"...with Pastor John" | POWER HOUR LIVE | Episode 96

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hello power amber family it is sam and john here and for i don't even know what episode number that is i think we're needing a hundred there we go it's episode 96 that's pretty mental we've got well another four episodes after this until it's our 100th episode sarah james was meant to be joining us today but unfortunately can't but you're in for a treat because we have uh the wonderful wise with always lots of truth to say pastor john with us that we're just super excited and you'll think from the theme we're talking about the glory of god the presence of god and we're still going on the the general theme of the last month which is really what is god saying to us as the people of god and what do we need to know so john how are you doing today what's happening uh i'm doing very well indeed i'm looking forward to the weekend when um i fly out to enjoy uh some day's break with emma and david and the grandchildren as well uh and the other grandparents so looking forward to that as well so there'll be a lot of walking along the beach i think in the wind yeah i don't want to get the ride as well probably when possibly the rain but hopefully hopefully some october sun i think would be nice but i'm sure you'll need to be zipped up and in a jacket and i wonder how many canoe journeys um the kids will want to go on i know uh that that's what they like to do when they're in the habits take the canoe and try and use it in the water there i know i i don't think david had um the box for luggage on on the car so i he hasn't taken it i certainly enjoy the canoeing when when you could go canoeing but um but it's going to be cold and i just don't like the cold these days having lived and worked in spain for a long stretch i think the heat sort of warmed me up and i haven't got used to the glasgow cold yet really oh no i mean but that's that's like us i mean i'm born and raised in scotland always in glasgow and still complain about the cold every single day and it's all we talk about the cold in scotland like we're surprised by it before august freezing today was there chilly baltic there's a good scottish phrase chili baltic together and we say that like we've never experienced the cold weather before and we do think to be honest probably about 99 percent of the days we have lived have been in the cold yes almost felt surprised by it yeah it did i find obviously living in a flat here and meeting other people you know on the stairs at times and if i'm out first thing in the morning it's really cold this morning ah freezing you know this is no different from yesterday on the day before that you know it felt exactly the same the day before but we're still just as surprised by it as well so i mean i'm sure i'm sure you'll get some nice weather and you'll have some you'll have some good time anyway i know for sure and so many people you're already saying there's uh someone there saying she's got her pen and paper ready for insights and wisdom today as well i know you're gonna be blessed do keep commenting and hear where you're coming from if it's your first time joining us then an extra special massive warm welcome to you you are a part of the family and it's just super good to have you with us um here i feel like we've kind of formed this massive international family through power our and i just love you guys and we love you guys and i know that it's mutual and it's super good to see all your names uh being typed up and just welcoming so do let us know and comment throughout the day i will say for those of you because so many comments came on yesterday and they were asking about my stubble that's a temper growing a beard right i had an absolute tragedy at the weekend that i need to get that i need to talk about family i meant to use a three millimeter i think it was blade or what guard on my on my trimmer and i used a 0.31 and two weeks of growth was gone like that and you know that way i went right up the middle to begin with like right up here so i had this ball strip down the middle so i couldn't even put like ignore it and then move on so prayers appreciated as i kind of start from square one again and try to grow a little bit more of a beard over the next couple of weeks it took me two weeks before please let it not take as long this time but you should have heard me in the house i was going hell is it mom and dad this is a i tragedy sam sometimes i notice when i've grown it from time to time that um if you shave it off particularly when it was younger and you let it grow through again it comes through a little bit thicker so i'm hoping before we get carried away with beer talk and everything but i thought i know that you'd all really love to know that yeah i was asking about my red ear from yesterday as well it's still red but it's not sore so i don't know what's going on there but we just want to really talk kind of in a conclusion of where we have been for the last three weeks and i wonder as you are commenting if you can comment what out of the prophetic words the words of the lord that have been brought over the last three week three weeks if you had to pick one or one theme or one revelation that really has impacted you and grabbed a hold of you what would that be no it's not saying that the other stuff didn't but if there was one thing that was said that moved your heart and that stirred you what would that be from the last couple of weeks we would love to hear that and just hear what you've got to say about that and what you're partnering with this week we have gone really on a journey particularly with emma yesterday and on tuesday of some strong reshaping