“Radical Surrender" | Warrior Women | Ep. 49

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[Music] [Music] hello hello good afternoon good evening wherever you are in the world we just want to say hello and welcome my name is ali and today we are going to be talking a little bit about radical surrender and what god has to say about it what this the season is what the moment is and what god is doing in and through us and i am so what am i going to say pleased to have on my left or right whatever it's coming i thought you were going to say like overjoyed but please everybody works as well yes i could come up with so you'll just have to take it but this is carys as you all know and below us we have the lovely anna who's joining us today so it's such a pleasure to have you both with us and caris i can see that you are not in your own home where exactly are you um i am at the finch's residence as in luke and debs finch we've been and katrina and i have been kind of looking at i mean we say look after the girls they're pretty self-sufficient to be honest there's four of them they're pretty self-sufficient we've kind of just been like having a wee holiday in their home to be honest we've just been here we've not really done very much apart from maybe help with the cleaning that's about it but i've got to say it has been lovely i mean just look at this office we know the background but we were laughing because i think i've managed to make a little um appearance in a lot of people's homes over the broadcast and i'm like making my way around i'm looking my way around the mall so i can have a little uh a little um hello from each each of the backdrops but i think it's quite nice you know people the that aren't here with us in scotland can actually see that we're a community and we're not just like you know randoms that have been plucked out of obscurity to come on here and and say stuff and you know we actually do love each other we actually are in each other's homes like we feel like family and so it's really fun that that you know comes across when you're doing the tour of everyone's houses candice i know it's gonna be next on the list maybe your new your new house alley we'll see well you never know i am currently in my kitchen in my old house that has been sold and playing for everyone that has prayed for us because we have bought a house and east coal bride and we have a moving date i think hopefully pray jesus that all the paperwork comes through for the 11th of october so i was just saying to the girls i have not even started packing yet i'm waiting on amazon delivery as we speak for boxes and tape and labels and of course you have to buy a new pack of sharpies when you move house so everything can be colour coordinated that's something i'm rubbing off on you ally this didn't need any sam this was like sam laughs at how many notebooks i have and they're all labeled and they're for a different function you know in the warrior women one would be so proud yeah i love a notebook so yes but we'll just welcome everyone from all over the world so hello sharon shea tiffany deanna we see you all and thank you so much for being on please comment and let us know what you're thinking as we share today we love to hear what you have to say and your thoughts on on what's coming out and how it's impacting you and and so yeah today we are going to talk about radical surrender and i was sitting in my living room the other day and i heard the lord ask me a question and he said this can you hear the sound of radical surrender building in the atmosphere wow and as i sat with him i could hear the prayers of the saints i could hear the heart cries of the saints i could hear the songs going up and the prayers that were coming out of the mouths of the saints were not just little prayers it wasn't like jesus yeah you will be done it was jesus if you need me to do this i'm gonna do it if you need me to do this i'm gonna do it and it's actually started to become almost rhythmic and it was pounding the atmosphere and it was it was actually so loud in my in my spirit realm in my head that i was like okay jesus we're good we're good we're good and it and it almost became an overwhelming sound and it was all in one and out of that place i started to pray and i realized actually these prayers are prayers that i have been praying now for a couple of weeks and i hadn't really noted myself that my prayers have been quite radical over the past few weeks things that i wouldn't normally have prayed and as i sat on the couch with my friend the other night she was saying to me oh my prayer life's been really strange i was like has it oh so is mine like and so we started to share about what god has been doing and what we've been praying and found that actually i had been praying things like oh jesus if i never get to sing and lead worship or worship with a musical instrument or do any music in your house ever again like if i have to clean toilets or if i have to do dishes which i hate doing dishes for the rest of my life then i'm in like and i wasn't being it wasn't just like oh this is for lip service it was like she's just really like i'll do anything to serve you and i found that she had been praying like her her biggest desire is to be married and have children and i found her pre like she was praying jesus if this is not what you have for me like i'll lay it down i totally give it and you know we're both like weeping as we're saying this stuff to each other and it kind of just became apparent that oh this isn't just for me i had kind of