Restore True Health with Dr. Michael Klaper

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I love being here I love seeing you guys this is such a good time for all of us but I want to introduce somebody you know I I tagged people as plant-based heroes because to me you know my story's a story there's a million great stories there's nothing really special about me there never has been and I get to see and meet so many people who I sit there and go wow that was a great story you know that it's just amazing well today you get to meet one of my personal plant-based heroes and I'd like to introduce my dear friend my plant-based hero Joyce ale come on up here please ladies and gentleman Joyce Hill thank you Paul and thank you plant-based nutrition support group there's actually a woman here in the audience of this kind of responsible for making this happen she found me a year ago and kind of made it her mission that I came here and shared my story so thank you Lisa thank you Paul and thank you plant based nutrition support group in order to share my story of recovery it's important for me to explain my journey of illness and that is that I was not sick for a year I was not sick for ten years I was sick of my entire life and I mean that literally from the day I was born with a hundred and three fever and measles now normally when someone's doing their success story they're going to insert a photograph from that time in their life and unfortunately there aren't any photographs of me in the hospital there any photographs of me as an infant or any photos of me until I was about 2 or 3 years old now today if someone had a sick child that would be a Facebook page it would be a GoFundMe page but it was a little bit different because I'm turning 50 this year so that those things didn't exist and people kept that on the down low and what my parents did is they spent a lot of time looking for a cause or possibly even a label that made sense why I was born so sick so the first thing that came to mind was potentially trauma my parents had been in a car accident me when my mother was 8 months pregnant and although she was wearing her seatbelt she did go into the windshield they did not find my heartbeat or hers for quite a long time so the fact that she was able to finish carrying me to term they found that as a miracle but they were still concerned at how sick I was and the fact that it was no longer trauma because as time went on I continued to be sick so I received the label sickly child was something they used back then it's an easy label and they questioned if I liked school my parents knew that that was not the case I loved school I had good grades I loved my teachers and over time I didn't grow out of it so as a teen I was still sick so now is that just growing pains or is there something more going on with this child and then unfortunately as I went off to college I was still sick in fact I was progressing and it was becoming very confusing and I'm sure frustrating to my parents but none of the doctors could figure out why I was continually sick and when my friends would get sick I had something that would linger and I would end up in the hospital so in comes tests and specialists try and figure out what is happening and unfortunately doctor after doctor no one's able to figure out why is this woman so ill and unfortunately this is about the time that I start hearing perhaps it's all in your head and I know that there are patients out there that have heard this as they have been on their diagnosis discovery tour and a doctor can't figure things out they get frustrated and that's an easy go to at least it was back then it definitely wasn't all in my head but the diagnosis was very elusive to them and finding that diagnosis we couldn't be important cuz we need to just really understand and to prove that it wasn't all in my head years ago there was a TV show house I fell in love with this show not just for the drama of it but here was week after week patient after patient that seemed so familiar to me but doctors were throwing away doctors couldn't figure out what was going on and this gave me hope because here was a team of people that were willing to put the hard work in and even though they made some missteps along the way they made it their mission to figure out what was wrong with this person and get them their lives back now there was an underlying theme in the show that I found kind of humorous which was that whenever a team member said perhaps it's lupus dr. House's response was it's not lupus it's never lupus there was only one episode in which it was and for me that is exactly what the diagnosis was I had lupus and I didn't know what to do with that diagnosis I had never heard of it before so my big mission at that point was okay what do I do internet wasn't around so I could go home and google it which probably would not have been a good idea from what I found out since but I did a lot of reading I asked a lot of questions and all the people around me were asking questions about what is this lupus and how do we make sense of it and what do you do so the easiest thing for me was to find a way that I could identify with the disease and explain it to the people around me that were concerned and on the left side of the screen is what I was told a normal immune response was that when the body is encountering some sort of bacterial infection a viral infection the body knows to send antibodies to attack that foreign invader I however was on the right side of the screen and that was when the antibodies were sent out it may or may not get to the bacterial infection it may or may not get to a viral infection but it was going to attack its own tissue it couldn't differentiate one from the other and doctor explained to me that I could potentially have a sunburn on my hand but my kidneys could be attacked by my own body so it didn't even have to be in close proximity like in this illustration in fact they explained that it was systemic and it's a chronic disease that any organ could be attacked any system within the body could be attacked and in fact from flare to flare it could be a variety of these in fact combinations and I've had every single system in every organ attacked and some of my flares were weird combinations and in hindsight that is probably why it is so difficult for the doctors because every time I presented I presented with different symptoms that didn't match the last time I had gone in there complained about what was wrong with me the hardest thing to hear was that there is not a cure or a dedicated treatment plan so what the doctors do when you go in with the symptoms they find medications for another condition that has similar symptoms and they prescribe that medication for you and when you go in the next time with a new set of symptoms you could potentially still be on that same drug and now they gave you another one and another one each time you go to where you eventually have a cocktail of medications I have friends that have been on 20 different types of medications at a time I too had a long list of medications if any of you who have watched the ads on TV there is also what happens on the right side of the screen which is all the side effects that come from those medications so quite honestly some of the times when I went in I might have been complaining about something that was happening from my lupus sometimes I could have been complaining about what was happening with this cocktail of medications going on inside of me and all of the side effects I was having and pharmacist had said that it's really hard for them when their person when they're filling these prescriptions because you don't know what interactions are happening especially when you're putting it in a body that can't differentiate good from bad can't metabolize all this and all these chemicals are swirling around inside that sick body but wait there's hope something really cool happened in March of 2011 there was the first drug in 50 years that was approved for lupus now it says here that it was developed for lupus but it was it kind of like the previous slide was actually being tested for another condition and they felt that it did well enough for lupus patients there were a lot of medications in the pipeline for lupus that were being studied at the time and to get the bragging rights to be the first one in 50 years this company went for it now internally their educational material was a little bit different than the cute marketing slide that they had there the most important thing on here is that they had two large trials and what they found is there was a reduction in the disease activity that was a 14 percent versus 9% with a placebo there's a 5 percent difference from the placebo and it's only 14 percent and that is what they went to market claiming huge bragging rights to be the first drug in 50 years for a 14% reduction of a disease activity now the howevers are really great on here because they do say that the magnitude of the benefit is modest I personally think 14% is a little bit lower than modest I'm gonna go with mild at best but it went to market it's also not indicated for the most severe cases and those are the ones with kidney involvement and central nervous system involvement those are the patients that are having the most debilitating form of the disease and those are the patients that need the most care and this is not designed for them and it's costly costly as an understatement costly is 10 to 12 thousand dollars billed per dose this is a monthly infusion and the kick off period for a new patient on it is every other week for the first three dosages at ten to twelve thousand dollars per dose and here I am receiving my first dose and yes I did say that I had every since every system in every organ attacked I was a patient that had kidney involvement and I had two central nervous system involvement and yet I still was put on this medication even though it wasn't designed for me I had rejected every medication before that ended up in hospital because of medications that they gave and me my doctors realized there was no more hope for me unless they try this knowing full well that I should have been excluded from this so then the question I get asked how desperate can you be to know that you're excluded from that drug and you took it anyway I had skin lesions literally the whole side of my face that would take two to three hours a day to cleanse and medicate I was quarantined because that would be a whole day of open raw wounds and I couldn't be around anybody risking it further infection my hair fell out I had heart in pulmonary but in the cardiac wing numerous times admitted but I've never had a cardiac episode my lungs had been attacked to the point where one time I was in the infectious disease ward with two types of pneumonia whooping cough and see that is how bad my lungs had been attacked McKinney's my eyes I was a photo major I had a scholarship for my photography and I could no longer focus a camera or even hold it on some days my blood vessels my central nervous system like I said and that was daily multiple seizures and neuropathy that made me grab onto a wall when I tried to walk down a hallway at cartilage loss and I had bone deterioration to the point where the left side of my jaw completely disintegrated and needed to be rebuilt now this is better picture to look at cuz the other ones a little ugly but basically what happened is the condyle completely disintegrated and I was told that it looked like a melted ice cream cone in an order for them to give me any function back and allowed me to open my mouth because it was suddenly locked almost closed they had to take a rib bone and a titanium plate and build a whole new left side of my face it was a nine-hour surgery but the hardest part was the six months of physical therapy afterwards to learn how to speak again and how to eat solid food is this whole side of my face is dead so what's really great about the body is it wants to heal and it wants to be able to figure out how to function so in physical therapy I learned that the muscles in my temple the back of my neck