Joel Fuhrman, M.D. on Treating Disease with a Nutritarian Diet

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they gave me time to finish the presentation okay so let's wow what a crowded room of all these people it's so exciting i'm that's afraid i was just lecturing a room just like this in tampa and a guy came running up to the center aisle with his hand up over his head screaming you got my wife pregnant i said what are you talking about i know your wife he goes look at her she's right here she's six months pregnant we've been trying to have a baby for six years and he was an instant doctor of internal medicine was a medical conference he said we've been trying to have a baby for six years until we saw your temple show on pbs we got you we read your package we changed our diet and then within seven months she was pregnant it was really cool and then of course some infertility physicians were saying that they got this they get the same results they use this in their practices so it's really exciting the feedback's been just amazing the positive feedback especially from all around the country anyway just thought i'd give you that quick story let's get started so i'm going to be speaking pretty rapidly giving you a lot of information today and then the fun part is we get to do questions and answers right we can get to interact and i i'm hoping to answer every one of your questions stay in the rest of the week it's beautiful here all right so we're going to go over what an this is what i'm going to talk about talk to you about today i'm going to go over with you what a nutritarian diet is and i know you know the answer to that probably already but i want you to have to be able to say it very easily and to be able to explain to anybody in three simple sentences what it is what it's all about all right so i want to make sure you really grasp how to express it and explain it not just understand it okay and it's three basic principles i want you to get down number two i want you to we want to look about how we can use nutritional excellence to reverse disease and that means autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus heart disease diabetes headaches fiber fibromyalgia we wanted people to get well from disease and recognize that nutri excellent nutrition or therapeutic nutritional interventions are your most powerful medicine not drugs drugs are at last or your last ditch so you're you know they are for emergencies and for unusual situations not the routine regular things doctors do should be nutrition all physicians should become experts in human nutrition and of course my underlying philosophy is that this is the most critical information that controls your health destiny this is the most critical information you should have learned in elementary school in high school in in colleges in professional schools and people know almost nothing about it and the information they do know is riddled with misinformation and myths driving them in crazy directions of all you know that that just confuse people and yet the core nutritional principles and the core foundational nutritional information people have to grasp a hold of and keep are things that are not controversial and where the science and the evidence is overwhelming and can't be disagreed with i want to go over those three some of those basic points as well so let's get started and of course we're going to go over some some examples of case histories some nutritional studies and the examples and potential health problems that can arise from following these extremely low fat vegan diets because some people that advocate vegan diets are petrified of eating fat like nuts or seeds afraid of eating a walnut or an almond and that not only is not good science but it could result in health difficulties so i'm going to talk about that as well and the and also if you're on a vegan diet what are the potential risks of things you may not you may not get in your diet adequately to assure you're going to have optimal health until 100 years old because if you're going to live long enough and you're not going to have a heart attack or get breast cancer and die in your 60s and 70s you're going to live to be you know 85 95 or 105 years old let's say then the question is are you going to have your full mental faculties intact in those last 10 years of your life to make life really worth living and we want to address that as well so those are the things i want to cover and then we'll get into because we can't have to pick some things to cover because we only have you know we have it's a limited time and i'm picking what i think is important for this audience all right sound good most so the first couple of slides are somewhat review for many of you i'm sure you know a lot of this already and that's the way americans eat right now which is conventionally called the sad diet standard american diet which is sad and i call it the dad diet dad diet or the deadly american diet i often you know it's 60 about 60 percent of processed foods things like salad oil and mayonnaise and donuts and cookies and rice cakes and breakfast bars and chips and you know soft drinks all kinds of garbage no plant-based plant food mostly plant food is 60 of junk food that's why i object to the term a plant-based diet object to that term because the american diet already is plant-based it already contains more than 70 percent of calories from plants yet 60 of that 70 percent of junk food plants did you follow that and those plant foods those processed plants like white flour and bagels and pasta and cookies and crackers and chips thank you but french fries somebody up front said french fries for you in the back but she's wrong because french fries are not included in processed foods french fries are included in the ten percent of ca of a vegetation that americans consume because if you took out the potatoes and the ketchup that that figure up on top where it says ten percent in green would only be five percent potatoes account for half of the vegetation in america okay so gotten that aside so we know that processed carbohydrates and processed plant foods do not contain a significant load of vitamins of minerals of phytochemicals and antioxidants in other words food gives us calories macronutrients fat carbohydrate and protein which americans eat too much fat carbohydrate and protein and we have to eat less calories but americans are ubiquitously deficient in micronutrients especially phytochemicals and antioxidants that protect us against cancer and you don't get any of those micronutrients in these in those processed foods and then they eat 25 of calories from animal products and you don't get those micronutrients though especially the antioxidants and phytochemicals in the animal products either so americans are eating mostly a diet of foods that are low in micronutrients i always say that this diet style couldn't be better designed if people were out to kill americans and that's why i say it's been designed by al qaeda now i said that on public television but they cut it out they made me re-say it i had to change it and i had to say it was made that diet was made by darth vader and i said darth vader that's not even funny so they made me say it i'm saying what are we worried about offending al qaeda now they cut out all my best jokes they said have you watched my newest pbs show um end dieting forever some of you watched nobody watched it they don't have it here in portland yet oh my goodness oh so i can tell you all those jokes over again then well i'll tell you it's another joke they cut out that they took out well i was talking about cookie monster backstage having met him and became friendly with him and changed him to and changed over his diet he lost 60 pounds and now he's veggie monster they took that out of the show too let me keep going okay so anyway so that's what americans are eating mostly processed foods and animal products with a little bit of ten with probably five percent of unrefined produce and i'm saying that a piece of that a bagel is just like a piece of chicken why is a bagel why am i saying a bagel and a piece of chicken are the same thing come on you guys got to tell me the answer what's that right yeah i actually got all the right answers one person said that they one person um scientifically and correctly so they both ways raise igf-1 but that's not what i would but the first thing was that which we're going to talk about in a minute but the main thing the first point i want you to grasp is that both the chicken and the bagel have no significant micronutrient load they're mostly just a source of macronutrients the bagel gives us the carbohydrate the chicken gives us protein but mostly but there's no accompanying level of micronutrients that are so important for human health and americans are deficient in those micronutrients causing the advancing of the aging process premature aging chronic disease and we can measure that premature aging so both almost all americans both vegetarians and meatatarians are micronutrient deficient especially those micronutrients design derived from green vegetables because they're not eating sufficient green vegetables the place where most of our micronutrients come from whether it's the foods that have the highest concentration of micronutrients or green vegetables and we don't eat them enough for those and that's what we're going to talk about and my formula for for healthy life expectancy the quality of your life not just how long you're going to live but the quality of your health and life in your later years is dependent on your lifetime exposure to a diet style that has a high micronutrient per calorie density that means your longevity and your health is predicted by the micronutrient density of your diet which means then we have to eat foods that have a lot of micronutrients in them strive to eat foods that give us sufficient micronutrient per caloric buck how many of you define yourself as nutritarians that means you strive to eat more foods that are nutrient rich you don't have to right oh most of you even that's great i guess most of you must be philosophical nutritarians right now we've got to get you to be practicing nutritarians too and the foods that are high and i have these andy scores the word andy stands for aggregate nutrient density index aggregate means adding up the nutrients and i added up all the measurable nutrients