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[Music] ready we welcome you wherever you are watching this from uh greetings to all of our loyal supporters if it's your first time we welcome you with our hour a special greetings to all of our members as a personal fake machine well fellowship uh our leader our bishop and the lady bishop and the entire family all the viewers land booger corners is a wonderful day where we are having the last episode of this uh uh topic that we have been pushing in the last four weeks uh i want to thank all of you for following on this topic i know we have repeated um normal we've kept the topic going for a very long time closely to we wanted to get the views or our followers says wooty um these are the views and give all possible sides i must always eat more incredibly powerful is to expose the different views i want to remind you what this choice for christians made by christians and made for christians the views expressed in this show are not the views of the organization or tv 760 or even the church that i fellowship in the views that i expressed here are individual views we are not aiming to form any kind of doctrine or change or be against any policies of any organization or even our country so i'm of use apomala take them with their understanding in the past and we've had opiso finno where he spoke what can you say explaining gandaba some of the things that you find in the scriptures in support of women pastors we've also had the the ladies themselves who are pastors uh who came through they also supported what they believed was we've even had them express some of the challenges that they're facing as women number some resistance that they are getting in the body of christ later on we've also had the spouses of our pastors now football came and supported uh abysmal women in pulpit uh but has therefore so never shared some of their frustrations as they support their spouses um namsan jager we have our final episode um we had a privilege there is a clip that we've been playing uh whenever we start power hour to normal in the middle of our broadcast which is a pastor who came out strongly not in support of female pastors because we were always worried we would rely on just short clips which were under a minute some or even 10 20 seconds so we wanted to get the views of a man of god so um i want you to sit back and relax uh as um the people participate in this broadcast in this way so sit back and relax and let's hear the views of the men of god bishop s as kakan um as we've spoken in the past we've seen recently shorter versions of your videos [Music] let's have a church with yourself and maybe we'll discuss this briefly um i'm a views are called so that people can know you know your position no matter your view um [Music] we've heard a lot like this faster than what is your take in the matter um because they are the truth is there are different views in the matter uh not just yourself but there are people who are for and there are people who are okay uh you know so what is your take here so far this method is content uh my take here first of all yeah uh twenty years ago two minutes yeah yes and uh i've been preaching them on the basis of the scripture and uh benghazi scotland people even minded yeah uh women yeah yeah number one there's no discrimination okay in my life if you know me yeah i'm very defensive i'm females even in my charity organizations yeah i support more kills than boys uh my wife has been publishing yeah so but when something is in the bible yeah someone must say it okay or someone will say it yeah uh so okay my view on this never discriminated when this wasn't okay who are gonna use women from genesis to revelation right there was never from kinesis okay what does it mean it means old testament or miriam or all of them yeah being used mightily yeah but i gotta connect to our vocal priest because a priesthood he said we say we church order okay so what different anointing for the savings you know position in the priesthood right so okay yeah if i believe new testament in the priesthood there's not even one woman home priest in the old testament okay there's not even one right and it was said with akhvanilang again and local as much by the same song anointing in different places but massage you were tampering quotations right because of a characteristic a manifestation is a catalyst from now on what you're meant as a leadership is going to dominate on this list before even your great-grandmother was being born yeah although challenge you know i think 66 books it was all challenging i need to explain i'm kind of excited about i don't know maybe 50 has military so i don't know but here's something to focus yeah we cannot question the bible now we can only suppose would land or apply yeah not a good seat number two we all testimony goes for another one priest right pushing chair oh testament is old covenant new testament you cover it yeah imprisoned worship priesthood from above about prophetic never preached only my elder yeah we new testament we please do the new testament in five fold yeah and good local boy amateur connie nama elder yeah we've unfolded according to mama or corner in the book of ex not even one apostle woman in whatever church it's not your campaign it's not the old glorious picture of the book of the in your campaign nobody's going to church yeah it's your campaign campaign now not even one woman in the face of democracy yeah yeah our um this is very very interesting because i i i want to move clear picture of your position yes there is a line yes between what you have just said yes message over corner empowerment of women yes uh where you end up attacking those first and then finally but trolling opportunities are my daughter our country has targets yeah are calling it nina linga and then i will direct normal difficult issues like no they i hundred percent believe because even my churches was a judge that was the government never is right it was a country and the church even though the old country was called the church but goku and jesus as a nation yes so wouldn't there be the nation could use women there