"Let There Be Light!" | POWER HOUR | Ep.98

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good afternoon beautiful par our people yes i'm talking to you the gorgeous people in the par our family who are watching this around the world and another welcome it is oh actually i have no idea it's wednesday is it wednesday it's wednesday it's wednesday the 21st of um uh october and i am here with my dad hi dad hi hi and sam how are you sam yes good i'm excited again to be here um just for power i did miss it when we were away um i got really excited to just be back and even just talk with you guys i just quite like talking of prophesying back and forward but yeah super excited for today we've got a packed hour of power power hour we want to be deliberately controversial about harry potter today don't we halloween and i'll be interested to see all the comments that come through that as we talk about some witchcraft things so actually some confession we went to the uh well actually my pa's husband went to our post box number uh during lockdown brought all the hair of all the uh posts back all the hair back all the posters hairdressers that's in my head and i've accidentally opened one of your letters sam so yes but [Music] can't even read the name on the back the handwriting is so dreadful but anyway thank you for all of you who sent us post uh a po box and we do get it and normally i don't open everybody else's mail just accidentally today so yes so dad i'm noticing and because i've not been in your flat for ages all the piles of things on their side have reappeared oh like i'm the type of person who has piles stacks of things now i know where everything is but other people don't so to somebody who just waters into my study and my den it looks a bit chaotic at times but it's not really yes it's free all i've ever known is you with piles of books like up to almost waist height you know like they they grow and it's all it's all reading material you don't have piles of anything else just just i'm in the process of mending the electric fire that's on the floor here in the study as well so i had a go at that earlier wow yes yes when i have to when i have to when i go around to the flat i have to like stop myself from tidying it all up oh dear so i mean how many books have you got now i mean we do talk you had what ten thousand books at one point oh yes but i've prayed uh i've got that right down i've got i think you got it down to three thousand but i i think there's more purchases i can see behind you dad um yes there's one or two recent ones which took my eyes honestly i think that's the thing that we all get the most deliveries of i feel like every other day there's an amazon delivery and that is the best thing ever how excited do you get though when you've had your eye on a book and it gets delivered like oh yeah and i i noticed yesterday the amazon delivery girl who does it she's now started calling me john so i don't know when she buzzed me from downstairs john i have a parcel for you another bed another book your conversation is never dull on the on the quantity of reading that you do that that is absolutely to be said but actually and one of i don't know that people can see the picture behind your head not the weed one that i don't like but that picture of simeon's joy is one of my favorite i don't think people can see it properly but that is one of my favorite pictures of all time simeon holding jesus it's the most in the temple oh it's gonna oh where the light is the most remarkable uh artwork because most christian art art i find a bit toy and a little bit lacking in skill you know like lions that have gone to the hairdressers so blow-dried bro blow-dried lions when you actually get a christian artist who can really really communicate through that vehicle you're like yes somebody outstanding at art and christians so that's one of them okay so should we do something spiritual let's do something spiritual let's do something spiritual for something very fun this is something special yesterday i'm in the hairdresser clearly he's done my roots and because we're all in lockdown you know we're not getting out an awful lot so i uh walk into the hairdresser and of course it is bedecked with all the halloween gubbins and this particular hairdressing salon has a real ponchon for large in-your-face halloween things there was like um a frankenstein that was bigger than me holding a um a menorah a seven branch candlestick and covered in cobwebs and i mean i was so offended when i walked in and there are monstrous size spiders dangling from the ceiling and like sprayed as spiders webs everywhere and i'm sitting there thinking oh jesus of mercy you know what what will i say or when will i say it and then my hairdresser just says to me he says i love halloween well i could hardly contain myself that was like the open door queue to which i replied i hate halloween and he looked at me like what why and so i really wanted to have the conversation uh this morning with you because halloween is a witchcraft celebration it is satan's most dominantly obvious uh annual celebration it is a celebration of everything that witchcraft loves and so as i am explaining to him that it is a celebration of witchcraft he goes oh i never thought of it he says it is he says i think you're right it is a celebration of witchcraft he says i still love it and i'm like oh so i think i've got more work to do here today so i started to explain to him that part of my job is um getting people out of witchcraft that's partly why people come to us here in glasgow they want out of the covens they want out of the satanic ritual abuse and i start to explain to him that satan and i named it satan i wasn't playing a game with my hairdresser