Its Your Season Of Over Flow! Oracle Ministering in Eagle's City

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God's favor is coming on somebody you are asking me what is favor vapor is the undeniable hand of God in a man or a woman's life we are so greatly honored here tonight at the ego City Keaton gala to have this great woman that I have known for a decade and a half about 15 years we have been friends we have grown together and I celebrate the greatness that the Lord has brought out of her she she first preached in my conference many many years ago I think it should have been somewhere around 2006 is a 2006 and that was in Kenya me at that time we couldn't even there was no who by that time there was no toxified I wasn't driving we couldn't afford a taxi and I couldn't think of a woman in this nation that could come and be part of our annual convention if it was in this way she is authentic she is dynamic she is powerful she is exposed she is tested and have been proven ha ha news makers actually would say oh ha the most beautiful Reverend in the entire Africa I truly do believe can somebody shot a man and I want you to receive her receive her books receive her products everything she's going to tell you to do you have to do it can you say Amen to just show support she stands with my blessing and this is not the last time you're seeing of her here you have to get used to this face because you will see a lot of it here say Amen the host of miracle Monday services in the capital city of Nairobi she has traveled globally to over 40 countries and she is the director of Lucy nataschab ministries and we just honored the Lord for what God has done with her life so I need you with the joy of the Lord here at the city to give Jesus a wonderful shout as we receive dr. Lucy Natasha before I go into the word my biological mother that has also been a wonderful friend to oppose to even's Ababu and his family over the years is also here I am a pastor's daughter somebody say Amen I always tell people I am a strong woman because a strong woman raised me I am a product of her faith hallelujah and I just wanted to come and greet eco-city my biological mother reverend esta one-zero put your hands together ego city halleluja halleluja eco-city hallelujah touch three people and tell them you will fly where the Eagles cannot reach I wanted to touch three people and tell them he will fly where the Eagles cannot reach hallelujah you will fly where the Eagles cannot reach I thank God this evening for God allowing us to come into his presence in the air at ego city a pasta even a bamboo is my son I knew him even before he got married and every time we sit together I keep quiet because he fits me with words of wisdom hallelujah it's not the hitch hallelujah people always say something about it is not the pitch that breaks the yoke it is the anointing that bradster Europe hallelujah I thank God for you a posto even is your beautiful wife may happen under you may have an increase you may happen and right you may have the tech ego city where you have never been before many strands fry on the weeks of divine favor make a lot plan your life around and your voice will behind may you an animation among important people I bless this city I bless this church in the name of Jesus and I want to prophesy over your life that god bless your children god bless your children they will become doctors they'll become professors they will become scientists they will become a genius the Lord you thank you I've never before you are never syrupy blessed you are Korea you will be blessed your business will be blessed you are married to a blood receipt by fire we see by fire god bless you Heavenly Father I pray in the name of Jesus let me speak up your council tonight let your word comfort with power and with clarity I pray let your people people let's let your people be empowered let me be your mouthpiece let me be your Oracle let the word in my mouth be like fire let their hearts of your people be receptive thank you for a nickel city thank you for the privilege and the honor of speaking in this great country I praise your hopper anybody under the sound of my voice that is believing you for a word through this message give that pass on the word of anybody under the sound of my voice that is believe in you for open doors up that is believe in you for breakfast that is believing you for healing up father good night give it to them anybody believe in you for a sign and a wonder father give it to them what the I prefer unprecedented miracles tonight let somebody live here knowing they have had an encounter with God of father as eco-city we leave our buttons at the feet of Jesus Christ up for the speak to your people in the language they will understand up in the name of Jesus accurate displays with your glory have the away and thank you for what you are about to do in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit somebody shout amen I want you to open up your heart and your spirit the Word of God is the power of God the Word of God is the wisdom of God the Word of God is the life of God and in the next few minutes God is about to speak to you tan with me in the book of fossum well chapter 10 I want to speak on a word I have been titled you a season of overflow somebody said this is my season