped to nurture you the most and the one who seemed to be always there and always available and always assisting you that's the one that you talk about the most and when that person dies or if they die or when they do that I you'll find that that that's the hardest person to let go of and when anyone ask you about your future or about your achievements or about your success you normally refer to that person and the reason is because your level of knowledge of that person is greater than any other person in your life in other words we make reference to people who have become the best known person in our lives good experiences thinking about and that's because we appreciate those who have done a lot for us some of you it's not your biological mother that has this position in your life it may even be your father for some of you is somebody who decided to mentor you maybe and someone who decide to spend time and effort to train you and you begin to love that person and and you talk about that person a lot matter of fact the person who you know the most is what you talk about the most you can always tell who has had the most contribution to your life by who you talk about the most can you think for a minute so your knowledge of people determines your ease of appreciation your praise for them your acknowledgement of them let me talk then a little bit about the attraction of the means I want to deal with this write this down please my first principle I want to focus on is the attraction of the means everybody said the attraction of the means I'm going to go in a direction that will guide you now into why we don't worship God we think we worship God I thought I wish to God and I still do think sometimes I wish of God and I don't worship God worshiping God is very difficult and yet very simple write this down there is nothing more tragic in abusing time and energy and resources than to make the means the end I want everyone to please focus tonight and focus on the words and I think about what we're talking about I want you young people to think about it I want you dancers to think about what I'm going to talk about I want you to think about it pastors and ministers and men and business people I want you to think about this tonight nothing is more dangerous than making the means the end because you waste time you waste energy and you waste resources when you make the means the end point number two the greatest challenge the Creator has with humanity is preoccupation with the means over the end let's write this down I repeat the greatest challenge the Creator has with humanity that's you is your preoccupation and my preoccupation with the means over the end in other words God's problem with man is that man is always preoccupied with the means to do something rather than the end for which it is done I believe this is why God has held to me a little bit and a little I know about purpose because purpose has to do with the end and I may tell you that that is why I struggled a lot as a young teenager I I always wanted to know why I heard my father tell a story about me I didn't know that he thought that about me but my father told the story a couple of weeks ago at my birthday celebration I've never heard him say that before but he said they interviewed him about me and he said my house was always the one in the family who always to take things apart everything that came in I was one to take it apart and he wanted to find out why and how it worked I didn't realize that but it is true and I'm still that way I'm the kind of pretty always what I asked God not what you doing but tell me why are you doing that and maybe that's why God has decided by his sovereign will to give me a little insight into the concept of purpose because purpose is the discovery of the reason why the end result I don't want you to miss this teaching tonight because it is so critical for you and me because we are experts at the means and we very rarely get to the end it's matter-of-fact maybe and I'm gonna take a little presumption here but maybe 90% of what you call worship is preoccupation with the means and if we're lucky can I use the word lucky if we're lucky God might allow us out 10% of worship one day once a month or twice a year the rest of it is calisthenics we have fun in the process more than we have adoration for the God we activate the process for there's a pastor I went to visit and this is a true story this guy who I went to speak for and he took me to his house and he had three cars in his garage two of them were antique cars it's a past I'm sorry but it was a pastor one of these cars was 50 years old the other one was a little older there are very expensive cars they were immaculately clean you could eat from the engine they were and span every crew item was sparkling the spark plugs was still knew he had antique cars they were worth over $100,000 each he said I said what do you do with them oh nothing he says I just have them here I like antique cars he says what a pity he said you know every month I spend a few hours cleaning them to be the dust away to remove any kind of spots and you know if anyone pressures up against it you know he's I spent hours just cleaning and making sure it's always like this and I said wow you spent hours and you never drive them he said no you don't drive antique cars he said I just enjoy having them that's about how most of us we shine up we Sparkle up with but we don't necessarily use it for the purpose for which it was made I am sure that the makers the manufactures of that car did not intend for that car to be parked as a trophy am i right what's the purpose for cars to drive them that's why having 10 cars is doesn't make any sense even though you get the money to buy them maybe having them makes no sense to God because the purpose for a car