Inflammation: The Triggering Mechanism of All Diseases | Interview with Sunil Pai, M.D.

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a couple more seconds got my tan line showing yeah me too i got dark i got some sun this weekend hey my vitamin d hey everyone and welcome to chef aj live i'm your host chef aj and this is where i introduce you to amazing people like you who are doing great things in the world that i think you should know about my guest today has been on my radar for quite some time and is such an honor to finally get to have him on the show and i think he wins the award for best backdrop of any of the 600 guests that i've had on since the inception of chef aj live please welcome to the show dr sunil pai it's so great to see you again i forgot that we had met at the peapod yes we did meet at the peapod and it was fantastic and you were doing yoga and all sorts of wonderful things in the aisle before and after your wonderful lecture and presentation so yes it's been a while great that that is really a beautiful backdrop and it's about kind of what you're going to be talking about yes i'm going to be talking about you know inflammation and foods and more importantly uh you know if we have time after my presentation we can talk about some of the natural anti-inflammatories and spices is one of the things that uh we use a lot in our practice i can't wait because inflammation is such a broad term and you hear about a lot like almost every disease itis right yep you're just you're walking right into my presentation which is great i mean because i hope that the the audience will be excited to to listen to this and and then and they you know go back and listen to it again and listen to it again i do speak fast and i do i will cover a lot because i want to have as much time as we can speak to your audience absolutely well if you'd like to share screen i can't wait sure all right so you know we were talking about i did write a book called an inflammation nation and that's my area specialty in integrative medicine so let me go ahead and start this here see if this will work okay and then over here all right can you see that perfect perfect okay so today i'm going to talk about my specialty as an integrative medicine physician uh you can see my notes in my bio probably the lower part of the page but we want to talk about inflammation what is inflammation and knowing that it's the triggering mechanism of all diseases and learn how you can basically uh reduce it naturally through diet and also if we have time the use of natural anti-inflammatories i wrote this book called an inflammation nation it's available on amazon it's available on itunes and audible and let's get started so i want to first start out you know i'm the guy that says follow the money a lot and a lot of people read my book a lot of people who see my videos and everything understands that's understanding where we're at and how we got there is always important to understand where where we should be now heading and you know we spent 4.1 trillion dollars in healthcare last year uh 18 of our gdp 370 billion dollars it's a lot of money on prescription drugs but with all that money being spent you know again being at the top in the world what did that get us in terms of outcomes because we think like we spend more we should get more like you know like you spend more for a car you should get a fancier car right so if you you know spend like hundreds of thousand dollars you might get a ferrari for example but it seems like what happens is like we spent all this money and we didn't get a ferrari we got a ford uh or maybe an old ford for example but what i did is that we rank now you know in the bottom top 16 democracies from death from all causes that means in the united states we die more from infant mortality homicides teen pregnancy hiv aids drug related deaths obesity diabetes heart disease chronic lung disease and disability more than 16 other countries and more importantly actually this data is a little bit old um i have to add another uh segment into this i didn't get to change it this morning but what we now are adding to that which is dropping us now is death from gunshots right as you know like every day there's gunshot wounds and and shootings all over the place now which is becoming commonplace and this is also pulling us down in terms of one of our death from all causes is actually part of this homicides numbers going up we are now ranking 34 out of 35 industrial nations and countries in terms of life expectancy so we thought that we spent much more money that we should be living longer as americans like we should be living and getting the best health care getting the best longevity in fact 34 countries or 33 countries by the way do better than us and what do we do in terms of overall ranking like how do we if we take out all the if we take all the chronic diseases not acute care because we're still good at you know unfortunately if you do get shot you want to go to your hopefully have a trauma center nearby but outside that emergency room just the general primary care conditions we're now ranking 46 out of 48 industrial nations in terms of all diseases a through z so who's 43 44 and 45 ahead of us is dominican republic turkey and iran so just to put things in perspective like we talk about some of these things politically and some of these countries that we might be either uh you know at adverse politics with or you know economics with or they're poor and et cetera but yet they're still having better chronic disease outcome than we are spending this much money now where did this bring us or how do we get here is because this is a big problem right now money has now controlled everything in terms of health care um you know it's it's private insurance companies it's it's it's pharmaceutical companies it's laboratory medicine it's medical surgical devices um i just read an article this week was talking about um private private equity firms now owning physician groups and they come in now and they're basically you know laying off uh healthcare workers they're looking at profitability and then they drop it just like in a portfolio of stock you kind of bring it up you kind of you know shake the market up you know you take the money and you leave and this is kind of our healthcare is being kind of held hostage even more importantly what's been happening more uh that we've seen recently is this coven 19. so all of last year you know up until now and even now unfortunately which will be rising with the variance is that you know it's been a challenge for most of us in the united states and worldwide to understand like what this this virus is doing but for me it was very important because you know my book was came out in 2014 and it did very well but in 2020 my book did even better and the reason being is because the word inflammation became a home you know on the news people were understanding inflammation from this aspect that we understood that covid for example triggered an inflammatory response an inflammatory cascade of cytokine storms this is altering the immune system causing you know all sorts of chronic problems acute to being people being on a respirator or having you know heart conditions or other kind of uh life-threatening issues but also right now we're looking at you know 30 of the long haul which i now see in my practice and worldwide with our patients is like chronic fatigue and memory problems and cognition problems and neuropathies these are things that this inflammatory altering event is coming from a virus so for me it was good because it did bring out this idea of inflammation and so why people were buying the book was they were trying to look at well what can i do to reduce it now from a different perspective that wasn't just the diet and lifestyle but it's actually from an external threat of a virus that's coming and it's still creating this pandemic so when we look at you know the united states now you know what did we do how did we do or how are we doing again the largest economy is spending four trillion dollars in health care and we're only four percent of the world's population but we have 24 of the cases now now that's kind of decreased a little bit to 19 because of the vaccine thankfully again i'm recommending people to get the vaccine uh i'm evidence-based but right now the current death in the united states is 608 000 people and i never thought in my lifetime that there would be such a large catastrophic event that's happening on a daily basis that we're not actually kind of having a war against it was actually kind of dividing the country but again spending this much money and having this poor outcome that we're not getting uh what we should be getting and what this really allows us to understand is that what does this tell us is the state of american health is poor and in fact you know when who in january 20 2020 when they announced that this virus was coming out the first thing that the head of who said and it caught me because i was watching the you know i was watching the the announcement he was like oh well those people who have to worry about will be people who have hypertension heart disease diabetes lung disease and kidney disease and obesity and he decided in passing because you know he's coming from a place where he was from a country that didn't really have as much as as we do and i just remember thinking to myself like oh my god we are in such trouble and we are i mean 608 000 people now when we look at things like these chronic comorbidities the more core mobilities we have just in general just not only talking about just those issues being a problem but now with the virus it does cause even more issues and you know 75 of our population now 75 of our population over the age of 20 is overweight and obese 42 percent are obese directly and nine percent are morbidly obese morbidly obesity means your bmi is over 40 which is basically about your 100 pounds over your base maximum baseline body weight 100 pounds so nine percent of the population right now means about 30 million people have 100 pounds more weight than they should normally have on the end of the scale and 30 million people would be like three and a half new york cities worth of people right so so this is not this is a big problem right now and if and i'm probably those who are watching are listening to this you know when you think back 20 years ago think back 30 years ago we weren't as big when you go to the store if i go to a walmart if i go to a target if i go to just a normal restaurant now we are a lot larger in fact what's happened over covid is covid now you know it's called coven 19 but it's actually like a 15 to 20 pound increase in weight to the average american it was about uh half a pound every 10 days that when we were quarantined then we should say eat a lot more unfortunately bad foods than we wanted to so we've actually the average american gained about 20 pounds 15 to 20 pounds over this 16 month period so much so that i don't know if you recently watched on the on the news but the airlines are having a difficulty where they're looking at how are they going to have to now charge us more because now each american weighs more that's more less more weight like carrying an extra piece of luggage on board which actually puts the flight at risk so they might have to actually be charging people by weight coming in the future but when we look at all these comorbid conditions hypertension diabetes you know cholesterol you know these all immune system dysfunction hyper coaguability meaning like clotting issues you know inflammation has increased just with obesity but how your vascular system your kidneys your heart your lungs this is all contributing so if you have one it's a problem but if you have many of these things you're just you're basically a target for having not only disease but now being targeted for other diseases coming in like a virus and one of the sad things you know this will show you here hospitalizations here is as we get older you know diabetes chronic disease cardiovascular disease hypertension we understand that because we see these things over time but you know the number one cause of of of the the hospitalization in younger patients 18 to 49 is obesity so really getting our weight under control is key and so what does this tell us is that we are an inflammation nation now again when i wrote this book in the you know a few years ago this was quite controversial people kind of got except uh angry at me they were like oh i don't want to see the country burning and you know and i was trying to give this metaphor of not only the physical inflammation that we all have but there's also an emotional inflammation right now that we know that's going on in the country there's also an environmental inflammatory responsibility there's wildfires and droughts and so so it's on a level of different levels spiritual mental physical and actually the food that we eat that we have to be addressing inflammation and hopefully uh through this lecture you can start reducing it so inflammation is the triggering mechanism of all diseases so you can see from autoimmune to neurological to cancer to cardiovascular diabetes you know now we're looking at you know that uh covet is a trigger that it triggers it and then that that trigger becomes a cycle where then it contribute contributes to more inflammatory problems and you know it's basically been discussed as the fire within the body right and so when we look at that the word inflammation is derived from the the word inflammation comes from the word flam or fire and as aj as you mentioned before we were talking itis itis so when we look at this wonderful kitchen here and you know your bed and your and your and your living room we need a certain amount of inflammation we need a certain amount of heat your body needs some inflammation because it's going to tell us okay is it too hot is it too cold am i having pain or not you know is my pants too tight or is my shoes too tight am i stepping on something that might be sharp so there's a certain amount of inflammation even that regulates your immune system functioning right so that's what we call normal response but when we call uncontrolled information like a kitchen fire or you know your living room's fire your beds on fire then that's a problem so when we look at acute versus chronic inflammation acute inflammation is usually a good thing i mean a lot of times like if we have an allergic reaction the body's telling hey there's something that's toxic for you right chemical irritants you know we can have a trauma we get that initial swelling say you sprain your ankle you know the inflammatory response occurs your your ankle gets swollen the body's saying do not move this it's kind of making an artificial cast for your body to heal because of damage so the acute is usually a good thing okay in which there's the trauma and there's some kind of inflammatory response the body's trying to repair itself even a fever is a good thing because you want the body to upregulate to fight an infection we don't want to suppress uh fever unless it's above like 100 and 304 other than that you know everybody's trying to take an acetaminophen for a 99 100 fever and actually the data will show that actually prolongs the the illness of the child or the adult chronic inflammation though as you can see here is underlying trigger of every single disease from chronic fatigue all the way up to cardiovascular disease and that chronic inflammation then when we say it leads to chronic diseases for example here's a knee and you have a normal knee and then we have inflammation of that need the itis and then we call it arthritis degeneration of the joint here's a normal colon and then we have a colitis or ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease where there's inflammation of the colon here's a here's a a a vessel a cardiovascular vessel a heart vessel that's kind of cut in half so we're looking uh you know from the side of the the tube that pumps blood to your heart and as we eat a pro-inflammatory animal protein high refined vegetable oil diet you know the cholesterol that's pro-inflammatory well sticks and then we have this cardiovascular disease same thing we look at now brain studies of now remember dementia parkinson's alzheimer's it is the leading cause of what's going to bankrupt our country by 2050 is that you know a large percentage of the population is going to have now these neurodegenerative disorders and we now find that that alzheimer's parkinson's dementia diseases are all pro-inflammatory states of the brain a little bit of blood sugar being elevated we call it type 3 diabetes insulin resistance is a major contributing cause of this other pro-inflammatory things in our diet causes inflammation inflammation that ends up triggering beta amyloid tau proteins and tangles that cause these neurodegenerative diseases now even when we look at you know telomeres telomeres are these little end caps on your chromosomes and they're important in the role of aging and now we understand that inflammation actually shortens your telomere so the more inflammation you have actually the lower the lifespan that you have and when the the less inflammation you have the longer you live so now there is 200 different itis as we mentioned before aj before we're talking and i always like to talk about it's kind of like the the inflammation hokey pokey um in which you know if i start from my head like you know people can have a dermatitis on their scalp you know they can have red eyes a conjunctivitis they can have runny nose or rhinitis like sinus congestion like a sinusitis they can have a thyroiditis they can have a sore throat like a pharyngitis or if you talk too much on the radio or you're speaking a lot we can get laryngitis a lot um you can get bronchitis you can get reflux and esophagitis you get stomach pain like a gastritis you get colitis for both men and women uh prostatitis and men vaginitis and women arthritis etc so this is give you an idea from head to toe we all have suffered on some level uh purposely non-purposely you know lifestyle or environment or trauma having some kind of itis but now the problem is that western medicine has usually a drug a treatment to lower the inflammation but it's never stopping at the root cause of what's causing inflammation so we give you pain pills we can give you steroids we can give you immunosuppressive agents but that's never stopping what is triggering the inflammation and my book goes out into detail what are the 10 epigenetic steps that you need to do to reverse diseases by looking at lowering inflammation itself and doing diet lifestyle environmental belief system changes so inflammation now is also a pathway to cancer so 43 so almost 50 of people have ulcerative colitis will develop a colorectal cancer in about 30 years because that chronic inflammation causes cellular damage those polyps have a higher risk and those other inflammatory aspects of changes in the colon can turn into cancer active rheumatoid arthritis over 10 years those patients have a 71 time higher rate of getting a lymphoma cancer than the regular population and even certain things like hpv which we now understand covet as a virus but a lot of people just thought of just viruses like hpv ebv cmv but hpv we always look at you know when we do like pap smears and stuff like that women's health looking at you know the hpv and the cervical tissue not everybody will get cancer but there's a higher risk and then it can take 10 to 20 years to turn into cervical cancer now there's things that we can actually give to actually help reverse and reduce the rate of that transmission of the cervical tissue having hpv we actually can make it go to negative and actually help improve the actual cervical tissue cells but what we really want to focus in on because you know everybody's looking at gene therapy you know you listen to the news everything's about genes and genes and genes but genes is very little you know genes is less than you know at the time i did they had this in 2009 it was five to ten percent and then uh when i wrote my book uh the data came out was about three percent so it's only three percent of genes are are like genetically related diseases but when we look at cancer and chronic diseases you can see here diet is the highest amount tobacco use which hopefully we want people to smoke less but you know as we were talking before vaping is and all these things are now coming up to be uh higher in the youth uh the youth of the population uh and then obesity infections meaning immune systems not functioning well environmental pollution and you know like looking at trying to get more organic foods and less chemicals in the environment less glyphosate roundup so we want to focus in on the 97 percent that you can control which is just lifestyle changes right now what is inflammation and what is like to go so i live in new mexico i live in albuquerque we have these beautiful southwestern style adobe type homes the unfortunate thing is that they also have flat roofs and they leak because we don't have pitch like everybody else has around the world and so i always use an analogy in my book like the rain is inflammation our body's a flat roof and it just collects there and it just looks for the weakest link of the body that's where inflammation likes to go so there's four places that inflammation likes to go number one is trauma so think of your roof and think of it you know say if there's