thought oh i'm being a bit weird but i think god is actually doing something and then amongst us so i just want to give you guys the opportunity how have you felt is this something that you guys can relate to oh 100 i mean even like what we were talking about last week about um you know heaven coming down and and starting to shift how we prayed and how we interacted with jesus this is definitely something that's happened and it's it's felt like a deconstruct i think we said this last week but it's felt like a deconstructing of ourselves and how we meet jesus but also even how we see ourselves and there has been that moment where like i have to get to the point where i'm like i will do anything to be with you jesus i will do anything to just be in the courts of the lord and if that means i have to deconstruct how i see myself or where i put my identity then i'm willing to do it because i know that you're worthy of it and i think that's something that even as he starts to um reignite that understanding of this is who i am and i'm worthy of you giving your life i'm worthy of you surrendering your desires then that's that needs to happen and even for myself at a very at quite a young age and things that i desire maybe not even for right now for years to come i have to surrender them now and i have to give them over now because if i don't do it now i'm going to struggle later on and i even think um i was kind of like meditating on jesus and gethsemane in the garden of gethsemane when he has that moment of distress when he's saying okay god if you can take this cup away from me please do because i know that you can but or he or he uses the word yet which is so key yes your will not mind be done and i was i was meditating on that and i was like god that is a model of prayer for all of us where we say we know that you can do anything god i know that you give me the desires of my heart i know that you love to bless me i know that you love to give me good gifts yet not my will but yes one and that shifts everything about how we pray and it is definitely a learning process that i think we're all going through because i think even though that that's something that's been modded to us for so long we've not fully stepped into it yeah yeah i know yeah there's a deaf definite sound of desperation now isn't there is that just me i'm on my knees far more than i've ever been it is a sound of desperation uh coming from the church and from uh god's people but i think this is a sound of desperation because before when we maybe this is me or maybe you can relate to this maybe before we did it half-heartedly maybe we gave a bit of god some of our time but not all of our time and we found that it it just hasn't worked it's not work because god demands us all of us everything and so now because we're at that place where given just little bits of our time and a little bit of our hearts and a little bit of our minds didn't work we're now at that place where we go okay god you were right so here it is i am just so desperate i just give it my all now and i think that's what you're saying about a heart your heart callus that has definitely been a shift in the position of our hearts now and i've found particularly personally a shift in my heart with willingness now yeah yeah the real um i wrote down i'm not when when god asks me to do something uh i wrote down i'm not hesitant anymore and i thought that's a bit of a lie i may be just not quite as hesitant as i used to be oh there's a shorter delay in my response so in my agreement and that's where i realized that um my my response to surrender is quickening up i'm more willing and more ready now in my heart to say yes lord yes and just that whole uh surrender and i think um for for us all you know let's get our hearts uh into the right place and the position of our hearts so that like we all sing the songs don't we god you can have everything oh god i'd surrender all we've sung that haven't we you know yeah um and that those moments are awesome but you know what how does that look then the next day you know in our real lives it's in those moments in those battles or when we're fighting for things or striving for things or holding on to our control um or tempted to just do things ourselves yeah is that pushing back of our hearts and our wills again and i wrote down pulling back but actually that's moving backwards is pushing our hearts yeah in our minds pushing forward each and every time that that verse carries that you say every time not my will god but yours be done or okay god i'm here again you know but i give it to you again pushing my heart pushing my will my mind i give you it i trust your timing i trust your provision i trust what you're asking for and that verbal surrender moves our hearts and our minds to catch up doesn't it and moves into that position for that radical surrender wow yeah definitely that's really good anna and i think like you know when you're talking about heart what like what i've got written down is like i've had such a long season in my life where it's felt like my heart and my head haven't been connected right i'm like i i feel like i have been praying these kinds of prayers and let me know if you're out there and you can relate to this my prayers have always been jesus i hold nothing tightly it's all yours whatever you want to do you know and those are but almost like i couldn't connect the emotion to it because like when you give things up it's painful you know and and there should be some almost heart response and emotional response of like ow like