of overflow so if you're watching me online please connect and remember distance is not a barrier in the rim of the Spirit first some well chapter 10 then someone took a flask of oil and poured it on his head and kissed him and said is it not because the Lord has anointed you is it not because the Lord has anointed you commander of what his inheritance when you have departed from me today you will find two men by Rachel Tom in the territory of Benjamin at Zaza and they will said to you the donkey's which you went to look for have been found and now your father has ceased caring about the donkey's and is worrying about you saying what shall I do about my son then you shall go on forward from there and come to the terrible three October they agreement coming up to God that battle will Mitchell one current three young gods another current three loaves of bread and another current a skin of wine and they will greet you and give you two loaves of bread which you shall receive from their hands verse five and after that you shall come to the hill of God where the Philistine garrison is and it will happen when you have come there to the city that you will meet a group of prophets coming down from the high place with a stringed instrument a tambourine a flute and a heart before them and there will be prophesying and the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man and let P when these signs come to you that you'd prove as the occasion demands for God is with you verse 11 and it happened when all who knew him formally saw that he indeed prophesied among the prophets that the people say to one another what is this that has come upon the son of kish his soul among the prophets somebody said my season of overflow I want to look at soul and just to take some few minutes up just laying the foundation allow me to introduce you to Sol Sol was the son of Kish he came from one of the smallest types of Israel he was a Benjamite one of the tribes that was not recognized in Israel so what I'm trying to tell you tonight is that Sol was an ordinary man one of the things I have come to discover about God he will always use an ordinary man for an extra ordinary assignment because when God begins to choose on whom he's about to use he never chooses you based on what you can do he chooses based on what he can do through you that is why if you look at the people that God use you will be marveled because they are people that were ordinary but God chose them for extra ordinary assignment how do you explain somebody like Moses as Tamara becoming a deliverer how do you explain yourself a prisoner becoming a prime minister how do you explain a shepherd boy like David becoming a king how do you explain a common laborer like get you're becoming a mighty man of Valor how do you explain a shepherd boy like David becoming a king enough uncle like Esther becoming a queen how do you explain Mary an unknown virgin Tala becoming the mother of our Savior Jesus Christ when I the Bible I came to this conclusion that God does not call the qualified but he qualifies the called God does not call the preparer that but he prepares for that he has told that God does not call the equipment but he equips us that he has called I came to announce to eco-city in this season of upper floor as ordinary as you are God will use you to do the extra ordinary there is an anointing that is coming on your don't do the extra ordinary so Saul was fast an ordinary man the son of Kish his father was not a military general he was not from a prestigious family his name was not in the list of important people but watch this now one day his father's donkeys were lost and his father gave him an insignificant assignment to go and look for the pockets together with one of the servants that is why I always tell people never despised and insignificant assignment because it could lead to your destiny now follow me I'm taking you somewhere and the Bible says when the father gives him this assignment to go and look for the donkey's everyday soul goes from town to town from city to city looking for his father's donkeys without success and on that back there there someone says to soul why can't we go to a prophet by the name of the Prophet Sam well let us go to the prophet and see if he will tell us where the donkeys are rather cut Asia Ricardo's thank God because even in our generation we still have remnants second chronicles 20 20 says being live in the lock icon and I shall be established and we live in his profits and so you shall prosper and watch these I love soul he was a man of Revelation he asked the serpent what do we have in our vessels that we can present to the man of God if it is in this generation some people would have criticized and they would have been like my god soul are you trying to buy a miracle yet it is it is obvious you cannot buy a miracle but soil understood you cannot appear in the presence of God empty-handed so he asked his serpent what do we have that we can pretend for the man of God and the Bible says the serpent said we have a quarter of a shekel that we can present to the man of God understand this before Saul and count the prophets son well he did not know what his destiny was he was just a donkey chaser my god but after his encounter with the prophet watch what happens the reason why God