Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition by Dr. Won

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all right we'll get started this is very very exciting thank you everybody for coming I'm dr. Juan and this is very very exciting that so many people are interested in making changes in their life and so welcome you're at the store Medical Center and you're here to hear me talk about the introduction to Whole Foods plant-based diet we hosted the seminar a once a month every month each time we talk about some different topics last month it was about you know cardiovascular disease month before that was about how to prevent and reverse cancer month before that diabetes so today I'm just gonna briefly go over you know introductory topics of what the Whole Foods plant-based diet is and also our second half is going to be some of the attendees and then people who live locally we've gone through the transformation and have beaten the the depart disease feeding the autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis even the the diabetes and many other disease and like to give the poor to them so that they can share with you their hardship their challenges and their successes so again very excited that you guys are all here and if you think this is that you know value to you please you know come back because each time we're going to talk about different topics and also let your family and friends people you love let them know about this because I truly believe that we can you know reverse and prevent a lot of the disease so that you can live a much much happier and healthier life and so I truly believe the the health is a choice you choose to to be healthy okay some people think it's harsh when I talk about heart attack is a choice but once you understand and learn the way of the the whole food plant-based lifestyle you'll realize heart attack is a choice you choose to have a heart attack same thing with cancer and people say well how about genetics that takes less than 5% of all cancer okay and you can prevent it and you can help reverse it you can enhance the traditional treatments also it's all up to you you're the only person that has a complete control of your health the problem is most people don't know we've been brainwashed and we just have no idea that's why we're here to teach you okay we're not here to sell you anything there's only thing you have the bodies go to the produce section in the grocery store instead of the pharmacy and you can heal on your own okay I'm here to just you know spread the knowledge because you know I've gone through the journey myself and then once I realized how I been brainwashed I thought I was smart I was a doctor I was a surgeon and did well in school and I thought I understood nutrition I thought I lived a very healthy lifestyle I realized I did so we'll talk about that journey as well and then also I stay here until last person leaves so feel free to you know ask questions and then if you don't feel comfortable asking questions during the talk and Q&A session you stay behind and you know I'm here to answer any of your questions okay so just brief introductory we're at lumen health where physician driven vertically integrated health system very small nothing like Baylor but we actually do care about our patients so we have you know from the family practice to Urgent Care which is go lumen care and I'm a spot orthopedic spine surgeon and I'm part of the minimally invasive spine care we also have orthopedic surgeons pain management and other specialties you're at the the star medical center which is the the surgical hospital okay and this if you're gonna ever have a surgery this is type of setting that where you want to be we haven't had a single case of infection over the past four years we've been open here okay and everyone no matter who you are is a VIP service that's the type of health system that we want to develop okay also if you guys are interested we do have a Facebook group and anyone who's interested in the topic is invited and welcomed you don't have to live the lifestyle if you are curious with your good intention please join look for it it's a lumen Health plant-based diet and lifestyle just you know share recipes ask questions about you know medical conditions only rule is be positive and be compassionate and any negativity will be you know messages would be deleted and you'd be booted off okay so we started this I think no know December and so far we have closed about 400 members so we encourage all you guys to check it out okay and also just making feel announcement I don't know if you guys know earthling ed he'll be in town in June 20th at the Colin college and I will be kind of opening for him they asked me to talk about the health benefit of plant-based vegan diet and lifestyle and you know there's a movie called earthling also you may want to check it out and then netflix and it's truly an honor to to have him in town so market calendar june 20th 7 p.m. and also some of you guys who are interested my I'm a surgeon but my passion is to treat patients without surgery so we also are having a stem cell therapy education it's on April 25th disappea and our Arlington campus so again I'm dr. Wong I'm a minimally invasive spine surgeon but also I practice longevity and regenerative medicine and nutrition is also one of my passion because in order to live long but also live younger nutrition is one of the most important things that you have to consider so just give you a little background you know I grew up I immigrated to this country back in 1982 from South Korea not North Korea South Korea North Korea and then but I did go to Northwestern University after graduating from MacArthur High School Gold Cards from Irving and then after that I went to UT MB or Medical School and then went to st. Louis Washington University to to study orthopedic surgery and then I went to Michigan the largest Medical Center there in Royal Oak Michigan William Beaumont Hospital and their spine centers did my fellowship there then went back to st. Louis and did a little bit more training before coming back to - Irving Texas I'd never thought I would come back to Texas but I did and best decision I ever made so this is what a this just massive incision massive spine reconstruction type of surgery but if you look at all the the pictures from before all the Medical Center's it's just massive they're treating patients with chronic disease that doesn't need to be in the hospital hospitals are just getting bigger and bigger and bigger look at the number of the hospital that exists in North Texas Baylor is only getting bigger thr is only getting bigger instead of getting smaller because they're not treating the cause of the disease they're only treating the effect hey like I said they don't care about you okay so I knew it something had to be different hey also you know I went into spinal surgery because my father had four back surgery and he had massive complication infection he had a horrible care and we were poor to have insurance and he basically his pain medication was alcohol and I went as a washstand you know for 30 years just suffering so I knew that this type of spine surgery wasn't the path so you know I developed a lot of the minimally invasive procedures and then the devices and then the laser spine surgery so that I could do the least amount of surgery to a patient to gain the relief but that wasn't enough either and onto you know working on stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine and now one of the my passion is to help patients prevent surgery and then also prevent being admitted to the hospital dying from disease that doesn't that you don't need to have okay like heart attack diabetes a cancer all that remain disease okay so we're in crisis right now in America right most people don't think you know don't even think about it but 70% of Americans are either overweight or obese 70% 70% okay and on top of that nearly eight percent additional eight percent is extremely obese so close to 80 percent of Americans are overweight obese or extremely obese hey so where's that community there's a reason why as the people are getting bigger and bigger the hospitals are getting bigger and bigger right and also by 2020 that's only a couple years away 50% of Americans will be the pre-diabetic or diabetic okay that also leads to a lot of other disease this has got to stop so stay standard American diet sad it's really sad right and so Americans are typically eating 54 percent of their calories are coming from processed food if it comes from a box most likely its processed something that you shouldn't be eating yeah I always tell patients that when you go to a grocery store stay on the outer edge of the grocery store don't go inside it's evil okay and 32 percent of the calorie comes from animal products okay and then 11 percent comes from vegetables fruits nuts and beans but we didn't date 11 percent ketchup is also within that 11 percent okay and so and then four percent from whole-grain so that's a problem okay and nearly 90 percent of our calories are coming from either processed food or animal products that's the reason why the hospitals are getting bigger and bigger so this is looking at several different countries the countries that basically eats the least amount of processed food and animal products as the least amount of death between age 55 and 75 from heart disease or cancer okay so the countries that eats the most amount of processed food and animal products at the highest percentage of people dying from heart disease in cancer between age 55 and 75 I mean look at the graph right so sure you can take a picture absolutely this is free information you guys can and if you guys want I'd be happy to send you guys pictures of the the slides also want you to have it share it okay so this is I think this was my twentieth twenty year reunion twenty years or so from high school and all my buddies these guys were except myself they all played football so I was a nerd I was kind of like the outcast the guy with the big