and trying to hide it satan you to worship him he wants you to be obsessed with sex he wants you to be obsessed with death he wants to trick you and he wants you in his lair having his moral standards and his values and halloween is the door opener to that now my hairdresser is like what at this point and at that moment i just say i wish all this stuff wasn't in your salon at that point the massive spider falls from the ceiling uh and crashes down into the middle of the hairdresser's floor making everybody just like jump with fright and i just turn i swing right around in my chair look my hairdresser in the eye and say it is a sign from god on my hairdresser it's absolutely like trembling and he's like i don't i don't like this conversation so he tries to re-pin the wretched spider up on the wall and i said to him that thing will fall down continually as a sign to you of the dangers of halloween and as a sign of that god is the real god so i mean he has me at the backwash with one of his staff he's got me with the toner on and the whole way through he is trying to get this daft spider back up into the middle of the ceiling and the spider wouldn't stick now i came home and david said emma i don't think it was your greatest spiritual battle um in that husband who loves to you know just keep your feet on on a level place because it wasn't your your greatest spiritual battle ever but quite funny that you can make spiders you know in the name of jesus fall from the roof so uh anyway uh so i just wanted to bat that back and forth back and forth between us i might have to go back and minister to my hairdresser and but anyway i think that um we we take things like jack-o-lanterns or carving pumpkins or carving turnips uh you know as we do we put lights in them and candles in them and set on them in our in our windows and our front porches and we don't even think that there's anything wrong with that and yet those kind of jack-o'-lanterns and and pumpkin carving is a satanic ritual to protect us from wandering spirits it's spirits that can't find rest are supposed to be repelled by the pumpkin carving uh stuff and i kind of feel that we we play around the edges of halloween and we have not got a robust enough disgust of darkness and we paddle in the shallow waters of the demonic and we think that petting the demon is going to be okay but then we expect to have authority in our nation to change the spiritual atmosphere and you cannot have success in spiritual warfare you cannot have authority over national principalities and pars if you have a lifestyle of partnership with the lesser demons that you pet like you know they are part of your extended family and you play the game of halloween in the shallow waters and i think we've got the same as yoga barbara baby amen to that in the comments i think we have got to become a more robust people in terms of abhorrence over what halloween is all about dad sam yeah i think it's so good and i think we've got to kind of be super explicit with halloween not just being you know the witchcraft celebrations or the extreme end of celebrations for halloween but the small activities as well like carving pumpkins or watching a children's halloween movie that's not really scary but kind of has a nod to halloween or playing a game that has a halloween update to it these things are often the open doors to trauma and fear and anxiety and worry and let me tell you even uh from what i've experienced over the last few days with some of my friends who aren't some of them aren't christians some who are the amount of people who have started to play games that have halloween updates or watch movies that are texting me saying i'm having panic attacks or anxiety has been crazy over the last few days i mean yesterday i was on the phone to one in particular and i said well what did you do the night before and netflix had released the new halloween series and he'd watched it all and he was well it wasn't that scary and i'm saying but look at the result of what it has done to you and we've got to be careful about these open doors that actually i think most of us would say we're not participating in any sort of witchcraft ritual that's obvious on halloween but the dressing up the watching of certain types of movies even if they seem funny or like comedies the games that have a halloween update to them the music that we may listen to those things are all participating and what is essentially a celebration of satan and a time to worship satan and we've got to be so separate from that and remember what we've been saying for for the last weeks the church has to be radically different radically and visibly different from the world and we've got to be intentional and make visible movements away from the activities of halloween no matter how ridiculous or harmless they seem let me just say it this way there are no harmless halloween activities none there are no harmless halloween activities dad do you want to comment on that yeah uh two things very briefly one is that the halloween and the events surrounding halloween and and say the the average family what they may do to celebrate it i think is at the soft end of the spectrum of satanic um influence and activity i would put it there but that doesn't mean that it's not real and that happened in any way take away from what has already been said but that's it's more towards the soft end of the spectrum and secondly this this watching of these uh halloween movies i you know i don't do it because i found over the years and i don't know whether it's just uh as you get older these things are you become more sensitive to them but when you see a film don't forget that those pictures can remain in your mind and they are very hard at times to