"Don't Panic!!" | Power Hour | Ep.97

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] good afternoon our family and welcome back uh after we had a week off it's such a joy to see all your names flashing up on the screens i think we all had par our withdrawal symptoms i know we we were pining for all you guys out there so remember to um type your names in so we can greet you and see you uh and where you're all from again australia denmark canada lots of uh america oh people commenting my hair do you know what it's just got too long to go up in the air but i'm going to the hairdressers this afternoon so tomorrow it'll all be back up and you're going to see a glorious new power our anchor that we are introducing you you are to today you are going to see lots of this man's face and uh sam and i just love him to bits there we are he's taking up the whole screen in all his glory there we go world let me introduce you to look finch who you will spot has an english accent i have a very english accent an apology but it's very english some of you may love that but no excuses it's who i am and you're going to hear a lot of it good good we love that and look is living down in sunderland uh down uh what's the name of your church it's bethshan church ah down there in the north uh east east i had a slight uh east west moment there but you know the way you have to do it see it the see the north side is a dyslexic thing it's not instinctive but yes they are saying welcome uh welcome uh to you look in the comments and some of them are saying we love the english there's micah one of my team micah you should you married an englishman so you should you should love the english and uh look you are going to get to know him very well and his uh glorious capabilities his prophetic greatness he actually is the only one of us who can properly sing because you're a work director as well as a prophetic voice no sam don't you even sure because you can't sing no engine so i just want to imagine [Music] okay so look tell us a little bit about you what we need to know well yes you're right so we live in the northeast of england at the moment uh we've been part of bethshan church for a bunch of years um it's been a church that's been established in the region for oh 30 40 years by my grandfather-in-law herbert harrison who actually incidentally uh was a bookseller for smith wigglesworth which is pretty incredible incredible story so he learned from the best um and it was birthed out signed wonders and miracles um and uh yeah i've got four incredible daughters married four daughters oldest ones just about to turn 18. youngest one's eight years old yeah and uh we are negotiating obviously the current school situation uh with uh with what's going on in the world but uh it's it's amazing it's a beautiful area of the country i must admit that you know i think scotland and the northeast are are probably my two favorites they are beautiful so it's it's it's good i'm glad you said scotland before you said the northeast all things in their right order exactly all things in their right order as sam have we lost you already we're seven minutes back after a week off and we've totally lost some well i'm just back from holiday and of course a truly scottish holiday and a scottish holiday is where you wear really thick woolly hat warm winter gloves scarf wrapped up uh your welly boots what do you call those uh when you're not yeah wellington's but that's about only the british wellies uh rubber boots americans call them rubber boots we call them welly boots and uh you get all of your outdoor stuff on and then you lie on the beach to try to sunbathe in the freezing cold your wind base and then you you get exfoliated by the sand that is uh billowing across the beach uh and that is a scottish holiday so um uh but we did that we're feeling very refreshed sam invigorating wind burning invigorating yes so sam what about your week off yeah i mean i didn't get a chance to go away anywhere exotic or anything like that apart from edinburgh so i went there for a night that was fun and emma's daughter uh had the privilege of making me change the types of clothes that i wear she wanted to give me a fashion makeover now i felt slightly offended to be fair because i feel like i'm very fashionable like top tier and she was like nah you need to come on some levels i like what i can only got from here i'm top tier so i'll be top top top tier and uh chosen by jessica stark garmin and from urban outfitters and so i feel yes fashionable today and yes i hope you enjoy the shirt over the next few days i'm debuting from the items of clothing so that was my fun week exploring that don't you love the humility the humility of jen's zed it's true i get that from my kids all the time i think i'm so in style and you know on trend and then they just rebuke me it's painful it's so painful i get laughed at my children say to me that's interesting mummy it's a bad you always know when i think i don't know if you do this emma but i think mums have a great way of telling you as well when they don't like what you're wearing they don't ever say you can't wear that well my mom doesn't she'll say oh so you're wearing that today or is that what you're wearing you know whenever someone asks you that i'm like oh it means you don't like it [Laughter] david is so well trained that when i say to me you know what do i look goodness or do you like this he just says yes but actually i'll shout it to him from another room after i've got dressed yes it looks great he's not even seeing what i'm wearing to be positive right let's do something spiritual okay and boy do we have words for you we're well rested we're raring to go and uh the theme is don't panic and of course if you are brit and watched uh dad's army you will know that it's don't panic captain mannering is it captain mannering who said that yes okay uh look you're new start us off on what good thing to you and uh