brought you to eco-city is so that you can discover your destiny Roza khutor Jacques ATO's watch this now so they come to the Prophet son well by this time we are impossible chapter 10 and the prophet Samuel tells on standing here for a while but tell us something to go on ahead of us but your soul stand here that I may announce to you the word of the Lord and the piper says the prophet Samuel book of last of oil and the piper says remember the anointing it is to empower you and to NW in this festival conference my god there is an anointing that is coming on you to empower you and to end a per year protect you to your next level to help you in the fulfillment of your assignment watch this now and number one the profit someone says to Saul as he powers the oil on his head today the Lord has made you a commander all by his people and over his inheritance they are pointing that is coming on you listen to me number one it is an anointing to make you a commander I want to announce to every man and woman under the sound of my voice tonight in the name of Jesus receive the anointing of a commander I see cadre sing commanders in the business world I see commanders in the corporate world commanders in the financial world commanders in the spirit world I decree and declare from tonight go and command what needs to be commanded receive the anointing of a commander somebody said I am a commander Shama Cardozo rocket OSHA may you become a commander in the field of your labor may you become a commander in the place of your assignment I release the anointing of a commander somebody say I receive that donkeys which you have been looking for they have been found when the anointing look at you my god what you have been looking for what you have been struggling to get it is located by the anointing i prophesy on the overflow festival Resaca deja what you have been praying for what you have been crying for what you have been looking for without success let's say yet the Lord God of Israel it has been found I came to prophesy to somebody can i prophesy I can to prophesy your blessing has been found your promotion has been found up you attend doesn't contract up in founder ah yeah your job has been found up your clients have been founder what you have been looking for husband founder their visa has been found I'm stealing a foundation I'm coming Raja rocket Asia and the profit some will say to soul as he anointed him and after this you shall go forward when the anointing comes on you for overflow you encounter progress I declare after this upper flow festival somebody that is under the sound of my voice you will encounter progress in your salvation in your calling in your destiny in your marriage in your family you will encounter progress I stand on this altar to declare please your consternation put in your cup delay and disappointment I command it clutch fire fire fire fire from tonight I declare no more stagnation nobody laser no disappointments up you are going forward not by might not by power but by the Spirit of God i prophesy where others have not gone in your family you will call what others have not achieved in your family you will achieve what others have not attained in your family you will attain up there might be more progress is coming upon you it is a season of ever floor get ready to go forward after tonight I declare what never and so whatever somebody say I'm going for what the devil likes it or not huh I declare you are coming forward up somebody shout I'm coming forward people we look for you where they left you but they will not find you there God is moving you from where you are and he's taking you to where you belong I see somebody here is about to encounter progress somebody said progress I can sense a shift in the realm of the spirit then the prophet Samuel said to Saul and you will meet remain reso Khadijah and they will salute you you will meet remain you know when the anointing comes on you there is honor somebody say allah i prophesy to somebody Rasika deja Lika Tosa I know people by past year I know people overlook to and assume to you but I declare after this upper flow festival where others are rejected you shall be accepted where others are tolerated you shall be celebrated we're at as a contender you shall be commended and prophesy as God's Oracle favor and honor is coming into somebody's life that look down on you they will look up to you and I hear the Lord said to somebody where are you what this pastor is way as you shall be raised up can i prophesy to somebody I hear the Lord say where you suffer the most is where you will shine the brightest my god you are about to be or nada you our family will honor you you our colleagues will honor you this generation will honor Europe that's your neighbor tell them get ready and stay ready watch this now the prophet Samuel said to Saul they will salute you there will be covering three loaves of bread three men and you they will give you three men three loaves of bread and they will remain with one loss Chum Bucket dosa when I read that I was like my god this is simply favor because paper is the undeserved goodness faith but is the unmerited goodness paper is God giving you what you don't qualify for I pray in the name of Jesus in this season of other flora God's favor is coming on somebody you are asking