get rid of and if you want to pollute your mind then watch these films and and you know sometimes we need to regularly pray for the sanctifying work of god in our imagination that our imagination will be pure and right rather than full of pictures which are just totally unhelpful and and just trip us up spiritually yeah and i think you know for you out there who are parents who are watching this for for my eldest is 18 for 18 years i have had annual conversations with with kindergarten with nurseries with mom and toddlers groups then with with um primary schools and then with secondary schools i have had more conversations in the educational world and i'd like to tell you during halloween times and every single year i was rigorous to go in two senior members of staff and talk to them about how i viewed halloween so that every school or kindergarten or nursery that my children went to were totally uh clear uh on uh my take on it now not all of them understood and some of them were over the years were very very rude to me but it they almost knew that i was going to come they they knew at the beginning of october they were going to get an emma stark visit and uh you know and i would say to the nursery staff particularly when they were very little i would say i do not want my child dressing up and a pro you know pre-five years old any time but these were when they were very little in halloween costumes i want you to remove the halloween costumes from my child i do not want them drawing bats or witches i do not want them participating and i remember having one kindergarten nursery teacher who says well i can't we just put the toys out and i can't stop the child doing you know whatever it wants to do you're going to have to teach your child not to choose it and i'm saying no no no that is not right because you will stop my child jumping out of the window and my perception is that halloween is just as dangerous so you will stop my child doing something that i perceive to be spiritually and emotionally dangerous just as you will stop them doing something we both understand to be physically dangerous and i would explain to the staff that this is a a door opener to nightmares to night terrors to fascinations with death to self-harm it opens the door to dark pars it is the enthroning of demons and evil spirits it is how children start to get fixated with witchcraft and go down lines of uh addiction and sex addiction and fascination with painting themselves up like goths in uh you know a partnership with death and it starts right here right now by you letting them read spelled books age three years old and of course it would send the whole nurseries into absolute you know meltdown now as the children got older we obviously never let them go to a halloween disco and i used to get you know somebody's saying what do you say to those who carve pumpkins with the cross you see to me that to me i just kind of roll my eyes i tell you why you know because some churches do do hallelujah parties hallelujah parties to replace halloween parties the problem i have with that is that all the children then look forward to halloween they look forward to halloween because they get a hallelujah party and they don't understand the difference and so to my children we're like we just ignore it there is nothing redemptive about it we don't try to carve um you know uh crosses in pumpkins it's not a redemptive festival it's like the the christians that would try to do tarot cards with a christian mindset or will just redeem tarot cards no i think that's nonsense i don't think any of these things are redemptive they are gifts gifts of satan and so we don't give them and we don't use them and i think we have got to be stronger on it sam or and do i have the same belief about harry potter i do sam and i i will unpack that uh go home you know because i was actually going to touch that as well as we said it is the the small subliminal practical even playful things that we are also saying no to and particularly harry potter and let me tell you see when you bring these things into your home they gradually chip away at your defense system that god has given you when you gradually bring a pumpkin carving halloween movies halloween games dressing up into your whole dressing up your children etc into your home the natural ability that god has given you to detect darkness and to resist the devil so that he can flee begins to be numbed by an overwhelming of these activities and we've got to sensitize ourselves to what is good and what is evil that is what we've got to know that's what hebrews talks about sanford is for the mature who by virtual practice have have trained their senses to distinguish between good and evil and we've got to not just know what is good although yes that's important we've got to know what is evil as well so that we can then distance ourselves from it and so when you overwhelm yourself with harry potter and you might think that it's harmless because it's make believe well at the end of the day that is written with witchcraft influence that is written with witchcraft agenda and the more of that you have in your life the more you teach yourself to tolerate witchcraft and the more you teach yourself to tolerate the demonic and so we've got to be make visible movements away from these activities we need to make very definite movements away from participation in these things because if we participate in them then we will not have the authority that we then need to defeat them and so if you have been or are your children and this is what people report to us all the time if your children aren't sleeping if they're waking up during the night if they're saying they're scared or there's nightmares assess what activities