i'm gonna be bold i'm gonna be bold it's first powerhouse so shall we start with something bold so i i i heard the spirit of god say wars and rumors of wars and that that actually threw me into a bit of a spin because i thought how can i say a word like wrought wars and rumors of wars as the first thing ever on power out but i really felt the spirit of god was was saying something specific and as i meditate on that and and talk to him about that um i felt like he actually flipped that on his head and said i'm declaring into the demonic realm right now wars and rumors of wars the demonic realm right now are hearing the words in the spirit there are wars and they are saying there's rumors of wars around us are there wars upon us and there is a there's a war that's actually being waged upon the demonic realm in this season and that's a reassuring thing to hear because um we see a whole load of stuff going on around us but i heard the spirit of god say really clearly that the demonic realm is hearing there are rumors of wars amongst them and that the lord is is initiating wars amongst them it is an incredible powerful statement and you know when you have a vision look and you kind of close your eyes and you see in this spirit and then you actually don't want to see it and so you kind of open your eyes to make that encounter stop and as i sat this morning and and i closed my eyes to say to the lord what do you want to show me i immediately saw the hordes of hell dressed for war and i i my eyes shot open because i thought i don't want to see hell in battle-ready clothes and yet the hordes of hell were dressed for war and my thought on that was that's odd because usually um the demons that i see are slovenly and lazy and most demons to me look lazy and i think the reason most demons look lazy is because they've never been challenged and when you challenge the demonic it shocks them because they've had not just a hundred years or not just a decade but they've had millennial uh lengths of time in undeposed places and so um when i saw the demons dressed for war i was a little bit like oh oh hang on a minute because most of them are for me are in recline mode and fairly inactive and i i could feel their blood thirstiness and i could feel their kind of like lean hunger for human meat and i could feel the demons salivating over humanity and wanting to bite us and wound us in this season and many of you watching you'll feel the spiritual agitation beneath your feet because you can feel a demonic army that is ready for war and then i could you know i'm opening and closing my eyes the whole way through this because i actually didn't really want to see it but i could then smell in the spirit realm and i could smell malice and i could smell demonic anger and then it was like god shot the entire scene dying and he caught me up to heaven and he rolled his eyes and god said one word over the hordes of hell that were dressed for war he said this matched art he said he says have you read what my joel two army do and then i heard the lord say you are being called into my army which is a killing machine and i have to say i balked at that thought because killing machine is is a hard word and the lord said we are joining his army which is a killing machine and i actually would like you to type in the comments i am a killing machine i want you to own that i am a killing machine it sounds strange but i am a killing machine of darkness and then i saw a military summons go out and the spirit of the lord saying to you you are part of my killing machine army and the lord says you are more ready than you know and i am pulling you up and i am pulling you in to this advancing force and you will join my joel two marauding military force on the earth and in the spirit realm says the lord for it is war in the heavenlies and you will own the mindset of a killing machine says the lord rather than the mindset of a victim in this r for the spirit of the lord that i am ripping mindset of victim and a failure of you says god and i am giving you the mindset of a killing machine that you may be conscripted in a new way into my army and not rip up the summons that i am sending and putting into your hands says the lord wow look do you want to add to that yeah yeah and this is a moment like was uh like happened forgetting and the wine press where the angel of the lord had to deal with his victim mentality his insecurity as i'm just a little guy i can't do anything so that he could then be the victorious war king he was called to be and god is just saying right now let me kill your insecurity let me kill your double guessing double questioning of yourself but can i really but am i really but do i really have this but have you really called me into this and the lord says let me break that from you now like i did with getting and just like gideon was able to leave that wine press as a victorious war and leader who was able to use even the smallest of armies to defeat the largest of armies in the most unusual way god says as i defeat your insecurity and your self guessing and your self doubt that you have had the lord says you're gonna find an ability to fight even an unusual ways that swamps the enemy out that annihilates the enemy even with half the effort that it took in the previous season and there is almost almost active there is a need to rest and god you've made me for this god you've made me a warrior god you put this in me god you put this on me god you have given me the capacity to fight and i'm not gonna question it and some of you are gonna have to just say i'm born for this i am born to fight i was born to fight and i was born with the capacity to already do it so in the name of jesus i speak to those whispering voices of self-doubt and insecurity that have come around you and silence you right now in the name of jesus and i release the capacity to you to believe in your water your call as the lord has designed on the inside