Why The 1600s Play So Bad Against Hikaru?

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why do 60 otters not play like this against me it's the age-old question yeah everyone always watches the games like wait a second why do 1600s not play like this against me and I know the feeling very much you guys fact is the power and the speed of my moves makes them feel very uneasy and unsure of themselves and the Oscar goes to Hikaru Nakamura [Music] [Music] okay here we go and let's go uh let's play E4 here okay next game oh by the way I realized the um what is the the is the chat the right one I think it's the wrong one isn't it let's play The King's Indian because it's a safe opening to play um yeah that's the wrong chat I think it's correct okay there we go all right let's play Bishop G7 play D6 play the Kings Indian um which is what we've played before all right let's play D6 castles like I said this is very very solid in general you play cast one play E5 um there's now Knight H5 it's a king's Indian but I'm able to trade off the bishop for the night here so we go G5 or wait actually that's a mistake by me yeah there's meat in one so okay let's see I I still will win this because he's 1700 but that was a slight Mistake by me slight mistake trade the Queens Stella's move waiting for a move here okay go see throughout Planet hello hope you had a bad day no everybody is having a good day not a bad day um let's go Knight B6 and 94 here I'm five Away by the way my score is 135 so when I win four I'll be at 140. so let's go here hit both pawns on ether and C3 the ukrainians are having a bad day why because they bombed the Kremlin or something I saw some there was some headline I didn't look at it closely also isn't it Federal Reserve time too or not let's take a look isn't it Federal Reserve time it feels like it's 204. it feels like Jay Powell should be like speaking in like 10 minutes or something let's take the pawn pawn on D4 is hanging here I should just be winning um actually this takes I can take and I can hit everything all at once we take we hit both of these Rooks what is the segment we're doing the legendary opening speed right now I did some tearless back in the old days uh we have videos on YouTube on this and I'm playing the openings that I consider to be top tier for beginners so that's what we're doing it was Knight F1 I'll just eat the tower in the corner and they should just be winning yeah it's just winning let's play this with more another opening that's very playable to beginner level it goes D5 I'll take and play like Knight F3 take Knight C3 and it's all very good this is live indeed it is no I wasn't higher I mean I might have been but I had this connection issues yesterday so let's go here on Knight C3 and D5 play for the quick attack in the center this is how you play the Smith more again but let's go here in Bishop B5 and we just win the game the ideas are quick development like already my opponent can resign he's just lost after 11 moves uh let's just take he's actually just busted this is just complete GG resigns way too powerful way too op let's keep going Smith Mora you will take and you will take let's go here idea to play E5 and attack attack attack attack attack once again too powerful You Gotta Lose Your Queen on move number seven what can I say 20 seconds per game indeed um what do I have on my list I have the Carl con for beginner level things are important chess for the host with 21 viewers thank you so much to Mr bordnik himself thank you for the host I appreciate it taking a play Knight F6 uh Levi Roseman says take with the epon we're gonna take the g-pawn because we're a really strong chess player um and create this stack it's much better than ef6 which is what Levi likes let's go Bishop G4 E6 simple development Rook G8 use the open file here much easier to play than e takes let's play Knight D7 and Knight B6 hit the bishop Queen C7 Castle is very easy development and I'm very very happy with my position 16 yeah we Castle 1600 playing like 600 that's life you guys King's Gambit I believe is not on the list as a beginner you do not want to play the Kings game absolutely no no no no no now I can take the juicer here but I'm gonna play C5 for more of the themes here at Bishop takes C5 um and go go like this I'm gonna start attacking on the king side here I just take why do 60 otters not play like this against me it's the age-old question yeah everyone always watches the games like wait a second why do 1600s not play like this against me and I know the feeling very much you guys fact is the power and the speed of my moves makes them feel very uneasy and unsure of themselves um that's the bottom line so if you move as quickly as I do and you they feel that power they'll make the same blunders that they make against me but if you aren't playing the way that I play really fast and really confidently then unfortunately probably they're not gonna make these wonders yeah it's just the unfortunate reality I mean I I don't know what you guys want me to say but if you move fast and confident like this good things will happen I guarantee it uh let's take the bishop let's go check and mate and you're like what was Bishop takes B7 how do they blunder me simple fact is that confidence that I'm displaying with the fast moves it makes them feel uneasy and they don't feel very good about themselves so we're very we're off to a great start here so this will be uh number 140 win after after I go Knight F3 let's go E5 next question how do I get confident um I don't know there's uh let's go here Target the pawn I can take the Knight if he tries to guard goes here he creates a gaping hole on D6 and suddenly I think it's GG almost all the dark