Dr Michael Klaper - "Using Your Food to Heal"

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my name is steve kehoe i'm a volunteer event coordinator for dr clapper and movie medicine poor doc clapper started this about a year and a half and it was something that really spoke to me um you see my wife had stage four breast cancer um she was diagnosed about eight a little over eight years ago and you really felt desperate as you might imagine and we really weren't given much hope by standard uh oncologists um they were pretty much giving her about two years to live so um it was a desperate time as you might imagine but we had this aha moment that was at a gathering very similar it was a plant-based doctor who really opened our eyes to something we could do to uh help battle the cancer and one of those guys is actually a couple happens to be in the first row right here dr john mcdougall [Applause] and he's meant so much to us uh he doesn't know it but uh he really did at the beginning stages we read all his books and watched everything online and he kind of opened us up to other doctors and eventually dr clapper and um i don't think my wife would be alive if it wasn't for doctors like this so um i just thank them so much for the work they did you know they're they're always going against the grain as we know but when i found out about dr clapper doing this about a year and a half ago he started doing movie medicine forward and this is his retirement but in his retirement we set up nine talks over the last seven days this is the night talk so uh hopefully he's still standing and um kilo over here but uh he's uh he's got so much energy and passion for this it's really invigorated me to want to do more and i love being a part of this so thank you for everything you're doing um but the end result of my wife following this advice was great um it's been eight and a half years now and she's totally clear cancer has been in remission from like six months on um and the bone besides the side effects as they say she lost 100 pounds she's kept it off all these years we're both very very happy and healthy again due to this whole food plant-based diet so um the reason i really got involved was my on college that her oncologist that i had to deal with all the time when she was going through it he was an older gentleman and he was very resistant to everything we were trying to do and it was so frustrating the chemo everything else was very hard to get through but the mental aspect of dealing with a very resistant doctor was so frustrating and we didn't rely we didn't go to him for support anymore and that was hard and we almost gave up at the beginning and i think many patients do when their doctor is telling them what you're doing rolling their eyes telling if you're really not doing any good i think most people would give up unfortunately we kept researching and finding out more information we didn't give up and you know she got she got through all the treatments better and better the healthier we ate during those first four to six months so this works we all know it works if you've tried this um so anyways uh he started moving medicine for it it's a great his goal is to reach every major medical school in the united states and you know i think it's an honorable goal [Applause] i want to help in any way possible so we're having a raffle um after he talks it's usually about an hour we'll take about a ten minute break if you haven't gotten any raffle tickets it'll be one last chance and um then we'll go ahead and bring the raffle prizes up here and some great prizes there's a vitamix instant pot um so check it out and then after the raffle he's gonna do a q a so as long as uh people have questions they don't kick us out of here so um to introduce dr clapper um i'd like to introduce reverend lisa davis and she will introduce them welcome we're so happy to have you here this afternoon as as we gather and get to listen to such wisdom i believe that each of us realizes that you know we're here to evolve we're here to find a larger picture a greater understanding and part of that is how we eat and so if we're looking for peace on our planet how much how different is it when we find peace in our bodies and a balance and an ability to heal ourselves i i too found healing through food 30 years ago and i'm so grateful to do what i love and i believe every one of us came here with a purpose and a passion and we are here to do that and dr clapper i'm so grateful that your gifts and and i was looking at you know practicing as a as a medical doctor for 40 years and then saying there's something more what a path what a presence eight years in the lifestyle medicine clinic and then moving on into this whole non-profit of how can i take this message to every medical school in the united states that is so powerful and so i am grateful that you all called and just said would you mind if we came over and i realized all of us are gathered and where we are gathered there's something larger that happens and it's in our hearts and our minds and our beings and so welcome we're so happy to have you with us and we are ready for your wisdom [Applause] thank you well thank you thank you very much uh thank you lisa for that lovely introduction and for the use of your wonderful hall here thanks steve we've had a whirlwind tour we've been to uh seven medical schools in the last seven days uh we were at university of california san diego um southern california usc uh loma linda university uh university of oregon last night in eugene we were at western university in osteopathic medicine in lebanon we're at their western university campus down in pomona and i really want to thank my friend and colleague dr mcdougall who has been very generous in sponsoring a lot of my talks here and that's really very very appreciated yeah and mary thank you so much nothing would happen without mary uh so i want to make this a practical lesson for you a lot of stuff to cover um everything from weight loss to paleo diets and i want to give you as much information that you can use as possible but i need to start off with an apology and that is apologizing to all of you on behalf of my medical profession and my colleagues god bless them they're all doing the best they can but unbeknownst to them the majority of them are suffering from a malady that's keeping them from giving you the medical care you you deserve and most of my medical colleagues are suffering from a condition that i call a pachydermic gnosis now you may not have be familiar with this word i'm not surprised because i just made it up last week but there's a lot of information in this word um a pachydermic gnosis uh if we look at the roots here a means no and gnosis is greek for knowing and so therefore a pachydermic gnosis is not recognizing there's an elephant right in front of you and and that's the case with my especially my specialist colleagues because they're all working earnestly in the clinic to cure their patient diseases and the cardiologist sees the clogged arteries and the internist sees the high blood pressure and the endocrinologist sees the type 2 diabetes and the physio sees the sore joints and the rheumatologist sees the lupus and the neurologist sees it in dementia and the dermatologist sees a psoriasis and the gastroenterologist sees the um the crohn's disease and the colitis the general insurgency is the colon cancer and they're all trying to figure this out but when they check in the textbooks and on the internet they run into two words that stop all further thought etiology unknown we don't know the cause of these diseases and it's true on the ultimate fine molecular genetic enzymatic level we don't understand every last little mechanism but they're finding that they're looking at common threads there they're all their diseases whatever their pet interest is they all uh see that there's something to do with inflammation there's something to do with oxidative stress from all the cooked foods there's lots of free radicals buzzing around and yet they don't know what to do with these threads they're still stuck in etiology unknown land and if i could i would appear in their cubicles in a puff of smoke and yell loudly in their ear it's the food your patients are eating is where all this is coming from and in fact i have a plaque in my office uh that when my patients are sitting in front of me overweight diabetic hypertensive clogged up and inflamed and say doc how did i get this way i point to the plaque that says it's the food it's been the food all along and they go through all these weight watchers and and fad diets and it's the food that they are eating and without recognizing this it leaves the doctors frustrated because they're they just give them raise the patients insulin dosage