of you in jesus name yeah wow wow look i really feel like that there's a moment right now and it's a it's a conscription moment everyone who's watching right now it's a conscription moment just like that that sam was saying with gideon that the lord is actually causing a moment to happen for us right now that is a conscription moment okay and it's like we're standing in front of the desk at the head of that conscription line making the decision whether to sign it or not come on sign into the army for a period of time and i feel like the lord right now is is is it's like we're sitting and standing in front of the lord and he is he is just waiting for us to sign on the dotted line and that we can scribe to his army in this season because um it's a totally new dynamic um as far as warfare is concerned and it's a funny one because there may be more chaos but there's um there's more incredible supernatural miracle kingdom working and so you know it's like revival we are our image of revival is peace and tranquility but actually um incredible signs and wonders in the middle of chaos is is is kind of the it's it's going to be known as the new norm and i hear that in the spirit that there's a new norm coming to the warfare of the church and right now in this in the spirit the demonic realm is in almost in a state it's not quite chaos but they can hear the rumors of what's going on and just like it was when gideon then actually moved into you know they they blew the sound over the camp it's like that that camp in the demonic is being sent into a bit of disarray right now and they're they are preparing themselves in a different way than we're used to seeing them prepared as because it is it's new potentially even for them so maybe you can write that in there in the comments as well this is my conscription moment and i i i sign on the dotted line yeah yes and i think we have this history of jumping all in you know i'm in the lord's army yes sir you know i'm in the lord's heart yes sir you know and then as fast as we jump in you know we leap back out again and i think that mindset of i am a killing machine has so eluded us it's such a military mindset isn't it you know you know in hand-to-hand combat and in in days of as you say a conscription moment look i think that wonderfully submits it you you know that we have to change a mindset from being in it in night in ight it's almost like we're the military hokey cokey you know in i in i sorry that is it culturally doesn't make sense in out in it and actually i am a killing machine and i sign on the dotted line and that sense of um what that changes is how easily you are overwhelmed are you hearing me what that changes is how easily you are overwhelmed because when you lose your military mindset when you lose your i am a killing machine mindset you are much more easy to take out yeah yes sam look who wants to add to that i think we even just need to pray and release that right now this is a supernatural um mindset it's not something you can well out of your own kind of effort and some of you are asking does this include me is my situation a disqualification mark for me that i'm not yet able to be part of the army it includes every one of you let me say this no one is disqualified the qualification mark is that you love jesus that you're surrendered to him and that you just say yes to this call god i hear the call i hear the invite to be conscripted into your army and i respond with a radical yes and so for those of you that are feeling like you're not qualified you don't belong you're not able to come into let me just wipe that lie off you right now it doesn't matter how long you've been saved how much inner healing you need how much freedom you perceive that you need even let me say this even in saying yes and accepting your call well some of the demons that you feel have been haunting you for years they will shift in that moment as you just say yes to god and some of you are going to experience freedom from the enemy's plans that have whispered lies and set them around you as you just say yes god i'm saying yes to your army can script me in and so in jesus name we'll lose a supernatural blessing to you to receive the mindset that you are a warrior that you are a killing machine that you are signing the dotted line as luke was prophesying there that you are coming into this role and i'm watching right now as those thoughts of am i disqualified are just dropping because you're saying yes and some of you even just need to shout where you are yes god i say yes to your invitation i step into the call as a warrior killing machine and you're gonna have to say that out loud and god says fine you're already in you are all ready and and he gets to train you from now on excellent and it's funny isn't it you know i think in in such a time of isolation and as uh certainly the british isles and the republic of ireland go back down into very strict lockdown again and tightening regulations you can feel the collective weariness over the nations you can feel the stress levels rise you can feel the discouragement and how we deal with that yes you need shepherding and you need tenderness and you need nurture at this time but i actually think you need this military mindset more than anything else because there has to be a default setting within us within this kind of chaos that says i will not be overwhelmed and because as soon as you wake up and you say i'm a killing machine the enemy starts to get terrified rather than you spending your days in fear so sam you have a word about panic and pandemonium can you release that and then look and i'll jump in the back of it sounds like a great word but you just hear those two words there doesn't that i worried about panic and pandemonium and on friday morning i was very aware just as i woke up in the morning of uh the enemy's realm the enemy's courts and what was going on there and i watched as the enemy as satan walked