Square weaknesses too much power yeah see after 94 he's feeling his power and he's like oh I'm losing yeah play every game like it's bullet noted let's go here and go after him [Music] for the host with 37 viewers saying so much a GM Benjamin block now I'm gonna go h4a5 again he's feeling the power he's feeling uneasy because he knows he's getting steamrolled on the king side here and this is how you win big shout out to Benjamin by the way who finished in second place and um in Arena Kings to collect his 50 bananas 50 gifted Subs here on Kick congrats on getting your your uh your 95.5 split instead of 50 50 over on Twitch the big shot to Benjamin Bach tough in the really and nothing but there's something inside of you that says over that no so yeah big shot everybody's watching hope you guys are having a fantastic day to nearly 4 000 of you guys on this fine fine Wednesday afternoon Wednesday evening Thursday morning if you are in Asia hope we're doing well hope you're celebrating ding Lauren's victory in the World Chess Championship just go here and meet him in one um 50 bananas is a lot of fruit mm-hmm um so yeah thank you so much no couldn't either wasn't basically block with the pony it's actually meeting one unless he does a bow test game but the audio should not be low no it shouldn't be low foreign sound is totally fine of course it is of course it is what filter are you using to make the Highlight squares purple well ask my uh my editors my YouTube channel they set up this overlay for me in OBS I didn't do a thing because I'm simply not it's very bright or smart so my editor is one of them in particular irriton from Brasilia he um he did he did the whole overlay so he he put in the filters and everything else I don't know you guys I'm not very smart so he's the one who did it so I can't take credit for certain things by the way my opponent is mad he's disconnected with auto resign he's very angry about this game he's not happy that he got smoked he's not happy we have a sour salty uh sour salty boat in 2000 here that's not how you get it done like in nepo's case we can accept saltiness because of how emotional the game was and everything else but when you're playing against your 1600 you gotta have a brain you gotta be smart and understand unfortunately there are a lot of players who are just better than you at the end of the day that's just reality it really is let's play G6 and Bishop G7 no I mean nepo I don't blame because Jan is definitely very uh very emotional still like the emotions I mean considering how close he was to winning and everything else I mean let me put it this way too like from Nepal's perspective From nepo's perspective if he had won this match I Gear Well I can't guarantee because it's my opinion I don't know this for a fact but I'm betting you you would have had like a Russian oligarch who had been willing to put up like 10 million dollars or something for a match between nepo and Magnus so it's like for nepo like he probably costs himself like millions of dollars by by losing a ding um no joke he at least costs himself another match in a world championship match but he probably caught himself a lot more because I think you would have had like Russians trying to organize a match between Magnus and that boat for like oodles and oodles and oodles of money now I'm gonna trade and catch my opponent off guard with one of the classical tactics you see in the king's Indian where you sack sack a pony you uh win the queen resigns just too strong keep going with E4 okay what are we up to we are up to 141 so I'm gonna keep going to 150 I think let me see what are we at this is uh let's play here we need to win nine more so uh let me adjust this to the score because I I don't have a way to do it uh automatically so we're just gonna do it in batches of ten so I need to win nine more games let's keep going with Bishop C4 do you think we'll be a match between Chinese trying to organize I don't think so you guys I said it before but um but it to me it doesn't sound like China really cares about Chess which is very unfortunate to put it mildly but it doesn't sound like they really care about Chess from what I've seen there's some interest in China but it doesn't sound like it's very much it's very mainstream at all so yeah I don't see it happening unfortunately this Castle will go like 94. let's go 94 here and Knight T6 Knight F6 and it's probably just losing so yeah so anyway um as I was saying yeah I mean it didn't it sounded like there were some coverage but not a lot of it in China which is I mean it's just it's sad frankly it's sad but it is what it is I guess it's liberty one here is it mainstream America that's a funny thing actually in America I I would say um let me go here attack the queen I would say that trust right now in America is extremely popular I think when when Levy travels or frankly when I travel both of us like I get recognized a lot like it's not just like one person randomly in the airport usually it's like five people or more who recognize me and at no time in my professional chess career was it ever like this like maybe there would be a random guy who would recognize me at the German airports but that was it literally that was it so um it's definitely a wild time chess is not mainstream to the US but I get recognized a lot these days like I I actually I feel like I almost need to buy a private jet and just fly fly um Fly Incognito or something at this point so uh the stream of popularity no but chess plays a big role in that um so yeah anyways playwork H4 do the classic Rook Cliff create the classic Arabian Checkmate on H7 as well and I'm just off to the race he takes I'll take back with a bishop I take back and this guy