and metformin doses they're stating those come back in a few months and watch their patients all getting fatter and sicker and nobody's getting better and the doctor is getting more frustrated and the real loser of course is the patient because the truth is if the doctor would get them on a diet made of whole plant foods these diseases go away and when i speak to young medical students i tell them listen you're going to be learning in medical school all these weird and wonderful diseases you're going to learn how to diagnose and treat everything from leprosy to smallpox but when you open the door of the waiting room of your clinic or in the emergency department or the outpatient surgery department you're not going to be seeing patients with leprosy and smallpox thank god what you're going to be seeing is a large group of people with a small group of diseases uh having something to do usually with their weight their arteries are not functioning they've got high blood pressure and lots of fat running through them they often have type 2 diabetes they have angina and having many strokes and a host of inflammatory diseases affecting every organ their lungs their intestines their skin their joints and and it's a dismal message that we give to patients that there's nothing we can do for you i'm just going to manage your disease we'll manage your high blood pressure we'll manage your diabetes i don't know about you i tell the students but i didn't go into medicine to manage chronic disease i want to cure people and every one of these diseases is reversible every single one of them those of us dr mcdougall knows well who practice lifestyle medicine have a stable full of patients who used to be obese who used to have high blood pressure used to have diabetes well he used to have lupus these diseases go away with a proper diet and lifestyle you got to stop smoking you got to get enough rest but this is a powerful concept disease reversal i practice medicine for 45 years before anybody put these two words in the same sentence for me these are reversible diseases and i tell the students you need to know this otherwise you just stumbled into this etiology unknown and you just facilitate their diseases and the patient needs to know this that that me i don't have to have high blood pressure forever no you don't i mean i do i'm because we tell them you're going to be diabetic forever take these pills the rest of your life this is you need to tell them this is a reversible disease you can make these diseases go away with the proper diet and lifestyle and they need to know that healing is possible it empowers the patient powers the doctor so we're talking about a whole food plant-based diet here it's nothing that exotic if you want to eat breakfast have some oatmeal with fruit on it lunches and dinners are colorful salads big plates uh big uh hearty vegetable soups big plates of steamed green yellow vegetables lovely legume dishes lentils and beans and stews and you can do it any cuisine you want italian style chinese east indian mexican have fun with the with the seasonings but the power of this food to reverse diseases is just not appreciated by doctors we are not taught the effect of the patient's daily diet upon their body i when i get up to the microphone i tell the students i'm going to give you the lecture i wish somebody had given me 50 years ago i wish they had taught me what the meal after meal after meal does in the patient's body so i'm going to share that information with you if you eat a healthy meal based on on whole plant foods we're talking about a big colorful salad there's a hearty vegetable bean stew here or quinoa and zucchini boats or big plate of stained green and yellow vegetables you eat a meal like this and an hour later after it starts getting out in your bloodstream i were to sneak up on you with a needle and a syringe in my hand and when you weren't looking i dropped five cc's of blood into a red top tube and let it clot and spin it down the centrifuge and look at it here's what you see the clot goes to the bottom the liquid part of the blood the serum rises to the top and this is what your blood should look like crystal clear you can read newsprint through normal serum this is how healthy blood should look like after a healthy meal but you have a standard western meal you have bacon and eggs for breakfast you have a cheeseburger fries and a shake for lunch uh you have a pizza or a steak or fried chicken for dinner you eat a meal like this and all the saturated fat in the beef the butter fat and the cheese the egg yolk and the mayonnaise the vegetable oil and the fries the butter fat and the ice cream all this fat oozes out into your blood and for the next five count them five hours your blood looks like this this creamy appearance here this is fat in the blood the the medical name this is lypemia means fat in the blood and postprandial means after eating this after eating your blood turns fatty not everybody shows at this optically densely but everybody has a wave of fat that goes through your bloodstream after you eat a fatty meal how can you not where else is it going to go and i was serious about that five hour number it was a classic study they gave someone a fatty meal at hour zero and they drew blood once an hour for six hours and they took those six blood tubes and they put them one after another into an instrument that measures how fatty the blood is getting and you can see the blood getting fattier and fattier and fattier and fatter it takes the liver about five hours to begin to clear the fat out of the blood and during this five hours evil things are happening in the body the fats are are inflaming the inside of the artery walls opening the door for atherosclerotic plaque formation it flows through fat stores increasing obesity it clogs up insulin receptors making people more diabetic and contrary to what you hear that that butter is back saturated fats are pro-inflammatory they fan inflammatory reactions well think about what this means in the context of how most americans run their eating day they start their morning off with something fatty an egg mcmuffin or bacon and eggs etc and for the next five hours their blood is running thick with fat all after all morning their arteries are getting injured they're getting more obese they're getting more uh inflamed takes the liver till about noon time to begin to clear the breakfast fat out of the blood when time for lunch and another wave of fat goes through the bloodstream ripping up the artery linings and making obese making more diabetic making more inflamed takes to almost six o'clock in the evening for the liver to begin to clear the lunchtime fat out of your blood when time to visit the kernel and send another wave of fat through the bloodstream the blood stays fatty all evening ripping up your arteries making more obese and inflamed and diabetic takes the liver until about 10 o'clock at night to begin to clear the dinner time fat out of the blood when on the way back to the bedroom uh you polish off that half pineal hoganos in the freezer and another wave of fat goes to the bloodstream and the reality is that most americans are keeping their blood fatty all day stuff never clears out of the bloodstream you keep your blood fatty 20 years 30 years 40 years you can't be shocked when some abnormal changes start showing up in the body and i will show you some of what those changes are now i've been focusing on the fat here but i'm not telling you well just eat a low fat diet the fat's just a marker for what is in your bloodstream after you eat a meal the reality is there is an evil brew of substances flowing through your bloodstream and through every cell in your body from this meal the american diet is a high salt diet and here that was just in israel and the falafels and hummus here cheese is a high salt food and certainly the french fries are salty the chips are salty all this salt flow works its way into the artery stiffens the artery walls the kidneys retain water to dilute out the salt and this raises your blood pressure increasing risk for heart attacks and heart failure and strokes but we're now learning that high salt diets turn on some nasty immune cells in the body that turn on our own tissues and open the door for autoimmune diseases like lupus and ankylosing spondylitis high salt diets are are not friendly to the body then we come to sugar now we all have a sweet tooth and i honor that and i'm not talking about a half a teaspoon of sugar in your tea well i'm that's the proper use of a sweetener like this as a flavoring that's okay i'm talking about eating sugar as a food and when you're scoffing down the chocolate chip cookies and the chocolate cake and the candy bars and the donuts and the milkshakes and the coke you're