a little bit of damage to the roof and then you have a roof repaired you know it's never 100 fixed and if it's going to rain and then the rain's going to go back on the roof where it's going to go it's going to go back to the place of previous damage so for example a lot of people will have like a sports injury or maybe in college or maybe they got a car accident or maybe they served in the military or whatever it may be maybe fell off a horse here in santa fe for example or you know whatever um that back injury that knee injury now 20 years later 30 years earlier 40 years later 50 years later they're having inflammation there but they're not playing football they're not in the car accident they're not falling off the horse still it's the food in the environment that is still coming in that's triggering that inflammatory response to go to that previous damaged spot so we always have to look at it's not aging that is causing the problem it's the it's time of getting more inflammation that is causing the problem pathology means disease and uh pathology you think of a tree falling on the roof and then once the tree falls on the roof there's a crack every time it rains it's going to go there so that's the other one overuse so we understand overuse like um exercise exercise is very wonderful we all want to exercise you want to do yoga you want to do tai chi qigong you want to do some cardiovascular maybe some weight training that's a healthy inflammatory you know that little bit of soreness but the problem is that most people are eating such a pro-inflammatory diet that they're very very sore afterwards and then they're taking ibuprofens and then they're trying to take all these other medications or they don't exercise because every time they exercise they get a negative response i'm just too sore i'm aching too much so we want to look at you know how do we reduce that inflammation now some people have jobs like carpal tunnel and plantar fasciitis i'm a construction they're on their feet or someone that's working at a checkout you know at a big box store you know they can have that repetitive motion so the overuse can cause inflammation and then the food that we eat will then trigger that inflammation to last longer lastly the fourth place where where inflammation likes to go is a place where your immune system is not paying attention so what that means is that when we have low natural killer cell function when people are stressed even in the winter time you see you know people's immune system goes down that's why viruses are more prone like flus and colds in the wintertime is that that our immune system is low so we like to focus in on our practice on what are the things that are evidence-based that you can take that will import improve strengthen your natural killer cell function vitamin d is one of the simplest things that everybody should be looking at everybody should be testing for vitamin d everybody should either get getting 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure every day not in the burn time but you know early morning late afternoon and also taking a vitamin d supplementation and getting to that targeted range between 60 and 100 is what we look at but make sure that you have your physician or someone follow that um and then when we look at all the different things that are contributing which my book will cover you know smoking solar radiation alcohol alcohol is a big thing because this year there was three large studies that came out even the who now recommending that we shouldn't be consuming alcohol at all which is kind of unfortunate because you know it's a social thing that almost every single culture has and so that's probably going to be one of the hardest challenges now moving forward because we can now start moving people easily on eating better because once they eat better they feel better but socially it's going to be a little bit more challenging so we are telling people to reduce the consumption of alcohol as you can see in the middle the standard american diet which i'll talk about obesity the viruses and we now understood like you know covert was being a virus but also you know different types of bacteria and you know fungal infections and parasites environmental pollution which is a big problem right now and one thing that we've all experienced even more so the last 16 months is stress my book will cover all those things and how to help reduce that but today you know what i'm going to talk about is just the main things about inflammation and diet but these are some of the 10 steps that i do cover my book and we'll even hopefully have some time to talk about bosmeric and how you can use a natural anti-inflammatory in addition to your plant-based diet on getting better so i just want to talk about first now what are we eating right just to kind of set to why do we need to change well the average american is eating the following per day that's per day remember this is per day per person is a pound of animal protein that means beef chicken pork fish and eggs a pound two pounds of cheese and dairy products per person per day on average that means some people are eating more two pounds okay half a pound of refined flour half a pound of veggies usually in the form of french fries and again ketchup is being now consumed as the most second most consumed vegetable so believe it or not now ketchup is considered a vegetable because it's used so much okay usually it has tons of sugar usually usually it's uh not organic and whatnot has corn syrup and whatnot so and they consume the average person's consuming about 18 ounces of soda a third of a pound of gmo sugar and corn sweeteners that's usually in those sweetened beverages and candies and about an ounce of artificial sweeteners like the blue pink and yellow packets which my book will cover the detail of why those things are not good for us now when we look at this omega-3 and omega-6 ratio and everybody heard about omega-3s and omega-3s omega-3s you know fish oil and now we're talking about plant oils but omega-3s are anti-inflammatory right and we can get it from our diet easily from you know flax seeds chia seeds hemp seeds walnuts for example great sources by the way some people were eating fish which we're not recommending but this industry came out and to give us more omega-3s now why is because in 1950 1960 the average person ate about one-to-one ratio meaning they had a lot of omega-3s and then occasionally they'd have a mega-stick so we'd go through all the week you know the average american would have maybe some beef pork chicken lamb it was a roast it was on sunday you know uh you know dad got you know raised in the 50s and that was a celebration or after church something like that so like we had this food that we feasted on but the rest of the rest of the week we kind of family it wasn't very accessible but you know over time the food got cheaper and cheaper due to industrial processing of food factory farming etc and so what we now started seeing is that in 2012 the number of omega-6 almost went up to about 35 percent and then when we saw in southern states like this is like mississippi louisiana alabama is that they almost have a 70 to 1. 70 times more omega-6 omega-6s are animal proteins and also the highly refined vegetable oil so when they're saying like fried chicken or double deep fried chicken with the twinkie in there somewhere in between now these are the problems where that that whole push the industry was saying well let's just eat a mega omega-3 so let's just sell you you know omega-3 fatty acids whether from fish or plants but our main thing is that we want to reduce the omega 6's in the diet then you can just eat the omega-3s or take a plantal you don't need to have such high high amounts and so this is a problem of what we're starting to see now why do we have so much omega-6s in our diet because it's cheap food right my book will cover all of this but it's really interesting because you know when you want to know like how is how can you get a dollar menu food how can you have a you know a bucket of chicken for 20 bucks now i live in the 50th poorest state in the nation okay so we understand poor we understand the economy being bad especially during covet so i understand that you know family of four saying okay i have 20 bucks i can fill a bucket of chicken with sides and i got you know two kids and stuff like that i understand you know the economics of this however we have to understand that cheap food just causes you more in health expenditures later now interesting enough in my book i'll also cover the insurance companies this is a great great thing 11 of the top insurance companies health insurance life insurance and disability insurance owns about 2 billion stocks of fast food industry so they got you coming in they got you coming out so i always tell people you're not here by default of your disease you're here by design what i mean is that there's been marketing from you know food industry from drug companies and from even from hospital medicine that we keep people kind of stuck in this loop of perpetual thinking that i'm supposed to get diabetes heart disease and cancer and obesity and eventually you know have some kind of dementia as it gets older but that's not true when you look at the worldwide data right and from furthermore is i you know for those who say well you know dr pi you know and i used to be this guy i'm always honest with my patients you know before i went plant-based in 2006 i was the foodie guy where you know my beef came from japan it was massage therapist was you know rubbing it and my my fish came from a special fishery in alaska that dr wow would recommend and and my my eggs came from palace where they're all organic kumbaya they do yoga for example so i was that guy but we understand it's like that that that what we thought was clean food did not get us anywhere further in fact the data shows statistically no significance between eating organic meats clean people would say clean foods versus the regular conventional factory farm foods no really changed because we're not going to have the important things that we'll talk about later um but the book we'll talk about for those people who want to know like i want people to understand their food because we always want to know where iphones are made and where our nike shoes and where our clothes are being made we're so conscious about some of these other products but the thing that we're putting in day in day out we don't know that you know that that most of the pork now in the united states is grown here shipped seven thousand miles to china it's processing china and shipped back and it's cheaper now than it's ever been so what does that tell us that means something along the way in processing is making the pork not really pork or they're adding other things to the pork that shouldn't be there otherwise we just be processing these things here how most of the farm wild caught salmon right now that you go to the store health food store or grow high-end grocery market um is actually not wild caught it's actually farm-raised and my book will explain how they can make the tanks how they can take it and they add astrazanthin and how they can you know drop it in the water and pick it up 20 you know 20-20 feet later and it's called wild caught and it's basically colored but with a carotenoid pigment and you're basically getting farm races 40 to 60 percent by three independent agencies have now shown that all the health food stores and all the seafood markets now have mislabeled the fish and it's not on purpose it's from even the fisheries that are selling right so there's a lot of you know what i call scamming in the market you know i'll talk about moogle and moogle's is a is a blood enzyme um that's used from beef or beef or pork and we can take scraps of pour of of meat say here steaks all the ends and the tips and actually you can put this mug glue product you can buy it on amazon a lot of the fancy restaurants use it now you can even get gluten-free kind some that are even blessed by rabbi and just interesting enough but you can put it together and actually we'll glue the meat together and then they can preform make steaks and the data will show that most the restaurants now you know when you see a 999 all you can eat steak and shrimp thing those are not real steaks that's just basically parts of other parts of the animal that have been put together selling it to you as cheap you know unfortunately when i wrote my book i was talking about gmo'ing of the fish and that was you know that was hopefully you know going to be blocked and it wasn't blocked in fact they have now introduced the actual gmo fish this is the gmo fisher this is the regular salmon this is the gmo salmon into the population into the environment and so we'll now see that we are now the experiment of what this may be changing and altering in the environment not only in ourselves but actually into the animal ecosystem you know the difference my book will cover the difference between grass-fed grass-fed finished uh but interesting thing when people say i'm eating grass-fed finnish doctor pie i'm not just eating grass-fed because they know then they take the animal feed in the corn lot and they claim it as grass-fed it needs to be grass-fed finished but 70 now up to 70 of all the grass-fed beef now is actually eating and consuming a gmo grass that's actually from scots which is a monsanto division right let's talk about chicken i'll talk about even how when you have ground beef at the store what they call there's atmospheric changes where they can actually use this gases a co2 gas uh sorry carbon monoxide gas that actually will make the the uh kind of old meat look fresher uh and actually can stay up to several months before uh it you you know it turns back so there's ways that we can actually have really bad food so a lot of people are getting food borne illness one in four people will get food borne illness now went up a little bit higher last year uh just due to the way the food is being handling and then when people go out to eat i always like to tell people you know people like dr pie you know i eat all beef patties you know i'm i just you know i'm not gonna eat vegetables i'm not gonna get i'm not gonna go plant-based and so there's studies that you know showed that you know from a forensics uh journal where they actually took the top eight fast food chains and you know when they looked at like the all beef patty for example two quarter pounder cheeseburgers you know and looked at all the taco bell the kfc's to the wendy's and all the range of meat is 2 to 14.8 percent so basically you know 85 to 98 of the meat patty is not meat right so then you have to think of like what what is it it's all the other stuff that you don't want to know if you want google mood glue and you look at all these other things you'll be disappointed so also when we look at you know the consumption of animal protein as we see one in two men and one in three women in their lifetime now will have cancer one in two men one in three women in their lifetime will have cancer which is not there when i was in medical school you know over 30 years ago um you know we're now looking at the food being contributing factor and there's something called insulin growth factor which is triggering uh especially we find it highest in dairy but it's also found in other other animal proteins it stimulates growth right and and cancer cells have 10 to 12 times more insulin receptors so there's a direct correlation between the higher the intake the higher the the rate of cancer can happen actually who actually classified uh more recently last two years meat as a carcinogen so it's actually as deadly on the you know the carcinogen list as tobacco as asbestos as diesel fumes so an example would be here like eating three and a half ounces of red meat increases colon cancer by seventeen percent three now in here in new mexico like people will go to the waffle house or something they have what they call that you know the construction man's breakfast is like a 22 22 ounce steak for breakfast right so it's already it's that's already like almost seven times that so you can understand like why the rate of colon cancer is so high you know one point seven ounces of process processed meats out of all the meat processed meats the worst that means like delis and deli meats and sausages and pepperonis it's the worst so only an ounce and you know 1.7 ounces increases the colon cancer rate 18 percent and so when you think of a meat topping pizzas 12 to 18 grams of slice average person has three slices of of a pizza so they're already like three times this risk already just having one meal of a meat lover's pizza so when we look at colon cancer now colon cancer being the number two cause of cancer in both men and women we can understand why we only have it here interesting thing there's a study here that's been published and i'll put in my my next upcoming book but um there's a study where they took the patients in africa and they and they keep on showing this at the at the different conferences because it's such a well done study they took them from rural africa they don't have colon cancer in these areas of rural africa they don't eat and you know hardly any animal protein and they eat super high amounts of fiber in their diet if they just took these patients and they took them to chicago and they had this crossover so they standard american fare for two weeks they did a colonoscopy and biopsies of their colon and blood tests no inflammation no no issues with the colon they fed them the standard american diet for two weeks and after two weeks all the inflammatory markers are up and they already have pre-neoplastic lesions already developing in the colon in two weeks then when they switch them back to their diet and they have them feed their regular standard diet of their culture which is high in fiber high in fruits and vegetables and grains and legumes uh it returns back to normal so just two weeks it only takes to actually either start insulting the colon and then over time we have this colon cancer being number two or two weeks of just changing it and you can improve your health moving forward now major things just to know is atherosclerotic plaque so cardiovascular disease one you know three people every minute will have a heart attack in america and so a side of covid you know deaths which is you know very high still the normal cause of death in america is heart disease okay an interesting thing you know the cancer conference has that talking about nutrition they looked at the you know the number three cause of death which is cancer right now okay coverage number two so number three causes is is is cancer in the cancer patients in 2019 and in 2020 data those are the last two data sets they're able to look at uh most recent is that the number one cause of death in cancer patients in 2019 and 2020 was not cancer it was heart disease so you know they're going to give them chemo surgery radiation or we try to help them with other natural things along the way to improve their outcome but if no one's looking at what they're eating they still will die from the number one cause of death which is heart disease so we know now know that you know eating an animal protein eating a standard american diet eating a ketogenic diet eating a paleo diet is just leads to heart disease and and a higher risk of strokes and other issues in cancer eating a vegetarian diet is somewhat better but we now know going completely plan based within six months we can see reversal of cardiovascular health on angiograms and we have wonderful uh patient uh studies that we can show of reversal of that and deficiencies in our diet so a lot of people say well gosh you know our food is giving us what we need no and in fact in the standard american diet you can see here is that there you know this is the percent of the human population that's not in the united states not meeting just the recommended daily minimum amount so i mean remember rds are the tiny amounts they just barely need for disease look at this how much calcium and folate and iron and magnesium and all the bees and and vitamin c's and e and this is such a deficiency here and it's because the animals are factory formed uh and yes which is still 97 so when i have people like oh i eat grass-fed or eat organic or something like that i say no you're not eating every single meal because every time you go out it's not that um fiber fiber is only found in plants and so i'll come back to this but it's really for improving the diversity of your um microbiome more importantly not only just evacuating the the the stool but it actually helps remove the toxins and so when people have a low fiber diet which is the standard american diet ketogenic and also um paleo diets is that they have this what they call increased entropatic circulation fiber is what actually helps bind these bile acids and helps bile salts and it actually helps bind the toxins meaning hormones that we're getting from our foods and in fact you know interesting thing is with foods we're talking about is um at the conference just recently i was at the oncology section they were looking at dairy and how much dairy can cause hormonal related cancers because you know women are worried about estrogen positive breast cancer three servings of dairy a day meaning you know having some cheese in your eggs maybe having some or milk on your cereal maybe having a piece of pizza maybe enchilada or