and the right side of my face the good side could all overcompensate and work together as a team and make it look and sound normal to you even though it's like dead weight on my face but at least I can function and that's all that was really important at the end of the day but in going through that process and preparing for that surgery I had a lot of frustration and that led me to the path of advocacy because the old saying is don't get mad get even but getting even would have meant that I was turning on my body that was already betraying me so I had to not get me out of it get motivated and I needed to get involved so one month before my surgery I was invited to walk for the Lupus Foundation and one of their annual walks and I know you've all seen the fund raisers for every type of organization out there so that was me one month before my surgery that was me two years later yes that is my ugly cry because that was the year that I became the highest fundraiser in the state of Ohio for the Lupus Foundation I literally became their poster child on a billboard going out of downtown Cleveland don't make fun of Cleveland there's someone already here that's done it and then I became their state advocate I went to Washington DC three times speaking with members of Congress and I also went to our State Capitol to talk about insurance reform and the main objective was not only advocating for myself but advocating for other patients that didn't have the voice and couldn't make it to go speak on their own behalf so through all these photographs I look like I'm perfectly fine but there is a battle waging inside of me that is slowly deteriorating every part of my body and is slowly killing me and quite honestly history is repeating itself because as I sat down for lunch one day I suddenly could not open my mouth the pain was excruciating it was on the right side of my face it was the good side so I go back to the doctor and ask the doctor now what do I do I'm very much concerned about what's going on because I said this is exactly what happened on the left side and they ran the test and they came back and said you're absolutely right it is exactly what happened last time and although we don't need to do surgery right now you probably have about a year maybe a little bit more but you will need surgery on the right side and I ask them when you cut through the right side the side that is helping the left side work what is going to happen after I have that surgery and they said they didn't have anything good to tell me and that quite honestly I probably would never eat solid food again how they would not speak properly if at all but since I had done so well with physical therapy for and I had been so compliant with the process that I probably would have a good response or at least the best that they could do but they couldn't really tell me that there would be much function if any I said well I'm terrified of this surgery so I need you to explain to me what do I do because I don't want this and their response was that it was my job to keep my lupus under control I was 42 years old or I was about to turn 42 and I realized every doctor I'd ever been to could not tell me how to keep my lupus under control they have this team of wonderful surgeons that had helped me years earlier tell me that that's exactly what I have to do and I asked them how does one keep it under control tell me that secret they said we don't have anything good to tell you we know this is what you have to do but none of us know how to do that and we're really sorry and they walked out of the room as I sat there and began to cry knowing full well what was about to happen in my future so now what do I do well I have to accept what they've told me or as anyone with a chronic illness has heard you embrace the new normal you accept where you are and where you are heading in that disease progression and you have to let go of all the things that hurt about that and just go on with your life and in order to do that my daily cycle and some of the people in this room have probably been here which is you wake up you pretend that you're okay and then you go back to sleep and when you go to bed at night that's the first time you get to take off that game face and you feel comfortable and you can be yourself because the next day you've got to do that all over again I had to keep my job I had to keep my health insurance that is a very expensive surgery and I needed to make sure that I could be taken care of when that happened because I'm not married my parents are gone so I needed to be able to pay for that surgery when it happened and I also needed to focus on something really cool that was going on my life or something important that was happening and that's this really wonderful man in my life his name is Scott Healy and it was easier to focus on what he was about to have happen and that was that he was about to have his 50th birthday to me I'm focusing on we got a cool milestone take my mind off of what's going on I'm focusing on milestone birthday celebration he's focused on his mortality he's focused on a family history of heart disease and high cholesterol he's realizing he might be at the point in his life where he needs to be focusing on so and diet could he deal with his family history by changing his diet so he took his parents to a day-long lecture with dr. Esselstyn at Cleveland Clinic fortunately that's right in our area and it came home and tells me about this doctor I had never heard anything like this before this was news to me that it's anyone could do this with disease but he would not step up shut up about this doc so I jokingly tell him you must have a bromance with this guy I'll know what it is with this guy but at some point you need to calm down about this doctor I question if he's having a midlife crisis and he is turning 50 so he very well could be having a midlife crisis in the back of my mind I am wondering where does one buy a vegan cake I know nothing about this and I need to make sure that this man has a really great birthday quite honestly it's a heck of lot more fun to be dealing with that than what I had going on inside of me back in lupus lab because what was happening and what I wasn't telling him was my neuropathy was worsening which meant my lupus was worsening and I know that I am supposed to be keeping my lupus under control and that's obviously not happening so I go back to the doctor and I plead with her and I tell her I would do anything to stop this progression because I don't want that surgery and I'm supposed to keep my lupus under control so like any good doctor would do she gives me another medication and it backfired it made my seizures worse so now my neuropathy is worse and now my seizures are worse but I'm supposed to be keeping my lupus under control and I'm obviously failing miserably at this now co-workers showed some concern because I was four days before my next infusion and she said you know if you go into your infusion this week you will be hospitalized like you have been in the past what are you going to do I said well Scott's been doing all this diet stuff I'm not there I'm not buying it but I've read all these really cool articles and all these magazines about superfoods so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bring some superfoods into my diet and I'm gonna see what that does for me so I did smoothies I did juices I was reading all the stuff I was pounding all the electrolytes going into that and then for days I felt the strongest I ever had felt going into an infusion I thought well that's really weird that was four days of smoothies and juices and I feel this good really confused now because what if Scott's right and it wasn't ready to admit that he was right so there were two nurses that would come and sit with me and they would come sit separately and talk to me through my infusion keep me company and I asked them well what do you think about this whole food plant-based diets it's doing should I be considering this and both of them separately told me choice you're doing great this is the best we've ever seen you completely forgetting that my neuropathy and my seizures are hideous and I am progressing both of them separately also used the term Joyce you're winning how am i winning I am sitting here in a hospital with an IV on my arm killing off parts of my blood cells killing off my immune system and this is winning I've been trained to embrace the new normal but I'm having a hard time to embrace up a new definition of winning is killing off parts of me as time goes on and I continue to get worse so I decided that I needed to ask for some sort of sign and the universe exploded on me when I asked for that sign that day on dr. oz was Neil Barnard talking about how to stop and reverse or how to stop in its tracks Alzheimer's and it was diet the next day and the following day PBS all day programming I'm sure some of you guys have seen this where it's doctor after doctor talking about every type of disease out there that are all being reversed with diet I thought oh my god Scott's not home thank God he's not doing the happy dance in the I told you so dance in front of me I don't think I could handle it so he doesn't know I've seen any of this and he comes home and says a friend of mine sent me a DVD about how his father beat end-stage cancer they want us to watch it now neither one of us had an issue with cancer no concern with that but I found this intriguing that on this particular weekend the universe is apparently shaking me up and wants me to see a lot of this and in that video once again it was not just about cancer but much like the PBS day long programming doctor after doctor all over the world helping their patients simply with a whole food plant-based diet or variations of it and I thought you know a year earlier I put on a medical leave and I had heard that I was supposed to listen when life whispers listen closely don't wait until a ton of bricks is dropped on your head so I had to pay attention to what the universe just told me that weekend and that was food as fuel in fact it could be the most effective field just like putting a hot high-octane gasoline in your tank and I heard that it can also be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or can be the slowest form of poison and quite honestly I could have been poisoning myself for all these years I also heard don't be so frustrated that your doctor doesn't know it doesn't have this background this is not what she studied she's had very minimal nutritional education and then I was reminded in that video that at the end of the day the medical industry is a business and there is money to be made especially on repeat customers just like me who'd been a damn good repeat customer for 42 years of my life so what dawned on me is if it's meant to be it's really up to me but I can't hold these other people responsible and I can't play victim I need to take action and quite honestly what's the worst thing that could happen if I did this diet that Scott had talked about for four months at this point I was gonna eat a little bit more broccoli I was gonna hear and understand this whole quinoa thing a little bit better that I'd read about when I was researching all the superfoods and I was gonna commit to 30 days I had said I would do anything I was a hypocrite if I didn't try this 30 days was enough of a commitment and when and if it failed I could go back said I tried anything and learn how to cope with another failure instead what really happened was within a few days my co-workers were asking me what was going on what was different and I said I'm doing that diet Scott said that I should try their response was the one you said you would never do and I said yes that is exactly what I'm doing and they asked me to never ever stop they'd never see me so vibrant within a few weeks I was reducing my meds and wasn't doing major step downs but I was doing enough that I could continue to drive my car because right at that time I was being told I was going on disability I was told I would not be able to drive my car anymore so I wanted to get my medication down