into a room and that's not particularly normal for me to see on a friday morning to be honest so i'm paying attention god why are you exposing this to me and he walked into a room and unlocked the door and it looked like it hadn't been unlocked in quite a while and there was a button in this room and it had the word panic on it and i knew immediately that the word panic and that the button wasn't the enemy being in panic but the button panic being a release of panic into the earth realm and an enemy strategy to release a second wave of a pandemic but the pandemic being of panic because we know that panic leads to poor choices it leads to chaos it creates disruption because that's what panic does panic blinds you to reason it blinds you to logic it blinds you to thinking clearly panic does that it shuts down your ability to think with solutions in mind out of a situation and the enemy pressed this button and released into the earth and some of you it will have felt over the weekend an intensification of panic if you particularly i felt like there was a release of panic attacks on the back of that and for those who don't normally have panic attacks if you felt like that has been around you on you or something that you have felt do type in the comments because we're gonna agree that that's gonna shift over your life but panic as i said is this overwhelming sensation of fear and it shuts down your ability to think clearly and with reason but panic is ultimately rooted in a feeling of being out of control everything is out of control i have no control and it disempowers you and the enemy's plan by pressing this panic button is to make you feel out of control so that he can disempower you that's the enemy's part when you feel out of control you feel disempowered then you feel like i have no ability to make any decisions that have reasonable effect on the world around me and on my life and some of us i know it's starting quite in that area but some of us just need to go yes that's me we need to push into the light and realize i have not been battling an isolated incident with just myself this has not just been assam robertson weak moment but i realize that i have come under an atmosphere of the enemy of panic that has come into the earth that that is the enemy's plan and even by just saying this is the enemy's plan you start the process of breaking agreement with it because you realize that it's not your own to carry and the enemy is releasing this panic now normally and i was talking about this with with emma normally when we see the enemy almost immediately after we would see god and what his solution is for something it's almost kind of instinct no you know if i see the enemies plan almost immediately oh god this is what he's doing i see this in the heavenly realms this is what he is acting on it was a whole 24 hours until almost the exact time on saturday morning before i saw what god was doing and that is very unusual and normally i would see god immediately so saturday morning again i i was just waking up like to say it was really early but it was probably about 10 o'clock because it was saturday and i slept long but i woke up and immediately i was in heaven and there were lots of things going on but god took me to his version of this button and it had a word on it that i don't really like and and it kind of confused me and i had the word pandemonium on it pandemonium now we know that the word is rooted in the demonic and it's rooted in the havoc that is released by the demonic but the lord started to speak and he said this yes this word means havoc that's released by the demonic but watch as i now reverse this and as i press this button i am releasing havoc to the demonic and he pressed the planet and immediately sent shock waves of havoc to the demonic and in the kind of attack mode offense mode of god in response to the enemy god is saying i am releasing shockwaves of havoc into the demonic and the lord says i am releasing shockwaves of havoc into the enemy's camp and into the enemy structures and the lord says the enemy will not be as calculated and as gathered and as together in this season as they have been in the past and the lord says i am releasing to you the ability to break agreement with panic and to receive an ability to think clearly and you see i think we've thought kind of wrongly about the season that we have been in that in many ways the enemy has the upper hand and the enemy is thriving and i think we think because we see chaos and we see dismantling and we see reset that the enemy is somehow having his way in it let me say the dismantling is god's dismantling the shaking is god's shaking the reset is god's reset and god has the upper hand in this season and the shock waves of havoc that he is sending they are going right into the enemy's camp right now and i can feel it just going like show like electricity shock waves right now i'm saying look i'm sending havoc into the enemy's camp havoc into the enemy's camp havoc into the enemy's camp and this pandemonium but in the lord says as a pandemonium enter the demonic it's not a pandemonium released by the demonic and m you use the word outmatched let me say that we're gonna have to convince ourselves of that you've got the upper hand the enemy is outmatched because of what you've put in us and god is saying right now it is time church not to partner with panic and we've got to guard ourselves because it's so full in the air right now you just need to go outside your house and go to a shop and you can feel the panic that is in the atmosphere and this is an intentional activity i am not partnering with panic today i am breaking agreement with panic today i'm not welcoming panic into my life today because i know that when i open the door to panic that's where things spiral and so in the name of jesus i loose to each and every one of you watching a strength to break agreement with panic right now don't plan it don't