backpacks but they kind of let me in because you know I let them I gave them a lot of answers to so I was still part of the pack okay but you can see unfortunately my dear friends are overweight or obese and some of them are extremely obese it's almost that the percentage 80% of them are overweight obese or extremely obese there's only like one or two of us even I was almost overweight at that point at that point I was my BMI I was 24 point for anything above 25 is considered overweight okay so sad state of our health right because of our standard American diet that's causing obesity heart disease diabetes cancer many other chronic disease does it again it doesn't have to be this way okay we spent about three point three trillion dollars a year in u.s. three point two trillion dollars a year every year and it's only going up and seventy-five percent of it is due to chronic disease that can be prevented okay seventy five percent of that and most of the disease chronic disease are reversible and you know and can be prevented this is the top ten causes of death in us and back in nineteen that 19 2016 heart disease it's by far the number one killer in this country and majority of them because heart attack I'll show you every 40 seconds there's somebody dying from heart attack okay every 40 seconds and so it doesn't have to be and cancer is number two chronic respiratory disease accident I mean that just happens maybe with the diet maybe you'd be more alert have less accident strokes Alzheimer's diabetes influenza and pneumonia and kidney related intentional self-harm suicide and but believe it or not actually the whole food plant-based diet can help you with depression also so perhaps we can affect this number as well so many others almost every single one of them can be prevented with proper nutrition okay as I mentioned before cardiovascular disease is the number one killer and the number I showed you was back in 2016 and 2017 there was over 800,000 people who die from cardiovascular disease one death every 40 seconds so if this talk was about 60 minutes about an hour there'll be about 90 people would have been dead by in the desktop okay in this country from cardiovascular disease and one heart attack every 30 seconds right and one stroke every 40 seconds and it doesn't have to be okay I want to stress that you don't have to die from a heart attack or cardiovascular disease okay so by the time this again this seminar is over 90 people was maybe two hours to then be up 180 people as a tragedy okay so this is how I feel right so this is what most doctors are doing doctors are keep on mopping the floor and it's endless because the sink is constantly overflowing and health care system rather than turning off the faucet will just keep on mopping the floor it never ends okay so somebody just needs to get up and then turn up the faucet right that's something that you can do and everyone if you know even you have a cold you don't need antibiotics you rush to the doctors and you get medication and you want antibiotics and you don't even realize how antibiotics is damaging your gut bacteria and got help eventually leading you to many other disease over 2,000 years ago Hippocrates said use food as medicine hey that was 2,000 years ago this was me phears back almost overweight technically overweight I was about a hundred fifty six pounds I'm five foot seven so EMI of twenty four point twenty four point four at high triglyceride and high LDL I thought I was being healthy okay I exercise on regular basis i what i thought was healthy low carb high protein just like everybody else right you know I went into that phase a paleo diet Atkins diet and the broad science right and this was me but I finally realized I had to make change because I couldn't fit into a suit and I said there's no way I'm going back to a tailor and then you know give my all my clothes alter I said there's no way I'm gonna do that why I ended up doing that because I lost significant amount of weight without even trying so the another reason is this that the one of the main reason I went into this journey is is I'm a minimally invasive spine surgeon I'm constantly standing right next to two floor scans there's one and yours too so it benefits the patient and so one time event for them but for me I'm exposed to radiation every single day I'm protected I have less shield let's Curt let vest let glasses however I'm still exposed I went into the journey of finding how do I prevent and cure cancer because every single one of you got is right now sitting here you guys all have cancer in yourself it may not be clinically significant but every single one of you have cancer your body is constantly trying to fight it okay at some point if you lose when the cancer becomes clinically significant so we all every single one of us have to fight the cancer and that's me sending right between to see arms interoperative floors cam hey so you know I went and studied all the different kinds of diet where there's a plant-based Mediterranean South Beach paleo ketogenic diet calorie restrictions don't die you name it I study them all but what is going to help you lose weight and keep it off which is not the most important thing but you know everyone is concerned about that and the weight does have a significant impact on your health what's going to prevent and reverse heart disease what's going to prevent and reverse the cancer hypertension stroke diabetes not only live longer but also live younger what's the point of living older you know a long long time and just debilitating right what I found was that the best nutrition best way best was a whole food plant-based diet and lifestyle okay so what is whole food plant-based hey I want to stress that it's not about what you donate it's all about what you do eat okay and it's this whole unrefined and minimally refined minimally manipulated food it and even plants you want to eat things that are whole and unrefined such as you if you're going to choose a rice brown rice you know rather than white rice okay fruits vegetables you know the whole grains and legumes nuts and seeds okay and excluding anything that has you know comes from something that has faced hey me chicken pork a fish okay if it has a mother you don't want to consume it okay and also restrict anything that is you know refined sugar refined flour and oil also that is a whole food plant base so that was me and then within very short period of time I lost about twenty four pounds without even trying and I eat it some of you know that I eat like a horse I mean I eat all day long hey I love eating I love food and but I never have to count calories so and I think one of my patient mentioned the other day I have such a good skin to think my skin is certainly better at 47 then when I was in my 20s so again using food as medicine okay so what looks healthier to you you just look at this picture right here what's healthy and what's not okay and you don't have to be a doctor to know which one is healthy and which one is not right and then whole food plant-based diet and lifestyle as ability to prevent and treat and refer not just a heart disease not just diabetes not just rheumatoid arthritis not just Alzheimer's not just multiple sclerosis not just lupus not just you know acne migraine depression cognitive dysfunction the list goes on and on and on and on and on okay but one other thing you know every time I tell somebody hey you know I don't eat meat and I do you know whole food plant-based the first question is usually where you get your protein everyone's so obsessed with protein and people think protein is like the source of great health which is not it so let's just compare beef versus being 100 grams of being versus 100 grams of beef okay this is red bean okay so they have exactly the same amount of protein 22 grams of protein red beans versus red meat okay but also the the bean has a lot of fibers fiber is one of the key to great health okay keeping your gut bacteria are very very help you know happy okay also people always ask where do you get your iron well being actually has more iron than red meat also has much safer non heme iron than red meat and then same thing with calcium same thing with magnesium but there is something that the beam doesn't have okay its cholesterol okay so it's it loses as far as the cholesterin and so and it uses significantly less water to produce beans then then red meat okay so it's also benefits our planet hey how about broccoli okay so broccoli there's something somebody said they didn't know the the you know vegetables have proteins well 100 calories of broccoli versus 100 calories of steak well broccoli wins broccoli actually has more protein than red meat Buddha thought right and as significantly virtually no fat versus the steak which has seven point grams of fat well some needs that b12 most of them do most of the omnivores he was asking is the same kind of protein so all protein originates from plants I'm gonna show you the picture of them okay so you're eating red meat where did the cow get is protein well you're talking about like amino acid is that a complete amino acid so some plants don't have all essential amino acid but if you eat 2,000 calories if you eat enough each variety of plants you don't have to eat it all at the one setting okay and if you eat variety of vegetables then you're gonna get all your complete amino acids so this is a list of I know it's difficult to see all the the vegan proteins and the the pumpkin see it probably has one of the the highest amount of protein and it's actually complete amino acid with the pumpkin seeds it's one of the best things that you can you can consume and these are some of the so I just rolled out some of the top ten plant-based the protein pumpkin seeds peanut butter hemp seeds almonds pistachio nuts flax seeds tofu oats chia seeds and cashew nuts have significant amount of proteins as I was saying before look at these these beasts these massive animals right elephants a gorilla you know they're they're all vegans they eat just nothing but plants okay but