there is a difference when we go to the sanctuary when you go to the church put about one prophetess in the order of the new testament when when way to covenant new testament old testament new testament in jesus one prophetess who prophesied don't know prophecies who prophet saw i know by prophet jesus who prophesies once i'm a spiritual gifts like oh my prophetess is something else so why should you please do my titles yes or leaders of churches yes um men are my sons so we are saying [Music] yeah so it's it's it's typical examples in the bible yeah yeah i'm not in the bible even in churches of women that i admire yeah like uh oh cartoon cool man oh marin either um you must search the scriptures by binge on about into about your tribe do you allow them to preach in your setting now where you are leading amanda's father i don't allow them to preach in the church right yes i don't allow the bite if buckhorn energy in my what even what's up grover has been foreign i support this i even pay my money for them yeah my campaigns are going to yeah but i would say what's when what are you going to do for me yeah whatever it is yeah at least i was woman in front of yeah the church ain't getting ugly i put the [ __ ] so it was wrong because we are serving god but master give us okay yes so i don't discriminate against them okay i i favor them but i'm full banging in a place a bank [Laughter] anything that statement do you still stand by that statement i said i stand because uh you know guessing is kathy when you really want attention abandoned [Music] there's never been a havoc yeah my goodness we take 2000 years ago we were crazy yeah we at guys have been very [Music] yes because i can i can take you to churches i can take you even to youtube yeah where you you find people one of this is completely insanity about you know a second dad so so that means that's here anyway again now like does it mean let's go anyway i said i'm tired to ascend a correction i disagree with that when you make that statement my appearance yeah but physically like i was yeah but you know when you vanilla takes you in other offices yeah over confrontational yeah so okay there i was rebuking yeah this clermona's hollywood appearance yes ssc manchester united i'm a tattoo abandoned my goodness how can i save the holy god this night clap you know i left club long time ago yeah holdings of one club in the house of what in the worship team yeah my goodness exactly yeah there's many things as qualities not only women these days these lgbt families there's many things that are coming out every morning to the church anything coming out a protester would want to chase so we we are living in that time according to the scripture so okay we must appreciate them we must appreciate every human being but um as an influence so when i would influence i slowly daily to holiness yeah we must find in the scripture where yeah you may wait sing happy no wanna to rebuke it that's all um yeah it's charge is always a problem besides so and take up more issues here but but but you get into a church yes yeah i'm not there to teach my dog treat yeah yeah um yeah must have his stand as a human being yeah doctor yeah my goodness i beat you you must have a dog dream yeah see quarter take yours okay yeah it's my dog treating me but i need to shoot our only christian okay or if you don't take my doctrine okay yeah because again they would see it as a sling and can be greatly responsible so no yeah and said because yeah they say this is not about who to want any wrong yeah my goodness yeah so yeah my goodness i'm one of about pesos yeah i love people i i stay with girls these women who are preaching uh normally these women who are leading amazon my band will accounting i definitely and as national and journalists in case it's cool yeah believe that they are operating in error okay they might be honest they must be meaning well against the women well but they're wrong a woman preacher to be an apostle to be a an elder to be a bishop but in the end so we've heard in the past some people are explaining the universe where they are saying but it was all cultural paul was addressing this culture not because in other words geographically where he was talking very well um so you you you you you are still believing wooty it's not just cultural but it's it's it's it's for all races and for all cultures yeah um approach i think if nobody has bench what kind of person you call right whenever they are prayed they must have their heads must be covered yes but what kazan is mostly with what kind of carbon what do you know where the example is they are covering okay so lapo jesus opening right it was a sign so that symbolizes glory to power again yes is he covering yeah yes they must be covering is know no it can that means she has to have long hair yeah which is hair chlorine yeah even i have long hair then she must grow with a long hair it's it's god's will so that's my take outfit because her hair is way covered it's very interesting yes um very interesting it's kind of circle but i think we will make time yes we are so one of my conversations and it's important that we hear all the views before we just say your closing remarks in one minute to all of you as a kai what do you want to say my brother first you know i mean i know we took yeah muscle to call me yeah you know i mean because of the views but it is may god prosper you and may god give you long days in this earth and may i will pay them to cry fear of god at once who are someone because you'll be loving god peace god bless you thank you so much bishop yes thank you so much bishop for coming here yeah we we really appreciate it thank you so much welcome back welcome back i'm sure you have had this israeli nina my views on bishop on some of the things as a man of god around the issues of women in pulpit we also have other two pastors who are participating [Music] in [Music] we take no responsibility won't come across people have spoken and seba 760 has delivered um yeah um yeah as we've had um from this we've had the bishop coming out strong um not in support of uh ladies in the pulpit um and if you take him off