Double Drag Makeup

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Midnight at Walmart for season 10

👍︎︎ 123 👤︎︎ u/vivalabam13 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

I haven't watched Jenna's videos in a number of years, but this was a nice reminder of why I was so obsessed with her for a good piece of time. I also like her new man a lot more than that shithead that cheated on her.

👍︎︎ 111 👤︎︎ u/fyslexic__duck 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

I love Jenna. She seems so down to earth and humble despite her success, she never seems to become jaded. She's still the same girl she was 10+ years ago. Plus she's freaking hilarious and I want to be her friend

👍︎︎ 295 👤︎︎ u/makeupformermaids 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

No shade but Julien kinda looks like Milk at the end lol

👍︎︎ 153 👤︎︎ u/Jollyceej 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

Jenna voice HELL YEAH

👍︎︎ 78 👤︎︎ u/velourbicth 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

I love Miss Jenna. It would be SO AWESOME to see her do a collab video with one of the RPDR queens! A Paint Me Bitch or a Miss Fame makeover would make my dreams come true.

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/chromedip 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

Huge fan of Jenna and Julien as it is, but this video made my morning! Valentina's eyes + Trixie's eyebrows on Julien though... work.

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/callingallgoddesses 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

Bok, your artichoke look made us gag, and your klingon look was out of this world stellar. Condragulations my dear you are the winner of this week's challenge.

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/Cookie-Damage 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

Was coming here to make sure someone posted it. Was not disappointed. This video hit me in the giggledick so hard. She did so well!!