is to drive cars not to look at cars and we spend hours cleaning buffing shining and waxing and we don't use we never get to the end so the means became more important at the end the man says I don't drive cars I just like to look at them and clean them and buff them and wax them in other words the means of the process of making them look good satisfies me I just like to look at them and say that's my car right this point down please when the means become more important than the end then purpose is aborted when your song becomes more important than the one you are singing to then the entire worship experience is aborted my heart's a little heavy but it gonna be okay I have tasted the presence of God I know what it tastes like when I say tastes I'm talking about the experience of the genuine presence of Jehovah I'm not sure what it is I could not tell you what that presence is I couldn't describe it for you all I know is when it's not there and many times I have suffered that experience but there's not much you can say not much you can do because God cannot be bribed to show up and some of you think it's easy to correct that it's not and some of you think you know the answer to it and you don't I don't even know the answers to all of that but I know one thing if you ever get the means to become more important than the end then the entire purpose for doing the means is aborted write this down the process should take us to purpose but never become the purpose itself last word should be purpose I say it again the process should take us to the purpose but the process must never become the purpose itself and this is not easy we and I say we I talk about me also and the millions watching me by television by global network this video would ever see DVD millions of us our worshippers of the process the process has become our purpose have you have you ever heard this but I paid my dues I'd be in the church I paid my dues that's a mentality that's real in this room right now I already be into church you ever heard that so I'm going to play golf now I'm going to swim now I'm going to have lunch now I'm going to a party now I'm going to watch TV now why I paid my dues so we got this idea that this process is the purpose where the god showed up or not is not important to us what's important is we went through this process whatever that process is for a couple of hours and so we paid him our dues whoever him is because we never met him he didn't show up but we did pay our dues and we are happy matter of fact we are proud that we did sit through that for two hours we consider that an accomplishment I made it through the service and the very mentality is I survived the couple of hours and I did this thing now god I hope you're satisfied whoever you are I know you didn't show up but I did my part so the process has become the purpose we don't come to a meeting to meet God we come to a meeting to have a meeting the meeting itself has become the purpose my heart search for the O Lord my flesh yearned for the Lord in a dry and a very land where there is no water my soul thirsts for thee said David when the process becomes more important than the purpose then idolatry is created please write this down when more worth is placed on the means than on the end then the means become an idol that pastor with that car in that garage is an idol worshiper he has no interest in that car fulfilling its purpose having the car is enough for him just having it is enough for him so it has become the end in itself just having it is enough so he worships this car hey boy say worth-ship very important whatever you place more worth on becomes the idol even if it's a dance or a song or a drum a guitar or your solo that's why I'm telling you worship is very difficult you think it's simple I said here tonight and I listen to music and that's all I hear our musicians play instruments but I'm not sure who they are playing it too and I'm not blaming anybody I want you to understand why God has called this conference this conference is about this message tonight it's about worshiping God again not worshiping the process to worship God write this down please any other worship than God is idolatry that's a simple statement but a powerful one you got to think about it for three weeks let me say it again any other worship other than God is idolatry that can include your boyfriend your girlfriend it can include your spouse it could include your very children or your single son or your only daughter who you just believe is it a gift from the gods it ain't funny it may be a job or your two jobs which doesn't give you time to even worship God whatever has more worth than God is an idol that includes the song that you are singing that includes the dance that you are dancing it includes the instrument that you play you can be so focused and preoccupied with how you sound you have no time to give it to him don't cry please because it becomes the end your activity that you call worship is always a means never the end write this down please God detests idolatry I don't think we need to discuss this too much do we if you go to your computer and I did this this morning and type in the word Idol in your Bible program and press search there's no room on the page for the number of references you'll find in the Bible thousands of them and in each page that you find Idol is God hating it [Applause] what is idolatry idolatry is making anything more worthy than God let's read a verse write this down please Psalm 78 verse 58 says they angered the Lord with their high places they aroused his jealousy with their idols now the Bible teaches us not to harbor jealousy it's matter of fact one of the sins that God says he hates is jealousy and yet God himself becomes jealous only over one thing God is never jealous of anything