it was amanda washoe there is not even one thing aishwarya mahmoud videos where he disagrees um he retracts enough sure we've also had where we've asked him so he's standing by what he said in those videos and he confirmed with yeah he stand by what he said without my videos what is it we hear the bishop saying and he says something what he threw out the bible he has never seen not even once a gift to edify the body of christ montford ephesians chapter number 4 verse number 11 he gave some to be apostles prophets uh evangelists pastors and teachers and also i mean they are also those who are giving the gift of administration these are gifts of the spirit may say he gave sam for the a defying of the body of christ christ god says i will pour out my spirit on all people no ma upon all flesh oh all people also male and female they say to your sons and daughters will prophesy yeah their city your young men will see visions they uh your old men will dream dreams but this is this is the vest that i like it from this one verse number 1880 even on my servants both men and women to serve in the body of christ lago act two no matter which well two we are cursed with the so it doesn't mean that when they didn't have spiritual gift again i wouldn't want to look at the scripture with old testament because i have received christ who has redeemed us from law or christ we have been redeemed by grace message there is neither no jew no greek other circle was listen always father food message quota we have been one we have been made one in christ but why is thank you for the opportunity once again um we would say you know this all boils to our understanding of the church iban itself uh namaste [Laughter] as a collective as a body is made up of different people two great gentiles uh according to ephesians according to colossians uh paulie advancing but according to first peter to pin the abyss of priesthood because this is the the plurality of the church the collective church the body of christ then this obama ended with a local church now calling us a structure gathering hebrews 10 you know that's a locality of the church paul the apostle of jesus christ by the will of god to the church of korean to the church of galatians so that's the locality of the church first separated the church of christ the local church of christ by different races by different people that's the body of christ [Music] but i wanted to know that christ is the head of every man then mr koberger and the head of in the head of every woman okay but i wanted to know that christ is the head of every man and the man is the head of a woman and god is the head of christ [Music] there is god there is christ there is man and there is a woman this is the hierarchical order of things that god has put you know yeah i i i begin to look so that's very clear now paul is writing not to a a chemical church or a general church okunuma with a specific local church now with local church we call it order understand there is an order and and and upon what they never surfaced to chapter two paul is writing to timothy and this is a young man in my view he said one of the favorite churches is rapon and you know he binds the face and he's writing to timothy specific things to a clinical church let's tell him with the local church where where where timothy is and when i go to see see peggy intelligent from verse 12 verse 12 i do not allow a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man this is the authority over a man okay my god okay this is a preference of the apostle paul but a theological uh ring to it she must be quiet basically the then discipline theologian for adam was formed first and then eve okay we are back the original order with adam was what was created first was formed first and then eve and sabona for to the instruction when god gave instruction which after two gotcha this is instruction and yes right beside kubernetes was 14 at adam was not deceived but the woman because she was fully deceived fell to transgression okay was not give any instruction but um do i need his instruction at them so atom was not deceived who's this tale or see that deliberately says that according to romans 5 verse 12 why a picture of the one to come tonight but it is a woman who was deceived and fell into transgression because the whole poor government was university but she will be delivered through childbearing if she continues in faith love holiness and self-control so paul will deal with a yeah with a general local church a context is not you know church order but dealer with specific people about the influencer then by cleaning salvation according to acts chapter 15 and from from this one funded the whole chapter and paul lapoint correct that is a study about salvation paul was telling them what you know it is not circumcision you know but it is only on the clowns of faith some occurrence because now we have been made sons which the money chemical church which is the body of christ not a local church la palmita because it is specifically a church order the local church because muslim wanted chapter 3 bishop is fazan he cannot lead no no he he which we church all that his scripture is clear and us in this aspect you know he was correct in saying no he we will locus and we we general local church because it probably means especially in the 21st century we want to balance democracy with the scripture and the two of them cannot be mixed you know because democracy and the scripture because it's just to just follow up so if we go with what you are saying okay if it was fuzzing it will direct m17 when you deputy direct does that violate the order of god okay let's just be clear here yeah listen to the director is some sabbah it is in the world right okay right but here we are dealing with the flock okay the church so in other words those who are called the ecclesiastes it's a group of those who are called out it's not it's not you know direct and all of those things generally consistent of the world okay you know this is a a of the world we are not dealing we are talking about it if the world says uh they have target of equality you have no problem with that