panic there we go let's go whatever that was don't panic oh no it's not there it's the the panic the havoc button that god is releasing into the enemy camp i release to you the ability to not panic no in jesus name did any of you guys want to add on to that just before i add anything where's that where is that noise coming from david do you have any insight on that oh david is saying it's from your computer look i don't know i let you fix it and then you can comment on it i think we need i think we yes public service announcement it sounds like it's gone i think we we need a moment of honesty in that when i came back from from uh annual leave and i started to type um you know to the people i have a spiritual responsibility from some of my staff some of the you know profits around the world and i'm saying i'm back how are you all doing and i do that various script chats and whatsapp groups i have to say well actually a hundred percent of the people i type to have been struggling even in the most senior uh echelons of leadership the people we think have all got it sorted is really the point i'm making and uh i was um um surprised i think but i actually think i was heartened uh and my and my heart uh was taken to a new place by god in understanding that we are all feeling like this not because we are personally pathetic but because there is a corporate assignment against us and i think when you understand that it's a corporate assignment rather than just my individual patheticness something in you is strengthened in that okay and so i think we on mass as the body of christ need to say i see the bigger picture that this is an international assignment against the pioneers against the remnant against the those who push forward to almost the last gasp of satan to um push us down where on mass the church just feels like oh you know and see that this is affecting on mass and start to understand that this is something you win yes look do you want to comment on that yeah just when you're saying that it's the last gasp of satan it feels like that's happening in the in the demonic realm is that there's like a last ditch we'll try this and so they're gathering themselves with everything um and so uh it's that so naturally we see with our eyes in the natural realm um you know just uh panic and chaos all of these things happening because the enemy's trying his best to throw naturally us into that state and for us to agree with that and take it on board but the reality is is that he's in a state of panic he's in a state of chaos he is preparing himself in a different way because he knows that there is there is something afoot that is different and so as we bring ourselves into that agreement with the spirit of god understanding who we are in him our position in him our conscription to his army um recognizing the place that we have as his warriors all of those things suddenly um we find that those even though we see with our eyes the craziness that is going on it it doesn't affect our spirit in the same way and so it's like there's it's almost as if uh i if it see we see a polarization of of the demonic and the army of god where before there was this you know the enemy was just intertwining into all of these different things but it's like this that he's having to take on a new strategy and we are having to step into a new strategy and suddenly you see the two armies that are formed and one is one is in panic and one is starting to work in signs wonders and miracles in the kingdom of god like never before it's so good and it feels like that's happening you said it twice in this broadcast and i wrote it down because i think we need to just sit on it a little bit where you said satan is preparing in different ways i think that's a fantastic revelation that satan is doing things in different ways because his hand is a little bit forced right now but that what what you then said is that there is new strategy for us as well and some of you therefore are going to feel attacked in ways that you have not felt attacked in before and uh that that oh my goodness satan seems to have got to me where he wouldn't usually be able to get to me satan preparing in different ways i think that is the revelation of the moment but that there is a new strategy for you and i and look i wonder if you can just release to us just pray over us new strategy yeah absolutely well first we just want to step into again the place that you have created for us right now god that even right now in this moment as this is going out you have created a space and a place for us to step into so we make a choice now to do that we step into that place as your sons and daughters but also um as your as your warriors and all of those things that it includes as well um and right now as we do that um i see a release of heavenly strategies god's strategy strategy spirit inspired strategies totally new um guys we have to we have to stand in today in the present moment as if it's today so don't don't look at what happened yesterday don't even necessarily look at what's going to happen tomorrow but just in this moment just stand in the present and say right now the lord has specific heavenly divine incredible strategies um for us right now i'm just reminded of when um he came to joshua as commander of the armies of the lord and it's the only time that he came like this in scripture and he came to joshua specifically as the commander of the armies and right now the lord is going to come to you as the commander of the armies and give you specific strategy just as he gave joshua strategy and they went and jericho fell he is coming right now and he is starting to deliver to us specific strategies i'm not saying this is a one global strategy this is unique individual specific strategies for the place that we are in right now because there are jericho's that have stood there for the whole of our lives that are going to come crumbling down in this season we need