you know something like some cheese or piece of yogurt and then two little servings of butter meaning like in a pan or something on a toast right because they usually will cook foods with butter um has the same amount of estrogen 40 of estrogen and 60 of estrogen uh of progesterone as a single birth control pill that's three servings of dairy two servings of butter which average person i said is doing two pounds right yeah and that's just that's just dairy we're not talking about the the beef and the other animal products so we can understand why we see this rise of these hormonal rate of cancers in both men and women and by not having the daily dominant with the more bowel movements you have two to three even estrogen positive breast cancer women will have the longest survival because it's just the body's removing what it needs you know detoxification and anybody says oh you need to do a detox detox i'm so tired of that where it's overdone detoxification is having two to three well-formed bowel movements by eating enough plant-based foods that's all what it is actually true uh detoxification is ayurvedic uh ayurvedic medicine actually has panchakarma which is one of our specialties that people who are interested in punch karma that's a whole detoxification but that's real detoxification that means doing like body therapies mind therapies meditation yoga new series of body treatments so that's something that's been practiced for about 4 000 years as a specialty on how to move it it's not just a colon cleanse that most people will get at the health food store more importantly more research now in the in in in the last few years because we're learning about microbiome is that there's something called endotoxins and endotoxins trigger inflammatory responses that come from meat but it's not just when we think of endotoxins people are thinking like oh was it just the bacteria like is it because it's like rare meat or you know should i cook it more no when you cook it you boil it you even fry it it you put a stomach acid it doesn't kill endotoxin endotoxins causes this dysfunction of your microbiome causing leaky gut causing inflammatory responses leading to more of the obesity diabetes and all these other pro-inflammatory uh cytokines and immunological factors so you know these are there's no benefits of that so this is the main slide i want to stay on because i tell people this all the time and people say well dr pai you know i you know i must eat this or i need this or i need that and i always just tell people that the argument or the discussion however you want to phrase it is that you just need to know are you eating an anti-inflammatory diet or a pro-inflammatory diet and then i can just drop the mic and i can leave the room because really it's that simple if you understand inflammation you'll understand why you'd be eating uh more this way of a plant plant heavy diet or even a full whole food plant-based diet which we're recommending and avoiding this now animal protein increases inflammation we want to reduce it plants do that uh animal protein has cholesterol and again three people every minute number one cause of death still in america and worldwide is heart disease so plants don't have cholesterol that's why you can reverse heart disease just by going on plant-based diet antioxidants there's very little antioxidants in animal protein because remember most of them are factory farm plants are just high in antioxidants phytonutrients phyto meaning plant there's none because it's not a plant right so and i'll show you a slide next to what a phytonutrient is remember there's no fiber we need the fiber and you know this increases dysbiosis and endotoxins so by not having fiber you know we need the fiber plants only have fibers anything that's a plant vegetable grain legume or fruit has fiber fiber increases your microbiome diversity and in fact just two weeks now there's other studies showing that you know how can we start flipping this pro-inflammatory gi tract into an anti-is two weeks to so it's not like some people come to me like i'm 65 years old i've been eating this one way how you know i i don't have 60 years to change i don't know you have two weeks can you spare two weeks most people spared 16 months you know being at home so you know quarantined so we can do a lot of wonderful things these are the things that we want to avoid heterocyclic amines tmao igf-1 and nu5g6 these are things that actually are linked to increase cancer growth this is from grilling this is from the barbecuing this is the charring this is from the choline and the eggs converting in the microbiome into the liver stimulates here instant growth factor and this is something new that's in the literature is looking at our bodies actually developing a type of antibody against meat which is very interesting that links to colon cancer and other types of cancer okay heme iron you know unfortunately a lot of times people would say hey you're anemic say say someone who's pregnant or someone's having heavy menstrual cycles hey you need to eat steak doctor said you need to eat steak now we understand that iron that comes from animal protein is pro-inflammatory is atherogenic meaning causes cardiovascular disease and it actually triggers more cancer growth so plant iron doesn't do that so you can get all the plant iron you get from greens okay so you know eating you know there was a whole discussion like heme iron is better absorbed it's better absorbed by 10 percent and they made this huge argument for decades and so just you know have some more greens um interesting thing the last conference i was at just just a week ago they were talking about this a lot of the research now is something showing something about why we have this diabetes why we have this blood sugar problem you know 70 having insulin resistance and it's called intramyocellular lipids meaning when we eat animal protein and also the animal fats what happens is like you know bacon you know all the the oils and fats it actually accumulates in our tissue or muscle tissue and that increases the insulin resistance meaning the the blood sugar dysregulation and also increases your advanced like glycation end products these are things that causes clogging you know it causes inflammation to cause dysfunction but the diabetes and you know out of all the animal proteins they also did studies on looking at oils right because we always want like you know is there is there healthier oils even though we were trying to eat lower oil i know chef aj you want to be low oil as well but when we're looking at oils the one that actually sticks in the tissue the most a side of animal protein right so animal protein is bad uh and animal fats are bad is palm oil and palm oil is like now the number one you know generic oil that's unfortunately being you know devastating uh the amazon their their pillaging you know the forest for this growing this cheap pommel but you'll see now palm oil has become the new corn syrup right it's become the new high fructose corn syrup it's in every cookie candy even vegan food it's still you know put in there all the fried stuff and palm oil is actually a larger disruptor as well so you so even if you want plant-based you want to be avoiding any package that says palm oil because that actually will cause insulin resistance in your body and lastly when talking about pro-inflammatory foods you know there's bio-accumulation pesticides herbicides you know in the sea dioxins pcbs and heavy metals and antibiotics and hormones this is all an animal protein now even if someone's saying i'm eating organic guess what they're herbicides and pesticides that are still being put in fertilizers right and or the gmo grasses right and and even in animals when people have bone broth for example which has been my my nemesis for many years because so many patients come to me who have cancer like oh i saw this on some kind of you know docu-series or someone on you know the internet social media is selling you know bone broth but you know they all have heavy metals pesticides herbicides the studies even in organic because that's where biologically those things store in the animal is in bones so if you're just eating a highly concentrated form of bones then they have the toxins go along so if aliens come down tomorrow and eat us humans and make human bone broth they're gonna get toxicity from us as well so it's something that you're not getting any nutrients from this is just industries selling you um products that are byproducts that actually used to throw away now they can actually package and sell their kind of the garbage to people and remember it's acidic so the data will show also now that we're understanding with micro bomb and just looking at you know the overall alkalinity acidity balance you don't need to buy a fancy water machine you don't have to buy all these kind of gimmicky things you just need to be eating more plant-based foods which overall puts your body in an alkaline state so in general animal protein does not prevent treat or reverse disease it only increases disease so there's no drug that we make that is you know a chicken prescription there's no beef prescription there's no um you know uh fish prescription in fact it's a fatty acid of the omega-3 it's not fish protein so everybody said we need to eat this animal protein but there's no drug that we give that does that in fact all the drugs that we give or herbs that we give or nutraceuticals we give is only from plant foods that actually prevents treats and reverses diseases so you know going back to what is a phytonutrient because a lot of people don't understand that word so when you think of all the wonderful colors red and orange you see this rainbow color here and you think of like tomatoes and carrots and citrus and spinach and broccoli and you know and blueberries and grapes and all the legumes and beans these are the phytochemicals the phytonutrients that are not found in animal protein like lycopene and beta-carotene and vitamin c flavonoids and folate and indoles and and owls and and uh anthocyanins and reserve these are all the things now that would then are patented put into pills and then we go to the health store and we sell it back to people you know because they're not eating the food so it's like people like oh i need to take you know my reservation i need to take my it's like well you should be eating those foods now when we look at in our practice we actually measure these things we actually will find out deficiencies and then we when we give us any kind of dietary supplement it's only for a targeted reason but we then have to follow a study of like you know the patent looking at a dosage and the potency on does that patient actually need it but when we actually look at nutrient testing we actually will say here are the foods that you should be eating first because we want to avoid redundancy we only want to give things that have a targeted effect that's safe natural clinically effective and the diet first and foremost is is the thing that everybody has to change you know most people would come to see me we actually give them a three hour video they have to watch the video we recommend them read the book because i want people to get full on board you know i tell people i'm i'm not only an integrated physician i'm like a olympic athlete coach you know and i only want people to get gold i'm not here to train people to get bronzes and silvers when they come to my practice so when they have cancer or they have diabetes heart disease it's not just kind of partly making it's not just having it under control it's not having it managed they can go elsewhere if people say i want to overcome my disease then you have to be all in like no nobody who went gets a gold now in tokyo at the olympics they didn't just wake up you know being this wonderful athlete they've trained all so we just see them like for this one week and like wow they're so strong so fast these people every day day and night are practicing practicing and training so i tell people every day is a training to keep your body healthy you have to do making the better decisions every single day and this is kind of my recommendations for most of my patients and so hopefully when people watch us they can pause us and kind of take a look at it but basically four servings of fruits you know maybe a tablespoon of seeds um herbs and spices which we'll talk about whole grains three servings you know vegetables five servings a day about an ounce of nuts or less a day and legumes you know almost at every meal three servings legumes these are all the different types of fruits these are all the type of whole grains vegetables and nuts and seeds so hopefully you know pause this screen when you watch us on youtube and then you know you can take this about print it out and really look at you know these are the things that we should be eating because a lot of people you know what i find um um chef aj in my practice is that you know i find it myself too when i was buying plant-based is that we all get stuck you know like we all have our two favorite fruits and vegetables and greens and legumes and all and i tell people like you know when you talk about berries like blueberries strawberries blackberry raspberries bilberries cranberries boys and berries goji berries there's so many berries you know cherries aside from dragon fruit mangoes bananas oranges apples pears tangerines watermelon cantaloupe peaches wow you know a lot of people go stores like apples oranges you know like that's all we think of you know like we want to be eating as much of these fruits as possible as much of the colors as possible as much as the skins washing it try to get organic if possible look at the environmental work group dirty dozen legumes so a lot of people just think of beans think of black beans pinto red garbanzo kidney navy canelli lima mung beans peas is a bean or or legume sorry lentils so brown red and yellow and green so all the dolls that you can think of all the mung beans soybeans so soy milk tofu tempeh adamami but those should be organic 94 of soy is gmo so always get organic organic organic otherwise i don't touch it um you know uh you know with the uh seeds chia flax hemp with the the grains you know a lot of people are stuck they're like well look at taff quinoa amroth oats millet barley spelt ca wheat berries rice and everything's just white rice because that's what they were sold no red rice volcanic rice brown rice black rice for bitter rice you know which is purple uh jade rice which is green basamata rice there's tons of different type of and i'm probably missing a bunch of other grains from other cultures by the way so forgive me for any of these fruits and vegetables because you know this is from what i can get locally uh there's other places that you know if i was on the east coast or west coast or other cultures they have a variety of more vegetables that we have uh vegetables here you know we're looking at leafy greens charred kale spinach carla green sprouts uh sunflower radish mustard alfalfa pea shoots green lentils wheat clover broccoli sprouts onions you know all the different types of onions all the different types of garlic all the different types of mushrooms so these are the things that people keep unlimited they won't gain weight these are these are really low caloric but nutrient dense foods and so we want to make sure that we are getting these servings per day so when i always want to kind of show this i would say like when people say well where do you get your protein you know that's the number one question that people get or say you know i would say like where are you getting your anti-inflammatory protein where are you getting your phytonutrients where are you getting your fiber where you're getting your antioxidants and hopefully people understand that this is where we should be heading and this is the kind of diet that we should be looking at reducing all types of inflammation so now i want to switch to kind of how we practice and what truly integrative medicine is you know more recently in the last couple years you've been hearing a lot of things about um naturopathic medicine and holistic medicine that was kind of really popular for a long time and you know naturopathic medicine is you know naturopathic doctors who go to naturopathic school and you know they learn a lot about supplements and natural herbs which is great and you know we like to step it up further because we like to look at potency purity safety efficacy so we're really specific at what types that we use where do we manufacture it is it at a clinical dose that we have a clinical efficacy and that's where a lot of people unfortunately in all of this industry are not trained they're just kind of trained to like a rep will come in their office instead of selling drugs they're selling supplements and they just kind of go with whatever's there or whatever they have the highest margin for their practice we do opposite we have about 40 different contract manufacturers in our practice for our products and we look at what was the study and can i get it directly to the manufacturer not have third party touching it so i can get everything in a certified gmp facility and follow the clinical studies when i when i see a patient and we're trying to remove and change their uh their their drugs to using more natural therapies and eventually just be on a diet and lifestyle change by itself you know that's our especially but you know holistic natural medicine is something that is incorporated in integrative medicine in our practice one of my areas that people read about in the book through my story and my personal experience with foods is food sensitivities or food allergies you know we always want to look at even if you move to a plant-based diet your body can still have a problem with a plant vegetable grain or legume and so we always want to look at testing and looking at you know what they call an ige and an igg4 immediate delayed reactions to something that you might be eating although the data might be great chef aj might make a great recipe i might look at the research say it's a fantastic thing and for that patient they might eat it even if it's a plant it's still contribute can trigger an inflammatory response so we look at like making individualized medicine looking at like making sure that you're on a complete anti-inflammatory diet otherwise sometimes people say i try to eat plant-based and you know i had someone just the other day they came in they had a problem with avocados and they had a problem with kale and these are things that people are saying like you know add a little bit of healthy fat okay a little bit of avocado or have kale you know more kale kales is another superfood where and they were actually is actually making their their crohn's disease worse right so it was a pro-inflammatory response and there's ways that we can actually help reverse that food sensitivity and also desensitize the person over time with rotation and other things like that we also use you know a lot of traditional what i call traditional medicines you know i consider western medicine a lot um alternative because and the reason why i use that is because western medicine's only been around for like you know a couple hundred years uh but when you look at ayurvedic medicine chinese medicine you know we use a lot of what called neuro acupuncture there's a recent documentary film that i'm proud to be part of it's called a return to life people want to know about how neural acupuncture helps for stroke parkinson's ms autism cerebral palsy traumatic brain injury go to neural acupuncture and if you're especially a medical provider if you're an acupuncturist dom or a physician they we do training and we do we do training where you can certify in a specific type of technique to train those people well our specialty in our practice you know uh with with my partner dr sutton um she actually is a doctor of ayurvedic medicine and uh we do all the pancha karma we do all the lifestyle uh the yoga the meditation the pranayam uh and the use of the the therapies effectively um and then we look at regenerative medicine which is also popular regenerativeness people are trying to do like how do i get my stem cells or you know like in my joints to get better or how do i regenerate my joints but we can do that with diet we can actually do natural products that do that we don't need to do you know injections of therapies and you know in blood infusion therapies we don't need to do any of that but it's moving to that next level understanding science and understanding how the body actually you know anatomically physiologically immunologically if you can understand how to balance that you can do this naturally functional medicine is a big thing that's been popular i've been doing this for about 20 years now when i got certified so and now it's a big trendy thing which is good and bad because what happens there's a lot of functional medicine practitioners who are not physicians uh so people can get you know functional medicine thing they do a lot of testing and it's great i love testing i'm an evidence-based guy so i like to test nutrients and microbiome and genetic pathways and methylation pathways and you know all these other things but it comes with the practice of the experience of how to interpret the labs not to say this is low and here's a product and that seems what unfortunately a functional medicine has become the other thing is functional medicine has