there is no problem there is no problem with that yeah if if there is no problem with that but here we are dealing with a specific thing which is the church of god the the the the order of things the way i begin and job was formed first you know that's that's the order of things and more pain instruction the person that was given an instruction was a man anyway he analyzed this instruction was to the to the local church yes not to the chemical changes an apostle of jesus christ to the church of korean paul an apostle the scriptures are my elders it's one of the same thing as a as a bishop and as a pastor and we are born 22 which is these synonyms together which these people are born abandoned that should look up to the flock of god now peter and i or peter first peter chapter five he called himself an elder wished he was a pastor of the church right there this is power oh we leave no stone then first of all that petitions prayers intercession thanksgiving be made of for all people for kings and all those who are in authority why so that we may live peaceful quiet in lives uh quiet lives in all godliness and holiness therefore i want men everywhere to pray lifting up holy hands and my daughter wind our song without any disputing or disputing it because even my daughter verse 11 a woman should land in quietness and full submission let me commit a woman there is referred to a wife do not permit a woman i do not permit a woman others would god do not pay me other paul do not permit woman to teach or assume authority over men over her husband that mende is her husband why remember anyway in daughter is a priest do you want to say something yeah this is this is before so diesel um i need to make a quick correction here uh look at the text itself um and i'm glad that you you know what i'm saying and foreign of history i'm not a teacher of history i'm a student of history um you see when you look at the church of corinthians unlike churches like korean then yeah yes yes here in this church the problem was not that uh a problem with this church you know he if he effec uh like he couldn't but they were built around the agency or anc the way the probably happened and jews loved trading around that and chapter 1 [Music] there an influence of you know abandon or you use the word etymology okay i guess chapter number one then i want to ask you a question are you then disputing that a face because if you listen to me carefully before you correct me all right okay are you then disputing with a face not in the local church people of that place baby konza is teeth or hootian you cannot dispute it because it called another book of acts okay but ifufu and the foot in the book of actually i totally would say the way the gospel infected little piper in the city of ephesus the word so mightily grew that it prevailed because to such an extent that these guys eat kosabu they started selling them under threat that's right of which means ephesus in the gospel was so triumph that it had no influence within the church because died as dilla naiola see dealer with the local church you understand now some enjoy these are the problems of the jews you'll see that this replies on the basis of these fables which minister questions rather than godly edifying in faith into what's that now the end of the commandment is love out of the pure heart and good conscience and faith and frame this is very sick personality for which some have been swayed turned aside in vain juggling desiring to be what to be teachers of the law the problem of this church here was the legalist jewish legalists not abandonment under the influence yes of the goddess to diana like and again monk who must say to paul you know why kuluma with a specific church there are many about 13 paul contributed 13 books of the of the new testament of which he was called connie pointed show us he's an apostle to the gentiles and if he reads misoport and say no the ninjas into paul that did not directly even i when i teach i tell people if i belong was not written to us it was written for us what does that mean not only paul the biblical writers were not really seeing us me and you today but the spirit inspired their writings for us so if you we dismiss paul we pray the city because why kuluma nabanda batilla here then we must dismiss him we might talk to you is like justification by faith his understanding of the kingdom since [Music] you know then let's dismiss paul in those things so what premise you know i was standing in peace specific people we must be very careful on that one this is power hour we leave no stone unturned stay tuned can a woman be a pastor or preacher there is perhaps no more hotly debated issue in the church today than the issue of women serving as pastors or preachers as a result it is very important to not see this issue as men versus women the word of god proclaims a woman should learn in quietness in full submission i do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man she must be silent in the church god assigns different roles to men and women this is a result of the way mankind was created and the way in which sin entered the world god through the apostle paul restricts women from serving in roles of leadership and or having spiritual authority over men this precludes women from serving as pastors over men which definitely includes preaching and teaching them publicly and exercising spiritually the pulpit is a cast that demonology is the worst thing we can ever have is a woman on the pulpit a woman can't stand up here she got to stand down there and you still got those churches where holy women living a godly life have to stand down on the floor to deliver a message because women are not permitted in the pulpit i'll get away from here with this traditional mess welcome back is christ the center even of this show is christ so why is the phone away local church singapore let me put it like that as anziwa in control of the spirits must be figure in our local churches cultivate [Music] this is how i view the scripture and this is how i see this scripture unless otherwise proven oh tagline these women happy tilapia he didn't give women