over 30 nutrients that the u.s government keeps record of in food i could have added more if they kept more if they had more data with other nutrients but this is a mere snapshot because each food contains not a not 26 or 30 nutrients but more than a thousand nutrients in them there are literally are hundreds of different phytochemicals every strawberry has 700 nutrients every piece of broccoli is more than a thousand nutrients so the differential between green vegetables and maybe white bread and chicken would have been even broader differential had we included more phytochemicals or the government been advanced enough to be measuring all those various phytochemicals and this is just a tool it's not the only tool it's not the cornerstone but it's a tool to help people to help motivate and direct people to eat more vegetables and colorful and colorful produce because as you can see green vegetables don't just have 10 times the nutrients of white bread and chicken but they have 50 times the micronutrient load even when you don't consider the phytochemicals sufficiently you follow that the andy scores don't take into account lots of other factors that are important for example mushrooms are not a particularly super high nutrient food yet they contain various elements that have powerful anti-cancer effects making them a superfood but they wouldn't necessarily score that high in the andes score because their broad spectrum of micronutrients isn't that why did you follow that so there are certain flax seeds don't score that high but flax seeds are a superfood that contain lignans that dramatically decrease risk of breast cancer still making them important food to eat every day so this is not tell us the whole story it's just part of the story okay so we have to eat high in the nutrient density line more foods of color more g-bombs right greens beans onions mushrooms berries seeds tomatoes more colorful plant foods where all those micronutrients lie any less processed foods oils animal products and processed carbohydrates so i said to you earlier today that i want you to grasp this concept of what a nutritarian diet is that's my first objective of talking to you today and there are three basic principles i want to review and one that you said already you guys got it that the first principle is we wanted to eat a diet style that is micronutrient adequate as high in micronutrients per calorie you guys got that and one of the first principles want to eat a diet style that has a high micronutrient density got that right the second principle principle we want our diet to be micronutrient comprehensive we don't want i call it comprehensive micronutrient adequacy or cma we don't want to be missing anything that our bodies need because you could eat a ton of kale and cabbage and onion and still be deficient in beach well vitamin d iodine zinc or write something else that's not in those foods just because eating a ton of broccoli doesn't mean you're not your diet is micronutrient and the third principle is what this lady over here brought up earlier was that we want our diet style to be hormonally favorable hormonally favorable and that means specifically not to create a high level of insulin or igf-1 which stands for insulin-like growth factor one in our tissues and in our body or in our bloodstream because if we do that it'll accelerate our risk of cancer so those are the three basic principles can all of you guys memorize and get those have those three basic principles down solid right we're describing a diet style to maximize longevity and disease reversal and now we're talking briefly about that those factor the hormonally factor where would a diet style be hormonally unfavorable and the two hormonally unfavorable the two hormones that i'm talking about there are other things that are being unfavorable estrogen too much you know testosterone there's other hormones that can be elevated unfavorably but predominantly we're talking about insulin and igf-1 and most people here i'm sure recognize that when you eat refined carbohydrates with their high glycemic index they spike a surge of glucose into the bloodstream after you eat them and the body responds by secreting a huge bolus of insulin from the pancreas because insulin is a fat storage hormones hormone that tells the body to take that glucose out of the bloodstream and store it as fat in your tissues and insulin promotes angiogenesis you know what the word angiogenesis means right it's the first book of the bible isn't it angiogenesis means to promote the growth of new blood vessels so in order to make fat grow on the body fat is like a tumor and it's a tumor that and fat your fat cells when they grow on the body secrete hormones to promote their own growth so they as insulin rises it's it promotes the growth of angiogenesis secret promoting hormones that allow new blood vessels to grow to feed the fat cells and the fat can get oxygen and nutrients delivered to it to sustain its growth without insulin and promoting angiogenesis fat couldn't be deposited and couldn't grow on people that's why foods like onions and mushrooms are powerfully anti-angiogenic they say no way jose i'm not letting fat go on that body i'm not letting you promote you know letting you grow fat and the more these high nutrient foods you eat the more difficult it is for fat to store in the body and the more highly glycemic your diet is the more you are promoting fat growth on the diet on the body did you follow that now the same hormones that promote fat growth in the body promote cellular proliferation in general which means that they promote cancer growth and dysplasia and spread of cancer so if you want to get heavy and get cancer and and the higher level of insulin you have circulating the higher the rate of cancer it's one of the reasons why people are overweight have higher rates of cancer but one of the most cancer and aging promoting hormone of them all is igf-1 insulin-like growth factor one it's called insulin-like growth factor one because it it's shaped like insulin it binds to the insulin receptor and it promotes fat growth and and promotes cellular replication growth of tissue and muscle tissue growth but it's pro-angiogenesis it's an angiogenesis promoter just like insulin is and it promotes aging of the brain right that's decreasing that means low levels extend lifespan which reduce oxidative damage and slows aging of the brain and higher levels do the opposite speed up aging of the brain promote inflammation and oxidation of tissue right and igf-1 is primarily promoted by eating animal products particularly animal protein not animal fat so if i take let's say um you know bacon and i compare bacon to chicken which is going to raise igf-1 more bacon or chicken well white meat chicken will because it's because bacon has more fat and it's the protein that raises the igf-1 more powerful than the fat does if i take skim milk or whole milk which will raise igf one more it'll be the skim milk because skim milk has a higher concentration of protein than whole milk if you're following that so per your egg whites versus a whole well of course for example of concentrated animal protein the exact opposite of what we learned in grade school because there we learned that animal proteins because of their their favorable status their biological protein their high biological protein made them more favorable we learned in elementary school and now we know that the proteins of a higher biological value makes the more unfavorable the higher the biological value of the protein because they're mo because that makes them more growth promoting and more because they raise igf-1 if your goal of course is to weigh 300 pounds and to be a linebacker on a professional football team you could choose to eat more concentrated proteins to have that goal but you have to recognize that linebackers on football teams have the shortest life span of any occupational group in north america and the and besides igf-1 which we will talk about more we can go on to the the other foods would have a high glycemic load which doesn't just cause obesity and diabetes to eat sugar it causes cancer and heart disease and dementia the more sweets you eat the more you age the brain and the and and make and promotes the risk of cancers particularly breast cancer we're focusing on right now to say that the meta-analysis means the cumulative effects of pooling together a lot of different studies so that the more glass the higher glycemic load of the diet and the more highly glycemic plant foods you eat like white rice and white bread and sugar that you eat the higher the rate of cancer here's a study for example that showed in a study of korean women that for every 100 gram of white rice they increased in their diet breast cancer when rates went up 20 percent of course when they switched the white rice to black rice or brown rice the breast cancer risk decreased over 20 percent and that meant a 40 percent different in cancer rates between those eating white rice did you follow that to black rice we're talking about a baseline going down 20 or going up 20 percent the differential is pretty large there and you've had anybody heard in the newspaper the red like time magazine or the new york times there was a these articles that said new science saturated fat is now good not bad eat all the butter and cheese and red meat you want you read those those headlines pretty interesting it's kind of interesting how in the dark and the the complete stupidity of the people who write our put into but people create stupidity of the people who do the studies even right but in any case let's what the studies really did show was that when people there's just two reasons why they claim that no study ever showed it's okay to eat butter and and and to eat um cheese and red meat it has beneficial health effects there's no students showed those claims it just showed that because that when they cut back on saturated fat and they replaced them whether he replaced them with it anymore beans and walnuts they replaced them with more processed foods or lower fat animal products and by the way in all three tertiles of study they all had a high rate of heart disease there was no group that had low rates of heart disease the differences were very slight but what they did show that you don't wipe out heart disease when you cut the fat out if you substitute high protein animal