eating sugar as a food what's the problem with that well the sugar flows to your body and starts sticking to proteins all over your body it glycosylates your proteins in your blood in your connective tissue and this sets off a nasty reaction that every baker knows it's called the maillard reaction it's what makes bread crust brown the sugars plus protein the sugars the pastry flour the proteins the gluten they put it in the oven and this sticky protein gets oxidized and mats down into this bastardized unusable protein which is fine on the surface of a french baguette but you don't want to run the maillard reaction in the lens of your eye it's a great way to open the door to cataracts you don't want to run the maylard reaction in the elastin fibers of your skin it's a great way to wind up with the epidermis that looks like an old suitcase and you don't want to run the maillard reaction on the inside lining of your arteries in your brain the that's a good way to give yourself alzheimer's when we analyze the brains of alzheimer's patients they are loaded uh with these uh these sugary oxidized proteins called advanced glycation end products don't worry about the the name but remember the acronym because eating sugar as a food ages you and that's the issue you don't want to eat sugar as a food and to give you a little visual reminder why you don't want to do that here is a young woman about to do that act she is about to eat sugar as a food and she does and the sugar flows through tissues sticks and proteins all over her body her own body heat is like the baker's oven that that oxidized the protein so she eats the sugar and six months later eating sugar as a food ages you it's not what it was meant for now uh we're here talking about plant-based diets as the antidote to this and the very act of cooking animal muscle of grilling that steak frying that chicken creates a host of damaging molecules i'm going to quickly run the list here when i'm lecturing the medical students we take every one of these apart and we talk about what they do in the body that's not germane to this lecture trust me these are all nasty molecules very active cooking animal muscle oxidizes cholesterol and and it's the oxidized cholesterol that gets in the walls of the artery and sets off the plaque formation uh very active cooking animal muscle oxidizes nucleic acids and proteins that create reactive aldehydes these these are mutagenic they damage your genes they turn on cancer genes they uh they damage genes throughout the body nu5gc is a cyalic acid only found in animals that sets off inflammatory reactions throughout the body and our paleo friends and our keto friends are giving themselves a shot of new 5gc three times a day endotoxin comes from the bacteria from the slaughterhouse these bacteria die and their cell walls release endotoxin that that sets off inflammatory reactions that's all blood clotting makes your gut leaky that sets you on the path to autoimmune diseases tmao is a molecule that that is produced by bacteria in your gut that are brought forth by a meat-based diet when you're eating meat and eggs you're eating lots of carnitine and choline that summons up microbes that create this molecule that drives cholesterol into the artery wall and and ages you prematurely cooking animal muscle creates carcinogenic cancer-causing molecules that rub on your colon wall and set off colon cancers the heme iron that makes red meat red gets into the bloodstream into the body in way too high amounts and increases the risk of gastric cancers and strokes and the animals in the feed lot are fed bushels of grains that are sprayed with herbicides pesticides antibiotics growth promoters and as they're in the feed lot the cows the pigs the chicken the sheep they're eating these grains and these toxic molecules are concentrating in the animals flesh and every bite of that chicken breast every burger that you're eating is loaded with these damaging substances the meat eating folks are flushing these sys these molecules through their tissues meal after meal day after day the folks were promoting these paleo diets and keto diets are telling their patients oh it's a good thing to run these molecules through your body week after week month after month year after year no wonder we get shocked then suddenly the arteries get inflamed suddenly and develop plaque suddenly the joints get all red and swollen gee how did that happen we're mystified uh when uh when colon cancers spring out of the gut gee bad genetics scientists how can we say this with a straight face how do we ignore the effect of food upon our patients bodies and yet when we get people to adopt a whole food plant-based diet why do i say that we've got you know we if you believe in evolution at all we have come up through the simeon line the ape line on this planet and and we've got basically the same digestive system that our gorilla and bonobo cousins have and they're up in the trees tonight eating leaves and fruit that's what they're designed to and we've got basically the same digestive system we've got fingers on our hands not claws and then we've got starch digesting enzymes in our saliva we're plant-eating creatures and we revert to that natural diet that we ought to be living on the changes are just remarkable within days of taking a patient like this or like emily here with her diabetes and her angina you get them on a whole food plant-based diet and within days the obesity starts to melt away and the arteries open up and the high blood pressure comes down and the joints stop hurting and the asthmatic lungs stop wheezing so much and the migraine headaches start going away and the bowels start working again and the psoriasis starts to clear up and they turn into normal healthy people right in front of your eyes this this was emily went on a whole food plant-based diet 11 months later this emily turned into that emily i tell the young students what more can you ask from your medical career than to help a patient transform themselves into lean healthy people who don't need pills and potions and procedures isn't this why you became a physician and and yet we withhold this information unknowingly they suffer from from from a dermatosis and they don't recognize what they're looking at but meanwhile the patient gets shortchanged from this vital information to the medical students we go into detail how these how this diet actually works its remarkable healing effects i don't want to spend our time on this right now but inflammatory arthritis gets better rheumatoid arthritis asthma again frequently gets much better diabetes starts to reverse skin problems clear up it's really remarkable the changes but it's also not remarkable you know eating a diet based on meats and dairy and oils and sugars it's like putting diesel fuel in your gasoline-burning engine and of course the gas line plugs up and the spark plugs foul but you put in high test gasoline runs great and that's what basically what we're seeing here the the body reverts to its normal state of health it wants to be healthy uh if we stop interfering with it uh for the scientists in the room here let me just just quickly touch on a couple mechanisms if you're really interested in in why it works and how it works busy slide here don't uh don't get thrown by it here's um here's all those nasty molecules that i mentioned here uh when you go on a plant-based diet these disappear uh and instead you with the plant foods every meal you're flushing this this this river of of not only water these are high water content foods but these lovely phytonutrients from the plants that they are antioxidants they quench free radicals they they stabilize tissues they promote tissue repair they give the chemical message shh calm down everything's okay and wonderful changes start happening the blood that was running thick with all the saturated fats starts flowing more easily and so oxygen delivery to the tissues increases the inflammatory molecules in the tissues are removed and the anti-inflammatory omega-3s suppress inflammation you take away the fried meats and cooked meats and so the oxidative stress goes down the gut bacteria change the good formicades bacteria blossom and the bad bacteroides start to subside that often makes people feel better emotionally because the these microbes put out neurotransmitters they put out serotonin and dopamine and make you feel better hormone levels change skin oils get they get less viscous and so we see acne often clear up psoriasis kidney function gets better high protein diets are toxic to the kidneys these pho these guys eating these high meat diets and scuffing down these protein powders are writing themselves a ticket to the dialysis machine when all those amino acids slam into the kidney filters it stresses them