DO NOT Press This Button

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uh uh well welcome to the corridor uh this game I heard it's it's about pressing a button I love that I love pressing buttons I'm doing what doing it right now fantastic very excited about this it's a quick 20 to 30 minute game hopefully depends how long I can Ramble On in random sections of the game like I'm doing right now at the beginning so let's just get into it oh they weren't kidding huh okay so this is like it this is just the core I hope this isn't all this if I press this button here right here's what's gonna happen I'm gonna predict the game right now it's gonna put me back to the start and it's gonna make me wanna press the button again right it's gonna do it to me about five times and then on the fifth time finally we're gonna go somewhere Something's Gonna Change don't know what it's gonna be but Something's Gonna Change okay let's test that theory five times that's the goal the walking is kind of satisfying I I know the the bars is very low when I say that but okay let's inspect it make sure there's nothing wonky is it eat it never open this game again [Music] it closed my game it literally okay so my prediction was what it actually just closed my game I'm not kidding what okay now I'm not even gonna listen to your warning no way wait it just hold on hold on my capture just took a second it's gonna take a second there it is all right we're good he just said how dare you I don't know if you heard that I'm sorry oh there's a door that oh nope we're pressing the button we're pressing he didn't say don't press the button again he said never open this game again my game is closed again okay all right this is a problem I'm being serious oh I like how I'm serious it's probably the developer's voice I love this [ __ ] okay oh you think you could hide the button from me buddy see I'm pretty tempted to open the door now that's the thing what am I saying five times Smitty come on that's the second time this is the third if it closes my game again I might just open the door it closed my game again okay um what will you do now oh [ __ ] turn around I knew it said damn it why am I laughing it's making me relaunch the game that's so funny at the start of this game yeah go on then push it I want you to push it I've come round at the start of this game there was a content creator mode and I was curious what it was I didn't know if there was like copyright music or something but now I get it it's to stop it's just okay stuff I realized that reverse psychology doesn't quite make sense here considering I want you to leave oh perfect free achievement thanks buddy he just literally closed my game what the [ __ ] okay so the point of the content creator mode before I was so rudely interrupted I imagine is so you don't like spam your friends when you launch a game constantly okay I'm not going through the door man what's over here though it's like there's an opening I don't care okay I promise you oh so you like pushing a load of meaning to sell buttons do you well Feast on this okay nothing considering the medium oh man that's a lot of buttons oh God which button is it though well it's not that one not that one either no surely it's some red herring it's got to be like this one right here nope okay Mr Button Man Psychology major right here nope right here we might be we might be here for a while let's press all the buttons wait that I didn't press that one did I it's definitely important yes this is somehow more painful for me than it is for you it's the one in the corner you're not fooling me mister I'm pressing every single one of these buttons I don't care how long it takes no not that corner yeah I know I'm working on it I gotta get all of them maybe there's a special ending you know we gotta do everything we can you know like I said the game is only 20 to 30 minutes surely there's more stuff to experience in here what about this corner oh that one okay fair enough oh what is this wait a minute we found something you can't rush greatness I'm telling you look I chopped down a bunch of trees just to replace them with planks all right in Minecraft you know like I'm I have the patience to do this okay so they're blue now what does that mean is it just like lighting it up and making it easier so I could see which ones I need to do I appreciate how did I miss that one what oh no oh I missed a couple oh my God I'm not good at this only two though not bad out of this whole room that's not bad very funny it is hilarious I know the audience probably hates me right now but it's okay I need to do this for my own satisfaction all right you don't understand okay we're coming up on the last few hopefully I didn't miss any at the front there what is this cardboard therapy there I can't read anymore this is working it's working on me are you like a sleep paralysis demon oh my God uh it's like regular therapy except except someone even more cutting what does that mean yeah I know tell me about it oh man tell me okay we'll do you [ __ ] oh oh gee he might have