Dr Frank Ray - Faith

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well god bless you listen I am so honored and delighted that you chose to turn this way my goodness God is such a wonderful such a marvelous Savior has done so many marvelous things yes I'm a person that's in love with the Word of God I thank God for the word the word is inspiration aspiration give us new observation help us look with new calculations and listen God can do so many more things when we spend time in the Word of God I want to share with your lessons that a preach that I stayed with the word and I thank God for the word for it is the word that changes us is the word that make us better it is the word that help develop and grow us I want you to hear this message I think it would be a blessing for you let's listen safe it was an faith I'm afraid that too many people have the wrong concept of faith too many people make all kind of Justice statements and say I have faith faith is not a blind leap in other words you just jump after something and you say I'm doing it by faith faith is not lasso in the neck of God and telling him what our desires our faith is not a blind leap but faith is not a blank check some time I've seen people just do stuff and expect God to bathe them that's not faith that's foolish it's not a blind lee is not a blank check faith is not a bad choice because faith the Bible says that the earth the earth was formed and created on faith faith is actually a description of who we are you see before we were called Christians we were called believers the same word for belief belief pistols pistols in the Greek we were called believers just our very name separate us from other folk because when someone see you they ought to see a believer and because you are a believer your conduct is different that whatever happened in your life it doesn't cause you to hell a sour things it doesn't cause you to walk with your head down regardless of the weight that is upon you you can look forward and move forward because you are a believable faith is the description of us we are believers it is the duty of us it is not just our description it is our duty because the Bible call and command us to believe the greatest thing you can commit is not adultery it is not murder it is not homosexuality it is not stealing is the sin of unbelief that when you fail to believe that's the unpardonable seeing faith is our description it is our duty but it is also our delight because when you live a faith life you enjoy the life of faith because when you live a life of faith even at your deathbed you can say like Joel though he slay me yet will I trust in him about all the days of my appointed time I'll wait until my change come because you live a life of faith you can recite Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me because you live a life of faith you know where your help comes up because sums one twenty-one verse once I lift up mine eyes unto the hills from which cometh my help my help comes from the Lord it is important for us to know who we are we don't just have faith we live by faith the Bible says our just shall live by faith that's why you can be unemployed and not worry because you know God may not meet your needs when you want it but you know here meet him where you needed because we have people all fail my goodness if you didn't have faith as wicked is this world is as cruel as the city of niphas is you walk everywhere looking behind trying to see who's going to take you out first but because we are faith walkers we can walk even in the midst of a crack house and tell the crackheads you don't need crack you need the rock and the rock is Jesus the text says in in Ephesians and Philippians or in Hebrews chapter 11 it says our faith it says now faith is now faith is now in in the interlinear Bible that's the Bible that take the English translated and translated into the Greek language it reads like this is now faith is now fake the normally when you see faith in many instances you're expected to be a verb because if action if chemistry action faith has legs on it if there's no legs on faith is not much thing but when you see faith in the Bible normally it is a noun instead of a verb the same thing belief look like to me it would be a noun but it is a verb belief is a very trained is now the weak word is sign word pissed us it's a faith in the substance what is substance is a compound word this word for substance hoop our first thought me under histah me is the second by the word it means stain something you stand of all faith is something on the lead you that you stand upon the King James Version say he called it substance it has three schools of thoughts but the word substance first school is it is a legal term it comes from the idea of a person buying a home that once the home is paid for you get your deed but most of us before we get the deed we call it our home be back sitting us in here your home only is that that's my home is not yours your name is on the deed but you don't have the deed yet and if you've missed several notes you will discover it's not jealous that they belong to the mortgage holder but we call it that but whenever you finish paying it's silent and get the D that is the substance of what you realize it is a legal term but it is a scientific term scientific because the Jewish race they had a unique way of getting that juice from the grapes they would get their dues and they would find places and get people to stand in containers and keep barge and keep marching keep marching around the container until they would push and mess all of the liquid out of the grapes and once they would mess it out the juice would go down through the container into other containers but there was a residue that was still around the hole and when they saw the residue they knew that the Jews had gone through it meant that it had substance the third word for it was what they call a Christology for the word substance meaning