GothamChess Answers Tough Questions in Game of Lie Detector Chess

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have you made more than $10 million in your career are you jealous of my hair there was some deception there do you like Andrea bz do you think my book is good Jesus oh my God how's that for honesty do you pee in the shower uh have you ever felt jealous that I'm more famous than you do you currently feel like you're being held against your will yes don't do this don't don't try this at [Music] home [Music] we are here in a mysterious setting go ahead Sir with a mysterious man tell me sir what is your name David Robins is my name how does one become a lie detector man I was with the police when I was sent for training at the Canadian police college and it's on one of the first polygraph courses that they had there wow when I retired as started doing it privately wow I would assume you've done more important things than a lie detector test while people play chess then tests on murders sexual assaults robberies so slightly more important than chess just barely no no this really important okay well Levy um I'm going under the under the detector first yeah and I'm nervous I'm nervous too I can I feel like I'm already going to set it off I've always wanted to do one of these one cuz I wanted to see if I could trick it for myself just know and two I don't know cuz I'm a little bit of a mass kiss who enjoys oh it's already moving it's moving when I do things man so what kind of questions are you going to ask me that's the question some personal some about me some about Magnus some about Hikaru some about Hans NE no I will address the uh that that currently there is a documentary being made I am not allowed to say with who when it's coming out but we will not be getting into questions about Hans Neeman because of that so for all of you fans who are now freaking out about that that is the only reason we're not getting into those questions you've already seen us address things pretty clearly so a lie it's a lie it's a lie if I take a deep breath does that make it look like I'm lying no cuz I I'm definitely a deep breather when I have anxiety I think me too oh let's turn into a therapy session I did by the way we're also going to play chess with 10 minutes on the clock um uh maybe we should oh you can't move the hand so we'll shake hands be a little shake hands handshake I'm going to start your clock cuz I'm black I feel like we've had a lot of games D I'll play D4 okay and um my question is is your full name Daniel wrench my full name is Daniel Michael Wrench It was changed when I was a kid it was Daniel Joseph Cordon Samson lot of divorces I'm giving you way too much information is he lying well that was a lie when he said too much information that's true because there's a lot more to it than that not even the beginning of the information wow love that are you about to take a lie detector test I am I'm going to run out of time I'm like having I was I was willing for that was that when I said I am that was true it was true but CHS you're a little bit nervous about it yeah I am nervous oh wow okay let's just get um right into it Kenny um do you think my book is good I haven't read your book damn you should have just said yes is that true well we definitely know that's true all right okay okay he the book just came out you got to give me some time you're also too strong for the book Thank you um speaking of strength do you think you're better at chess than me I do think I'm better at chess than you damn little bit of activity there this is so good it's funny cuz I feel like I need to be honest like I feel like I had to say yes to that I actually don't know that I'm better than yeah well you know we're chess players we got we're chess players I think that was probably more honest answer like I actually don't know do you pee in the shower I pee in the shower often I I think people are demented if they don't I mean you at least once in your life you save water I don't know about all that but you just just there it's all water it's warm on your skin you get do do people get out and pee in the toilet and get back in the shower that just seems like is anybody out there doing that does anybody shower do I PE in theer I don't obviously okay I'm just checking I don't know what's going on I'm fascinated by the whole thing are you jealous of my hair I'm jealous of everyone's hair cuz my hair is receding anding but look at this you really jealous I mean that's wow okay have you ever liked your own social media posts with official account yes wow that was that was fast that was I think it's part of business I would say this I also do it way less often than I'm accused of ah like people think I run the social media like I don't I don't run social media no problem it's all true right yes sir take that haters have you ever rooted against Magnus in a world championship match I don't think so I think I've always rooted for even against f I'm I'm that's interesting if I'm telling the truth on that I think I I think I'm always rooting for Magnus actually and I can tell you why cuz I think I think Magnus is good for the game even when Magnus was playing Fabiano who was an American I think I was probably in my deepest of Hearts rooting for the biggest star okay and I think I was probably I love fabbi I love Fabby Fab's a friend but I think objectively I felt like Magnus was still the most important figure in the game and this is even when he was at a separate apparently competing rival company right so I've always rooted for Magnus yes pretty much um when you first were asked have you always rooted for him you there was some deception there but you