yes jesus like and that's what i'm saying about the prayers i have been praying are not just lip service but for such a long time it was like well-intentioned prayers out of my mouth in my head but they almost couldn't connect with my heart and and i feel like um we have to almost come against some stuff today like i can see so many of you in the comments some of you are saying yes we are absolutely in this season of total surrender and prayers and some of you are saying actually i'm having a really hard time with my prayer life and it's okay i just i just want to tell you guys it's absolutely okay to be in any of that and any of the range but today i think we just i want to just see if we can get you unstuck if you're in that place of having your head thoughts be great and it coming out of your mouth great but almost like your heart can't connect yeah then i feel like today jesus wants to move you forward and he wants to sort that out and i think one of the things that we have to um almost deal with is demonic reasoning i would say a spirit of reasoning so jesus says to you um i want you to pack up your stuff and i want you to move to hungary on mission i want you to live by faith and you go initially like oh my gosh that is so scary and then your head and your mind say yes like i'm in and you say the right things out of your mouth in prayer but then the demonic reasoning comes and it says well how are you going to make that work what is everyone going to think of you what are your parents going to think of you how is um the financial situation going to work you're not actually going to have any money for flights and that reasoning comes in and it actually stops you it caps you from being able to move forward in what god's asking for you i know that moving to hungary or whatever is extreme but we're on a radical surrender warrior women today so let's be extremist so if you if that is you all right i want you to post in the comment just say that is me i need shifted forward and right now we're just going to pray for you girls if you want to jump in on the back of that if you can see anything else that needs shifted yeah and that would wait so right now in the name of the lord jesus we just come against the spirit of demonic reasoning and we command you now in the name of the true lord jesus christ to be bound and silenced right now in jesus christ you will no longer talk you will no longer reason in the ears of the beloved you will no longer reason in the ears of the saints and we just speak to anything that would come to your ears that would block you from hearing the word of the lord from god asking you the difficult questions we come against it right now in jesus name and we say you will be removed and we bless you now with a supernatural clarity for hearing the voice of god and we also just bless you with boldness to say yes in jesus name just to say yes and we bless your feet to move forward to be fit on fire ones that move ones that run right now in jesus name jesus jesus jesus yeah and we just speak to any um senses of self-protection i feel a strong kind of covering on people like it's almost like a blanket of self-protection to say god i want to do what you're telling me to do but when i've stepped out before or when i've been radical before i've been burned and i just feel like the lord is saying i want to heal those spaces but i want to actually uncover you from self-protection and where you have felt like you need to take control again and you've partnered with that spirit of control because that's really what else self-protection is is partnered with that control but also without fear and we just see you come off right now in the name of jesus that if you feel like that's you take off the blanket and we say in the name of jesus we are going to be a forward moving women we're going to be forward moving women who are not afraid by what has passed but are expectant of what is on the and that when the lord calls us we have a sense of expectancy even though it's scary and we have an understanding that what our god is calling us to do is good because we serve a good god so we just speak even to your minds and your understandings that your minds will catch up with the mind of christ that you have the mind of christ that as you step up into the things that the lord calls you to and the words he has spoken over your life no longer will you sit under that blanket but you will uncover yourself and say god i'm willing to jump and i'm willing to move and i just hear the lord saying this isn't a matter of courage this is a matter of trust you need to just know who i am and that i'm not going to drop you and the lord said this is not a matter of building yourself up in bravery this is a matter of knowing that you serve a good powerful god so we say right now you get that and you grab a hold of that not just in your mind but in your heart that as you jump you know you're jumping because your god is good and he will hold you and he will hold you tightly and i even hear a song that you guys need to go in you can partner with but there's a song that alyssa smith sings and it's called catch me that you will catch me and there and go away and listen to that song and have that sense of god when i jump i know that you will catch me when you tell me to do something it's because you've got me positioned rightly anna yeah because i want to end the lie that when we surrender we lose and expose that lie and say that is now defeated we do not lose that connotation of the word surrender is just that worldly perception that