products into place when you cut down the when you eat more white meat chicken or white egg white from the whole egg you don't reduce because the animal protein still accelerates heart disease number one and number two what they found was that they is that high glycemic carbohydrates accelerate heart disease and just as badly as high-fat animal products do so when you eat more you know white rice and white bread and sugar and in place of saturated fat you don't see heart disease go down you don't judge a car and go and buy one by comparing it to a junkyard wreck right neither die none of the diets they studied were favorable none of them showed low rates of heart disease in them the heart is the most americans of 40 of americans die of heart attacks and strokes and in these studies they were still in that range of heart attack deaths those differences were only slight and what they did show was that they wouldn't replace the saturated fat with low gi that means low glycemic plants low glycemic plants would be squash and beans and nuts when they placed it with things that didn't have a high glycemic effect heart disease rates dropped when they replaced it with moderate glycemic effects there was not much change and they replaced it with high glycemic carbohydrates like white flour and bagel and sugar heart disease went up so what the studies should have said was that whether the plant what the newspaper headlines should have said that eating more sweets sugar and white bread is no better than eating saturated fat or what could have said even worse than saturated fat they can't say it absolves the the risk causing effects of saturated fat are you guys clear on that so look at the glycemic load for a minute and the purpose of this slide is to show you that we know glycemic load is dangerous and increases the risk of cancer but the purpose of this slide is to show you that almost all natural foods do not have a high glycemic load you have to process the food to give it a high glycemic load even fruit even watermelon doesn't have a high glycemic load oranges do not have a high glycemic load nuts berries squashes peas apples lentils all have a very low glycemic load so you have to go to white rice and white pasta and white potato is genetically engineered over the last 50 years to not be the same as a potato we would have eaten if we got it from the andes mountains in the mountains of south america those little colorful smaller potatoes that are much tougher and don't not the big giant fluffy idaho potatoes grown in midwest soil so now we have a higher glycemic potatoes that we've bred for but so other than white potato there really aren't many natural plant foods that have a high glycemic load so the point here is i definitely want you to eat more plant foods that have a low glycemic load particularly more green vegetables more nuts and seeds and more beans let's look at greens and beans for a minute especially beans because this is a slide all about beans because beans are unique in that they contain predominantly two types of starches one resistant starch and two slowly digestible starches that means that the carbohydrate calories from beans get absorbed into the bloodstream very slowly over a two to four hour period as opposed to when you eat a piece of bread or when you eat it absorbed in the bloodstream in within 10 to 15 minutes when you take some oil it could be absorbed into the bloodstream within three to five minutes if you're taking a couple of spoonfuls of oil and you're absorbing it in three to five minutes can the body when your body's only burning 50 calories an hour what's it going to do with those 300 calories that just got absorbed the body can't let it float in the bloodstream it has to store it as fat so it revs up fat storage hormones because because you absorb the fat so rapidly because the calories are absorbed so rapidly so i'm differentiating right now between fast absorbing calories and slow absorbing calories beans are the prototype of the slowest absorbing calories because they contain slowly digestible starches and resistant starches and the word resistant starch means that those carbohydrates are resistant to enzymatic degradation they're not broken down by digestive enzymes they pass through you undigested and they're broken down by bacteria that live in the gut and the bacteria transform the carbohydrates into short chain fatty acids they turn the carbohydrate into fat and those calories get absorbed as fat not as carbohydrate but because they're transformed into calorie absorbing fat so far down into the digestive tract that ninety percent of those calories get lost in the toilet bowl only ten 10 getting absorbed from the resistant starch meaning that beans all the calories marked on that can of beans are not biologically accessible to the human body did you follow that because beans are so high in fiber more than almost any other food plus all the other factors we're talking about here and the resistant starch i added the fiber content with the resistant starch content to give all these carbohydrates a total number of resistant starch plus fiber percent showing that black beans navy beans lentils peas are up above 50 super high whereas compare it to whole wheat flour pasta and potato very low in that combination of fart starch of resistant starch and fiber that gives you a number when you're looking at it controlling a person's diabetes or lowering the glycemic load of their diet we can see how much more effective beans would be than other sources of carbohydrate to have that effect so this slide now reviews what you've learned so far what we've gone over to this point that a nutritarian diet you guys should got got this right say got this all right so these are four four things a diet with a high nutrient per calorie ratio a diet that strives to be nutritionally comprehensive and avoid potential insufficiencies and deficiencies a diet style striving to be hormonally favorable by minimizing or avoiding foods that promote unfavorable hormonal status and recognizes individual differences in nutrient needs requiring supplement supplementation or dietary modification to maximize disease-free mortality which we're going to start to talk about but before we do so i want us all to agree on some three basic facts that nobody could disagree with if we put us there's a lot of people in this room i'm looking out there at about i would guess about 800 people but what if we had 800 people of the world's top nutritional scientists that's who you guys are right the world is clear the top the world's top nutritional scientists are right here in this room and we could none of that the evidence is no longer controversial the evidence is is you know the preponderance of evidence can't be denied that vegetables beans seeds nuts fresh fruits are good for us that excessive amounts of animal products cause disease right excessive amounts cause disease and refined carbohydrates cause disease and lead to overweight and obesity nobody could disagree with that right i think anybody could disagree with that i mean now we're talking here about potatoes briefly and we're talking about their high glycemic effect and the point is and a point i want you to remember is that the glycemic load of a food the high glycemic load becomes more disease promoting the more insulin resistant the individual is and that means the more fat they have on the body the heightened the insulin bolus produced by the pancreas in response to a high glycemic load and the reason we know that the studies that show a higher rate of diabetes and a higher rate of rectal cancer in people eat white potato we know it's due to the potato itself not to the butter put on the bread or the butter put on the potato or the sour cream it's through the potato the reason why we know it's due to the potato is because it's linked to the insulin resistance of that individual we're seeing that the risk of cancer and diabetes goes up with increased potato consumption in proportion to that person's body weight increases as they become more because insulin blocks the uptake of excuse me fat on the body blocks the uptake of insulin right every person that's overweight is insulin resistant so every person that's overweight has higher levels of insulin circulating from their pancreas as the pancreas starts to fail and can no longer produce such extraordinary high levels glucose starts to rise and the person gets diagnosed with diabetes but even without the diagnosis of diabetes or before they become diagnosed with diabetes the high levels of insulin are a significant risk factor for heart disease and cancer you follow that so here's a person let's say this person is me and i produce x amount of insulin per hour and now this person over here is a person 50 pounds heavier and they produce 5x insulin an hour five times as much insulin as the person who is 50 pounds lighter over here and then at some point after years of the beta cells in the pancreas being overworked and producing so much insulin they eventually start to poop out and only can produce four times as much insulin as a normal person would need four times as much but that's not enough insulin anymore for this overweight person because the fat cells make the fat on the body makes the body insulin resistant and their glucose level rises and they become diagnosed with diabetes and they go to the emergency room with their first heart attack or their first infection and the doctor in the emergency room says your glucose level is elevated did you know you have diabetes and the person says i didn't even know i had diabetes and then and what the doctor is saying is essentially saying well you know what for those 10 years before you even had diabetes just being overweight and having all that insulin circulating was because insulin itself is an atherosclerogenic agent insulin itself promotes the progression of heart disease and promotes the progression of cancer and this heart attack was caused by all that high levels of insulin and now that you're diabetic it just puts more icing on the cake you know so we know that you go to a doctor with diabetes because the problem is right it's not low levels of insulin you still have too high too high a level of insulin but your glucose is still high so what do they do they give you a drug to make the failing beta cells in the pancreas failing from being overworked to give you a drug to