it makes the kidneys shift into a gear of hyperfiltration that injures the kidneys uh well on a plant-based diet the proteins are much gentler uh and so that subsides the asthmatic folks do better their lung secretions get better all the way around a whole food plant-based diet is a disease-reversing diet and yet nobody's telling the medical students this so that's why i'm going to school and i'm telling them that they need to know this and it's just it's just a wonderful thing to see again i don't want to spend too much time on the specific diseases but those of you are not familiar moving past the diabetes and the arthritis i want to talk about the biggest killer in america today and that's atherosclerotic plaques clogging the arteries every 30 seconds in this country someone grabs their chest and falls over with a heart attack and every other one of them dies and and the cardiologist says oh it's a relentlessly progressive disease once you get those plaques nothing's nothing slows it down the only thing is it's a matter when we put in the stent when we do that bypass that's right doctor if you don't talk to them about what they're eating that's exactly what you're going to see and because cardiologists generally don't talk to them about about what they're eating it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy but you get these folks on a whole food plant-based diet and this disease reverses and i tell the students listen atherosclerotic plaques are not just globs of grease that build up on the artery walls because your ldl is too high these are inflammatory lesions these arteries are being injured meal after meal of fried animal protein and hot vegetable oils from the french fries and high fructose corn syrup and phosphoric acid from the cola drinks this chemical assault that we inflict on our arteries injures the inner lining here allows the oxidized cholesterol to enter and set off the plaque formation and and it's the oxidized cholesterol that uh leads to the uh formation of the plaques that sets off the cloth that eventually kills the patient relentlessly progressive nonsense this is a reversible disease and dr caldwell esselstyn wrote up his study in the late 90s almost 200 patients with significant coronary artery disease one on a whole food plant-based diet in the next four years on in these 200 folks at least 40 of them would have had heart attacks and strokes and and death and essentially none of them had any of these problems 93 of them had their angina that crushing chest pain go away of the folks of the 21 who dropped out over half of them did experience a heart attack or stroke this is profound if you have artery disease or you know anyone who does get dr esselstyn's book follow his advice to the letter and you can melt these plaques away here's how it works here's why dr esselstyn insists that his patients steam up a big batch of dark leafy greens every morning kale charred broccoli and and four or five times a day sprinkle some balsamic vinegar on it to liberate the nitric oxide that dilates the blood vessels and eat some and just keep a steady stream of these dark leafy greens in the body why because this is the wall of the artery here and and keeping these the phytonutrients from the greens like resveratrol and others as the weeks go by these antioxidants seep into the artery walls they find the free radical filled foam cells that are what makes up the plaque there and they neutralize the free radicals and these these evil foam cells that can that entered into the wall of the artery they leave they out migrate and as a result the plaques get smaller and smaller and smaller and that battered endothelial lining re-establishes itself not by magic but because the bone marrow is constantly putting out showers of stem cells that reupholster the artery and turn it back into newer artery a reborn artery and if you haven't seen this this x-ray let me show you the most dramatic uh x-ray in all of medicine that every cardiologist should have to study and it's this one uh many of you are already familiar with it this is the there's an army from the heart a left anterior descending artery from a 46 year old surgeon a colleague of dr esselstyn and this is already in the heart this is the dye column they squirted some dye in the artery the whole artery should be about this wide going down but this rat eaten part here these are plaques that are encroaching into the blood flow channel and he had such severe angina he had couldn't walk 10 yards without taking a nitroglycerin tablet he went on a whole food plant-based diet eating those greens for 22 months and after 22 months this artery turned into this artery [Music] same man same artery okay it is a reversible disease these plaques will melt away every cardiologist who's seen this should have picked up the phone and called dr esselstyn said how did you do this i want to share this with my patients what did dr esselstyn hear crickets why the doctor didn't they didn't want to hear this and in fact here is uh here is a cardiology department at a major hospital pondering whether they should do anything um in the face of this improvement and they decided to order corned beef sandwiches instead it makes you feel sorry for the elephant after a while and uh right there in the room no one even acknowledges me the uh duh you know we treat the patient's diet like in the harry potter movies you know voldemort the name that must not be spoken you know ooh don't ask about the patient's diet oh we're americans we can eat whatever we want yeah but your arteries got something to say about that prostate gland's got something to say about that breast tissue's got something to say about that you violate natural laws you you take a simian body and feed it the diet of a mountain lion and you are transgressing some powerful laws you are going to kindle some some processes that will really turn on you and so my poor patients are not shared the doctors don't share with them this important information and that elephant of the doctor's ignorance stands in the way how do you make that elephant of ignorance disappear i tell the doctors look at what your patients are eating and get them on a whole food plant-based diet and the and the elephant disappears and yet this information is almost never shared with our patients why not we're not taught about nutrition it's not even in the medical curriculum at all nutrition is not respected as a science it's a science it's not a real medicine insurgency i'm up in the or doing real medicine ah send them to a dietitian let her give him a diet don't bother me i'm in the or doing real medicine and they don't even ask about on the national board exams it can't be very important and for that piece of arrogance that young surgeon or that young cardiologist is going to spend the rest of their career at four in the morning up in the operating room or down in the cath lab dealing with the infections and the infarctions and the amputations from what their patients are eating and finally why aren't uh why isn't nutrition discussed with our patients because the doctors are eating it themselves and they're eating their burgers and their pizzas and their steaks and their lobsters they're not going to tell their patients not to eat it and you wind up with a sad spectacle of an obese doctor with a pocket full of beta blockers and and statins and analysinopril how sad what kind of an example is that when you open the door and trying to get your patients healthy ah apache dermagnosis uh it's uh it's really rampant and it really deprives the patient of of life-saving information it's unethical to withhold this information in the in the principal medical ethics we are told that physicians will continue to study apply and advance scientific knowledge and make relevant information available to our patients we are mandated to share this information withholding this information by definition is unethical and yet we do and we do so my colleagues at our peril i think just a matter of time before an angry widow walks into the office of a cardiologist or a cardiothoracic surgeon and says my husband died on that operating table last month during a four vessel artery bypass and nobody told us he could have melted these plaques away from the inside with a plant-based diet why didn't somebody tell us this why was this information withheld from us when did you people know this how long has this been in the medical literature 25 years and she should file a wrongful death suit and she should win it because this is a wrongful death all of these are wrongful deaths if the disease could be reversed by a plant-based diet so i want to make this a practical session for you let me quickly cover some basics of how to lose weight let's talk about the carb comp controversy