this that we have never seen God and God knew that we hadn't seen him so here to bring somebody for us to see because Moses wanted to look at him God supposes it's gonna create a problem if I let you see me because if you see me you got to die and so when God passed Moses he turned and let God see the hind the part of you talk to me somebody but Jesus said listen God I can help you out a little bit make me a pot that will flow blood and water and I'll come down and I'll die - mankind preach robbery and when they see me they see you and that's why in John 1:18 is that and Jesus was in the bosom of the Father that he is the only begotten Hitman's the only begotten he is the only shouted one more time he is the only begotten of the Father motor goodness in the text for the word only begotten me he's one of a kind that you will never find anybody like Jesus but Jesus he's one of a kind in his person nobody was born like Jesus he's one of a kind in his life nobody live like Jesus he's one of a kind in his miracles nobody could wrote miracles like Jesus he's one of a kind in his teaching nobody could teach life Jesus he's one of his kind in his death nobody died like Jesus he's one of a kind it is resurrection didn't nobody get up like Jesus but Jesus he's one of a kind faith is the substance of things hoped for you see the word hope hit mr. hopeful the pezzo in the Greek for the word who fought it means this it has the idea of something that is real something that you can look forward to faith is something to look forward to the Bible says that if we're going to survive we must be people all then if I will bring into focus characters in Hebrew 11 and notice he said by faith email I like it because the Bible always please email with two other characters maybe see even you see Abel and you see no Genesis chapter 4 it talks about April Genesis 5 is inert Genesis 6 is known in Hebrew 11 Hebrew 11 for by faith April Hebrews 11 fire by faith England Hebrew 11 7 my faith no war why did he place these three characters together because three all three bring to the table something that would be beneficial for us whatever see evil you see a person that come to worship God when you say either you see a person come to what we go we never see knowing you see a person coming to work for God you see we need what shuffle shout watching us that's why we came here today to worship God not to see frankly not just to hear the quiet thing not just to show off what we got not just because this is a new year we came to watch them and whenever you come to worship we should come to worship Him in him with you it Hillman Ruben until we have out me anytime a person can take nothing and make something he deserve out worship in a time of prison can bring us some darkness to the marvelous life he deserve to be worship in his have a person can scoop the see out in the hem of his garment and and he deserve our worship in the time God can keep the Sun in his place the moon way an order being talk to me somebody keep the stars moving around in his proper place he deserved our worship any time God can keep every time a child is born he's unique and give every child 263 multi 600 muscles 970 miles of blood does a 32 feet of intestines 32 teeth in his mouth eyes like canvas every time they flash takes a picture to send it to the brain to be developed he deserved to be worship in the time god I don't care about the five vision people on the planet he always seemed to have enough hesitation growing he always have enough cows on the planet to keep us eating beef meat always have enough hopes to keep us eating chitlins and Nick bones and talk to me some my there you always have enough fish in the sea to keep us eating the proper food he does he'll house even when you can't take care yourself you seem to step in when you get laid off your job and when you get sewage is you gotta test them on and you'll set i've been young and now I'm old but I have never seen the righteous forsaken or the seed begging bread he says and I was doing a witness we worship Him even say Yolo what's your feel nor said another hand your work time if God has done something for us you ought to do something for him and not only should we work the work should be a significant work if you if you are detailed and what you do on your job you ought to be much more detail on what you do for God if on your job you make sure that you do what you do so that it would be right so that your boss will approve of what you're doing how much more cheese you're doing for our real boss come on talk to me if you show up on time but God I mean fight your work shouldn't you do it for God I was ahead to hit the ground on my job I don't want God being late when I call him if I'm struggling with a heart attack or stroke and that's the Lord hit me right now I don't want God to be late coming I need him to show up right now I'm headed for head-on collision and I've lost control of my car ain't got time to be talking about our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name and all that all I can say is happen to him a witness but then either is that person that walked with God but he walked with God and think do we have any faith walkers in the house this morning I I mean somebody that walked by they don't know where you're going but you know he knows don't know what tomorrow is gonna bring but you know he hold your Dammam don't know how life is going to be but you know naught is still in business do I am a witness glad he used this person kalenna because he have had several things going for him now if you notice the life of Eden he didn't start off with God LTS been a teenager an early age president it was six five years rings what he started committing his life to the Lord ain't her something he was old man before we decided surrender to like that's what I'm saying you can be old and still have chance you can be almost over the hill and still come to the Lord and say Lord I know our ways that most