stayed there forever you never know you son of a [ __ ] that is that is hilarious I wonder what happens if I go back and press that button though dude you actually wow you actually got me with that that was incredible I'm pressing the button again just for that you piece of [ __ ] scumbag developer I hope you know I hope you know I I what are you even I hope you have a terrible night's sleep I just do oh okay nothing's weird about this one [Music] no oh my god oh it just hurts it hurts the brain well this obviously isn't my game anymore so I guess I'll leave Goodbye Oh no way wait where's the button you can't fool me it's around here somewhere turn off the radio [ __ ] It's gotta be in the water right Mr skull yeah tell me about it literally tell me I'm gonna go insane out here I need something hit the tree get a get a coconut hit me on the head knock me out wake me up from this nightmare there's no way this is the end what's in the water I'm in bikini bottom [ __ ] either you can hide him from me you cannot it's gonna crash my game it just it doesn't every time I don't know I keep pressing the button it keeps crashing the game yet I expect different results oh what is this wait a minute the legally distinct spatial Invaders that's fair oh [ __ ] boom that's one game's so easy dude holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay wait we're we're actually playing Spade spatial Invaders excuse me that was almost bad I'll have you know I was the high score ass on one of my local arcades all right boom right there there's another one wait you're going fast stop Slow Down slow down you're moving weird what's upsetting me oh I gotta hit the button I'm gonna get rid of all them first they're coming back come on come on [ __ ] hold on [ __ ] I keep shooting it a little early there it is oh all right now I gotta hit the hit the button I'll just first try first try [ __ ] foreign how do you even code that how do you how do you even how do you even it's a real head scratcher I tell you what the [ __ ] this is a dude this is a whole different game what what is happening can I break this damn zero out of ten it's a shame oh my God a literal fpm [Music] you just killed a guy damn he all twist it up what's wrong with you I didn't I didn't even ask you to do anything you just did it don't you think that's a bit of a weird response right wait really fine we'll go back to the corridor stuff no no no no I like it here I like it here don't you restart I don't know what I expect anymore ah this is what I expect this is great it's fantastic button door wool who among us would have thought that a mere few minutes ago we would have been like this comrades in arms Musketeers I would even go as far as to say we're brothers oh you always know just what to say I'm pressing the button I don't care I'm pressing the button you're not I'm I know I've not I said this yet but if you fall from a great height in this game you will die and you lose forever and that's it the game closes you can never open it again so don't make sure you don't fall from a great height no shot you're lying you're a liar I'll just have to time this perfectly then won't I when I hit the button all right here we go okay yes I was lying worth a try yeah you were absolutely let's restart buddy nothing weird about this one I'm not opening the door I'm just not gonna do it you can throw whatever you want at me it's not happy [Music] oh no way hold on RP wait a minute hold on that's too forward start here blushes frankly and sorry to be blunt but I'm getting kind of peeved that you keep no I'm not I enjoy I enjoy here we go okay that's all you have to say huh [Music] oh you hate me don't you oh man I don't want to be that guy let's see let's say that [Music] okay what the hell okay so I'm pushing the button [Music] fair enough don't know what I expected there I mean I know exactly what I expected so whatever don't worry you're gonna be fine just go out there and give everything you've got don't put me on a stage welcome one and all to tonight's performance no the corridor no just don't turn on all the lights I don't want to see everybody okay oh button you've changed my life in more ways than one more ways than I can count I don't have enough fingers to count as high it's 11. I don't have that many what matters is we're here now we're here together and I'm here to press you I was gonna bow are you kidding me what the why would huh oh wait a minute to leave the audience what oh dick you just you just do that to me you give me that one thing I'll make it choppy technically at fault that what scares people away you put a low FPS code in this game I hate you this is the worst thing ever I'm gonna press the button again just to get out of the game thank you I know it's gonna launch regular it better not launch choppy again or I might actually stop I just this is a real how bad does it have to be stop caring I'm [ __ ] going for it I don't care if it's one fpm brother [ __ ] like frames per minute I do not care I will I will do this until the the cows come home I don't care I