explained that later would you let your children pursue a career as professional chess players if they were interested yes I would looks good all right sure do you think you're the best chess commentator on step wow I I would say [Music] yes there no deception there confidence is I think it's funny cuz I I legitimately think that everybody is so good I think Robert Hess is phenomenal I think you're amazing I think Don is amazing I don't get to do commentary as much as I it's almost like ranking your kids right but I I do think I I do think I'm pretty good at it if you're the best do you think I'm the second best chess commentator in the game I actually don't I don't think you're the second best I also don't think I'm the second best maybe Recaps but live you are live I I don't think you are the most entertaining Creator in the game by far I actually agree I'm not offended by that I always say I'm I say the same thing I I was about to move the Rook with my right hand and I really I can't do that so uh have you ever felt jealous that I'm more famous than you I have Jesus oh my God that was uh I feel super proud of you honestly I feel like I've had a a hand in helping you as much as and I think you've I think you've with your success you've always been super gracious and humble and thankful but I'll be honest like there was a there was a Crossroads in my career where I consciously chose to take a back seat to help what you want to call it platform position Spotlight others and as some of them have become very successful there's a part of me that has been jealous and it's it's stung a little bit because I I also love you know me I love content I love creating and I think I'm pretty good at it and I think I have a vision for it but I also feel now I'm going to get emotional I feel super proud and but I have been jealous at times how's that for honesty that's good well I will say I have uh wow this is like a real therapy session I was to say I I I I have uh nothing but respect and uh admiration and I I definitely feel like in the chess content game I stand on shoulders of giants like you and Robert doing speed chess whatever the hell it was called speed chess challenge in 2017 back in the day yeah that was uh that was wild I don't feel that way about about everybody but we've had conversations about all of this would you feel comfortable leaving me in your house alone yeah I would I wouldn't steal anything probably I don't know I've never been tempted but who knows it was a that question made me a little nervous cuz I I definitely get nervous with my my my wife and I are not big on people watching our kids who we don't know like so it actually makes it so we travel less and enjoy our life less cuz we're just don't hire babysitters so work from family well this would be I would be by myself you guys would be on I'll house it okay oh I would I would I would totally be good with that hell man you could go full McColly culan at my house how did I just give up A7 and not even think that that was a bad idea I think the thing affects our chest I as soon as you start hitting me with the really really o the really really o my my chest went sorry I'm not trying to spike it moving over my right hand here I'm supposed to keep my right hand still have you ever shoplifted as a child I have I stole I stole from a store actually for many months a particular store eventually got caught which was great it was actually a really good thing I think you need to do all the stupid stuff in I think everybody has to do stupid stuff in life otherwise I mean maybe some people are angels but you uh you got to do a lot of dumb stuff and then you got to grow out of it that's what I believe you got to get it all out early later it goes the harsher the consequences so have you ever thought in the last few years that this was it and chess popularity has peaked honestly like I might be the the the blind whatever just like hopeless dreamer but the answer is no no like I've always thought that we have more to go I've had fears of being wrong and and as the stakes have gotten higher with our company and and we've grown and we've oh my God I get anxiety thinking we have more almost 800 people now like you know there's a lot I definitely feel heavier and I feel the weight of what we've done to deliver on those promises probably more than I ever have and I don't know that that's great for my health and stress at times that's the truth but I have never doubted what chess was going to become and uh I've been lucky to be right about some things that other people thought I was wrong about and I hope it continues so we'll see is cheating on worse or better than than the public thinks I think it's better than the public thinks no deception do you secretly wish you were a grandm are you on satisfied being an I am I am I wish I was a grandm I do who doesn't you work super hard for something you know and everyone has their story of how they didn't get the lucky break or this or that you know and obviously I'm very grateful for my life but yeah of course I wish I was a GM who doesn't you and I should start like an honesty podcast chess podcast let's do podast I feel like I's Danny and Levy that would actually be probably that would probably be pretty popular actually now that we're here have you ever pretended to understand a conversation about Chess just to fit in yes for sure with with which players I've done it at times where like I also like didn't quite hear what was being discussed and so then I tried to like jump in I've uh I've done it when yeah I wanted to just pretend like I understood the idea I just like when you're around super GMS I think for the most part like fully C and follow