they're significantly strong they're just massive animals right a lot of muscles so most people think vegans are like this even I'm not the skinny okay so this is what most people think but this is Derek Morgan from Tennessee Titans and he's a guy who converted one third of their football team Tennessee Titans NFL football team okay not not the the junior high school football team but the NFL one third of the Tennessee Titans are both food plant-based and he's a linebacker okay and then rich roll this is what he used to look like in his 30s and that's what he looks like in his 50s he is the the one of the top endurance athletes in the world he's done five Ironman in five days five ironmans in five days straight and at five islands of happiness Hawaii okay I think there's only a very few people who's being able to do that and he did a 100% plant-based there's Justin rent he's one of our a patient who's a UFC fighter in Bellator MMA fighter and he's also quite a humanitarian but recently through a stent after stem-cell therapy he converted to a plant-based a lifestyle and he was traveling to Africa along with Chris Long who's with the the Philadelphia Eagles he won Super Bowl two years in a row first with the the New England and then second year with Philadelphia they went to Africa to raise money to drill water wells and they raised by $450,000 okay but here's Justin and he was the only guy who was plant-based and he was the first one to reach the top they all everyone said there's no way you're gonna make it to the top not eating me it was the first one and then and here's a Kyrie Irving with the Boston Celtics okay and then he said being on more of a plant-based diet getting away from animals and all that this was you know from the ESPN interview okay first discovered that you know he was doing something different and he was performing significantly better than when he was at Cleveland Cavaliers his energy is up and then he's feeling amazing and then there are other NBA players that are converting also because they can recover so much faster a less inflammation and they have a lot more antioxidant in their system and how about these guys right well he retired but another football player boxer and they made father and then me my de Gato is never eaten meat in his life okay his parents were vegetarian and so he grew up as a vegetarian then he became you know a hundred percent vegan and living a lifestyle of a whole food plant-based I don't think he looks like he's lacking protein yeah and then there are others about bodybuilding mr. 2014 mr. universe hey vegan okay no animal products and then Frank Medrano Derek simnet these guys do a lot of Cal aesthetics I mean they do some amazing stuff and look at them it just lets just goes on and on and on and so and if you still have questions okay there's going to be a movie out April 19th part of the the earth axe event and 6:30 at the Wiley theatre you can purchase a ticket at the earth tex film org and this is basically looking at all the top athletes of the world James Cameron is the film producer for this so so then people always ask what do you eat you know you eat salad all day long I don't like salad okay I don't like cold food and I eat it because I have to but if I have to eat it every single day and you know three times a day I probably couldn't do it okay but whole food plant-based there's a major for groups okay you got fruits vegetables okay you got legumes and beans and whole grains but what I try to do is every day I don't necessarily meet this goal every single day but this is my goal okay my goal is to do we hunt have three servings of fruits every single day and one of them always being some sort of berries right well there's blueberries blackberries strawberries raspberries and there's five servings of vegetables all of that one has to be cruciferous vegetables cruciferous vegetables are like broccoli you know cabbage broccoli sprouts kale spinach those are all under the cruciferous family and it's one of the healthiest thing that you can eat and then to additional amounts of greens and then to other vegetables okay and then I also have three servings of some sort of a beans where there's beans legumes and then three servings of whole grains I don't need this every single day but it's my goal and everyone everyone in this room should have least one or two tablespoons of flax seeds because it really helps prevent cancer and such as breast cancer and prostate cancer okay some of the most common ones for women and men right and then also it's a good source of short fatty chain acid okay nuts and seeds just be mindful don't overdo it and then spices spices are one of the most anti-inflammatory antioxidant and anti-cancer a substance that you can consume so such as turmeric ginger onion garlic in water we're 70 75 percent water we need to constantly refill ourselves with water otherwise you get dehydrated and exercise just doesn't have to be you don't have to be a professional athlete you can just walk every single day you know maybe about 40 or 45 minutes the goal is 90 minutes but if you do you'd be so much healthier yes ma'am you can get it from the yeah st. so you know I try to spices try to buy like organic spices but sometimes you know like I buy the whole like garlic and onion those are considered the spices also but I also buy a lot of things I use a lot of cumin coriander you know any kind of spices okay I keep up with dr. Barath aggarwal was the tenured professor at MD Anderson and he's done the over 26 years tremendous amount of research in cancer and he's a person who came up with a lot of chemotherapy and a lot of the chemotherapy actually originated from a lot of the Indian spices that he was very familiar with and he truly believes this the spices are a great way to prevent cancer from propagating in your system great question we're gonna go over that just in a little bit I'm gonna give you a list of things that I think that you should eat organic and then but most important thing is consuming vegetables if you don't have organic consuming is more important than not consuming because they're not organic okay I also study have shown that if you wash them and vigorously wash them you're going to get off on any kind of pesticide about 95 percent yes yes yep awesome if you come up here yeah so dirty it's called dirty dozen I have a list towards the middle of the talk and then you guys should download the app and then you can also look them up every year they come up with a new list okay and so I'm gonna give you the thirty thirty thousand lists of 2018 okay and so this is what are typically for breakfast every morning I typically get up around five o'clock in the morning and the first thing I do is drink warm lemon water and then I exercise and I have to exercise I eat either steel-cut oatmeal with berries and then I said you know I add spices also you know way I see things is that food is medicine and I'm consuming food that's going to heal my body and you know taste is important for me cases number two for me everyone's different but for me is by killing my body and not using food as medicine first tumeric in my oatmeal and then definitely berries and any other fruits that I have in my freezer because I'd tend to buy a lot of the frozen fruits and vegetables so that it doesn't go bad okay and also I bathe myself basically internally not externally internally with smoothies all day long all day long and that's what I drink in the morning first thing I do is I make about 60 to 64 ounces of smoothie and then I put it into different containers and I carry around with me all day long and I call them you know anti-cancer smoothies Hey and I am going to give you list of everything that I put in I'd really do put it in and then some of you guys been to my house and then made smoothie with me and I literally put every single one of them oh you don't have to you can pick and choose but the most important thing is that 70% of your smoothie should be dark green leafy vegetables okay dark green leafy vegetables and so and then blueberries and any other fruit and then flax seeds that is like bare minimum bare minimum then after that then you can add lots of other things and I'm gonna give you my list and then if also if I can cook I didn't start cooking until like just a couple years ago okay and don't know anything about cooking but I realized I needed to learn how to cook because going out to eat does not serve me very well hey I tell you know every time I go to a restaurant first thing I tell the waiter or waitress is that I am allergic to oil hey you do not want to give me mouth-to-mouth resuscitation when I'm having an effective charge okay and so it gets them alerted know the chef and then it challenges them to make me a meal Hey without using oil and so so here I typically this is what my lunch typically looks like you know I make myself I have a rice cooker and then I put about three or four different kinds of grains right and then put seven different kinds of beans and lentils and then I've dumped in all the spices okay turmeric cumin you know a parsley basil you name it if I if I said you know if I have it I just dump it in there it tastes great I like it and so and then Christopher's vegetables and then other vegetables and then my dinner may look like something like that a salad okay and then also you have to I know everyone's busy and you and you need to be able to make things really really fast so one of the things I do is you know I always get a big bag of a sweeping it's the most nutritious part but it's difficult to eat it so what I do is what is the best way to cook it is actually boil it it retains all the nutrients and then and then I put it in my bag also if I'm going to work if I don't have time to cook my beans and I have also had a lot of beans just canned beans by the low sodium or no sodium okay if it has low sodium I also rinse and rinse the bean and then at work at one of the hospital because you can't eat at the hospital yeah except here any of the hospitals they have and I've actually posted and one