Despicable Me 3...?

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okay well as I've been cleverly secretly foreshadowing this whole time the fourth topwell me movie is finally out to rave reviews so until I can make a video about that one it's time once again to continue my quest through this movie series that turned out to actually be a lot better than I thought it was going to be and hey you know I sure hope they keep the minions to a minimum this time and focus on the actual good parts of the movie it was that moment Alex already felt his soul leaving his body but before that really quick this video is brought to you by surf shark VPN surf shark VPN is an app and browser extension that lets you change your IP address to be pretty much anywhere in the world you want now what this means for you is it protects you from websites and other users trying to Snoop on what you're doing and from where maybe your country has some like weird strict content censoring laws or you just don't want people to potentially hack your accounts well surf shark VPN can 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four f-words and a smiley face this is true by the way I'm not making this up anyway The Story Goes that brat was a huge kid show star back in the 80s but then his show got canceled and ever since he's been holding on to that 80s and vowed to spend the rest of his life trying to destroy Hollywood Hollywood rejected him and brat quickly plunged into a downward spiral starting to actually believe he was the character he played on TV what are you looking at leading us all to wonder where is he now so to enact his genius master plan currently he's on his way to steal a diamond from a boat but like I don't think you got to go through all this work just to take down Hollywood okay cuz all you really got to do is just make an obsessively long series of YouTube videos and you just cut them right off with the knees I tell you what Bob Iger is just sitting in the Scrooge McDuck Vault crying his eyes out this very moment anyway so what do you know the anti-villain league is hot on his Trail and grw and lucer send in to capture brat and retrieve the diamond Get Ready Get Ready for hey how you doing hey you know these minions just saved those women's lives okay if not for them they'd have to sit and listen to these guys talk about how upset they are about cartoon butts Andor video game boobies anyway so what do you know Gru goes after brat and long story short he ends up in a bubble gum Speedo while brat gets away D happy birthday gr's naked in the bubble gum now because Brett gets away Gru and Lucy end up getting fired from the AVN Awards nope fired from the AVL by the new boss who's really trying to make her Mark the way that all new bosses do for some reason first order of business which one of you losers as anent grw hey a yes sir um ma'am you're making me nervous how could you let balazar brat the avl's Most Wanted villain just get away like if you've ever worked at literally any job that involves other people you get like a new manager boss or whatever they always do this thing where they're like hey you know how everything's working just fine well time to mess that up for no reason and things turn out good I get all the credit if things go bad I'm firing half of you and taking the bonus anyway but all the same now grew and Lucy are sent home with nothing you got fired oh no no no no no no no yes oh I know you could gamble online that's what Katie's dad does okay we will definitely look into that that's a good suggestion let's not go over to kti's house anymore wait wait her her dad's a Twist streamer now Agnes feels bad that her parents don't have jobs anymore so she tries to help out as best she can I mean hey she's only like four you know oh no no no Agnes Agnes take good care of them thank you Agnes what are you doing you you sold your unicorn well I just wanted to help since you don't have a job I got two2 whole dollars for it I would die for you Agnes now while this is happening there's this old guy who keeps trying to talk to GRU on his lawn but then grw just like Wy coyotes this dude over and over again uh excuse me sorry buddy the sail's over yeah yes but this will only take hey could you oh uh of course now as I was saying I uh oh goodbye you know this third installment really ramps up the zany meaningless time filling slapstick like even more than the previous movies like of course these movies have a lot of that regardless but this one really piles on the L random kind of antics here anyway so finally Gru decides to listen to whatever this old guy wants to talk about and it changes his life for forever I am inquiring on behalf of your twin brother Drew he needs your help what twin brother twin brother oh yeah he would like to fly you to Fredonia to meet him your father has recently passed away a twin brother there's two grus out there hey honey your dream finally came true now as you can probably imagine GW is a little surprised to hear that he has a twin brother that his mom literally never mentioned oh what do you want mom do I have a twin brother how did you find out who told you wait what it's true you never told me I had the brother and you told me the dad died of disappointment when I was born you know you know sometimes these movies are just like right at my level okay that was the agreement agreement what are you talking about shortly after you and your brother were born your father and I divorced we each took one son uh oh I know where this is going strip poker and hot step bombs that was a weird kids movie by the way grw and his family decideed to take Gru's brother up on his offer and fly all the way to Fredonia which I assume is right next to like Genovia and other fake madeup places like lonstein okay Mr Globe whatever you say what is going on here welcome to the annual fredonian Cheese Festival so like illumination is a French company right so like I find it interesting to see the whole like wacky Sil Europe idea but from a European point of view you know I mean like it's easy for me as an American dude to be all like those weird European people with their health care and their non- collapsing Society bunch of dorks am I right something else about this movie though is like brat just almost completely disappears like they introduce him right at the beginning and give him this very lengthy backstory but then they just get rid of him for like 2third of the movie but like his scenes in this movie are so freaking cool like they really had a lot of fun with the whole ' 80s childhood thing like when they make these old 80s toy commercials that are just so perfect now you can be as evil as balazar brat with the evil brat action figure featuring music activated break dance mode also featuring bubblegum launching shoulder pads or like this this part in the movie where brat is watching episodes of his old TV show and like illumination man they just they're so good at the visual gags and like really understanding the assignment visually the character of brat is super annoying okay like trust me like like like why but they really knocked it out of the park with like the aesthetic anyway so grw gets to finally meet his long lost