and reforming words to the church and god is saying at this time ecclesia no it is now time for the ecclesia to rise and there is such a momentum of the spirit of god behind the church right now i mean a momentum unlike anything i have experienced before and god is really forcefully pushing and putting his hands behind the church and he is saying that ecclesia now it is your time ecclesia to arise and yesterday we talked about radical community and radical belonging together and we talked about touch and the need for the jesus redeemed form of touch and i know pastor john you've got some things that you want to speak into that today as we begin so do you want to just take the floor and share what god is saying particularly into that area okay thanks sam yes um i caught up with yesterday's broadcast a bit later in the day because i had other appointments in the morning and um just after i had watched it uh there was a ring at the doorbell and um the amazon man delivered me this book which i'd forgotten i had ordered some time ago and i really want to recommend it to you it's by a lady called laurie ferguson wilbert and you see that coming up on your screen now and the overall title is handled with care but the strap line on it is how jesus redeems the power of touch in life and ministry now can i say right away i think the picture is just dull and and not particularly inspiring but um the contents um far exceed the cover in in my judgment so don't be put off that it looks a bit sort of a dull and and dreary um i haven't read all of it because it's only just arrived and so when i saw the title and i just watched the broadcast which you'd seen earlier in the day i thought i'll skim read it um i can't skim read as quickly as i used to do so as i was skimming through the pages i thought i don't want to skim read this book it is so good there is great con content here and so i do recommend it to you and as i was reading it through and uh just pausing here and there um a thought came strongly into my mind and it was this that this is a book i think a number of you who maybe have been wrongly touched and experienced the pain and the ongoing difficulty and struggle with that this is a book although not directing not directed uh to them to the matter of uh abusive touch i think this is a book that could be a bomb to your soul as you read it it's extremely well written uh the lady uh uses um lovely phraseology um and great choice of vocabulary as well but i think it could really be a bomb to your soul if in fact you have experienced wrong touch now one or two other things about the book is that i like ethi graphs and epigraphs are the if you don't know our literary device that writers use i'm maybe telling you something you already know but it's a literary device that writers use and it's an epigraph it's the little comment that they put at the beginning of the chapter now epigraphs if they are good are like seeds they are like seeds that um the author plants in your mind and that you that they hope anyway will as you read that coming chapter that those seeds in the epigraph will blossom and grow so they are a clue to the content of the chapter is coming now she has some great epigraphs and i'll read one or two of them to you because i think they they are um she starts in chapter one with a line from a poem by john keats which i've completely forgotten um and it's simply this touch has a memory now that's both positive and negative isn't it that both good and bad but touch has a memory then let me give you another one here this one by charles dickens from his uh book our mutual friend have a heart that never hardens and a temper that never tires and a touch that never hurts and i think that's something that we would sort of pray for ourselves as well and then uh a third one from honorary nun he says this when we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us we often find that it is those who instead of giving advice solutions and cures have shown rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand and i thought yes yes i really pray that my words would touch people with a warm and tender hand there is and i won't read it to you there is a lovely poem at the beginning of one of the early chapters which i had never read before but i won't read it to you now because that will spoil your experience of reading it for the first time if you have never uh read it but let me finish with with this quote here um though eden is lost that's the garden of eden it's loveliness although eden has lost its loveliness remains in the heart and the imagination and then this one uh on the same page which is attributed she says to plato though i have never read anything like this in plato the philosopher from years ago every heart sings a song incomplete until another heart whispers back those who wish to sing always find a song at the touch of a lover everyone becomes a poet and i thought that's that's lovely and you think when you were going out with your partner um and maybe you wrote poetry to them and sometimes it was you know when you look back at it years later it was absolutely dribble drivel but nonetheless you you found that you wanted to express something that could be only expressed in poetry there is a letter that she writes to people at the end of this book which is especially dressed to those who have known wrong touch and there are five points i think she makes in that letter it's not a long but it's extremely helpful can i say something else um if you have been wrongly touched um it it leaves a scar it never completely goes away i believe there can be immense healing uh when there has been that in your in your life and please please see seek that out um if