The Lost Fear

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still clown esque but not as clown hello everybody my name is Mark BL and welcome to what is that you all right this is the Lost fear okay oh press e or left Mouse button to interact you might not have any of the performance issues but if you do high quality is recommended be aware of your surroundings he's always watching you I can tell so what am I I'm here I'm not here I was about to say if that's how why doesn't a horror game do that you have a monster in the main menu and then you literally press play and you're there with it that is a fantastic idea why hasn't that been implemented imagine if the game just started that way and that was just the level I'm not talking like you get in there and it goes away I'm talking like it's there and it's there and you have to do something that terrifies me that was I want to see that all right cool oh boy okay well they made it as dark as possible which is always such a good thing love that who builds a house with a narrow hallway like this what am I looking at long story short we're off to a great start okie dokie jug uh-huh so is he watching me even now is this part of the always watching is it in the audience is it among you is it Among Us oh boy we got a loop okay is this a Spot the Difference kind of loop is this I'm going to keep going until it's Spooks me where the hell am I I don't know oh oh you going to jump on my head what even is you what in the hell are you I don't know where your ass starts and your head ends oh boy that's fine yeah that's [Music] fine uh-huh yeah yeah that's good that's really good I'm happy about [Music] that oh my God you stop that [ __ ] as soon as that goes back on I'm running in three two here we go yeah I wasn't even sure if I would be able to run but it is convenient floor seems a little [Music] loose uhhuh this is the best are the walls breathing or is my vision exploding perhaps my eyes are meling good jug no oh no well that's a little cliche don't you think what if I look up all [Music] right L of uh oh I'm in trouble it's going to jump at me and the thing is I know what it's doing I've seen things like this before I still don't like it I still really don't like [Music] it I knew it I knew that they were going to pull that [ __ ] I knew that's what was going to happen and yet here I stand still dun dunned I got dunned by it they they were going to do it and now they dunned it hello I love rust rust in concrete is my aesthetic oh it's usable I didn't expect that okay but why though one way to find [Music] out squeaky okay so there must be a few turning mobs that I'm supposed to spin in order to get the uh Port Cullis risen great is he still always watching me is the always part of this still a thing looked like a [Music] boob great boy [Music] okay this is fine mhm seems like one more oh good do I read the creepy note by the creepy chair over here or do I go in the room and turn the the creepy knob with the creepy chair in the room there are times when all I can think about is murdering someone a same [Music] relatable don't you do it don't you freaking do it don't freaking do it I knew you were going to do it I knew that was going to happen I knew it I knew they were going to do some [ __ ] where they just I knew it was going to be a screamer they might as pull as well put screamer doj you literally have no other reason to put this here there is no reason for this to be here other than to get people that are afraid of Manakin go who is my Manakin whatever not afraid of that I'm terrified of that table that credenza all right ha that cred really oh God I didn't look up I wasn't looking oh my God thank you thank you thank you appreciate it PR big PR thanks for taking care of that cenza that was that was really spooking me this kind of game is doing the same thing that like um that uh like body cam style horror it's de part all right well it seems like I'm getting numb to your scares is that you over there huh I don't think if you had a credenza then I'd be terrified this chair doesn't bother me none so um uh you seem to be a little too big for this space so what are you going to do about it well I guess I'll just turn my back on you go the other way [Music] la I mean it's not the same as depart it's just got like the controls are slightly I don't know it's not looser is not the correct term but it's uh slightly more immersive okay why I just blast some steam in my face why don't you come on what is with these w w s who picked I mean they're really narrow but who picked the wallpaper that is gross looks [Music] sickly what is this supposed to be a room is this like a living room or something cuz I mean kind of got it laid out looks [Music] houses if I make that noise noise is less scary for me uh-huh hello puzzle no all right I'll just go back then sure hope nothing's waiting for me at the end of this hallway [Music] uh uh oh we got a puzzle birds fly north in summer East in Spring West in fall and South in winter so it's a trick right because instead of just going north east west south you have to pay attention spring comes before summer I'm too smart East North West South got it easy [Music] boom that's West [Music] I swear if I put north east west and south here and it works I'm going to be very angry okay all right let's just go I'm not that angry but come on oh that's ominous I don't know why having a more spacious hallway a girthier hallway if you will is creepier that better not be a credenza oh God no oh thank goodness it's just a nightstand I guess could qualify as a credenza I don't even really know getting narrow what's the difference between a credenza and anything really I don't even know what a credenza is room well this is cheerful like a clown room kind of a murder clown aesthetic but hello oh don't mind if I do what goody key should be fine ta oh that's fine well if it isn't more of the same wonder what's waiting me here still clown esque M but not as clown I want to say that wasn't me screaming that barely even a scream anyway lixian edited that in that wasn't me right see he admits it he definitely put that in and Oni he grabbed an old clip from way long ago just stitched it right over oh you're Sly you're Sly just all right we don't need any more of that Leia in such a trickster [Music] hello and now I think I turned myself around well there's light over there chair over there Darkness over here I picked that Darkness I cast a fireball at that Darkness oh it's less dark than I thought it'd be I love gurns see I don't get this this is a very common theme in horror games you enter just a random room of gurns why What's So Scary About a gurnie sure it's like a hospital bed kind of thing could be dead bod on but they're just gurns why is this such a common thing I think people just do it and they don't even think about it it's a gurnie that's a horror thing not like a credenza that's terrifying that's scary oh no not more G he hello is it weird that I like the sound of screaming you all do otherwise why do you watch these videos elix and editing in all these screams and whatnot can't believe it you're sick oh no now the gurn sideways oh no kind of looks like cenza if it's that way I haven't been looking up but I didn't feel like there was a need to all right [Music] interesting I [Music] oh I'm struggling to see the purpose of this room hi all right Okie ducky uh-huh good great uh-huh good yes well that's peculiar should I look up nope SC well it gets even more narrow that's always good uh-huh uh-huh oh oh God you know I guess this is marginally better than an invisible wall but um yeah I don't know about that one she finds something that break the plank yeah of course I should oh can I oh what oh you damn you damn you you magical chair I know I didn't say anything in that last hallway section but lii and magically teleport me to the next thing that happens just an empty room I guess he oh he teleported me two seconds into the future man well did someone just um break a chair or did oh okay I get it someone broke the boards that's good probably I'm going to guess that's good problem solved problem solved all right what did those other rooms go to I remember there was like two other offshoots earlier is this the way out well it's it's it's a way out I'll take it I'm taking it apparently sure hope no one pushes me my big fat cake down into this thick hole what the [ __ ] am I saying looks make that sound way better Le see make it worse oh I tried I tried to wake up but now I'm one of them soon you'll be too okay oh oh you thir [Music] well done I actually did like that I know I was a little meing on it a bit which still made me scream and scared me a few times had some attention to it which I always appreciate thank you everybody so much for watching and thank you Vasco for making this game if you want to see more scary games I've got them all over my channel check out the trailer for iron L it's pretty cool have a good day and as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye e
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,090,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the lost fear, indie horror, scary games, markiplier, horror games, scary moments, jumpscares, jump scare
Id: 7bS-3lKI51w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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