just enough so I was safe enough to be driving that car and within one month I was ready for my next infusion as a strongest I'd ever been in fact I was stronger than on my super food experiment and then there was a step back the difference is this time there wasn't a flare it felt different to me what had happened I basically got knocked off my feet by this in a fusion and I realized that something had changed I was no longer on the right side of the screen I was moving to the left side I had built in those 30 days normal cells normal antibodies for the first time in my life and how did I repay that I stuck a IV in my arm and I killed off those cells so I decided on that day that this is not something I was interested in doing anymore that I could not handle one more infusion in fact I took myself off of them after that point and I started taking myself off of different medications and had some discussions about this with my doctor she was not happy I was now a non-compliant patient that was taking myself off of my meds and I realized she doesn't have the background and what I'm doing with this nutrition so I can't be mad at her because she's not an expert in this so I needed to find the experts so hey VegFest was in my neighborhood so I went to that figured I would learn a little bit there and I wanted to see firsthand a man that my boyfriend was obsessed with dr. Esselstyn was speaking that day and I wanted to see him in person and not on video this time something unique happened when he listed off all of the diseases that a whole food plant-based diet could have helped the last one he said was lupus once again the universe was giving me a sign I was meant to be there as meant to hear him I was meant to meet him and have the chance to thank him for the work that he is doing and ultimately for what saved my life and this really neat woman was sitting next to him and introduced herself to me that was Jane Esselstyn I had never met her I didn't really know much about her and she really took my breath away and invited me to an event she was a one-day conference she was hosting in two months from them she said I think you're gonna be really interested to know you're not alone in this you're the only person in your life that you know who does this there's a whole community out there of people just like you doing this and saving their lives and I think you could learn a lot and I learned that that not only is our community but there are a whole food plant-based offense all over the place two days after her event I found myself at plant-based CLE which is a local group a little bit smaller than yours and while I was there I learned the engine to seven-day rescue diet the book hadn't been out there was not a facebook earth this was not a world support group that they now have this was localized a little test groups that they were doing and you had to pay for it back then and I did and I learned a lot how to structure in fine tune what I've been doing on my own just guessing game for three three and a half years up to that point and then I went to a two forks conference was just engine two and forks over knives doing a collaboration conference for a weekend then go in there I meant the engine to team fact I got to work with the team and then a few months later I got to start working with Jane's team and I now work at her conferences and in doing so there's a few things that happen as I continue my experiment dr. Ellison actually helped me escalate and take my diet to a higher level that I couldn't do on my own they actually suggested that I get out of the way of my own goals because I wasn't really good about sugar I wasn't really great about the oil and he said you know what this is really gonna make a difference if you tweak that and remove those things from your diet I didn't understand the importance of that until I did rip Rip's engine to seven-day rescue then I had to do all the things that dr. Esselstyn instead and in doing so I finally broke through a barrier that I had never been able to reach which was miss a day of meds in the past if I missed a day of meds I probably couldn't walk for a couple days after I would have a major relapse a major flare-up but on that rescue diet I missed one day of meds and it didn't throw me into a tailspin so I did that for a few weeks missing one day then eventually it was two days not consecutive but I spaced it out and I body was handling this and I worked up to three days a week I also lied about a lot of like-minded individuals kind of like what you guys do with your groups here and I found that there were a lot more research or there was a lot more research I didn't know about resources and it really helped me escalate my educational process as well as my recovery and eventually allowed me to start working with patients that helped me realize I don't need to cure my disease if I can get a higher quality of life and help other people do the same thing so it's important for me to acknowledge who my enablers are that's Jane and rep are huge enablers Adams Sud if you haven't heard about him look him up incredibly a powerful story of how he recovered his life but he encouraged me to start sharing my story when he heard what I was doing and how long I had far along I had come in my recovery and of course there's dr. Esselstyn and what I love about this is this is from last year when he came to my place of work and started educate my colleagues on how to prevent heart disease because this is what they wanted then they also needed to learn how to cook without oil so Jane came to my place of work but the most important enabler is Scott Scott not only helped me save my life but all the things I missed in my 20s and 30s when I was sick he now brings them to my life he taught me not just to survive but how to start thriving in my 40s and as I enter into my 50s so these are my reminders to take control and hopefully a few takeaways I can give you today our doctors don't live in our bodies they don't understand the pain the struggles that we go through every single day when there's a chronic illness they have a job to do they can give you medications but they don't fully understand what is happening and when you're trying to fight back and the pharmaceutical companies they are a business and they are supposed to make money and at the end of the day the medications that they had they did buy me time to find this path but they never got me better they never got me a stronger my disease was progressing I was getting work worse it wasn't until a whole food plant day's plant-based diet came into my life that I actually found strength that actually found recovery something a medication was never going to do for me and ultimately this is my body and I have the right to take control of it and when the doctors are giving me backlash about what I am doing I am the one that has to get up every day and fight for my life not them and most importantly I can celebrate that I am another day vegan and I am NOT dying of a nutritional deficiency let alone a protein deficiency which is what I told was good but what I was told was going to happen and as we all know there's no such thing and there's not a ward for protein deficiency and more importantly last year March of 2018 I reached my goal to be 100% medication free and this is how one of your members found me when my story was run on forks over knives since then I have been able to start working out for the first time in decades I won a rowing competition in November I never wrote a day in my life and this past weekend I was participating in my first indoor triathlon and I took fourth place so so it's it's true and you guys know it and you know the beauty of this diet and the life that one finds in it so ultimately it all just really goes back to the basics and we all know this and hopefully we are sharing it with the people that we love much like my boyfriend did with me he said he wanted to live a long healthy future with me have years ahead of us I plan to live to a hundred with him he's a little bit older than me I'm turning 50 this year but in all honesty we've really allowed our food to be our medicine and I'm hoping that if you're not doing that and you came here today with the idea to explore this and see what maybe one of your friends is doing and they drug you along with them I hope you heard this and that you could take some of these away and there's a little bit of hope for you and at the end of the day I hope you can all rejoice thank you good evening Joel kaan privilege and pleasure to introduce my friend dr. Michael clapper I'm seeing a theme when I look at biographies I can't see any of you that if you're a plant-based doctor you've had about 18 careers because it takes a while till you find what you actually like and where to settle in so dr. Klapper graduated medical school a few years ago University of Illinois did training in Vancouver which means he's a nice guy the Canadians made him pleasant you'll see that in a minute trained in surgery and a Susie ology orthopedics moved to San Francisco and then ultimately became the director of an institute in nutrition teaching plant-based nutrition and to just keep so nice as you'll see he end up moving to New Zealand for a number of years where they're just so nice and they're getting very plant-based now and then for the past that I want to say exactly I think it's six seven years he's been at true north a facility just north of San Francisco very close dr. MacDougall's facility featured and made famous in the movie what the health and hopefully we'll see other people who've rotated through true north we have in fact chef AJ is one but dr. Klapper now is educating the world with YouTube with Instagram with Twitter with lectures we're very very lucky to have him he has the great comment it's the food I hope we hear that over and over cuz that's the truth so big big big Michigan welcome please to Michel clapper MD [Applause] well Thank You Joel for that lovely introduction thank all of you for coming thank PP NSG for the wonderful work you're doing and for the example that you're setting about how transformation really happens and yes it starts with information but then the key word of supports it's everybody helping everybody and letting you know you're not crazy and that it's a wise and visionary journey that you're on to to get yourself healthier and you're the ones that are doing it and you inspire me for all the wonderful success stories that I've heard here and for the template that PB nfg really gives all of us and so it's me who's thanking you for the opportunity to be here and for all I learn every time I come here I was going to do a little exercise to get you standing up and moving but you already did that so we can so we can move on this evening I want to make this a practical talk it's going to go about 90 minutes it's all packed with practical information that I hope as some of these slides go by you say oh is that how that word I never did understand that I got it okay if you get even one of those from the talk tonight mission accomplished here so this little information dense but hopefully some of the topics that I'm going to be talking about will speak to you I'm going to be talking about how obesity and weight loss really happens from the plant-based point of view and how you can help it along and I've got people coming up and I've been vegan for five years and I'm still carrying this weight what is going on why aren't I lean like my rest of my vegan friends when you're talking about vegans were having problems losing weight you're gonna talk a bit about carbohydrates and how we can get a better understanding of what they are and where they fit in our diet I'm gonna walk up one side and down the other of the Paleo thing and give you my viewings and how you should approach this topic and then topics to deal with temptation what happens when you walk past that bakery and that lovely aroma loss up your nose how do you actually deal with that and finally some larger considerations for folks who are new to this subject I've been a primary care physician for 47 years and during this base of my