to stand in the present moment we need to hear what he's saying to us specifically he's giving you a specific strategy don't look and to what he's saying to other people right now he's giving you a specific strategy for what he wants to do with you through you and accomplish his kingdom in the earth in this season yes very good very good the other thing um that i want to bat around a little bit together is i heard the lord say i am the rock i will not allow you to stand on any other substitute i am the rock i will not let anything else be a rock to you did you hear that god saying i am the rock i will not let anything else be a rock to you and the lord saying i am the rock i am the security i am the unchanging one and the lord is saying that in this time on planet earth he has come to strip us of our wrong dependencies and our wrong idolatries and i heard the lord say this watch for the continuation of chaos or chaos continues i actually heard it that way right chaos continues now when the lord says chaos continues none of us want to go yay we all want to go oh jesus help you know jesus of mercy chaos continues and the spirit of the lord said this it is in my sending of holy divine chaos that men fall to their knees to seek a savior and the spirit of the lord says i have even orchestrated it that this is the season of the greatest amount of elections across the face of the earth presidential elections for my chaos candidates will be set in place says the lord and you know we have elections in new zealand america canada we've got the great uncertainty of brexit and the no deal in europe in the british isles there's presidential elections in moldova egypt there's referendums in chile in tanzania in myanmar in burkina faso in romania and in bolivia the other day and i only scraped the top of my google search of which nations are in election season between now and the end of the year and so you can feel the nations you know individually and collectively in this chaotic election fever it's not just one or two somebody's saying don't forget bolivia yes bolivia and and somebody's saying australia i mean they're everywhere somebody just saying in the comments they just had elections in jamaica but you can see this orchestration of this time on planet earth where god is saying allow my chaos to come because it is in that that salvation starts to come to the many and remember that you are the ones who are standing on the rock and i think in our lives we yearn for comfort i mean i'm yearning for comfort right now you're yearning for comfort right now we are yearning for familiarity and if anybody says they're not yearning for familiarity i don't know what planet they've been living on we are yearning for familiarity we are yearning for comfort right now but the lord is saying to us that is not coming in the forms that you want it to come because i need a stripped back remnant who do not find comfort in anything but me and i will allow chaos in the earth that i might be fine says the lord and the spirit of the lord said this to me you are in revival he said you are in revival he says you are in awakening you are awaiting people any longer it is not about to come it has well become says the lord the people are turning the people are finding me the people in families are on their knees crying like for a savior the people who do not know me are finding me on the internet as the church goes viral as the church goes virtual says the lord and the spirit of the lord says you wanted revival you just thought you would enjoy it more when it came you wanted revival you thought you would understand it more than you currently are you wanted revival but you wanted it in a familiar form and the spirit of the lord says even you are more awake than you were six months ago the spirit of the lord says even you can measure your own personal awakening even you can measure your own personal revival says the lord and the spirit of the lord is saying beat the self-absorption of your life beat your navel gazing beat off your life that sense that says purr me and see what i'm doing in the world says the lord that i must have chaos because i am crying for a world to find me and it is in the confusion that i find i just feel like the lord is saying see bigger oh come on see bigger see bigger see bigger see bigger it's not just about what's happening in your four walls it's not just about what's happening between your two ears in your thinking he's found in chaos god is stripping us and teaching us not to love our own lives and not to love our wrong dependencies oh god we should be crying out thank you for what you're saying thank you that we're in the middle of revival from you that we're in the middle of a great awakening no wonder he's talking about the church online because it's where the people are come on we need to get an eternal and heavenly perspective whoa whoa whoa sam look over to you yeah i just i just heard the spirit of god on that say do not make the mistake of a tributing to the enemy what is actually a result of my hand do not make a mistake of shutting down the chaos that i have actually sent as the birthing environment for this new thing that i am doing in the earth you see as god releases this havoc to the to the enemy it brings down and destroys demonic structures that are in the earth so we are going to see shaking and chaos around us the structures that have been structures of comfort and i just feel this repentance is needed right now god i'm sorry for seeking comfort and standing on a rock that was not and is not you i'm sorry for this becoming a comfort for media becoming a comfort for whatever it could be for the financial systems of the world becoming a comfort for my bank account being a rock for this being a rock and that being a rock but you're the rock and we've got to repent and come off all the other rocks that we've been standing on and we're going to realize that they're just crumbling