The Most Entitled 13 Year Old Ever (Police Bodycam)

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on March 7th 2023 an officer was called by School staff in reference to a drunk minor who had been misbehaving and was very uncooperative she had also hidden a bottle of alcohol in her pocket and wasn't taking it out here's what happened when the police arrived there it's right there it's not in here we just no it's right there it's not right here unless you guys want to see my [ __ ] unle where H me can you give dropped down it's right there it's either in her house or she Dr it's in under it's right there I can see the Bulge in your it's right there where I can see the Bulge what bulge see how's this well you guys want to look at my other or what no I do not ma'am I bet you guys do because you guys keep assuming not assuming that's it's right there there I see the lips see yep no you're not pull it out whatever it is pull it out no there's nothing in there yeah well why should I do touch my PE or what it's right there that's my bone no it's not all right the nurse is going to check him out real quick I do have to read you your rights okay cuz I am going to charge you with uh Miner allowing herself to be served with alcohol okay when uh I don't know me the nurse did that test okay so the test came back like I had it yes so you do have a right to remain silent anything you say Canon will be held against you in accord to law um do you understand what I just told you yeah do you want to tell me or not I am going to charge regardless whether you give the bottle I some with well the Nur will probably get her belonging but I can't okay and I'm not but based on what the nurse said you know that test she gave you I'm going to use that to charge you okay oh why cuz you're under the influence okay okay so um the nurse is going to come and they can check you at school the school can do that I can't and I'm not going to do that but I'm going to based on what they tell me I'm going to end up charging okay from L why would you guys want to charge me like what did I do with alcoh I have alcohol got alcohol schol and you drink it I didn't drink alcohol it's in your pound somebody security guard you're already going to be charged so can I have it or not and told us where it's at we know that it's in your pants no it's not I just saw it we saw it Miss johnan I saw it I saw the B it's there we saw it I don't understand so can I have it or not not it doesn't matter I'm still going to charge okay go go ahead you can't have it in the office you can't have your phone your phone down she us her phone you calling you're calling Mom yeah cuz you're yeah you can't hold my phone I mean you're going to get charged I'm going to get charged yes Mom um the they have me in the office or some [ __ ] they're trying to say I liquor some [ __ ] yeah I don't know pick me up or some [ __ ] m why you staring at me we might just s a long because shut up can you no okay no St knock it off with the language behind okay if I if you know what I can put you in cuffs and beat you and put you under arrest okay then knock it off with the language okay even after the officer warned her the female continued to verbally abuse him and the staff constantly give your phone or put it my phone just like I said that's my phone D give me S your phone or put it back no you guys can have my phone just like I say that's my fa over there trying to take it and [ __ ] and then when he walks in you guys stop like what we wait for no I I didn't stop cuz he didn't it's cuz you pulled it away I'm not going to fight you for it well TR I can sure tell you were trying to no I wasen I just have my was no cares I don't okay well hush it up yeah knock it off okay yeah you too oh hell no stop move my head I didn't Punk it yes did stop punk I want DET have Punk hold on let me c it first you're under a r okay move wait let me cuff the other one no you can't C other one I have to [ __ ] that [ __ ] cuz you're DET now okay move now no not yet oh hold on let me have the other one no move punk oh [ __ ] hurts Punk move stop stop fighting you better stop fighting you the fu e have your other arm thank you this ain't no type of situation move I she Hur the move move done no you're not going to get my other arm already got it your hot okay move now move now let's get up oh mother you T too tight oh my [ __ ] I'm going to my unit okay let go me Let Go me all right now we have right let go me stand up no my arm stand up oh so stand up okay yeah [ __ ] I'm going to get your phone hot I'm not a hotg you are gra can you grab the the liquor no bit I'm going kick you guys my pants thirsty mother look how my oh no oh ugly can you losen this one can you loen this one stop my blood pressure oh my God hold on I'm going to loose [Laughter] Pur now you're under my care okay loen I did look hurt M it's loose no be doing that [ __ ] that's me look you should be retire [ __ ] you T this to a lot much D I'm recording everything you okay you doing that [ __ ] or what oh you to record that part huh I'm recording everything you guys didn't record to again did you well you th me on the G [ __ ] or what [ __ ] you guys record the beginning too yeah that's real good oh my feet are all purple can I get Maran to retreat cuz I got to take her to yeah you did all this [ __ ] or what let go other man let go let go just let go just like I don't want you touching me okay you my you're shut up I don't care you okay shut up just don't make me warm mad you but you're doing this shut up oh my God you guys see arm is the female persistently showed resistance and verbally abused everybody in the room