me what is favor paper is the undeniable hand of God in a man or a woman's life favor is when a suspended rocket a rocket poseur I came to release favor you have had much leper but with no favor and you no lip but without paper is to record but I had the Lord say your story is about to change if this season of overflow vapor is coming into your life vapor is coming into your business a vapor is coming into your relationships vapor is coming into your career touch three people tell them paper i prophesy God is about to show somebody his favor propose in the business world and release paper over your life you know you can't be selling the same boots and services but what distinguishes your business from another persona is what we call faith to every man and woman in the business world i prophesy to you favored men you are groups and services be in high demand I release paper over every business man and woman in the name of Jesus through anyone in the corporate world the piper says a promotion does not come from the east or from the West but it comes from the Lord I release favor for promotion of faith of a promotion of favor for promotion shall favour to everyone under the sound of my voice thank God I am in the city where millionaires Qatar I really favor for money I declare your pockets will never go try whatever you touch with your hands it will increase and multiply can you imagine in Matthew chapter 17 and verse 27 money was comfortably taking rest in the mouth of the fish until Jesus kept it up they wanted to go and collect money from the mouth of the fish I had the Holy Ghost L if a fish could carry money you have bank accounts will carry money you have business will carry money you are hands will count millions I release paper for money paper for finances to everyone here that is trusting God for my little settlement I release paper for marriage I say to a set time of marriage has come somebody say I receive receive even for your brothers and sisters are recipie for your children are receive paper for marriage shout I receive rose akathisia purple star in ministry I release paper paper for shopping the Lord paper for subbing the Lord people asked me Reverend Natasha how have you managed her but trouble in number 15 nations around the world different continents and cities are and I always tell them the secret is one favor shall favor I release paper for nations of any nation you desire to go as a prophet that has traveled internationally I release that crease over your life you will never be denied a visa and nation your heart desires to go ice pump your passport with American visa I stopped your passport with Canadian visa I stopped your passport in the realm of the spirit with the Australian visa with the UK visa touch your neighbor tell them favor for nations tell you a neighbor favor for nation VI somewhere further than Mombasa the a sub we have further than Masai Mara [Music] there are nations that are waiting for you somebody shout I receive after this upper floor festival I see international doors opening there are some businessmen and women here I see China it was an exporter I see pile and I see Bangkok this is a season of above law when it's a season of above law get ready to do shopping in Dubai shopping in Paris holidays in Mauritius that's your neighbor tell them over flora when it is above law it means officiants 320 God is getting ready to do sitting Lee abundantly and above all that you ever thought or ever hope for somebody shout oh my god that means they are men and women that God has assigned to give to you it is God that blesses but God blesses people through people to your neighbor tell them neighbor it is God that blesses but God blesses people through people they are people that God has assigned to bless your life to help you in the fulfillment of your dreams there are people that God has assigned to improve and benefit your life they are people that God has assigned to our significance and usefulness to your life and tonight I am praying anyone that God has a site to bless you because you know everything you are looking for is in somebody else custody Shama Cardozo I am praying in this overflow festival the people that have what you need let them manifest in the name of Jesus yeah anyone that God has assigned to become a blessing into your life protect you to the next level anyone that God has ordained as you are helper of Pesta name I command them to manifest wherever they are I declare they will not catch you somebody say my helpers will look at me watch this now Rose akathisia I'm getting ready to close and the piper says and then append the prophets will say to soon you will meet a group of prophets there will be hopping stringed instrument a tambourine and a flute and there will be prophesying and the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you and you will prophesy with him and watch Navas 11 the Bible says those that knew him formally the Bible says in verse 11 they began to ask each other it's on-screen verse 11 what is it that has come upon the son of - his soul among the prophets because they saw him we are they never expected to see him they knew him as a guy that came from the list of tribes they knew him as the son of this you know people will always judge you by your history but you know one thing they