else I've searched the scriptures and you never find one thing God is ever jealous of except this one thing idolatry God is never jealous about your house why this is he ain't jealous about your looks why he gave it to you he ain't jealous the money you got why all of it belongs and even the ones you thought you had everything you think could be a source of jealousy for God is poof in God's eyes it's nothing but this one thing what is it say it loud say it loud I'm gonna define idolatry for you because most of us are idol worship even in our worship we are Idol worshipers when I say we please I'm talking about me too so don't feel like I'm preaching down at you please cuz it's a struggle is a chapter 4 verse I say for a for other verse 9 it says all who make idols are nothing and the things they treasure are worth less God speaking causes the things you put worth on ain't worth not even less anything that you believe is more valuable than God is an idol and it is worth less notice the word worth the root word is the same word as worship so when you say worth less you saying it ain't worth worshiping thou art worthy to receive glory and honor and power and Dominion and praise forever for only down is worthy to open the scroll this worth thing is dangerous worship is determined by worth please ready done help me Lord you can never worship what doesn't have worth to you so anything that becomes more worthy than anything else becomes an idol God says even the idols that you have put worth on and nothing is that why God doesn't listen to your song because you've made the song more important than the one it is singing about so gravity will listen to you soon it is possible for you to be so preoccupied about how your prayer sound you wonder why God never open this ear to it sometimes they are more concerned about the words we use in our prayer then about who we are praying to so he ignores the prayer because the activity has become more important than the goal the subject the object of the prayer this is tough again I come with a burden because we all struggle with this first John chapter 5 verse 21 I love this verse it says dead children keep yourselves from idols that's justice one of the shortest sentences in the Bible it's a sentence complete sentence it's probably the next sentence next to Jesus wept dear children do what keep yourselves from idols say it again dear children keep yourselves from idols say to your neighbor dear children keep yourselves from idols do what keep yourselves how do you stay away from them you'll be keep yourself in in other words they are always creeping up creeping in and you have to do something all the time you gotta keep watching them because they will creep in that's why one day you'll have a great experience with God and the next day if you like he ain't there because something has become more worthy some of your worship experiences like I've had have been wonderful and then we try to find 10 different reasons why the next one wasn't and you gotta be careful I start blaming people you know use a template you know but you didn't sing right or you know the musicians didn't have the right spirit or you know this person didn't you know live right or this one came with some say no but you could tell if you reason why I listen if you get into that we can find some things but you to like you came late see the point is you have to keep checking monitoring not what you're doing but who you doing it to that is dumb because here you are trying to learn the words of the song for example you don't know the way to the song so now you're so already talk distract it right because you got to concentrate on the words of the song so you can't really sing to the one who the song is about because you don't even know the song yet so so you see now still a struggle already in a worship service that's one thing I told my worship leader years ago sometimes they still know a baby but I told him I said look this is years ago when I first began to train him I said look there's one thing you must always do make sure that when you raise a song that everyone can sing it because there's one thing that will attract Jehovah is one Accord not one chord but one Accord in other words everybody got a beat on one page you can't have that if some folks mumble in it they never heard the song and then you have a good time singing it by yourself so you have disunity and one thing God waits for is for all the trumpets to be one or the tambourines to be one all the singers to be one and then here comes your kind of so you should never sing a song until everybody is either have access to the words or they know it and that's crazy in it I'm talking about corporate worship okay you know you sing a solo we know that that's supposed to be your poisonous song to God most of the time our solos our performance for the people so though I still doesn't show up why do we rehearse is a good question to ask yourself maybe you need to go do some thinking about why you rehearse [Music] as a burden on me you see you could rehearse because you are more concerned about what the people think then about presenting quality to God so now your song has still become an idol your performance has become your idol therefore the means has taken over the end again but you gather what you have to keep yourself from that stuff how you dress when you come to lead worship to become an idol you become more concerned about your hairdo than the one who made here imagine coming late because you were more concerned about how you looked than about being on time for God now that's not strange in the book of Exodus it's very interesting details you get to be careful God told the people he said Moses tell the people tomorrow at 3 o'clock I mean God give time you know I will meet them at this particular