there's no controversy to confusion talk about paleo diets how to order in a restaurant and then the bigger picture that's really involved here in the space of my 47-year medical career i have seen a tsunami of obesity sweep through our population it's just been stunning and i'm not i'm not here to fat shame anybody i hear i'm here to talk the physiology of obesity and instead of getting concerned about this and there's reason to be concerned we just accepted it we've normalized it yeah we're americans we're fat now is the way it is and you got a problem with that and that's your problem doc i'm okay i know i'm carrying too much fat but it's okay it's not okay if you want to be healthy let me show you what's inside that big belly i'm going to show you a plastic model of an obese abdomen that's split lengthwise here and get and tell you what's the reality of the fat there's two kinds of fats making that belly big under the skin the subcutaneous fat is metabolically active it and it secretes estrogen it is the largest estrogen secreting tissue in the body and too much estrogen gives women breast lumps and gives them fibroids and sets off uterine cancers gives guys prostate cancers you don't want 35 pounds of estrogen secreting tissue plastered on your abdomen it's a recipe for disaster the fat inside the abdomen is a different cat altogether and it produces molecules called inflammatory cytokines this fans inflammation throughout the body these are just some of the diseases that are made worse by these inflammatory cytokines having a big abdomen is like having an alien being in your body and it's not your friend it is putting out molecules that are hurting you it's a state of inflammation and it can make and if you're diabetic it makes things worse this is a muscle cell that burns glucose uh and you've got an insulin needs to move glucose into this into the muscle cells to burn it but if you've been eating all this fat the fat gets in the muscle cells clogs up the insulin receptors and those cytokines from the big abdomen interfere with the insulin receptors from the outside no wonder obese people go diabetic and yet all of us dr mcdougall knows well who get people on a whole food plant-based diet and get them trimmed down and burn off that belly fat you have patients like jim on 30 units of insulin and this gym turns into this gin and now he's running marathons and that's not diabetic diabetes goes away it's a disease of fat toxicity so let's talk about how to lose weight the beauty of this diet if you're keeping your belly full of whole plant foods is high fiber foods and high water content and and that's the secret uh keeping your belly full of whole plant foods it's mostly fiber and water it doesn't stick to you you pee out the water you poop out the fiber and and how many apples can you eat you know how much how much salad can you eat it's the whole plant foods that fill you up and yet don't increase obesity so it's not about losing weight it's about eating healthy about these high fiber foods this is the key and you can eat all you want as long as it's in this form if you go back for a fourth bowl of vegetable soup who cares it's it's vegetable soup it's a fiber and water that doesn't stick to you and a leaner body follows automatically so let's talk about this carbohydrate confusion plants make sugars from the air and the rain and the sunlight they take carbon dioxide from the air and water from the from the rain and put it together and form these rings here's one called glucose and as the as the ring is is closed there for using the sun's energy the sun's energy is stored like in a coiled spring and when we eat the sugars in the form of starches or or fruits we break apart the the ring the energy comes out and it's a clean burning fuel we get energy and carbon dioxide that we breathe off and water that we excrete carbohydrates are clean burning fuels we are carbohydrate burning organisms the mitochondria in our cells burn sugars not fats and this idea oh avoid those carbs they do not know where in they speak now the plants want to store these sugars the potato plant needs some stored sugar to get through the winter the grain the rice plant wants to wrap some sugar around the seeds so there's energy to to sprout in the spring so it takes these sugars and links them together in long chains of sugars and that's called starch and when we eat the starch we our enzymes and our saliva and our pancreas our intestine break the bonds here and free up the sugars and and we harvest the energy now the sugar can be stored in our muscles and in our liver in the form called glycogen and we only have about a 24 or 36 hour supply of it and we're always burning well what about fast what about sugars we are always burning both a fuel mixture of both sugars and fats the sugar is mainly powering our muscles as we move around and that's why we need it uh we we draw down on the on the sugars in our muscles and it's similar to in a hybrid car the the electric battery that's like the the sugar stored in our mussels and we use that sugar up we draw down on it as we move around and then we eat some potatoes or rice and and replete those stores like we like the storage battery uh it gets replete and gets restored when we either plug it in or or we break the car so the sugar is the uh is the immediate fuel but we're also always burning fats in the background that was that's what keeps up our body temperature when we're moving around during the day we're most of our body heat is coming off of the sugars we're burning about 80 carbohydrates 20 fat at night time we use much less muscular energy and so while we're sleeping we are we're burning more fats we burn about a penny's weight of fat every hour why is that important hi this is telling you that high carbohydrate foods are not to be feared they are not evil in their whole plant form nature uses carbohydrates to make plants these are all high carbohydrate foods the beans and the broccoli and the watermelon but they're not going to hurt you they're again mostly fiber and water the fibers carbohydrates and it doesn't stick to you these carbohydrates are evil and loading up on these really damages the maillard reaction etc so if i can share information with you that means something don't get seduced by only avoid those carbs because in doing so they're taking a big broad brush and they are smearing the word carb over the good carbohydrates and the refined processed carbohydrates avoid the carbs no you don't want to avoid these carbs this is what human beings run on yes avoid these carbs they will hurt you they will not turn into fat carbohydrates essentially cannot turn into fat the the body is not going to break apart a glucose ring grab the fragments and then start stringing together in long chains and turn them into fats too much enzymatic work carbohydrates healthy sugars will not turn into fats what happens if you eat a bunch of starch in the evening you have some potatoes or rice in the evening you will replete your glycogen stores you'll build you'll you'll fill up your muscles and liver with that stored glycogen and once they're fully uh once your glycogen stores and your muscles and your liver are filled up again you'll burn the rest off as heat um your body temperature will go up a quarter of a degree you'll stick your foot out from under the covers at night and you'll radiate the heat off to the the atmosphere you it will not turn into fat um so don't worry don't avoid carbs they they just not are going to be turning into fat now i've got some vegan patients who are frustrated because they've uh doc i've been vegan for 10 years and i'm still carrying this weight around why i'm not eating any animals what's going on let me give you the key to creating a truly lean body and it has to do with a concept called oxidative priority what does that mean it means it's easier to burn sugars to blow apart a glucose ring than to metabolize these long chain fats that means okay so it's easier to burn sugars than fats that's the oxidative priority so that means if you eat sugars and fats at the same time or within four to six hours of each other you will burn the sugar and you're gonna store the fat for later okay that's the issue it's that fat sugar combo that sticks to you look at all the um fat sugar combinations in the western diet the fats in the meat and the cheese and the oils and the dairy the sugars in the bun and the in the drinks uh the the fats and the meat and the uh and the sugars and the starches here um you want to be a fat vegan pour oil on your pasta you're going to burn the sugar in the pasta and store the fat in the oil ice cream is fat and sugar is what the stuff is you couldn't ask for a better weight gain food so this is the issue steak and potatoes you burn the