become as a testing parameter where a lot of people just do for the testing and they make money on this thing we're a non-profit uh uh house of standards is a non-profit so what we do is that we don't we don't we don't charge extra for the testing it's whatever the test costs whatever the patient's insurance is or whatever the cash basis is for the for the testing we don't get involved that because there's also a misguidance if you start if you start testing and start making so much money on testing then you're just doing testing for no reason and that's why i see a lot of people coming in they've done tens of thousands of dollars of testing and they're still not better it's because they didn't get the right guidance of how to interpret those tests uh and they just didn't uh and then all the lifestyle medicine so lifestyle medicine is really popular interesting thing san gimini integrative medicine health and lifestyle center that's the name of our our company for 22 years now and when i first put that on the building you know a lot of people made fun of it they said what what you know why having lifestyle and actually i got a little slack for that and i was kind of like what's wrong with you guys it's all about lifestyle you're changing your life it's not a diet it's a lifestyle um and is integrative medicine um then later on you know jeffrey bland kind of started coining this term lifestyle medicine and now there's a american board of lifestyle venice which is great i love it you know it's great thing to have you know talking about plant-based diets and sleep and the exercise and relationships and all these wonderful things but but there's a lack of of lifestyle medicine that i find and with the lack of lifestyle medicine is the following and it's not to be critical but you know when we're talking about understanding plant nutrition and plant food is medicine then we have we should you know i i wrote down here docs need to go farther so you need so you can go further what that means is that i always hear people now who are kind of moving plant-based physicians which is fantastic by the way i mean everybody needs to be plant-based that's not there's no argument on that in the data or otherwise clinically but but they do that and someone says oh i have a headache they said take an ibuprofen or again i got blood pressure okay take your lysine approach i got blood sugar take your metformin i'm like but there's wonderful plant medicines that are derived from foods that actually can do the same thing that will help reduce it with less side effects and hopefully over time which we do is work with improving more of the lifestyle factors and dietary factors and environmental factors and then we're able to wean off successfully but it's kind of always like this dichotomy i see that all these people are talking about plant meta plant foods but then they don't have the training in herbal medicine which we get an integrative and also if you look at my bio we've done a lot of extensive studies i still study i mean i've been researching and i've been i mean i'm constantly in training because there's always new forms of medicine that we should be learning and adding to our patient approval and integrative medicines is a combination of all of these things so the goal is like you know if i need to get a scan if i need to look at a blood test if i need to write a prescription i can i have the liberty and i have the privilege actually which is a privilege actually to write those things but the problem is when people are sometimes now so so what i call specialized in certain areas that they're missing the encompassing of how to directionally kind of focus the patient in the right uh right way and so sometimes they can be let off track like it's not that it's functional is bad or lifestyle's bad or holistic or natural pathogenic is bad just that sometimes it's not the full piece because like oh i got this but then these people don't know how to talk about diet are these people okay they don't know which herbs to give or these people don't know which are you know and so there's a lack of that and integrative medicine nicely is integrating uh all of these all of these things and you want to find a practitioner we know we do online uh zoom telehealth uh consultations and also in person so we're welcome to do that for any of your clients out there and you know i just want to end up recommending you know whole food plant-based eat as much fruits vegetables grains legumes as i mentioned before kind of test for food sensitivities find a practitioner or we can help you with that because you want to find out you know i want to be on a complete anti-inflammatory diet if you've got gut problems you know if you have gas bloating diarrhea constipation any of those issues then definitely you want to have your microbiome checked you know we can check for all sorts of dysbiosis and things like that nutritional deficiencies you know we don't give supplementation we'll tell you what foods you should be eating and if it's a deficiency or you have a concerned condition that's a disease that we need to bring it up then we can help you with targeted safe natural effective therapies um avoid ibuprofen and motrin advil naprox in the leave that's going to be in my book what a black box warning is and so just avoid those things and we do have natural anti-inflammatories if we have some time we can talk about that and other things like glucan and vitamin d to help strengthen your immune system practice some kind of exercise meditation stress reduction yoga and and we'll focus on community and also service and those are kind of my just general recommendations for today on how you can help reduce inflammation and here's my my contact information you know you can go to our website you can sign up for a newsletter or you can just look at who we are what we have to offer we can also do a telemedicine consultation uh boss america is one of our anti-inflammatory products you can read about that you can also search on the internet read about that as well you can see our store and also you can get our book an information nation and i think that is it for our presentation so i will now stop sharing the screen thank you all for listening and i look forward to your questions in a fruitful discussion okay so dr pi you get two awards today not only for best screen but for fastest talker i always thought that dr joel fuhrman was the fastest talker but you are and but yet i was able to i was able to follow you know how on youtube if you watch a video you can change the settings and make it like 1.25 1.5 we need one for you to make it a little bit more information i'm always i'm always a little fast because i want to spend a little bit more time you know people can go back and listen to it watch it again and also like it's good because they can read the book at their pace uh they also can when they listen to it 14 hours you know professionally read it's not by me so it's red you know at a slower pace but it's because i don't you know people don't have to get everything all at one time and the goal is like even when i have my 10 steps in my book epigenetics right diet lifestyle environment belief system it is doing a little bit of all these steps and then going back to one and doing them a little bit all you know we're not perfectionists you know i'm a realist but realistically you need to be doing better today than you were yesterday right and so so we always want to help our patients and we go shopping with them we do cooking classes i mean it's it's about keeping the key motivating factors and sometimes it's economical like when people feel like gosh i spent all this money and haven't gotten better or why is this you know it's understanding everybody has their aha moment and once we find it then the the likelihood and the ability to change is there wow you know i'll never look at butter the same now i'm going to look at it and think of birth control yeah you know you know we always knew that it had a certain amount but we never really you know i so we'd always say yeah it has a certain amount of estrogens but the the oncologist uh was able to show the study they actually were able to calculate that and i was surprised too because that that is a huge you know and that's not that's in addition to all the xenoestrogens the plastic estrogens all these other chemicals that we get and even the bioidentical hormones that people are still taking on top of that as well wow you know that thing about the airline that is so interesting to me if that will happen and how that will be because won't people complain like that their civil liberties are being encroached yeah so here's an interesting thing which is not a good thing because you know america's not on its honor system right now because oh honor system but uh they're actually coming up with some kind of discussion of what they're going to ask like a general weight question are you above below x amount and if they doubt that or if you kind of fib that then they might actually have a scale that you will have to stand on which i already which i'll do it and now you know because i always thought it was unfair i mean you know some people are going to be big there's always going to be you know we call big bone people but we're now talking about like when people are morbidly obese that's not just natural okay being 100 100 pounds or more over your body baseline is is not normal and and i always thought it's not fair because every time i go uh on a plane and sometimes i'd have like you know a few pounds extra and i'd have to put in my backpack or something then i look back behind the person who's like me 400 pounds and i'm like well that's not fair because that's the total weight of the plane but it is something you know americans we all kind of gained weight so it's not just like oh you're plant-based you know everybody pretty much gained weight in america over covered so it is it is an overall health problem and you know i don't know how they're gonna address it because i have a feeling there's gonna be a lot more fighting and videos at the airport coming soon it's very interesting elizabeth says so the real pandemic is obesity diet and lifestyle even more than covet well i mean i never underestimate the power of covid because we're you know the delta is coming soon and it's still going to rage especially in place patients in places that are unvaccinated but when we see those places on the map those are the places that actually also have the highest core corporate amenities so that's a double whammy like if you're living in mississippi alabama you're living in texas you're living in florida you're living you know those states right now and in alabama i mean just it's a risk you know and and so that is something that we yeah there is a study i give example there is a couple studies showing that plant-based uh people who get exposed have the least amount of symptoms but that doesn't mean that a plant-based person should not also get vaccinated so there's also people like well i'm so healthy because i eat greens all day and do my yoga i'm like no the the virus doesn't really care your politics or your your exercise or your diet just that you're lowering you're trying to always lower your carbohydrate risk factors our practice is always about risk reduction and improving outcomes and that's all it's about it's not being about perfect but it's always about it's kind of like when people buy a car like you always want to have make sure that the brakes are good you want to have air bags you want to have side air bags you know you want to have you know all the safety things and so the more you have that eventually you may get into a car accident but you're going to be more easily to walk out of that and walk away from that accident you are just a wealth of information people are saying it's like you're like a talking encyclopedia i'm i've been told i'm the integrative medicine wikipedia yeah you're that's amazing sometimes i get the dates a little bit right now because i round up because i don't like to keep the numbers right exactly but yeah that's what you get you know what i'm thinking instead of like maybe penalizing people for having excess weight what if we just reward people that like just give me a discount in other words you know sure maybe that would be more fair and acceptable that would be great like you know i gave you a cheaper you know because just it's just like when you when you have to pay for an extra bag right so maybe you should get you know like something discount or maybe better snacks or something i don't know you know it's funny because a while back pcrm had a very you know and i think it was meant to be fun a commercial about how people were paying extra to sit next to a vegan because they were slimmer and a lot of people offense to that ad and again we don't want to shame or blame people for being no we're not shaming anybody but we know what is shameful is that america is not what it used to be so we can't just and it sometimes becomes an argument and i think it's a it's a false argument because we're saying oh it's fat shaming it's not fat shaming i think we have to come to a realization of looking ourselves in the mirror and saying we are not the same people that we were 30 years ago i mean when i grew up in in las cruces which is near el paso texas okay and so we're talking about you know i'm in a 50th poor state so but even at that time and even now when i go to a store people are different people are not as healthy you know the average person i see is taking anywhere between 8 and 12 pharmaceutical drugs the average va patient is taking 26 pharmaceutical drugs you know so so something like it's something something's wrong with and then that's just the drugs that's not talking about the eight to 20 supplements that'll come in from the chiropractor the naturopath the you know the functional doc the holistic doctor my acupuncture my massage therapist my mlm friend who saw me like they're coming but they're still not healthy so it's not working because they haven't changed their epigenetics diet lifestyle environment belief system yeah you know i love what you said about alcohol because it's just so much being touted by so many people is this health food and it's not it's not and it's hard because you know even in this last two conferences i saw they were just showing like more and more data which is so used to be like kind of like we just didn't agree with it or we said okay eat less of it now the data's like it causes all these problems and yeah the average is consuming you know one or two glasses of wine at dinner one or two beers you know a cocktail and you know and to me i'm like it's not that okay if you celebrate on the fourth of july or birthday that's the end of the world however everybody's celebrating every day some on some level you know every day is game day every day someday right so uh that's where i think the pandemic you know we kind of slipped because some people were allowed to do certain things like that people kind of indulged a little bit more than they would normally that that's interesting so as cindy says well how you know these questions could have been typed before you reach that point in your presentation but cindy said well what about grass-fed beef organic chicken and how can organic grass-fed dairy have hormones it does because how do they keep the cow pregnant they do you know cows kept pregnant basically for the first seven years of the slap continuously and then it goes to ground beef you know same thing with the chickens people don't realize like you know like we get rid of certain chickens like the male chickens they just go into feed and then the rest is like you know because we use them because they grow but all these things are given hormones and in fact the hormones are made to actually grow even when they're saying organic also antibiotics you know one thing is interesting like some of the fast food chains would say like we don't use antibiotics no chicken i won't name the i won't name the couple of chains but how they get away with this because they're not giving human antibiotics but if you give veterinarian antibiotics it's not counted because it's a different classification under you know fda does this and then vets is like a little bit different so it's an animal world so there's a lot of things you know my book will cover that but the end of the day even with organic you have to say does it have phytonutrients no does it have antioxidants has very little does it have fiber no and is a pro-inflammatory yes so so like grass-fed you know or wild caught and free-range did not it's not going to get you further than what you think and that's just the industry trying to sell us to continue to eat it right like and i was sold it more than anybody like i was the person that i went out of my way to spend a little bit more thinking that you know that was my get out of jail card of disease and it's not yeah sounds like you'd be a great whistleblower because i it blew my mind what you told me before we logged on about the vaping incident we talked about that because that that you know in my in my book and i mentioned vaping because that was that was a couple years ago and but now the numbers have you know exploded uh there's a there's a couple of companies you know the big vaping companies that were uh uh under lawsuit with the federal government for advertising and getting teens and you know there's probably there's documentaries actually on netflix or whatever i think it's called rotten or something or dirty money one of those ones and they talked about the vaping industry in the tobacco industry and how they got you know into the into the the schools getting you know generations of these kids uh millennials and younger uh addicted but now there's a study that came out just two weeks ago you'll probably see in the press that one of the jewel which is one of the largest vaping companies that's kind of been contributing to this epidemic of vaping they were caught as they bought a medical journal so they actually paid for a medical journal in full in cash and they actually put like 11 studies which were funded by them with their consultants saying you know oh it's okay maybe it's partial maybe the data's not just so that we so that physicians and people you know in the industry would then quote back and say well you know the the data shows and the study so we have to understand that like right now there is a lot of misinformation sometimes in science and that's why we have to look at multiple studies multiple uh publications we have to also look at you know who funded is there conflict of interest these are things that we have to not just follow the headline a lot of times you'll see a headline and you know that could be just as much as an advertorial than anything else wow so here's a question from fondo d how do you feel about colonic irrigation i don't i it's it's not good for you um so colonics you know people used to think i'm flushing things out now we understand that and now that we can test it because we do it the microbiome is in your office it actually makes the micro bomb and more dysfunctional because remember you cannot replenish all these things in your in your gi tract we can eat more foods to get more um diversity of probiotics but you just can't take probiotics like when we give a probiotic i'll give you example right so we give 100 billion of 12 species right which is great and it's acid stable you know passes the stomach blah blah here's the species here's the clinical dose fine but you have over a thousand species in your gut and you have 100 trillion that weighs about four pounds so and what i'm giving is 100 billion of 12 species what people take at the store or with the g doctor is one species of maybe 10 billion or even 10 million sometimes only 1 million it's really inconsequential so every time someone's doing a colonic we're understanding is that water actually dries out the colon and it actually makes the person a little bit more constipated than people become colonic junkies and so we have people all the time like oh i gotta get my colonic i get my clonic and we have in cases where people who are colonics end up having colon cancer even being plant-based because the colonics causes injury and damage to microbial and 80 of your immune system is in your microbiome so i don't i don't recommend it thank you so here's a question from a live viewer named donna saying what about the vaping you buy from medical marijuana clinics and a question came in in advance from susan does medical cannabis have a role role in any kind of wellness strategy yes actually it does and in fact you know i've written extensively and you'll probably see me on youtube videos and everything if you go to our website under the media section there's a lot a lot of videos i've been writing about and studying the endocannabinoid system for about eight years now extensively and i teach doctors about the the endocannabinoid system and use of it on especially neurological and inflammatory conditions so yes the use of of the cannabinoids and you know and then more importantly the terpenes are very important from from cannabis medicine not necessarily thc tsa is only helpful for those people have nausea they have pain you know they have really bad insomnia it can be very helpful for that but really it's the you know we use a lot more hemp oil because i don't need to have the tc unless the patient has cancer pain or nausea from treatment