look she hurt real ugly I told you st no move M move I'm go mom yeah I am you're DET yes I am you're detained look how that [ __ ] is have a seat right here then finally what real ugly arms red what did m mom say I finally speaking on phone man off can you Havey go back to class please he's in my office hair in my mouth aat shut up yeah stop for what you're already here no one cares no [ __ ] I'm right here you here move why you touching on me move t on the ground [ __ ] no no no can move that hair my mouth you do you ped up right here in her PS she's pushing it right in between her legs she she needs to move her hand oh you got it girl stop fting now you guys better stop stealing on me here here my go we already know you have we already know you have it know no whaty stop fighting with her [ __ ] huh please she's you want to sit down on this chair no I'm not to sit down you guys think you are you think you can bust everyone around home hey myle punk oh my God okay morning move move you kick me no you I didn't do [ __ ] move I know is whatever we're looking for I don't know B me tole Mo move yeah please stop oh okay get the me you guys for oh soon the female's mother arrived and engaged in a heated argument with the staff and the officer I've been here already like hysterical looking for my daughter nobody nothing she's detained detain WIS her she's went and attacked the principal when I went to the she went to attack the princial why you guys right there for she's been drinking alcohol where did she get that from I don't know ask her but she's DET all you guys have back there nobody tell I'm going to sue are you guys you can sue but she's detained okay you can pick her up in a little while where she's detained I detained her where where's my daughter why did you her put your dirty ass on my daughter cuz I you grab her like that she's going to be charged charged with what she's going to be charged with battery why you guys threw to the room and she was right you're in the area calling me she's got to be charged battery on the school personnel and and minor possession of alcohol but where's my daughter at she's detained you could give her a ticket okay that's what I'm going to find out okay but where's my daughter I my daughter you guys all took her back you guys are all jumping her telling her thing that's illegal you know it record it you can I'm recording right now too that's really illegal what you guys to my daughter all you guys took back you all basically physically attacked her where's my daughter need now I need now I see my my daughter's a minor you can wait outside yeah my daughter's a minor I need my daughter your he's coming my supervisor's coming you can talk hey I'm this [ __ ] oh sh TI again [ __ ] okay don't touch me I don't need you touching me all right I'm really have you turn around look right here right here hold arm hold my arms I don't I don't need sh hit him knowing you no I'm not going to hit him stupid you you think I'm [ __ ] or what right there finally you guys are [ __ ] was that's [ __ ] it's like the easiest [ __ ] oh I should you did yourself you think I give a [ __ ] no I didn't here check my phone I need to see my phone there there all right I'm waiting on JP to come okay my laptop can you gra my laptop and then you come up with the portals like you're [ __ ] another officer arrived at the scene and tried to understand the situation from the reporting officer they had her in the office they that one yeah the little one they called me to the office uh it's my they had already taken the phone she went and she tried to snatch it out on Miss me's hand Miss and then she starts going off and then she starts squaring off again on Miss that's when I went to go detain we went to go detainer the struggle started okay so I took her to the ground and started what do you mean when you took her to the ground yeah I I this way okay I didn't sweep her nothing like that I just took a ground uh and then she started with the arms took me a while to grab the arms I grab the arm I detained her uh by that time uh I told her now you're DET under arrest I grabbed her phone from here she had the bottle of alcohol right here uh the staff grabbed that and then her mom came so I let the staff kind of handle her went away mom was here the whole time or was mom came like quick I know we were struggling you struggling it how'd she get back here uh mom never came back here okay mom hasn't been back here mom's outside she outside mom's outside yeah so she's being charged okay yeah so she's being charged for veteran School personnel and okay yeah so we got that yeah cool all right she's she went like this and got the she yanked it out of her hands and then uh the principal Ste back and says I'm not going to fight you she hit her hand go that's right goes uh it's my phone you don't think and then she started squaring up on her and that's when I went I why she was for the she she was going to stri her again or lung at her or caus immediate battery to the principal again so you had to her so then I try to talk to Mom and Mom's just he's not listening she's Loos to take where's the bottle oh they let you lose oh you open it too much I open it too much hey don't T that one don't T that one that one's good let me let me get that one then okay Mo come on try get you guys put in the back take this hey my jacket break it you got break my jacket no ST okay whatever just stop there you there St right there okay okay here you good now stop resisting be fine you're not going to win stop fighting hold on D almost there tight this time all right let me give you I'm going to give you a finger there okay