sinking sand and stand on the rock that is eternal that is jesus christ that is building and always advancing and god is saying look it's my hand and yes the enemy is trying to release a little bit of chaos here and there but even in the middle of that god will usurp what the enemy is trying to do and use it to advance his purposes of the kingdom coming to earth and the church rising and advancing in the nations and some of you i feel like right now you need to stand up and you need to step off prophetically some of the rocks that you've been standing on and step onto that rock that is jesus and say right now god and name them if you know what rocks you've been standing on that have been comfort to you say it out loud i am sorry for this becoming a comfort for looking to that as a comfort for standing on here and i step back onto you as the rock jesus because i know that's the only place that i can be safe at a time like this where you're shaking the earth and you're shaking the nations look yeah i i'm just reminded of we were in i was in a prayer meeting years ago um and we were praying about um persecution in a country stopping um and that we really felt the rebuke of god in relation to praying that the persecution would stop and the lord said really clearly it's because right now in this nation um i'm using the persecution to birth my heroes oh come on and i feel right now that the lord is using the chaos to birth here yeah yes and we we have to see that there is a dynamic of this chaos that is the lord because he and he talks about it in the bible talks about how um it talks about you know all of the things that living a life of the spirit would involve and one of it's long suffering and it seems crazy because it's so it's surrounded by all of these great attributes but one of them's long suffering um and the reason why that's there is because there is a dynamic in which hard times cause you to discover god and discover who you are in god in a different way and right now um the chaos is producing heroes yes come on producing the warriors and so we need to in a way embrace the um working of god in the current situation i mean what a point look i do kind of feel that the western church is going to catch up uh with the persecuted church in their understanding of their of power and authority through god it is um allowing to come to the earth that we are not at i mean i've spent time with the persecuted church you you never meet uh westerners as on fire as the persecuted church it just doesn't exist and actually i when the lord says to the western church you will catch up with the persecuted church's power and authority because of this season of chaos continuing that just is like a wow wow god that actually it's purging us into radical boldness and it's purging us into an end of wrong dependencies and we're being purged into an end of the fear of man you know and uh god is on the move and i think you know some of you caught it in the comments there that when when the lord said to me this morning it is well begun the revival and awakening we want to go no god because i wanted it to look like i wanted to look and i thought i would be in the front row of church and i would rush to the altar and all my christian friends would be there and we'd host the glory in the presence of god together and i would feel so good about myself i thought revival and awakening meant i felt good about me that's our selfishness in our prayer for revival i want revival because i want to feel good about me i want to feel all the tingle and the glow of the holy spirit and our our determination for revival has been so self-focused and here we are in the biggest revival awakening that has ever happened and we feel the most uncomfortable we have ever felt yeah wow and if if god if god put description to revival like god's description if he would put a description to revival would be that when i move and when i do things i want the end product to be that my champions come out at the other end the champions come out at the other end but in our in our description in ideal of revival it's it's it that doesn't happen because there is a dynamic of um discovering god in the hardness and in the tough times that um does not happen in our ideal of revival there's incredible things we discover ourselves as sons and daughters and you know loads of different things but um god wants us to become his champions in the earth because he needs us to take dominion in the earth and so you know if we are if we embrace that and say god will take me on that path that path is going to look very very different to what we would expect it to look like yeah and we've got to reclaim that word revival and i think it's been overused for many things there have been many good moves of god that i think we need to put under the category of refreshing that we've used the word revival for that have actually been a refresh and they've been a good thing but to revive means to wake up to resurrect something that is dead and it is a violent thing and think about you know when they resuscitate with the electric shock paths the defibrillators and in a hospital that is a violent shockwave that courses through someone's body it is chaos that is sent into a body to then release a waking up a resurrection that is what revival is and where we are right now is the violent shockwaves of god going through the earth going through the church as he places those shock pads on our hearts to resuscitate revive and awake us again and this is the point where we just have to go god i know that in my natural fleshly ways i'm going to expect it to look like what it looked like in the past but you gave me a capacity to see revival as you see it not as the refreshings in my history see it because what you are doing now is true revival it is a resuscitation a resurrection where what was dead is now coming alive yeah i mean i i only have figures for uh the british isles but we now