could make it longer just to pad it out that's really what you brought it back idiot a longer game yep just more yep I need ad Revenue man the longer the video is the more ads I can put you know how YouTube Works come on go ahead do the thing push it further back when I get close to it go ahead do it coward that was so easy touching that button that was like the easiest one you think you're gonna steer me away with that Wizardry it's not gonna happen buddy okay this one's a little further I even bother waiting for you to make it all the way across we all know you're gonna press it anyway might as well skip to the chase [Music] for me I thought it was gonna like jump me forward in time fine then you want long how about infinite infinite corridor legitimately infinite I should add don't even bother trying to get to the end oh [ __ ] well no maybe we should go this way no that's what he wants us to think oh man we might be here for a while this is weird I feel like I'm not gonna stay here forever huh you're not just gonna leave it's an invisible wall I really think there's more to see just because I said that there wasn't more to see it was an invisible wall right you son of a committed I would have done that okay that's all the buttons in that room oh yeah yeah you think you're gonna fool me with this okay that actually is broken you just had to ask for a longer game didn't you no [ __ ] the doors that's all you ever do all right let's go out and fix it then I guess the hell what if I press the button though it's right here I could oh you're tempting me though this looks like a fun little mini game plugging things in all right bud you stay there I'm gonna plug one of them in and see what happens we can probably oh [ __ ] okay okay go and unplug them then okay just drag them out super easy that's one okay see that's the thing about you you ruin things just by observing if you hadn't been watching those plugs they wouldn't have felt the need to comedically plug themselves in that's true your very existence here is the thing that spoils gotta agree with you there finally that's what my mom said when I was born she's like I only wanted one child you know you existing spoiled it that's okay it's all good you know it's a weird sandwich you think I'm unplugging the last one you idiot I'm going to press the button there's nothing you can do to stop me I'm not unplugging that I'm pressing the button once again if it works of course I don't know I never okay all right turns out we have to unplug it to actually press it so that's fair I was outsmarted by the game once again that's okay that's part of the job I'm here to give show people a good time to experience the game through me you know that's cool okay just shut the game down fair enough totally cool love that I guess you got a piss it's good oh mother I was actually gonna go what is this don't you come at me how's it going what's going on oh is it me oh really oh okay I mean I I could ask around yeah I doesn't really ew gross uh doesn't really look like cardboard [Music] oh thank you thank you this must be the content creator mode coming into effect here special treatment am I right the Silver Spoon gets tossed again to the wrong people it's been fantastic I've had a great time wait what hey come on now mm-hmm that's true that's a good way to look at it you made me feel bad about my job and I you know I've thought about it that way before but really you the sleep paralysis demon putting it like in front of my face like that it's pretty I I hear what you're saying okay everybody the game is like two dollars go support it all right this has been hilarious so far okay props in this Dev for making so simple but entertaining content you know it's just like my simple entertaining you know I'm not making anything crazy here so forever for real that's for sure oh and if you don't want to okay from the horse's mouth Wicked hell yeah okay well you didn't have to do you could have just jumped to the next bit you didn't have to close my [ __ ] game oh [ __ ] I'm reversed I'm literally going left and right and it's reverse oh [ __ ] everything's well have you forgotten the controls no you changed them on you [ __ ] don't get snippy with me Mr developer oh you're really gonna make me fart fart wait what you're really gonna make me walk far huh you think I can't figure out some simple reverse controls now what would really [ __ ] me up is if you just disabled controls entirely or reset them to original I might be a bit confused at that point see look how easy though but what's the button oh [ __ ] what's the button for the pressing oh it's still e got it ah this every time man I just think it's not I think it's just gonna jump me to the next what is going on could you just wait I kind of procrastinate and forgot to finish this part I'll be honest okay wait okay we'll just right here okay nice it's right there that is nice there's the butt yes okay now we're cooking good thank you okay great I'm glad we could yeah I'm glad we could come to an agreement here because I'm glad you even put that