Download And Install Microsoft 365 OFFICE Tools Directly From Microsoft Website (Step By Step)-🔥2024

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hey everyone welcome back so if you really want to download Microsoft Office 365 page directly from Microsoft website and that is completely free of cost then this video is all about for you okay so in this video I'm going to tell you the step by step process how to download and install Microsoft 365 office tools directly from Microsoft website and that is comp completely free of cost okay so let's see how we can do this so for that first of all you have to go to the Google Chrome and here you have to search for office customization tool okay and after that in the below part you can see this is the first link office customizations tools Microsoft 365 apps admin center right so just click on it and make it open and after this it will take you to this particular page and here you can see we have different drop downs are there okay and first drop down is enable already so just click on this drop down button and here first of all you have to select the 64bit or 32bit as for your configurations of your system so my system is 64bit configuration so I'm selecting 64bit okay then scroll down and here we have options called office swits all right so just expand this and here in the first sections you can see a option Office ltsc Professional Plus 2021 volume license okay so just select this one all right then scroll down and keep everything as it is then click on this next button all right and inside this language you have to select English okay then scroll down and click on this next button then come to the installation sections and again click on this next button you don't need to do anything on that then in place of update and upgrade here we have options called as the uninstall any MSI version of office including p and project okay so just disable this one then scroll down then click on this next button then in place of Licensing and activation just scroll down and again click on this next button then in place of General also we have to click on this next button and in the below part you can see another options called as the Finish okay so just click on this finish button okay so here you can see these are the configurations that we have set for our Microsoft Office tool okay then click on this export button then select the office open XML formats okay then scroll down and click on okay then accept it and click on this export button all right and here you can see we have successfully downloaded the configurations. XML file all right so this is the first step okay then again go to the Google Chrome and here you have to search for office deployment tool okay previously we have searched for office customizations tool and now in the second part we are searching for office deployment tool okay after that here you can see this is the first link download Office deployment tool for office so just click on it and make it open after that it will take you to this particular page so scroll down and in the below part you can see a options called download right so just click on this download button and download this exe file okay and here you can see we have successfully downloaded the office deployment tool as well as configuration.xml file then the third step is go to the download folder okay and here you can see we have successfully downloaded these two files that is one is config file and another is office deployment tool file right after that click on this folder and create a new folder here okay and after that rename it as office 2023 okay or you can keep any name whatever you want all right then the next is just select these two files that we have downloaded and drop it inside this office 20 23 folder all right now inside this office 2023 folder you can see these two files that we have downloaded correct then click on this office deployment tools okay then right click on it then click on this run as administrator all right then click on yes then click on accept Okay and click on continue then you can see this type of popup over here so after this you have to select this download for folder first okay so this is inside this this PC so just expand this this PC okay and here we have a folder called as the download right so again expand it and here we can see this is the office 20235 right that we have created over here so just select this then click on okay and here you can see we have successfully extracted all the file from this office deployment tool inside this office 2023 folder okay then just close it then go to this download folder and inside this we have that folder that is office 2023 right so just right click on it then click on cut then go to the C drive of your desktop that is here it is right so just double click on it and make it open then press control+ B to past that folder in this C drive all right then minimize it okay and go to the desktop and here you have to search for CMD all right here it is then right click on it and click on this run as administrator okay then click on yes after that you can see a this type of window over here all right then go to the descriptions or you can write as CD c column / office 2023 okay just copy it and paste it over here by pressing control+ B okay remember this is the path of that folder that we have puted right CDC office 2023 right this is the this is the folder name that is office 2023 who is located in the C drive okay that's why I have return this command then click enter then again go to this notepad file and copy the second command that is set of configuration configuration.xml so just copy this and paste it over here by pressing control+ B okay then click enter and here you can see our entire Microsoft Office is getting ready to install and now here you can see the installation process has already been started right so just wait for a few second to make it complete all right and it's done right so congratulations you have successfully installed all the Microsoft Office tools directly from Microsoft with completely free of cost correct and now you can use all the Microsoft Office tools like Microsoft Excel word PowerPoint Etc with completely free of cost all right so thanks for watching take care bye-bye
Channel: MilEstOne CrEaTor
Views: 29,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Download And Install Microsoft 365 OFFICE Tools, How to Download And Install Microsoft 365 OFFICE Tools, How to download office tools, How to download Microsoft Office 365, Download and Install office, Download latest office 365, Office tools for free, Latest office tools for free, Free Microsoft office tools, Microsoft 365 OFFICE Tools, Office 365, download, install, latest version, Free, 2023, Download Excel, Download Word, Download Powerpoint, Ms Office, Microsoft tools, Online
Id: szOGgj2FgP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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