mountain put a barricade around that he says tell them come at 3 o clock wash their clothing you tell them how to wash them and everything and where to stand and everything I mean God detail imagine being late for an appointment to worship God because you will you found something more worthy happens all the time their children keep yourself from idols the curse of an idolatry is interesting I got an idol here make sure you read this verse very powerful verse X is 20 Biron by the way there are thousands of verses ok can read your own verses to get the rest of the context thousands of wishful verses are about idols but here's what God says about idols in this verse powerful he says you shall have no other gods before me this is very interesting the first commandment is a jealous commandment you can understand why hallelujah write the word God down maybe needy with God so you can understand why God has a problem with God the word God is not a name the word God is a title let's write that down as a title what does the title God means here's what it means first it means self-sustaining one secondly the word God means self-sufficient one thirdly the word God means he who is fourthly the word God means he who sustains what a word every time he used the word God you're saying that whole list of things right there now read this first command again what does it say out loud he says you shall give no one else credit for creating and sustaining everything Qi starts there it's a look everything that exists don't give the credit to anything else what that verse means you shall have no one else identified as the source of all things if you do that he says you've broken the first commandment of life look at the first verse to the next commandment out loud together you come on come together you shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below in other words don't you put more worth on anything I created then you put on meat and my pastor with the car God has some problems with that man my boyfriend said he doesn't want me to go to church anymore so because I love my boyfriend more than worshiping God I will stop going to assembling of myself together and I will spend time with my boyfriend who I love so now we have an idol in the house as simple happens all the time I need a second job so that I could sustain my family what you're thinking now so I will take another job I work in the day if a couple hours go to an evening job and then crash in the morning I'm too tired to go to times of prayer times of worship I can't attend regular assembly of myself together as the Bible says not to neglect because I have to sustain my family now what is the word God means the one who sustains imagine abandoning your sustenance to find sustenance we do it all the time but it was five out loud you shall not bow down to them or worship them for I the Lord your God am a jealous for God punishing the children watch this for the sins of their fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me pause right there can you conceive of you thinking God God says the way you prove that you hate me by is by putting worth on anything else including your sound to be that's a horrible word hate can you--can see you hating God come on we love God he said anything that is more worthy than me can cause you to hate me do you know what is called the first commandment in the law come on quote it Jesus said it hey this man came to Christ max and the question you know the question him he said what is the most important command in the law he said that's that's that's the easy one he said he says to love the Lord that's it with all in other words you ain't got nothing left for nothing else your heart your mind your soul your strength ain't nothing left for no one else he said that's the first commandment don't let anything come between you and God even your worship of God I say to you friends God says I will curse your children if you make your car your spouse your job or your song more important than me I think we have we can confuse I say we myself be confused spending time together talking about God with worshiping God confuse the two because we say well you know we had we spent time together today in singing and dancing and entrapping and then you know quoting scriptures and whatever else we do we did it because it is an end in itself we had a good time what a good time we forget what God had we had a good time we say and you're right because the process satisfied you or should I say you were satisfied with the process I did my dues may God have mercy on us all let me shift this to another level creation versus the creator this is the challenge am i helping anybody I won't be long I promise we can pick up here tomorrow so I'll stop in a few minutes but I want you to get this foundation because if we don't understand this we don't keep worshiping worship it's tough to spend hours trying to find God I can't find him David says my soul thirst for thee my flesh yearn for thee are you tired of not having God anybody tired are you have you got enough of being in his absence presence so this conference is about Keith not about the songs you write and the choirs you train it's whether the choirs are singing to him whether the songs are for him not to make you famous see there is this balance this little thin line why do you write a song you have to access of a question it bears Pharaoh I want you to see the Egyptian pharaoh here because we can talk about Pharaoh couple of seconds write this down the creation becomes more important and when the creation becomes more important than the Creator the result is misplaced worship and the creation of idolatry when what the creation becomes more important than the Creator then the worship is misplaced point number two here the greatest temptation