finger oh too tight I got my finger got move all right you're good thank you yeah relax hurt I rarded you the off you guys mean try over there okay I'm waiting for the defens center to come me to see if they're going to hold okay just relax since the female was a minor the officer gave her the option to be released on citation if she behaved no she told me she was going to kick me putting more hats on me this is what they did last time desk what that mean [Music] what you my phone where get to your mom if they tell me to release you I would do the class recitation and I'll releas you to your mom citation that's [ __ ] so just chill out we're almost done guys are [ __ ] I'm waiting on a phone call on phone call man okay well just wait a little bit over sh why do you act like a prisoner hello yes sir take a picture of your arms real quick they did it worse and not earlier what do you mean they did it they tighten it real tighten they want to tighten it can we see the other one real quick thank you good put that one down okay where else did you arms back of your arms SC should and he thre me on the knee I'm going move your hair okay okay this camera is really slow no threw me on the ground but why why do you do that one huh threw you on the ground cuz yeah I don't know he's like stand up and he's like you know what you're restuck okay being cooperative hey can that which one that one down try to say another story excuse me she was ding threat she wish she your arms or she didn't touch me I sh your hands when she gra it her phone touch your skin at least yeah she hit my finger she hit your finger see that I just want to take not even what you heard me I'm not lying yes you were trying you're trying to take my phone you trying to take my phone no you're come on my phone and I started I started I move my phone like this and I started you P it away from me yeah so that's what you see your finger cuz you want to have such a on it okay no you said that I but you wanted to gra on the phone and for resisting uh Poss minor possession yeah resisting [ __ ] yeah that's fine yeah no [ __ ] that's what I just said I said I will tell you guys I told you guys something each now you said it right you said cuz you did I would and I did and I don't do so you got to go to school me you how to talk school man I'd rather be at home [Music] okay online [ __ ] the other officer explain to the female's mother what had happened Mom oh yes yes how is it we can try to help you oh I want to know what happened well your daughter was here on school grounds she's in possession of Al alcohol okay yep she had a little bottle of vodka 99% proof whatever it is she was drinking she seems intoxicated she started getting combative with the staff because they were trying to take the bottle away and they were trying so she had it tucked in her pants and they wanted to retrieve it the bottle that she had she was drinking out of it so she can't be in possession obviously of Al she was here when she called me in this area she goes mom come pick me up yeah and it went up and they drove her over there and they jumped they didn't drag her over there she got escorted over there and then she she had her phone the principal says give me the phone I don't need to be texting your friends done anything here to school again little less okay recitation you're being charged Min are allowing herself to be served uh resisting obstructing that's stupid obstructing what's up battery and a school Personnel wait battery from all that [ __ ] with you guys yes now well that and this other little [ __ ] who P something me some [ __ ] all right just know that just know that you're being recorded want hey could I have some water for I don't know how much sure I'll get you a than a bottle of water can we get a bottle water so while the principal had the phone she led at the principal to snatch the phone and hit the principal's hand and principal goes I'm not going to fight with you I'm not going to fight over phone but gave her the phone back at that point she got up she' being really disordered she's really argumentative cussing at everybody and she squared off to the principals she stood up and was coming at the principal again so she didn't get hit or anything because of what she was doing the officer grabbed her by her side okay you're more than welcome now like cuz I got to go already um like I said like I know I mean my daughter has never giving problems and I he was here as a parent it was your kid and they said Dad come pick me up I'm looking for you here and said why I want my daugh to and I got here and nobody would tell me it might be the alcohol I don't know I don't know is that okay for me though what is that okay for the parent to be hysterical and nobody say nothing about their daughter your daughter haven't calmed down till now [ __ ] I can still drink it you think I'll drink it are you going to open it open she got it it's on you on you buddy buddy you're not my buddy you I'm not calling you a buddy you Ain my buddy either that's another Char another charge if you throw up on another charge throw on you your daughter again went for the alcohol bottle again on the table she doesn't drink I don't know what but she had it on her she doesn't I know you can tell me I don't know if she got it from another student the fact that she had it you know what I mean so even right now she slipped out of the cuffs and charged again oh no was going to happen I don't want her to be obious like picking because I did we the officer originally put the cups on to hold her she was she she not because she was already Ling at the principal so she became a threat to