is just Completely Sauced here take I start pushing P let's get a new pokemane everyone wants one of those um and I'm just gonna win the game Epstein island is for sale but that's to escape the madness it looks it looks like a beautiful island but considering all the awful awful things that happened there I I don't think I want to be going there or buying the island uh let's make a track here um and we'll see what we get from peen Haas goes there so I sacked the queen I do a bow test Gambit I promote to new Pokemon and I win the game do I get scared from a fan touch my back I did get scared I was flying through the airport on my way to uh to the world rap and Blitz it was in it was at the airport in Atlanta it was Hartsfield international and I think I had to switch Airlines so I got off the flight from Fort Lauderdale to Hartsville I had to transfer the international terminal and there was like a kid who was like 15. he just like touched me on the back and I like freaked out uh the main reason I freaked out was not so much as someone touched on my back but I I just watched the um I just watched Michelle cares like YouTube video on like trying out for the Secret Service and in that one it's like if someone tries to touch it like there's like there's a way that like they twist your thumb like they try to touch it like the secret stores will twist your thumb you know and it's like it doesn't work so we're gonna keep playing gambits here so I think because I just watch it I just like freaked out it's like dude like what the heck what are you doing um so let's go Queen B3 Target the juicer play like E5 yeah some of you guys probably watched the video but it's like yeah if you're too comfortable like the president or like or like someone like that that the secret stores are like they'll grab your thumb and like twist it backwards or something so I I just watched that video like maybe the day before I flew and so that kind I kind of just like freaked out um let's go F4 here and guard the Knight so let's just Castle it's a Steven Seagal maneuver maybe now I'm playing for the quick development with all my juicers out he's got one two three not developed Queen C5 good move we go here ideas to put pressure on this Pawn on there it goes there which is good let's play 94 and hit the queen on C5 okay that's a good move I'll take the juicer here I have the double op combo oh wait let's just go rookie one maybe let's see does he see this not meat in one oh he does impressive I did not expect him to see that so I take and I just take and I just play H3 kick the pony out rest in peace uh blitzker or the Twisted thumb genuine genuine question of player spot you airport wants me you can say hello absolutely no no I'm I'm all for that it's just like it was just like I was just I was just a little bit taken it back so it's like the guy just literally touched me on the back and after like everything was just like it just freaked me out but no in general of course it's all good it's all good you guys totally uh there's some mistakes I can take and if he takes the rookie gets ice skater if he takes the ice skater him the other way he gets ice skater one way or the other here depending on which rookie takes and that's GG resides let's keep going let's keep playing King's Indian it's probably the the best opening overall I would say let's go here in castles um I'm gonna play what I would recommend that you play if you're newer to the game if you're playing King zinny against the same-ish variation where white builds the center which is playing ic6 and E5 and Knight D4 it's what I grew up playing as a kid and the reason is because now if they take take same tagging as before exists were you taking your rookie eight so after Queen E40 of rookie to win the Queen the very very useful tactic to know foreign okay let's just take the queen now here are the here's resigns I don't even have to make another move it's good okay so let's play um guess e for what's in my notes besides the Karo can't um I have to rule Lopez on the foreign Lopez here or we'll get a v on it here just develop normally here with Bishop C5 and Castle it's very standard let's go Bishop C5 here so play D6 now I'm going to ig4 and go for Knight F2 here actually I'm just gonna do that and end the game uh Knight G5 I guess I'll Castle I don't have to but it's a good move oh actually this guy is in it to win it I have to go back I F5 was a very good move that I missed um let's play H6 and takes you're making so many players quit right now I am what do you mean I am no we're just chilling having a good time foreign between the Knight and the bishop the Knight and the bishop were connected and it broke the connection okay he goes there I'll play here to trade these knights in the center of the board can I play the grob grobs on our list of of the legendary openings for beginners so not right now let's go here kick the pony out now I take the big black center here great chain of Pawns and now the center is just too much he loses the pawn he loses the game I also have a wooden shield in the middle of the board let's take Scotch is in the list yes I can play the scotches with white absolutely do we take and we Fork him with D4 this Pawn forks and let's see what my opponent is going to do here who do I think is the higher chance of winning the next chance you Fabian or ferrugia I'm leaving on out of the equation out of the equation here um honestly I would say farusha just because he is probably the most talented Junior but Ali Reza Perugia wants to be a fashion designer and not a professional chess player so who knows who knows so it's very very hard to judge drink some scotch not not right now no I want to Arena Kings again so it