then you know we give them the medical cannabis card but there's a whole falseness of the industry of understanding like is there a certificate of analysis that can be presented on your product so we have to look at you know it because remember there's no state or federal regulation now on pesticides herbicides chemicals you know mycotoxins solvents in these products so although you know yay we have legislation our state just approved it just last month or the beginning of this month you know so yeah you know but the problem is it's like a wild west it's like kind of like we've opened it up and we're not even there's not even regulation saying you should wash your hands to before you touch like edibles and make edibles in the kitchen so we haven't even got to that state because most states are looking at you know tax revenue that's how everybody's interested in but they're not looking at the safety like if you have a taco truck they have to teach them you know there's a little sign like wash your hands before using the rest there's nothing in the cannabis industry that's there now there's people who follow good practices but they in general it's not it's a it's kind of a wild west so we always look at like um you know using uh i use it i use a a company uh that i'm part of medical director they use organic hemp uh farms they're the first usda organically certified hemp farm in colorado so we've been doing it for a very long time now on the vaping aspect the problem with the vaping is this i prefer actually using sublingual tinctures i know that vaping can get faster when people have pain so if they're like oh i need to smoke i get a vape the problem is the carriers that they're using in for the vaping has some of this peg they call peg some of the data now showing that that's the one that that's the remember we have to take like an oil and then vaporize the oil so there's a carrier like this this this this um chemical uh some people use like a vegetable glycerin and that could be safer but the the thing that's used in most industries is a peg and that has been showing there's data that that actually contributes to especially people who are chronically vaping caused for more inflammation and lung dysfunction of the cilia function so you know again a lot of people will have good cannabis or good hemp uh product but then you know the carriers just generic whatever they get from actually comes from china and these barrels because cheap and that's that's the that's the constituent that everybody kind of uses so i kind of look at using more sublingual tinctures uh or edibles great thank you sarita says uh how do you feel about cold-pressed cooking oils and cooking i don't use any oil like zero and i have so so you know we should be cutting down on the amount of oil i'm not a zero oil person because you know we you know from my perspective because i see a lot of cancer patients as well and so when they get underweight one of the ways i can kind of cheat to get their high caloric density is by adding more fats right having like more avocados and nut butters and stuff just for that from that but that's a medical problem where like they're underweight because of chemotherapy nausea vomiting etc but in general everybody's way using way too much oil and you know the oil having such a high caloric density you know a lot of people come to my office like oh i'm eating mediterranean diet or and i can't lose oil i can't lose weight i can't lose weight and they're basically pouring olive oil and everything and you know 210 calories in a tablespoon of oil and you know when you go to the restaurant you're dipping and dipping and dipping and you have more oil like you've already had a thousand calories before you had the pasta and everything else and so people can't lose weight so uh it's a highly refined product so even though it's plant-based it doesn't have the fiber doesn't have the protein doesn't have you know the other aspects that we uh that we need so eating less oil is always better i try to like bake as much i try to i waterless cook now as much as i can you know i spray now a little bit you know just on on the pan but instead of before like people used to pour it i try to avoid that if you can kind of get to use the spraying and getting better pans actually then you won't have to worry about that as well it's very i've been since i can't even remember the last time i cooked with it and it's so much easier to clean up and skin looks better and you save money so i could say and we just got in this habit you know because that was an industry that's selling oil you know olive oil industry is a huge industry and most olive oil is not reliable when you follow when you look at all the research it's corn oil with you know there's like italian mafia that's controlling this whole 60 minutes on those things now a couple of them you know so we have to be careful of you know all these oils are now being adulterated as well so less oil the better also just remember not to cook in olive oil a lot of people that's a big mistake is they cook in olive oil olive oil is a low temperature oil it will smoke it gets oxidized it becomes rancid so a lot of people like oh i cook my fish in olive oil i fry in olive oils like no there's grape seed there's avocado there's other obviously less you know if you bake it and use air frying and all the things are are a lot better but uh that's a one mistake that i hear that most patients will come in it's like oh i just use this olive oil and i put on high heat and i fry things i'm like then the oil has turned rancid you become a pro-oxidant now you're pro-inflammation yeah i mean it's not a natural food there's there's no oil in nature our ancestors didn't eat it for most of human history so it seems like not really if people need to gain weight let them eat peanut butter at least that tastes good oil no i get it yeah i mean so anyways but but but oil is you know there's remember everything has an industry right and so you have to understand there's an olive oil industry and even that's plants right there's a you know i give you example like i was at a conference uh a few years ago about five years ago and i actually was ended up being escorted out of the conference there's a nutrition conference and um but you know it was sponsored by one of the universities that you know he went to trade into it blah blah and they were showing a slide and they're talking about diets and and disease function and this is in the advent adventist studies that they always use and they were showing you know like here's like you know people who eat standard american diet and then you know if you eat some chicken and they they always stop at this kind of mediterranean diet and you know they cut the slide and they actually it goes further because vegetarian vegan if you go to completely pant base then it has the lowest diseases of any any any any diet and they cut the slide and so i raised my hand and i said hey you know there's two other aspects of the slide that's no longer present in your because they were talking about mediterranean and the the the conference was sponsored by a seafood company and the sen and the wi-fi password was salmon and they had salmon three times a day at the conference and so it was you know it's not a product but it's a food product and so they're able to kind of still influence doctors because you know who doesn't want to eat a fish fatty fish but that's still high saturated fat it's a high 40 fat calories so if people eat salmon three times a week you ain't gonna lose weight you still gotta have high cholesterol still has no fiber stuff it's fine you know like all the things that we've talked about before so it's just another way that people shifting because they think like oh there's mega threes it must be healthy but that's not the the end reason why we should be eating and now the studies came out last year showing the amount of micro plastic you know if you eat fish regularly you're getting like 13 000 pieces of microplastic in your body that's crazy which is and then they're saying that's like and i don't know exactly again this is like the wikipedia me like i remember something but i don't remember all of it it was like so many amounts of like credit cards you know i'm saying of plastic that you're consuming because the fish particles microplastics in the ocean are just coming so the wild cod is not free of toxins everybody's trying to find a cleaner way to justify them eating it i did them as much myself for the longest period of time but you have to understand like you know and for the environment for the the animals for the people who are working in those unfortunate industries that we exploit you've got to be looking at it you know like the movies conspiracy that you mentioned before uh cal square cc conspiracy you know you know game changers forks over knives what the hell these are things that people should be looking at for a reason so cindy says but is taking fish oil bad i mean you don't need to have anything from an animal guys no and in fact you know if you read my book i i did help and i was talking to chef aj earlier as like i write about omega-3s my book right and i and at that time this couple years ago and i i wrote about like you know how i helped formulate one of the first vegan plant oils in the market it was actually a company in canada and they actually made an ep and each and most dha products now come from algal oil but they weren't able to extract the epa part you need epa for the anti-inflammatory cholesterol you know that kind of aspect and the dha for your brain function cognitive function right so you need to have both and uh when i wrote my book i published say hey this is a great vegan product we kind of came out with this thing to help the team over there that company got bought out by a super conglomerate they they own eight other fish oil companies and they blocked the importation to the united states for the plantable for six years until now the sustainability is no longer there so they had to get into the market but the thing is this remember i showed that there was high omega-6 in the diet and so everybody was pushing this high like let's have fish oil or you know oils but really if you lower your omega-3s and you just eat flax chia hemp you know walnuts you get plenty of that not only the oil the mega three of fatty acids you get the protein and the fiber and the phytonutrients so what we do in our office believe it or not is that we test people we test everybody we test everybody because that's what we do i'm evidence-based so when we do the nutrition testing i can actually test their fatty acids and then we can say just eat more of these foods and we can come back in three months or six months and retest it and you can see how all those nutrients change but not just only the fatty acid ratio you look at their inflammation markers they'll go down you'll look at you know all the nutrient levels go up if you're eating a plant-based diet so we actually definitively look at every person so we can look at microbomb individuality it's not just um take these things everything has to be specifically targeted for a reason and food is medicine and then we use plant medicines for in lieu of conventional medicines to look at you know something that's safe natural effective and gives you less side effects we say use plant medicines and lose in lieu of conventional medicines but conventional medicines were based on plants 70 70 to 75 of all um pharmaceutical drugs today are originally derived from plants the only reason is that you know that we can make it into a you know a synthetic and make it in a factory which is easier than you know chopping down the plant but we have to understand that you know even chemotherapy is like you know uh taxol comes from the pacific yew tree i mean these are things that we all we all use you know saying plants also can be toxic so there's you know like there's poisons and of everything um and so we have to be careful but that's where someone like me when we come in with the expertise of herbal medicine you know i'll give you examples something that people are always understanding is that when someone has a cancer for example they go to a naturopath or a holistic doctor they might say you know take everything and the oncologists they say don't take anything there's interactions but that's not right both of them are wrong like we have to look at each drug we have to look at how it's metabolized we have to look at the pharmacology the problem is a lot of the naturopaths don't have that pharmacology experience and a lot of the doctors don't have the naturopathic experience of understanding what the herb is for example but we're able to blend that so we can look at what is synergistic and then also what's contraindicated of what we should be giving and we're always about improving outcome it's not saying this is bad i mean certain drugs we are so happy that we have that we wouldn't be here without however we might overuse them and they should only be for short term to get the body kind of in a state of health or a state of control and then the rest dietary lifestyle and environmental changes in epigenetics should take and then we don't need to have those prescription drugs anymore right well belinda says what about eggs even if eggs were good for you why would anyone eat the menstrual cycle of an animal that's just so disgusting to me i never thought so here's the first thing i'll say um yeah you don't need eggs eggs you know the surprising thing inside of the cholesterol side of it being one of the most pro-inflammatory allergic foods one's tested is that um the choline from the eggs is the one that creates what they call tmao so you can just google tmao and look at you know if you go to and just type in eggs just type in eggs and dr griegel will probably go over all the videos and research but tmeo is a procrastination promoter that is produced by the microbiome via the liver after it's consumed and eggs have the highest amount of that uh ingredient to be converted so it is something that we should be avoiding um even if it's organic even if it's you know free range uh eggs so these are things that we hold now there is that there is a vegan egg okay just letting you know there's like just egg and all it does have oil okay it's not a super healthy food but it doesn't have the cholesterol and if people still want you know i'm okay believe it or not chef i use a lot of transition foods in our practice because i'm trying to transition people you know remember 50th poor state bucket of chicken how do we get people to eat healthier so if i have to use a seitan if i have to use a tempeh if i have to use something that's a mock meat remember some of these some of these uh soy based meats believe it or not are a thousand years old so a lot of people think it's just recently made up because of the vegan movement or plant-based movement no if you go into asia like they've been eating this for literally 1 000 years so um just letting you know that's super healthy and you know do i have someone to have a maybe a beyond meat versus a regular and yes should they but they shouldn't be eating it that often so i have a patient the other day he was eating that four or five times a week and his lipids are up and he's not eating any other plant uh any other animal protein he's like i like my hamburgers and stuff like that and like it's super saturated factors of coconut oil in there right so so we have to be careful but i do help to use transition foods because i want people as they learn their skill of cooking and as we help them along with it to feel a little bit comfortable but once you get comfortable with that you don't need to have any of these things thank you judy says i've been vegan for six months and they just found a polyp but isn't today's polyp grown like 10 years ago yeah so it takes about 10 to 15 years to develop those things in fact almost all all polyps and even cancers are usually about 10 to 15 years in the making so even when they do say a mammogram and we see a little speck you see a little tiny area that took 10 to 15 years so if someone missed their mammogram one like sarkovic came and they missed it and then they go oh my god i got diagnosed last year it was because i missed it during covet no you wouldn't have necessarily seen it that time so the problem is none of those things are prevention we do want to do colonoscopy because we want once they remove that polyp so here's the question or the answer for i would give for that patient a person who just mentioned that question was that if we remove that pulp which they will do and she goes on a plant-based diet the likelihood of that pops coming back is super low so one of the best things i i motivate patients is like if you don't like colonoscopies if you go plant you still got to get it to get screened to be negative but once you're negative if you continue to eat plant-based you test your food sensitivities because you can still be allergic to foods that cause inflammation and you're having normal bowel function not constipated for example or having other gut dysbiosis issues um or itis issues then your likelihood of having to have any kind of pathology in the colon as well great thank you elaine says she's been vegan for 20 years but still has arthritis in her neck right so that means that there's something that she's still eating that's still causing inflammation now she can have still trauma people can have damage right we're not you know vegans are not like we don't play football or skateboard or you know get in car accidents so we do have trauma the thing is that's something that she's still eating that's contributing to that that degeneration or that inflammation so we have to look at so we would investigate of the plant-based diet that she's eating then you know we actually have a plant panel too so we look at like you know here's more beans vegetables legumes and they'll find the foods that are immediate or delayed that are coming in that are triggering her itis we want to you know individualize it so remember 80 to 82 of all diseases reversed and improved by a plant-based diet but it's not 100 why because your body reserves a right to say i'm like this this this this this or any of these other things behind me it seems like almost anything can cause inflammation and even healthy things in excess can cause inflammation sure absolutely and you know and we like to look at specifics because you know if people have a plan remember because you know when people have food sensitivities plants are going to be half of the problem sometimes so if someone's coming back to say you know it's blueberries and like oh we're saying but blueberries is good for your memory and all the anthocyanins and the prime antioxidants and they're putting blueberries in their smoothie every day that could be causing more problems and so we just say switch to a different berry i mean the idea is it's not saying never eat those things and then also we're able to treat train people how to eat um and rotate them back into the diet so that they don't have to always avoid it there's also ways to get your body to be more immuno-tolerant or stronger against the the initial triggers all right faith wants to know how you feel about cbd or cbd oil for anxiety or sleep i like it we use it a lot we again organic and we even designed a calming tincture uh that we actually put in then the the other herbs that are that have similar terpenes that have a balancing effect so that you know we put like lemon balm and california poppy and lavender and other things like that just to help with that that skull cap and some of these things to help balance that aspect but we're looking at terpenes in the in the cannabinoid profile and so there's certain terpenes that actually have more of a sedative effect and other anti-inflammatory effects some of them are for gi effects and all so we're very specific that when we look at the use of those things but yes it's better than taking sleeping pills uh or any kind of prescription medication for sure right thank you so gina wants to know do you see people online i know you do in person but maybe a little bit talk about what your practice is like and how people can connect yeah so we do we do see people online in fact you know majority of my patients now i was doing uh zoom consultations like two years three years four years before covid and so then it became a full-time thing but i have patients from all over the united states all over the world now uh because now everybody has zoom uh and we do the consultation we send a video they watch a video a three-hour educational video so the kids get them prepped because the more the more they come they don't understand everything but the more they come prepped with questions and this is what i need to do or what not need to do uh we can send the testing kits uh to especially in the united states to where they're at if they're out of the country then we also can help there's other companies that will say use this one or that test is very similar and we can get data and try to get it covered by whoever or their insurance or their government or whatever their healthcare plan has and then we do the consultations we do the follow-ups uh and uh that's what we do so and we are able to provide you know we have a store so when people look at products like what can i take for blood pressure what do i think for you know our anti-inflammatories what i'm really known for is bosmeric