the people and that small are I'm but so the office in which the principal is is smaller than this I know that but can my daughter come on with me right now excuse me can my daugh come on with me right now right now we're filling out the paperwork she has being charged with three different things I'm going to I'm going to fight that and I want full everything that took place today that's fine so can am I not to take my daughter already she as soon as they finish the paperwork can you can you just cuz my daughter get you say um real hard to like contain you we are on probation me yeah no no okay why you going to put me on probation no I'm asking no don't put me on that [ __ ] all right you open that [ __ ] a special p a special a special P not the one on your bag I open this [ __ ] I can take this [ __ ] off start bring [ __ ] help I want ice you you your eyes I ain't going to work do you think I want ice they [ __ ] if she's being hot with you she being even worse with us yeah but I know but I'm here pick her up I'm to him we do the finish the paper workk okay once we've done with our people we're going to turn over to you but why you you have to be in there everybody's in there staggering because we contacted you an OP probation officer so if they were willing to detain her and take her to the jail detain her why because batter School Personnel is a felony it's a felony yes soon as you make contact with a rude incident or angry manner to another individual the school staff even if I just slapped your hand it's a felony yes okay so that's a felony for a child even for a child then you then she resisted okay cuz she was well she was kicking and pulling well she she slipped out of the Cuffs right now right now as we speak where my daughter she's sitting on the chair now okay and you have her handcuff yes but handcuff for why I mean because she's already expressed expressing to do something more I'm willing to remove my daughter um so how more Pap going to take place I give us another at least 20 20 minutes 20 why you're going to have my daughter hand for 20 minutes yeah cuz you little too tight and you loosen it too much now so like he's been a police officer for like how long and he still doesn't know how the [ __ ] to put on a handcuff or what 74 that's got are real [ __ ] the mother became defensive and attempted to justify her daughter's actions they're not even tight yes you understand listen to me your your your definition of the safety is not as same as ours so we un handcuff her and she lunges and hits a principal or staff so keep her handcuffed out out of the building once we release her to you she's on handcuffs and you take her okay okay but as long as she's in our custody she's can I go back to them while you do not yet there's not enough room there's so many people why is everybody in there though because she's acting not the way she is I know you just have to be in the officer come onc everybody does not have to be there she got citation we have two security guards in there two female security guards okay we had the principal and assistant principal and the officer okay that's how many people are in there in that small room or people on yes they're not on her they're not touching why so by I need to get out think do you think you give a you don't so you know that so I know what you know that I don't care no [ __ ] I don't give a either you give a don't they're all [ __ ] but they're all verbally like to wrong not she's the one that's more verbal than anybody else she's cussing and making just calling people names and everything she yeah so she she's saying she's calling people hoto she's calling this m no no I understand that's that's the minimal that's not the language I know she's just calling she can get very biger it's hard to comment she's derogatory name she's using it all okay so her demeanor itself I don't live with her so I don't know if that's her normal demeanor no but she's acting out and that she's a student that's why I said I have never had a problem with at this point in time I don't know why she's acting out that way but she is okay and due to the safety restrictions we're going to detain her she's detained now and she's been charged soon as we're done with paperwork and everything she has Poss is going to get suspended obviously from the school I'm going to from the school but she's going to get turned over back I'm sorry she is going to get turned over when we're done back to you how long I going to be because apparently whenever I called 911 you were on your way here I was here we already here yes my first my first concern excuse me are you Mr Lloyd no who I don't know who I thought Mr Lloyd was his supervisor see it's all mixed we don't have a Lloyd there's a different thing you're saying jump like they're just standing there because they're all physically abusing her and they're all like nobody's physically doing anything to her cuz my daughter does not rect that I nobody's touching her if my daughter was like nobody is touching nobody's touching I'm going to give your mom a copy anyway she wasn't going to fight her you're dumb that's not what happened squaring off you what happened H it's remember listen it's not your perception if she felt that way that's what she felt no that's not what she felt that's not what happened she might be thinking that in her then that's her but that's her I know I could tell that's her okay but if she's but like my my part is going to be different or what your part what do you mean like what how much parts are going to be cuz like I can see a lot of documents there's three charges there's three charges what kind of charges