the gift of the spirit unless you will show me missing this languages wasn't another register but she is on this power hour briefly did not give them the authority to be the church leaders okay yeah uh before we address that question um yeah and gabon would say uh my my my my fellow paladin is here we are we are like yeah kitchen team and finance provider these guys were not influenced by diana ging improvely from the text itself without any shadow of doubt because paul spoke now which was clear would they want to be teachers of the law these issues struggles are these folks ephesus what they're striving really we would say other people ex would see many of these jewish fanatics barbecue mug glendo is circumcision but um who paul is the most elaborate writer meaning that he doesn't i hide behind he's clear when he writes who first corinthians clattons there were lazy people then paul was a accord you know epi mendes which was their writer at the time so paul is elaborate the problem of this church was not influence yeah let's take from the internal evidence from the scripture it's clearly no the the influence of the church was not what he's mentioning number two himself how did he he they teach and do in their leadership and who we mentioned in the past even when you check the lord jesus himself and you know he had he had 12 apostles which were it was made up of men again which correspond to the 12 tribes of israel and then this event again you structure which is yeah in sync with the order legacy of which jerusalem according to sanhedrin which was this the council of seventy men so you're gonna reach us this these were gentlemen you know and not uh women were not participating in his ministry they were not participating in a sense of they were put in a pedestal of leadership but you can see what hawaii number 12 apostles and wagner seventeen you know who are gifted with prophecy and all of that i think let's just be clear about it let's just four character eight and nine mayakuluma arrival business for four minutes and gifts of christ we should it's not it's not it's not five-fold ministry let's do some attempts power hourly you know see boogama and let's correct that that's not five-fold ministry number two you notice you this is some of the verses choose business miscellaneous immediate context when you read so because mo paul myself by the time it is around 68.80 has become gentile no sorry a cell number makes about you guys in the early time without god foreigners from the commonwealth of israel you know to basic shield which i don't know you are no longer foreigners you are now fellow as with the saints built upon the foundation of the apostles and the prophets christ himself being the chief console being built up to be the temple of god chapter 4 it is the conversation for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry when you look at the text who paul who sevens he said will lend it to a past tense i don't know how people read the scriptures anything fortunately unnoticed in the first century churches to a transitional age they were still children they were growing they were developing and we transitioned in 18 they were from wiki transition from the old testament mind because you found the land these guys where they were jews and our diseases would be excluded from the old testament mind bearing new testament my i find that is right it's a sunni transition for 40 years so low until we come because realize is catastrophic illness of glass and jungle bangladesh paul was acknowledging goodwill let's scatter the rules but they will transition and age now until we are standing on a particular team until we come which i believe if you navigate the scripture ibanda has already been built you know and has come to uh until crystal as we as we are known how are we known you know tina as tina's in a whole 27 books of the new testament which interprets the old testament so the full council of god's wisdom is fully unveiled in the 66 books of the bible verses power hour now i want us to move towards closing this now time is always an issue it's a case with me that's fascinating i'm a pulpit i sure might want to give it do you have no more to allow females to preach in your church you know female uh like the rest of us and i i need to see i i need to say this escorting us infuriated by the world especially and gas bonus struggles abandoned especially because and and and we are to be blamed i'm going to tell you what's why and and and including my logo with a broken heart i in the end i would see many women buffooney to to influx especially church leadership it's the way the church has been run in our time which is unbelievable pastors have become rockstars you know and have become you know sort of and and you're going to go to even abandon they want a piece of cake a piece in the in the in the cage ministry is a call of service it's a call of being a servant atta and utterly seven yes even men do tell the abuse those people don't qualify to be in ministry because women israel is the world of abuse was the level of abusive maikulu mahati yeah we preached twice but and we are sevens he commented seventies away two loss it's worse than a slave you know two loss is western slave so finally we because of time do you allow women to preach no in your church no um from this longing obviously to ask me that question would be unfair um oh yeah who can you put them through yeah there is a local church yeah that's we're talking about teaching they can talk and can evangelize and what kind of was correct and saying yeah they can evangelize you can tell category to evangelize to inviting people to christ is all he contributing yet assault okay okay next question do you know and bishops and also spoke about what he we have some female or females say the influence way do you agree with that statement uh yeah that's fashion test fashion or clothing have anything to do with the cosmetics i mean i'm worried about i'm not only worried i'm not only even worried about women only i'm even worried about a man and fame is now influencing the the body of christ especially the 21st century church we want to