of my patients who had at the Baylor had a mild MI and then been contacted by cardiologists I go in next morning to see the patient and guess what they're eating okay eggs butter muffin orange juice everything that he should not be eating okay and I was I was very upset and then actually you know went to talk to the administrators and one of them actually told me well you know we got to make patients happy okay so because patients fill out the surveys and then if they don't get the food that they want the the points go down so you're telling me that they care more about the survey than patients health that's messed up so so I just get the black beans and sweet potatoes and just mash it okay and then I put in my I also pre make bottom my spices whatever that I have tumeric are we gonna paprika cumin cayenne pepper parsley and basil and then I just mix mix it and put it in the microwave at the the doctors lounge quick lunch along with salad because they typically have salad it's pretty sad salad bar but they do have salad so that's that's something that I can you know make real quick and that also this is what I considered anti-cancer soup I always study the ingredient that has anti-cancer properties that's the that's my recipe and the instant pot has become my best friend and that's the only way and I love soup I like stew and so in supply it's perfect or you can also do you know stir fry and you do not have to use oil everyone says how do you cook if you actually oil you're never supposed to cook and heat the oil in anyways right and if you do it actually oxidized and creates free radicals in your system so one you shouldn't be using oil but if you really have to you shouldn't be using it to cook it okay so so stir fry is something else that I can do and prep is very very important right and so what are typically it is when I do have a little time I get like back seven different kinds of beans and lentils and then I put them in one container I soaked them you got to soak the beans 24 hours okay and it gets rid of most of the line and if you ever read a book if you see a book call you know was it plant paradox throw it away because you know that doctor is just talking gibberish and soul actin is yes it is there if you can't eat these without cooking it no duh okay people have thousands of years hey so you soak it and you cook it and Lachlan goes away you don't need to buy his Latin supplement okay and but he's scaring a lot of people and moving people away from eating things that has Latin which is life-saving food so being very healthy so I street soccer and then I freeze them because I don't know how long I'm you know it's gonna take me to get through all that beam so I freeze everything and then also it's one of the super food is broccoli sprouts okay and it's hard to find there's only a one store that sells a broccoli sprout that I've been able to find it sprouts because they actually they didn't have it last year and talk to the manager it said I don't know if you know the name of your store it's called sprouts you don't have property sprouts so so now they'd carry properly sprout broccoli sprouts has won the highest content of what we call super fame it is incredible food that has so much anti-cancer properties and then not only that they've actually given the the broccoli sprouts to the kids with autism okay within two weeks 50% improvement and their cognitive function they have also given it to the patients with Alzheimer's significant improvement with their memories okay so I advise everyone to sprout their broccoli because it's really cheap if you buy it they do sell it but it's expensive small container is like four or five dollars and it will last you to two meals that's it so and it's really easy and you know actually made a video how to spot the broccoli seeds so you can look it up in the youtube channel yes no so you can't keep them damped right so you got to have a tilt about 45 degrees because if you leave it hey so one of my mother's it's not about what you don't need it's all about what you do eat okay and this is not my refrigerator because most of my stuff is in a freezer but this is my dream to have a refriger that was disorganized but this is this looks healthy right so this is what you should be eating but you know if you actually know how to cook these are the things that you can you know you can cook there's so many resources out there that you can get plant-based recipes like fork over knives and there's many other features Google and you go to the search bar and say whole food plant-based recipes and you can get thousands and thousands of different kinds of recipes okay and then for lunch you can get full grain pasta you can make your own vegetable spring rolls you can make [Music] talking about all food plant-based okay Orioles are vegan they potato chip is out there vegan and so doesn't mean it's necessarily healthy there's a lot of processed vegan meals it could be a good transition food but you need to quickly switch over to a whole food plant-based this man yeah great question so olive oil any oil no oil is healthy so when they did the study with the better it's a mono you know saturated fat so it's a little bit better than all the others but is it healthy no they've actually done studies it functions it destroys your arteries just like any other oil okay if you have to use it I'd usually tell people don't use if you have to use it don't use it to cook because it's gonna get oxidized and it's gonna be really bad and then most people don't even realize what extra-virgin olive oil is they say you need to buy it and half the time with you you're not really buying extra virgin olive oil that's why it's not changing so but then people buy the extra virgin olive oil that's cold-pressed and then they go home and cook with it hmm it makes sense okay no oil is good for you you gotta eat the whole thing avocado it's great it has healthy fat you gotta you know moderation but but olive avocado oil is bad sesame seeds are great sesame oil is bad you know Olive is good a lot of oil is bad okay and they've done a lot of studies how your arteries respond to different kinds of oil and they're all bad yeah yeah you have and then also the olive oil if you go to like let's say a small town Italy yeah it's there extra virgin olive oil doesn't look anything like what you can buy even at Central Market or whole food it doesn't look anything like it it's actually green right and it tastes different so if you ever go to you know Italy try it and you'll definitely notice the difference okay so and then the half the time they also mix in with you know different oil also so you can't really believe what it says on the on the label okay and you can even have desserts okay and not too much but you can still make you know vegan desserts so what you should be eating again vegetables fruits whole grains beans legumes and lentils small amounts of nuts and seeds hey and then you got to think about fiber and probably within the next month or two we'll talk about gut health okay gut health and keeping your gut bacteria happy is one of the most important things that you could do you know we as human have about 23,000 genes we carry about three to eight million genes of microbiomes okay so we're really a host to the bacterias in our body okay and the fiber that we've got bacterias feeds off the fire okay and so we need to keep them happy in order for them to make us happy and water a lot of phytonutrients and antioxidants is what you should be consuming things that you should be avoiding in meat poultry fish eggs process you know oil refine it should be grains and sugar dairy cholesterol saturated fat okay and you know there's there are other talks that I do go more in depth science behind why you should be avoiding the the animal products especially meat poultry fish and eggs also and one of the main reason is just you know briefly to let you guys know is it produces what we call trimethylamine and once you consume them it goes into your gut your gut bacteria converts like carnitine or choline that's indeed the animal products into trimethylamine and goes to your liver and then gets oxidized and that's what's destroying your body increases the inflammation and also if you cook the meat you know and you say well you know I'm gonna you know cook chicken I'm gonna grill it because it's supposed to be healthy the high heat it produces what we call heterocyclic amine that gets oxidized that is carcinogen it causes cancer okay and then now you know it's you would think that it's a pretty common knowledge when World Health Organization also has classified the processed meat such as bacon right or lunch meat as category one carcinogens which means if you eat enough it will cause cancer cigarette is can you know category one also Petone iam is category one so bacon but people are still eating it and they wonder why they're getting cancer and they're getting heart disease okay so those are the things that you should be avoiding okay so just like you asked so here's a list of Dirty Dozen for 2018 these are the things that you need to be buying organic because high in pesticide so you know strawberries spinach nectarine apple or grapes peaches cherries pears tomatoes celery tomatoes and sweet bell peppers so you should try to buy them organic if you cannot they've also done the study if you vigorously rinse the the fruits and the vegetables you can get did the pesticides off the the fruits and vegetables you can you can but you actually have to put a lot of vinegar white vinegar and so and they also Procter and Gamble a long time ago also came up with some spray to help get rid of the pesticide it didn't work they sold a lot of it but but once people did the study then yeah didn't work so they were selling the food that had the pesticide and they were selling the pesticide and they're also selling justice yeah so and then here's the the conventional things that you do not have to these are clean you do not have to buy organic so most of the time if it has a skin that you can't eat then you know what's