if you if you've gone through uh a an experience of being wrongly wrongly touched and sometimes you don't always find the person you're talking to is as empathetic as as they ought to be but you will find somebody who will be able to do that but it's like a scar it's like a wound and the scar comes and the healing has come um but the scar is still there and i appreciate that about the whole question of of uh domestic abuse and and whatever way you you may have been wrongly touched but i think this book could be bomb to your soul in that case and talking about bomb to the soul living these days in this pandemic and what goes on in it and and how it has really gone to the very foundations of our lives and i think we need to know what books to read in the bible that will be a bomb to our souls and i hope you know that now i'm not going to give you a list of books specifically that you you need to read because it will be different from individual to individual but i would strongly recommend that you read those passages in the bible which in the past maybe have been a real bomb a soothing influence to you and we need that from the word of god even today and i had an experience of that just about two or three days ago so um i'm thinking and about the book of ruth now i didn't even have my bible open at that particular point um i just had it in in my mind's eye just the text of ruth in front of me and as i was thinking about it i thought why do we call this the book of ruth it's not about ruth mainly at all it's about naomi and naomi figures at the beginning of the book her problems are resolved at the end of the book and ruth comes in the middle so i then started to read the book of ruth again from the instead of reading it through ruth's perspective as she was the the primary person in the book and naomi was secondary i took naomi as being the primary person and feeding ruth in into that and it gave me a completely different insight into the book of ruth and i did think this as well you know i know whether you learned the books of the bible when you were uh young at school you know genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy joshua judges naomi i thought wow and then samuel and i thought no that doesn't sound quite right but you go back i've always found the book of ruth to be very soothing for my soul and you will find other chapters and other books but find what is soothing in the scriptures uh is there so don't accuse me of wanting to change necessarily that book the title of that book in the bible but let me say this remember this and emma said you'll get something controversial from dad today remember this not everything in your bibles is inspired i hope you realize that not everything in your bibles is inspired and you know what i'm thinking of in the verses the verse numbers and the chapters they're certainly not inspired because they're not helpful at times and they divide up the bible in into gaps and intersections which um and forget the flow in which uh the the text is going at that point so i'll leave you with that point to think through sam thank you john i mean such powerful ground there and some of you are just being so honest in the comments particularly as john spoke about touch and we do just stretch out our hands towards you and bless you to find a place of healing and wholeness that that bomb of healing is coming to you where you are even now in jesus name and i love what you were saying there john about intentionally seeking out truth portions of scripture books in the bible that are to be bomb to us when we are in a place of crisis you see when we are in crisis everything that was once stable that helps us keep stable goes it goes out the window and so even the smallest of things that normally we would manage to tether and get our grounding back shortly after can become very overwhelming for us and we need to start to create touch points of uh of of being secure in god of encountering god and do that intentionally and i heard the spirit of the lord say this morning if some of yous who were on arise and shine you'll have her part of the words i heard the spirit of the lord call these at this period of time days of encounter and i saw him marking us marking the church marking individuals with a a new hunger and desperation for him and some of you will have felt a little bit like blind bartimaeus who cried out son of david don't pass me by you know don't ignore me god i need a touch from you i need an encounter from you and god is saying look i have made encounters available to you i have made myself available to you and it's time for you to start to intentionally seek out environments and activities in which you can meet with me and i think that in concept of what book of the bible god is going to be bombed to my soul today as a great beginning concept i'll tell you why i think sometimes we think that encounter is this sort of ethereal thing that kind of happens to us you know we're walking along the street and we have a damascus road experience like saul who became paul and all of a sudden god encounters us and that happens and many of you will have stories where you were doing nothing and god turned up and turned your life around but so often encounters come when you intentionally seek god even in the most mundane of activities and i know for myself and for others sometimes the most powerful question you can ask god in a day where you are feeling like you are losing your balance you are losing your stature how do you want to meet me today god how and even where do you want me to meet you today and there are times where for myself god's like i just need you to go a walk and i need you to look outside and i need you to look