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last voice yeah and welcome to calm down Stalin this is a game I know absolutely nothing about I saw the header on Steam and it was just a very poorly drawn image of Joseph Stalin on the phone and he's just sucking on a pipe and that's all I do in real life do so I mean I I figured this game might be for me also kind of always wanted to be a dictator so let's get started Oh actually before we start I just want to let you guys know that the Oh geesh latin comarch is back in stock for a limited time and all the money we raised is going to be donated to feeding America which is a network of over 200 food banks that are making sure families across the country have enough food especially during this crisis last November we raised over $30,000 for Movember which is a men's health organization and I'm confident that we can beat that so head on over to the shop buy a shirt buy a hoodie support a good cause and enjoy the video I don't calm down I'm the Man of Steel place your hand near the button to threaten your enemies okay enemy invasion timer what happens if I press it okay all right so I assume the the goal of the game is to not press the button because that starts World War 3 but also to not not be close to pressing it because then the enemies invade all right so I got a clock I got a if you can see up there that I'm shoving my arm in the general direction of the clock as I'm inch my hand closer to that the invasion timer goes down so I guess I'm scaring them okay so there's they're getting scared they're getting a little nervous press right that's funny soup oh I'm saying Pledge of Allegiance but don't tell me wait hold on stalling I wanted all right smoking multiple times in a row is more effective oh I know I know you know what they call me they call me 50 Nick they call me smoke stack all right I seem to be managing this pretty well the enemy is not deciding to invade get a little wobbly though Oh he wants to go down okay don't do that don't do that stone come on surely I can ease off for a bit stroke my moustache oh I know how that that must feel real good Stalin mm ah sweet hey I did it up to my tiredness and progress don't know what that means phone unlocked ending the call abruptly or failing to answer it decreases the state integrity okay so I'm gonna have to pick up the phone now optional do the most stressful and tiring state business the state integrity will improve greatly but I had a personal tiredness cost a lot decorative item you know they have a word for this in Japanese culture when people just keel over and die from doing their job too good and for too long and I always found that very admirable me Joseph Stalin the Man of Steel I'm just gonna sit here and be the receptionist for the USSR for a bit oh yeah oh [ __ ] okay Hitler get you my [ __ ] heart rates bump in it Stalin hold the phone correctly my friend Stalin the phone goes up there oh my god oh my god phone's gonna ring it's our buddy Hitler on the line it's our buddy Adolf I don't wait around listen when Hitler cause you pick up that [ __ ] phone you pick that [ __ ] up when that rings you pick that [ __ ] up stone you don't wait a [ __ ] second when that [ __ ] it is surely a smoke surely a little puff on the old lineal smokestack there we go no I dropped this alright I guess I'm just gonna threaten people with my pipe you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me the tale of the oh my god the [ __ ] sucker the [ __ ] part of the pike that you suck out of Jesus Christ come on Stan drinking some vodka reduces the stress abstention it does hello he's [ __ ] speaking Spanish to me I can't understand that what's he saying [Music] all right I don't I have no idea why I didn't think that would actually do it just take this opportunity to pump oh yeah it's a Cuban [ __ ] no [ __ ] out of here down I go you like that yeah go back to zero go back to zero what the [ __ ] this is a great example for children dude your heartbeat starts racing you feel your blood pressure rise and you just [ __ ] start puffing you [ __ ] prick why I swear to God if that [ __ ] phone rings I'm gonna have an aneurysm what no English English I've done it I've done it I've absolutely done it integrity tiredness are all up and I get a little prop I think I get a nice little desk oh my god it's a painting of Vladimir Lenin where's his body that they froze can I get that on my desk can I get the frozen body of Lenin on my desk maybe uh maybe the frozen head of Charles dingo while we're at it oh there he is hey how you doing buddy you know I'll head pet we get a portrait of Obama next to you my hand is as is as still as it gets I'm a statue they don't call me the Man of Steel for nothing yes oh my [ __ ] god okay I've got a lamp