which is our natural anti-inflammatory it's padded it's clinically tested and so it's something that you can take within 20 minutes lowers inflammation and it lasts over eight hours and so when we give the the pad and ingredients the right form of curcumin the right form of boswellia frankincense right form of ginger the right form of black pepper made manufactured correctly then we can actually have the outcome so i don't have to give an ibuprofen i don't have to you know a lot of people who don't want to take cbd or cannabis products when they have pain you know the the thing is we want to give anti-inflammatories not pain medications pain medications disconnect the brain from the pain which is helpful for if they post surgery or post accident but it doesn't heal from the inflammation from the trauma or damage and so we always have to look at now when people take the bosmeric for example which they always do and they rave about it and everybody loves it it's on amazon it's at our office and you can get at for example or send and look it up but the thing is if people take and they go oh my god i feel so much better then that means they have a lot more inflammation than they know and if people take and say it doesn't help me at all then that tells me they have even more inflammation than they actually even know so it's one of those things i you know but we always want to avoid the non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and i cover that in a huge section of my book looking at black box warnings and how that can be dangerous taking ibuprofen motion or advil every day or every once in a while can still contribute to heart attack stroke and gi bleed i'm so lucky that i was born allergic to aspirin and all nsaids so i've never had to take it it's good you know you'll see in my book you know outside of heart disease and you know the the common disease i said it's one of the largest contributing factors of death in the united states is the you know medical errors and and side effects of drugs and other side effects of drugs the nsaid class is the largest one heart attack strokes and gi bleeds is more common so you can take one ibuprofen once a month during your menstrual cramps or migraine headache and have a gi bleeder stroke or or a stomach perforation or uh and be completely vegan and have no cholesterol problems and still have a heart attack or stroke so it's one of those things my book will go into the detail of why we want to use now natural plant medicines and that's why you know my specialty in integrative medicine so we're not just like oh yeah e plant but then take this pill i'm like why don't we take a plant pill that has less side effects and as long as we have clinical doses as long as we have evidence-based studies to show how to give it how to deliver it which is what we do then really that's where you know lifestyle is important but we need to start encompassing everything about this plants behind me plants is food plants is also medicine and we have to understand how to use that correctly rather than saying you know eat a plant-based diet exercise you know stress reduction and sleep well all the stuff but then here's still here's your here's your drug for your blood pressure he's a drug for your diabetes to me is a little bit of a disconnect i think we need to go doctors again need to go further so you can go farther wow so gina says can you live in california does it matter where you live you can still be you can still do an appointment with you anywhere yeah absolutely anyway nice and catherine says do you have any openings for doctors at your clinic um i'm always interested in talking because of that we need more help always but you know the hard thing of being being fully integrated as i am it's hard to find people who are who understand what i do uh that's been my biggest challenge and it's because you know since i've trained in all of these things and i continue to train uh remember learning is this lifelong thing a lot of people just did one section and then they kind of fall back so it's like conventional with some functional testing or conventional with some acupuncture or conventional and we want to be looking at this whole integrative perspective but yeah they can always contact me if they want to we also believe it or not we have we have tons of medical students and residents who come and do their rotations uh when they have their electives to look at you know what is integrative medicine it's a great way to uh as we give back you know i'm one of the assistant professors here at the university here and in family and community medicine so you know we always want to teach you know young young doctors coming into the field like this is how you should be like diet should be the first thing you hit the diet first your life is going to be easy if you don't hit the diet first then you're just going to be a pill you know pill prescriber great i know that nsaids are not favorable what about steroids not for chronic use but like you know just once in a while when you have like a severe injury do you think that's bad like somebody took a few once a year i don't give it without without a reason or i wouldn't recommend it without a reason we know that you know like so for example like if it's for like respiratory right now like to say covid someone has an asthmatic attack someone has you know some kind of injury post surgery or something that they give it for that short acute inflammatory response response fine but but if someone's taking it like oh i have they give me these pills and i just kind of take it when i flare every once in a while then that tells me that they're not keeping their inflammation out of control now they have to work up because when we give the steroids and thankfully we have it by the way you know we're not saying anything bad about steroids in fact out of all the coveted drugs that they gave steroids is one of probably the best ones out of all of them because reducing the inflammation regardless of what it causes but we have to look at it's also an immunosuppressive agent it does cause glucose intolerance so when people take these things chronically so when people have like rheumatoid arthritis and they're taking low dose steroids for long periods of time then they start having secondary tertiary problems because of it's now causing imbalance you know like so again some is good but you know you want to always look at always ask the question why am i taking this you know it might be helpful and thank god we have it right but we have to look at why i keep taking it you know what it what is what is what are the inflammatory triggers that caused me to crash across this we call it levy point that then triggers my symptoms to happen great thanks so a2 milk this cindy just keeps asking about every kind of animal product hoping that you're going to change your answer on one of them no and in fact um that will be in a different discussion we're actually going to be having a radio program similar like this inviting doctors but there's a whole section now this whole research studies two of them that were done really well by this in this conference i had talking about that there's no difference in the eight that's a big marketing ploy of a2 uh so no it's not healthier it's not better it's like vaping milk is like the vape yeah it's just another way of but even it's not even as as even that argument of a2 is not there like that's more more marketing than anything else but when they actually analyze the the milk uh contents and looking at the protein structures everything is that's not different so a lot of people watching liar saying they have migraines they've been taking medicine for a long time can you help them if they come and have a consult with you get off absolutely absolutely because you have to look at why you're having a migraine i'm glad we have migraine medicines right so remember i'm not anti-pharma like we're we're anti-side effect we're anti you know we're anti we're pro patient pro safety pro data that's what i talk about all the time so thankfully they have it otherwise they'd be debilitated with it but the people when people come to me like how long you've been having migraines 20 years 30 years sometimes before you were born dr pie i was like wow and just and it still have these problems why hasn't it been solved like when people say i have heart disease diabetes for 20 years like why hasn't it been reversed like there's no reason for you to still be having diseases like people say you got to go to my psychiatrist he's great i've been seeing him for 30 years and i'm like really like if he's that great why do you yeah yeah i got my chiropractor for my back pain how long ago seven years like how many times twice you know twice a month three times a week whatever like well that's not healing the body it's kind of you know and because remember everybody has an industry i have a model which is interesting because our goal is to move people from you know this disease away right and an interesting thing is once they get their diabetes under control and they reverse it once we get the heart disease reverse and once they get their mood stabilized and off the antidepressants for example blood pressure then it's like but we always want to work on other things remember it's not just you know some people now like well i want to lose a little weight or i want to look better i want to feel better i want to have more energy i want to have a better libido i mean like the idea that the average person right now is i call i consider is keeping their head above water they're just treading water every day they're kind of not drowning they're barely keeping it up and in our clinic what we do is we don't just teach people how to swim we teach people how to sail that's a completely different feeling optimum health is a different feeling than just feeling quote normal again normal is what 70 obesity eight to 12 prescription drugs you know being tired at the end of the day you know not feeling good uh you know that's that's a you know optimum health is a completely different thing and and it's not just um taking a quick fix bill it's doing all these right things but there's things that we can boost like if people have memory problems there's things to help with the memory things that help you know with the libido we can do that as you change the functionality aspects of the epigenetics then even the things that we give work even better because the whole foundation of health is even better right so you never there's never a downside of changing the diet there's just downsides of being stuck on taking pills and even our natural pills that we give i always want to tell people like hey it's helpful it's going to have less side effects but if you even get tired of that then you got to go further right you got to go you got to start making a little bit more changes you are just so passionate i just i mean i'm basically healthy but i i want to go to you because you're just so funny well you know i i welcome you know here's the thing is i welcome i'll we can do a consultation and then you can see what the experience is um also particularly with the testing because here's the thing you know even though i'm plant-based even though you're plant-based even though you're chef and all stuff you know we doesn't mean that we're not we're perfect uh we all can have microbiome problems you know we've all had antibiotics in the past or got sick on a cruise or got a virus or you know whatever it might be right so so it's looking at like what nutrients do you need because a lot of people will take like an example a lot of people will take supplements and they just take it oh this is good for me that's good for me well do you need it like shouldn't we be looking food as medicine first and then should be focusing on telling you what foods you should be eating if you have a deficiency and the things that are more difficult to eat or it's harder to get from the food then that's when supplementation is important because then we can actually improve a deficiency but then when people take things they actually will have the benefit like they'll say i feel better right the problem is most people come in and they i don't feel good and they'll have bags of this and bags of that and you're like well what's going on like i don't feel good i mean obviously you know um but we want to look at like targeted therapies and so that's where you know my my expertise in looking at herbal medicines and things like the you know the bosmeric the glucan there's certain things that we know like can we keep your museum strong right now as you're changing yes can we get inflammation down right now rather you're reaching for an ibuprofen motrin or advil right now if you have a headache you've got back pain if you have arthritis can you take something like boston absolutely is it safe and effective yes yes yes but then we have to ask why do you need to take this and investigate what are those triggers are coming in that's causing it nice thanks so a lot of people have gi questions to work with people with like ibs and sibo and crohn's and all sorts of yes we do we do tons of that and in fact you know and that is it's a challenge because i give example when we do the sibo testing we do the stool testing we look at you know gut dysbiosis leaky gut inflammatory markers overgrowths etc the absorption problems you know so some people can be eating perfectly healthy diets still have malabsorptions or dysfunctions in the gut most people are just completely off but what we have to do is we have to restore it so there's protocols but a lot of times people want to functionally want to take everything at one time and but clinically you have to understand like there's ways that you have to do it stepwise right and that's that's that's the clinical practice part that a lot of people unfortunately don't have in functional medicine it's because they're look at here's a test here's your problem here's a product i'm like there's a little bit more challenge to that and if we don't get the diet correct then the product the problem will then come back again they become like a what they call the recurrent or the you know the recycling patient where they feel better for a while and then they have more dysfunction or problems so we always want to improve that function yes crohn's disease ulcerative colitis bowel function problems are probably the easiest things to fix they're also the easiest things to become dysfunctional because we can put the wrong food in so without testing for food sensitivities and microbiome problems then although they have wonderful products that say from the other providers that will kind of help and maintain them we want to actually get the body to be healed as much as possible so that we're not taking these things indefinitely even if they are natural great thank you so melanie says do you work with all ages or does someone have to be an adult i predominantly work with adults but for children you know uh we you know when i see children's predominantly for the food sensitivities and gut issues they have to be older than two for the testing to be anywhere accurate um so i usually you know i don't do well child checks i'm not a pediatrician so i don't do any of the you know the the normal like if you went for your well child check but when people come and say my kids usually have asthma allergy they have gut issues they have eczema they have you know those things definitely we help we help all ages nice okay uh liz is saying can you repeat that was it bro bosmeric for inflammation what is it possumaric b-o-s-m-e-r-i-c dot com or boss america sr system it's a sustained release form you know interesting thing is i was the first person to bring to the market the combination of the curcumin the boswellia the ginger the black pepper this is 16 years ago like people that weren't talking you know now like you look on the amazon boom and everybody's selling turmeric but when you look at the products i'll give you example the top two selling products of turmeric right now on amazon when you analyze the product they sell from 1995 their base cost and they're saying that 95 humanoids is not real it's actually cost less than three dollars with the product including in the bottle and packaging when you investigate it so 43 of all the turmeric market uh turmeric products on the market is actually synthetic of humanoids okay and so we have to be really cautious and now there's people like selling like fermented turmeric no you know there's all this like you know oh pimperine is dangerous no it's not anybody who tells you black pepper is dangerous anybody tell you that you need to ferment your tumeric they didn't do it for thousands of years there's like one rat study no we want studies that are like i have 165 published studies on the right form of curcumin that we're using at the dose that we need to see it's a compendium in peer-reviewed published they're not like funded studies they're not some kind of advertorial like here here's the compendium here's the study like here's what md anderson and nih you know here's the universities what they're doing and that's why when we look at how do we give things in conjunction with other drugs say for example what can we give with the chemo or what can we give like one of the doctors at this plant-based conference recently said she's a little nervous she's like well curcumin might have an effect with this type of chemotherapy and it's like well she didn't do any she didn't do any research on that but i'm like but there's a double-blinded randomized controlled study it was just published just recently showing that it actually had a synergistic effect so these are things like when we saw it in the cell culture there might have been some caution so we always got to take caution when there's a little bit of data to say okay i'm always conservative when it comes to being cautious but when i actually have data now saying like okay now we have in real people double blind or randomized control study using it with the chemotherapy showing a synergy meaning that they did better with it than without it then we should be recommending it but since it's not a drug then doctors feel nervous about recommending right same thing with plant-based like sometimes they feel nervous because it's not coming from a pharmaceutical company but we can help people with that so bus america's our anti-inflammatory that i recommend it i i tell everybody if you just replace that in your house for an ibuprofen motor rival if that's the minimum you do start with that first because then you'll realize the power of plants and if you feel like wow i take this i feel better and say what about all the rest of the things that chef aj and her shows been talking about for the longest time eating plant-based foods it only gets better from there right great um let's see who the person that asked the questions basically do you take any kind of insurances and how expensive is the testing that you're probably going to recommend for many people so two things we don't take insurance i've never taken insurance for the last 22 years thankfully uh and the reason being is because i spend usually two to three hours with each patient uh and then and not i'm not dictated by an insurance company well depending on your disease will then have the algorithm like i can only prescribe you this or i can prescribe you that i'm i'm out of that system so i'm practicing what we call evidence-based medicine where i can follow whatever the latest guidelines or the latest research will show rather than what your insurance company through a bean counter through a lawyer or an accountant has decided not a physician by the way um so no we don't take insurance now we do submit um i'm an out of network provider so we do submit you know we can give you super bill and if you met your deductible and your out of network has coverage it can cover some of that uh on the lab testing we usually look at when this routine blood work so like your cbc your liver your kidney cmp your thyroid you know free t3 t4 tsh vitamin d your lipid panel your hormones all that stuff that's usually covered by your insurance so lab core request we write that that's usually covered because that's you know usually what i consider primary care so even though i'm not in the network per se that's between the lab company and the insurance company that's usually covered by primary care labs when it comes to some of the functional testing that's between the lab company and the patient so our staff will just tell you like here's the price sending usually anywhere from 150 to 300 400 depending on the test but i have a lot of remember i'm the 50th poorest state so i always start off with like hey these are the things i might want to get but if we can't do that right now let's start off with this or let's just start off with the dietary like we don't need to have testing remember clinicians know from experience what we need to do the testing is really important because then it kind of guides and motivates the patient what they should be doing it's like when people see a high cholesterol level right they don't feel a chest pain until they're reaching to the clutching their chest and they're calling the emergency room uh but if they have they see a high cholesterol test that motivates them so a lot of times it's getting them to actually do the dietary changes during the lifestyle changes and then once they see that these things get better it's like an added