don't know is that your destiny is greater than your history where you are coming is better than where you are coming from people forget that our history is not a place of residence it is only a place of reference that I was once there let me tell you anyone that is judging you by your history has made a big mistake hey anyone judging you by your past has made a big mistake because where you are going is better than where you are coming from and what God is not a great I was he is the great I am rocket aja rocket Rosa and I thank God our destiny is not in the mouth of people thank God our destiny is not in the mouth of gossipers but our destiny is in the hands of God and as they keep talking behind your back God will bless you prefer their face yeah I always tell people don't worry when people talk because when God speaks every other speaker becomes a noise maker and you know our God is amazing where people have put a full-stop that is where God comes to picking a new sentence Rosa Khadija rocket Rosa watch this now people began to ask each other what is it that has come upon the son of Kish in Seoul among the prophets is among the prophets they saw him where they never expected to see him I hear the Lord say can i prophesy i stand as an oracle tonight i prophesy to echo city people will see you where they never expected to see you they will see you building a house buying a house they never thought you could have they will see you having a business they never thought you could have they will see you in an office and find you in an office they never thought they could find you can i prophesy in this conference God is getting ready to change us take us God is getting ready to change your story people will see you where they never expected to see you shout I receive I people asking each other questions tell your neighbor they are about to ask each other questions they will see you getting married to the person they never thought you could get married to touch your neighbor's a neighbor get ready to see me where are you never expected to see me they will see you shaking hands with the president working in the corridors of power and then will be like is she the one is she not the one and you will tell them I am she may people see you where they never expected to see you I said my people see you where they never expected to see you as we are all standing on our feet when this text began sol was looking for his father's donkeys which was found telling about what he was looking for was found and I heard the Lord say what you have been looking for will be found somebody said what I have been looking for it has been found the joy the peace the money the capital the job ah the promotion they're happy the wife the fruit of the wood what I have been looking for somebody said it has been found but watch this soul also found what he was not looking for soul was not looking to became actually there had never been a king in Israel before meaning actually God created a vacancy for him there had never been a king before in this season of overflow God will create a vacancy for you I said God will create a fat fancy for you well yeah there is not see God will create a sea for you shout I receive [Music] watch this he was not looking to begin meaning you found what he was not looking for because nobody campaigned for him nobody voted for him he received number one what he was looking for which was his father's donkeys and number two also what he did not look for that is becoming the first king of his wife I hear the Lord say in this season of overflow you will receive what what you have been looking for and also what you did not expect what you did not work for what you did not refer God is about to surprise you that is the meaning of overflow tell your neighbor expected an unexpected give two people a high five tell them expected and unexpected touch your neighbor tell them overflow overflows or valve ler expected an unexpected somebody say I receive soul became a wonder I wonder is not a wonder until it makes people wonder I pray in this season of overflow may God make your life I wonder how that will make people wonder may God make you a one-time yeah somebody said I am a sign and a wonder lift your hands above your head sha Mikado's rizzo Khadija ricardo's Lord we worship You Lord we bless you yamazaki - father tonight I pray let the mercy of God of a rule every judgment in your life Shama Cardozo raga - Yan Davis oyakata-sama Gatos every demonic power that is working against God's prophetic agenda for your life I command it to be dismantled in the name of Jesus tonight I pray father Scott the any force of darkness that hinders us from receiving what you have prepared for our life Sheila baka dosa resume Kadosh Ericka days yonder Bihar Ibaka dosa tonight wherever you are standing I declare what you have been looking for that saith the Lord God of his one it has been found those that are watching me and those that are here in eco-city as you are stretching your hand receive your help receive your strength receive your promotion receive protection receive increase in the name of Jesus I declare God will increase you from glory to glory God will move you from grace to grace you will see the glory of God in your life your eyes will see the glory of God Shama Cardozo Lisa Cottage