button you could have just made me sit there but you just like were a nice guy and you were like you know you know good what the [ __ ] things isn't easy hey wait this is weird as hell this is really creative did I do anything I wanna wait I want to be able to add things can I do that I could press the button that's why we played this game that's why we played it I'm telling you right now imagine what I could do okay are you messing everything up I'm not even doing anything I'm just pressing a button you're the one overreacted about me pressing a button this is a weird view by the way I feel very uncomfortable like this is like some uncanny valley [ __ ] okay get me out of here thank you all right next one oh this one looks normal do what I asked him stop but there's probably more people are probably loving this you know it's great you know it's fantastic how far could we really take it you know what I mean okay a regular crash he start he's starting to get mad I could tell I've started to get under his skin yep no really just I'm gonna keep doing it I don't care what you say I know I spent two dollars on this game I'm gonna get my two dollars worth all right buddy and if that includes pressing a button a bunch more times in my game crashing I'm gonna do it there's nothing you could do to stop me that okay maybe there is are you still here isn't it obvious I don't want you around I don't want you to play this game do you know how much pain you cause you know what go away go away and make your own thing don't use mine go out there instead [Music] son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] you you think you can stop me like this I'm gonna unplug your silly little goo plugs over here listen to these things listen to one I take them out and it was like so gross wait what okay what is that one oh buddy you left your most crucial plug you left it right in the open you silly goose yeah what's mine for the taking the Reckoning is upon you okay uh just fair enough could you turn the lights back on yeah no problem the light switch is supposed to be some sort of Big Orange buttons oh yeah I know about that seen anything like that yeah there's one right in front of me actually you bastard you lied oh that's not what I'm typing what okay I wanna I hit backspace there okay wait I want this to be known that whatever I'm typing here in case it's something really [ __ ] up we got FICO so far don't know what that oh it's probably the corridor but I want to let you know that I'm pressing space for every single one of these all right wait I'm not that's not me I'm not typing that oh no that's out there that's done it's tweeted it's over oh no hard feelings on that that was your fault I might have you that time what do you mean it's right there what is over here though you left something I know it I can walk through this I can walk through this wall I can break these cuffs I can get out of here I can't okay fair enough I'll press the button I'm surprising that's button thing you know starting to lose me somehow there you go maybe you'll get what you want at the end dude the constant restarting is really I can see why people yeah not so fun when I'm in your stuff is it oh you have a lovely machine here no I don't be a real shame if something were to happen to it it would please don't your computer is off now go away okay bro I'm recording can you not uh not convincing enough oh don't I'm recording you're gonna corrupt the file don't oh okay we're good okay great Perfect all right so you don't have any real power anyway buddy this is my PC this is my domain okay I mean you could very well have a Bitcoin miner on my system with through this game and I wouldn't even know but that's besides the point okay let's get back in there you know the funny thing is I could block you out so easily it wouldn't even take any effort just a single wall a single wall blocking out every single part of you I feel like Qui-Gon gin right now you know I'm meditating in front of this thing open it up I gotta fight Darth Maul that's right come on now this is my Darth Maul fight right here okay oh you son of a [ __ ] fine go ahead put the button back repair put it back put the button back where's the button It's gotta be here It's gotta be somewhere it's somewhere in this room I can feel it It's gotta be I'm not going through the door oh it might be my only option though [Music] I ran into something I think or I press two inputs at once I don't know what happened there okay okay this might just be the end it might just be in let's see what Spy in the door there's no button I press e on every inch of this place there's no button there probably is that I'm missing it somehow I'm not okay let's go behind the door nope okay I was really hoping there oh oh that's not a door at all I've been trapped I've been hoodwinked fooled honeypotted what are other things I don't know what the hell is this okay don't start with your [Music] oh man [Music] whoa all right I see buttons here though see you can't hide orange buttons from me no actually maybe I have okay