pat on their back like that's that true health insurance is by you taking care of yourself every day no one else is going to come save you in this country i'll tell you that it's not the insurance company for sure and you can't just expect a doctor or nurse in the emergency room to save your life every single time too so the idea is that you have to be doing your part which is staying healthy right you had mentioned something earlier people are asking for clarification you called it neuro acupuncture yes neural acupuncture if you go to neuroacupuncture institute dot org org um that so there's a training that there's actually the world famous acupuncturist his name is dr jason howe or jensen howe uh more specifically uh he wrote the famous book of scalp acupuncture now it's called neural acupuncture um i trained with him at stanford doing the specialty course in neural acupuncture in 2006 we then a few years later created a non-profit uh training institute where we train doctors mds doms acupuncturists in that it's it's a level training that the couple training sessions uh over the year um and now we're kind of doing it by zooming in person uh there's also a video if people want to learn about it if you go to it's called return to life just watch the documentary film it's just uh that's a documentary filmed by doug derth he's the director he did uh 10 000 needles which was one of the most famous acupuncture films documentaries of all time and so he came and filmed uh how we help with neurological symptoms so when people have stroke ms parkinson's for example like western western medicine has very little for that we're really good at diagnosing it so we need an mri we get a ct scan we can do all the testing emgs we can do all sorts of things and say this is wrong with you had a stroke or you had a traumatic brain injury but in terms of how do we regain that function how do we get someone to walk or talk or stop shaking the neural acupuncture has been found to be one of the most profound things in my practice and when you watch the movie you watch you'll see it and our goal is to train more and more physicians so that hopefully in every state in every city there'll be a practitioner you know we don't want to see everybody i can't see everybody dr howell can't see her but there's like if you go to his clinic there's hundreds of people on the waiting list waiting to get into the clinic because sometimes it's just a few needles and the person can get out of a wheelchair and walk they haven't walked in 12 years so it's almost sounds like well a little like hell is this true no you'll be surprised but you know it's one of the things like you have to be open just like you are with diet you have to be open to exploring new avenues and some things are not new traumatic brain injury is not new we have different causes of it now but even people been hit on the head for millennia you know i'm saying so i feel like what did other cultures do and how is it different and that's what we are we're we're specialty clinic we can help people with that we also just letting you know we also do panchakarma people can come we do three or four five days of punch of karma detoxification we'd have yoga we have a yoga studio here we do all the meditation we have floatation tank we do i do the acupuncture marine does the massage dr sutton so it's a variety of aspects you get to meet our our dog princess winnie she comes to the clinic every day so it's a community that we've built here uh we teach people how to go shopping and cooking classes it's about moving you know the community it's not easy you can't just go and say oh yeah i'll be vegan tomorrow or i'm gonna just do yoga tomorrow we all gotta start as a beginner but the end of day we want gold and we will help you get gold nice what was that quote you said again we don't teach you how to swim we teach you how to sail that's amazing because a lot of modern medicine actually teaches you to sink yeah and in fact they just kind of throw you another inner tube for a while you know like here's more energy it's like i'm drowning here's another inner tube like i don't need the skill to swim a little bit but it's not just swimming because then what happens a lot of people who do take their medicines correctly right as indicated you know it's managed so now they're floating but then there's but they're still dependent if they don't have that medicine then they drown right so we have to change all the epigenetics and that's what we help them do um and again it's nice because when you know there's these are things i don't teach in medical school they don't teach the word healing you know the word cure is not in in in the in the repertoire of our consciousness and so therefore the patient never actually understands that they actually can heal themselves you just have to change all the epigenetic environment uh and diet lifestyle and belief system and you got to use it by food and you got to take and it takes time it doesn't happen overnight people are not going to be like okay i just lost 100 pounds or i'm off my antidepressants but you can get people off of these things and change to change the benefits uh and so i tell people if you didn't you know if you didn't get here overnight so don't expect it to happen overnight but things will happen very quickly and it's as fast as they want to put into it it's as fast the more you train the faster you're into olympics and the more you train the better the score the better the gold it almost seems like when it comes to chronic disease of course modern medicine is fantastic when you're in a car accident you don't have a cut but when it comes to chronic disease it almost seems like the goal is to make you fatter and sicker and live longer in a state of debility yeah so so there's a term that i like to use is called health span you know we want to improve your health span what the health span means this right now what there's a word called longevity we're trying to make people live longer but what happens they're living longer but they're doing this they're slowly decreasing right the quality of life is going down so what happens people get older they become more disabled then they end up living like in a nursing home and then you know this and then eventually in some kind of dementia order so it's kind of like the step down they call it step down units health span is like going as far as you can and then dropping right so you don't want to be having like you know because most people like oh my my parents lived to like 80 years old or early 90s but it wasn't but it started in the 70s would start this downhill right or more debilitating more this one so it's just like a hospitalization hospitalization nursing care blah blah blah you want to be like though i tell people like this i'm kind of dating myself but thelma and luis i remember that movie like you want to be you know gina davis and who's the other lady uh i forget the other actor's name brandon yeah susan sarandon and with brad pitt in the back and you want to go off the cliff at the very end like that's it like you know you know there's it's like you want to go as far as you can for as long as you can with the highest quality of life uh quantity of life is not as important as quality life i've obviously want to live long but we want you to live long and healthy where you can do everything that you want to do all the time rather than being dependent uh you want to be independent and that's what you know health span is helping people do you know i i normally don't have time to re-watch my shows but this there's so much information here that i'm going to have to re-watch this one because thank you i i find that as a great compliment so elaine says what do you think of green tea i love green tea green tea is great because of the following it has a high amount of egcgs which is the antioxidants that we find for all the benefits from cancer otherwise uh also it has a component called elfini which is actually derivative that's fermented is removed and we actually offer that that helps put the brain in the alpha state which is the the the the kind of focus relaxed calm state the only thing with green teas i recommend with all teas and coffees is making sure that you get it organic it's one of the most heavily sprayed commodities is teas and coffees and and so i'm a big organic believer i know that some people in the plant-based movement say well organic's too expensive it's too expensive you know there's again access and all but i'm looking at you know you got to invest in your health you know like if you're going to buy something your food is medicine you don't want to buy cheap stuff you want to you know it doesn't have to be super expensive but try to get organic and now there's you know you go on stores and then costco's even have like organic stuff so so it's worth it especially when it comes to to the coffee even with coffee coffee beans need to be organic otherwise it's heavily sprayed they're concentrating it down with high water pressure and temperature and then you're just getting a cup of joe with a bunch of chemicals in there wow you know i i just started doing green tea because i found a decaffeinated bran essentia made by say me that um because i can't do any caffeine and so i'm taking it every day just you know because no it's good i mean it's got wonderful health benefits you know the problem is the average person's like thinking of like a starbucks kind of green tea which has been full of sugar or cream and you know that's that's not what green tea is you know that's why they drink little cups but you know the data shows when they drink you know six eight cups the size you know has wonderful wonderful health benefits so yeah green tea definitely have that you know i i like all the teas by the way i have i'm a connoisseur of tea some people call me a coffee snob as well um because i grind my beans i get the you know the type of beans and how i even make my coffee just let you know aj like in the morning i put i put ground cardamom i put saffron you know and this is like real saffron real cardamom not the fake stuff that you get at the store you know i use i you know there's like diaspora there's brands that you know like are fair trade and they use small farms and you know all these initiatives and organic and all um i use cinnamon you know and uh i put a little bit of dandy blend which is roasted chicory and you know in and in the dandelion root and all which is is more of a inulin and it's more of a prebiotic makes it more alkaline um and so you know i i throw a lot of those kind of things into my coffee every day so it's actually making it more medicinal so it's not just you know all the phytonutrients the you know and and the cholesteric acids of of uh coffee it's actually adding the spices to the coffee and then you know that i don't need to use as much sweetener because i already have the cinnamon in there you know so these are all the things that people need to understand like you can do small little things with spices and we didn't get to talk about it but you know spices are important and and that's one thing unfortunately in the plant-based movement which i'm starting to see now more importantly though than it did in a couple years ago is that we're now talking about flavors of food we're talking about cuisine you know we're looking at you know every culture has their spices and herbs and a lot of times you know plant-based i thought was really boring here because it was just kind of like here's you know didn't have any flavor you know and i'm like but if you're in asia if you're in africa if you're in south america if you're in mexico if you're you know somewhere in europe they're using all these wonderful herbs and spices so i let people know like there's even books written on spices now you know and the anti dr agawal you know had that word wonderful book on spices and and you know and he goes through all the inflammatory processes and all the research they did at mdm on each of those you know plant medicines and how to store it how to keep it how to cook with it you know add a little bit in your food all the time nice that's great so i want to respect your time how long would you like to go i can go as long as you want i'm okay okay well i think i think in about three hours i have an appointment though just you know we're not gonna go this this might be the longest episode ever which again uh you're a three-time award winner this is great i'm going for gold only the gold so so dina has a question what about the cardiologist's recommendation to take a baby aspirin so here's a very great question excellent question this is probably one of the most important questions to hear today why because we've all been told to take a baby aspirin right take an aspirin a day you know keeps the doctor away or whatever right should be the apple not the aspirin here's the interesting thing so we used to give a recommendation meaning we meaning the medical conventional world you should say take an aspen a day will help prevent a risk of heart attack or stroke so we call it primary prevention mean the patient has not had a an event before would it prevent that first stroke or first heart attack and there's now three comprehensive studies been published and you know like big journals like jama and all these big journals and it shows that actually it doesn't do that in fact more people die from a gi bleed taking a baby aspirin than preventing the primary heart attack from happening to begin with so it's no longer the recommendation for taking a baby yes now once someone has had a heart attack or a stent then the data shows that it does have a preventative benefit for the second one okay but that's still a whole dietary issue why we need to take it to begin with that they haven't addressed that's why they need to take it once they have the stent so there's a little bit of uh you know what came first uh but yeah you don't want to do that now if there's people still have risk of clots or still you know they're still pro-inflammatory say they're obese they have other issues maybe they have whatever right so how do you look at the pharmacology is the pharmacology of an 81 baby one baby baby aspirin the pharmacology of the platelet inhibition meaning the thinness of the blood it lasts about seven to ten days pharmacologically so if you're still like i need to take my acid because i just grew up and i just love bear aspirin and the commercials are so driving me to take this then taking one a week would give you the same benefit and lower your risk of the gi bleed but in my perspective like there's no reason to be taking it at all if there's risk you're trying to be reducing the last thing i do is like i go plant-based i do all these things i'm yoga i'm losing weight i'm feeling great great great i just take the baby aspirin because it's super cheap i get a 2000 bottle at the store and then i have a heart attack or stroke or more importantly a gi bleed which most people have it the aspirin blocks the receptors in the stomach that make that mucous lining and so those doesn't help with the pain and inflammation in the joints what happens is by lowering the uh this this it's a it's a cox one inhibitor it it it it blocks the receptor in the stomach that makes the mucous lining so then when there's gastritis which most people have inflammation of their stomach alcohol tobacco coffee you know just too much acidic things pro-inflammatory you know standard lifestyle foods and stress they get an ulcer then that lining in the stomach bleeds and they're on a blood thinner so they die from the gi bleed so that's why i preferably avoid the baby aspirin unless someone has been told by the cardiologist since they had a heart attack or a stroke or a stent that's another discussion but if it's for primary prevention i would be doing everything else now for example if someone's taking a bosmeric does that lower inflammation yes does it thin your blood know does the plant-based diet prevent your blood from clotting and thin your blood naturally yes because you're not eating pro-inflammatory fluids that cause clotting so like all these things are natural hyper you know lowering the the clot risk it's just the the problem is that we're into such a pro-inflammatory state like i show that first thing about obesity and inflammation causing the cells to be more sticky so that's why they have to take the aspirin but you don't have to take the aspirin if you're eating a healthy diet great terrific and another question on bone density other than not being overweight and doing weight bearing exercises any foods you recommend for building bone density yeah you know the dell you know bone density is very interesting because now we're understanding that's particularly from a supplement standpoint and dietary standpoint you've got to be avoiding dairy you've got to be warning dairy the higher amount of dairy the person consumes the the more the bone loss so the country's united states and you know like finland and all these other countries that the top three the consumed dairy remember two pounds per day per person we have the highest osteoporosis rates in the world and every country that eats less less less less less dairy they have less osteoporosis so even if we go to another country and do a bone density test for a patient that is 85 years old and they consume very little to no dairy their bone density is normal they don't have osteopenia or osteoporosis and here it's like we just think that as we get older everybody gets this condition um there is things like you know when we look at celica silica is important so like things like in celery and things like that you know are very good at those kind of aspects you know you still i still recommend if people have bone density issues there is like a certain type of bone formulas that we do provide there's even a chinese herbal formula that just came out three months ago in the research they actually did a a comparative study to phosmax which is pretty interesting you know the gold standard of prescription drugs and they ran the the bone density before they gave the fosomax for you one group and one group that gave the chinese herbal formula and the transverbal formula did the same without the side effects so i'm like well there you go that's that's a great study to have comparing to a pharmaceutical drug so there is natural things that we have that are herbal medicines that actually can help but but trying to avoid the foods that contribute to inflammation is the thing that actually accelerates the bone density loss terrific so you know this question was coming i told you all our guests get asked this what does dr pie eat for a day and what do you do for exercise all right so be honest i need to exercise more uh i do yoga uh and i do a little i do walking twice a day with my dog because that's a must so i get my particular kind of yoga because there's so many times yeah we do we do hatha yoga you know we do that we do the meditation we do the pranayama you know we do basically sun salutation every day minimally uh so we try to teach our patients just doing a sun salutation and to do several rounds of sun salutation remember yoga's preparation of meditation so that's why when you do the meditation you end in sorry you do the yoga you end up in meditation i do walking at least 20 30 minutes twice a day with my dog that's the minimum that's recommended for exercise keeping them you know we're not supposed to be sitting in a chair for you know eight hours a day that's the new smoking as they call it so uh doing 20 minutes twice a day of just general walking is most important probably the most important thing everybody can do yoga is important because you can increase your not only your your bone density your blood pressure and all stuff improves natural killer cell functioning lowers inflammation but more importantly you're learning how to balance and flexibility so one of the things that the drugs this is i'm a little off-side here i'll get back to my diet real quick but on the bone density issue is that that the drugs nor the herbs or the supplements prevent you from falling the number one cause that we need to look at is why do people fall and nobody talks about this so drug companies will sell billions of dollars of drugs people still are in the hospitals with hip fractures in 20 years the rate of rate and risk of hip fracture has stayed the same has not gone down why because we never address the thing that is strength flexibility right and so it's not just going to the gym and working out it's like that's where yoga comes into play that's where like tai chi qigong these are things that when you're more flexible against gravity then you know how to get up you need to know how to bend down you need how to flex and stretch it's not just how much you can you know curl that's not as important so um you always have to look at how you uh lower your risk of falling okay now i all i have i ask you how good are these for our health dogs actually wonderful and in fact there's a whole there was a whole lecture at the icnm conference on having dogs and your health so this is like a cme conference because the data is so strong now we can give you formal medical education credit saying you should have a pet your longevity goes down your inflammation remember um the love that an animal gives you know this this this this is just it's unbelievable right like good day bad day pandemic no pandemic vaccination not vaccinated politics your dog just