Erica dosa read-throughs will begin to manifest in your life in your family in your finances in your children's life I see you a story changing you are testing it from tonight will arise Rizzo cat Osia open your mouth and begin to believe God there is a path to do something supernatural in your life I pull down every satanic stronghold where men have said days are casting down I declare there shall be a lifting up you are help us from tonight will look at you in the name of Jesus receive a good rapport receive connection to your help us raise a cat OSHA Lee Carozza yonder Michelle Obama balsa sama Cardozo as you are stretching your heads to the altar I declare every chain in your life is broken every demonic York in your life is broken everything's in your life is broken a brittle layer and disappointment is broken I command tonight a release of your long awaited brethren I release an I release I release all your long awaited breakfast all your long awaited miracles all your long awaited opportunities I combine the release of your long awaited blessings in the name of Jesus sums 107 and verse 20 says he sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction father you are the great physician you are a healer and our deliverer you at the waymaker and the miracle worker father Razak adage you are the healer I invoke the power in your stripes to heal every sickness let the healing virtues of Christ respond to every sickness every growth every infirmity every affliction every disease I declare on the account of the blood of Yeshua HaMashiach let there be healing tonight from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet even as i anoint you I declare healing and even those that are watching us be healed from every condition be healed from that fraud condition be healed from that breast condition be healed in your spine back pains be healed lower abdomen be healed I command healing of kidneys healing of interest healing of liver healing of Plata healing of sugar diabetes healing of a crisis every condition be healed from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet be healed be healed of every incurable disease I command you our unconditional release from the hand of the enemy I command their joints the murrow's the cells the knobs the tissues every organ in your body I speak healing now by the stripes I declare you are healed red circuit Asia Rocca dosa yonder packet osa father as I anoint them I release the grace of killing the Lord is setting you free right now in the name of Jesus as you are standing here begin to present your issue to God forget to mention that place where you are sick through the blood of Jesus we have been redeemed out of every sickness through the blood we are healed through the blood of Jesus we have the life of God in us Razak at Asia let the blood of Jesus stand between you and that sickness by the redemption in Christ I stand against every evil all top that is speaking sickness in the name of Jesus Exodus 15:26 says I am the lord who heals you Razak artesia every root of infirmity in your life I command it to be uprooted if the mighty name of Jesus father you sent your word and it healed us may God heal you right now I speak healing over your mind leaning over your body may God heal you emotionally psychologically right down to your soul from tonight you are free from hypertension you are free from heart attacks you are free from your blood sugar you are free from up one of imbalance three from muscle X in the name of Jesus Shah Mikado's even if you have somebody that is sick at home mentioned their name distance is not a barrier in the realm of the spirit I stand as an Oracle every negative clinical report I can sell it in the name of Jesus endless sickness in your body that has a resistant medication I declare the blood of Jesus is against it now when I anoint you I want you to check yourself begin to do what you could not do before check yourself and begin to do what you could not do before thank you Jesus I declare be healed once I pray for you open your eyes and begin to check yourself I declare be healed I declare be healed I come again as the spirit or premature attack I come again as the spirit of sickness and disease father we give you praise we give you glory of doing mama right now she's well a man glory to Jesus how long have you had this lump [Music] much since last year much and how are you feeling after the prayer babies somebody stretch your hands towards her my god she says she feels the pain is going I declare what God is doing for you in this overflow conference it is permanent somebody said it is permanent fact that in the name of Jesus we command that growth high from the roots disappear sha Mikado's res oka deja Lima soca deja what God is doing for you I declare a respondent it is permanent it is permanent from your head to the sole of your feet somebody shout hallelujah somebody give God a clap offering mama or a quote this gentleman that you see here has been having a sphere a stomach pain for the last three years but right of the prayers he is healed my god so for three years you have been having pain in u.s. trauma how are you feeling now after the prayer somebody shot fire there God that we serve is a healer he is the same today yesterday and forever he has not changed and he is still