be relevant okay you know we don't want to be differently separated i've been a pastor for eight years yeah i've never met something like i want to buff on this it's like hollywood stars or above this but about what you should be a rock star one from this if you are in ministry as a children i would give him you serve i had sleepless nights i have sleepless nights for me if i were to choose nam officially i we are working here we are we are winning souls we are pastoring people we at every day women which cake really they can be looking for if they vomit they work twice as much more than men because they always have to to come to come across people who will be thinking about best friends sms which is not the truth and for the way longitude attending lando um they were just disciples of christ and there were these women and many other women by belgium who were in this ministry with christ now who were actively involved in ministry working hand-in-hand with with with paul now if we are going to sit here and debate if women should be in and there is a call of god upon your life you never applied for this thing and it's not about any piece of cake or any cherry on top or any rockstar rock rockstar what what it's about serving certitude now you found this one okay why you shouldn't enjoy your woody serving is for all children of god so land funding thank you so much this is power hour um for this i gave everybody an opportunity and i gave everyone an opportunity we would see er i give more it is certainly not correct we allow everybody to say but i know because this is a discussion interesting about someone and time is always not um on our side uh [ __ ] uh uh all these guys and i want i wanted to be honest as ever you know what's happening community uh yeah you know right it is diaconos yeah and what is it why why what is it what what is a diacon yeah you need to call but where this guy's above and she must be honest directly assigned by jesus just be honest right now yes guys where the 12 disciples who were they with these women where they were they lead us at that time okay you see just assigned them not even after essay looks all power has been given unto me he assigned them assignments their leaders like me to chapter 10. mobile when you are invasive they were really uh the right disappearance in directly that was a direct you know uh mandate i was not then running away my colleague i was just trying to show you the 12 disciples and these women kanye gang they were working with [Music] the stones have been unturned as i always say uh we have pasta given gobosi pasta lung m paint okay uh interfacing with this our final episode um guys i want to close now and i want to say thank you for such an interesting discussion a wonderful anyone i can start [Laughter] wondering wonderful what a wonderful engagement we had today i am telling you i i am sure until the earth is filled with the knowledge of his kingdom easy and make people the disciples of christ [Music] [Music] just for dominion full of men yeah mozart which is fig to redeem us back to the original purpose of god hey okay this is one i love you so much woman uh until the earth is filled with the knowledge of his kingdom like the sea covers the earth good night my dispute is not people should not go they should go in fact men and women we have an assignment good to see spread the gospel to preach the glorious gospel and yes obedience in obedience to uh the listening to what the messiah said would go in therefore but here the point of contention was the local order of the church but wong mundu has been given i can give you many scriptures uh despondent women really participating in taking the gospel that's not a problem in fact even napoleon is the gospel as long as christ is preached you know he has a mandate you know to to to to preach the gospel i'm funny i calling i'm trying to because you know this yeah but what i'm saying is that we have a a real mandate of of of of of taking christ you know and taking christ to the ends of the earth should reign and rule and leon is wednesday or [Music] let us preach the gospel if necessary use words also even our character you know speaks a lot in preaching and presenting the gospel but then when we come to church order we must be very delicate we must not all be teachers because there's a street judgment for teachers so we must be very careful when it comes to such things soldier and i guess local city push around uh you are a really good game and xiaobo thank you gusdam for the podium and i think you know when i look at even abandon anybody it's doing really the work of informing people because that's the people's small accolades are cool we appreciate that the honor and clarity belongs to god thank you so much thank you to uh thank you so much to all of our viewers our followers people who are always watching this program and giving us feedback and requests you have spoken and we have answered i want to say apologies for a very long broadcast but i'm sure you understand what this was our final episode the endeavor of women and pulpit the discussion will continue we will never stop talking about it we've got the platforms uh tell us and say your views this is open to another pendulum but we must never stop engaging and i want to say thank you thank you thank you thank you for always supporting our channel to all of our uh 760 crew i want to say thank you for the professional work and the good work that you're doing and keeping this broadcast a success see next week we're on the start sixth obama we've got a new show that is coming um wednesday next week a new format that we are going to be following from time to time per hour continues but there's a new format that we want to introduce next week so i'm inviting you to be tuning and six uh and see a different side to a different version of power hour uh and i love you good night [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Siba 760 Tv
Views: 10,866
Rating: 4.8208957 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 17sec (6017 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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