at creation and nature and that becomes a pathway for me to encounter god it could be as john was saying a chapter in the bible that god is saying i need you to go to this chapter or this particular book i need you just to read the psalms over and over and over again and those bible passages become passage ways in which you encounter god and he brings stability into your life it could be a gentle meditation with music on in the background and that becomes a passageway for you to meet with god and so i want to challenge you as we still are in days of crisis to ask god the question how do you want me to meet you today you see we live with this beautiful truth and i know john you are going to speak more into this later on and and it is this about god god comes down to be with these people and i think you've got to understand that god is a god who comes down to be with these people he is a god who comes down to meet you he is a god who comes to visit and see and live in and around you he is that by nature and so often we have a skewed kind of mindset i think with encounter and with god where somehow we need to try and strive to get up there you know i need to fight really hard to get up to where you are and god's going no no no no remember who i am remember how i am i come down to be with you now how do we partner with that how often do we see in scripture that god comes down but he requires us to go somewhere he would require his people to go somewhere moses to go and check out the burning bush you know that he had to turn and gore moses to climb up a mountain he had to intentionally move but he comes down and i feel the spirit of god so strong on this even right now and god is saying look these are the days where you're gonna know me as the god who comes down to be with these people you're gonna know me as the god who comes down to dwell with you and there is just this intense wave of the glory of god that is mingling in the earth and that is starting to move and that is starting to intensify and i heard the spirit of god uh talk about and and this is what he said he said psalm the glory wave the waves of my glory it's coming and it's coming to home and it's coming to people and i heard the lord say this he said houses are becoming homes and homes are becoming habitations houses are becoming homes and homes are becoming habitations and where you live right now let me say this no matter how much you may think it's not the ideal environment for a god to visit god is saying it is the perfect place for me to come to and god is enabling you to create even your home your physical home a habitation where god comes to be with you and that is a prayer that you need to partner with god make my house a home and my homa habitation make my house a home and my home a habitation and god is really shifting us from thinking that we need to go outside and visit a church or visit a temple for the glory to encounter us to the point where we understand that we can live in and abide in the glory all of the time even within our own homes and so that really is the journey that god is taking his people on and this glory wave let me tell you is not a wave that god is saying you are going to be a spectator of it's not a wave that god is saying you're going to watch from your living room you're going to look outside your window and you're going to see it and you might get some splash back and enjoy it but that's about it the lord is saying it is something that you will participate in because this is what he's doing now john i know that you've got some brilliant thoughts about the god who comes down to be with his people and that's what i hear him say over and over and over again as as we're as we're talking today i'm the god who comes down and the god who comes down and the god that comes down so john jonah talked into that that he is the god who comes down and makes his presence known to us yes that's fine let me just say something about the general comment about the presence of god and the language that we use from the presence of god that we're mainly familiar with is in the songs that we're seeing and the hymns that we sing in the worship songs that we sang and i wrote down these lines which as they came to me yesterday uh late in in the evening and um the words of some of these songs are a little bit old so that will date me but i need thy presence every passing hour what but by grace can comfort and foil the tempter's power who like myself my guide and stay can be through cloud and sunshine lord abide with me i need thy presence i stand amazed in the presence of jesus the nazarene and wonder how he could love me a sinner condemned unclean and what about the celtic song be thou my vision o lord of my heart naught be all else to me save that thou art thou my best fault by day or by night waking or sleeping thy presence my light this is the air i breathe your holy presence living in me surrounded by your glory what will my heart feel will i stand in your presence or to my knees will i fall and i think that creates for us an atmosphere of what the presence of god is as it invades our life and every part of our life and the effect it will have upon us uh i was speaking to somebody uh recently and they were unraveling for me some of the struggles and uphill climbs that they had had in their life and what resonated with me was that they they kept use using the phrase empty i feel empty now uh our feelings of emptiness that's a common human experience isn't it we all have that at times um they can come from relational disappointments they can come from loneliness uh they can go come from ongoing struggles that we still have as we live and learn to live with loss or even our dreams that