medical career in these 47 years I have seen a tsunami of obesity sweep through our population it's really stunning and we have become a fast food nation and it certainly shows the majority of folks in our country not folks in this audience I suspect but most folks start the day off of something fatty bacon eggs egg McMuffin etc and the rest of the meals are burgers and buffalo wings and pizzas and each one of these meals sends a wave of fat through the bloodstream the fat actually the blood turns fatty for five hours after eating one of these kind of meals and even if you take the skin off the chicken and eat wild-caught salmon this is a high-fat diet and you turn your blood fatty for five hours after breakfast and five hours after lunch and five hours after dinner and five hours after you polish off that haagen-dazs on the way back to the bedroom and most Americans are keeping their blood fatty all day keep your blood fatty for 30 years 40 years 50 years you can't be shocked when all sorts of problems start showing up in your blood stream now what I and everyone in PB NSG is advocating is a whole food plant-based diet and nothing this exotic for those of you who have never really what are they talking about a whole food plant-based like one word Oh who blend those well what are they talking about we're talking about real live official foods that grow out of the ground breakfast is oatmeal with some fruit on it some rice milk or hemp milk from one of these plant Noakes lunches and dinners I have big colorful salads hearty vegetable soups big plates of steamed green yellow vegetables a leguminous feature usually a lentil stew bean chili tofu stir-fry there's quinoa and zucchini boats this is not a diet of deprivation and and colorful fruits for desserts papayas and mangoes etc and you can season it up any way you'd like we'll talk about different international cuisines why is this helpful for us because we are plant eating creatures we have essentially the same digestive system that our gorillas and bonobo cousins have and they are up in the trees tonight eating leaves and fruits and basically that's what we should be eating as well for people who are concerned that they're not going to get enough protein on a plant-based diet I will point out that the biggest strongest most powerful animals on planet Earth elephants Buffalo's giraffes gorillas grow to thousands of pounds of mammalian muscle without ever eating cheeseburgers or pepperoni pizzas all the Magnificent muscles on these creatures have been created from the amino acids that grow out of the wild grains and grasses and legumes that these animals actually eat now the bodybuilders may say well those are their gorillas and buffalos I need my approaching the anchors I'm a I'm a bodybuilding guy if you are that ilk I invite you to increase your confidence by firing up your web browser and type in three words in the search engine plant-based athletes and then hit images and see who shows up on your screen do any of these ladies and gentlemen look protein deficient to you I know most these folks they're lovely people I will point out Jim Morris here at age 61 and here is Jim Morrison age 71 I'm 71 I look just like this this is the power of plants really the nutrition is in the plant foods that is hours of sweat in the gym to create a body that looks like this but he have no concern plant-based diets were great for elephants Buffalo's giraffes and human beings as well they've got to be whole plant foods you can't do this on granola bars and energy drinks we're talking about real live foods that grow out of the ground now when it comes to losing weight most people get lean automatically here's why and here's why you don't need to count calories you don't need to count carbs you don't need to count anything you just need to enjoy the food it's not about losing weight it's about eating healthy high-fiber foods and you can't hold weight on this food it's it's all fiber and water basically you know what you're filling your belly up lots of vitamins and minerals and protein but the vast bulk of what is sitting in your stomach after eating a meal like this is mostly fiber and water and it doesn't stick to you you pass it out in big bulky bowel movements and frequent trips to to empty your bladder but this is lean clean food that doesn't stick to you and that's why most plant eaters are lean assuming they're eating whole plant foods this is Emily she's a good friend of mine and she's a good example of what a whole food plant-based diet will do for you here she is in her previous incarnation eating lots of flour and dairy and oils and meat she adopted a whole food plant-based diet 11 months later body turned into this body and for type 2 diabetes that was making her take 60 units of insulin a day disappeared so if you're trying to lose weight your body is never not looking okay you can't tell you about it look over here cheeseburger they're you know like what happened you know I didn't do anything welcome to camp stop kidding yourself you wanted to give yourself a nice lean body keep your belly full of high water content whole plant foods and let the calendar do its magic you wind up nice and lean on this kind of food so this is square one of creating a lean body for yourself when you do this as you just heard when we switch to a plant-based fuel the changes are nothing short of spectacular I worked at True North health center for eight years it's about an hour north of San Francisco and people would come in with the standard diseases obesity and clogged arteries leading to high blood pressure diabetes elevated lipids fo Scotty plaques and a whole bunch of inflammatory diseases affecting lungs and colons and skins and joints and you get people and a whole food plant-based diet and it's stunning the the changes that happen within days of adopting the kind of diet I mentioned and this is what we serve people at TrueNorth fruit and oatmeal for breakfast and soups and salads and steamed veggies for lunches and dinners it's just remarkable process to see the beastie starts to melt away within days the arteries open up the high blood pressure goes down the joint stop hurting the psoriasis skin clears up the colitis settles down the asthmatic lungs we've left the migraine headaches go away and they turn into normal healthy people and it's a remarkable transformation I'm I'm the happiest doctor I know because my patients get healthy right in front of my eyes and it's it's the best elk amigo and it sure beats turning lead into gold man to turn a person like this and like this into this man that's the kind of alchemy I want to do for my entire medical career now these are the most common diseases that American doctors face I lecture at the medical school these days I'll be telling you about that I was yeah at Beaumont Medical School at Oakland University today and I was telling young students listen you're learning about all these weird and wonderful diseases smallpox and typhoid and sousou goo Moochie fever that ain't what you're gonna be seeing you know when you open the door in the waiting room of the emergency room the operating room surgery outpatient clinic GI clinic who's sitting there our people who look like this who have these diseases you asked the wise professors and the specialist what are the cause of these diseases you run into two words that stop all further thought thought etiology unknown we don't know oh the clubs with them well I used to accept that a Joyce was told that a lot about her lupus we don't know the cause of it but that's become a tinfoil hat these days we know very well the cause of them mm-hmm I have a sign in my office that I point to when people are sitting in front of me doc how did I get so low B sand clogged up in hypertensive and diabetic and inflamed point to the sign it's the food and it's the food and as Joyce's powerful poignant story really relates the ultimate tragedy of her story and so many millions of Americans it's been the food on if someone had whispered in her ear and she had changed her diet even as a kid she would have had an entire different trajectory in her life and the same is true for so many of you now who whatever you're struggling with with the claw guard reason to diabetes and the inflammatory diseases it's the freakin food that you're running through your cells on a daily base that's playing a major role in keeping you so unhealthy I left true north year and a half ago to devote my full time to going to the medical schools and delivering this message to the students I really wanted to help create a new generation of nutritionally aware doctors and dietitians who understand the importance of plant-based diets because what these young students need to know is all these diseases are reversible every single one of them and the professors are all your best you can do as manage these is you're gonna manage their diabetes manage their high blood pressure I didn't go into medicine to manage chronic disease I wanted to cure people and every one of these diseases gets markedly better if not completely reverses on a whole food plant-based diet and so I asked the young students and the professors who come to my lectures a powerful provocative question knowing that these are also irreversible diseases I ask them you want to heal these patients or don't you why'd you really go into medicine did you go into manage chronic disease these are curable diseases you want to heal these patients didn't get honest and get real with them the nutrition the patients that it's like in the Harry Potter movies the Voldemort the arch-villain the name that must not be spoken oh don't don't ask about the patient's diet or anything but that I mean we're Americans we can eat whatever you want don't tell me about what I can eat what I can't eat don't have to answer me man got an answer to your arteries got answered your liver got it answered your kidneys got any answered your bone marrow and that's the truth of it and we are meant to run on whole plant foods you know you run a diet full of animal products and oils and fats and sugars through the bloodstream you cause disease you run whole plant foods to our body these diseases go away and that's the truth of it and these young doctors need to know that and they need to share it with their patients we have no right to withhold this information from our patients so let's take a little fun trip through physiology land here let me can see if we can cure up some of this confusion regarding fats and sugars our body burns two kinds of fuels right now your body is burning both sugars and fats we are always burning both these fuels at the same time but the proportions vary so let's talk about what these molecules really are sugars are basically rings of carbon atoms these great balls here are representing the atoms of carbon here's five actually six atoms of carbon in a ring and this one is called glucose it's most common sugar fats are long chains of carbon atoms if they're fully occupied with the flailing two hydrogen atoms and it's a saturated fat which is nice and straight if it's missing a hydrogen atom here you get the double bond doing about the chemistry that puts a kink in the in the molecule we're saturated fats will stack up like corn would of the fats are saturated the saturated fats are solid at room temperature where the unsaturated fats because of this kink they won't stack up and so they're liquid at room temperature and that's what makes them in oil we burn both kinds of fuel every day so let's talk about sugars what are they there are beautiful molecules they are rings made in a very poetic way as far as I can see they are made from the air and the rain and the Sun from the air the plant takes six molecules of carbon dioxide and puts them strips off the oxygen and gives that back to us to breathe and takes those six molecules or six atoms of carbon and puts them in a ring and then from the rain does something very interesting here you see that glucose molecule again and here's those here's the carbon atoms but look what's hanging on the carbon atoms HOH HOH HOH HOH mmmhh is that ring a bell with anyone it should