around this time they're doing and disassociate yourself from them and you've got authority let me remind you i know we're talking about dark stuff here you have the authority to shift the atmosphere you just need to come out from participation and partnership with it i want to actually take address some questions before you we've lots to say but it can it can wait to another day because uh some really intelligent questions here that i really don't want to miss um uh questions about uh c s lewis and narnia uh jk um uh sir tolkien and lord of the rings and uh jk rowling and harry potter and i want to talk uh about the difference between those kind of things so we really get a good and robust understanding and to deal with how you navigate uh your children in the middle of this and because my children celebrated our decisions with me are my children never were cross or irritated that they couldn't go in fact my children wore it as a badge of holy ghost rebellious honor to stand with their king and to stand on his side and to say no in the name of jesus to the kingdom of darkness they find liberating and empowering and i think you can explain it to your children in in two different ways you can go oh you can't go oh you're going to miss out you know it's really it's really not right or you can bring them into a warfare adventure with you where we say together we as a family hate the powers of darkness and we're gonna make this stand against the enemy you know who's with us and the children are all like yay against darkness and what we would do is that we would open a scripture and i would talk at these times about the weird things in scripture like the living creatures come on let's think about what the living creatures look like with four faces and wings and eyes all over their body you know my children get really fascinated by you know that is there a dragon in scripture mommy yes there's a dragon and he fell from heaven he was kicked out in revelation he's got multiple heads and he's evil and he's fire breathing but god kicked him out you know and so we would go back and have those deeply supernatural conversations that didn't just say you can't do that but started to look at the power of god and how he wins and we wouldn't hide the fact that we are in a battle and what i want to say to you is uh the words where uh jesus is stripped naked where jesus is flogged before he's crucified that concept of jesus bloodied battered body hanging on the cross uh to destroy the powers of darkness and then jesus in colossians 2 verse 15 using the same word that was used of him that he was stripped it then says jesus stripped the powers of darkness or he disarmed the powers of darkness is what you're used to reading but it's the same word uh stripped the powers of darkness and jesus is saying look i was stripped and naked and here in colossians i used the same words to say i stripped the powers of darkness and put them to shame and triumphed over them and i think we need to say to our children that when we celebrate halloween we re give authority to pars of darkness when we celebrate and when we read harry potter we re clothe demons with power and authority on planet earth and we want to teach our children that we keep the powers of d of darkness stripped we are in the business of making naked darkness we are in the business of stripping and disarming powers of darkness and i think our children can cope with those kind of concepts and although satan you know has been defeated and dethroned we've got to remember to tell our children that he is not yet annihilated and that the cross puts out the warrant for the arrest of jesus but it is not till christ returns that satan is cast into the abyss and so if we were to use an illustration it's a bit like d-day has happened where you know germany is defeated in the in the second world war and then v e day when germany actually surrendered and so clinton arnold calls this period of time the mopping up period you and i live in the mopping up period where final victory is assured but that you and i had battles between noah and them it's the lion not yet of the kingdom of god that actually i have to take my children on a journey of understanding that i mop up and i use the authority that god has given us and the victory he has bought for us to mop up wherever i can where a part of darkness is getting too big for its boots and i think children do not need to be protected from that kind of conversation children are more than able to deal with those thoughts of of battles between good and evil and choosing aside and going to war yeah bad yeah i i think what you said is very helpful and and as a mum you're right in the thick of that um and certainly i i have not had you know so much current experience of that um i mean emma uh how did you handle c.s lewis and the narnia let's talk about that the children because i think they are so recommended particularly by our friends in the states yes yes i think so so um i've done a fair amount of research on those things you can google and particularly tolkien on the writing of lord of the rings and why he wrote it there's actually still taped interviews with his actually quite aging voice on it uh and same with cs lewis on their mindset in writing lord of the rings and their mindset in writing the chronicles of narnia and both men talk about uh pointing uh ways to jesus they're very unashamed they're both obviously christian writers and they want to make the case for the kingdom of god within that writing so although there's definitely elves and other things going on there there is the sense of not just good versus evil but a greater sense of truth now tolkien is fascinating in his interviews tolkien says i never let any