remain unfulfilled or even an empty womb but we use the word empty that something seems to be missing there and as this person kept using this word and talking to me and and i was listening there i thought there is a restless ache in this person uh and they are overwhelmed by this sense of uh of loneliness uh but what came to directly to the forefront of my mind was um how the weight of emptiness can feel so heavy for us and it's so strange isn't it emptiness can be a heavy burden on our souls and how much room emptiness can take up in our souls and yet it's emptiness that's how we describe the experience and yet the experience seems to overwhelm us like a wave and take over our lives and how much pain can be caused by something that isn't there because we use the word empty so there was a pause and the person was you know and anticipating that i would say something in it that would help her in her in her situation and i thought i i said to the person i think i want to say to you first of all that god is great at dealing with emptiness god is great at dealing with emptiness i said um you know the first problem in the bible which is mentioned in the second verse of the first chapter of the book of genesis the first problem in the bible that god had to deal with was one of emptiness you remember that god created and immediately he had three problems it was formless it was empty and it was dark so immediately it created the world it was formless it was empty and it was dark so he had to address that problem i mean i think just to pause there i think how good that is because how many of you would um acknowledge that you feel a little like all those words would use those descriptions even for yourself they feel you feel empty you feel formless or you feel dark and we see that god that's the first problem god solves and i think even that that you were saying there that's just our truth to liberate so many of you now that you may feel formless or empty or dark but it is in his nature to solve that because it's the very first problem that we see god filling and solving keep going john yes thank you thank you and and your problem of of of emptiness is not without hope because you remember the next verse in the in the opinion of our bible is that the spirit of god was hovering over the surface of of the waters and and that's a wonderful word that hovering now i know scholars debate in the hebrews to what the origin of that word is and i tend to put a different stress slightly on it than emma does at times but the fact that the spirit was hovering over the emptiness means that he was about to make something happen action was about to take place and remember you know god said let there be light and there was like there was light came into the darkness and into the emptiness so going back to my friend uh i realized that they needed more than that and they knowing them i could say to them look let me just tell you again something of the storyline of the bible because the storyline of the bible and its emphasis upon presence and god's presence with us is the answer ultimately to loneliness and to emptiness that we sometimes feel and the bible reveals something about god that we sometimes find hard for us to believe and you may as sam was speaking about it a few moments ago find it hard that god wants to be with us sometimes when we feel empty um we thought well nobody wants to be with me somebody even to see more recently in the last few days said well i'm not much company at the moment i don't feel great um this and this is going on and and um we were meeting up and they that they were saying well i don't know what i was going to say to you john this morning i i've got no conversation to offer to you and and the thought that god wants to be with us is a profound truth that the bible wants us to feed on we talk about things that are a bomb to our souls well nourish your soul nourish it on the truth that god wants to be with us and when we begin to think about that we often think that god's work in our lives is all about him wanting to make us active for him so he can use us in the work of his kingdom so that we can do things that he wants done i think that is a misunderstanding of the heart of god and his purpose for us his work in our lives is a reflection of his desire to be with us so why why does god i mean i'm running ahead of myself here but why does god have the the program of sanctification of making us more like jesus you know is that we might be more active for him no is that he might come and live with us because we have to be sanctified to use those theological worms words if he wants to if he can come with us and why does he send his spirit the holy spirit to conduct his sanctifying work in our lives it's so that he can be with us and he can be at home in our hearts so that's important so how does this all work out in the storyline of the bible not number one heading number one god came down to be with us in a garden it's as simple as that in the garden of eden god came down to be with us in a garden i think sometimes we concertina up just because the chapters come so quickly upon each other in genesis one two and three um and we think that god created the world and they were adam and eve and maybe they walked with god um at the end of the day for about a week and then the the the certain appeared you know and and the whole question of the apple you know and and all the discussion about the apple that they ate and you as you know the problem was not the apple on the tree it was the pair on the ground they were the the difficulty there but what i think when you look at those opening chapters of genesis you find that god wanted to come down in all his