sugar in the potatoes store the fat and the beef peanut butter and jelly sandwich you're going to burn the sugar in the bread and the jelly you're going to store the fat and the oils here and pizza is another great weight gain food you're going to burn the sugar in the crust you're going to store the fat in the cheese and the sausage no wonder we are packing on the fat and my overweight vegan is eating the almond butter and jelly sandwich she's putting earth balance margarine on her baked potatoes she's pouring oil on her pasta it's this fat sugar combo that is sticking to you and frustrating the folks who want to create a lean body don't put oil on your pasta okay all right the secret is keep in your belly full these high carb high water content foods so if you're trying to lose weight and this is only here this this is only for people trying to lose weight if you're already lean do not pay any attention to this it doesn't matter a whole heck of a lot but this is for the folks who are stuck and stopped eating the meat and dairy you want to avoid eating the fats and the sugars at the same time so what do i do with baked potatoes put salsa on it spray a little tamari sauce on it but don't put a bunch of of uh of margarine or artificial cheese sauce on it well what do i do about avocados what do i do about walnuts enjoy them but eat them one put them on your salad put them on your greens you can make a tahini dressing put it on your broccoli there okay now when you do eat sugars it takes about four hours for the for the insulin to go up and down and clear the sugar out of your blood so if you have your have a baked potato or rice at noon time let four hours go by let your body clear it out and have your oil your fatty foods in the evening there allow that four hour gap there you want to avoid stuff like this because they are full of fat sugar combos and salt they are not food they are edible food like substances in brightly colored packages and boxes what do you do you may walk past them in the uh in the supermarket and they may call your name as you walk by they are very seductive uh what you do is you pull out your three word magic wand point it uh at the display and say that's not food not your food and walk down the soap aisle so you don't have to deal with it you want to eat food as grown like it was growing in the garden oh those are peas that's a tomato that's a cucumber you want whole foods eat you like potatoes great eat potatoes not potato chips you like corn on the cob great eat corn not corn chips it's the processed food that causes the problems that gets us around the olive oil ooh mediterranean diet healthy healthy food healthy fat oils are liquid fat in a bottle and it's not a health food it's liquid fat in the bottle it's the white sugar of the fat world i know i'm talking quickly here but it's got plenty of calories in it and if you're trying to lose weight these liquid fats are going to stick to you and they're not friendly to your arteries they injure the artery walls and make them stiff studies clearly showing that and pouring olive oil on your salad does not magically make it healthier ooh mediterranean diet stop kidding yourself this woman's going to hurt herself even though she poured olive oil on her salad it's not a healthy mediterranean diet so what do you use oils for you make you stir fry your veggies in them and you make salad dressings with them well you can stir fry your vegetables in anything that's wet vegetable broth a couple tablespoons last night vegetable soup you can buy broth wine anything the alcohol evaporates off anything that's wet water will work salad dressings are easy to make without oil just take some some vegetables from the salad some carrots and celery and broccoli throw them in a blender uh with some some water a couple of walnuts a piece of an orange hit the button salad dressing and pour it on your salad you don't need oil to make them and and all these lovely balsamic vinegars there's lovely ways to uh to dress your salad so if you are already eating plant-based and you are stuck with um with weight um there's you're eating three things that are hurting you here um you're eating oils or fats you're eating flour products that are fat and sugar that's the sugar is the is the flour and there's some fat holding it together there's some shortening or lard or egg yolks so baked goods are fat and sugar that's why you want to stay out of the bakery i go into the bakeries i open the door and i go mmm delicious and then i turn around and i walk out you know and and bread's really not your friend we've pretty much stopped eating bread in our house makes me feel like i got a bowling ball in my stomach we we eat we instead of bread we make lettuce boats and they work very well instead of the heavy breads or you're eating hidden dairy products cow's milk is baby calf growth fluid it's meant to turn a 65 pound calf into a 700 pound cow and there's milk in the bread there's milk in the baked goods and that's what's uh that's what's sticking to you does timing matter yes it does you don't want to eat late at night why not because if you eat some starches at six in the evening as i mentioned takes about four hours to burn it off and by 10 o'clock at night you're switching into that fat burning gear and uh and yay you you burn more fat while you're sleeping wonderful but if at 10 o'clock at night you have something sugary that takes another four hours to burn that off so you've blown four good hours of fat burning uh when you could have been getting leaner there so so for that reason be done by six or seven in the evening be done with eating if you can and have a cup of herb tea if you like but don't be eating sugary stuff in the evening should you eat during the day it should be a grazer no especially if it's sugary sweet foods it keeps your insulin levels up all day and you wind up packing fat into your cells all day so you don't want to do that and finally is breakfast the most important meal of the day no it's not uh this whole idea my most important meal of the day is an advertising gimmick and here's the man who made it up uh his name was edward bernay he was an advertising executive hired by a bacon company in chicago to promote the sale of bacon and he started the first advertising campaign and took out ads in the newspapers doctors say you should eat a healthy breakfast eat bacon and eggs for breakfast and that's where it came from and the uh the the memes that we see in this political season you know the same same phenomenon people oh don't you hear we're supposed to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast there's no scientific truth behind this at all you do not burn breakfast for energy at the most you'll replete your glycogen stores but you certainly can go out for a walk in the morning and burn the the glycogen that came from the potatoes you ate a couple of days ago now if you're hungry eat by all means but i ask most people when you first get up in the morning are you famished are you starving most people say you know doc i'm that hungry in the morning that's because you've been burning this nighttime fat mixture this fat rich mixture and just because the sun came up your body doesn't know that it's still burning that fat and that's why it's okay if you're trying to lose weight and you're not hungry in the morning keep that nighttime fat burning going all morning start your eating day at noon or until you really get hungry but if you if you're trying to lose weight and you have a meal like this first thing in the morning when you're not even hungry then you wind up like her and so uh so a valid strategy is just drink water till you get hungry it's an absolutely valid thing to do if you're trying to lose weight if you're hungry by all means have some oatmeal have some fruit have a cantaloupe that's fine if you're really hungry but if you're not that's your body telling you you don't have to shove a bunch of carbohydrates in your mouth first thing in the morning now a lot of folks i don't need red meat anymore but still eat chicken and it's cage-free um let's get real about chickens and turkeys these are not your grandmother's chickens and turkeys these animals have been raised have been have been genetically modified to put out as much fat as possible that what makes that chicken finger looking good is all the fat in the muscle cells and full of pesticides and herbicides and these birds get so fat they can't even stand up and if you think this is lean flesh just remember the last time you saw somebody make chicken soup and what floats up to the top it is these are fatty fatty birds the poultry is the fattest of all the flesh foods it's fatter than lean beef so stop kidding yourself you know welcome to camp kidding here stop kidding yourself