make the beta cells work hard to produce more insulin which lowers your blood sugar temporarily but then accelerates the progression of your diabetes to have your mortality and morbidity morbidity actually increase and those medications cause weight gain and make you become more diabetic so it's really not a wise treatment and hopefully and it's true that most doctors today are phasing out a lot of those drugs that cause weight gain and push the pancreas harder so of course let's review some of these slides real quickly potatoes and diabetes in the nurse's health study showed that one serving of potato a day increased compared to whole grain increased diabetes risk by 30 percent but what if what if instead of switching a potato for a whole grain because switching white potato calories for whole grains decreased the risk of diabetes from 30 percent but what would have happened if we switched the potato to a bean instead of a whole grain we would have decreased the risk of diabetes by 60 percent much greater than switching it to whole grain did you follow that so this slide takes some of those super foods we're talking about that i want you to eat green vegetables and tomatoes and onions and you know the red the red line represents those vegetables that are high anti-cancer vegetables like tomatoes and peppers and onions and mushrooms the non-green vegetables and i'm extrapolating the figures for how much how many grams a day of people's diet would we extrapolate up to the in the line until it gets to be a hundred percent how much would you have to eat to get a hundred percent protection just a kind of fun little playing a game with numbers to show people essentially that when you eat look and look at the um that brown line is the whole non-whole grains white flour as you increase the amount of white flour cancer rates increase as you increase the amount of white potato cancer rates increase gun those down but as you increase the green vegetable consumption eat more green vegetables cancer rates go down and as you increase the consumption of those vegetables more and more but keep in mind with looking at mushrooms here too and the line and mushroom spikes up really up you know i don't have it on the scrap but it spikes up really very high at the beginning showing that you don't need to eat a lot of mushrooms even a little bit of mushrooms have powerful anti-cancer effects and if instead of eating like 10 or 20 or 30 grams you decide well if a little bit or a lot are good for me and reduce breast cancer rates by 64 i want to eat a whole bowl of mushrooms let me let me eat like 100 grams of mushrooms a day like 500 grams like a pound but let's say 100 grams of mushrooms a day well that's not going to give you more protection than eating 25 or 30 grams a day because because you get so eating more is going to benefit you on the other hand eating more green vegetables continue to give you more protection as you approach a pound a day got that so we're talking we've talked here about fast food and slow food and the thing to remember is that fast food doesn't just refer to fast food restaurants it also refers to the foods that are absorbed so rapidly but the studies and the data recent data shows very interestingly that your exposure to fast food restaurant meals and to fast foods that are absorbed rapidly or similarly and likewise we can tell a person's risk of depression the risk of brain fog and lack of concentration attention and lower intelligence increasing aggressive behavior increasing chance of being in prison all these things are related to fast food intake low nutrient intake and consumption of commercially baked goods let me say that one more time that people who eat fast food two or more times a week have a 50 increased risk of depression compared to people who don't and that depression is linked in a dose-dependent manner to the consumption of commercial baked goods that the more croissants and and cookies and bread and pie you know that you eat the higher the risk of depression accordingly so this we're striving to have foods that are that don't spike up hormones that are slow foods not fast food oh here's another joke i took out of they took out of my pbs television show i could show you this joke because they cut it out i was telling them i was showing them that oil from walnuts can be absorbed in three to five minutes producing fat storage hormones whereas whereas the walnut itself gets to just over four hours and doesn't spike any hormone for fat storage and how the cow is showing how and i saw him say i'm going to hold up the food and you guys going to yell whether it makes you thin or makes you fat so i held up walnut oil and the audience screamed out makes you fat and i hold up walnuts and the audience yells out makes you thin i hold up sesame seeds and they yell out makes you thin i hold up sesame seed oil and they hail makes you fat so then i held up motor oil and i said oh how do you ever eat the stuff and they cut that choke out that was like one of my best jokes anyway i had this motor oil hidden behind i had planted on the table so i'm hiding this motor also nobody could see it with the cameras you know i'm going all this effort you know to get the motor oil in there what about beans and longevity aren't the paleo people telling you not to eat beans because early man didn't eat them i need one of those neanderthal mans to teach me about nutrition so i can live longer you know it's fine to have a hypothesis as well as crazy as it may be but it's okay to come up with crazy ideas but then you got to do some scientific studies to see if they hold up to scrutiny and they have any value the problem is when you do all the studies and you show that these hypotheses make no sense at all and are wrong these people don't give them up right you see it everywhere you know there's so much ego involved it's like when politics and nutrition and religion it's like it's unbelievable it's like you know it's like the people can't change their opinion by be affected by facts it's coming a belief system now but in any case beings where we've seen in not one study but more than a hundred separate studies a hundred different studies that the more beans people eat the longer they live shouldn't we look at modern people and see the effects rather than have a guess and you know our ancestors ate whatever they could find to survive and they didn't live that long they were mostly eaten by dinosaurs didn't they live but in any case we know beans are good for you because they contain inositol pentakis phosphate and it's 26 letters long so it's got to be good for you that inositol pentose phosphate doesn't allow tumors to grow that's why people who eat peas or beans or lentils just two times a week or more of a 50 decreased risk of breast um colon cancer can you imagine if people actually ate them you know every day they have no more friends left they wouldn't have any cancer but seriously that when you eat beans regularly here's the point when you eat them regularly they act as a prebiotic or which means that they fuel the growth of the beneficial bacteria that live in your digestive tract and those bacteria digest the beans and stop you from having gas from the beans so once you eat beans regularly every single day you stop being a gas factory unfortunately because gas is fun or at least it was when i was younger but anyway now so keep in mind here that if we're going to do some type of intervention and we're going to see it's a long-term effect on reducing cancer rates would it be more effective to do the intervention earlier in life as opposed to when the cancer is very advanced you have to grant me that the earlier life we do the intervention the more chance it's going to benefit a person is that right and perhaps if we use the intervention in combination with other more powerful interventions it's going to be more beneficial just one intervention alone let's take for example a study they did on flax seeds right they took women who had breast cancer diagnosed with breast cancer and they gave them a muffin that contained some flax seeds and then six weeks later they biopsied their breasts and of course half the women got a muffin that looked the same and tasted the same it didn't have flaxseed in it and the group that got the flaxseed muffin showed it a dramatic reduction in breast cancer cell proliferation and a and significant apoptosis the word apoptosis means death of the cancer cells in just six weeks of eating a muffin with flax seeds and no other change in their diet so then they followed women for 10 years who had breast cancer and they followed women based on how many lignans they consume and and you guys might understand that a teaspoon not a tablespoon a teaspoon of flaxseed has seven milligrams of lignans and the highest quartile of lignan's consumption in this study the women ate a third of a lignin .3 lignin milligrams per day now they would have eaten tables from the flax seed today would have given them 21 milligrams and they were only a third of one milligram yet the women who had the highest that level of lignin consumption had a 71 decreased risk of mortality from breast cancer over that 10-year period just from that one intervention forget about the fact that onions that mushrooms show a 64 reduction in breast cancer they didn't add mushrooms into that or that green vegetables are 50 to 80 percent of onion and onions are 50 to 80 reductions and all these other and all these other foods show a dramatic reduction as well but that's of course when you put the all these foods together and you start them at age when you're when you don't have cancer you would expect that the results and you give people a legitimate dose not a third of a milligram you would expect to be dose to be even more the results of even more impressive you following this we have control over a health destiny and the and the underlying theme of this presentation is that heart attacks and strokes and cancers are not the inevitable consequence of aging we don't have to have those things happen to us we have too much good science that's made dramatic advances in recent history we can protect ourselves yet most vegetarians most vegans they still die of heart attacks and strokes and cancers because they eat what i call a junctarian diet just made that up whoa now this is really fascinating boy these bean guys these guys who grow and make and sell