of course that's the formula for water and so what the plant has done is taken these two carbon atoms and and for a split second has separated the molecule of water and put it on each one of these carbon atoms so there's a water molecule stuck here and a molecule of water stuck here and molecule water here and here how lovely why am i dragging you through this because it is giving is will give you the meaning to a name that people throw around but may not have understood these are carbon atoms with water hanging on them to add water to something is to hydrated is it not so if you hydrate a carbon compound you create a carbohydrate mm-hmm this is what the word means you know Kimes those bad cars the only those carbs I really dislike that term they are carbohydrates and now you know why they are hydrated carbon atoms carbohydrates are clean burning fuels when you eat an apple and you take in the glucose it goes into your cells into a little part of the cell called mitochondria that breaks it apart it there's energy stored in this ring as the chlorophyll and the plant has closed this ring it locked the sun's energy in like a coiled spring and there's there's energy chemical energy in this ring in the mitochondria of ourselves we break this ring apart we harvest the energy in the form of this molecule called ATP which we couldn't get used later and the waste products are clean carbon dioxide that we breathe off and water that we pee out so carbon carbohydrates are clean burning fuels and they give us lots of energy now can we store carbohydrates yeah the plants can store them the potato plant wants to store carbohydrates to make it through the winter the rice plant the corn plant wants to wrap its seeds and some sugars to give it energy to spout in the spring so how does the plant store sugars it links them together in long chains and long chains of sugar are called starch and we eat the starch and we have enzymes in our saliva and our pancreas that breaks the bonds here and frees up the individual sugars we ship them up to ourselves to burn them for energy yay so starches are sugars that are storage forms of this energy can we store sugars well yeah we eat the sugars and we can store them in our muscles not in the form of starch but another molecule called glycogen this is stored up sugar that we've burned to move around why am i dragging you through this physiology because as you are moving around the muscle energy you're using to walk into this room to sit there and breathe using your intercostal muscles and your ribs and your diaphragm you're burning stored sugar in the form of glycogen we draw down the glycogen and it's quite similar to not in your hybrid car when you're driving in the city using the electrical energy of the battery you draw down on the on the battery and then you charge it up either at by plugging it in or by braking or whatever but the day to day running around the city energy we draw down on the battery electricity and then we replace it well this is the same thing that's happening with the glycogen in our muscles we draw down on the stored energy and our muscles to move around and then we eat some starch or some fruit and we replace that energy and so we draw down and I'd like to julian replace our glycogen we draw down i don't we in place it is quite like the storage of battery in our car whole foods can are all plant foods are rich in carbohydrates mother nature can't make an apple or a corn plant or a potato without using these sugars all whole plant foods are buying carbohydrates oh no carbs anyone make because they make you fit uh-huh no they do not they are not evil these carbohydrates are evil okay let me make that distinction because what happens in the nutso world of nutritional media out there on the internet they take this big brush called CaRMS and they smear it over everything that that we put in our mouths and they don't make the distinction between whole plant foods which are indeed rich in carbohydrates and the junk refined sugars that we should not be eating leaves out don't eat carbs well yes you certainly want to eat these kind of carbohydrates because they are full of vitamins and minerals that aid in their own metabolism so will carbohydrates make you fat no they will not now we're talking about these kinds of carbohydrates not Oreo cookies or or Coca Cola's but sugars in their whole forms will not turn into fat they cannot turn into fat they think about nature is not going to blow apart this glucose ring in your mitochondria grab the fragments and then string those fragments together in a long chain of fats with 15 enzymatic steps ain't gonna happen sugars will not turn into fat the only exception is high fructose corn syrup if you are shoving in the Oreos and the coldest that your body will jack up your triglycerides in a response but decides they had very unnatural state the carbohydrates in rice and potatoes when eaten by themselves will not turn into fats they can't so what happens if you eat lots of carbohydrates if at dinner time you have three baked potatoes in a heaping plate of rice you eat a big carbohydrate loaded its o'clock and evening what's going to happen is it going to turn into fat no it won't what's going to happen is that the sugars making up that starch are going to be sent to your muscles to build your to repeat up your glycogen stores and once the glycogen stores in your muscles are fully replete from drawing down on them during the day once they're fully replete what happens to that extra calories and in the end this rice and the potatoes your body temperature will go up by about a quarter of a degree and you will burn it off as you'll stick your foot out from under the covers at an ideal throw the covers off and you will radiate that heat off to the air is what happens it's not going to turn into fat as long as they're eaten by themselves which I'll talk to you about but no carb carbs will not turn into fat in that way once glycogen stores are fully replete then excess carbohydrate is burned off as waste heat now why do people get fat and why do vegans get fat the most important principle I'll share with you tonight is something called oxidative priority what does that mean basically says right here it's easier to burn as quick blow apart glucose rings than to burn these long-chain fats where you have to clip off these two carbon fragments again and again and again and again it's easier to burn sugars than burn fats that's the oxidative priority everybody got that one okay because we're gonna build on that because it's easier for your tissues to burn sugars than burn fats if you eat fats and sugars at the same time or within four hours each other I'll tell you about that in a second you're going to burn the sugar and you'll store the fat for later and when you think about it this makes sense from a survival million years ago African plain type of foraging if one came across fatty nuts and fruits on the on the berry bush and you're gorging on both of them your body's going to burn those sugars to replete your glycogen stores store the fat for later there might be a famine coming so it's a it's not an abnormal mechanism makes complete biological sense and so if you eat fat and sugar at the same time you're going to burn the sugar and store the fence well look at all that it's the fat sugar combos that stick to us and when you look at what most Americans are eating it's all about fat and sugar when if you eat burgers fries and shakes you're going to burn the sugar in the milkshake you'll burn the starchy the the sugar and the starchy potatoes and in the white flour bun but you will store the fat and the meat the cheese the egg yolk and the mayonnaise and the butter fat and the ice cream the fried chicken and the potatoes are going to burn the sugar and the starchy potatoes you're going to store the fat in the fried chicken and the vegetable oil in the fries ice cream is that sugar couldn't ask for better weight gain food even the vegan coconut ice cream they're fat and sugar and you are going to burn the sugar and store the fat you want to be a fat vegan pour oil on your pasta you're gonna burn the sugar in the starchy pasta you're going to store the fat in the olive oil fat and sugar sticks to you how about an all-american bag with bacon and eggs and toast you're going to burn the sugar in the starchy toast you in the store the fat and the egg yolks and the sausage steak and potatoes you're going to burn the sugar and the starchy potatoes you're going to store the fat in the steak pizza is a great weight gain food you're going to burn the sugar in the starchy crust you're going to store the fat and the cheese and the sausage and again if you like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches you're headed for a higher number on the scale because you're going to burn the sugar in the jelly and the bread you're going to store the fat in the nut butter oil so no wonder Americans are the tsunami of obesity that swept through because we're eating fat and sugar and sugar all day no wonder we're pecking on the fat and so now we get to my overweight vegans they can say doc I I only eat plant-based foods but I know if they're sitting there thirty pounds overweight they are eating fat and sugar in some vegan they're eating almond butter and jelly sandwiches and burning the sugar and the jelly and the bread and eatin storing the fat in the almond butter they're pouring oil on their pasta or they're putting Earth Balance margarine on their baked potato and you're going to burn this or in the potato you're going to store the fat mm-hmm so welcome to camp stop kidding yourself if you're already plant-based and you're still stuck with weight look for the fat sugar combos in your diet because that's what is continuing to stick with you she puts oil at her pasta there's oil in the Yeti sauce so you're trying to lose weight keep a belly full of high water content foods and stop kidding yourself about hidden fat and oil combinations so if you're trying to lose weight so what do I do about eating baked potatoes I like baked potatoes you can have baked potatoes absolutely but don't eat them with fats at the same time I have a baked potato great put salsa on it not oily margarine or anything that is so grossly fatty okay they have three baked potatoes but don't put fat on them that time well what about like walnuts I like and avocados mean I can't he doesn't know you can have them but put it on your salad you can it make a nice tahini dressing put it on your broccoli don't put it on the rice or the potatoes okay that will stitch it's going to keep you stuck now what about that for our thing why did I include that because when you eat carbohydrates or eat some rice it takes about four hours for the insulin to go up and down and for your body to metabolize it and clear the sugar out of your blood so knowing that you need that four hours to get rid of a carbohydrate load how would you plan your day and this is only for people trying to lose weight if you're already a lean vegan do not pay any attention of this do not turn a joyous meal into an anxiety-producing event by then but for the folks who are stuck when I can't get past this weight the the strategy is don't eat fat and sugar the same time even vegan fat and sugars and if you have your baked potato at noon allow the afternoon you go by and have your fatty avocado and nuts on your salad at dinnertime okay never the twain shall meet and you wind up nice and lean if you're already lean this doesn't matter so if you are already plant-based or even if you're not and you're struggling with your weight is because you're reaching for foods that are keeping you heavy here they are and welcome to stop kim's just camp stop kidding yourself number one you're eating fat and sugar in some form and it's usually a form of oil somewhere in in the food okay but you're reading that fat and sugar combo for the reasons I just mentioned oxygen your priority you're burning the sugar and storing the fat's stop kidding yourself second you're eating flour products you want a real trouble making food yep if you're trouble struggling with your