healing so right now the pain is gone the pain is gone somebody kept a lot a clap offering come let me lay my hands on you I declare your healing is permanent you are healing is permanent affliction will not rise a second time Rezo Khadijah raga dos yonder posada baka dosa in Jesus name Amen Horicon we have one more testimony ha ha all the way from South Africa aha the person was tuning in life of severe chest pain my god somebody that is watching us live from South Africa people are following us live on YouTube on Facebook we have over half a million people we give God glory for that testimony everyone that is here we are at eco city together with my brother a pasta even Sipapu and God is moving Mike Lee and powerfully distance is not a barrier in the rim of the spirit receive whatever you are believing God for tonight in Jesus name let's give God praise for the testimony in South Africa hallelujah [Music] [Music] one announcement have come with four books by the grace of God I'm an author of 12 books but tonight I brought four books with me that I believe will be a blessing the first book is every problem has an expiry date look at somebody and tell them every problem has an expiry date when you read this book it is a book that will inspire you to know that though your problem is lasting it is not everlasting because I know there are people here that have had long-standing problems but though your problem is lasting it is not everlasting your condition is not your conclusion time to somebody tell them my condition is not my conclusion a great book that will inspire you somebody say Amen the other book is touching heaven through prayer secrets of a prayer warrior this is a book that is very close to my heart because prayer has been one of the secrets in my walk with the Lord I believe that prayer is communion with God prayer is fellowship with God prayer is the meeting point between divinity and humanity if there is a man or a woman to pray there is a God to answer somebody say Amen and I watched the disciples of Jesus they saw Jesus walk on water they saw Jesus multiply food they saw Jesus raise the dead they saw Jesus preach and teach they saw Jesus plays leprosy with the touch they saw Jesus opened deaf eyes and blind eye deaf ears and blind eyes and I was like when the disciples saw all these they were like pictures how to pray why they observed the lifestyle of Jesus and they discovered his lifestyle was a lifestyle of prayer as a preacher of discover you can preach and perish but you cannot pray and perish tell your neighbor there is power in prayer your prayer life is an indication of your spiritual life when you fail to pray I want you to know you plan to fail if you are not praying you are playing with destiny and also give you are praying I encourage you pray again prayer is a lifestyle not to your neighbor tell them pray again pray again pray again this is a book that will ignite your prayer life with fire a book that will suck you in the spirit of prayer a book also that will teach you pon the hindrances to prayer why am i praying and I'm not getting their answers to my prayers Alleluia this book also has powerful prayer points that will bless you then I have the fat book God's leading lady you are a Diamont nothing can break you a book that is dedicated to other women I am a woman on the front line and a woman in ministry and I understand the challenges that women face but those that I in business and in the marketplace hallelujah and in this book I sought to to research from the scriptures and from the Bible we've been there work in the Bible times and the challenges they overcame and up the victories that they got and the principles they apply and in this book I have written about women that inspire me we men like Deborah a woman there was an ordinary woman that rose to become a prophetess and a judge in Israel if you are next to a woman tell her you are retirement if you're next to a woman tell her you are a Diamont and nothing can break you tell your neighbor you are retirement now speak to yourself say I am a diamund and nothing can break me every time I look at a woman I see a warrior an organizer a manager an administrator and negotiator I always tell people posture never underestimate the power that God has invested in a woman the Bible says and the sake of the woman will crush the head of the serpent razo can't Asia Ricardo's so I've written on tempera a woman that sub God with power and spoke the word without fear I've written on the 7 secrets we can learn from the life of Queen Esther my god I've written on Mary the mother of Jesus and how favor was a game-changer in her life I've written also on Queen Sheba and on her unquenchable lust for wisdom somebody sequential I've written on the woman with the issue of blood and how I pray in my generation God will raise women that will touch Jesus hallelujah this book is powerful it will bless every woman it will inspire you it will empower you and you know when you empower a woman you empower a generation the rise of a woman is the rise of a nation so if you're a woman don't look down on yourself people may see you and see a woman with a past but God sees a woman with a purpose a woman with potential so if you're a woman get this book God's leading lady you are a God's leading lady whether