inside it's mostly safe so this is clean 15 list so you do not don't waste your money by items yeah yeah I was I was surprised too hmm yeah so I mean yeah you should try to buy things that are non-gmo but there's really no solid study that GMOs are really because it has and so but you know most of the products these days that's consumed by and people always ask glad you brought that up like so they said Oh toys are all GMO because 90% of the soy that's produced in this country is GMO absolutely right but you should consume soy because what you consume is non-gmo okay they do not serve GMO soy to the human and soy are extremely healthy has so much anti-cancer properties that you should be consuming soy prevents breast cancer prevents you know prostate cancer and as one of the strongest what we call anti-angiogenic component okay but that means that in order for cancers to grow and then and spread it prevents it from happening okay so so is one of the great bean CD I'm sorry I prefer it just about anything in minimally processed or unprocessed so I personally enjoy like edamame okay but soymilk you got to look at the different brands and then see how much chemicals that they have in there or you could try to make it on your own but most of the time the soy milk if you consume just a small amount that's perfectly fine so I do have soy milk at home yeah I don't even drink it every day cuz yeah I like edamame yes ma'am you know there's with the the nutrition value you know of organic versus non-organic also so that there's actually a lot of mixed studies because some of them the the organic products don't seem to have as much nutrition nutrients as non-organic and then some studies argues against that so it's really unknown and then also it depends what part of the country the vegetables and fruit comes from also and you know I always talk about you hear me talk about if we go in more in depth about cardiovascular disease I talked about you know nitric oxide production the it comes from eating dark green leafy vegetables that really that's what heals your arteries okay and they've done studies and the organic versus non-organic non organic best dark green leafy vegetables actually produced more nitrates and nitric oxide then organic ones but then and also depending on what part of the country they got the the vegetables from so it's really difficult to tell so my thing is eat it the benefit significantly outweighs the you know the risk so wash them well at home and then any eat them okay whether it's organic or non-organic okay so as I promised here's my super green smoothie recipe and it is a lot but you don't have to use them all but I do use kale spinach arugula chard and broccoli sprouts every single day and usually makes up about 70% and that's why I have to make a 64-ounce you know smoothie in state because I put in all these and flaxseed is a must also Ares is must and but like I said you don't have to put every single one of these Oh oh sorry sorry okay and then these are the things that I'd like to include when I do cook food these are the the food that has as well known and well documented to provide a lot of anti-cancer properties tomatoes for example but you want to cook them you can even raw it's so it's really good for you but when you cook them it actually you get a lot more lycopenes in your system and so it becomes much more bioavailable onions raw is better than cooked mushroom forget to write it you have to cook it you have to cook mushrooms so I don't consume mushrooms with my salad you know there's a lot of salad bars that has mushrooms I don't there's a little bit of a you know what we call I don't want to scare you but Christine doujin properties and every mushroom as soon as you cook it for a few seconds it's gone okay so you want to cook your mushroom seeds nuts you know flax seeds chia seeds in a hand seeds consume them everyday different kinds of spices okay so Estee sends for spices and soy okay and then Jay sends for green dark green leafy vegetables especially cruciferous vegetables I consume a lot of broccoli sprouts broccoli kale spinach garlic a drink Pinot in the morning I drink maybe about a cup no more than 2 cups of coffee and then rest a day if I need something then I drink a variety of teas but especially green teas and then beans and descends for beans and fare so this is way I remember it somehow remember this way okay so how do you stay here few steps that I think I would recommend you're taking if you're interested in you know undergoing transformation and adapting both food plant-based lifestyle just keep on learning we host a seminar every single month okay and each time again you know we try to cover different topics and so please join us if you can't make it we do also so it's better to be here than on the screen but you can't make it check us out in the Facebook live it's on facebook.com backslash spine doctor one also why some of these documentaries and Netflix forks forks over knives fantastic film what the hell many of you probably have seen it already and if those are great great films also another recommend as how not to die by dr. Michael Greger and also he has an amazing website it's a free website you just type in any question that you have you go to the the nutritionfacts.org and then I've been you know benefits of plaque see for example then it gives you a list of videos that he's made as well as articles and it's all evidence base he and his organization is not-for-profit organization goes through about 30,000 medicals journals every single year combing through them and then everything that he talks about in his book as well as this website is all evidence base okay so you can check it out and then the first thing you should do is you should go home and clean out your kitchen okay it's in a box this process just throw it out okay make the transformation you took effort to get here so you know today is the best date tonight is the best time to clean up your kitchen okay and then throw out all that you know animal products out there that's are considered as poison that causes cancer heart disease diabetes Alzheimer's all the other chronic disease so clear out your kitchen that's the first step so don't let yourself be tempted okay and you know even open up all the secret drawers where you hide your candy bars okay get rid of them okay and then you know stock your kitchen okay and so the you can also download our Quick Start Guide and we give you a recommendation on the things that you need to buy have in your pantry and so you can go to our website lumen health calm and you can just free you can download our free guide to the whole food plant base and then go to the grocery store this weekend and then and then planning is important you know if you just you know if you don't plan you're gonna come across a place where you can't eat and then you get hungry and you're gonna make bad choices it's okay I mean if you ate bad one day then you the next day you make sure you eat you know healthy again you whole food plant-based but but you want to plan ahead I tend to go to a grocery store on weekends and then I do a lot of meal prep on Sundays and as you've seen me making you know prepping for my beans and then um you know before I go to bed I just put you know put all the grains you know onion garlic tomatoes and all the seven beans and spices and put in the rice cooker and next morning it's all done and then put it in the container and I'm off to a hospital so just you know planning is key also if you go out to eat a lot of times you know I enjoy you know social settings meeting with different friends but you know if they want to meet at the steakhouse not gonna say I'm not gonna go but I don't eat there but I eat before and so I always prepare and so you know I always have enough like sweet potatoes that's been boiled I crave it or I K fruits around you know some of you guys may have seen me with my green bag I carried that bag everywhere and I have a lot of food in there you know at least couple of apples couple bananas and then you know Juana's pumpkin seeds and I also have like carry emergency black beans around and so so you just got to get prepared okay and then you know find a partner do it with you know family members do it with friends and then so you can keep each other accountable right and so it's so much easier right and you can ask questions and then also you know join our Facebook group if you have ever questions and then you know put them up there and that's just myself but you're gonna have a lot of other people giving you a feedback and so we're building a community okay be resilient it's hard it's hard to make transition okay for some people it's easier you know that you have but you had a massive heart attack and then your doctor is telling you that you can go ahead and eat ya omelet and all the things that you shouldn't be eating but but you founded the whole food plant-based lifestyle and some people are able to make the transition immediately a hundred percent but not everyone can do that it's it's not about perfection it's about progress and so just you know if you're down one day just make sure you get up and then you just continue to make the effort okay and then stay involved as I mentioned we have a Facebook group lumen health plant-based diet and lifestyle please join share recipes you know ask questions invite other friends to join it's not an exclusive group we just want to know that you have an interest any members about it and if you have medical questions if you put up a question I personally answer you know most of them myself we also have a family medicine physician dr. Orson Rodriguez is fantastic very very knowledgeable about a whole food plant-based you know he's adding crossroads but you know he also gives us his input if you ever need a family medicine practitioner and your doctors telling you all you shouldn't do plan pace you're gonna be malnourished you're gonna be efficient in protein doctors do not know what they're talking about you know unless they specifically studied nutrition because