twin brother Drew my [Music] brother gr [Laughter] Dre there is there's so much happening right now yeah so turns out Drew got the hair and the good looks and the infinite money but that's fine that's okay you know whatever because grw has family now as Drew and grew get to talking Drew takes him down to the secret layer because if you can believe this their dad actually used to be one of the biggest villains of all time he was known as the bald Terror that's him our dad he was so proud of you and what a great villain you were he was for me well not so much you might think this movie seems like it's going to go down the route of like Gro thinking that he should be a villain again especially since the AVL kicked him out for no reason and now he can continue on the legacy of his dead dad or whatever but then he comes to realize that being good is better than being bad or his family is more important than infamy or some other kind of garbage right but ha nope that's too much story for this movie instead Drew and grew just kind of ride in their car for a while hey well that was all probably built in like 900 ad s okay they don't even know how to PVE roads like that anymore so after hanging out in their underwear for a while as twins do apparently grw gets the idea that he could use all of Drew's stuff which used to belong to their dad and he can use it to break into Brat's super secret Rubik's Cube layer of villain and Dancer sizeing the big day nobody's going to stop me cuz I am super s super sass super sass what's today's plan boss what's the plan the heck even is this movie anyway so after a bunch of wackadoo Shenanigans they break in and steal the diamond back which brat had Rolen a little bit earlier in the movie for some reason but you see Drew thought that they were doing a villain Heist cuz remember their dad was disappointed in Drew because he's just way too much of a friendly touchy feely Huggy totally not Swedish guy to be a real villain so this whole stealing the diamond thing was supposed to be his first real big Heist but actually Gro just wanted to get the diamond back and prove to the new AVL boss that he can totally do things and stuff you know oh look we got the diamond and we're going to take it to the AVL and get our jobs back oh that's amazing and the best part is you'll never ever go behind my back ever again right honey bear well it depends you're going to you're going to do do more of that if I do Dre no no way we can't give the diamond back I have to no you don't yes I do G what is wrong with you what is wrong with you you kicked me you you lied to me hey I would have told you the truth but you're too much of a wimp except however but this Lucy is not actually Lucy it was brat in Disguise the whole time and so he kidnaps D gorals and takes them to Hollywood so we can finally destroy it once and for all which is kind of funny cuz like Hollywood doesn't even really exist anymore like everything's filmed in Georgia now and Hollywood is mostly just guys trying to sell you like the worst mix tape you'll ever hear in your life but all the same grew and Drew have to put aside their differences and work together to stop brat so Drew jumps into the giant brat robot and shuts it down which leaves grew to face off against Brad one-on-one to save the world you know what I got two words for you dance fight oh it is unlike Donkey [Music] Kong do a funny dance and so grew ends up winning Brad is captured the diamond is returned to wherever it came from and the day is saved conjunctive adverb what what this happening it's coming from outside hey I thought we said no more villainy sorry brother somebody's got to keep the family tradition alive and that's where the franchise ended for like 7 years until despicable me4 came out and Drew is not even in it what was the point of all this now like I alluded to earlier the third movie is very light on story which is kind of a shame cuz there was a lot of potential here like there's these little bits where Lucy's trying to be a good mom to the girls get as many as you want I don't care yay awesome uh what well it's okay to tell them no sometimes too you know moms need to be tough right right tough and like when they're in fonia there's this part where Margot eats this kid's cheese at the cheese festival and then crazy plot twist turns out they're engaged now which Margo doesn't like of course because he's a fat kid and not a hot Latino e you refuse myself man's engagement big all right lady that's it nobody nobody curses my daughter you got that because if you mess with Margot you mess with me and I promise you do not want to mess with me I like this whole kind of plot thread here could have been a lot deeper cuz you have like the girls who were orphans but now they have a female role model and it could have really said something but now it's just like a kind of one-off thing that doesn't really mean anything or like I said Gru finds out that his dad was actually really proud of him which is something he never got from his mom our dad he was so proud of you and what a great villain you were he was for me well not so much to Dad I was just a failure so I was thinking that this would probably actually mean something and take the story somewhere but just when this movie's about to have any semblance of the kind of emotional depth of the first two it just quickly abruptly steers right in the more minions nonsense like you can definitely tell that the the Minions movie had just come out a couple years ago and made like way too much money because they took out everything that made the first two movies as good as they were and replaced it with a whole lot of this looking for a Mr [Music] gr yeah there's uh there's a lot of that now I know y'all might be thinking that it's kind of silly for me to be like why doesn't this Despicable Me movie have sufficient emotional character depth but like the first movie had a lot of it and the second one had not as much but still a fair amount so like what happened it kind of reminds me of like the Wimpy Kid movies where the first one is like genuinely hilarious and a really good tongue-and-cheek take on middle school and Roger rules was pretty good too but then the third movie They just they just didn't even try but all the same the fourth movie is out in theaters right now so I'll get around to it as soon as I can hey everybody thanks for watching this video if you liked it please watch another one cuz that's how the algorithm works so click on this one that's being recommended to right now right here on the screen it actually helps a lot if you do that cuz like that's how YouTube knows that my videos are worth caring about also if you have any movies or TV shows you like to recommend send me an email at Alex Meers contact atgmailcom and I'll put them on my absurdly long list of movies that I need to get to at some point anyway hope I made your day a little bit better and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 848,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex mayers, alex myers, despicable me 3, despicable me 4, minions
Id: jciHLbKoCQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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