completeness so that he might have fellowship with us you know adam and eve sinned um and the bible story the bible story could have ended there but you know that they were ejected from the garden and then god began to speak to a man called abraham and he said to to abraham i will always be your god and the god of your descendants after you in genesis 17 7 i will always be your god now when you read that hear the intimacy in what god is saying to abraham there i will always be your god well this is personal god is he's come down to them originally in a garden and he's coming down into abraham's situation there and god says i will always be your god and then later he says i will be with you secondly god came down comes down to be with us in a tent and that tent you know was called the tabernacle you can read all about it in the book of exodus i hope the a book of exodus is a very important book in the old testament so i hope you you know its content well but from chapters 25 to 31 you get all the details of the construction of of the tabernacle and i think as you wade through those details then you do get a sense that this is in fact it may not be very important to me what all those little details mean but you do get the sense this is very important to god he is spelling out these details and they are very intricate and he wants it to be built in a very special way and so we ask ourselves the question why was this so important to god the tabernacle it was because god wanted to be with his people well it was important to god to be with his people so it was important how the tabernacle was built yeah well he speaks all the details god wanted to live in a tent that was in the center of the camp his presence being the very focus of attention in in in the life of the community well that they would know that and they would enjoy that and would recognize that and then you know as you go on to exodus chapter 40 you get the glory of the lord filling the tabernacle and moses remember can't enter into the tabernacle because the glory of god has come down upon it and and the cloud settled the cloud of god's presence again settled over it and you remember there was a flame in the cloud that glowed at night to provide light for the people of god and the people of god saw the fiery presence of god when they camped at night we'll come back to that fire and then they moved eventually into the land of canaan that was to be the permanent dwelling of god with his people solomon built the temple in jerusalem and then in first kings 18 you get the um a covenant that solomon leads the people in making and at the dedication of the temple and again the dark cloud the thick cloud of god's presence comes down over the temple and it is so strong that the priest cannot continue the service and continue their activity the glorious presence of god filled the temple there so god came down to be with us in a temple then thirdly god comes down to be with us in the flesh you know john 1 14 the word became human and made its home among us so that's the wonderful thing there and just one one thought there you remember that jesus when he died on the cross cried out uh elia lama sabachthani in the aramaic was the language that jesus spoke in in those days and our translation of that is my god my god why have you forsaken me and jesus therefore on the cross experience the torment of loneliness and he my god my god where are you i just feel so lonely i feel so empty you're not there i cannot feel you now remember jesus hadn't lost his faith on the cross but he had lost his feelings for the presence of god he hadn't lost his faith in the presence of god and his father but he just had lost his feelings of the sense of the presence of god when he was being made sin for us so he went through that cry and went through that experience so that you and i may never be abandoned may never be forsaken and will never be truly ever alone well he went through that abandonment so that we would never have to go that way the third point jesus came down to be with us in the flesh in jesus then fourthly jesus comes down to be with us by his spirit acts 2 you know the opening in chapters there that god intended to dwell you see not just among his people that was the in the old testament god was among his people he wanted to be after the cross in his people and what did that generation on the day of pentecost see they saw the fiery presence of god descend on the disciples as it had descended on the tabernacle and the temple beforehand they associated the presence of god with fire there was a sense of the fiery presence of god as the tongues of fire tongues like a fire settled on each of those early disciples there and descended to dwell in them and god today is dwelling in you you have his presence if you have been united to christ by faith you have the presence of christ in there and then lastly just to make the whole thing round god fifthly will come down again to be with us face to face now i mustn't be uh diverted onto the beatif beatific vision but that is a wonderful verse where it says there in revelation 21 we will see his face but can don't get lost in the transcendence of the whole thing because you remember what it says in revelation 21 that god will reach and he will wipe away our tears intimacy personal god comes down he on that day when we see him face to face he is going to himself come and wipe away the tears from our eyes and because he is with us he is as personal and as close to us as anybody we have ever known and so john says we will see his face so that's the theme that the the bible storyline is the presence of god with us and that we are never alone and that he fills our emptiness with his presence