how many hours do you think we got in that school and nutrition yes Wow you gave us a lot of credits I think we have one class in nutrition one hour yeah what yeah that's definitely not I don't know how much they recommend they should recommend like you know 100 hours but but they don't and it's usually less than an hour and though some physicians they still think the the food pyramid still exists you know it no longer exists it's a power-play it our clay came about because a PCRM the physician Committee for Responsible medicine sue the USDA and then they had them changed is that they adapted from the whole food plant-based okay so instead of saying legumes and beans they say protein and then they put a little bit of a milk on it and so another thing the hospital a lot of times is not eating the patients their healthy meals government also don't really care about your health hey they are pushing cheese milk and working with the lobbyists to serve themselves to serve the multibillion-dollar corporations okay they're now looking after your interests that's why you are the only one who can look after your interests right so yes I have usually people run away they see me and you know even some of the employees and they state that you know I go to the cafeteria they hide the food yeah but but you know what you hear from some of the people who have gone through the transformation and then you will be inspired they inspired me because you know it has changed their lives right and so and once you learn once you benefit from it one of the things you can do is you can you know pay it forward give it back and tell other friends okay and because you didn't know most people don't know okay I can't blame them you know health is a choice heart attack is a choice diabetes is a choice but most people don't know so so I want to make sure to talk about the success stories okay so a lot of times in the past and you're not talked about I borrow the patient's from dr. mcdougal dr. McGregor and some of the other pioneers and talked about their patients but you know we've been doing hosting seminars since October and I've gotten to know some of the people who've attended and then we've been in the community and so we have our own success stories and if you've gone through the process and you benefited please also let us know so we can share your stories with everybody else also okay first I'm gonna talk about two patients who couldn't be here they were supposed to be here what were originally gonna plan was have a panel of the attendees who have gone through this process and then you know have Q&A sessions with them but things came up and then some of them couldn't be here so I'm gonna first talk about Rita you know she's been diabetic for thirteen years and a little cheat here so this was her before and this is after and even her skin is glowing and looking so much better okay so she was insulin dependent type 2 diabetic okay not just diabetic but you know just tattoo but she was insulin to insulin dependent or a1c is 12.5 so if you know anything about diabetes that's horrible okay that's near death okay and she should be significant in less than six point five and her fasting glucose was a two hundred eighty and then her LDL it couldn't even measure it because he's off the chart big and then also a multiple oral medications for her diabetes and then she's also been on high blood pressure medicine cholesterol medicine and never seen on even with medicine she's never seen a normal blood sugar level okay and so and if you come to one of our talk about how to reverse diabetes you can experience what she's you know experienced because most of the physicians are treating the effect not the cost it's not about treating the blood sugar okay its treating the cost okay so so she first time she came to knee the seminar was in October and then I still remember I remember cuz she said right up in the front and then she had her own chicken and she said how about eggs eggs gotta be healthy right we had multiple debates right no no eggs and so you know she kind of tried it for a month and then she fell and then so she went back to her old ways and the eating standard in American diet and then she tried again but then she finally she said every time she went back to the sad diet she just didn't feel well okay so she made a commitment with her friend February first just to go all out 100% whole food plant-based she's been through our skin enough she felt comfortable making that transition hey so within ten days within ten days she was able to discontinue her insulin she no longer had to inject herself hey I don't need took ten days if she's been on she was been diabetic for thirteen years and her fasting glucose was like 72 to 84 it used to be 280 and then even after a meal I'm Paige Neal first the blood sugar was normal range and then within two weeks that she was able to cut her or medication by 50% and then by March 24 just off of our medications okay oh no he took her six weeks hey a lot of times the doctors will tell you that once you become diabetic you're gonna be on that medicine or rest of your life okay and there's a significant side effect that comes with all the medications so she also suffer from a major GI issues that started back in 2015 she's seen multiple specialists and no one could figure out what was going on well because you know most people were a mediator don't have the right type of gut bacteria and so she made the change okay then it disappeared okay her gut issues is gone okay and duplicated that and then so also February 1 you know she weighed about 195 BMI had thirty four point six so within one month with four weeks right February so she lost about 12.5 okay we always say weight loss is side effect okay it's typically the side of that and she also suffered from depression and she said that her depression is gone also so she sent me this text message that she couldn't be here today well she sent me this over that's a text message she said the the plant-based lifestyle not only helped me get off net but also rejuvenated me energize me took my depression away and I wake up looking forward to the day know that I can juggle any schedule my stress buffer has increased my mental process has cleared gone is organized and slowness slogging a way smuggling or even simple words I'm oh my how can I choose knowing what I know now to go back it would be committing slow cruel suicide okay so and then she also mentioned as she sent me the picture the picture before and after she said oh my god my skin looks I don't know if you guys can see it but her skin has improved significantly also and Janice and you know never met her but I got her permission she met her through the Facebook and she had you know carcinoid tumor her doctor recommended removing her part of her stomach but she chose to you know just to endoscopy every year to observe it and she also has severe back pain and her her surgeon obviously can't went to the wrong surgeon with you know screws and metals and things like that and so her son who was a who is vegan recommended a vegan diet and then she also started taking spices such as turmeric and she said she's now 85% pain free so go Janice so this is power of so Arthur was going to be here last minute he couldn't be here tonight like he's another success story so July 2017 last year he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes also he had fatty liver disease obesity high cholesterol and doctor prescribed him you know of course you know control medications and doctor also recommended South Beach Diet okay so told you didn't know nutrition oh you tried it you took the recommendation but he said he just didn't feel well and then time pace and nutrition and then he and his wife also took a plant-based cooking class with dr. T as well after they met them at the seminar and so just recently so April 10th so he's so far lost about 50 pounds so you see him before and after and reverse diabetes reverse the fatty liver disease and then the reversed the high cholesterol he's no longer on any medications okay so Bobby is here today so he's gonna come up and you know tell you about this story he had August 2015 he had a pretty big heart attack and he survived I had a stent placed and then cardiologists you know just advised him to eat better but he was able to from neighbors recommendation you know about a book on plan pace and then how to reverse the disease and lost 70 pounds and isn't great you know looks like a completely different person so he's gonna tell you about his story and he's experienced and then feel free to ask any questions about their challenges how they make the transformation and so this is an opportunity for you guys to do and ask questions to your your peers and Denise is here also she's amazing she had rheumatoid arthritis for three years and a lot of difficulties even just walking you've been dressing even just performing everyday tasks and just even working as a paralegal she was having a such a difficult time and and she even couldn't remember her children's name okay but she was able to I'm gonna have her tell her story she tells us so much better but she decided she came to one of our seminar I think it was in December right and then she met with dr. T dr. T Patricia Thompson occasion into a food demonstration for us and she hosts a cooking class and so if you guys have an opportunity you guys should definitely you know take the class it's great and and then after that within just one month that she's been in remission and then now she'll tell you she'll give you an update on as to what has happened since then and she's also you know lost about 12 pounds which is a side effect it's not about just losing weight it just happens but it's also nice to lose weight Hey so she's sleeping well or skiing in here everyone talks about their skin right skin and hair are healthier and she's feeling amazing so you know I'll stay of course behind to answer any questions but I'm gonna have Bobby and Deniz come up here and introduce themselves and then you know tell you about their story