America Shaking (Vision) THE SHOWDOWN - Tim Sheets

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there has never been a warrior force on the planet that is that is functioning like the one that is now being activated now i want to begin to describe to you a vision that holy spirit gave to me on august the 11th i've not talked about it i i like to pray into these type of of um things and and just meditate on meanings if i've got the time to do that and uh in this case i did i like to just take my time and pray into it and i've been pondering this now for days actually what three plus weeks wednesday august the 11th so four days before we begin to hear about the collapse in afghanistan and the president of afghanistan leaving the country four days before that all began to be revealed to the whole world i was at home recuperating from hip replacement uh surgery and uh i suddenly became very alert in my spirit i felt an anointing that alerted me and it was like i was missing something and so pay attention like something's happening in the spirit realm and i don't know what it is listen up as i pondered it and i just became very prayerful prayerful-minded i don't know what else to do in those situations just just become very prayerful minded i said holy spirit i'm listening i want to hear what you're saying if it's to the church i want to hear what you're saying to the church i will say it what are you saying and after praying into this a few moments and just quietly praying in the holy spirit i was suddenly caught up into the spirit realm and when that happens at least to me everything just gets heightened my senses become heightened my vision it's just a different level the spirit realm is very real it is as real as anything in the natural realm actually it's more real but but it everything just gets heightened and holy spirit said as clear as i've clear as if you came up to me and you said it to me holy spirit said it's time for the showdown it's time for the showdown i immediately when he said that i immediately went went to the prophet elijah in 1st kings chapter 18. and the showdown with ahab and jezebel's wicked government and their 450 prophets of baal it is explained there that an altar was built a sacrifice was put on it and the god who answers by fire falling on that altar he would be god so it would either be jehovah god would be god or baal would be god what a showdown the prophets of baal started first and they pleaded for baal please fall on this altar send fire and consume this sacrifice they pleaded all day long they begged then nothing happened and then it became elijah's turn and when he prayed saying father god almighty fall like fire on this sacrifice when he prayed fire came down out of heaven consumed the sacrifice even consumed the altar consumed the rocks it set on the baal prophets were killed and ahab and jezebel's wicked perverse oppressive government was destroyed and new government came into the land as jehovah jehovah god was declared the god the only god also ahab and jezebel themselves lost their lives in other words they were removed and our god proved who or that he was a consuming fire and then holy spirit reminded me of a very little used scripture it had to be him that reminded me of this scripture because i don't think i have ever used this scripture before ever first king 16 33 it says ahab made god angrier than all the previous kings put together the commander-in-chief the highest ranking leader in the nation made god angrier than all the other kings put together and we see in this god was paying attention and even gave ahab and jezebel's evil government a grade declaring it is the worst in the nation's history god said that the message bible called them champions of evil and it made god angry the mocking of him the the breaking of his covenants the persecution of his people the abuse of power made god angry now elijah obviously represents the apostolic and the prophetic in our times the seven thousand people of god who elijah didn't even know existed who god had preserved that would not bow to baal he elijah didn't even know they existed god had to reveal that he had preserved seven thousand that would not bow to baal they were those who demanded that jehovah be their god they represent millions in in today's ecclesia who will not bow to wicked government they will not bow to fake gods they're just not going to do it they demand jehovah god be the only god in the nation they demand there's only one king and it's jesus as i prayed into this for days i begin to see more and more that the showdown is about government changing and god returning to his rightful position and it's about the apostolic and the prophetic and and the kings ekklesia being engaged in bringing that to pass and i believe there will be greater numbers of people beginning to work this than we have ever known about holy spirit is anointing the king's ecclesia with favor and people groups from all around this nation are going to follow the ecclesiast lead to establish god's rightful place in the land once again and to change wicked government
Channel: Joe Joe Dawson
Views: 6,929
Rating: 4.9501781 out of 5
Keywords: joe joe dawson motivation, joe joe dawson, joe dawson charisma magazine, joe dawson prophetic word, joe dawson prophecy, jesus, jesus christ, bible, christian, christianity, holy spirit, pentecost, pentecostal, prophecy, prophesy, prophetic, gifts of the spirit, miracles, salvation, deliverance, spiritual warfare, intercession, prophetic intercession, prayer, breakthrough, healing, chuck pierce, bill johnson, dutch sheets, bethel redding, kevin zadai, joel osteen, motivational, roar church
Id: hvLBrYI7uM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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