though cause the stress while flickering it with your hand to fix it just adds more more things that [ __ ] with you all right I really wish this telemarketing would stop I mean I'm on the Do Not Call list I don't know I don't really know what else to do at this point hello [ __ ] the phone I could just puff for the rest of the game I'll be 40 that was almost over yeah there we go all right integrity up tiredness up a little bit just a little bit I've got the Soviet flag oh happy day happy day I can hear the Red Army choir singing in the background I'm not telling you you kiddin a voting that's how they get you boning savage etching we all know that oh oh just caused World War three is someone who's competent in foreign policy oh my god I'll tell you who's confident in foreign policy take a look at me [ __ ] I got Leonard on the wall I get a big red button down I go wow I got there's a lamp on my desk this time he's just plays gone when it hit when it flickers you have to do well they are [ __ ] power plants worked see that clock that clock if that goes all the way around and the enemy invades and we're basically [ __ ] stop [ __ ] it stop yes I hold this with his finger over the flooding so here we go right here we go like you serious I'm not doing war in through the nose out through the mouth I've done I've done it at the integrity of my heart oh my god I can't believe that [ __ ] happened I think I'm doing it I think I'm doing it this is a very stressful game like if I can't worry about that it's gonna fly back and hit the button I pledge allegiance I think this is going well I think I'm off to a decent start I'm not gonna lie smoke that [ __ ] oh I got vodka drink to significantly reduce stress ring the bell to order oh my [ __ ] god oh hell the lamps gone that's good dress is a little [ __ ] holy choice holy [ __ ] - bring that Bell [Music] it's not going down you got a hole it closer gotta hold it you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me it goes down if I hold it like a millimeter away training where's my assistant oh my god look at the clock I'm fine I'm fine I'm okay I know what it's Karam a nuclear bomb what oh my god oh my god it's good it's getting a little complicated Josh what did they call Stalin Man of Steel Man of Steel exactly if I'm not being the Man of Steel right now I don't know what I am just picking up the phone I'm the Secretary of Steel you see in this I mean I'm incredible there's nothing funny about that stop laughing when I try to fix my life I'm not gonna even take it if he if he calls he calls you 10% of the gulag that's an unnecessary amount of stress phone calls they are but at the same time if I don't pick up the [ __ ] phone guess I'm answering that one [Music] [Music] okay good cool as a cucumber cucumber if only every world leader was as cool as I am we'd be living in the reddest I got the gun where's the gun there's not much going on I don't understand what what's the gun I can't what do I do believe in guns it's part you probably Shh oh you've probably killed a waiter who gives you the gun why would I do that that's [ __ ] stupid flex pretty funny though it's a flex on them or maybe do pay this way see the problem is you drop the gun on the button good night I dropped it on the button I know are you pressing the banks you don't have to rub that in I've done it well I really don't why do I have to keep [ __ ] shooting people and increases your integrity just keep doing it all right who am i shooting that's in my office that's gonna increase my integrity it's [ __ ] Hitler here did Hitler just I don't like this played with my new gun all day fun fun I bet I bet that was a real cakewalk for Joey boy my blood pressures rising I can feel it all right I'm gonna take the gun take the gun shoot him shoot him there we go there we go all right all right no phone phone this phone come on stun come on puffs all right button button market the gun again oh no oh my come on yes let's go baby let's go I got a [ __ ] punching bag what the [ __ ] is going on I just they're just [ __ ] punches [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: jschlattLIVE
Views: 2,586,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jschlatt, jschlattlive, jschlatt livestream, schlatt, livestream, twitch, jschlatt twitch, jschlatt livestream highlights, calm down, don't press that button, don't press the button, button, dont, press, jschlatt funny moments, feeding america, fundraiser, charity, clip compilation, highlights, highlights video, jschlatt compilation, schlatt compilation, schlatt highlights, jschlatt highlights, schlatt march, jschlatt march, schlatt walk, schlattcoin, funny mic
Id: ASove5Efmm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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