everything but I think at times you know you're like oh or like you feel like it' be socially awkward to make them slow down for you so so you don't yeah make them slow down for you have you ever worn sunglasses inside to look cool yes what a dork he is he's a dork that's who I am that's who I am um is that true oh he's tell them the truth the the most confident answer so far about both doing it and being a dork is Magnus Carlson the coolest world champion we've ever had it's not even close he's the coolest world champion we've ever had I love dingly Ren by the way I'm so stable this is just pure honesty I mean I'm I I didn't come here to lie oh I I kind of now we're having a problem oh okay I said I don't want to come here to lie there we go it's the accent it's the whole I love that I love that okay this isn't good for me right I don't think so it's a bit of a Shaban move there Shaban with things on my fingers you're going to see man this is hard oh I I'm I'm yeah I I imagine wait I can I catch you I'm in the Box I'm in the Box I'm not in the Box because I forgot okay I resigned I resigned we can fiz with that there we go that was fun with switch colors and put Levy under under the microscope don't do this don't don't try this at home I'm excited we're going to grill him we're going to grill him love are you about to take a light detector test yes are both of those things true good luck Danny yes game on I guess he would have to say yes otherwise that would be game on do you think you're a better chess player than me oh we're start we're starting oh wow you're just throwing it right back to me yes unequivocally I think I'm a better chess player than a lot of people who I'm not higher rated than see a lot of increase in blood pressure okay I'm staring over there to see the answer okay does that mean this is good does that mean I mean there's a little deception indicated oh wow I don't even know I'm lying I think I think you're trying to pump up yourself maybe oh I'm not trying to do anything I'm probably just thing just probably scaring me would you rather be competing in events than covering them no you love covering them yeah yeah it's truthful have you ever considered quitting your your chess Creator career to pursue another career maybe but not anytime soon but you have thought about it yeah of course have you ever pretended to know a celebrity even though you've never actually met them I don't no I don't think so why why would I ever do that I don't know just asking don't see anything there okay okay that's good enough maybe there you go I love it are you afraid to chess box yes yes depends on the yes do you like Andrea bz yes kind a little bit as I mean you know just he's not terrible what is he lying on that well not when he says he's not [Laughter] terrible so good she's not terrible you know could be worse people do you ever get your feelings hurt by YouTube comments never TR hold on that do you get ever get your feelings hurt by any social media comments toward you no not really have you made more than $1 million in your career I don't think so no that's truful response all right okay this thing can't get me I'm just so Zen just love chess so much I'm just were you nervous meeting Magnus no absolutely not I think he was I think he was I think he was too I knew he was okay but I you know I feel like that that when I like publicly stated I was nervous you know I today was better though the second day I I I relaxed a bit Danny when I had to ask Magnus a question and I I had them in my ear like Levy's got the next question and he was answering this question my heart has never pounded that I don't know why I was like damn that's like magnet all the top players you know I will admit like we've I've gotten to a place I I'm not on there but we'll assume I'm being truthful like where that doesn't happen to me anymore but I think I've done more Magnus interviews at this point than like anybody but I'll say it took a long time he's an intimidating interview and he's the goat do you think your YouTube content is too click baity yes no deception there oh wow okay Twitter trolls win I guess yeah the ones that hurt my feelings or didn't I don't know that question will make so do you think you'd beat me in chess boxing with the right preparation yes what do we got over there boss he's got a problem there you got a problem okay I love that okay I don't you answer the question yeah I did not think I so good so good literally would not no no no no small problem or big problem like guess big no big sh yeah I did not I do you do you like your own YouTube videos like do I physically click like on them yeah in the beginning actually you know like I go back two years and sometimes I did like one of my own videos but but not no not anymore not anymore no do you think I'm funny yeah yeah yeah why not ah deception there that's that's bull that no way I think maybe I got nervous looking at you okay okay I think you're funny do do you think I'm the best chess commentator at no no I think it's Robert Hess I don't see any deception there yeah that doesn't mean you're not the second best but I always say it's I love the honesty we have a great honest conversation ditsky but yeah do you think you're the most influential chess Creator in the world well that's an easy yes the better question is am I the most influential figure in chess ever and I don't think so I mean I think it's probably Ma or if you just look at numbers maybe Anand when he said um about himself there's quite a reaction there oh maybe I do deep down meaning I meaning it says I'm lying and I actually do think I'm the most influential maybe maybe therapy can unlock that yeah have you ever