have one in four uh attending online churches i mean a quarter of the population attending online churches we would have you know given anything for that in january february this year we wouldn't have believed it was possible that that many people could be engaging and i suppose the question in the back of that is what is your online persona i mean all a thousand five hundred whatever of you who are watching right now and then catch up on this what is your online persona because if your online persona is anything other than pointing the way to christ heaven have mercy on you and i mean that seriously because if you are on just making political statements or being cantankerous and uh obstreperous and you're just on uh online to be difficult and to not show grace and mercy and forgiveness and point the way to truth well lord have mercy on us all because that is the the place where church is being played out it's in the social media as setting the church is being played out that is where people are going to find jesus and they want their champions to show the way in how they steward the gifts of the spirit and the fruit of the spirit online look you had a word on visitations of god do you want to uh go to that yeah well let me just say as well so right now i live and i'm so i'm actually married to ken and lo scott's daughter and if any of you know uh in the 90s ken and low scott had an incredible move come to their church it was like the toronto for europe and you know in uh three and a half years they had half a million people come through their church night after night after night packed incredible incredible and so i want to say in what we're saying today we are never dishonoring what happened because what happened yesterday and those moves of god brought us to today yes but we must stand in today and we must hear god for today and god has a mandate for us that the old language of revival that we've put to it it it it doesn't describe it because it's new right now um and so i think it's important as well just uh to know that those things are honored but we have to we have to stand who we are and what we're doing today um yes so um i was uh the lord spoke to me actually from isaiah 29 and it's a it's a funny passage of scripture actually it's about the siege of jerusalem um um but um he started talking to me in relation to this whole warfare thing that is happening at the moment and in that passage of scripture um he actually names his people um as uh as ariel or ariel just like the little mermaid yes but which actually means heroes of god or lions of god um and he talks about his people in that passage of scripture as his heroes and as his lions and he actually talks in that about um about persecution and hardship coming against jerusalem but actually then out of that that incredible move of god would come to them i'm just gonna i'll read a passage of that scripture so it says excuse me i was searching for some other bits earlier so there in isaiah 29 so it says and you will be visited by the lord of hosts and he will come with thunder and with earthquake and with great noise he will come with a whirlwind and a tempest and a flame of devouring fire and the multitude of all of those nations that fight against you ariel all that fight against her and her strongholds will be distressed in fact so much so that when you it will be like um when you're awake from a dream ariel and you think it was just a dream and so i i heard the lord i just saw this dynamic of chaos and revival yeah like this dynamic of uh persecution and revival persecution and kingdom of god persecution in presence of god persecution or not persecution you know just the chaos happening but just the dynamic of the kingdom of god just being seen in the earth in a way that we have talked about yep dreamt about um cried out to god about yeah and yet it's going to happen in a way that we didn't expect yes and the sense in that of god coming with greater visitations to his people it's the extremes isn't it and so that sense of uh not only may will you feel shaken not only will you feel stripped but you will feel the intensity of the visitation of god like never before it is the days of extremes in the earth and i don't want you just to get one of those extremes i don't want you just to get the extreme shaken and extreme panic without the extreme visitation i don't you want you to be one who just gets sidelined into oh my i feel overwhelmed and not get the flip side of this season and so as we come to an end i loose to you in the mighty name of jesus an ability to not miss the extreme visitations of god that he has for you and in the name of jesus i loose that to you across the land mass of planet earth that right now you may not just be one who was trodden but you will be one who gets on the timing with god on the season where you start to see your god like never before in jesus name uh i know you all loved look there were lots of comments there uh you will see i promise you a load more of him uh because he's a good friend and uh he will be one of our regular par our uh hosts yeah yeah yeah and david wanted me to say to you that our miracle clinic where you can apply for miracle appointments have spaces i think we've got appointments up david says for the next fortnight so uh oh he's got the the website on the screen in front of you if you need a miracle um and you need healing miracle or other sort of miracle quickly jump onto our website now and get yourself a miracle clinic appointment and we're working our way up to do hundreds and hundreds per month so uh be quick and get one there and we will see you tomorrow lots of love for family [Music] foreign
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 10,198
Rating: 4.9764242 out of 5
Id: -0wEdh8CnGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 4sec (3784 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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