um i've got vegans who say doc my cholesterol's still 220. now initially cholesterols can go up because as people burn down their fat stores cholesterol comes into the bloodstream and and it can be elevated it's not hurting you it's on its way to the liver to be excreted but sometimes uh people's livers will make a little extra cholesterol that's okay it's not an evil molecule and i went into this exclusively i put a video on my website called beyond cholesterol and it goes the issue isn't how high is your cholesterol the question is how healthy are your arteries and if you're not hurting them with your daily meals a slightly elevated cholesterol is not going to hurt you i know i'm covering a lot of stuff here but i wanted to you know drop as many pearls as i can here finally i want to talk to you about the paleo diet this guy says i tried to be a vegan once didn't work for me i eat some meat i feel better i'm a carnivore man give me the the uh give me that meat the paleo folks they avoid those carbs they make you fat now people adopt these paleo diets of meat and vegetables and and many of them initially do better they lose weight they their lipids get better their diabetes gets better and they say see paleo diet that's the way to eat well the paleo folks do do some things i agree with they say no caveman ever melted dairy cow they're down on dairy products no caveman ever poured olive oil on their salads and no dairy no caveman ever ground wheat into flour will you stop the dairy and the oil in the flower products you're going to trim down and the and the weight loss will make your lipids better and make your diabetes better but i tell the medical students do not be seduced by these early beneficial changes um i told you what a flesh-based diet really does let's get flesh eating into some perspective you folks who are doing the keto thing and the paleo thing most people in the west eat animal flesh three times a day there's a piece of animal muscle in the middle of every plate i just want to point out that not even lions eat flesh three times a day tigers in the rain forest official carnivores do not eat flesh three times a day they once a week if they can get it no advanced primate eats flesh at all let alone feeding its young animal flesh three times a day you give this guy a steak he'll step over it and go for the bananas we are not carnivorous apes no matter what the paleo folks try and tell us our saliva still has starch digesting enzymes we've got these big long intestines but the paleo folks point to our canine teeth and they say ah what about these got canine teeth that says we should be eating meat to which i say go into the bathroom stand in front of the mirror open your mouth and what are you going to see you're going to see your canine teeth are shorter than your central incisors and your you've got these flat grinding molar teeth and a rotary joint in your jaw that allows a chewing motion if you think that this this is a canine teeth that says you should eat flesh you want to see some canine teeth for that that are meant for tearing flesh if you're if your canines look like this go to the nearest butcher shop or get a big porterhouse walk outside rip off the paper wow at it you know or take a nice big fresh salmon or bass and put it into a blender and make a nice salmon smoothie and drink that down appetizing stop kidding ourselves so what are these what is this canine teeth for what is this mouth for what it's for is for to to eat the food that really got the paleolithic folks through the eons that we've been on this planet the reality is when they examined the fossilized feces of the paleo folks and see the massive amount of fiber they were eating the truth is that most of the the calories brought into the paleolithic camps were gathered by the women who spent all day foraging for starchy roots and tubers and gathering berries and edible grasses we were starchivores back then this mouth works just great for this kind of food and this is what the paleo folks really ate it's not like every caveman hit a mastodon in the freezer and spent all day eating mammoth meat we were starchivers then dr mcdougall brought and nathaniel domini to uh one of his advanced study weekends and made it very clear that starchivores are starch eaters who's telling us to eat flesh three times a day you know who makes up the dietary guidelines in this country the department of agriculture this makes up the makes up the guidelines what do you think they're going to tell you to eat meat and dairy with every meal the problems with the paleo diet i won't go into them but it's a constant acid load it's hard on the bones these folks are going to get themselves gout they're going to give themselves kidney failure i mentioned the carnitine spawns the plaque promoting bacteria and if someone asked me doc i want to cause a colon cancer how do i do that well pack a coal in full of meat three times a day let that rub on your colon wall for 20 years and see what that sets off and my fear for my for my paleo patients and friends and family members as these folks are setting themselves up for an epidemic of colon cancer heart attacks strokes autoimmune diseases from the leaky gut diabetes from all the fat inflam clones disease and colitis from the microbes that they are spawning in their gut and dementia from what they're doing to their arteries we are meant to run on plants the biggest strongest animals on the planet elephants and buffalos and giraffes run on plants all the magnificent mussel uh in this animal was made by the plants that that he ate people say well he's a bull how about humans if you need a little reassurance that a plant-based diet is adequate for wonderful athletic performance fire up your browser and type in three words vegan body builders and see who shows up on your screen here and any of these lovely people look protein deficient to you i will point out jim morris at age 61. here's jim morris at age 71. last year i was 71 i looked just like this it's automatic but if you need more reassurance i get on netflix and see a film called game changers it will change your whole appearance the whole idea that vegetarians are scrawny weak uh inadequate folks you'll see these magnificent athletes doing these spectacular feats on plant-based foods so yet people say listen what about this guy try to be a vegan didn't work eat some meat and feels better i had meat cravings for years when i first became vegan what's behind that here's what i think is happening where does it all begin my belief is here's the physiology it but like so much else it begins in the earliest months of our life it ate six months of age the baby is still nursing at the breast and with all the love in the parents hearts your mother didn't know my mother didn't know they just wanted the best for us and to give us the most nutrition-rich foods with all the love in their heart at age six months of age that jar of baby lamb and baby veal and baby beef and baby chicken is opened and from that point on three times a day animal flesh is slathered on that infant's intestinal tract by age all through infancy by age two and three they're eating their happy meals and they're off to a flesh-based diet throughout their adolescence their their puberty their teen years their 20s their 30s you eat animal flesh three times a day for 30 years what is what's going to happen your muscle cells that make carnitine creatine myoglobin they're perfectly able to synthesize that but if those molecules are coming in pre-formed in the food three times a day what do you think that baby's genes are going to do they're going to down regulate they don't you have to make your own it's coming in free form it's constantly in the bloodstream and that's going to give you a physical dependency on on these pre-formed muscle-based nutrients then at age 30 you see forks over knives or you read john robin's book and go to dr mcdougall's lecture ooh plant-based wonderful but all those pre-formed muscle nutrients go on now you got to make your own right now most folks can gear up their enzymes to create this but a significant amount of people i think it may take them six months 12 months 18 months uh to to gear up to run totally on plants and during that time they may draw down on their nutrients their muscle based nutrients and they don't feel so good and then they eat some meat and and all that carnitine and creatine myoglobin flushes through their cells and whoa i feel great i'm a vegan schmegen man i'm a carnivore but what have we seen this is not normal human physiology this is an acquired dependency produced by feeding a human infant animal flesh three times a day since infancy this is we've created this dependency and we call that normal physiology it's not i've delivered hundreds 400 