participant in lord of the rings or the hobbits have a god and you'll go back and think through the films or the reading of the books he said i kept the concept of one true god through all the books and i never let that be diminished i'm paraphrasing what i've heard from him and his writings have any kind of other gods that would muddy the waters on the concept of one god alone and so he describes gandalf who people always quote as the tricky character as um a uh because he came from the catholic tradition tolkien he describes gandalf uh as how they would view a saint somebody now you and i uh as spirit-filled believers know we're all saints but as somebody with particular miraculous pars for this one true god and so he he likens gandalf in his thinking to uh what you and i would believe of a miracle worker today he's very clear that that is who gandalf represents and he really goes to town in one of his interviews against any thought that it was deifying or glorifying anything other than the one true god so you need to do your your your research on that jk rowling who lives in scotland in edinburgh the writer of harry potter is different in her orientation and she is determined to sell witchcraft she is part of a witchcraft community we understand her to be that and she wants to seduce people into uh into a witchcraft and if you see in the spirit you will be aware of you know when you see the costumes in children's shops or the the wands that there are demons all over the harry potter costumes and the the the wands and all of the other stuff that goes with it and now i have read some of the books why because i need to know what's going on i have watched some of the films why because i need to know what's going on and so we have these level of conversations with our children about what's the author's aim where does that book take you you see the same thing that happens in prophecy i can prophesy identically the same as a false prophet but our source is different and therefore what our words do in the atmosphere are different so you have to get clued up onto what the author is trying to do and get yourself educated so for us harry potter in the deification of witchcraft the open door to witchcraft is an absolute no but those others that lead us to an understanding of one god of power we go yes dad do you want to comment on that uh yes i i think that's very helpful to distinguish um the background of the writers and where tolkien and luis and jk rowling are coming from because that helps unders and understand it can i put something in for light relief here um when when when i've been asked the lecture on some um theological issue or some doctrinal issue um that's quite heavy at times and maybe the the audience there are not used to thinking theologically and so what i always have tried to do is to go to the narnia stories and if i'm speaking about a doctrinal matter does louis in the aslan stories of narnia does he illustrate in some way this truth and i have usually found an illustration in the imagination of narnia that illustrate the truth that i am trying to convey and i think that is a huge pointer to the goodness in the narnia stories and in the ability of of lewis and the sanctifying influence of the spirit when the man wrote that he could create such a character as aslan yeah you you know and and when you think of aslan and and so much of it there is a an easy parallel with christ for children to to understand yes yeah i think there's a difference between a holy spirit imagination uh and uh a demonically fueled imagination and what and what they both create sam and i'd like questions to ask when you're watching something or where you're thinking about something does this strengthen truth in me does this that i'm watching lead me to truth lead me to jesus lead me to worship or does it lead me away does it disarm truth or weaken truth or present an obscured truth and i think we've got to be good at asking questions especially when the lines are so blurred and certainly in the world of netflix and prime tv and now tv where there's hundreds of things to watch at arm's length that look innocent we've got to be quick at asking questions so that we can teach ourselves to discern and when we're talking about the sermon and the discerning of spirits that's a gift that you need but it's a gift that you train by being intentional and you then train the gift of the discerning of spirits by asking those sorts of questions what is the result of this in my life does it strengthen truth in me and the more you practice the more you ask the questions the more instinctive discernment will become but certainly in the beginning points of growing the gift of the discerning of spirits you will have to be very intentional very practical you're gonna have to build that habit daily what is the result of this in my life does it strengthen truth in me does it lead me to truth or does it lead me away or does it lead me to an obscure truth and as you build a lifestyle of asking those sorts of questions you will strengthen your ability to discern the spirits much much quicker so now you know and we can all probably attest it as soon as you see a picture or as soon as you see an you know an adverb for a movie you can just know instinctively that's not one i'm gonna go near not because i know what's gonna be part of it but because we've taught ourselves to discern the spirit and the source behind it yeah can i add to something that that sam has just said there which i think is so good and and that is think about the medium that television is that film is what is your frame of mind when you're normally watching a film on television and why are you watching it you're normally watching it because i've had a busy day