in human experience is the elevation of the distraction by and the preoccupation with the creation more than the Creator that's our greatest experience problem as humans ladies and gentlemen let me say this to you then I feel bad because this is not new you know when God told Jonah visual glory he said I am going to take you out of Egypt and I will bless you and I will take you to a land filled with what milk and honey not always I'm gonna give you a good life milk represents cattle and honey represents fruits can be a land with agriculture and a fantastic capital in those days wealth was the measured by stock that's why we call them stocks today stocks of cattle he said I'm gonna make you wealthy prosperous and rich watch god now listen look at me look at me listen he said listen to a gardener God knows he knows the struggle he says now when you become rich in other words why did he put the citizen when you become rich e says do not forget the Lord why because there's this battle between the creation and the creator you prayed for God to give you a job then God gave you a job you suddenly stopped attending worship you come to prayer meet this no more you don't read the Bible anymore in a time for that you got to go through this job so God is saying wait a minute I'm gonna bless you with the job but when thou hast the job do not forget the Lord there's the battle that's the greatest temptation you got yourself a new pair shoes and you will wear them to Rotary Club Key Club Kiwanis Club every other kind of club you go to a program you know a comic show but you took busy to come to worship God in the shoes God gave you shoes write it down please the value of all things are summed up by the manufacturer of the thing the value of all things are summed up by the manufacturer of the thing this is a very interesting statement when I understood this I trembled a little bit everything that exists its value is in the manufacturer in the name of Jesus how many ever bought a product I did this one time matter of fact I got a compared to my house right now and I'm gonna throw them away very good products like I throw them away because they're not working have you ever bought a product an excellent product he thought and then when it went bad you tried to contact the company who made it and the the response was that company went out of business you ever had the problem they're important how did you feel first you felt abandoned you felt helpless and you were stuck with something that is worth less that was the statement again is important the value of a thing is summed up in the manufacturer of the thing can I any men in other words everything that exists is as valuable as the sauce that made it if that sauce pulls back on that thing it loses its value worthless I think when you go to buy something that it costs very much you should ask the question how long has this company been in business and how strong is this company why you about to invest a lot of money and you don't want a company folding up on you in two years of purchase because you're stuck with a product that can't be fixed how many of you got a computer right now that they say we don't make parts anymore I got one I mean that computer is no good to me why the company even fold it up I can't find the people somebody else in the building worth less I'm saying this for a reason you and I better worth-ship God because if we don't worship God whatever we worship will cease being sustained by God and what you will end up with is a worth less Idol he says your idols have no eyes they cannot see God laughed at us he said your idols have ears they cannot hear your idols of mouth they cannot speak come here to teach them he says your aisles of feet they cannot walk in other words whatever they do I gotta make them do it and you forget me happens all the time it was God send you to college and now you graduate you won't start in your little business you do busy to worship God God will pull the rug out from under you and your business because of the curse write this down the sauce is more important than the resource say with me the sauce is more important than the resource we should never preoccupy ourselves with the sauce at the expense of the resource or the sauce rather we must constantly acknowledge the sauce and thank the sauce for the resource what I'm going to teach you in this is this listen carefully this is please listen to this this is probably the heart of the whole teaching worship is not supposed to be something you struggle to do now if you study if you stay with me the next evening you can understand what I mean I'm telling you friends the reason why we don't worship and even praise God is because we don't connect the source and the resource so we what we do is we try to manipulate the sauce at different times but breaks my heart is that we have what we call cheerleaders in the church a cheerleader is a worship leader breaks my heart what do worship teams do they've been raised up to force people to praise God no matter how are you nice I can't put it no nicer than that because people come without a song without a him without a tone without a praise when their lips and porcelain you come is it before you come now the way there's something Paul discovered that that generated a song before the meeting started Oh help me if you come without worship or praise already on your down you are an idol worshiper if you understand by the way let me just remind you that Asaph is considered advanced worship Training Institute so if you're Chokin right now maybe need to go in the other class I guess what I'm talking about here is this is graduate studies in worship or maybe boast I'm saying that because I feel the struggle see the reason why and listen friends I'm telling you the reason why you are having so