weight get the flour products out of your diet I'm talking about cookies and baked goods muffins donuts even if they're vegan and even breads at least till you get lean why am I telling you this because even if the if they are if it's gluten free doesn't matter if you're eating a cookie if you're eating a piece of bread that is sugar pastry flour and there's some fat in there holding that loaf together holding that cookie together there's some oil or some shortening there's some egg yolk there's some there's fat in there as well and it's brand fattening yes it is but only because it's full of fat and sugar now these heavy dark Ezekiel breads or mono breads you're gonna need bread you want these sprouted green breads those are by far the healthiest and you're talking a couple slices a week with a non oily topping you know if as long as it's pure carbohydrates you'll be fine but you're stuck you can't get past it get rid of the flour products they're sticking to you fats are rapid or the flour products are rapidly they the sugar in flour products leaks into your bloodstream so make your tacos without the the standard tortillas or major burritos without the tortillas you may use lettuce boats they work really well for sandwiches my wife and I we do a lot of lettuce boats throw I figure the leaf of romaine lettuce throw a glop of humus and some carrot sticks and avocados on there wrap it up and you can get the sandwich experience without the bread number three you're eating dairy products they might be hidden but cow's milk is designed by nature to turn a sixty pound calf into a seven hundred pound cow in a year that is baby calf growth fluid and if you look in the mirror and you see this looking back at you enjoy your yogurt and your ice cream but if you don't see that looking back yet you just realize you're not a baby calf and you shouldn't be eatin this food that isn't meant to blow you up into a great big cow which it does plus it's full of growth factors if you're a woman with a breast lump and you're eating yogurt and cheese and ice cream you are throwing gasoline on a fire and the same thing with guys with big prostate glands this stuff makes things grow you do not need that plus it makes weight loss harder I invite you if anybody has issues about dairy products go to my website dr. Klapper com I've got a dynamite video called dairy doubts and we really lay it into dairy they're laid out exactly what's going on there so check out Jerry doubts you'll see why they are so problematic and finally your eating late at night does it really matter yeah it does and here's why tiny and life is everything if you stop eating at 6:00 or 7:00 within a couple hours your body shifts into a your night time fuel mixture and your body changes its metabolism at night during the day most of the energy you burn is coming from the glycogen in your muscles because you're moving around but at night time mostly at muscle activity ceases you're asleep but you got to keep your body temperature up you don't want your body temperature to fall while you're sleeping so how does the body keep your body temperature off it starts burning fats and at nighttime we burn far more fast than sugar we burn about a pennies way too fat three grams every hour you were burning about penny way to fit every hour while you're sleeping well your body wants to get into that night time gear you stopped eating at six by eight or nine it wants to get into the at night time gear of burning fat but if it nine o'clock you have some haagen-dazs or you have donut or you have some piece of sugar well takes four hours to burn through their sugar so you don't get into fat burner till 2:00 in the morning 3:00 in the morning you blow in four or five good hours of fat burning by that late night sugary snack so yeah if you're trying to lose weight that late-night noshing is a no-no be done with eating around 6:00 or 7:00 in the evening you can have a cup of tea if you want something on your tongue but nothing that has any calories late in the evening so that's another trap that's keeping you there while we're talking about timing we've been talking about breakfast years back that's most important meal of the day we already have breakfast you will have any energy that's a nonsense there is no physiology behind it it's an advertising gimmick and here's the guy who made it up his name is Edward Byrne a he's one of the first advertising executives he was hired by the Beechnut packing company in Chicago to increase the sales of bacon in the 1920s and he no fool he he knows what we've learned in these political seasons you put a meme out there in the media and soon everybody's talking about it so we took out ads in the New York Times and Chicago Tribune first national advertising campaign doctor said you should have a hearty breakfast eat bacon made for breakfast doctors say you should eat bacon eggs for breakfast this is what got put out there and you know what happened within weeks people don't you hear down doctors say we should eat bacon eggs for breakfast no doctors say we should eat bacon Express and that's it came from there is no science behind this whatsoever and you know it because in the morning you could get up and instead of running down to the breakfast table and shoving a bunch of food in your mouth much carbohydrates you can put on your walking shoes and go out for a two-mile walk you know you could do that whether you do it or not it's up to you but you could do that if you have at hand breakfast where'd the energy come from to walk those two miles it came from the glycogen stored in your muscles from the potatoes you ate two days ago you don't burn breakfast for energy that's a ridiculous concept doesn't work like that we move off stored glycogen and you don't burn breakfast you had most replete your Laika gence stores so if you want to get frustrated you have a nice anti weight-loss breakfast like this and you wind up like her hmm when IAS people tell me when you first get up in the morning are you starving to death are you famished can you not wait to get down that breakfast table and start shoving Towson's cereal in your mouth most people say you know doctor I'm not even that hungry in the morning and there's a very good reason for that your body's been and then been in that fat fat burning mode all night just because the Sun came up it doesn't know that it's perfectly happy to keep burning that nighttime fat mixture and so the common-sense rule is knowing that you don't really need the energy from breakfast is if you're not hungry in the morning don't eat just drink water till you get hungry it's okay to keep that nighttime fat-burning extended all the way through the morning hours you get if you don't eat till noon you get an extra five hours of fat running every night every morning hmm and this is called time restricted feeding and it's a perfectly valid way to run your eating day so feel free if you're not really hungry in the morning have some tea or have some water so you get growly hungry then start eating at noon let the suits themselves and greens and all that will go till about six or seven the evening and then be done with your eating day that is a way to create a lean healthy body with nice clean wide-open arteries I hope that's all clear as far as cleaning up the fat and sugar combo issues here and do carbohydrates certain fats speaking of foods they have a reputation for weight loss I really want to talk about chicken and turkey people still eating this stuff oh it's me means white meat whoo it's good for weight lots of health food it is not a health food it is not lean meat these are not your grandfather's chickens I'm sure grandmothers turkeys these birds have been genetically modified to put on as much fat as possible the more they weigh when they have their throats cut at slaughter the more this chicken flesh producer makes in profit so they will breed these animals and feed them the grains and other substances that make them put as much weight on as possible they 18 weeks they get so fat they can't even stand up and if you think chicken flesh is lean meat then I will invite you to remember back for the last time you saw someone make chicken soup and what floats up to the top welcome to camp stop kidding yourself that's flashes oh finger-licking good because the under the microscope you can see every other muscle fiber surrounded by fat cells there this is fatty fatty meat the chicken flesh is the fattest of all the flesh foods and not only that all the antibiotics and the pesticides and herbicides there on the grains they feed these chickens are all fat soluble so when you're eating that finger-licking good juicy chicken you are eating all the antibiotics and the growth promoters and the pesticides and herbicides in this fat don't eat chickens don't eat turkeys let them walk around there won't love the animals here's another seducer yeah they will throw you off your weight loss goals this stuff when you walk into the supermarket even Whole Foods you will see this display of brightly colored packages and boxes you know that it's full of salt and sugar it tastes good on the tongue this may have your name the fact it may call your name as you walk by you may distinctly hear the syllables of your first and last names come and eat us we are crunchy and salty and chewy and sugary you like us this is not food this is full of Fancher combinations that are going to keep you stuck centrally food is not as Michael Pollan tells us this is edible food like substitutes in brightly colored packages and boxes you do not want to eat edible food-like substances in brightly colored packaging boxes so you pull out your three word magic wand pointed at this display and say loudly and clearly that's not food not my food and walk down the soap aisle so you don't have to look at it okay see it recognize it for what it is and make plan B you want to eat food as grown like it was growing in the garden eat potatoes and a potato chips the corn on the cob not corn chips it's the processing if it was made by a plant eat it if it was made in a plant don't eat it and while we're talking about saboteurs I won't talk to you about eating sugar as a food we all have a sweet tooth we love their taste on our tongue and I've got no problem with half a teaspoon of maple syrup in your tea that's the proper use of it is they flavor ring sugar was never meant to be eaten as a food but when we are eating it like this we are eating sugar as a food this is eating sugar as a food eating sugar as a food this woman's going to hurt herself mostly from the white flour in the bun mm-hmm you don't want eat sugar as a food I'm telling you not to but why really am I telling you this because of the Maillard reaction what is that I'mI'm a lard was hired by the baking industry in France to discover the chemistry of baking bread and he figured it out when you take sugar and combine it with protein and heat it you get the Maillard reaction in bread baking the sugars the pastry flour the proteins the gluten and you heat it in the oven and that curry that is what makes bread brown and yeah that's very nice on the surface of a French baguette you don't want to run the Maillard reaction in your body this happens when we eat sugar as a food when we drink a coke when we eat a doughnut when we eat a candy bar are that sugar fool luscious through our tissues and it sticks to proteins all over our bodies it like oscillates our protein then our 98.6 degrees oven body heat warms this up and it creates the may loud reaction and this bastardized protein full of sugars that gets oxidized and destroys the flexibility of the protein it creates what's called advanced glycation end-products don't worry about the name remember the initials AG yes this ages you is the problem what's wrong with eating donuts and cookies because it ages you if you eat sugar as a food and it sticks to the elastic fiber proteins in your skin you go outside the sunlight oxidizes fractures of the skin molecules and you wind up with skin like this don't run the mill out of reaction in your skin don't run the Maillard reaction in the lens of your eye as you