is happy to see you you know just wants to be with you um our dog comes to our clinic uh she has got great she's a english staffer bull terrier she's got great energy she like will lay at the patient's foot if they're feeling sick she already knows that they're not feeling well if my dog for example comes and she doesn't want to sit next to someone and she avoids them at all costs then it's going to be a tough consult for me because the energy of the patient already know is going to be very resistive for change it's very interesting so animals are great i i recommend the thing is interesting is that we should also be looking at what we're feeding our pets okay that's a whole other discussion maybe we can do a whole show about about foods but there's a whole issue like why dogs have diabetes and blood pressure and arthritis because they're eating the same standard american diet foods because we sell in the packages this is what your dogs are eating bacon and chicken and it's like that's not necessarily true right well what i was thinking is rather than just keeping you ad infinitum having you come back as people are wanting you to come back you can talk about spices you can talk about anything you really want i can talk about anything like you can i can be like a regular every once in a while just like hey honestly if you're running out of topics i'll be glad i'll be glad to fill in because there's so many things that people here's the thing is i want people to understand this like although the diet's important right it's the foundation sometimes it's like getting you to the diet is by doing other things right so if i did a little yoga i feel better okay now now this may be easier my pain is better i sleep better or maybe i'm drinking cleaner water or maybe i'm doing some community service maybe i'm i'm practicing some kind of faith or spiritual practice whatever it may be or just you know just being one with yourself or the environment that's it's important to do those things if you get to that center of being whole then wholeness and holistic health is just a it's not it's a easy segue into it and so so don't be always like if i'm stuck on the deck like the person who's stuck on like the a2 and the eggs and the chicken she's really stuck on that so what we have to look as in all the other nine steps in my book how do i start doing those and then eventually start lowering the amounts of intake to this and she will get there people will get there because once you start feeling better you don't want you know remember you don't go for the goal you don't go for the goal you don't go for bronze and silver and you'll never be happy no one remembers a bronze or silver like i can't name any bronze or silver person at the olympics in any of the olympics i've ever watched right but everybody remembers the golds because they're the ones who get the commercials they're the ones who are on tv they're the ones on the box they're the ones who get endorsements so so that's what you're going for you want to be you want to have that legacy the legacy is being pride of your community the example of healing and health being a wonderful person to help your neighbors you know varying these other things so i always let people like when the diet stuck don't just i don't drive it so hard on them i want to work on all these other things because as they start realizing then they're it's easy to let go of some of these vices and some of these misperceptions or addictions that we might have to certain foods absolutely well let's let's finish up if you don't mind because we want to know what you eat and do you cook for yourself um i cook partially my partner she cooks most of it i have to give her the credit she's the the better of the chef than i do i do more of the indian cooking uh she does more of the italian and everything else uh we both do mexican food wonderfully uh in the morning so so usually i have a smoothie so usually like here's i don't know if you can see it but i don't know it's hard to see but you're using a virtual screen virtual screen so anyways i usually do a smoothie the reason why i do a smoothie in the morning is because i have difficulty of getting a lot of fruit uh in my lunch i have fantastic breakfasts and i have fantastic dinners perfect lunch is i'm a little bit off and the reason being is i don't we don't have a big kitchen here in our office and i'm usually running over because i'm with you know patients i'm spending a lot more time so it's a little bit my lunch kind of suffers so how do i get to my you know my my four servings of fruit or more a day is i i really try to cram those like the fruits in my in my smoothie this morning i actually have jackfruit in my smoothie like the sweet jackfruit i have berries in my you know blueberries mangoes strawberries jackfruit i put a little bit of vegan protein powder i put organic soy milk in there as well the protein powders pumpkin brown rice hemp i believe and uh and so that's just i have a piece of uh sprouted grain toast and i put a little bit of nut butter um i'm allergic to nuts so i i miss out on all the wonderful cashews and all these wonderful vegan things so i use sunflower butter you know again and even when i get a sunflower butter it's organic and it's no oil added no sugar added so it's just straight now the interesting thing is like it'll be like nine dollars a bottle versus like four dollars a bottle organic but then it's oil right then that's like as you mentioned it's like a filler so then it's just fat calories you don't need um so i usually have that um for breakfast or i usually have a bowl i make a breakfast bowl like an acai bowl like a with granola and all the berries in there uh or or i make like some a lot of south indian dishes so like so like we'd have like a something called poa it's like a it's a flattened beet and rice kind of dish so we we a lot of like sometimes i tell people remember the data showed on this conference breakfast should be the biggest meal believe it or not you know when they let they do the studies at pcrm and they did all the energetic the calories and how do we lose weight breakfast should be you know eat like a king you know prince for lunch and popper for dinner that the data now is showing that like we should be eating the biggest breakfast that's so hard dr pie i've never been hungry i've even tried fasting once for 40 hours and i still don't get hungry until about yeah i know it's tough and then you know a lot of people ayurvedically when we look at their body type they're not hungry until like mid-afternoon so so there is some there's some unique physiological challenges here that we work with people but just letting you know like breakfast is a good you know it's important thing especially people who are trying to lose weight that's not your problem that's number but but people who need to lose weight because what happens is our biggest meal is usually dinner and then they go to bed so you're not using any expending any of those calories okay so breakfasts are usually like a break the breakfast bowl and stuff now i'll give you example though just for my cheat day uh every two weeks i do a vegan standard american breakfast i do a just egg scramble i use my tempeh bacon i use you know organic hash browns i do the whole like i grew up in america so that's the kind of thing i feel like i need to do every two weeks just don't ask me why but you know organic pancakes blah blah blah real maple syrup just kind of that whole like okay i'm a blueberry pancakes with cardamom i make everything kind of like like really nice but anyways that i did there's that one day that it's not like yo people see my instagram like these beautiful bowls and there's always going to be like every two weeks is gonna be like hey isn't that kind of like something that you went at your you know someone's house for grandmothers on on the weekend yeah maybe i'll do a cooking demo sometimes i would and i'll even show how to make my coffee and everything and then for for lunches you know lunches are again are usually are going to be something that's going to be a little bit more it's everything's plant-based though um but i usually have leftovers or we try to pre-make something here it's not as again i don't have that fruit option a lot of beans a lot of legumes a lot of grains because that's stuff that we can easily make we have rice cookers and instant pots and all those other things like that i avoid microwave like the plague okay so i just i just don't i don't cook with a microwave i heat up like water every once in a while if i don't have a kettle here uh stuff like that but we just avoid as much as possible um dinners are fantastic so when i tell people eat plant-based it's not eating salad um if they're eating mexican food then we're eating you know vegan mexican food or plant-based mexican this is italian food if it's thai food if it's american fare like whatever the food that they're eating what we teach our clients now is what is a substitute what is the subsidy how do we make that taco how do we make a burger how do we make the enchiladas how do we make the the the the pasta how do we make it plant-based so that we're removing some and then is there substitutes that we can offer in yes and eventually can we avoid some of these other substances or get even cleaner more fresher natural substitutes for that absolutely and once you get people to eat that way then you you just become a custom of eating that way it's a transition so i always tell people like you know small baby steps start off with one meal a day then go to those mondays and then do it two to three times a week the date is fantastic if you do that and again it's not being perfect you know i don't eat any animal protein so it's it's i just don't for all sorts of reasons uh more now from the environment more for for the animals and everything else than my health because my health is spectacular now so i'm not worried about like oh i have to lower my cholesterol or anything like that but for all these other reasons for all the younger kids and younger generations that they will have to deal with this climate change issue because our generation didn't take care of things that's one way that we can help with improving those things is by not eating those foods wow you know maybe we could have a regular feature sundays with sunil i would love to i would do it i'd love to do that i mean here's the thing i'm so open because the reason being this like people need information right and and a lot of times people are trying to like dictate like you must do this it's like no i'm recommending what you should be doing but everybody has their own you know i'm an eastern guy by the way even though i'm born here and raised here you know from the south of new mexico and all now i'm in albuquerque but i'm like i also believe in karma like everybody has their own karma like you got to learn it now you can learn it later that's my perception right and hopefully i'm not sitting behind the desk again on the next in the next life going through this whole car business this whole discussion and uh you know and it's not being perfect i think i think the problem with the plant-based movement especially on social media just to be before we finish is that there's a high like you know perfectionist like i look like this i'm a model i eat plant-based i think that's by putting too much stress on people like like this image issue and like being this perfectionist um i always tell my patients you know you're traveling you're driving through the middle of texas you're gonna have to stop somewhere and eat try to make the better decisions don't you know like there's gonna be like a grandmother coming over there's gonna be a holiday you're gonna be traveling someplace you're gonna when in rome you might have to eat something it's not the end of the world but we don't want to make that a daily practice and the problem is that that kind of slides into like when we say anything you know everything in moderation everything in moderation didn't get us anywhere in america and that's why we have the health problems that we have so if we want radical change and radical improvements there is a little bit of a radical difference of how we live our life and so people say gosh you want you want to be disease free then these are the things you need to do to be disease free and again it's pleasurable it's not it's not suffering i i you have a wonderful show you you can you you're thriving your clients are thriving you know the people i mean i you know i think about that like i think you know because i i with this pandemic and so many people gaining the weight i'm like but i love why would i want to eat that my food is so good yeah yeah and so but you know i i think it says until people achieve and actually feel optimum health then they don't know what they're missing right so and and again you know i can look back on myself before when i was when i was you know not plant-based and i was eating clean organic you know blah blah blah wild coffee you know free range of food i thought i was you know my numbers weren't that as great as everybody else i mean it was better but it wasn't cleaner and like now my numbers are spectacular my labs are fantastic um however i do need to exercise more i do have to honestly say that and the reason being i'm sitting on my chair doing zoom all day long so so you know but it's interesting when patients come in that's when i made a practice like i go out and i greet my patients i go out and i meet the patients as much as i can get out of my chair as much throughout the day is what i'd like to do because otherwise we're just kind of stuck so you know there's things that i i'm always honest with my patients i always tell them like you know i go i go to the health store for example and there's just as much of things that are that are vegan that are trying to tempt you right there's 14 flavors of ben and jerry's vegan ice cream that's terrible you know what it's like good but bad right because like we shouldn't be eating ice cream like that but and so there's a there's a market so there's vegan donuts there's vegan cinnabons there's all these things that are vegan that it's not still junk food and so we have to be careful because you know there's chips and things and then you know people can drink you know alcohol all day long and say it's vegan too and so we have to be careful of not getting stuck with because snack food industries those food industries still want to sell us plant-based or not and so i think you know i'm always honest to say you know hey this is something that you're going to see in the store it's going to come and call your name when you drive by or push your car back try to avoid it because their marketing is really strong and trust me i tried one and i couldn't stop eating it and it was terrible so um you know i i try to live by example for my patients and i hope that i can i can lead the example to my colleagues as well that's great linda wants to know if you use a paper coffee filter i actually use a uh expresso grinding machine so it actually grinds it and makes it into the thing directly so it's not it's not it's not a paper i would use a uh if i'm just if i used to do grinding like just regular coffee filters but i would actually use the the metal the gold and avoid the paper unless you get the unbleached kind but then it costs more and then it's like so i just use the thing then also you want to take the coffee grounds you can compost those so you know all those things the other thing is to give your uh audience some other options okay let's talk about caffeine because a lot of people like what do i take right because i know that you me you're a sensitive caffeine but a lot of people still want to know when they come off it's like i need my morning joe and see if they come back allergic to coffee some people are looking for the coffee bean not the caffeine so one of the things i do like to drink sometimes in the afternoon i actually have well i had some is actually um it's called the creo brew not that i want to endorse them and all but it's sort of you can get organic it's just roasted cacao beans right so they take the cacao beans they're roasted and then they grind it and then you like you put in your french press or your coffee machine i do a french press and then it has the theobromine so that has all the natural kind of it gives you that energy but it doesn't give you that jitters and so it has a nice chocolate flavor if you want to sweeten it with a little honey or whatever you want to do or fine or soy milk or something but it's something like you know again people want there you know teas the most caffeinated tea that i will use if i need like a really strong boost is yerba mate but i need you need to get unsmoked yerba mate okay what happens is they take the plant it's you know this the drink of brazil they take it unsmoked means they take the leaves and they dry for nine to twelve months in the sun and it concentrates all the phytonutrients and antioxidants into the leaf so you get all the health benefits plus the caffeine most of the products that are already in a package are are in bags they're smoked it means they take it they roast it and they send it to market has a little bit of cat has caffeine and it has no other health benefits so if you actually have the real unsmoked yerba mate it's also alkaline it has tons of minerals and antioxidants so that's something that again it's quite bitter but it's something that people can use i always try to get again organic teas organic coffee great listen we're going to have you back because there's lots of questions we don't have time for today and water and fasting and people want you to talk about ayurvedic medicine and spices i can talk about all those right well you're going to come after that but we're going to do one more question sure from a previous guest named bullying who actually made a very funny comment when you were talking about health span and lifespan he said that the pharmaceutical companies are really what they're doing is increasing increasing their wealth span so 100 i'm gonna i'm gonna take that so thank you very much in my next lecture it is they are increasing the wealth span and in the disparity between you know another discussion between the in the house and have nots that it's it's happening we can see it people are going to space and people don't have lunch to eat or dinner to eat right we have homeless people i'm a little bit like as people know i'm kind of progressive i'm a little bit uh aggressive in how i may speak sometimes but because we have to make change like we just can't sit there and do the same old things because that's the definition of insanity hitting your head against the wall over and over again and we got to change we got to move the wall first of all and then look at doing something else with our head and so hopefully by these discussions i appreciate you having me on your show uh people can look at our website s-a-n-j-e-v-a dot net they can look at the bosmeric if they're interested in anti-inflammatory uh and uh send javanese store s-a-n-j and you want to give me this you can because i'm happy to put anything in the show notes it's just that i found that the links weren't clickable the way you gave them i better i better give that to you so you can update that so i'm happy to update it so let's end on this question because i have no idea what it means from bullion he says could you please ask dr pi about the saying in india about roguei versus bogey versus yogi i don't know what that means i'm not sure exactly what that means yeah i would have to that's not that's not a saying that's as familiar well then we'll end that just a fun question that i would always love so um last meal on earth what are you gonna have last meal on marth tacos i love tacos i i have probably on my instagram i think i have like 100 taco photos i love vegan tacos i love tacos i love traditional deep deep like mexico uh tacos and you know all the different chilies and stuff like that i also see a black and white dog is that winnie that's winnie that's my that's our our princess winnie she runs i love tacos but i prefer tostadas because i hate having to turn my head to eat yeah i like them open face well you have just been such a wonderful wealth and breadth of information and just so fun to talk to maybe do a cooking demo we can see if you can cook as fast as you can talk um not as fast but i'll talk fastly when i'm cooking so yes thank you very much and thanks everybody for for listening and i look forward to talking to you in the future it was just wonderful connecting with you and thanks all of you for watching another episode of chef aj live please come back tomorrow when my guest is pericles silva he is the chef at green fair restaurant in virginia which is one of the only sos free restaurants that i've ever heard of take care dr pie thank you so much thank you thank you everybody
Channel: CHEF AJ
Views: 30,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegan, plant based, plant based diet, health, plant-based, wfpb, diet, author, chef aj, chef aj live, chef aj recipe, cooking, healthy, nutrition, vegan eating, vegan kitchen, vegan living, vegan recipe, veganism, weight loss, food addiction, podcast, sunil pai md, dr. sunil pai, inflammation
Id: ejFuDIyzEkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 50sec (8270 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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