beans should be paying me for this should be giving me some like money on the side or something or under the table but here's the thing is that remember i just said to you a minute ago about how beans promote the growth of those good bacteria well those good bacteria live in your gut now or all day long 24 hours a day having beneficial health effects and those bacteria produce propionate and other other factors that slow the glycemic load slow the absorption of glucose and calories from other foods not beans so when you ate that meal with the beans in it you had the bean burrito or the brain and the whole wheat pita well now the carbohydrates in the pita were absorbed more slowly because if you ate the beans and the effects of the bean bacteria slowed the absorption of the carbohydrate from the bread did you follow that now what's the second meal effect the second meal effect means mean the next meal that you eat maybe the next day where you have a bowl of oatmeal the carbohydrates from that oatmeal and berries are going to be absorbed more slowly because you had beans a day before and that's going to occur all day long every day for every meal even we don't have beans at that meal because you eat beans regularly did you file that you have lower levels of glucose absorption the speed of glucose absorption is hindered because you're a regular bean eater it improves the glycemic effect of your diet overall so this says bean fed bacteria slow gastric emptying effects continue continues later even the next day when beans are not even eaten and you know how some of those paleo people will tell people not to eat beans or what they did is because b and one of these they tell you not to eat beans is because beans contain phytic acid which binds um zinc and iron and other tox and other metals where they the phytic acid and beans binds toxic metals mostly like arsenic and mercury remove them from your body but they if you're eating like a a chili or a meat burrito and there's red meat in there with the beans the beans actually have the effect to reduce the harm from the meat by binding the excess iron reducing the hydroxyl radical so these paleo people by removing the beans are actually causing themselves more harm from the meat they're eating you follow that now remember i told you that igf-1 raised that the igf-1 is raised predominantly by sugar but also by animal protein so animal protein raises igf-1 you guys remember that right so here's a study they took people they took 60 000 people it's a lot of people they follow them for 18 years and they found those in the highest quartile of animal protein consumption had a 75 increased risk of death compared to the lowest quartile of animal product protein consumption and a 400 increased risk of cancer in those eating more animal protein compared to those eating less animal protein so how much animal protein were those people eating in the highest quartile they were eating 19 of calories from animal protein that's about 25 percent of calories from animal product because animal products about 20 to 30 calories from fat that means in the highest quartile of animal product consumption the 50 to 65 age range those people were eating the amount of animal protein that americans generally eat that means the paleo diet the atkins diet the ducan diet the south beach diet these diets that recommend people eat 50 to 75 of calories from animal protein not 20 percent like in this study might be increasing risk of breast cancer and those imbibing in those diet following those diets might be increasing the risk of cancer by more than 400 percent maybe by 800 percent that's why i say we've got to put those predators out of business and those are the those are the most pop the most dangerous diets the most cancer-causing diets that are out there are the ones that are most popular you know more macho the guy's jumping on tables in the gym you know and you know and it has all that it's sexy to eat more meat but of course where's common where's the common sense and where's the scrutiny why isn't that study publicized in the front page of the new york times why was the study that showed that eating sugar was worse than saturated fat twisted into showing that need is now okay how did that how did this these studies get ignored there's no controversy we know that breast cancers are higher and cut breast cancers accompany the level of igf-1 and are higher in populations eat more meat and animal protein the point here too is that phytic acid augments our immune system and protects us against cancer by attaching to cells that become dysplastic or abnormal to help the natural killer t cells be more effective at removing cancer cells so those women who are eating the flax seeds they suck beans in their diet with you know with tomatoes and with green vegetables with onions and they give you tremendous benefits of cancer and actually in the study in asia in um in china where women were who ate 10 grams of mushrooms a day had a 64 reduced risk of breast cancer just from their consumption of mushrooms and can you imagine if there was a drug that could do that well women would be paying like a thousand dollars a month for that drug to reduce risk of breast cancer by 64 why isn't that on the front page of the new york times eating mushroom reduce risk of breast cancer by 60 nevertheless when you mix greens and even they in this study they actually showed that women who had green tea just green tea not even cruciferous greens was much more powerful than green tea just the inclusion of green tea with the mushrooms that group had a reduced breast cancer rate of 89 percent 89 reduction we're talking that food is powerful medicine here food is powerfully protective we're never going to have a drug that's gonna you put all your money to go to these uh non-profits who are gonna win the war on breast cancer with pink ribbons tied around buckets of kentucky fried chicken or something what are we what is this a fairy tale or something we're going to have people smoke three packs a day for 30 years and then we're going to come with this magic pill that's going to enable them to smoke their whole life and not get lung cancer is this insanity or something it's craziness not gonna come up with a pill that's gonna take gonna absolve women's risk of breast cancer from their breast cancer causing diet or for economics so why don't we just put them on studies for lung cancer are we gonna allow people to smoke sick it'll be the same thing we're gonna change the way we're living all these cancer-causing habits we're doing it's never going to never going to happen so this we talked about this already this is whole grains versus beans showing the difference between that that there was a benefit when people switch to whole grains they would benefit the glycemic effect the diabetes improved the metabolic effects of cholesterol and improved but they when you switch to beans they improve even more right so this is that's just clear it's easy to understand so we're talking here about more greens more beans more nuts and seeds means dramatic lowering of glycemic load and diabetic and cardiovascular parameters let's talk about nuts and seeds now a little more okay because nuts and seeds have been shown and i i called out a hundred studies actually it was 99 studies i pulled out and added and wrote them all up and put them in a in a email and sent them to some of the local other vegan doctors who promote health to show them that there are that the evidence is now overwhelming that nuts and seeds reverse heart disease and accelerate longevity and prevent depression and dementia and diabetes and of course we're saying that those who consume nuts regularly have a lower bmi they're thinner but the main thing is that they facilitate the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and minerals and phytochemicals and because of that dramatically decrease our risk of cancer and removing them from a diet and what became in vogue in recent years were some popular vegan authors and physicians that started recommending people not eat any fat in their diet at all because it made a lot of sense back then years ago that oil showed inflammatory effects and was very weight promoting and had negative effects on in blood vessel vests vest inflammation and animal product fats had negative effects so it made sense to cut out all fat but the studies really don't show that that's true it the studies show that when we that the fatty effects from nuts and seeds don't have the same effects as the oil from those nuts and seeds it's a biologically different animal so and that the just like all the calories and beans aren't biologically available some of those calories pass right through into the toilet bowl well some of the calories from nuts and seeds because they're bound to the fibers and sterols and snails pass right through into the toilet bowl increasing stool fat more stool fat means less fat on you for most americans the only time they ever see their weight go down is when they get in an elevator i had to shove that one in there now i did but here's the thing you don't just produce the fat in the toilet bowl that were in the nuts and seeds it's better than that because you have circulation of fat from the bloodstream into into the villi of the digestive tract and the sterols and stenolls and fat fibers and nuts and seeds suck the fat out of the bloodstream hold on to it allowing the better fats or good fats to go in and the bad fats to come out so the stool fat that's enhanced when you eat nuts and seeds are saturated fats and cholesterol fats and other and unhealthy fats not the trans fats and not the good fats the monounsaturated polyunsaturates that where the nuts and seeds come into the body an iron exchange goes on putting better fats in taking out bad fats did you follow that now and so we're talking here that if they increase resting energy expenditures they increase fatty acid oxidation you burn more calories and they lower ldl cholesterol especially lowering the most dangerous type of ldl cholesterol which are the small ldl particles they have and the more nuts and seeds you eat and they and they increase and restore vascular elasticity which is the cause of high blood pressure and sudden cardiac death and the more nuts and seeds you eat go from one ounce to two ounces the more cholesterol benefits you get so nuts and seeds reduce the risk of