you are in the marketplace whether you are in business or in ministry you need this book and lastly I have the book before you say I do this is the revised edition falling in love without falling into trouble a book that is dedicated to other singles if you are here and you're single you need to read this book hallelujah you need before you sign the dotted lines this book so that you don't marry a prey appoint you Marie a prayer partner when you marry the wrong man or the wrong woman you marry a prey upon tell your neighbor don't marry a prayer point marry a prayer partner hallelujah so you need to buy this book if you are if you want your marriage to be an enjoyment and not an NT warrants hallelujah our fulfillment and not a frustration you need this book in this book I've written how to identify true love how to fall in love without falling into trouble six types of men you should not marry six types of women you should not marry and I'll give you two examples briefly the first one let me start with the men mmm the solemn one man tell your neighbor their solemn on man why the solemn on man the solemn on man is polygamous in nature he's a womanizer he's a heartbreaker the solemn on man does not understand boundaries he will flirt with you you are sister you are cousin your neighbor your grandmother tell your neighbor that devil is a liar there's Solomon man hallelujah if you are here and you're a single sister I pray that God will help you to escape from every Solomon man shout I receive then we have the unbeliever Monday unbeliever much Paul has admonished us not to be equally yoked with unbelievers so the unbeliever mind somebody said the unbeliever man if a man is not born again and you're already a born-again Christian woman please that man scratch him off the list too and not work to get that unless they are agreed even if he looks like Denzel Washington even if he looks like Brad Pitt if he's not born again he's not right for you then at the day I was in Seattle Washington and a lady just about two weeks ago and a lady said to me woman of God I want you to pray for me that God will give me a hobby but that man must be tth I was like what is T th she was like tall dark and handsome even if his mr. t th if he's not technically he's not right for you scratch him off that list hallelujah somebody said the unbeliever man so there are six types of men I can't mention all you need to read the book but uh I'll also go to the other side of the coin six types of women who should not marry the first is the Jezebel woman the Jezebel woman is a manipulator she is a quarrelsome woman she manipulates everyone around her Jezebel is a soul of discord if you marry a Jezebel asking a harp you will be a puppet on the throne somebody said that double is a liar she picks off your authority oh my god the Jezebel woman then we have the gold Digga tell you but the gold Digga oh my god this one is interested in you not because of anything else but apart from except from what she can benefit from you she is a gold Digga she's in the relationship only for material and financial benefit but I'm praying up opposed to a popular in my generation that code will raise women that when it is our time to marry the only thing we should bring to that temper should not be a pot certificate hey do I have men in the house I am praying that God will raise a generation of women when it's our time to marry the only thing we shall bring is not a bad certificate but we shall bring we shall present some logbooks some degrees titled Itza a generation of women that does not just throw April's but throws business plans if you are a woman tell that person next to you I don't just throw eyebrows I clock business plans oh my god they call tika somebody shout Amen let me give you one more that Saphira woman this woman was the wife to Ananias Sapphira is simply your partner in crime tell your neighbor your partner in crime up if you are a man please you don't need to marry a woman that will help you destroy yourself a woman that encourages carnality tell your neighbor don't marry a partner in crime Alleluia so these books are have each been going for five hundred each meaning the four books would be two thousand but in our miracle Monday just this week we are giving a special offer for just this month of August for all the four books because we are reproducing all our books again for a thousand shillings for the four books to be confirmed is to be transformed hallelujah information is the matter of transformation Hosea 4:6 says my people perish for lack of knowledge hallelujah my people perish for lack of knowledge to be informed is to be transformed and to those that are watching me online you can get these books on Amazon iBooks and I Google make sure if you're watching me in the Diaspora these books are available on iBooks Amazon and iGoogle get these books and God will bless you plan to your neighbor tell them to be informed in stupid [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 178,788
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Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, kenyan sermon
Id: AacTOxQuIac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 39sec (3459 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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