eat all their sugar it sticks to the protein in your eye the ultraviolet light coming through oxidizes it breaks the protein strands and you wind up with cataracts and you wind up blind eating sugar as a food age you you don't want to run the Maillard reaction on the inner lining of the capillaries in your brain this is the membrane that oxygen has to get across to feed your nerve cells don't run don't turn it into bread crust eating sugar as a food age as you that's why you don't want to eat these sugary flowery overly sweet substances I won't call them foods eating sugar the food ages you if you need a little graphic reminder the next time you're tempted to reach for that piece of cake or that candy bar remember her this lovely woman is about to commit that act she's about to eat a chunk of sugar as food okay eating sugars of food ages you she puts us in her mouth she chews it up it sticks to her tissues six months later eating sugars of food ages you don't eat it as a food have a mango have some papaya have some organic grapes have that's where you look for your sweets don't get it out of brightly-colored passion boxes places where humans have mucked around the main reason I'm telling you all this is I wanted you to understand what your doctor doesn't and what the TV commercials aren't going to tell you and I wish somebody had told me this when I was a medical student that's why I entitled my lectures at the med schools I thought what I wish I had learned about nutrition in medical school I wish somebody had told me that our food is chemically alive what does that mean it means that our digestive system is so efficient that within minutes of eating anything molecules of that food are washing through every cell in our body where our DNA lies unfolded and the molecules in that last byte of candy bar or kale washes through your cells and they play your DNA like a piano and these molecules turn genes on and they turn genes off they induce enzymes shut enzymes down every meal changes us on a genetic molecular level in this digital age we can't be shocked to realize that food brings in not only nutrients it brings in information the science is called nutrigenomics you know it's how your food turns your genes on and off and you and you've got to stop kidding yourself this doesn't happen in my profession and we ought to stop kidding ourselves that this is not happening in our patients this is why they're sitting in front of us with all these diseases here's nutrigenomics in action these are this is tissue from prostate gland of a guy who's got a precancerous condition these red patches are genes that promote cancer growth they're oncogenes and they're turned on here this man went on a whole food plant-based diet run meal after meal of soups and salads and greens through his prostate six months later these oncogenes have turned off into this green configuration this is the power of food you don't need to be a geneticist to understand that the genes that are going to be turned on by this food and all the contaminants that I haven't gone through it but cooking meat produces a score of nasty carcinogenic and mutagenic molecules the the genes are gonna be turned on by this substances this washes across your DNA are going to be fundamentally a different set of genes than those that only turned on by this fuel mixture and all the phytonutrients that this food washes through your cells these molecules are stabilizing their antioxidant they promote tissue repair they make us healthy if the difference between one and zero and we can't pretend this doesn't happen I tell my colleagues you don't ignore this this is where premature aging lives as these food molecules will turn on the aging genes this is where inflammation begins this is where autoimmune diseases get their start this is where cancer gets initiated we can't keep our heads in the sand and pretend that what we're eating isn't the direct cause of so many of these disease states welcome to camps not kidding yourself and to all my physician colleagues out there when we eat a whole food plant-based diet these molecules that provide stability they provide antioxidant coverage they give the chemical message to our tissues Shh everything's okay people say I got bad genes maybe you have a genetic propensity in your family but whether those genes produce disease in your body is summed up by this one sentence your genes may load the gun but you're dying their lifestyle pull the trigger now if whether they have disease actually manifest in your body as diabetes or lupus or cancer depends on what your flowing through those tissues meal after meal day after day year after year food will change us in two ways it changes either directly by turning on molecular mechanisms like this inflammatory protein neu5gc does or the food will change the microbes that live in our gut and they will change you by their byproducts that they put out that gets into our brain and all our tissues but food is powerful stuff it's never too late to get healthier and function better which brings me around to this guy but before I do that let him let me say this it's never too late to give that I've got patients in their 80s and 90s and Beyond who had all sorts of terrible diseases and they started running a whole food plant-based diet to their body and the same wonderful magic happens in their body it's just remarkable the stories that I get and again it's not it's not it's miraculous but it's not you know to eat the diet of the mountain it's one which is what most Americans do it's like putting diesel fuel in your gasoline burning engines tank and what do you thinks gonna happen the fuel line's gonna plug up the spark plugs will follow it's the wrong fuel does it's not what it's not yep engines fuel and the same thing with a flesh based diet it's not our diet we are plant eating creatures but we got this guy mister my my paleo fella I tried to your plant-based diet I want didn't work for me my body needs animal protein and he tried to do a vegan diet it didn't work for him he felt gassy and weak and durable and then he ate some meat and felt better now I know if he either decide just make dr. Klapper little nuts or else he's trying to tell us something here's what I think's behind this and here's what some of your friends were having a hard time on a plant-based diet might really be telling you this gets us into the paleo philosophy which says we shouldn't be eating anything that our ancient Paleolithic ancestors ate didn't eat and because every Neanderthal had a mastodon in the freezer and spent all day eating mammoth meat so the myth goes on a caveman I eat mammoth me that's what I eat yummy give me that flesh and there's a couple of blades of grafts going out of the mouth of the cave I'll eat something great that's it man I eat flesh and green and that's that's the Paleo diet these people only live to be about 35 or 40 that and they're not concerned about that but this myth of a mighty hunter dragon that carcass into the into the camp and having all the women celebrate this is what's driving this image what's not driving you to science people lose weight on a paleo diet and they do it for reasons I agree with they say no caveman ever no to dairy cows oh they're down on dairy they say no caveman ever squeeze the fat out of olives and poured it on a salad they're down on oils and they say - no caveman ever crushed wheat into flour and made donuts and coffee cakes oh they're down on flour products yay paleo they're right menu you stop eating dairy and oil and flour products man you're gonna trim down yeah you paleo they got it yeah and and things get better insulin resistance gets better cholesterol levels go down with weight loss yeah and that's why those first six months I'm pretty oh man working great I'm losing weight my cloud my cholesterol down I'm feeling good yay and this is what you're hearing but from the physicians point of view we're not celebrating let's get flesh-eating into some perspective here most people in the West eat a piece of animal flesh three times a day bacon eggs for breakfast cheese bird for lunch or dinner a meal in this country is not viewed as complete unless there's a piece of the animal muscle in the middle of the plate think about it yeah you you serve someone a burger with no patty in there hey where's my protein man protein gotta have meat three times a day even if you're eating wild caught salmon it's animal flesh every five hours I want to point out to you dear friends not even lions eat flesh three times a day the Tigers in the rainforests official carnivores do not eat flesh three times a day they you know once or twice a week if they can get it most days they fast no advance primate eats flesh at all you give this big gorilla raw steak you're gonna step on it and reach for the bananas not his food he certainly doesn't feed his young animal flesh three times a day like we do you don't see packs of gorillas running down an antelope in our and gorging on its flesh not their natural food well we have the same digestive system these guys do no matter what they're telling you we are not Homo carnivorous we are not the carnivorous ate our saliva still has starch digesting enzymes for digesting starches are the metabolic fuel our mitochondria looking for is glucose we are sugar burning organisms not fat burning organism fat is an emergency fuel for us to use and our intestines are still great long 30-feet tubes like our starch eating cousins if you want a good exploration see go on YouTube and see dr. Milton Mills presentation as me and herbivore and omnivore he makes so very powerful and atomic argument that we are herbivores indeed well what about these my paleo folks will point to their k9t aha see what were given k94 if we weren't supposed to be eating meat give me my steak man I got canines you know and they use this as a rationale for animal flesh consumption to which I say to my beloved paleo patient's if you think those are canine teeth for flesh tearing go into the bathroom stand from the mirror open your mouth and smile what are you going to notice you're going to notice that your canine teeth are shorter than your central incisors well think of what they have me is imagine running out to the nearest buffalo you see jump on its back open your mouth and take a big bite out of its backside but it gonna fine then you're gonna find your mouth very small and your teeth very short and you can't bite through that animals hide let alone its muscle these are not flesh tearing teeth I want to see some flesh tearing teeth these aren't them these are all flat grinding molars here you want to see some flesh tearing teeth here they are your canines look like this then go to the nearest butcher shop use find buy a big porterhouse steak walk outside rip off the paper and now don't have at it man need to bother to cook it your canines look like this then get a nice fresh salmon and put it into your blender and into a nice raw salmon smoothie mmm drink that down and that appetizing doesn't that tell us something about flesh consumption your house cat would love that this lion would love it these are not flesh tearing canines what are they for what they're for is for the food that really got us through those ancient Paleolithic times where where every calorie was precious some realities the doctor daniel domine and anthropologists Dartmouth has pointed out the reality is first of all most hunts in the Paleolithic time were unsuccessful nine out of ten times the guys came back into camp empty-handed if there was a starving infant back then this child would not have made it to adulthood most hunts were unsuccessful if they did beg some animal and drag his carcass into camp there's no refrigeration it rotted within days it became a fetid stinking mess that they couldn't every came talk to you and finally when they examined the fossilized feces yes there are such things called copper lifts they see the massive amounts of plant fiber these Paleolithic folks were eating a hundred and 150 grams of fiber a day that most of us eat 20 or 30 so what's the reality what is this all telling us what it's telling