surrender is negative surrender is lost surrendered is weakness that we shouldn't relinquish our control or our rights to anyone or anything and so we run away from surrender and yet ali when you ask that question can you hear the sound of radical surrender i said to god what does what is that sound then what what does that sound like and i instantly saw and heard chains fall into the ground wow it was so loud to ensure that we heard it that i heard it but also the enemy here because the sounds of chains breaking and falling is because surrender sets you free come on where the enemy says don't surrender don't it'll enslave you it captures you do anything you can not to surrender that's what the world says we come and say the opposite and say yes to surrender because when we say yes and we lay it all to god he sets us free totally free in him so yeah so we bind that lie if that's a lie that you have um agreed with we break agreement and say no longer will i believe the lie that i will lose out if i surrender to god but actually i am going to say yes and walk into freedom and walk into life in the mighty name of jesus wow yes and i think like just like for a point of reference radical surrender and like how it sounds uh and the fact that it results in freedom is very very biblical it's a very biblical concept you know like you literally look through the whole bible and find people who radically respond and i think when i asked jesus what does radical surrender sound like he said to me radical response and and so when you look in the bible and you see people radically respond you know basically you've got isaiah who says send me even though he's got no idea what the mission is you've got mary who says um she says like if this is your will then then yeah okay i'm in that's me paraphrasing obviously you've got noah who radically builds on an ark in the middle of a desert where it's never rained and he gets in what does it result in it results in his freedom it results in basically the continuation of humanity so every time we're radical in our response like it's so biblical and you can read the stories about how it affects people and how it impacts them and like anna do you want to just know that i thought you had about jesus and about his rights yes yeah yes can i just jump onto something else you said first all their responses what hit me was that they were immediate you know immediately the disciples gave up their jobs and followed jesus or at once that says you know noah did exactly what god asked him to do there was no and there was no delay and for god to move us forward he doesn't need that that gap of holding back he literally needs that instant response to go immediately and to do it definitely just that he wants a movable usable people to to shift the story forward doesn't he yeah i think that's yeah so get going yeah um harley we were praying earlier weren't we just before we came on and we were talking about that radical surrender and i just thought did jesus step out one day and think i'm going to be radical today i don't think he did because it was just in him it was normal wasn't it it was normal for him to behave in the way that he did everyone else thought he was being radical because it was so opposite to the way they would have responded or what they were taught to behave like and so i i heard the lord say it needs to be normal we need to to normalize radical surrender so to speak yeah no radical needs to become our norm so that when we were asked to become you know to to leave our our homeland or you know like abraham was or you said about gold and be missionary and hungry maybe that's what somebody um to give up our saturday um you know to serve god practically or we're asked to to give more money than we normally give we shouldn't have that thought oh that's radical [Laughter] that'd be our norm yes yeah and i just love that thought let's just act normally like jesus the world will look at us and think we're radical and the christians may look at us and think we're being radical but actually we're just following his example and his normal way of living yeah yeah yeah and that's a that's a and that's a whole shift in mentality as well because jesus i think a key to that he never had a choice of being radical because he never questioned who he was and what kingdom he was part of he didn't question it he knew that he was the son of god you know and when he was in the wilderness and he was tested he didn't he didn't his response came out of place of every time the enemy wanted him to doubt who he was he said nah i know my identity god just told me you just told me that i'm a son that he's well pleased with and there is a sense of like a grasping hold of identity and i feel like some of you will be listening to this and being like i'm not a particularly radical person because god hasn't called me to go to the other side of the world maybe he doesn't think i'm going to be trustworthy enough or radical enough radical in yourself as anna said is about being normal because it's about being part of a radical kingdom because kingdom is opposite to what the world is it's it's an upside down kingdom what we think is radical is normal in the kingdom so if we set ourselves right in the kingdom then naturally our lives become normal again because we're recalibrating ourselves with who god is and who he has told us to be and i felt like a really big thing that god was actually speaking to me about and this is a little bit of a rebuke kind of word and but grab a hold of this is something to celebrate