okay you're looking battering a school Personnel you're looking resisting and the alcohol that's a lot home that's bad home when you're old good huh well the one with the teacher the school Personnel that's a felony oh that's stupid but nothing happen with the teacher it doesn't have to happen you don't have to injure somebody it just has to be do as long as you touch that person I didn't even touch that person she touched my phone I my phone no I had my phone in my hand and she reached for my phone and and she kept trying to reach for my phone I no it in my position you had it right there on the desk but then at one point did she have it with her no she it was laying on the desk like that and I was like let me see my phone and I grab my phone I my hand and she goes to reach and then she kind of getting my finger off and then afterward the stuff is stuff you can explain okay all the stuff is what you can explain later yeah I mean but right now that's what it is update for Mom I just is my mom still out there yeah she's waiting outside I'm just she's waiting wait but why am I waiting here if you guys are still do I need to print that form out so your mom can sign it cuz you're going to go with your mom the female continued to complain about the handcuffs so when the are you guys going to take these off are you guys [ __ ] so you guys have to keep on the whole time youed look how loose they are you act like they're tight no bro they're tight at first and they're still on here and it's still affecting are you [ __ ] or what guess all you guys are huh they're not intended for you to be keep moving around oh [ __ ] they're not intended to be on me where are they intended to be on on why you're asking questions that you don't want to you okay what she talk about stupid cool start cussing out like and what about it hey where the [ __ ] my phone for real hey get my phone your mom's not in the building no IU about hey when are you going to get my phone I'm going to give it to your mom when we release your tour oh why you just give it to her right now or when she you see her or whatever the yeah yeah you should have raed that like what the are you holding on to my phone that [ __ ] [ __ ] now there're still gossiping there's other stuff going on besides you oh really you think I give a I'm not talking about you okay shut up who you no don't give a Fu about you shut hallway I don't my ears okay do you guys have ears I go you're right it's not that important if you don't care then don't ask the question shut up okay my eyebrows you guys take a long ass I swear what the you guys trying to do take all D no not trying to take any more time than we need to just I bet you guys taking your time for sure that's all you press yes it's [ __ ] finally hey what the to my computer your mom has it are you sure yes finally [ __ ] don't shut up see you again go this is what she had later the female's mother called the police department to file a complaint about the officer's Behavior this officer he threw my daughter on the ground and my daughter's a miner okay I think that's battery to me okay okay so obviously um there has to be reason that any kind of Officer uses force and what about a camera should yeah yep is he supposed to have the camera on at all times miners yes correct yes most definitely most definitely also and I'm regarding an incident that happened on March the 7th on Tuesday at Sierra Middle School okay the things that he did was appropriate you know getting my daughter on the headlock thr on the ground and having all these other Securities like get on top of my daughter one of them was even sitting on top of my daughter okay and I want to know um cuz I'm sure it' be any else's kid and somebody says hey this person threw me down somebody hits me I because they threw me on the ground and I thought was only 13 the officer threw me on the ground I bang my head and Sh my knees and then he he continued to put his knee on my hair and then he started getting me a handcuffs or trying to okay and then he had me like down face first and then afterwards all the three security guards started attacking me okay I want to um a charge on that officer for battering my daughter cuz he has no right regardless of what they're trained nobody has a right to throw anybody on the ground and have a bang their head and keep their head their leg press on their on their head for what okay what's the reason dirty handup why you got to do all that I can I can definitely put myself in your shoes there I'm a mom as well and I would definitely want to make sure that anything that occurred was proper does that make sense and yes another thing that was very startling to me was that the school people they never called me I had a call from my daughter and then they had her in another extra room like when I got there and they were refusing like for me to see my daughter and they were refusing my you know my daughter kept asking for me and they were refusing the female was charged with battery on a school Personnel resisting in minor in possession of alcohol YouTube thinks you'll love the video on screen click to watch watch now
Channel: Police Insider
Views: 6,274,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: News, law&crime network, code blue cam, real world police, police secrets, body cam, police, police interaction, police officer, crime documentaries, crime documentary, dui, police activity, police videos, educational police videos, POLICE INSIDER, police insider, police insider uncut, POLICE INSIDER UNCUT
Id: _q5i75mAkRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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