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2017 🗫︎ replies
do it do it do it I know you've seen the title and I know that you guys have been requesting for me to do this I swear to God for a really long time the honest truth is I don't know how to do drag makeup I've never done drag makeup wait what you don't know how to do it you're gonna do it on the head no I'm gonna watch some videos okay the top comment on Jillian's vlog yesterday all right it had nothing to drag makeup on Julian so I was like should I sit down and do mine first or like just do Julian so I was like maybe I could practice on myself it was like no how about we both do drag makeup at the same time but I'm gonna do both of us but I'm gonna do like part of me first and then Julian so I'm gonna do them together I don't know you guys want to see this so I'll make it for you because what not why the [ __ ] not so first thing we're gonna do shave your eyebrows that's that's funny that's fun no we're gonna glue him down what yeah with glue we're gonna cool them down they're throwing my head I ain't going no you glue them like flat to your face so you can cover it with makeup more the more time you give me right now the more chances that I've run away before it starts have you seen like drag makeups you know what it looks like it's like the appending of extra right yes pretty extra so I think you're seen Aguilera of makeup Oh I'm sitting in the shade are you throwing shade Chris angular I would you do to use doesn't comment on my blog the only thing I don't have is like a really light concealer and stuff to do all the highlights so I have like some stuff and I think I'm gonna try to work with some powders to make up for it but we'll see what happens okay we'll see what happens five nothing I was just like testing out this room it looks pretty bad this is a literal glue your skin glue your eyebrows this is the only glue stick that we have it's left over from when we did your glitter beard so it has a glitter in it that's left over from when you [ __ ] me up last time yes welcome to Jenna's ratchet slime what can I get you today I'll take a one just [ __ ] me up family you look like you just an explosion happened right in front of you you have a lot of brow stop doing that [ __ ] are gonna have a clumpy unibrow okay I need you to face me and stop eating peanut butter please I was falling I couldn't be my own PB stop you have like chunky glue all over your face speaking of chunky no don't be nasty what oh my god this looks terrible why is it so chunky what happened I don't like done am I not pretty good to know they know so I don't really know what to do here it looks like different people use different techniques but they're just like powder concealer powder foundations you're basically a racing yacht yes so you can make them other places oh my god that's crazy like when I shave my eyebrows everyone's like why don't you just go dong-gook me cuz I wanted to have the experience and it was great and worth it I'm sailing okay you can see that look at that it doesn't look good Oh God first I'm gonna chew powder and me with that pow pow girl I'll be amazed if I have any makeup they call me the makeup vacuum because I suck up all the makeup does it count for anything I think you're gonna make a beautiful drag queen what's your drag name bok bok choy Oh Bok what's your last name Heung Bok and then my last name is mac and cheese feeling so bad this is like the first day to be fair this is like a lot of brow to cover you look like a Klingon I look like the inside of an artichoke the part you can eat my would like okay though right all be he's my nest I'm a bald eagle make a bird sound [ __ ] it was in this moment that he knew he had [ __ ] up looks sad like you I do know a lot of it you can be a from afar drag me the hell on the [ __ ] does that mean like just don't get close to you I go I've done this before white powder this is like okay but you can't get it in my heart it's going in your eyes seriously be careful because you know eyes are sensitive I'm sorry I can leave right now how does that make up a few to show your eyes you did one eye at a time oh all right now I'm gonna try it hey hey do some body once told me it's just not a tissue stop you like Pringles I'm gonna melt and that's it yeah I'm like I feel already like so defeated oh that looks great babe especially the Illuminati triangle on my eyebrow all right I'm gonna do mine and then don't touch your face I just did mine with the same stuff like somehow I went terribly wrong with you somewhere or terribly right I'm like [ __ ] scared I don't know where they go like up here oh yeah that can't be right is it dude Google like this what do you think Oh Queen I look a little ghastly in the face cuz there's a lot of [ __ ] going on I really tried I'm gonna do yours now I'll do it like this I want them to say get off my lawn but also come back to my lawn later there's gonna be a [ __ ] party Julien's brother just watch do you like it yeah he says that I can't look at you that's what he says look at me in my poor eyebrow come hang out with your big brother now that our brows thought it's time to move on to like the hardest part was it the eyes okay let's do it I'm doing oh wait underneath I'm gonna fill in the top lid was like a light color oh my god his knees I just realized how much higher yours are than mine you look like a weed this look is by a dry-cleaning valentina latina so I'm just copying it cuz I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm doing we gonna get some purple on you but the outside we look at night join me to do this on you and then move on to liner together smells good like doing the makeup like on your eyebrows oh they held it together for you oh I wanted to die the whole time what am i you're beautiful no I want to die I hate this feeling oh look up and stop it there yeah so I just finished mine I think it looks good Joe I'm a super I'm here that's a bro I'm just impressed I feel like we took all of our best makeup techniques from drag makeup artists so it's like its second nature to do you just do a little more than you would do that's crazy though it looks really good hello yeah girl what's my drag name Julian midnight at Walmart you think of a drag name for me and I'll do your eyelids sounds good you did good with that Julian that one easy did you get to keep your eyes closed yes what I liked it and I got your drag man what's my drag the sandy bleach you can't see you're here eyes aren't open they're not say any bleach is a bad name give me a good name Connie tor get a cond on each your Connie tour that's mac-and-cheese neighborhood iconic do it that you actually can really fast you versus the girl he tell you not to worry about I learned this trick a long time ago the good news is when you wear a lot of black eyeliner it matters less and less that you're like eyelashes placed well yeah you can just sort of jam it on there just pull anymore Connie tour I trust you you need some nice carrier there just like a like see the gap where your lashes are I'm not scared of you oh yeah you want pink lips like honey I'm so excited tore me up Julius you look so good all right are you ready for the final look wait you gotta fix this you are hot we gon' be like makeup don't touch it [ __ ] oh are open to fix those there's a baster so here's the thing my eyes are open why are your like why are your eyes shut but man it open we have the same makeup you look like like a real drag queen though like I came out really good honey I know except for the except for the eyes I need a little practice with the gluing of the eyebrows it looks like a hairy bird in the middle of your face okay that was a little unnecessary and uncalled-for I think I want to know how we I think it's the eyebrows mostly but I did this a makeup on you and the same makeup on me and we look really different not everyone can look like me sorry this is my accessory [ __ ] mac and cheese [ __ ] opponent want it don't touch me okay oh I'm so incredibly far away from okay why what's wrong can't see I can't smell I can't feel my face I don't know where I am yeah but you started touching your nipples good make sure they were still there I can't see I think you look really nice like it's a really good look for you this is like ah I just have to go to the post office a look did you like the process I liked the first like the first 10 minutes and then the last time is like the 7 hours in between like a little much just a couple of coils he doing going stuff I know it's real nothing we're drag partners what in the [ __ ] [ __ ] early even do it it's what they asked for Julian like I don't know where you guys like asked for this what even what prompts you guys why is that the top comment I like this look a lot like I would wear this I wish I knew what I look like I'm the artichoke I am the part of the artist of thing you can't eat my name is Arne choke pub you guys are happy this took a long time because this [ __ ] is not quick but we look like twins we're basically twins now how does it feel to date yourself pretty hot directions read make sure you subscribe to my channel I put out new videos every interview yes any idea how [ __ ] this is all right I'll see you guys next week how are we gonna wash it off we're not this is me now good bye
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 7,912,619
Rating: 4.9764142 out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, double, drag, makeup, on my, boyfriend, julien, solomita, eyebrows, glue, shave, how to, tutorial, transformation, valentina, latina, guy, girl, funny, best, diy, home, makeover, contour, lip, line, eyeliner, wing, eyelashes, draw, face, layers, funniest, vlog, jennas, ratchet, rachet, salon, buys, does, rupaul, first, 100, full face, rhinestones, false, dogs, channel, humor, awesome, red, hair, cut, crease, blush, liquid, lipstick
Id: ZmyKv-v9iyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2017
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