by his spirit and that should give us great cause to to rejoice so well i mean that that is the perfect example of truth becoming bomb to our souls right now and so many of you were even being healed as pastor john was saying there your hearts being healed by the truth the reality that god has come down to be with you and that you already have his presence and i think you sometimes just need to say that i already have your presence god i've already got your presence it's already a reality for me i am not abandoned there's a decree right now for some of you that are feeling like you have been abandoned i am not abandoned you have not abandoned me god even if people are not present around me i am not alone nor am i forsaken nor am i forgotten nor am i by myself god you are with me and i think that is a revolutionary concept for all of life for you never venture anywhere alone you never venture anywhere alone and some of you just need to hear that right now you never venture anywhere alone there is not a crisis you walk through yourself there is not a situation you feel you you face independently there is not a moment in your life that is faced only by you you never venture alone because the god of all the universe who started by filling a void and an emptiness has filled you and has covered you and has come to be where you are with you as you are right now at this point in time and some of you just need to pray right now god help me become aware of your daily presence god help me become aware of your daily presence that is with me all the time you see where we are going right now is not going to happen with enormous big structures built as the church that look great where we're going right now the transformation that we're walking into the building that's going to happen is gonna happen when men and women know they carry the presence of god acknowledge they carry the presence of god and stir the presence of god go out into all of society but also become that temple that god is building the church to be and the lord is really talking about this new breed of person that god is raising up right now and they are the presence person the glory person the person the the you that knows they carry the presence of god and god is speaking to the church look i have made you a people of my presence and i have made you a temple of my presence and god is saying right now look church for years you've gathered around principles and doctrines or ideas but now it's time to gather around me the god who has come down to be with you and you've built temples the lord says of doctrines and programs but now the lord says it's time for you to build temples of me build temples that hosts me and god is creating his church as a home where he comes and he stays now let me talk about homes and let me talk about churches as we go here and because i think there's so much here that god is speaking about even to families just now and to houses you talked about the spirit coming down in pentecost i think sometimes we think that the upper room was some sort of specially assigned place but the upper room was the top floor of a house it was a house it was a home a home a house in which the top floor became the descending place for jesus by the spirit and the earth it was a house it wasn't a fancy synagogue it wasn't a built temple it wasn't a coliseum it was a house and that house will have been used to lots of conversations i'm sure the upper room would have been filled with very honest processing i'm sure it will have had all sorts of activity going on in it and that house that top floor became the place where the spirit descended it was the top floor of a home and god started to speak to me so clearly about it and he said just in the way that a home the lord says is the most intimate place on earth so the act of filling my spirit filling your house with my spirit your homes with my spirit as an act of the most radical intimacy on the earth and there is a descending of god that is coming to homes right now that your homes as we are saying at the beginning they are becoming houses of glory places of glory places where the spirit of god rests and the lord is speaking about what what john was saying just now he's saying your house is going to be a place where i come down your house is going to be a place where i come down and from your homes and from homes all across the face of the earth god is talking about a restoration of families happening even in and around this a restoration of families that's going to start to happen in and around this and god started to talk to me and he said this it's time for the philip and cornelius families to arise it's time for the philip and the cornelius families to arise and what do we know about them philip he's in acts 21 and all four of his daughters they prophesy it wasn't just one who was fiery all of them were raised and all of them could prophesy and cornelius he his whole household in acts 10 his whole household feared god they generously gave and they prayed continuously did you hear that cornelius his household they were at a continuous prayer meeting because they feared god and there is a wild pursuit of god coming back to homes right now there is a wild pursuit of the presence of god that is coming to homes right now one of you your comments in rosalind you're saying let our homes become a resting place for you lord i mean that is a prayer right there if you want to pray anything make my home a resting place for you or a danny you're saying my home is a place where god is going to arrive i mean a decree right there to pray right now my my home is a prey place where god is going to arrive that is a decree just now and god's saying right now three