much difficulty even lifting your hands or singing even when the cheerleaders are trying hard to get you to do it and I can see the Chile sometime they are tired struggling trying to get you they gotta keep that you raise your hand erase it say hallelujah you should never have to be told to say don't clap for you one of them listen this is advanced to listen and the reason why is because listen you haven't connected the source yet to the resource because because when that connection takes place you see all the time you praise all the time his praise will continually be in your mouth the only way for that to happen is if you have this consciousness that everything you are have ever will have had or possess is his it cannot happen - that thing connects praise should be a natural result of the awareness of the source of the resource that you have hallelujah hallelujah you have not connected God to address you wearing that's why you don't sing you put on the dress matter of fact can you imagine you should have been singing when you're first sorted dressed in the closet it supposed to be natural Lord look what you gave me that the Sheep from which the wool came to make this dress I'm about to put on my body is your sheep this thread that posts the dress together gained from wool from a sheep that is your sheep how dare you not find God for your dress right now see see if you think about it the dress that covers you makes him worth the and so you lift your hands and you say thank you for this dress but you don't connect the two you think your money but address your money from your job from your boss from your company and so you come with the dress and then the cheerleaders have to wear themselves out for 30 40 minutes trying to get you to even lift and open your hand and your mouth to give the source thanks because you don't connect the dress when you come together Paul says each one come with a hymn and a song and a spiritual song and with tongues not a way you supposed to the parking-lot supposed to be full of noise people just making their way to the door and here's the sound in the parking lot what these people already connected connecting the car you also they getting this the all that the cars made from came from the mountain that he created and the oil came from the ground that made the gasoline and the rubber came from the tree that he made now you know this car in mind so thank you see you wouldn't need no one to encourage you but you gotta connect that car to the source how much does your car cost Eve how much I think miss thank God once that's the problem let me get the car once we thank God once every time you sit in that God forget not his benefit worship everybody say worth-ship write this down when we acknowledge the sauce worship begins acknowledgement of the sauce is the beginning of worship I just hit the punchline I got 10 minutes left write this down please worship begins with acknowledgement here if you're going to lead advance this is granddaddy talking listen until you acknowledge you cannot worship when you acknowledge the sauce worship has started singing is not worship trapping is not worship see clapping supposed to be a natural behavior as a result of realizing something else is that see it's supposed to be natural from something that you discovered that's why I started this series this session by saying you cannot weigh should be on which you know only what you know but God will determine how much you worship God you cannot worship beyond your knowledge write it down I don't care how deep you think you are this is why God will allow you to go through difficulties not to hurt you but to keep introducing himself to you at different levels through different ways so he allows you to go through a lot of difficulty so you can have more material to worship with oh I'm getting too deep now so when David writes a song it's not for entertainment I'm getting that beside myself read the Psalms not with all the David's songs come out of an experience with God he said I kill that lion God gave me the ability to kill the lion so David started celebrating the sources credibility for the experience you got a song great is the Lord greatly to be praised in the city of our God in the mountain of his holy name beautiful for situation the lord of the horror is small sian on the size of the north the city of the great king my lord his name is a strong power I ran into it and I was saved what I was in trouble at the run on I experienced his name God takes you through experiences to enters himself to you so you could have more material to give him more worth the bigger the situation God brings you through the more value you put on him I'm trying to get some money here that's why you cannot worship beyond what you know about God you can't invent things about God that it has to be an encounter knowing you ever heard the old people say this if you knew him like I know him then you would praise him like I praise him in other ways you can praise at this level because you ain't being at this level of problems yet and they're right you cannot call God deliverer if you never needed deliverance so he's not worth that that's why you can sing a song that someone has wrote and it doesn't become worship because you are singing someone else's testimony in that book or that hymnal and it doesn't connect to you or when that man booth fell apart and he lost his family and the waves came over him and he was saved he wrote the song amazing grace so you don't understand that you got your little either living with the devil that song came out of a man who's lost his wife and his kids you gotta lose something to sing that song come on somebody you gotta lose something to say Amazing Grace I lost my house and I still here Amazing Grace how sweet the sound but you ain't