because it's not it's not a bad thing it's a wonderful thing but i felt like um there was a question that suddenly bubbled up and i was like god why why like i i know in myself and i've got myself at least i hope to the point where i'm like he's worthy of me giving up my life he's worthy of me surrendering everything but to those who don't know that yet or don't have the full revelation of a god that is worthy i'm like god why why would i give you my life why would i give everything to you why um why is the kingdom my dominant all these questions of why why why why why and i felt like the lord was taking he took me to colossians 1 16 where he said for in him all things were created things in heaven and on earth visible and invisible whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities all things have been created through him and for him so that right there is a good all like okay wait a second everything is through him and for him which means my life is not my own and we know that kind we know that already from other scriptures but my life is not my own because all things that were created including me is for him it was made for him and there's a set i feel like there's something that we need to do together collectively we need to take ourselves off the throne of our own lives and and take ourselves off like and actually seeing ourselves as an idol and that is that's a hard thing to say and a lot of people might not admit that to themselves but we do we put ourselves on the throne of our own lives but there's a sense of even what paul says in romans you know that i have the desire to do what is good but i cannot carry it out because me and my fleshly self i am sinful and if i am set in myself and i'm putting myself on the throne i will only ever be a slave to sin i will never be a slave to the kingdom of god and that's just what he says as romans 7 that he says that and we can dress it up all we want but i'm either on the throne of my own life and my flesh will reign and my sin will give the command of how i walk out my days or i submit to the king of kings and the lord of lords and i say god you created me therefore i made for your pleasure not mine i am made for your pleasure and that is a why and that is something where you have to be like oh god i'm sorry like i repent father for putting myself on the on the throne of my own life and not seeing that i was made for your pleasure and made for your glory and made for your well and that comes in that setting ourselves of identity that if i am in the kingdom then everything in me has to respond to that dominant realm and i have to respond to who god made me to be and create it to me and that's to be a being of the kingdom and just as an extra thought i know we're kind of wrapping up but an extra thought that god just kind of said to me and i was thinking about this the best act of self-love i can possibly give me is to give my life over to one who's going to look after it better that is the best self-care that i can possibly give myself and if you guys are currently on a journey of loving self and in a good way in the good god he says i want to love myself and i want to love who god has made me the number one thing you can do for that self-love and self-care is being like god i can't love myself in the fullness because i am broken but if i had my life over to you and i put it back in your hands i know that you are gonna love me so well and that will help me love myself and you're gonna care for me so well so that i can care for myself so by giving you my life i'm putting myself on a right trajectory for success and for freedom and for life as opposed to what my dominance are which are failure and mistakes and brokenness and it wasn't an incredibly liberating thing this is where it comes to that freedom is found at the foot of jesus when we lay ourselves down yeah and then it's so beautiful and just such truth powerful truth yeah and then it comes back to that thought on it doesn't it where it's not actually that radical you know like it's actually not that radical it's reasonable and sensible to give your life to someone who will look after it better than you wow and yeah and then you realize that uh like moving to the other side of the world actually isn't that radical either because you're surrendered to the one who will look after you and actually if you think that it is radical which we do we're looking at it from the from the wrong kingdom and from the wrong perspective and so yes thank you ladies that was absolutely wonderful and just as a last thought i have to just tell everyone about my favorite song at the moment which is send me and it's on the new bethel album and i know some of you are saying i don't really know where to start with this kind of prayer or whatever i am telling you put that song on i know some of you may feel a certain way about a certain people or whatever but i am telling you the lyric on this song is anointed it's god breathed and it's a great place to start to pray and send me and and the and the lyrics are kind of like if it's washing dirty feet here i am lord send me if it's saying something that makes everybody reject me here i am lord send me so it's a great place to start to pray so go and look that up and it was such a pleasure to have you all with us on the comments and we will see you all next week goodbye [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 1,250
Rating: 4.9523811 out of 5
Id: _Ek7EDBrWh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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