at work all the kids have been running around me and i just feel tired and i'm just going to flop out on the city and i'm going to watch a film you know and i watch television in the main for relaxation what does that mean to my critical faculties and my ability to discern i have switched them off i don't want to think i don't want to want to have to put my mind into gear here because the very medium says to me john is your time to relax it's your time to switch off i believe that makes television and certain films a very subtle uh thing that can worm its way into my thinking without me knowing because all my defenses are down and i need to watch things and i need to ask myself you know is you know what what impact is this having on my thinking even though i am doing it for relaxation i'm not saying you shouldn't watch television for for relaxation but beware of switching off your god given discerning gifts and critical faculties as to what you're allowing to be fed in into your mind so i mean the questions are coming thick and fast what about christmas what about hunger games what about yoga what about what about what i think the best thing i can say to you is you need to discern the spirits you need to read the the the gifts of the spirit uh in uh corinthians and you need to ask for a weight of the discerning of spirit gift so that you don't need a senior leader always to say well this got the tick and this has got an expired that you instinctively uh grow at that gift by asking god to give you the gift of the discerning of spirits and then you know yourself and what we were talking about remember c.s lewis godly godly man writing books like the screw tape letters and the four loves some of the most seminal works on christianity as a theologian come from c.s lewis tolkien also writing you know uh from the christian point of view and and so you you gotta you gotta discern and you gotta do your work and your research as to who these people are and what they are trying to do and i think you know some of us go oh that sounds like hard work well welcome to christianity no welcome to christianity you have entered a war zone and you have to grow within you the ability to distinguish between the discernment means to distinguish between you must distinguish between and uh what that thing is going to do and why it was sent and why it was created okay and uh some of you will be able to deal with some things that others cannot deal with there's no there is no doubt about that and you know some people i have a great friend who is a lawyer and and she works uh trying to uh get a woman out of pornography and she can actually go into rooms full of porn stars and cameras and and sets and she's given an ability by god to go into that dark place to get people out now not everybody would have that capability okay not everybody would have that strength to walk into a porn set and and take people off the porn set so you you know your own strengths and weaknesses you know where you have um uh you know a tenderness in your heart or our robustness but you contend for the gift of the discerning of spirits so you are never deceived by what is coming into your world that you are never deceived by the source of something and we want to be those who are in line with the new testament that says do not be deceived and that also says test the spirit new testament commands test the spirit you have to test the spirits yeah and just to add on to that example and and just kind of the caveat around that isn't that you are given a gift to tolerate something so that you can indulge in it the result is always redemptive that actually if there is a particular area that is dark that you have a grace for it's not a grace that you can just watch it or you can participate in it or you can indulge in it the grace is always to have a redemptive activity in it to bring something of the redemptive power of god into that particular area so if you know that you're not participating in yoga but you have a call to go in and help those who are yoga that's not for you to then indulge in it but god has given you a grace to redeem those who are participating in that particular activity and you can apply that to different things but that is a very particular grace for a and a call actually not a grace a call that god gives you but it's never to indulge as always to redeem yes yeah and i want to talk about let there be light dad you want to comment before i uh um yes i think we've mentioned it but just to underscore it as well is that as parents um there may be uh books that you need to read before your children read them that they are suitable or not um just a recent experience i had a very popular book won't tell you the the the the title of it very very popular book and i had avoided reading it i read a lot of books i read a lot of novels as well and i had avoided this for a number of reasons which i was clear in my mind that was not going to be a book i was going to pick up somebody then a student who was doing um an english lit course um came to me and you know i know she reads a lot and she knows that i read a lot so we we often exchange what we're reading at the moment so she says she was reading this certain book so i i i i can remember saying oh i had avoided that one for some some some reasons then but then um because she was reading it and she made some comments on it which um i felt john you need to read it so anyway i i got hold of the book extremely cheaply and um and and i read the book now um if i had had to write a review of it there would be some things that i wouldn't give it a a commendation that everybody should read it but there were one or two things which i thought were striking uh about the book now i have to be very