never lost nothing it's just a song and it becomes a means to going through a service am I making sense the value of your God is determined by your knowledge of your God you cannot worship beyond your knowledge of the God you worship that's why you can't worship idols because they can't see so you can't say the idols so for me so I thank the idol for seeing so you cannot really wish it that's why God is angry because you are putting false value on something that doesn't perform I like what God told oh man God told Elijah he said tell them to bring all their gods what if not he said I want you to tell them build an altar and build one for me too now I'm putting water on mine why I'm gonna show you that their gods cannot perform corner moshav us at have you found one thing to thank him for weed a something the problem with worship puss is we forget his benefits I ain't no spread in this service I don't feel it annoy me tell you the problem ain't God doing there you you forgot where he bought you from you don't understand so I'm gonna need to lift your hand right now you know what you used to be do drink smoke sleep with who you used to hang out with will you use the glue know what was wrong you know but David says bless the Lord who was he talking to himself oh my soul and do what forget not his benefits who what he he did something for me my diseases who what who crowned me with loving-kindness your worship has to come from your experience we wrapped up on this year we pick up here tomorrow night write this down God demands worship when I read this is amazing God calls every man to him to worship Him God calls 6.7 billion people today to worship Him only in Exodus chapter 8 verse 1 it says the Lord said to Moses out loud please go to the Pharaoh and say to him this is what the Lord says let my people go so that they may come and worship me if you refuse to do this Pharaoh I will plague your whole country with fro now he has a threat from God now listen to me this is heavy look at the world Lord how does it look Capital you see that that's the way I got it right for the Scriptures the word Lord here means owner I read the verse again and put on in the one who owns everything he says the owner said to Moses go and tell Pharaoh I want him to write this is what the owner says no this pause he a minute he's a mimic tell Pharaoh the owner of everything including Egypt said I want the people to come and acknowledge where everything comes from are you listening to me do you understand I just said it's a powerful command he said look whatever they doing in Egypt they given me credit don't you get it is that the problem Pharaoh is that you have called yourself God and now you got these people who I already chose believing that you providing for them you all know understand he said the people listened how did they get in Egypt they got in Egypt because of what a farming you know please listen for go are you sure listen to me he said they were starving and they went to Egypt and I fed them now they think that Egypt is their source they have forgotten me listen what he's going to touch he touches everything that affects the economy is it Pharaoh if you don't let them go by yourself I am going to destroy what they think is their source you do understand so first I'm gonna send you some locusts they will eat up all the crop then I'll turn the water the blood that means nothing will grow then I will send flies they gonna finish off all the Rocky and the running crop then I'll send death kill all the boys who's supposed to be the strength of the family to plant the crop back I ready let him go now do you know what Pharaoh's response was at the end of the whole thing go serve your God Daryl gave up ladies and gentlemen whenever God calls you he's calling you out to worship Him what is worship to acknowledge him as the sauce you know why God would take your job from you you know why God would knock you off your legs here you are running everyday jogging exercising eating right you know and all of a sudden boom you got cancer in your breast cause you know you do it fine but I did everything right I you know I took write of us cuz it yeah but you see I gotta remind you you see there's some things that you acknowledging me in come on you'll talk to me nothing can make you worship God faster than the hospital bed oh god I'm missing you buy all the tapes you get all the ready you want to see you know Jimmy Swaggart or whatever every day hey bring it in you music all of a sudden you want God does it look don't let me of the sandflies to come and get you find out now what I have done what I am doing and what you know I could do for you and start thanking me now worship finally tonight exodus 422 read it and I told you let my son go he talking to Pharaoh he called the people his son let my son go so he may worship me but you refuse to let him go so I will kill your sons he's God rough anything that competes with him for credibility is doomed it's a solemn night worshipping God again simply means going back to acknowledging him as the source of everything and that nothing you do for him is more important than him including your worship it's very rare that you really sang a song missing true sounds we don't really sing the song Oh Lord you are beautiful I believe it's a tough song song to sing if you never saw his beauty I'm all right that's like singing about someone you never saw so Keith Green who wrote that song who's dead now was a Jew who was converted became a powerful Christian I got to meet him at a while you powerful guy Keith green shared one night how he wrote that song at a concentrate that maybe sat in Tulsa and I said to myself you can't sing that song unless you have what he had Oh Lord you are beautiful we sing it but it doesn't connect because it's just words to