was a good win 75 gifted Subs coming up so feeling pretty good about myself right now fed raised the rates yeah actually I was wondering what happened fed Rays how's Margaret reacting Market is reacting very positively NASDAQ have almost one percent or no now yeah 0.75 JP Morgan down one percent Tesla up two and a half but who cares yeah doesn't look like it doesn't look like anything major okay so we'll I'll go Queen E4 here to guard the bishop on G6 uh my opponent can't count the pieces apparently that's GG okay it's the Nexium G3 we'll keep playing our King's Indian here again another opening I played as a kid this classic uh Bishop G4 line with E5 pin pin the bishop takes Knight D7 of course a 97 and F5 here H6 will trade this guy's playing pretty well or is he no he's not let's go f485 this is not the disrespect Speed Run that's true uh let's go F3 now this may look like a weird move but what it does is it gives me a lot of a lot of potential plan this open up file and I can even use all these dark squares here to really claim a big Advantage like this bishop is jumping let's go check let's go here Target the pony let's go here 92 is a great move I'm gonna take it so that I have a square for my knight now in E5 let's just take let's go 95. Market's collapsing no nasdaq's up one percent what are you talking about let's play Work H7 I'm gonna go here create the double stack infiltrate on the H file and it should just be an easy win actually this guy's playing pretty well by the way I didn't even notice he's playing pretty good good shot kept the king go check and I have Queen G3 check he loses the queen actually I'll take the bishop and mate him okay I don't modern I'm just gonna play the uh I'm gonna play the Austrian attack here with a four of Queen D3 here go the pawns by the way uh he trapped his Bishop F5 Bishop got stuck behind the wall yes I mean you don't want to get stuck behind the wall because the wall the the white Walker's gonna come for you and that's not gonna be fun let's keep playing E5 let's play the real Lopez here uh what is this yeah hold the door hold the door right is another saying hold the door let's Castle I'm just gonna sack and go for the kill here he wasn't expecting me to sack that's why you don't pre-move I mean bro thinks he's a car with his premium Bishop G2 but that's why you don't premium because bro is not Hikaru okay let's go G5 break the pen my pen still plays wrong Speed Run moment yeah it is turning a little bit disrespectful isn't it [Music] go here overload the pony I win the game look how many usernames are created and bro thinks he's Hikaru yeah indeed [Music] anymore oh wow I found myself enjoying the stream awesome thanks so much glad you're enjoying it uh bro thinks he's bow ties and he hangs his Queen do we take the queen [Music] let's take the Knight I guess [Music] let's go here this stream sucks very funny very funny dude two more to go for 150. let's keep going let's play E4 oh do I have something against French I think the advanced French is what we considered loving I consider to be very good for white so play the advanced very simple build the chain of Pawns from B2 to E5 good to see you in a good mood you're frustrated well I get frustrated in late title Tuesday because I literally can't have a good title assistant let's play the Dingle or sorry The Milner Berry variation here on the advanced French I'm gonna play for the sacrifice uh a castle you sack a couple of Pawns here you don't worry about it okay he doesn't want to take it so he doesn't want to take the pawns and I go 94.95 I'm in a very good mood yes I am okay I'm just gonna develop play like Rook C1 Alana didn't cut yes I believe it did um let's just go here take the file London did make the cut exactly let's go here more power more pressure take I actually could have taken this right away but who cares [Music] I'm gonna go H4 on Queen C2 to put pressure on these pawns it's actually not a good position I'm probably significantly worse in reality but I'll get away with it let's go here pressure maybe a legendary triple stack good move let's go here maybe Knight G4 H5 overload the pawn just take pack The Rook scoot the king now he's gonna lose something because Rook can't go to F6 to the pawn or can't go to G5 because I take so he he got his uh pieces trapped a little bit here let's just take I can go off four or take air Target the juicer and pretty much winning here Let's Go activate classic kebab take the pawn I can take on good Chuck and we're gonna get some kind of like really nasty Checkmate I think okay so let's play Knight F6 let's go G6 go here I'm gonna play D6 and castles classic King's Indian with E5 H4 big mistake I just take Bro think CC car again just trying to instantly move fast and gonna find out that he's not let's just play Knight E4 and I'm gonna go rookie eight here play for the pin let's go rookie eight go here kick the Knight here go after the pony on e4 I take and I take and not exactly ideal let's develop pieces 95 oops there goes the pawn on H4 go here go here I don't care about the trades he's gonna be really excited about Knight F6 or not or I go here and I just made him in one yes this is gonna get us to 150 and zero so I'm gonna stop the speed run here um and we're gonna move on to master shop so let me stop [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 406,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, chess speedruns, kick streamer, levy rozman, eric rosen, chess trash talk, chess tactics and strategy, chess openings for white, chess openings for black, chess openings gothamchess
Id: aM6ost1Krj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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