careful what i say so i don't give the title um away [Laughter] and you think oh dear why was i reading a book like that uh but i i think it's it you've got to be discerning and i think it was emma or sam said that you know that if you're reading that book and it is starting to corrupt your thinking then stop it turn the television off shut the book up and if you can't just close the book up and put it back on your shelf put it in the bin there are some books that i have bought and i have been surprised at the content and i thought i don't even want to have that book on the shelf because i might be tempted to open it and so i put it in the bin i get rid of it now i have a bit of a bookworm and as you can see that from around me in the study i don't often throw a book out but when it comes to something that is going to that is going to perhaps the satan is going to use throw it in put it in the bin but know yourself that's wisdom know yourself as to where you are treading on soft ground and sinking sand and you know when you're doing that so get off it and get onto the rock christ jesus and make sure you stay on there by his grace and the power of the spirit and one last thing because we've talked about pictures of wars and things like this my worship leader at a previous church knew of my love for the writings of c.s lewis so i think it was my 50th birthday i remember 40th 50th birthday she drew this chalk and pencil sketch narnia you remember how the gnarlier stories start off and they go through the the the cupboard into the land of narnia and it's always winter there and it's never christmas and it's never spring and what she has done she has done the lamppost you remember you can see there the lamppost there and then the striking thing about this is what she has put at the bottom of the tree here that little crocuses have started to come into bloom in the midst of winter and she's done a quote from the book here aslan is on the move what a lovely lovely poetic uh picture of revival and the blessing and the outpouring of the spirit of god here is winter and it's cold and my spirit sometimes feels cold and the world in which i live doesn't seem to get warmed up to the things of god as i get warmed up to them but when god starts to move aslan is on the move and these lovely little yellow crocuses start to bloom a thing of beauty comes into being in this world of cold and ice wow i like that thought i can live on that thought for a day well dad your other daughter my gorgeous sister is on hi carys my sister and carys is saying i love that picture dad uh hi paris i think we all we all do we remember when it was given to dab by a previous uh worship leader let me just finish with this thought about let there be light and see if i can take you there to weaponize you before we leave i think we had other thoughts for today but always with halloween i want to go back to genesis 1 for a moment and stay with me here in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and you and i go yes high five we know that you've read it i've read it but then i want you to shout pause because then it says the world was formless empty and darkness was over the deep and you want to go hang on a minute that doesn't sound like god created the heavens and the earth and created them formless empty and dark was over the deep what's going on there have you ever read that and thought that doesn't seem to line up because formless means confusion or emptiness or chaos or waste and the word empty means void or in an indistinguishable ruin or it has been destroyed is what that word means darkness means misery and death and wickedness and obscurity and confusion and the deep over the deep means abyss confusion disturbance and of course it's poetically applied the word deep to oceans which the jewish communities feared and so you get in verse two this this kind of like it should smack you in the face you should read verse two and go what in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth surely that would have been amazing now by verse 2 i'm reading that it's in an indistinguishable ruin it's been destroyed there's confusion there's chaos it's an empty wasteland there's no cohesion what on earth is happening in verse 2 have you ever thought that have you ever opened it and gone hang on a minute here there's half a line that doesn't make sense i want us to land that in ezekiel 28 and isaiah 14 and those are the two scriptures that say that satan was thrown to the earth in fact they say he was cut to the ground in isaiah 14 or he became ash on the grind on the land itself satan was burnt to dust on planet earth as he was chucked out of heaven and i believe that when you get in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth you've got to shout pause pause because satan then gets turfed out of heaven he falls to planet earth ezekiel tells us that he's burned alive and he becomes dust on planet earth and that that becomes his forever home until the end of time and so when you get to the very next line loads has happened and so when the holy spirit starts to hover an utter terror goes to the hole of darkness because earth had been satan's home earth had been where satan was sent earth had been where satan was roaming a bite creating this wicked confused ruinous wasteland where god had created the heavens and the earth just before now you've got to stay with me because this is really important so when god says his first words let there be light it is a war statement it is a war statement that terrorizes all of darkness and god then goes to the very dust that he has burnt satan alive to become ash and he picks up that dust and he goes and he blows a new creation out of the wasteland of the confused ruinous pit