coronary events they reduce the risk of heart attacks and eating them accelerates the reversal of atherosclerosis we have a whole bunch of people who are following a certain type of diet to reverse heart disease afraid to eat a walnut on their salad because they're told they shouldn't be eating nuts and seeds yet that has no basis in science at all in other words the studies are evident that that that advice is misdirected and already disproven so and these benefits are not limited to meeting populations but also in vegans as well the oldest seventh-day adventist studies that in the vegan groups of seven-day adventists the longest live the ones that have lower rates of cancer and lower rates of heart disease are those who eat nuts and seeds and those who live shorter are those who were not vegans who were not eating nuts and seeds most likely because they're not absorbing as many of those anti-cancer phytochemicals so lots of cancer inhibitors and benefits to these studies and and the on all these studies representing hundreds of thousands of individuals followed for 20 years or more hundreds of thousands of individuals studied for many many years show a dramatic reduction in all-cause mortality and all-cause mortality means cancer and heart disease rates and stroke rates so here's what they said this study said the event showed is that the flexitarians who ate some meat a small amount of apple products who ate nuts and seeds too lived longer than the strict vegans who didn't eat nuts and seeds the longest of people were of course the strict vegans who ate nuts and seeds and here's the here's the data slide pasted it copied and pasted from that study which showed the differentials that if people who smoked cigarettes versus didn't smoke had a huge lifespan differential of many years there if you smoked many years of life lost if you smoked cigarettes many years of life lost if you had a higher bmi or a body weight where your bmi was above 25 many years of life lost if you did not eat nuts and seeds you see that slide there that um that graph greater than whether you were a greater variable than if you were actually of whether a little animal products or not now the other thing concern the other concern about a vegan diet especially a low fat a very low fat vegan diet advocated by some of these physicians and authors is the risk of depression and later life dementia because we know that the studies show that peoples with lower levels of blood circulating epa and dha levels have more shrinkage of the brain with aging so if you're a person that has lower levels of epa and dha and are not supplementing the chances of you get more brain shrinkage after the age of 80 is more likely it wouldn't be an issue for most americans because most americans are dead by then but if you're going to live longer which i'm saying we should all be living to be in 95 to 105 years old then you have to be concerned about this it's about this issue and let's look at some of the data here okay so let me skip through this this is talking about the benefits of walnuts which are tremendous because wallets have omega-3 fatty acids they have a lot of elegic acid and other beneficial compounds in them they reduce triglycerides they have beneficial ant they have beneficial oxygen load on brain cells and they improve interneuron neuronal signaling and neurogenesis that means that they protect you against dementia let's just say you remember that that by taking walnuts out of a diet you're taking away some of the benefits to your brain in later life you're removing some of the benefits of a good healthy vegan diet right and a nutritarian diet is different than a traditional vegan diet you know i say that you know you could be on a vegan nutritarian diet or a flexitarian nutritarian diet in other words whether you eat or whether you eat a little bit of animal products or not the major focus still has to be on the nutritional quality of your diet right you can't not whether it's vegan or not is not the main differentiating factor here because a person could be eating you could be living on enough to put soda you know and junk food and be vegan you could be and you could still be overweight and unhealthy on a vegan diet so that's not that alone is not going to make it healthy it's got to be these parameters whether it's vegetable based whether you're eating fruits and beans nuts and seeds whether you're using oil sparingly compared to a standard diet where they eat lots of dairy and meat grain-based oils supply a major caloric load most americans consuming 400 to 600 calories a day from oil that might have worked a little somewhat if you lived in the 14th century and you worked behind a heavy plow behind an ox eight hours a day walking in the fields but now we sit in our cans all day and you know where are you going to burn those extra calories they don't burn off you because they're stored as fat when you eat oil so quickly and the body doesn't take the fat away as efficiently as it burns the fats you're eating so it doesn't even take the fat off your waist it stays there people eat again before they even get into their fat stores from all the oil they're eating and then people are eating animal products two to four times a day which again the fats from animal products are absorbed more rapidly than the fats from nuts and seeds right because there's no fibers to bind the oil so they rush into the bloodstream more rapidly than the fats do from nuts and seeds anyway producing more weight gaining effects and it's focused on nutrient poor calories and this is focused on right on neutron it's focused on the beneficial health effects a nutritarian diet and my studies on the studies i put together so far this is published in the medical journal nutrition journal in 2010 showed that as people improve the nutritional quality of their diet but as they adhered to my guidelines they didn't desire to overeat anymore they didn't want to over consume calories it took away their hunger what i call toxic hunger they no longer had a drive to overeat and they were more in touch with the amount of calories they they require you get more you get back in touch with the instinctual drive to consume calories and you no longer want to overeat you eat the amount that's best for you to maintain your perfect weight for the rest of your life you have to diet again most interestingly in this study which you guys will be interested in because i know some of you are thinking in your head right now you're thinking to yourselves because food addicts a lot of food addicts here in the audience i recognized you and i walked right in as i ran up to the back of the room there's a food addict there's a food out there there's a food addict i knew i could see you guys i could tell you by the color of your skin that pasty pink look you know but here's the thing the attic is no longer thinking rationally they have delusional thoughts and primitive brain is overtime working try to protect their bad habits they're always coming up with an excuse or a reason why they can't do this the first thing the addict says oh yeah yeah but i'm too busy i travel i can't get to the healthy food they come up with some ridiculous reason why they can't do this or the other thing an addict might say another delusional self-defeating thought might be like oh yeah i know that's healthier and you live a lot longer but i'd rather enjoy my life more fully and eat and eat the food that i like that i taste better and said i'd rather than a few extra years of life so we'll eat live longer but i'll be happy and you'll be miserable that's what they'll say right the addict will say that right isn't that the way attitude that's why the thoughts go on in their brain they're always looking for a rationalization an illogical rationalization thinking that they enjoy that the person snorting cocaine smoking cigarettes eating junk food is enjoying themselves more and their life is better because they're imbibing and they're not recognizing that their that their addictions is destroying their life causing undue stress in interviewing their ability to cope in life and to succeed in life causing them incredible tragedy and pain and discomfort and that healthy food is more enjoyable and even tastes better after you've learned to these recipes and learn and treat allow your taste buds to change over a period of six months your taste gets you gets gets used to it you get used to eating and a person eating healthily doesn't enjoy their diet less than a person eating unhealthily that's that's just a ridiculous nonsensical con nonsensical idea and this study proved that we actually tracked the people what they how how they felt their pleasure and enjoyment of eating changed and they found that their enjoyment of eating and pleasure of eating was enhanced not decreased by switching to a healthier diet they could enhance pleasure because now their taste buds got stronger as their eyesight and hearing got stronger their taste got stronger when they were healthier and they enjoyed more subtle flavors they couldn't taste before and the emotion have the emotional and intellectual satisfaction when they finish eating of knowing it was good for them at the same time they got more enjoyment why not have a great apple pile a mode but have one that's healthy made with you know apples and flax seeds and walnuts and currants and put a little ice cream on top made with maybe a frozen banana a little bit of spread um vanilla bean a little fresh coconut whipped together maybe with some little soy milk whip it up put on top of the apple pie you're not you're not eating you're eating different foods but they taste great and you're enjoying your diet more not less more i can go over all the myths that you and addicts are thinking right now i know the other 10 of them too but i'm not it's time for them right now but in any case here's a new here's a study on the on the nutritarian diet on diabetes showing that out of the 11 people we studied and tracked for the year all of them got rid of their diabetes only one remains on a diabetic medication and the only reason he made on here he stayed on metformin glucose was his doctor didn't take him off it was afraid to take him off it and he didn't need it anymore their hemoglobin c dropped in the normal range is a 2.35 drop which is really significant and of course they dropped their triglycerides more than 100 points all