used a a slang or a trendy phrase you didn't really understand just to make your content sound cooler no what Riz I don't I don't think so no I mean if I did then I really need to unpack lies to myself in therapy there no no deception okay thank the answer to me would have been yes I have you oh no I have well you you're a dad also I got to stay I got a few more years and then I'm then I'm cooked there you go slang right there cooked have you ever used your chess skills to flirt with anyone maybe my wife I don't know I I've not to my memory but this thing is about to tell me I did so he did didn't he he did come on oh yeah I love it yeah I I I used to hide that I was a chess player so who knows yeah I'm going to just say was have you ever wanted to ban another chess Creator from your Twitch chat maybe Hikaru no the B maybe the bz I don't know actually uh I don't think I have but again I'm at the mercy of this device so there is some deception indicated this a little bit though right yeah I guess maybe I maybe I have had that are you satisfied not being a GM it is a coping mechanism for me to tell myself that I will be a Grandmaster one day but I'm definitely not satisfied not being a GM it hurts it's truthful are you in any group chats with Hikaru Nakamura not that I know of what no do do you currently feel like you're being held against your will here yeah yes would never volunteer for this is that truthful yes did you ever shoplift as a kid yeah yeah oh yeah Yu-Gi-Oh cards Yu-Gi-Oh cards yeah from Blockbuster and one time I stole display bottle of cologne that was like 75% finished CU my parents wouldn't buy me any of the cool Brands like aeropostal or abomi do you like online chess more than over theboard that's a good question actually I don't know what it's going to pop up I think I like online competition more cuz I don't like to travel I think I get very stressed over the board but social stuff like social settings I I mean there's no nothing really beats this hanging out with friends drinking I almost played Queen F4 that would have been really bad have you spent too much money on clothes uh my wife would say yes I would disagree but I don't spend much money I like to invest things but I think my biggest expense is probably close like this sweater maybe of all the things my family did not do right raising me they taught me how to budget money is that too deep for this video are you going to write a second book yes no plans to yet but I'd like to do you ever get jealous of me I don't get jealous of anybody actually little problem there little problem really huh probably get jealous a little bit a little bit of someone about something you know what I'm going to I'm going to can you play Rook takes spawn I'm going to amend that and say I've definitely gotten jealous but I don't think I'm jealous of people I think I'm jealous of like if I find someone in a cool collab or situation I go what the hell how'd that happen yeah so I definitely felt the EM you get fomo about opportunities like you get you get jealous about opportunities and cool things that you want to be a part of yeah and that's why it's not happening for me cuz I guess I think I deserve it right so not jealous of people but you want to be appreciated for opportunities you don't want to be left out I think the people that I work with I don't have a dedicated team so my whole career as a content creator I feel like I have not been prioritized as a client and it has prevented me from getting very cool things so I'm trying to control it more are you happy the cheating scandal happened yes is that true yeah yeah views I was very careful in the beginning of the cheating scandal because in the back of my mind I thought what if Hans sues everybody which is why I did not you know I let it sit a little bit that tip to me and Hikaru I well Hikaru started real fast he was you know play like Rook B4 and then we can agree to a draw yeah yeah I was just about to offer you a draw oh yeah a mercy draw cuz I'm not going to flag a man who only has 10 seconds and a strap ask me one final question draw agreed are you happy that you won our match yeah but I think you lost on purpose in the first game the world will never know I feel like you could have defended much more tenaciously but I think you you you gave it to me a little bit but we do that sometimes like for Content it's subconscious it's actually funny cuz while we were playing the game I was about to say something like if you asked me whether I want to win more or see you win actually I was going to say I'd rather you win I actually think it's better for content and I was purposely a little bit it's I was thinking about that I I do that all the time I've shot on uh like for Wired before they make me play people and I can't I can't get into it all of a sudden I'm losing so even against in chess with James like out of nowhere I'm just completely lost and I'm fine with it for Content but it's I'm like damn I kind of want to win wish I had that Killer Instinct but that's funny I I don't I don't anymore but this has been great let's let's go let's go get a drink me and you how about that yeah am I still connected can I say one last thing sure I really hope this is true because I I do mean it I think of everybody in the Chess World I look up to you the most wow that's pretty straightforward that means a lot to me yeah thank you man appreciate that yeah
Views: 890,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess videos,, chess content, best chess players, chess games, lie detector, lie detector chess, gothamchess
Id: FoA-N4rSvNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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