that satan had made it and he creates man in his image we gotta know the book better than we do now why am i telling you that because god in creating us puts us in his image and he says you rule you subdue youth be fruitful you have dominion and in other words he starts to say you need to work with me you need to start to work with me is what god is saying i have said let there be light i have decreed war on planet earth there once was a war in heaven in heaven and satan got removed and the let there be light is god's statement that there would be war on earth and god had stopped the war in heaven by kicking satan out and his let there be light on planet earth is an intent that he was going to continue to fight satan until his utter annihilation yeah i don't know whether you thought god was just kicking back having a nice uh uh you know a light afternoon where he thought it wouldn't it be nice to create oh no no no no this is the lord's subway off in major war mode this is the lord sabaioth who says it is not just enough that i have kicked satanite of heaven it is not just enough that he gets to roam on planet earth destroying it it is not just enough that ian is a third of the fallen angels are dying there it is now that i am going to make sure that i create a race of man who absolutely crush him under the souls of their feet and this is god in warfare part two mode and so god says come on you better work with me he's saying you have dominion you subdue you fulfill work with me he says work with me and speak light wherever you go work with me and create the new work with me and satan's job is to bring you to complete paralyzation satan's job is to get you so stuck that you won't war satan's job is to put you in such inactivity such inertness that you do not realize that with your creation and the word of let there be light you were put into an army at the point where god blew on adam and adam's mandate was a mandate to crush satan on and so i feel like the lord is saying to us paralyzation has hit the people of god paralyzation has hit the people of god paralyzation has hit the church and i heard the spirit of the lord say this did i not tell you in mark 2 that i healed the paralyzed man did i not put that story in my word as a sign for what i would do for you for all of the days on planet earth the spirit of the lord says i did not just heal the paralyzed man once but the spirit of the lord says i put a story in my word that i might keep healing those who have been paralyzed all the days of time that are left on planet earth and the spirit of the lord says you who are paralyzed is a day of your unsticking you who are paralyzed by panic you who are paralyzed by fear you who are paralyzed by failure you who are paralyzed by stress the spirit of the lord says i will not have you stupefied i will not have you crippled i will not have you incapacitated i will not have you inert i will not have you helpless i will not have you in active says god and he says to us today oh my image bearers oh my image bearers do not misunderstand what i did when i created planet earth do not understand what i did when i said let there be light and i feel like the lord is saying to us as we enter into this chaos season as we enter into this halloween set of days as we enter into this witchcraft that wants to rise that god is saying remember that you who are in my image can say let there be light the same i did let there be light let there be light over the books that i read let there be light over the films that i watch let there be light in my house let there be light let there be light let your light shine let me speak it as a statement of war as you spoke of heavenly father as a statement of war let me echo your words as you echoed in my being your image and let my decree let there be light come forth that i may not be deceived that i may not be paralyzed and as we talk about all of these witchcraft things i feel like the lord is sending out a heavenly lasso and is catching us again and he's saying you need to work with me in the decree that there will be light let there be light is your weapon in this season just as it was the first words of war recorded by god in scripture sam dad do you want to add to that our time is nearly gone i just think you can feel the power of god on that and those four words let there be light need to be on your lips as a decree as a war decree on a daily basis they are a sword in your hands family those four words together that one sentence that is a sword in your hands and that's all it's gonna take quite a lot of the time for there to be victory released as you decree let there be light and you say it out loud right now as you're watching you can feel the power of god on it there is just glory warfare glory on it for for this time let there be light hallelujah dad you want to comment and then pray for us because our time is gone okay no i'll i'll pray i'll pray for us heavenly father we just bless you that you are light and you live in light and your glory shines forth and we pray that we might be those who carry your glory in the way that we live in our families as individuals in our communities in our churches that we bring something of the revelation and the light and the character and the glory of god to bear in our dark world and the darkness in which we live that the victory of god and the victory of christ may be seen and experienced by us all and we pray that in jesus name amen amen who see tomorrow [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 8,649
Rating: 4.9698491 out of 5
Id: QevvKG4mQmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 26sec (3806 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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