the blood pressure people with high blood pressure in the study which the mean systolic was 148 which means these people in the study all had high very high blood pressure and all their blood pressure came back to normal with a 67 reduction medication during that first year in other words there's no study that had ever had results this dramatic and now i'm working with the national institute of health because of the preliminary work to do a more to do a larger more aggressive more larger controlled trial which is really super exciting jumping up and down with excitement [Applause] unbelievable i'll tell you this if you don't if you don't tell anybody that somebody not saying any names from the nih calls me up on the phone and says to me we have to kind of work under the you know under the um what's the radar thank you under the radar here we can't get people like political people jumping and objecting but we know that your protocol is most effective for diabetes but we've got to do the studies that prove it and we're going to pay for it you don't have to pay for it we're going to pay we're going to support to pay for it but number two he said that that that the medications that we know we also know here at the nih that medical treatment for diabetes is a proven failure they said they they know it they told me they we know that already but now we've got to work in the political system within the system to really prove this and they're very very much supportive of the work i'm doing which is wow you guys calling me you guys like getting in touch with me and telling me this that's unbelievable you know so this summarizes some of that data in the study and we talked about diabetic medication that causing weight gain the accord study showed that the more drugs they gave the diabetics the more they control their glucose to get it closer to 100 you know closer to normal the more medical visits they had the more appointments with the diet with the diabetic nurse practitioners the more the more finger sticks they did the better medical care the more accurate the medicare the more deaths and the more morbidity and mortality more a bit more problems they developed and the accord sort of had to be stopped because the people who were getting more care got more deaths and they had to stop the study because better care meant worse outcomes because it meant more medication and medications don't help diabetics they usually make it worse and that's the medications they were using back then now some of the medications aren't quite as bad as those medications that were causing weight that were causing so much weight gain but still medication is not the answer diabetes is really best taken care of by lifestyle change and exercise here's a guy i'm coming to the end here is a couple of examples of a guy here's john pelakowski he's given me permission to use his name by the way that is his real name but anyway um he was a guy i'm bringing him up because not only did he had triple vessel disease that he had angina he couldn't walk a block not only was he told he needed urgent angioplasty you know he needed three stents placed immediately and i said to him john you know you're not you're not in an emergency situation right now you know can't you give me a give me a couple of months to prove to you and the cardiologist that we can reverse this and when you reverse it nutritionally you don't have a stent put in you that increases your risk of heart attack death that increases your risk for dangerous medication the clot busting drugs and increased risk of hemorrhage and gi bleeding and you know we know and all cardiologists know that doing angioplasty and bypass surgery on people with stable angina does not extend their lifespan does not cause less heart attacks in their future that means it's a scam s-c-a-m so what do you think happened to john he died of course not he's still there now it's 20 years later this is 20 years later why am i bringing them up i'm bringing them up because i took this picture with them just now at the age of 94. i'm bringing them up because this is 20 years later he's been my patient for 20 years and now he's still on no medication for blood pressure and his blood pressure's low but here's the thing because you guys think that blood pressure high blood pressure is the evident consequence of aging right yet i'm telling you that as these patients go years go by and they get older their blood pressure continues to improve and go down with more years spent eating healthfully that it's not predominantly age of course it's the aging of your tissues occur when you're living in an improper manner like the water runs off the waterfall hits the rock and after 30 000 years the rock splits in two but the rock didn't age the water wore it down for 20 000 years it's the day in and day out of doing the wrong thing that makes this this problems develop and now he's living he's doing great enjoying his life i can't even get these people to die here's julia 10 years later look at her 10 years later she looks younger 10 years later than she did 10 years ago when she came into my office on a wheelchair because she couldn't walk because if she had three heart attacks in three months after five angioplasties in three years weighed 225 pounds on ted medication she can get up and down from her wheelchair that was about it i danced with her at her son's wedding now she says i cook i garden i go to exercise class i couldn't do all these things i couldn't do for more than 10 years i look healthy i feel healthy it's it's wonderful i'm having a love affair with dr fuhrman not with no no with this like that person like with the doctor right that medical doctor who said anyway but this isn't this is really see these are people i'm bringing them up because these are these are very severe cases and like i'm showing you some severe cases with people like with kurt i don't have time to talk too much about this one guy but i'm giving a lecture and he's having chest pains at the time of the lecture he's having pain at rest which accelerated from having pain with exertion pain with exertion is called stable angina and at rest having pain at rest and just sit in there it's called unstable angina that's a medical emergency it could be that he was having a heart attack at the moment or going to have a heart attack today or tomorrow we didn't know i told him he has to rush to the emergency room to get taken care of because this is going to take time he's got to think we can't put himself under risk and he refused that he said i'd rather die i understand i'm at risk and i understand you're warning me to go to the emergency room and i could die but i'm not going to do that i'm going to my wife lost 120 pounds doing your program i'm gonna doing it now because before i was just doing firm and light it's not working furman light to him was eating his wife's dinner but every day go for breakfast and lunch with his workers and eat all the garbage you know that was firm and light to him so what do you think happened to this guy kurt right he died no just kidding i got at least change up the joke a little bit it's the same joke you're still laughing at it though anyway in a few weeks he could walk without chest pain couldn't run if he ran he had chest pain but a few weeks he could walk without chest pain within eight weeks he couldn't even get chest pain when he ran he lost about 50 pounds you've kept it off his blood pressure normally he's doing great i've seen so many of these cases with a hundred percent occlusions with 89 percent 99 inclusion with collateral circulation with no no blood flow to the heart they're still living there and these people when they switch over it's amazing how fast they get well even the most advanced cases get well they lose weight they feel better they get they it's very effective and the amount here's the point the amount of time they could have been evaluated at the hospital gotten the stress test the cardiac catheterization an appointment for angioplasty bypass surgery cardiac rehab and then back to work again in that 12-week period and a hundred thousand dollars whatever they would have cost him in that same 12-week period i got him totally well with no cost at all but now he's really in good shape because when you have those procedures they just treat that one inch of the heart where the disease is most prevalent right but you have disease all over the heart and vulnerable plaque is everywhere and it's in the area where you have a heart attack is the areas that don't show up on angioplasty the cardiac catheterization because they're not they're not extracting the lumen but they're vulnerable plaque meaning they're full of soft tissue and move the calcium calcified cap is mobile and can crack and cause platelets to clot and cause you to die right any time after those procedures the procedures don't protect you but when you reverse it nutritionally you reverse the complete the complete total amount of heart disease everywhere in the heart and it's most targeted at those areas that are most vulnerable or susceptible to heart disease even the first few weeks even at the time of being evaluated for surgery he could have had a heart attack and just being a few weeks in the diet he's much safer because he's because the diet immediately is attacking those parts of the heart the most vulnerable here's ronnie you lost 140 pounds in 12 months except he didn't really lose 140 pounds in 12 months because his scale that he had in his house only went up to 300 pounds he probably lost like 150 or 160 pounds in 12 months he had an incredible story he had bypass surgery first and then he in four years his he got the blockages back again and then he had angioplasty and in six weeks after the angioplasty just six weeks he had restinosis the blood vessels closed up and he couldn't walk out of his house and the doctors sent him home to die there's nothing more they could do after they bypassed it the vessels were too fragile for bypass and angioplasty doing both on the same vessels and now they say he googled reverse heart disease i never met the guy i communicate him to the through dr to the through the forums there giving him advice watching his how he's doing off all his medications he got well totally his blood pressure is now 115 over 70 on no medications five years later he's now with a 33 waist from a 58 inch waist on no meds with a class ldl