of my life but I'm going to give you the best I have right now I'm gonna give you what I can give you while I'm still living why there's life that's hope and when you surrender to the Lord and give him your best while you can my goodness stand back and watch God worked in your life preacher Emre he came and then the text said after he after he begat methuselah he walked with God meaning he waited until he started his family and then he started walking with God is anybody here know that if you go raise a family you showed up need the Lord's help don't don't try in the 21st century trying to raise no children without God you need all the help from God you can get because they will learn you literally crazy they'll have you sitting somewhere in a little playpen twiddling with the Rattlers but if you got God on your side you got somebody that will keep you calm when you wanna lose your temper talk to me somebody you got somebody that can keep it the mind will say and they walk with God after he begot but those of what does it mean that what we got it means several things and I'm gonna let y'all go number one it means harmony because two can't walk together except they agree now what you mean harmony here it is it doesn't mean that God agree with me it means and I agree with God we got too many people even when is faithful we want to do something and we'll God to agree with us but instead of trying to get God to agree with you you agree with God and see what I discovered if God said that in this scripture is already settled you ain't got to even pray oh man if God has already said it if God say something if you believe what God says it is settled already you mean agree but God walking also means going places do you know when you walk with God you will not remain the same you will have the same Oh attitude you will have the same old disposition you will have the same own wicked ways when you walk with God instead of going higher and higher hip is the end higher and high gear is amazing how much we put faith and things and how little bit we put in him we leave Memphis in a raggedy is already quitting on you in time and take off and try to drive to Chicago and his will said I got faith it's gonna make it y'all don't like me you'll have a job freeze rubbery you ain't been on it but three months and you around and use Carlyle to try to get a car you'll take your three years to pay for it you ain't been on the job for six months you know what yours that I got feet believe that they gonna let me work until I get this car talk to me Savannah you buy the cost a thousand dollars a month and you ain't makin with $200 your olegmon channel ha God will do it but I got faith I can pay for this we have faith in ourselves talk to me we are feeding the job faith in our part but no faith in God anybody you know that these other things might let you down but dark is a God that you can count on he's a god you can depend out he's a God you can trust it talk to me somebody just take one hand to neighbor that's why I'm sitting here this morning because my faith is in dog I don't know about y'all but you got to get to the place where you can't depend on other folk that's what got you where you are now depending on somebody else you made a you you signed on the dotted line for somebody else cosign they told you they was gonna pay the note I don't know why I'm going here so they was gonna pay it if you just sign it you got to wait Batman I will pay it they missed the first month they missed the second month you know the thing the creditors calling you you sir this heart already be paid but they missing the thermal and then when you talk to him about it they'd like you talking Greek y'all don't hear man but she have to understand is your phone I hope God bless you God bless you God bless you I hope you enjoyed this message as well as I did preacher that's some primers that I just ends your preacher and this is one of those messages that I enjoy that the Lord allowed me to share this message and I thank God for it I want you to have a copy of this message this is another keepsake I want you to have this message you can get it not just for yourself but you have some friends that need to hear this get it fitted to them let it be a lesson for them they will cherish the sermon they will cherish you and appreciate you for putting this in their hands get this message you can call 1-800 three seven five four zero zero seven a right to God is good ministry twenty to thirty seven South Parkway East Memphis Tennessee zip three eight one one four or go to God is good ministry met and we will be sure to get this message right back to you it's a keepsake you want to have this message to share with your friends your family your world wishes and then I love for you if you think we're ever to partner with the Salem the God is good ministry I want you to be a partner with us help us share the gospel spread it across the nation across the globe if it has bless you I think it will bless somebody else you can share with us by sending whatever donation you love to stand five ten twenty hundred dollars a thousand dollars whatever you learn to do don't procrastinate don't say I'm going to do it tomorrow because tomorrow will never come sit down right now write a check out right now and send it to God this good minister you say I hear people across the globe cross the nation so they enjoy the telecast and joy hearing it well it's not free it costs something to go into the airways to share the gospel you can help get it where it needs to go do that for us right now thank you so much and remember this god is good you got it all the time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Music]
Channel: God Is Good Ministries
Views: 22,251
Rating: 4.7019606 out of 5
Keywords: Frank ray, Frank Ray Preaching, God Is Good Ministires, New Salem
Id: ZpyHcvuZZUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2017
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