and then feel free to ask them any questions okay [Applause] three and a half four years ago I was diagnosed with Cooper right I'm telling you I will shut mill night so I strode out they diagnosed me needed a doctor some medications I have been on numerous medications since none of them would work my thought process was if I'm going to basically waste myself I better wake up real good every morning they don't work what works art I could walk and get myself dressed the medication my hair fell out my skin was all green I remember my kids names into my job as a paralegal there were many times that coke bottles lined up we're looking at everyday and chronic pain and no they will give you an answer who you you start losing hope so since doctors would help me I decide take my life and buy health in my control and I did so much research reading and red horse over knives with health so I fully started transition myself I first gave up dairy and being married to an Italian that is really hard especially we love cheese but I gave up that first then I gave up processed sugars it was a slow transition pretty much was eating organic felt pretty good but it still was not there December I started having parking shoes I was on what's going into cardiac arrest and that was because the chimera I was thinking which they won't tell you is a side effect was causing her to be at 52 years old they were telling me I told a patient have a heart attack at any moment and that's what I said all my meds if her first attended seminar here mid-december and I was intrigued I've tried everything else the only thing left was eat and they tell me you need to eat meat for protein and drink milk for calcium and once again yes we have all been brainwashed all our lives and tell me that I'm living proof of it that this works Jen rade first my husband and I went completely plant-based he did it to support me I did it because I was trying to get them before righted into remission as doctors were telling me you will be on medication and that was it like that so we did when all it cleaned up the pantry kids we're not going to do this dr. teeth offensive plant-based seminar cooking classes that she does on Saturdays she's awesome website plans for life she's amazing she taught me how to cook and thank your pantry out did that everywhere I went for my blood work with dr. Rodriguez up in crossroads he is a little far out but for me it was worth the ride because he is a medical doctor that completely supports plant-based diets and I will tell you there are between in the area do my blood work by the end of it where I found out I had it in me all my life but I will miss my life and I just threw all three of them wrong okay when building eating I just found out Friday not only have I put into remission my are a factor which is the gene they look for in my blood that says you have been program is it's gone so I completely beat the disease which they will tell you you can't do that I'm showing you I am local living widely I you know I work in Frisco and did a lot of research and never find anybody close to home that has been through this I improved see all you can do it's not easy but it is worth it you will feel so much better and you know you take a little out of time to start eliminating your diet and before you know you feel good my hair is coming all back in its normal enough curly for some reason he came back to decide to be curly um so you know how do you do much how bitchin my skin looks good you know I'm 52 years old and somebody actually the other day with you about 35 right so if you are ill I encourage you to please try it I recently met somebody with Lucas she was diagnosed seven years ago she takes six what taking six hundred Kondo a day to just give up and function because she's in so much agony she gets me two hours sleep per night that is not living okay I met with herb just kind of told in my story I can't help one person my suffering for the past three years was worth it and I am happy to say she's five weeks on plan days she's down to one hydrocodone and she sleeps almost the entire night thank you no I'm telling you this works it's worth it give it 68 and that was the fit I made with my husband I told him in 60 days I was not feeling better or it was not any thinner we are past 60 days my husband is lost 25 and exercise nice option TV's not exercising 25 pounds just nothing walk by cutting out the dairy the meat chicken I mean it's it's incredible so please I will be here if you have any questions but please try it that's all if you have health issues I promise you I will guarantee you you will feel it started out with you know and evolved into meaningful groups and turned into a very scary situation go get that feel and I got the truth and it was getting very intense hope singing about I actually had that elephant so I reached for my phone called inside he let's cross the street as it's um having a heart attack short breaths and you ran over there grabbed me through the end stroke and we did the grant right through all the way to the hospital you sweep in and out of traffic trying to keep us alive yes and get to the ER and then again circle to the right then reality got very rich and actually held a lot more spirit when a reason yes that's a hard thing then I loves whenever I realized this probably is a heart attack got my circulation back into my heart where I was they sent me to the ICU for three days the March mate and of course because I whenever they look at after out and got me out I was probably in the hallway and laying in ICU for three days you've had a lot of kind of thing or saying hello to the nurse that just kind of get definitely whatever I got out of I see a lot of thing and she says are you hungry yeah waiting money because right now I'm scared to eat anything because I know the cops market with all the past business murderers surprise party going to restaurants eaten the national autism Thanks that's the way I did years that's all I keep Gio's well booty okay I'm hungry all this time I've been trying to be better I had been putting salad down about every two or three minutes you know vegetables a little bit I have a heart attack or stroke Thanks you know you get very nurse even infant well she had a brain Network to tell her he needs her husband Chris and look was dr. Stephen machinist 30-day I had at home because doctor said oh yeah maybe up to the for six weeks I can't say I'll work that home it has basically whoever I started reading this book they started talking about the standard American diet they started talking about all the booths and people meet Dustin fruits vegetables nuts berries oh very confusing but you know what that's the first book I've ever been from cover cover if I want to make sure information because your mind is about halfway through there's risk pieces I started in fact I would even give away or throw wonderful two things because I don't you and I know dr. water getting these other people yeah all these missions nutritious the city I work at like 10 different hospitals and whenever you go from hospital it's a problem you son has so I started carrying a backpack I carried also grains fruits and nuts bringing this back and as a ground Navarone unground handle cashews I'm feeling the hormones here whenever I start getting closer [Music] and it got stuck with my got that home what did my skirt pants wait a minute when I was in the hospital I was to see snakes you said I couldn't lose more than five and I stray from I would gain another three or four you know so everybody that we've all started keep the list there beyond today wait parking on a dry erase board sorry those four five disappear I'm not exercise I'm getting out and walking like doctors over my cardiologist yeah a little by the way you know make sure you use okay this is a man walked out of office and I see the best food the Thanksgiving this here you understand things there's three things because watching that detox your mom you've got all that bad stuff what are you doing but I got back on my richmond and christmas came around and I walk by [Music] piece a little bit here and there and everything whenever I went back for my check though it was like six months after tomorrow cardiologist he ran another stress test on my first stress test was like a week or two after my heart attack and I struggled on that trip I mean I was okay alright i real this done I'm thinking was over you know cuz I was struck I'm still trying to you know breathe a little bit you know hard six months after that being on the plant-based diet I got on that treadmill and I was move they started raising that thing and watching the monitor on it and it got faster to the point where I was wrong and I'm just looking over at him going okay what are you gonna do next and he finally got to the end of it slowed it down got the cool bag off the treadmill I stood there and I noticed I'm not breathing hard at all I looked at him and I said but what do you think wow you did great Jesus looks at my tourniquet six months ago that you couldn't breathe it's like it never even happened that's cool I like that so changing all of this in my life and everything and now two years out I got back on the scale like maybe about three or four weeks ago and it was down from 195 my weight stopped at 205 at six months six months out and it took me a little bit longer to get further fished I guess bottom and then your body basically is readjustment it takes a whole year or so before your body starts to realize this is where you need feed and then it makes it slightly adjustments so about 190 195 is basically where my body wants to be whenever all of this game decision of going to clam cakes I was really worried if I was gonna be able to build and that's whenever I discovered that Forks Over knives and then I discovered vegan restaurants that we're doing some plant-based minions and now that's there's comfort food things that you think think you're gonna miss you can actually help you find other things out there that are not meat but they almost take the place that's