cholesterol 75 but the point is is that not just with these individual cases but even the nutritarian diet would study the medical journal metabolism showed that they lowers ldl cholesterol more powerful than statin drugs but it does so with the parameters of improving blood pressure blood flow elasticity oxidation of tissue particle size it's not just lowering your cholesterol you're perfusing your body with high nutrients stabilizing the blood vessels lowering the body weight streamlining blood flow removing vulnerable plaque you can't compare the degree of protection you're going to get from lowering your cholesterol with a nutritarian diet compared to lowering cholesterol with a statin drug that increases that raises your glucose and causes you to gain weight it doesn't have the same effect on all those parameters more representative cases i don't really have we don't have to go over all these but the point is is that even the 80 block vessels reverse themselves and sometimes totally reverse themselves in a couple of years your body is rel your body is a miraculous self-healing machine when you do the right thing and here's a guy who developed atrial fibrillation after a year on a very low fat vegan diet he was using to reverse heart disease and when i tested his fatty acids and his omega-3 fatty acids with a blood test he was severely deficient and we fixed those fatty acid imbalances as a regular heartbeat went away which we're going to talk about now i'm going to talk about it well these next couple of slides were really about depression and antidepressant drugs are being not very effective and how effective it is when you use this protocol right where you give dha and epa fatty acids commonly known as fish oil which are available in a vegan supplement because some vegans develop low levels of epa and dha on a vegan an unsupplement vegan diet and other vegans do not let's look at let me advance the slide to look at that data for a second okay because here's a study on 166 vegans who were unsupplemented they were not taking vegan epa and dha but they were eating walnuts and flax seeds and other sources of of ala short-chain fatty acids and you as you can see the average level was about four the average level of the average on something vegan was not too bad around 3.8 or four that means about 50 percent were deficient in half we're not but if we look at people who are severely deficient below three right we find about 27 percent almost 30 percent of vegans on an unsupplemented diet were significantly deficient in epa and dha now the interesting part of the study showed that those with the most severe deficiency or those the ones that were completely sufficient with levels of six or above did not correlate with the amount of walnuts or flax seeds or chia seeds or hemp seeds they were eating that taking flaxseed oil or any source of ala did not grant these people a better omega-3 status saying that the major determinant of omega-3 status is the conversion enzymes that are genetically determined that means your genetics determine the levels and that means that so you can't determine it but you can't get the right amount by taking more walnuts let's say it so let's go back now it means that some people on a vegan diet could be at risk of developing depression and what happens is is that some of these people who do develop a problem don't they blame it on the vegan diet and they go and they go on f and they start eating meat and fish to feel better and they when they they don't really understand what one had what happened you know and the other issue is the increased risk of deficiency of the of the increased risk of dementia with aging for those people whose epa and dha are low you follow that so going through this we're talking about zinc and um epa and dha and depression omega-3 insufficiency and depression is linked in the medical literature that those people with lower levels of epa and dha have higher risk of depression and that the treatment with epa and dha is effective even in ssri resistant depression those people the drugs don't work you're giving them more those are these ap and dha is more effective and adding zinc to that increases their results and this is determined in meta-analysis and various studies in my 25 years of medical practice treating the vegan populations who get into trouble taking their blood deciphering and investigating what the problems are and trying to fix them finding that i'm that in to some degree this information as not only ignored it's attacked and ostracized and a lot of people who are vegans don't want to accept the fact that we have to make sure people are a hundred percent safe and we give people all the information they need to make sure nobody falls through the cracks did you follow that so here we're talking about this protocol if you are depressed is it a high nutrient diet to take some extra epa or dha with at least 500 of epa daily and this is available today in vegan forms and add additional zinc of course take b12 and vitamin d make sure you're not deficient anything else but the major problem with those vegans who have low levels of dha about you know a certain percent of them is if they live a long time the increasing risk of dementia because low dha levels is associated with brain shrinkage with aging you wouldn't see it in a person doesn't live that long you know and here we're talking about that i that 27 were found to be significantly deficient the women's health initiative memory study showed that those with greater epa and dha omega-3 index levels those with levels above seven had larger brain volumes compared to people with below three and a half and a two point almost a three percent larger brain volume in the hippocampus which was responsible for emotion and judgment so we're talking here more than a dozen studies that we really have to be um make sure that i'm really trying to have people understand the science here and make judgments in a conservative fashion not to take risk what does it mean not to take risk it means we want to err if we don't have all the data at our disposal we want to make judgments to err on the side of caution to make sure we don't hurt anybody with some philosophical position that could potentially put someone a danger and too many decisions are based on some philosophical or position people have or so we're talking here and making sure your b12 is adequate your vitamin d is adequate your iodine is adequate your zinc is adequate and your epa and dha is adequate and keep in mind that if you're a meat eater eating eggs and cheese and meat you're getting a little bit of b12 at each meal and if you're on a vegan diet you're relying on your supplement for b12 and the amount of b12 you can absorb at one time is limited you only absorb about one percent of the amount of b in the b12 supplement or the food that works okay for a meat eater who's absorbing one percent of this meal and one percent of that meal in a small amount of third meal but on a vegan who takes their supplement at one time during the day the small percent of that supplement they're absorbing may not even meet the rdi for b12 for them even though they're taking much more than the rdi did you follow that so a vegan needs a higher dose of b12 than a person eating animal products all the time you've got to make sure you take enough b12 especially with aging as the need for b12 diminishes we don't or we don't want people to get into any trouble so here's some references for dha and dementia and vitamin d deficiency and cognition low levels of vitamin d are rampant i'd love to get vitamin d levels on everybody in this room and see how many of you which i would expect about a third of you to be significantly deficient in vitamin d and that would be increasing your risk of of dementia as well what if you were deficient in dha and vitamin d and you were borderline deficient in b12 and you're a vegan who's living really a healthy life well that's not really protecting your later years which i want you to protect right now by making sure you have comprehensive micronutrient adequacy that you're not low in any favorable nutrient even if it's not vegetable derived so low vitamin d and dementia so the risk so that i think that's my last slide it's almost my last slide so we're talking here about taking risks on a low on an extremely low fat vegan diet failure to thrive in children and infants in pregnancy right unsafe for pregnancy and nursing increased risk for depression and later life dementia if not you know for these extremely low fat vegans who are afraid to eat nuts and seeds and recommend against any supplementation at all except b12 it's less therapeutically effective less longevity promoting more risky not less risky for patients with advanced heart disease and it turns people away making more ex-vegans and nutritional excellence protects and treats disease it makes a vegan diet the most protective and the most longevity promoting diet when supplemented intelligently and we're talking here about making sure you have adequate levels of epa and dha zinc iodine b12 and vitamin d especially vitamin d3 are are most critical here a nutritarian diet obviously i'm using sweet and a limited amount of dried fruit for a sweetener for desserts and soups vegetable bean soups every day and a big sign on your refrigerator that says the salad is the main dish and every day you eat one large big or at least one large big raw salad with lettuce and some cruciferous greens like shredded cabbage or kale in there you put some sliced tomato some raw onion or scallion on there you put a dressing made from nuts or seeds on there and you eat this one the nice big salad of raw vegetables because the association between lower rates of cancer and longevity between raw vegetable consumption is greater than any other food especially the mixture of raw cruciferous vegetables and raw onion eaten in the same meal with some nuts and seeds which helps facilitate the absorption of those powerful anti-cancer compounds got it okay it's great we got done thank you
Channel: Northwest VEG
Views: 57,810
Rating: 4.8297873 out of 5
Keywords: Dr Fuhrman, Joel Fuhrman, NW VEG, Portland vegfest, micronutrients, nutrient density, nutritarian, vegan diet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 15sec (5235 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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