babies and 30 of them were to vegan parents and i watched them grow up in these lovely strong healthy vegan people they don't have meat cravings their mouths don't water when they walk past a barbecue they are different physiologic creatures they do not have this meat dependency and some folks it may take a while to gear up their enzymes change their liver physiology change their intestinal microbes and some folks may require a longer times six months a year two years it's okay and these folks may have to gradually phase in they may need to eat a little bit of animal flesh once a week and then and increase the the interval between it and may take them six months a year fine with me i i'd much rather people eat flesh once a week than three times a day it makes all the difference in the world we've got to change from a animal-based diet that we're currently eating to a plant-based diet if you want a little help with that go to my website drclab.com i've got a video how to thrive on a plant-based diet deals with folks that are overweight underweight strategies for restaurants before i go out to eat i eat i don't want to walk in their famish and polish off two baskets of bread before the waiter gets there but seriously you're there to be there with your friends you have you don't know anybody any apologies any explanations it's nobody's business what you order for lunch you're a grown man you're a grown woman order what you do the best you can in the italian restaurant order the salad and the minestrone soup and the side dishes and and get the hell out of there before the dessert tray comes they said do the best you can and um on the road travel with healthy food i've got a friend who travels with a plate and a knife says doc i can always go in the safeway and get a get a cantaloupe cut it up meat gets uh becomes unappetizing after a while smells like burning flesh which is what it is what about the my husband won't go for this my kids will doesn't it's not about them it's about you did i know health be true as shakespeare should have said uh it's it's ultimately about you and the example you set taste change takes a few months just make sure the food tastes interesting and finally if you need some motivation to stay on the wagon we need to consider the most important patients of all and that's the planet that we're living on and the kids who are going to inherit us it's not just about us it's not just about you and your cholesterol level what bothers me most of all about the paleo pushers is that they're saying oh everybody on a beaten paleo it's the best diet everybody really are they seriously talking about a flesh-based meal three times a day for eight billion people on this planet are they serious they what an arrogant elitist approach to nutrition the reality is that the industrial production of animal flesh is driving every single one of the environmental destructive forces we face deforestation soil erosion water depletion water pollution pesticide use greenhouse gases every single one of them that's why they're cutting down the forest to make grazing land and crop land for beef the soil is eroding off the croplands of illinois and kansas and minnesota off corn and soybean fields growing animal fodder most of the water in this state in california go to irrigate alfalfa corn and soybeans for beef cattle um most of the water is polluted with pesticides and herbicides off those fields and manure from the uh from the feed lots most species are being driven to extinction because we're taking their land to grow animal fodder and the majority of greenhouse gases in this country on this planet every year human beings raise and slaughter 80 billion living creatures who love their lives as much as we do to satisfy our taste for animal flesh every single one of those cows pigs chickens sheep they are all breathing out carbon dioxide they're belching out methane they're eating grains that have been raised with ammonia fertilizers putting nitrous oxide into the air but what about all the trucks on the road what's in the trucks the entire agriculture industry is in those trucks the entire restaurant industries in those trucks the fast food industries in those trucks the gasoline is being burned to produce animal flesh think of all the fossil fuels being burned to run irrigation pumps to grow the fodder think of all the fossil fuels being burned to generate electricity to keep millions of refrigerators and freezers going to keep meat cold you don't have to refrigerate barley it's a false dichotomy well there's the fossil fuels and the transportation and the m it's this media production has its tentacles into everything that we are doing it is driving every single environmental destruction that we face and for the taste of animal flesh and it's just about because we like that taste of flesh in our mouths that's why these bears are on this melting iceberg we are strip mining the oceans we're clear-cutting the oceans we've it's time to realize we have used fishing up we've used it up it's time to let the oceans heal it's time to let the fish off the hook if you want to learn more about it read john robin's book died from america read robert goodland's report on livestock long shadow but what the best book going go to the website of dr richard oppenlander and and it's it's called comfortably unaware which is right where the meat and dairy industry want you and read his book see his videos it will make it very clear if we adopt a plant-based diet because that's what's being asked of us as individuals if we want to be healthy we need to run a plant-based diet through our body and as a species if we want to survive we're being asked evolve your diet to a plant-based diet if we do healing will happen we'll need so much less land to feed 8 billion people the forest will come back the soils will stabilize the rivers will run clean the oceans will heal the global warming will will decrease as the trees from the new forest absorb the carbon dioxide world hunger should disappear and the wars and suffering construction cease so the invitation is to let the river of life flow through your body and let the healing happen it's uh might be a bit of a hokey analogy but the water in this river of life is the water in the fruits and vegetables let that wash through your cells meal after meal after meal and healing will happen day after day month after month year after year healing will happen and a newer healthy body will emerge as the nike commercials say just do it you build a brick wall brick by brick by brick by brick you build a leaner healthier body healthy meal by healthy meal by healthy meal by healthy meal so i've been going around to the medical schools and i've been giving this message to the students the power of food to heal themselves and their patients and this planet they need to know that someone needs to tell them this i shouldn't have to be doing this but there's nothing else to do at this point in my career if i want to sleep at night i can't let those students not hear this message of the power of their patients diet they say once you look behind the curtain can't pretend you don't know what's behind the curtain my job for these students is to rip that curtain down and push past this etiology unknown nonsense it's the food it's the food it's the food so if you want to learn more about what we're doing here go to my website dr clapper.com and click on moving medicine forward if you've got someone a medical student or someone on the faculty of a medical school you'd like me to come and visit click on the box on my website and give us their information we'll contact them and set up a visit or an electronic visit uh and if you'd like to help us out with a contribution it's a tax deductible donation um so a lot of information i know i talked fast it's on my horse galloping but uh the hours going by very quickly here but hopefully you got the message here and then hopefully you've gotten some practical information how to create a lean body how to stop kidding yourself about your diet if you've on a plant-based diet but you're struggling with your weight now you see it's the fat and sugar that you want to avoid keep your belly full of those whole plant foods and healing magic will happen and that will let you go out and and live a long healthy happy life and stay out of the clutches of people like me so with that i wish you that long healthy happy life and thank you very much for your attention
Channel: Northwest VEG
Views: 107,132
Rating: 4.8718219 out of 5
Keywords: Dr Klaper, Michael Klaper, NW VEG, diet, healing, healthy eating, vegan
Id: JRlUTtdrJIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 5sec (4805 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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