us is that these teeth in this mouth is perfectly designed to eat the foods that really got us through those Paleolithic times because it's clear now that most of the calories brought into the Paleolithic camp and were consumed by the people there we're gathered by the women who spent all day foraging pulling up starchy roots and tubers and starchy corns and harvesting edible grasses and nuts and berries and this is what sustained us through those times and this mouth is very well designed for biting into these starchy vegetables and with the advent of fire where the paleo folks at odd now we're able to cook meat then wait a loseth well news for them something else that the invention of fire allows us to do just boil water and if you can boil water oh you can make stews and soups and do lots of things to increase the amount of these starchy vegetables you're able to eat increasing the amount of calories going to the brain so this paleo idea that they lived mammoth meat is absurd that's simply not the truth of it and not what we're built to do as dr. Domini tells us it's clear now that we were starch of ores back then we are starch of ores now huh and if when doctors give permission to tell their page ago you ought to be eaten paleo man you're a beaten kid oh yeah you're telling them to pack their intestines full of cooked meat three times a day oh man I to the medical students I go through every one of these contaminants that have caused by cooking meat the oxidized muscle proteins the the the Elda hi did that cause mutations as neu5gc from animal muscle causes inflammation endotoxin from the gut bacteria the animals makes your gut leaky setting off for autoimmune diseases though the bacteria from all the carnitine you're eating spawns the so called TMAO that drives cholesterol into your artery walls cooking meat creates carcinogens that rub on the colon wall the more a GES are produced by cooking meat and all these bio concentrated pesticides and herbicides they're feeding those animals winds up in the flesh when the when the doctor says your yard been renewed and Paleo I would stop the presses doctor you're telling them because it takes five hours to clear out of the bloodstream and they're eating this three times a day you're telling them it's okay to keep these molecules these inflammatory carcinogenic mutagenic molecules in their bloodstream hour after hour day after day month after month year after year and then doctor you're shocked when they come in one day and their arteries are all inflamed oh you're shocked when their joints are all sore oh you're shocked when they've got a colitis going on how did this happen etiology unknown and some baracy for a cipher of science and base itself on science to ignore the reality of what's flowing through every one of those patient cells hour after hour is beyond embarrassing I think it's it's negligent bordering on litigious so my concern and you should have that no matter what the Paleo folks are saying how much weight they lost during those first six months the truth is you keep on that diet you run that flesh through your bloodstream your intestinal tract month after month after month these people are writing themselves a ticket to some bad places the fats that they have to constantly burn our acidic this is a constant acid load and this is hard on the bones it's hard on the liver hard on the kidneys it's fine to be in ketosis on a brief water fourth five days a week cool it's a good thing and it recapitulates those ancient intermittent fast on the African plain when it was five days before you found their next berry bush of fruit on it these repeated short fast once a month they're fine and it's good to be in ketosis for a week or so but to stay in it month after month after month this is not normal physiology this is like driving your car to Seattle in passing gear and it burns out the bearings and it's hard on the kidneys all this meat they're eating as a big uric acid load it's going to give these people kidney stones and gout high-protein diets are toxic to the kidneys people need to understand the protein protein where am I get my protein the bodybuilders eating these big protein shakes when these amino acids slam into your glomeruli into your filter membranes they hurt them high-protein diets are toxic to the kidneys every good nephrologist knows when he's faced with a patient going into renal failure you put him on a low protein diet this protein is toxic and these paleo focusing function protein protein but the doc was from proving this who's approving this diet he won't be around in seven years when the patient's going into renal failure the patients are gonna be around when they pass that bloody the doctors aren't going to be around and the patient passes their bloody stool from his colon cancer that's the problem the endotoxin the meat from the slaughterhouse for most leaky gut cetera someone asked me how to cause the colon cancer of OPEC become full of me three times a day that'll do it and all this fat creates instant resistance these folks wind up diabetic and the truth is they may lose some weight in the first few months but in my opinion these folks are setting themselves up for a plague of colon cancer of clogged arteries leading to heart attacks and strokes they're gonna get leaky guts from the endotoxin that's gonna set them up for lupus and autoimmune diseases they're gonna make ourselves diabetic then all this animal flesh spawns bacteria that inflames the gut wall they're gonna get colitis and Crohn's disease from this and this is certainly not gentle with the blood vessels in the brain they're going to get dementia from this this is a diet of death and you should not be seduced by the the early glowing reports these folks get their yeah they get some early weight loss but to stay on this diet year after year is going to kill it's a diet of death it kills the animals kills the people who consume it it's going to kill this planet too Western medicine can't keep practicing medicine like what our patients are eating he has no effect on these disease as doctors that's why they're sitting in front of you overweight diabetic clogged up inflamed cancerous from what they're eating and it's time to go around and tell the students dis so what about this guy who got to have is meat where does this meat craving come from what are we really looking at in my humble opinion here is the mechanism behind this it all begins like so many things in our lives in our earliest earliest time on this earth it aged six months of age the baby is still nursing at the breast still sucking on that bottle and with all the love and the parents hearts there was no malice here your mother didn't know my mother didn't know all they wanted was for their child to get the most nutrition and grow up big and strong but in their nutritional ignorance and their innocence it aged six months of age that jar of baby lamb baby chicken baby turkey is opened and from that point on three times a day the animal flesh is slathered on that child's intestinal tract all through infancy by age two or three they're in fast food restaurant eating their happy meals they are off on a fast food meat based diet three times a day all through childhood adolescence puberty their teen years their 20s their third three times the animal flesh slathered on the intestine you eat animal flesh three times a day for 30 years you will set up in a dependency upon that the mucus and the gut wall will be the most efficient for absorbing nutrients out of this high fat high protein cholesterol containing food stream the liver enzymes will set up to be the most efficient dealing with the fat and cholesterol and protein coming up from the gut and very important molecules that your body needs to make for muscle metabolism carnitine creatine which your muscles make if it's coming in three times a day preformed in the food since infancy guess what your genes are gonna do they're gonna down regulate their own production of these molecules because it's coming in free form W five hours of they'll be meal you eat well you do this for thirty years forty years you get dependent upon that food stream containing the current gene and creatine myoglobin all these muscles related nutrients then the light goes on you see forks over knives you see what the health you read John Robbins book the plant-based light goes on you come to a pbn meeting here and boom let you change the plant-based diet yay wonderful all sorts of good things but what's happened you've done a 180-degree change on the food string instead of low in fiber high in fiber so high in protein low in protein instead of low and fat high in fats sort of high in simple sugars low in simple sugars whoo now everything's got to change in your gut and all those preformed muscle nutrients the carnitine creatine gon gotta make your own right now most folks can gear up their enzymes to do this but some folks in the bell-shaped curve some folks out on these edges you're going to take them a few weeks or a few months to gear up their metabolism to synthesize these molecules on their own and during that time they draw down on their own supplies and currently and creatine etc they don't feel so good and then they need some meat and all their preformed stuff flows to their tissues well I feel great vegans meeting man I'm a carnal or I need my meat and he does but what are we observing here this is not normal human physiology this isn't a choir dependency created by feeding a human infant animal flesh three times a day since infancy you can create a dependency so what I've delivered 428 babies and 30 of them were to vegan parents which I and I watch those kids grow up marry other vegan kids and have their own vegan children who've grown up big and strong and healthy and bright guess what they don't get me cravings their mouths don't water when they walk past a barbecue they are different biochemical this is an acquired dependency it's powerful and it's real and I'm not negating it but don't you think that this is what we humans need flesh no we don't and this appetite has been fostered in us from eating flesh since childhood most people are gonna be able to make this change and quickly but some may take a few weeks or a few months it's all ok somebody I had meat cravings for years after I became vegan so what do I tell my patients who doc you might need some animal protein they probably do for a while at least so here's what I tell my patients if you feel your body has to have some animal protein fair enough considered medicinal you are consuming because there is nutrients that you need not because you like the taste of flesh in your mouth so find the smallest amount of animal muscle 3 ounce of size of a deck of playing cards and as seldom as you can't have a little bit on Monday Coast on there Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday so you think your body really needs some more have another little piece or thing of the weekend coast on that as long as you can eat is twice a week not three times a day believe me if everybody in America got their flesh eating down to twice a week and I'd be a happy doc yeah everything would get better you're gonna have pot roast on Sunday and fish on Friday I'd be fine it's a tragedy you know of course I'm an ethical you know I want anybody eaten any animals at all but from a purely medical point of view manage people got it down to once a week or twice a week it would change everything and so I urge people to do that working towards excluding it all together we got to go from an animal-based eye which we're eating now to a plant-based diet and it's all doable I invite people go to my website dr. Klapper calm I have a video called thriving on a plant-based diet and it's how to do this right so you don't wind up with problems from nutrient deficiencies etcetera
Channel: Plant Based Nutrition Support Group
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Id: BW7F2w9omcw
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Length: 106min 9sec (6369 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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