basically an incredibly hungry fox sees some juicy grapes okay but he can't get them he tries he tries but never even gets close Okay eventually he socks away and says well wait we're about to find out what the fox says yeah that's true okay they fell I will I will thank you a little motivation stop a little stop in motivation right there I love that morale hold on we're not done in here we're not done in here there's another button to press there's another button underneath the button we pressed previously that we need to press there's no button back there okay I thought there'd be one now I believe in pressing this button I am this button at this point I've been pressing my own buttons for years what is this good luck of cardboard oh [ __ ] it's gone okay uh door existence plug okay oh [ __ ] is that an ass or it's a gotta be a brain it's a brain right can I plug this back in what happens if I plug it in oh God this is gonna be a task I don't even know it's possible dude that looks like an ass to me but it's probably a brain let's unplug the brain unless there's a button on the other side of this brain button button where are you gotta be in here somewhere no okay don't you remove all the textures I don't think so oh [ __ ] uh he's just ripping the game apart spin him no way I mean there's technically still models here but they're not like you know finished oh it crashed again okay the brain has been disconnected let's see what's going on in this game now I'm curious oh man it is desolate in here now save data I could stop it at the source I could stop this right now as long as I don't see a button anywhere button no button we're good up above me below me don't know all I see is wait wait please just stop I want you to play the game okay of course I want you to play it it's just what level with me tell me what you're thinking what if it's bad this game is great it doesn't suck well if you hate it I would never hate something like this thing ever made and it's all been for nothing who wouldn't want to avoid that bring up a good point but also here you go this is my game you walk down a corridor and push a button and that's it I hope you like it oh [ __ ] no more door we've won for all that it's worth this game has been absolutely fantastic I rated it 11 out of 10. we are slowing down very fast I don't know if it's slowing down very fast as an oxymoron and it doesn't make any sense but you know I I think you know what I meant that this mid 10 out of 10 official rating press the button huh oh you know that wasn't actually that bad [Music] foreign tastic game Thomas McKinnon you're a legend thank you for making this game everybody I was serious it's two dollars go buy it on Steam go support this person incredible fantastic experience play for yourself why not do everything I didn't okay don't press all the buttons go through the door at the start see what's see what's see what the stuff I missed is okay it's worth it 100 two bucks why wouldn't you well I hope uh I hope first of all the song that's in this video is like it right here is incorporated uh if for some reason it's like uh you know we might have to cut all this out so I don't know in editing later when it's posted but I guess we'll see or maybe we'll just mute the audio just in case I'm rambling thank you so much for watching this video on the corridor hopefully you enjoyed it if you did make sure to leave a like on it then also if you want to see more games like this please suggest them saw this one on Steam myself I didn't really see any comments about it was just doing some research what a fantastic experience also just want to plug as well if you're new to the channel or find yourself coming back on the regular and you aren't subscribed and find yourself enjoying enjoying the content why not subscribe you're coming back anyway well thank you to all these people who did everything for this game it's uh it's been fantastic sound effects courtesy we're good those are two fantastic epidemic sound and free sound great great uh websites fantastic we're all good I think I hope I don't know we'll see Kevin MacLeod yeah yeah all right Wicked YouTube Legend right there all right I think it's uh about done what a fantastic experience so glad I played that game right up my alley exactly what I was looking very very Stanley Parable very uh super liminal ass fantastic thank you so much for watching the video hopefully you did enjoy it and uh yeah actually wait I have an idea what if we what if we launch the game again I knew it I knew it I knew there'd be something else oh that's just sweet [Music]
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 3,366,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smii7y, smii7yplus, smii7y+, smii7y plus, the corridor, the corridor gameplay, the corridor walkthrough, the corridor game, the corridor full game, the corridor reaction, the corridor lets play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 46sec (2146 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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