us so I want you to stop for a minute and think about a place where you saw his beauty how about when you were at the point where you just about to fold up and he brought in someone or something that saved you from something and you said what a beautiful solution that's the beauty of God now you can sing that song Oh Lord the doctor said there was a lump there and then after prayer he came back and said I can't find it is that beautiful then you can say Oh Lord but it's not a song if you don't know that experience you cannot sing it to him so you simply sing it about him tomorrow we pick up here and I think it's a good place to close to the meeting stand up on your feet please don't move please I know that smell good rush right out please just for one moment for heaven's sake please and for God's sake please and for your sake please let's just who would do it decently and in order if you can leave you leave together how many of you heard the voice of God tonight I'm gonna heard the voice of God tonight did you hear something that he said to you yes anything did he didn't bill Q Wow keep cut the lights now just leave the TV lights on please gentlemen quickly cut the lights off please I believe God made the Ark of the Covenant dark so the priests couldn't see nothing else let me try it again I believe God made the Holies of Holies that room was the darkest room on the earth it was covered with badger skin goat skin camel skin all these if it was dark the only thing that lit that room was Shekinah glory and that was the heart of the Whisperer experience hey listen to me are you sure see when the lights are high it tempts you to look at your neighbor next to you people around you I staring all over the place I believe that's why God sometimes shut all the lights off in your life so Jesus you think it's dark what he's doing is trying to become personal anybody be a of a dark period come on where ain't nobody could help you I mean here you are laying in a hospital and the doctor says it's all through your body and we hope you make it and I don't care how much light in that room it's dark and all you can say is God you know it's very easy to worship but in order to worship listen to me this is revelation I tell you I know them talking about it's from the Holy Ghost and all of you to worship you got to go backward first oh I hope you get it father help me you cannot genuinely worship God until you go back and remember his benefits see your lawyer you remember when you couldn't pay that semester the first year or the third year you have to pray that true let me forget you Oh God I graduate now I start my practice lord I just want to you thanks again you remember you read it and now you got your nose you own your own car not amazing you used to kiss the bus some of y'all forgot jitney and God is saying now you know something I provided this car for you and you still trying to find a reason you telling the worship team build me up pump me up and gotta say you know bless the Lord O your soul why forget not all of his benefits who heal it your diseases who satisfies your mouth with what good things I too just like you have to remember I know people get tired of me talking about Bane's town let me tell you something that's the source of my worship you know I made a decision last week when I was in Trinidad I said I am going home I'm gonna drive to the spot where our house was on South Street and I can't do it this weekend and I'm going to look at that property where I slept on the floor and I'm going to remember the house I'm gonna sketch it I got a degree in art I'm gonna paint this house I'm gonna put this house in my present house because I don't want to forget this benefits I want to look at it every day if they god that's where you bought their frog I'm gonna take my camera with me I'm going to take a photograph at a school on top of the hill called Weston prep school I said god I blow it up I won't remember walking up that hill with my little green pants that we washed every day I want to see that school-wide now I Drive in jag where you see and you may forget you have to walk to school anybody remember any benefits look at that suit you get on you think you had an ollie on life some of y'all made me to talk to you a little bit more you need to find something right something doc your doc now man his dog you know God brought you through they don't understand you gotta come with that already otherwise we just can sing songs anybody here was saved all their lives I want you to close your eyes and visit your past and then do whatever you feel like right now hallelujah I miss it down here oh I remember praise God I remember I remember I remember [Music] I remember [Music] for ten men in the Bible days [Music] they had been sick for so very long [Music] one day Jesus passed there we [Applause] when he spoke the disease were healed a day but they all went on their merry merry way [Music] and only one returned and say Lord I got something to say [Music] thank you [Music] thank you lord I just want to thank you [Music] I just want to thank you thank you you got [Music] I just want to thank you I just want to thank you it was a woman with an issue blood [Music] she was sick and the doctor said she wouldn't get well [Music] one day Jesus passed away [Music] man she touched his ham a disease were here that day and she went on a merry merry way but then she came to him under again and said master I got something to say [Music] I did a small bag I just water the bank try [Applause] oh yeah [Music]
Channel: Prophetic Apostolic
Views: 78,512
Rating: 4.8433733 out of 5
Id: NPq5_mUYL1Y
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Length: 94min 15sec (5655 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2018
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