particular things to families i heard the spirit of god say this particularly and this is where god is coming down just now he said this i am meeting healing and renewing the hearts of mothers that have been yearning an intercession for the restoration of their families if you are a mother that is watching right now that that's heart is in pain over the need for a restoration and their family just type in the comments and say i receive your healing god because i was watching in the spirit in this season as god is coming down god started to meet mothers and he started to heal hearts that were winded over at some of the disunity and some of the just the the the longing even for children to to come home into knowing jesus and god is saying i'm healing the hearts of mothers i am healing the hearts of mothers as i come down into homes and then i heard the spirit of god say i'm in prodigal rescue mode i'm in prodigal rescue mode and so remember and this the glory wave god is coming down as god is coming down and he's healing the hearts of the mothers he's starting a move of rescuing prodigals and of gathering prodigals home and there is such a sovereign move of the spirit that actually you can't do anything to generate this it is the spirit that is with you that is on you that is in you that will achieve this work and god is saying i'm in prodigal rescue mode and a decree for you as prodigals come home look prodigals come home it's time for you to come home and if that is what you need and if you know that you need prodigals to come home or if you just want to pray in alignment with this word just pray i decree prodigals are coming home prodigals are coming home and then thirdly god said i'm igniting burning hot home fires i'm igniting burning hot home fires where your home is going to be a place of the wild pursuit of his presence again and so receive that for your home right now pastor john i don't know if you want to say anything to close we've got a couple of minutes left if there's anything you want to say then we're going to pray and bless you all with an encounter with the presence of the god who has come down to be with you yeah yeah just a comment on on this sense of connectedness that we need to have with the presence of god and we are going to stumble and walk in the dark if we do not have a growing sense of connectedness with the presence of god and if you feel your connectedness with the presence of god it is weak then what what i would recommend that you do to strengthen is that go and look at some of the vivid images that the bible uses to help us grasp our connectedness to him you know jesus says you know he is the vine and we are the branches there is immediate connection there and we need that connectedness to feel a sense of meaning and significances in in our lives jesus is the head and we are his body you know christ is the foundation we are the living stones being built upon that foundation christ is the bride we are the bridegroom and have been joined to him in an eternal marriage that you know the holy spirit unites us to christ so let the spirit through those um new testament truths particularly um nudges to a greater sense of appreciation of connectedness with the very presence of god and last thought and i think often a breakthrough if we need a fresh breakthrough uh to uh to the sense of a freshness that in our connectedness to god is that that often comes when we come to an end of ourselves when you say i actually feel empty absolutely i need a fresh sense of you filling my life with your presence absolutely i mean so good i think that is a prayer to pray even as we finish god i feel empty but i know that only you can satisfy and so i welcome an increasing sense of your presence to invade my life it's in your nature god to fill emptiness to fill the void that's what you do and so god i acknowledge and you need to pray this god we acknowledge i acknowledge that i feel empty that i feel a little void but i welcome you to philip and so in jesus name i bless all of you watching right now to go on an adventure with encountering the presence of god that is in you and all around you i bless your senses to come alive to the presence of god even now that you will start to feel the presence of god surrounding you and starting around you and the weight of him on your shoulders i bless you right now with the ability to enter into encounter and enter into dialoguing with the spirit in the name of jesus i bless your week your month your year and your future to be filled with invasions of the presence of god in jesus name amen well thank you for joining us and for this pastor john that was an absolute feast i felt fed and nourished by what you shared there some of you you're gonna have to listen to different parts of this again the touch at the beginning or the sense that god is the god who comes down with us that was throughout the middle and towards the end just a reminder we're all off now on annual leave you can pray for us as we uh rest and get ready but we do have real power on tomorrow night and and that is going to be a hoot with the real power ghettos they're carrying the fire so you'll be able to see something that we do then but otherwise we will see you not next tuesday but the tuesday after that for us coming back and we'll be sure to have lots of revelation for you all for power hour then have a great weekend we love you all and we will see you soon yeah [Music] bye [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 5,975
Rating: 4.9718308 out of 5
Id: aLNJP-5Ir4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 58sec (3778 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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