where I kind of lost my struggle so now whenever somebody's cooking baking or popping the heavily buttered popcorn it doesn't boss those things used to be so it's hard yeah but what makes it hard is not being scared if you're scared of what it's going to be later on in your life you take a little bit more notice sticking with something permanent hanging in there especially once you see results people are going up to you and saying while you look great your skin color different I've had people say that commits it your skin color it's like a lot more next time yeah that's that's kind of my story you know everybody if you're gonna go this route you know think about how you're gonna fight all these little I guess you call them demons food holidays those hardest things to get past but once you learn how to get past them they don't bother you can ask my wife she's like you want some of this man that's fine it was 30 day part tuna by dr. Stephen messy thank you so do you guys have any questions for Bobby or Denise sure well you got it you got to break it down so you got to chew it and so if you don't like to eat it then you can put it in the smoothie you know it's got you know omega-3 it's got the you know vitamin 12 and it's lots of benefits also or you know like one of the things I do is once a week I eat Brazilian nut has a lot of selenium so you don't want to eat too much but having one of that lowers cholesterol just as much as statin drugs also things like Brazilian nuts yeah and then also Indian gooseberry my powders you can do my powders instead of taking statin and lowers your cholesterol just as much and also if you do whole food plant-based it's going to naturally lower all the cholesterol so but you know even you know like broccolis and things like that you know what those are the one of the things that we talk about a lot and then I also post at our you know Facebook about you know broccoli for example you have to chew and if you're gonna cook broccoli you want to slice it let it sit there for a little bit before you cook there's a whole reason because you have to once you break the cell wall there's an enzyme within it that has to mix in okay and then that's what makes any of such a thing it's a for a faint and so you gotta let it sit there and breathe a little bit before you actually you know eat it or you know cook with it or you know chewing is very very important also you know produces increases your but those are the things that will definitely you know go over and each topic and even with enemies you know with rheumatoid autoimmune disease it all happens from God this is where your autoimmune disease Tina starts and once you heal your gut using you know whole food plant-based diet eventually those autoimmune disease are going to disappear lupus the same thing you know RA the same thing so that's what we really need to focus on and with heart disease there's you know there's reason why we you know push a dark green leafy vegetables and dr. Esselstyn who's done tremendous amount of studies or our patients who had many you know cardiac events would prescribe dark green leafy vegetables six times a day you know but fiscal you know you can boil it or you know if you want to eat it as a salad that's fine too six times a day that's to increase the nitrate in your system which becomes a nitric oxide which kills your artery and open up key the vessels so there's actually a lot of science behind open pine pace it's not just the increase in vegetables and then being healthy you get healthy but there's definitely a scientific reason why you know you do get healthy and why you are repairing yourself human body is amazing I mean when you break a bone what do you do I mean like you put it you said it all we do is pretty surgeon we just said it put it in the right place so that bone can heal your body is doing the heal all we're doing is assisting right and so you need to assist your body and you know I asked everybody most of you probably drove unleaded car right and so when you go to a gas station do you put diesel in your car no right why not you're gonna break the car right break the engine so that means you care more about your car than your own body because you know you're not supposed to do put a diesel you should be putting super unleaded right so so once you learn then you you understand and those are the some of the things that we go over you know so yeah yeah you know it's the dairy industry all doing all that marketing right so probiotics ideally yes it is good but no yogurt has more than four billion and you know microbiomes in order to be effective you need four hundred billion bacteria so probiotics most what's actually more important remarks prebiotics are fiber that's you're eating daily bacteria and so within just a week you if you eat right you are going to be popular if you're a meteor your gut bacteria looks completely different than mine and I actually has been doing also a lot of genomes studies on micro biomes and then in your areas by just studying your stool it can pretty much know it pretty much know what kind of disease that you may have based on the type of bacteria that you carry and so there's a few supplements that you do need to take even your mediator on the award 90% of the omnivores are deficient in vitamin b12 so and those you can definitely get vitamin b12 from plant sources but it is harder and it's not as bioavailable so I recommend everyone take whether you're meteor or not take vitamin b12 it is very important no no today take it so almost everyone needs vitamin d3 most of us spend their time inside so unless you're living in specific you know part of the day the earth you're not gonna get the direct UV ray so chances are most people about seventy percent of Americans are deficient in vitamin d3 and very black a lot of micronutrients the the pitch for the problem official is this a lot of them has a lot of contamination and the reason to take this oil is for fatty acid right it's so yeah you usually you know I take I eat back seats every day so I usually don't have I don't have a problem with it yeah I'm theory is you know more important you know the d2 is not as bioavailable and so yeah I recommend everyone just taking vitamin d3 yes you know there's always a one-day coffees you know it's bad for you the next day of coffee is good for you but looking at the the the studies it shows that the it increases longevity but you can't really drink more than two or maximum three cups a day so if you enjoy it you know I don't add anything you know I usually drink black coffee initially it takes a lot of time to to get used to but I drink no more than two cups you know in the morning yeah I could just leave your email and then be happy to share with you okay so I'd like to share all I have defense there's some more questions but I always in the talk with this cartoon okay so it cows are being led to the slaughter house that's my only consolation is if I eating up killing themselves which is absolutely true okay so not just for your health but also the cruelty they inflict on baby animals it's just simply amazing I mean it's a criminal act I can't believe the government's allowed this to happen but you know you should consider you know whole food plant-based nutrition you know if you achieve the optimum health you can do it you can prevent and reverse almost just about all the chronic diseases okay sorry just doesn't ensure and also you have B kinds of the animals right if you believe in karma you know it comes true and then also sustainable planet and we talked about in a climate change whether you believe it or not you know we do have to be responsible and you know the producing animal products causes more greenhouse effect in all means of transportation combined not just automobile you know the airplanes and so if you care about your planet and if you want to leave East and earth to your children and great you know grandchildren think about their whole food plant-based okay so in heart attack me in my mind it's a choice you have it you choose to happen and yeah I'm sorry if you don't have the knowledge that's why you have to gain the knowledge Bobby didn't know it but because of his lifestyle he chose to have heart attack and now he saw the light and then now he's changed his way and he's been able to reverse the heart disease okay and but heart attack is a choice after today all of you do you have heart attack it's your decision it's your choice because you know now you have no excuse okay so and diabetes same thing is a choice especially type 2 you know diabetes one association with you know when you're you know an infant the baby eating in a cow milk there's a strong association with that but type 2 diabetes it's your choice you did it okay but you can reverse it is a choice so ask yourself what's your choice so this is if you have any questions also be on tonight feel free to get in touch with me you know I'm very involved in you know social media also you asked me questions I respond just to everyone unless somehow I miss it I respond you know myself nobody else responds on my behalf so what is Facebook Instagram Twitter or YouTube dent questions feel free to get in touch with me so and thank you for attending and things were taking the first step to take control of your health okay so if you guys have any other questions [Applause]
Channel: Dr. Won, MD
Views: 96,318
Rating: 4.8327155 out of 5
Keywords: plant based diet, plant based, whole food plant based, whole food plant based diet, plant based nutrition, vegan, vegan diet, longevity, regenerative medicine, best diet, weight loss, how to lose weight, veganism, ted talks, china study, esselstyn, dr douglas won, douglas won, nutrition, dean ornish, diabetic diet, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disease, super green smoothie, superfood, anticancer, anti inflammatory diet, neogen stem cell institute
Id: 4pC5G1OLTtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 7sec (6727 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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